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Abe hails new trade era; hopes China will join pact


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well, let's hope the US stonewall this agreement. Have to admit that I did not see that coming. I just assumed the Japanese would eventually capitulate. This TPP deal has been a disaster.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

“A huge economic zone will emerge… the TPP will make our lives more prosperous,” Abe said

and I have a seafront property in Tochigi that you'll just adore!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

"Melons made in Hokkaido"? Only Japanese will pay 35 dollars for a melon. Or 10 dollars for one pear. Anyway, let's hope that the various parliaments, congresses, and diets of the world see through this and vote it down.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

would “fundamentally strengthen rule of law in economic activities..."

But whose law? This is the big question. The law of corporations getting what they want through "independent tribunals"? Or the law of the citizens?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

This will be bad for ordinary citizens of the TPP countries. Most of the leaders of these countries are driven by corporate interests, not by welfare of their people.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

is abe an idiot? the whole point of the TPP was to exclude china. the US and japan wanted to wall off china'a outsized economic and political influence in the region. this was framed as obama's pivot to asia. and now abe kun says this?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I just assumed the Japanese would eventually capitulate.

"capitulate" , what a choice of word for its ally..

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

This is a sucker's deal indeed, the TPP will causing social unrest among countries but I dont think the leaders will care about the consequences, they want ammunitions for propaganda to China to ease their thirst and frustrations.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Japan exporting fruit ??? do they honestly believe consumers will be stupid enough to pay the prices that are charged in Japan, it's wake up time.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

As I mentioned in a related story, this is just another international agreement that favours the large multinationals and government cronies at the expense of smaller companies and poorer consumers and countries.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Yes ABE please continue as that is what all Japanese citizens want a united brotherhood with China to secure our security rather than the US. And so it begins the shift of Japan from US to China. Mr Xi is smiling

0 ( +1 / -1 )

They can't be serious can they?

"Melons made in Hokkaido, pears made in Oita and delicious rice will have a great opportunity"

Really? Like, really? Only your average Tarou Yamada will believe this. Nobody in the world, except for Japanese in Japan, think it's sane to pay the prices that Japanese farmers demand for melons, pears, or rice - which are really no better than the best that other countries have to offer anyway, despite how amazing the Japanese citizens have been duped into thinking they are. They can't be serious?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

They are too serious and there is water, but maybe too much of it!

2 ( +2 / -0 )


As you say, it could turn into to worst of both worlds...let's hope it doesn't.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

“If China participates in this system in the future, that will contribute to both Japan’s security and the stability of the Asia-Pacific region,” he said.

No, what will contribute to security and stability is you stepping down

4 ( +4 / -0 )

As Abe says, "the TPP will make our lives more prosperous."

The key word here is "OUR."

In this case "our" refers to Abe and his right wing buddies.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Abe also noted that Japan secured exclusion in the TPP’s tariff-free principles for some of its domestically sensitive products—such as the country’s staple food rice, sugar beet, beef, pork and in dairy.----------------------------------------

Yeah, Dairy ? They don't even make proper cheese in this country, nor can they supply enough butter. Apart from milk, all dairy is overpriced like cream, cottage cheese, butter, imported cheeses if you can find them. As far as beef goes, you can't even find the different cuts that are available overseas and steaks are all cut too thin- obviously to keep the price down.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Sarcasm "Yes we need to do something about china NOW"

especially because their economical growth has been reduced by 40% over the last year, and should stop in 2020. And then agree to the TPP, that afaik (from reading wiki leaks) give US companies access to sue other countries government in a US courtroom, if the company don't like the governments tax or restriction on their product. YAY...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Maybe north and south KOREA also need to be something to be done about?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Smoke and mirrors folks! Japan weaseled their way out of allowing everyday commodities to be affected by this agreement, specifically the ones that the government heavily subsidizes to keep the prices high. Dairy products, meats, rice and some local vegetables will not be effected by this agreement because Japan refused to lift the tariffs. The only real international winner is, the US beef industry - no surprises there! Other countries' people will reap the benefits of this agreement, but it will be a long time before 'Naoki Average' sees anything good at the checkout from this so-called, 'agreement'.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It's clearly not a free trade area or there would be more free trade in it. Japanese consumers are screaming out for cheaper produce, but won't get any, at least not for a minimum of 5 years. Meanwhile, Japan's legions of bureaucrats will get to work on new obfuscation techniques to prevent the imports arriving. The Japanese consumer is the biggest loser as the huge tariffs and taxes on imported foods remain in place, alongside all the invisible barriers that the Japanese economy is so well known for. As usual it looks like Japan gets more access to other markets and other countries get no additional access to theirs. Meanwhile the US cajoles other countries to agree to this non-deal because it is so concerned that China will takeover as the number one superpower and will do anything at all to anyone to delay that unhappy moment by an additional year or two. No surprise at all that Japan's sensitive food products include everything we all want to eat but struggle to afford thanks to Japanese ridiculous protectionism of its own inefficient industries. Bag o shite for the consumers here, just as we all expected.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Abe also noted that Japan secured exclusion in the TPP’s tariff-free principles for some of its domestically sensitive products—such as the country’s staple food rice, sugar beet, beef, pork and in dairy.

Unforyunate for Japan's consumer, and the country in the long run. Japan's agricultural industry wields way too much power and needs reform desperately. But this simply allows the problems to continue, at the expense of the Japanese consumer. Hope they manage to get you enough butter this coming holiday season. LOL.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

don't agree with doomsday syndrome nay sayers above. if you are rich, you deserve to be, if you are poor then you may just continue to suffer. our lot in life, so to speak, eh?

Well, i am not making friends and i don't mind....

indulge me your time. i don't eat apples over here. it is just too painful and it makes me feel stupid to the bone... but all those apple eaters over here have themselves to blame. I mean just try and go without apples for a year ( i have for basically more than ten). eat oranges or kaki fruit or kiwi or something else. So my point is that the high price for apples ( not at alllllllllll delicious by any stretch of the imagination) is perpetuated by the consumer. Boycott is the name of the age. just do it and stop complaining about it. Drink apple juice from concentrate ( all imported) with a bit o' soda for satisfaction. ( like always my contribution scores in the top percentile. yea! don't mind saying so and you could too! haha good nite

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

It’ll be facing strong heading winds on the Hill to get it ratified (it’s still doable though), in particular, during the presidential election year in 2016. As for Chinese participation in TPP, that’s a long shot, Xi's China has wielded enough economic and geo-political clouds to stay put at least for now. Further, both the U.S and Putin’s Russian have been pre-occupied at the theaters of Mid-East and Ukraine, both countries need China to stand by its side so that neither the U.S or Russia wants to alienate its potential partner. The real problem is that TPP will not reverses Japan’s aging population and shrinking birthrate, by the time TPP in full swing, Japan could already pass point of no return. On the plus side, India may replace Japan as the major economic power in Asia and eclipse Japan’s “rising sun”. But Japan will remain a culture icon for a while.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"China notably is not party to the negotiations and has embarked on plans to set up a rival agreement. "


"Only Japanese will pay 35 dollars for a melon. Or 10 dollars for one pear. "

You'd be surprised how many rich Chinese will pay these prices.

“Melons made in Hokkaido, pears made in Oita"

Are they made by humans or robots? Tee hee

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Japan exporting fruit ??? do they honestly believe consumers will be stupid enough to pay the prices that are charged in Japan, it's wake up time.

Other countries' consumers have a huge advantage: far fewer middlemen!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@serrano, if China is a troublemaker for you, why you have Chinese made goods, and don't say you don't buy Chinese made excellent goods. Yep, only the Chinese can afford 35 bucks per apple , but only the envious would call them troublemakers esp. Japan soooooo desperate to sell to Chinese as the Chinese are the best consumers in the universe.

Ha ha , China's rival trade pact is in the works and will trounce the TPP , and Japanese will drool at China's trade pact as its benefits (for Japan too) will be far better than the TPP (which may even not happen given the domestic resistence in each nation).

@christopher glen, good one - best comment so far for this article.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

and I have a seafront property in Tochigi that you'll just adore!>

Tochigi is a land-locked prefecture

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

and I have a seafront property in Tochigi that you'll just adore! Tochigi is a land-locked prefecture oh dear that one went way over your head i think!?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

China already have FTA with new zealand australia, peru and singapore. And they will continu to sign new FTA with other TPP country. So China don't need to joint TPP.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

is abe an idiot? the whole point of the TPP was to exclude china. the US and japan wanted to wall off china'a outsized economic and political influence in the region. this was framed as obama's pivot to asia. and now abe kun says this?


-4 ( +1 / -5 )

that one went way over your head i think!? Nope. Just disagree with the attempt at sarcasm. Why do you think it won't be good for the economy. Justify your comment rather than just post rubbish.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Abe hails new trade era; hopes China will join pact

If there isn't already many obvious reasons why China, or any other country, shouldn't join the TPP, then Abe's enticement to join would be it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

So China don't need to joint TPP. well since Japan and the US GDP dwarf all the other asian GDPs combined, those countries in the TPP will have a trade advantage over China selling into the US / Japan. The US/Japan are Chinas biggest trading partners. The only way China can now bring back a balance is to have a FTA with Japan/US or join the TPP. Japan/US know this so it will be doubtful theyll have bilateral FTA with China instead requiring China to join the TPP. Chinas government will be required to open there markets under the TPP rules should they decide to join. While its not a "Checkmate" its certainly a "Check"

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

"hopes China will join pact"

China should be welcomed only after they agree to stop being the product counterfeiting center of the known universe.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

China should be welcomed only after they agree to stop being the product counterfeiting center of the known universe. which is why China probably wont join, it could never agree to the rules of the TPP. But thats fine plenty of other asian nations are happy to sell almost tariff free into the US/Japan

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Stop calling this a "free trade" agreement. It is not. There are tariffs abound. It is a "trade agreement" only.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Seems a bit too late too little to contain China now. It has got enough size and muscle that US, Japan can't afford to change the trade relationships w/o affecting their own domestic growths.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

my understanding, from Canada,and our Western media is that China was not "Invited'?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The point wasn't to exclude China. That was just a lie to get Japan and Americans behind it. Looks like he slipped up or just putting it out there realizing the Japanese public and diet never defy anything Abe does. Welcome to the United States of the Asian Pacific.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Obama:When more than 95 percent of our potential customers live outside our borders, we can’t let countries like China write the rules of the global economy.


Go home Abe! You are drunk!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

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