Japan Today

Abe handed letter from Sea Shepherd founder in Australia


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Yeah MGigante, let the Japanese waste even more Tohoku rebuilding funds and public money on protecting ships that shouldn't be there in the first place. Good logic!

23 ( +45 / -21 )

I don't think necessarily that the sea shepherd goes out it in a particularly useful way, and the decision by to take it to an international body is more inline with the way I would rather it was dealt with..

a few points from my personal point of view,

Tradition or culture is not necessarily a good reason to do something, there are many practices that were once traditional that we have left behind because they are no longer valid, or have been shown to be unsustainable.

They were previously being dishonest about the "scientific nature" aspect of the hunts, and they were deemed to be outside of the purpose of the scientific testing part of the admittedly voluntary IWC moratorium on whaling.

I think it would be far more valuable to Japan to show some compassion and understanding to the opinions of the people who are much closer to the environment in question. Japan may well need friends and support in the future, this might not be a bad way to start.

There are many much more urgent and important issues for Japan to face than funding people to travel halfway around the world to participate in something that is clearly controversial and divisive.

11 ( +19 / -8 )

and this is not just going against SS"terrorists",this time it will be about going against a RULING by the International Court of JUSTICE. And if Japanese government has no respect for that ruling and tries to circumvent it,the rest of the LAW-ABIDING world will have NO RESPECT FOR JAPAN.

10 ( +19 / -8 )

Storm The letter was handed to him by An Australian senator. It says it right there in the article, maybe you should read it.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Japan should just stop wailing its stupid, theres no need.

8 ( +21 / -12 )

Japan already has my respect and admiration for sticking up for a simple common sense principle that we can catch marine resources that are plentiful in conservative amounts, rather than irrationally cave into intolerant people who have different cultural views about a specific type of animal.

Welcome to the Bible belt. All life on the planet is our's to do with as we will? Human arrogance.

Whales are a resource? For whom? Who consumes them? What proportion of people eat whales? What byproducts do we use? My country used to kill whales, but we stopped when it became unsustainable, outdated and people's attitudes changed.

7 ( +15 / -8 )

the whole fake Japanese propaganda against Pual watson with the red notice drama has FAILED.well done,SS crew! My respect and donations go to your cause!

6 ( +19 / -12 )

As an Australian I believe Japan should be able to conduct very limited commercial whaling as long as it is carefully managed and sustainable. The problem with the Greens and Sea Shepard is they have such a single-mindedness approach to whaling and will not consider any other opinion than their own.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

@Probie - tmarie

"Watson................ said his letter was handed to Abe at a state dinner in Canberra on Tuesday by Australian Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson."

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Even though I personally don't think whaling is a very economical way of providing food, and have some reservations about hunting an intelligent, social and wild animal, I would say if internationally the IWC came to an agreement on sustainable numbers backed by extremely good research for limited catches to be conducted under careful observation.. I would be open to hearing more about that.. however we aren't at that point.

Japan was taking advantage of a loop hole and was caught out.

I stand by my premise, tradition or culture are not necessarily a good reason to do something.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

In a blatant show of defiance of the recent landmark ruling

If they abide by the terms of the decision, it's not a show of defiance, it's a show of acceptance.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

OssanAmerica "Give it a rest? Is there no longer any outstanding warrants for Watson? Is he free to appear in public? Japan has abided by the ICJ ruling and has stopped he Jarpa II program. So what's the point in Sea Shepherd handing over a threat letter at this time? The ICJ ruling, if you ever read it which I am sure you didn't, does not declare Japan's research whaling as not being research, it ruled on the grounds that there were insufficiencies to be called completely research. Worse for you, the ICJ outlined what Japan must do to correct those insufficiencies. Japan is hardly the "laughing stock" of the world because the "world", like most normal human beings, doesn't care. IF Japan returns with an ironclad Jarpa III program meeting all of the ICJ requirements, Australia and NZealand will have no legal options left, other than bring a suit against the IWC to eliminate Article VIII. That's IF they can find a court that would take such a case. So please give it a rest ok? ."

The point is that Abe said he would abide by the decision of the ICJ but has now reneged and said that he will try to find a way to restart whaling in the southern ocean. This guy can't be trusted. His word is worth nothing. Just like Japan has been a peace loving nation since WWII. There is a reason for that, so why go and change it. The Japanese people have a secure and peaceful life and are respected worldwide, so why have it turned into turmoil by a war mongering idealist? Try and see the other side of the story for a change.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Of course Watson couldn't hand the letter over himself now could he? What a coward.

Give it a rest will you? Your pro-Japan stance on everything is wearing thin, more so on a topic where Japan is the laughing stock of the world for getting their fingers caught in the cookie jar.

2 ( +18 / -16 )

Hard to believe some of the posts here thinking Watson handed the letter to Abe in person. Is 'by' and 'from' that confusing? I excuse those who aren't native speakers. It's worse than not knowing the difference between a ridiculous waste of tax-payers cash by those kissing the backside of the rightists and 'tradition'. That distinction should be clear to people speaking any language.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

OssanAmerica - "Of course Watson couldn't hand the letter over himself now could he? What a coward."

Do you really think that the Aust Gov't would invite Watson to a 'State Dinner' for Mr Abe? Hello!!!!! Google the definition of a State Dinner please - before making naive defamatory statements...

1 ( +5 / -4 )

If Watson wants us to stop whaling, that's a good enough reason to continue it

Spoken like a mature and rational adult. I was told not to so I will. Kudos. Basically exactly the way the government behaves.

I'm glad this guy has the balls to confront Abe face to face. Someone needs to.

0 ( +17 / -16 )


Well said ! I couldn't have said it better ! Abe makes all manner of "promises" such as "Bring on the Olympics ! Everything is under control in Fukushima !" Then again (just this morning) he says "Japan will NEVER go to war again"... Promises, promises...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The commercial hunting of whales is prohibited in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, which was designated by the International Whaling Commission in 1994.

Except by the International Whaling Commission's own regulations, the sanctuary doesn't apply to Japan's hunting of Minke whales whether it is research or commercial.

I'm glad this guy has the balls to confront Abe face to face. Someone needs to

Except he doesn't have the balls you attribute to him. He was half a world away while an Australian politician delivered the letter for him.

this time it will be about going against a RULING by the International Court of JUSTICE

Would that be the RULING that included guidelines on how to implement a new whaling program that would meet the International Court of JUSTICE's RULING and thus would be LAW-ABIDING? Misrepresenting the RULING and Abe's words show a lack of respect for the truth.

I would be open to hearing more about that.. however we aren't at that point.

No, actually we are at that point. The IWC has a method of calculating sustainable hunting levels, they have all the data they need to do so for Antarctic Minke whales and the moratorium requires them to do periodic assessments. They just refuse to follow their own regulations.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

the moratorium requires them to do periodic assessments.

Yes, that is right, but periodic assessments does not mean going to the southern ocean every year with the intention of killing a thousands whales just to prove they are there.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

What happens to Watson if Japan does abide by the ICJ ruling?

Will a cyborg Paul Watson do a dance/host a carnival to commemorate the 70th year of Japan not out to hunt whale, and will we know about it in the Press? and will it air on Animal Planet?

0 ( +3 / -3 )


In a blatant show of defiance of the recent landmark ruling in The Hague by the ICJ, Japan’s Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR) has filed court briefs stating they intend to return to hunt whales in the Southern Ocean for the 2015-16 season with a newly designed “research” program and will seek a permanent injunction against Sea Shepherd.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Japan has stopped for now but has said they will start again.

Well they said they would start again with a new plan that complies with the ICJ ruling. You kind of forgot that last part.

Hence why Waston wrote the letter.

No he wrote the letter to keep himself and the Sea Shepherds in the news.

If most of the world doesn't care, why was Japan called up to explain their whaling and why were they told to stop?

Because ONE country filed a lawsuit against them. And sorry but one country with a population less than one fifth that of Japan isn't 'most of the world'.

Do you really think that the Aust Gov't would invite Watson to a 'State Dinner' for Mr Abe? Hello!!!!! Google the definition of a State Dinner please - before making naive defamatory statements...

Do you think the 'State Dinner' is the only place that the letter could have been handed to him? Hello!!!! Google the definition of coward please - before making naive statements...

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Despite numerous negative responses no one has properly addressed the basic reality - there are 500,000 minke whales according to the IWC's own website. So why should Japan give up whaling?

Just because China says Senkaku islands are theirs, Japan doesn't bow down and toe the line, and it's a similar story with these huge numbers of whales. Is it really Japan's place in the world to just lie down and placate anyone who complains about anything?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I watched Caught in Camera and it said an Anaheim Couple were doing sport something on Pacific Ocean and Blue Whale appeared. After they displayed the picture on Tweet, they got notice from NOAA that they are prohibited to go less than 100 KM and never twice. Another scenes showed Montery Bay (Santa Cruz) then two whales scared two people and onlookers. So, whales go to California I learned. Las Vegas has a variety of eateries but no whale meat yet, I heard.

Maybe Japan will be back to vegetable diet? However Kobe Beef is very popular in Vegas area. So. export Kobe beef to USA and import Omaha beef instead of Aussie beef. Maybe Land Shephard movement in Japan by whalers?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Warning"???? These really are a presumptious group of activists.

-1 ( +22 / -22 )

In return for ending whaling, Japan will gain the respect and admiration of conservationists around the world.

No, Japan will never gain such things, but end up facing more threats.

-1 ( +13 / -15 )

Yes, that is right, but periodic assessments does not mean going to the southern ocean every year with the intention of killing a thousands whales just to prove they are there.

And no one said it did.

Also no one has been;

going to the southern ocean every year with the intention of killing a thousands whales just to prove they are there

But the IWC was suppossed to do the first assessments in 1990. Not a single assessment has been done yet. The only answer the IWC will give is that they don't have enough data. Well if they don't have enough data (which is a blatant lie) then obviously they need more data, which was one of the stated goals behind JAPRAII.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

It;s good that the Sea Shepherd will go in for the krill again, but they shouldn't harpoon about it!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

the world has had enough of Japan acting like a spoiled child.

Which world is that? The spoiled kids are those that decided since they are sick of playing with a certain toy, they are gonna stop Japan from playing with that toy now too. Just because. (Again - 500k whales - Japan catching whales is no concern)

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

If Japan's whaling ships are not welcome in Australian and New Zealand territory, stay away. Go somewhere place they are welcomed. Otherwise, maybe they should organize Land Shephard activity so that Japan will not be able to buy beefs, porks, sheeps, turkeys and any land animal meat from countries that does not want Japan whaling. USA cow ranches and turkey farms might supply meat to Japan.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Watson, who has spearheaded a decade of sometimes violent high seas opposition to the slaughter, said his letter was handed to Abe at a state dinner in Canberra on Tuesday by Australian Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson.

The known liar and eco-terrorist Watson said his letter was handed to Abe. Has anyone verified that this exchange actually took place? All of the media stories saying Whish-Wilson handed Abe a letter from eco-terrorist Watson are cut-and-paste, identically worded stories. Has anyone at JT verified this story before reporting it?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I cannot say whether Japan only takes and doesn't give back. I read a lot about where and how Japan takes and not much about giving, that is true.

Now, that is a behaviour you would find in just about any country. Somehow it's always at the expense of animals. That can be said about some countries skinning dogs alive, about the American fast food industry's way of keeping their live stock, etc etc.

But I have to say, it seems that Japan is particularly stubborn in regards to taking from the oceans. It's unfortunately not only the whales. As someone pointed out above, maybe there are enough minkies in the world oceans to make the small number that Japan catches these days acceptable.

What should concern us all much more is the depletion of Tuna in world oceans, and again, it is Japan that seems to be the greediest. See below articles. I was particularly surprised to read several times meanwhile that Japan not only ate a great part of the Pacific Tuna. They also import about !!! 80% !!!! of Atlantic Bluefin. Now, the reason why this kind of got my attention is the fact that we are talking about ONE COUNTRY eating all that fish.

I understand that there is a tradition in Japan of eating fish, but does it really have to be that much??? Doesn't the rest of the world have a right to question that??? After all, when Tuna is gone, all countries will suffer the consequences. Nobody is going to bring them back, once they are gone!



-2 ( +4 / -6 )

OssanAmerica Jul. 10, 2014 - 12:37AM JST The ICJ ruled that the Jarpa II program must stop and Japan quickly ended it. It's still up in the air if Japan will start a Jarpa III program, or even if they will bother with the Southern Ocean at all.

What Abe said was that Japan values international law and order and the rule of law and therefore Japan will abide by the decision passed by the International Court of Justice. What it probably means is that the Japanese government intends to put in a new submission to the International Whaling Commission to resume lethal scientific research on whales, which is what they've used previously to disguise commercial whaling. It is very clear that there are loopholes that could be exploited to continue the slaughter of whales in the Southern Ocean and it seems that the Japanese are going to pursue other means.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

could you tell me why others have agreed not to whale

Because they no longer needed the products they got from whaling. Most countries (unlike Japan, Iceland and Norway) did not whale for meat.

why Japan was told to stop whaling by a group made up of other nations who don't whale?

Politics. Many countries have very small but active and vocal anti-whaling groups. Pandering to these groups helsp keep politicians in power. If they really cared about stopping whaling they would take actions, like trade sanctions, rather than toothless;y nicely asking for the whalers to stop.

Now can you tell us why if the rest of the world is so against whaling less than 50% of the countries are even members of the IWC?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Japan should state honestly that whalings are for food purpose.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

It is the advent of Europeans on the world stage over the last 500 years which has caused the imbalance that we are now witnessing in the natural world. While Europeans are busy telling Asian and other nations what to catch and what to eat, they are busy slaughtering hundreds of millions of sacred cows every year for food, and think nothing of it. That these sanctimonious racist hypocrites can have AbOriginal dancers to entertain visiting dignitaries is disgusting when considering the daily degradation the AbOriginals suffer under White rule, the indigenous people of Australia are a heartbeat away from becoming an extinct museum piece as the Black people of Tasmania have. And while White Australians dare tell others how things should go they enact one of the coldest most racist immigration policies in the world today. Not only are they sending refugees at sea back to certain oppression from which they are fleeing, they are also flooding small Black peoples islands in the region with refugees who will eventually outnumber the indigenous and subsume them. All so that they can keep that great wide continent for themselves. Sea Sheperd and others have a lot of land based work to before they hit the seas interfering in other peoples culture which their particular ra

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

This will have the opposite of the intended effect. Hasn't anyone notice the theme of this generation of Northeast Asian leaders? "You can't push me around! You can't tell me what to do!" A state department guy once described it to me (politically incorrectly) as "Asian Big Man syndrome" (his words). If what that guy told me is true, Abe will probably double whatever he was planning.

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

“Japan has no need to kill whales any longer. In fact, whaling continues only because of subsidies from the Japanese government,”

Well said. It’s time for Abe’s admin to abide by ICJ’s ruling, showing the true guts to follow rule of law as a member of international community, no more hypocrisy and deceit.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

One country that is supported by many others

No they were supported by ONE other country with a population of less than 5 million people, that is less than half the population of just Tokyo.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The point is that Abe said he would abide by the decision of the ICJ but has now reneged and said that he will try to find a way to restart whaling in the southern ocean.

He is abiding by the ICJ ruling. That ruling contains guidelines on exactly how to restart whaling in the southern ocean that will comply with the ruling. He is following the ruling exactly as the judges expected, the judges who said in their ruling that the expected new research plans to be written and expalined how to write and implement any new plan so as to be in compliance.

Try and see the true story for a change. Read the actual ruling and see what it truthfully says and not what some in the anti-whaling camp want you to believe it says.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

If Japan's whaling ships are not welcome in Australian and New Zealand territory, stay away.

And Japan's whaling ships do stay away from Australian and New Zealand territory. The Southern Ocean where Japan hunted whales is international waters.

Sorry but New Zealand and Australia will never cut of livestock/meat sales to Japan. It is a major markets for both of them.

And the fact that countries have not placed any restrictions on Exports to or Imports from Japan over whaling, shows just how unimportant the rest of the world really thinks whaling is. Some countries might talk a good game, but follow the money (trade and business) and you will see how they really feel.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Tradition or culture is not necessarily a good reason to do something

Eating is a very good reason to hunt. Some people hunt animals/birds just for fun. Is it OK with you?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

It's great and all that SS wants to save whales and such. The thing I utterly hate about them are there ways of going about doing things and also their utterly stupid excuse, "you can't kill them because they are intelligent animals." Oh? So as long as they aren't intelligent, it's totally fine if they're killed is pretty much what they're saying. (Oh, and I'm sure it isn't only SS that uses that lame excuse so I think everyone that uses such an excuse is stupid as well). Not only are they stupid and selfish, they basically just get on a high trying to play "hero" and at the same time "god", judging what can and can't be killed =.=; What kind of complex do these people have. Why don't they just say it straight? "We just don't want you killing the whales because we feel sorry for them." (Uwaa, these guys need to get off their high-horses). Again, no problem with their aims, just their methods and utter stupidity . And I have nothing against whaling. Maybe they should come up with a more painless method is my only concern. If It's sustainable, go for it. If it isn't, don't do it, or maybe come up with some method that makes it sustainable.

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

sfjp330Jul. 10, 2014 - 06:29AM JST "OssanAmerica Jul. 10, 2014 - 12:37AM JST The ICJ ruled that the Jarpa II program must stop and Japan quickly ended it. It's still up in the air if Japan will start a Jarpa III program, or even if they will bother with the Southern Ocean at all." What Abe said was that Japan values international law and order and the rule of law and therefore Japan will abide by >the decision passed by the International Court of Justice. What it probably means is that the Japanese government >intends to put in a new submission to the International Whaling Commission to resume lethal scientific research on >whales,

Yes that is an option, not only will it have to pass review by the IWC Scientific Committee but it will also have to to meet the specific points that the ICJ ruling highlighted. But as an option we won't really know until it is exercised.

which is what they've used previously to disguise commercial whaling. It is very clear that there are loopholes that >could be exploited to continue the slaughter of whales in the Southern Ocean and it seems that the Japanese are >going to pursue other means.

Did you personally read the ICJ ruling? Nowhere does the Court refer to JARPA II as "commercial whaling in disguise". Nowhere does the Court make any reference to "loopholes" in it's judgment. The court recognized that JARPA II was Research Whaling but that on certain points it could be construed as commercial whaling. Hence, Japan has the option to carry on a revised and corrected Research Whaling program should it so choose. But whether thy will or not remains to be seen since the Southern Ocean isn't their only area of Research Whaling.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

tmarie, no the statement doesn't make any sense. Perhaps you can't see the trees because you are looking at the ocean instead of the forest?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

“In return for ending whaling, Japan will gain the respect and admiration of conservationists around the world.

Conservationists that know there are 500k minke whales in the Southern Ocean don't have a problem with whaling, myself included.

Japan already has my respect and admiration for sticking up for a simple common sense principle that we can catch marine resources that are plentiful in conservative amounts, rather than irrationally cave into intolerant people who have different cultural views about a specific type of animal.

-5 ( +21 / -27 )

Japan should just decimate ociganic species in its own coastal environment and stop killing half a world away on the pretence of culture. Local tuna population is almost extinct , eels almost extinct. Just kill everything with in your own waters. Then pay to kill in other peoples, there is no cultural history of Antartic whale hunting.

-5 ( +14 / -18 )

tmarieJul. 09, 2014 - 07:41PM JST "Of course Watson couldn't hand the letter over himself now could he? What a coward. Give it a rest will you? Your pro-Japan stance on everything is wearing thin, more so on a topic where Japan is the >laughing stock of the world for getting their fingers caught in the cookie jar.

Give it a rest? Is there no longer any outstanding warrants for Watson? Is he free to appear in public? Japan has abided by the ICJ ruling and has stopped he Jarpa II program. So what's the point in Sea Shepherd handing over a threat letter at this time? The ICJ ruling, if you ever read it which I am sure you didn't, does not declare Japan's research whaling as not being research, it ruled on the grounds that there were insufficiencies to be called completely research. Worse for you, the ICJ outlined what Japan must do to correct those insufficiencies. Japan is hardly the "laughing stock" of the world because the "world", like most normal human beings, doesn't care. IF Japan returns with an ironclad Jarpa III program meeting all of the ICJ requirements, Australia and NZealand will have no legal options left, other than bring a suit against the IWC to eliminate Article VIII. That's IF they can find a court that would take such a case. So please give it a rest ok? .

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

sfjp330Jul. 10, 2014 - 07:34AM JST @OssanAmerica In a blatant show of defiance of the recent landmark ruling in The Hague by the ICJ, Japan’s Institute of Cetacean >Research (ICR) has filed court briefs stating they intend to return to hunt whales in the Southern Ocean for the 2015- 16 season with a newly designed “research” program and will seek a permanent injunction against Sea Shepherd.

Don't know what biased source you copied that from but What the IRC has said they would do is not "a blatant show of defiance" but COMPLYING with the ICJ ruling. Besides, it's a declaration of an intent and we will have to see what they choose to do in 2015.

tmarieJul. 10, 2014 - 08:52AM JST

Ah yes, the old "But they're bad too" response that is so common in Japan when Japan is called out for doing >something wrong. "But, but, mommy look! Taro is bad too!!"

The above statement makes no sense whatsoever.

Japan has stopped for now but has said they will start again.

Yes they stopped the Jarpa II program. If they start as Jarpa III program it will without doubt be ironclad in terms of IWC Scientific Committee review and meeting all the points with the ICJ pointed out to them. Therefore it will be completely legal in very respect. Why would you have a problem with that?

Hence why Waston wrote the letter. Japan IS the laughing stock - "Shut up! Why you laugh?" ring any bells? If most >of the world doesn't care, why was Japan called up to explain their whaling and why were they told to stop? The world >DOES care. And the world has had enough of Japan acting like a spoiled child.

The above is so frothing-at-the-mouth off the deep end it's impossible to respond point-by-point. But suffice to say that if you really think that Japan is a "laughing stock" or that the "world" is against Japan's research whaling, you are living on a fantasy planet. Finite natural resources require management and conservation and that can not be achieved without data. That is how the world works, the benefits of which you are enjoying this very moment. The dark ages ended many many centuries ago.

AustralianexpatinchinaJul. 11, 2014 - 12:18AM JST The point is that Abe said he would abide by the decision of the ICJ but has now reneged and said that he will try to >find a way to restart whaling in the southern ocean. This guy can't be trusted

Japan has abided by the ICJ ruling and complied by terminating the Jarpa II program. "Abe" has NOT reneged on anything. The ICJ ruling made it clear that Japan could continue with a Research Whaling program that addressed the flaws found in Jarpa II which resulted in the ICJ judgment. If Japan chooses to proceed with a Jarpa III program in the Southern Ocean, it will be legally ironclad, and nothing will be able to stop it. AS for "war mongering idealist" there is only one war-mongering country in Asia and that is China. They have pretty much said so themselves. http://www.voanews.com/content/chinas-peoples-liberation-army-pla-prepare-for-war/1585348.html

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Ossan, the statement makes plenty of sense. Perhaps you can't see the trees through the forest?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

This is a losing situation for Japan no matter how you look at it or which side you are on. Some people will not buy Japanese cars or other products as long as they try to hunt whales in the southern ocean. So Japan loses two ways on this issue, less profits, and more money lost supporting the whalers.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

NeoJamalJul. 09, 2014 - 10:44PM JST What happens to Watson if Japan does abide by the ICJ ruling?

Well that's exactly what we are seeing now. The ICJ ruled that the Jarpa II program must stop and Japan quickly ended it. It's still up in the air if Japan will start a Jarpa III program, or even if they will bother with the Southern Ocean at all. So...Paul Watson the international fugitive eco-terrorist has his lackey in the Australian government pass on a threat letter. Anything to keep the issue, ie; his raison d"etre alive.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

Which world is that?

That would be the world that took Japan to task and told them to stop illegal whaling.

Because ONE country filed a lawsuit against them. And sorry but one country with a population less than one fifth that of Japan isn't 'most of the world'.

One country that is supported by many others.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Interesting. If other countries didn't care, could you tell me why others have agreed not to whale and why Japan was told to stop whaling by a group made up of other nations who don't whale?

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Isn't this eco-terrorist still evading international arrest warrants? Why is this Australian senator associating with international fugitives?

-8 ( +19 / -27 )

Give it a rest? Is there no longer any outstanding warrants for Watson? Is he free to appear in public? Japan has abided by the ICJ ruling and has stopped he Jarpa II program. So what's the point in Sea Shepherd handing over a threat letter at this time? The ICJ ruling, if you ever read it which I am sure you didn't, does not declare Japan's research whaling as not being research, it ruled on the grounds that there were insufficiencies to be called completely research. Worse for you, the ICJ outlined what Japan must do to correct those insufficiencies. Japan is hardly the "laughing stock" of the world because the "world", like most normal human beings, doesn't care. IF Japan returns with an ironclad Jarpa III program meeting all of the ICJ requirements, Australia and NZealand will have no legal options left, other than bring a suit against the IWC to eliminate Article VIII. That's IF they can find a court that would take such a case. So please give it a rest ok? .

Ah yes, the old "But they're bad too" response that is so common in Japan when Japan is called out for doing something wrong. "But, but, mommy look! Taro is bad too!!"

Japan has stopped for now but has said they will start again. Hence why Waston wrote the letter. Japan IS the laughing stock - "Shut up! Why you laugh?" ring any bells? If most of the world doesn't care, why was Japan called up to explain their whaling and why were they told to stop? The world DOES care. And the world has had enough of Japan acting like a spoiled child.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Our ocean is dying Mr Prime Minister and when the ocean dies, we will follow. We cannot live on this planet with a dead ocean.

Because of a statistically insignificant whaling catch? Are these people serious? They can't be. I don't think they are trying to be. How do they survive on this planet without logic or reason?

Hopefully this warning by the eco-terrorists constitutes a threat and submarines jointly developed by Aus and Japan are used to blow holes in the SS, or Sinking Ship as they also like to be called.

-10 ( +22 / -33 )

Of course Watson couldn't hand the letter over himself now could he? What a coward.

-11 ( +14 / -25 )


Isn't this eco-terrorist still evading international arrest warrants? Why is this Australian senator associating with international fugitives?

and what I want to know is how did this Eco-Terroist get close enough to hand a world leader a letter ?

Terrosits in the green party , of course there is.

Was the Australian Diplomatic Protection Squad not doing its job I doubt it was a chance encounter.

-12 ( +7 / -19 )

Please read the story again.

Ah, Eco-terrier Watson at it again! He couldn't hand over the letter personally of course. In which hole is he hiding from criminal charges against him? The Sea Sheperds motto is: fight questionable whaling with terrorism. The SS are in no position to warn any government. But it does remind me very much of Al-quaeda treats made to other governments.

-13 ( +17 / -31 )

How was the whale-hugging scumbag able to get so close? Typical Australian ecoterrorist-enabling?

-14 ( +12 / -27 )

Hopefully this will persuade the Japanese government to send coast guard vessels to arrest Sea Sheperd terrorizing Japanese fishermen next season.

-15 ( +28 / -44 )

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