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Abe heckled at ceremony in Okinawa on 70th anniversary of battle


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+1 for booing Abe

33 ( +39 / -7 )

I wonder if those doing the heckling are now in a room without windows?

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Hope the "voice" of Okinawa is being heard by Abe, his Jiminto party and others concerned. Similar "noise" has been ignored in the past. Seems as if things are heating up down there ...

15 ( +17 / -2 )

next up on abe's agenda, amending the constitution to ban heckling of PMs.

31 ( +35 / -4 )

Well, you can't blame them for feeling so strongly about it

16 ( +17 / -1 )

Good! But more than booing Abe for the US presence, he should be booed for trying to change the constitution and put Japan in the position it was when so many Okinawans died in the first place. It is the Japanese government that committed most of the horrors of the invasion -- forcing girls out of caves into bullet fire, forcing women and children off the cliffs instead of surrendering, etc. Abe himself took the references to the Itoman cliffs and forced suicides out of history textbooks and insists people not be taught about that part of history, as well as sex-slaves, etc. On the contrary while the Americans killed so many, victims who were forced into harms way by the Imperial troops were well cared for by American soldiers if found alive, unlike the 'rapists and animals' the IAJ lied about in an effort to get them to kill themselves rather than be taken alive. Glad he got booed, in any case, and hope that from now on he is booed everywhere he goes about everything he does. period. He deserves to be.

15 ( +25 / -11 )

Abe heckled at ceremony in Okinawa on 70th anniversary of battle

Good. At the very least

13 ( +17 / -5 )

That Abe chose to appear in Okinawa for this occasion just shows how out of touch he is with what is happening in Okinawa. It's a sign of pure arrogance and ignorance towards the Okinawan people.

He can be lucky that he got away with just being hackled at. In other parts of the world he would have faced bomb threats and terrorist attacks in this kind of situation.

Okinawans deserve respect for their non-violent protest, even emotions are boiling over in Okinawa and people here are completely fed up with being treated as 2nd class citizens, first by the US and now by Tokyo.

11 ( +17 / -5 )

first by the US and now by Tokyo.

Actually Satsuma-Tokyo-US-Tokyo. But yeah, I agree with everything else

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Good for the hecklers and too bad nobody had any rotten eggs. Shinzo Abe is no friend of the people of Okinawa. He is still telling that same lie about wanting to reduce the burden on Okinawa when all he is doing is taking the burden from one area of Okinawa and placing it on another area of Okinawa.

18 ( +20 / -2 )

Good on the hecklers! About time a few people stood up to Abe. Looking at the picture, it seems as if a "rattled" Abe is mouthing a few "pleasantries" towards the heckling crowd, and don't those security guys look downright creepy.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

I wonder if Abe's speech will be covered by NHK...I can see them scratching their heads trying to edit out the booing.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Hopefully, more and more Okinawans also find out the truth about how the IJA forced entire Okinawan families to commit suicide at gunpoint. How they tricked people into jumping to their deaths over cliffs in order to avoid the Americans who were cannibal rapists who ate babies(not making this up).

12 ( +15 / -4 )

"the strategically placed island chain" just between Iwakuni and Subic bay

So be rattled for going south as far as it goes from Tokyo Mr. PM, no big corps there only plain people.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

More than 100,000 Okinawans and 80,000 Japanese troops died in the 82-day battle and this was Okinawa, imagine if the US had to invade the main island of Japan, the death toll would have been massive (est over 1~2 million) and people still say the A bombs werent justified. even after both A bombs the JIA and the emperor took 2 weeks to surrender.

5 ( +12 / -8 )

wtfjapan: "...and people still say the A bombs werent justified"

Because they weren't, and never can be. You can't prove that even ONE soldier would have died in a mainland invasion, as the Japanese were already on the verge of giving up. The war of attrition was over, and hence the drive of the innocents over the Itoman cliffs. Or do you think they were being forced off the cliffs and sent out into bullet storms and killing themselves otherwise because that's how they 'fight'. The use of the atomic bombs was ONLY to put a face on the price tag of the Manhattan Project, which had cost billions -- in that time a MASSIVE sum -- and so the investors demanded a show of the product. Okay, AND it was used to threaten the Russians. "Ending the war" is the excuse the US tells itself.

-5 ( +14 / -18 )

I think that the US should leave Okinawa simply because the Okinawans don't appreciate the fact that Americans are risking their lives to keep that part of the world safe. Move the soldiers and resources to some other location where they are more appreciated. Guam works for me. Perhaps the Philippines might be interested in having US forces, again. Perhaps the US and the Philippines could make their own islands together to counter the Chinese artificial islands. Even Vietnam would work, especially if the US and the Vietnamese are fighting the Chinese and Russians together. America could learn a lot from the Vietnamese about fighting superpowers. Perhaps, the US could move their factories out of China and relocate them to Vietnam and the PI. I'm sure that the Vietnamese and Filipinos would appreciate some additional jobs. Let's give those anti-American Okinawans a break and let them scratch a living out of tourism, fishing, and growing healthy vegetables. If along the way, they have a spat with the Chinese, let them work it out on their own for a change. The US should just walk away from Okinawa and not even bother building a new base. There are other options for the US. Let's get the heck out of Okinawa and move on to brighter horizons!!!

-9 ( +8 / -18 )

wtfjapanJun. 23, 2015 - 06:19PM JST

Killing of civilians was prohibited by international law. I do not know how you can use the civilian killing in Okinawa to justify the civilian killing by A bombs.

If the US had not insisted on "unconditional surrender", the war would have ended a lot earlier. The unconditional surrender was "on condition" that Japan was to maintain four major islands and other minor islands attached to them, that the Allies were not to gain any terriroty, and so on, anyway.

-22 ( +3 / -24 )

Nice shirt, Shinz!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I hoe the hecking of Abe catches on.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

On tonight's NHK News the heckling wasn't even reported.

Feeling a bit ripped off for all the money I'm paying for this channel.

15 ( +17 / -2 )

zichiJun. 23, 2015 - 07:10PM JST

Pity the Japanese Imperialist forces didn't know that nor respected it. They brutal killed millions.

Oh, I can talk about it, but why do not we stay on topic?

-13 ( +3 / -15 )

The fact that Abe actually went shows that either he is so out of touch he did not expect treatment or he just considered himself above criticism. The only other possiblility, and it is quite possible, is that the Americans told him he had to go and they are the ones out of touch with reality.

Well done, Okinawa.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Too bad he was only heckled. His grandpappy shares in the disgrace of what transpired on Okinawa. Bow your head in shame Shinzo.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Hurray for the hecklers! I'm very happy to know most of the people who posted their comments support the hecklers. Abe should get heckled more often and more loudly, so that he will get another bout of stomachache and step down from his office.

11 ( +12 / -0 )

Wow. Ambassador Kennedy must have felt like she was walking on eggshells too.

On tonight's NHK News the heckling wasn't even reported.

They've been sleeping on some domestic topics huh speed-

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Was Ambassador Kennedy sitting there smiling diplomatically when Mr Abe was heckled?

5 ( +7 / -1 )

Christopher Glen

I wonder if Abe's speech will be covered by NHK...I can see them scratching their heads trying to edit out the booing.

NHK managed just fine , no suprise there...

http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20150623_23.html http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20150623/k10010124531000.html

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

There are those who would have you believe that the antagonism toward the US bases is initiated by the communist party, trouble makers from mainland Japan, you name it.

It isn't.

The antagonism toward the US military and particularly toward Mainland Japan building YET ANOTHER new base for the US military in Henoko stems from Okinawans. My job takes me all over the island and I hear nothing good about Abe and his gang of neo fascists.

Abe should consider himself lucky that all he got was heckling!

He is NOT welcome here.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I still can't fathom why the Japanese people voted for this guy into office in the first place. What were they thinking/not thinking?

With the voting age lowered, I surely hope more young people with independent minds vote to get him and the old boys club out of office. It seems like they're the last hope for Japan's future.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

"The ceremony took place in Itoman, at the southern tip of Okinawa, near the spot where terrified locals had jumped from cliffs or were pushed to their deaths in June 1945 on the orders of Imperial Army soldiers taught never to surrender"

If they could do to their own unarmed women and children, how much worse was it for the enemy ? whoever that happened to be.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

“People in Okinawa have long been asked to carry a big burden for our security,” he said. “We will continue to do our best to reduce it.”

He deserved to be heckled if that was the best he could say. That sort of platitude may work when he is answering questions in the Diet back in Tokyo, but falls far short of the mark wjen actually speaking to the people of Okinawa. Abe, once again, has shown he is totally incapable of feeling any empathy for his own countrymen.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Reported ny NHK or not, Amb Kennedy was there, She is fluent in Japanese language. If heckling were by Japanese language, she knows what they were heckling. I am very sure she reported to DC about Okinawan people;s anti US base feelings.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

9pm NHK news decided to edit out the heckling as well. Shameful.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

They shouted: ("Liar!" "Warmonger!" "Go home!") by the invited audience as he gave his speech. I've never seen anything like it in Japan - but then, in certain ways, Okinawa isn't Japan.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Those soldiers/officers (from the Japanese Imperial Army) who shot the Okinawan people or forced them to to jump have my utter contempt. They are some of the worst scum the human race has known.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

@BertieWooster"He is NOT welcome here"

Either Tokyo officials begin to listen Okinawans and respect their opinion or Okinawan people will organize Referendum. It's time to make hard decisions.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The US military presence in Japan violates article 9. The situation in Okinawa is a manifestation of that

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Sessha wa beeroo ga hoshi-san,

but then, in certain ways, Okinawa isn't Japan

That's right. It isn't.

Well, on paper it is, but in reality it's Japan in a similar way that Eire (Southern Ireland) was the United Kingdom.

I sincerely hope they boot the US military out and get their independence.

Well, a man's entitled to a pipe dream, isn't he?

Washi mo beeroo ga hoshi!

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Throw a shoe!

7 ( +7 / -0 )

You can't prove that even ONE soldier would have died in a mainland invasion, geez you need to watch read a few more stories from WW2. the Japanese were never going to surrender, after the first bomb they were told to surrender without conditions but the US got no reply, second bomb the US demanded the same thing, it took almost 3 weeks for the IJA and the emperor to surrender only if the emperor was spared, the US agreed. without the bombs the mainland invasion would have come at huge loss of life, the systematic brainwashing of civilians caused 100s of them to commit suicide see "Mass Suicides on Marpi Point, Saipan" on youtube. the closer the US got to Japan the worse it became now scale that up 100 times and you get the picture, anybody who thinks otherwise is just plain ignorant of history.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

@Bertie: Did they heckle in English or Japanese? I am in USA now and no Okinawa news .How they heckled?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The US military presence in Japan violates article 9.

No it doesn't.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Watched his speech on YouTube. He did himself no favours with his robotic delivery. Between Abe and Suga there's nary a scintilla of emotion or humanity....

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@ Zichi "How many Okinawans were killed by imperialist troops? Altogether about 30,000 to 100,000 were killed"

"Wars are barbaric and ones like WWII must never happen again"

Putrified and pure un-aldurated evil wasn't it ? If one delves a lii....ttle deeper you will see and know why a whole populace was conned into becoming atrociously evil cyborgs. I had that " Eureka !! " moment, I know I did.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Watched his speech on YouTube.

Did everyone watch it on You Tube? It has already been noted that NHK didn't feature the heckling. I don't watch japanese TV. But won't other japanese news networks cover the heckling? I really don't watch J-TV.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

He should be booed quite regularly.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

9pm NHK news decided to edit out the heckling as well. Shameful.

And that is one of the many reasons many of us refuse to pay those NHK grubs that come around door-knocking. Not paying for right-wing propaganda, thank-you!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

"Reported ny NHK or not, Amb Kennedy was there, She is fluent in Japanese language."

She does? I don't think so.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Abbe got booing without bambooing means Okinawan people still like him but gently remind Abe they do not wish have US bases on their island.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

wtfjapan: "without the bombs the mainland invasion would have come at huge loss of life"

Once again, a sad justification with ZERO proof to the contrary. All you have are "what ifs" while I can, on the other hand, prove that the a-bombs killed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of civilians, as well as proving that there was pressure on the military to show what the billions in US dollars had been invested in, etc.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

wtfjapan: "without the bombs the mainland invasion would have come at huge loss of life"

C'mon smith. Cut wtf a lil' slack. He's got a few good points. Everyone like to "what if" strategic decision making. He's spot on about one point: closer US got to mainland, the more fanatical-suicidal they (imperial japan) became.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Wc626"Everyone like to "what if" strategic decision making".

In Star Wars Universe, maybe. In reality Americans performed horrible tests of A-bombs on civilians, in cities with different landscape and additionally warned Soviets.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

As I have been saying for years now, Japan's govt & the IJA back in the day treated Japanese like CRAP, & Okinawan's had it much much worse & 70yrs later & Japan cant even comprehend & agree on the savagery committed against its own PEOPLE.

And we all know Japan doesn't care much about the millions killed etc outside Japan.

Japan 70yrs on, WHAT A MESS & you still deny deny & lie & LIE, the hole got a LOT deeper today!

And SHAME on nhk, pull the plug on that rotten despicable sorry excuse for a tv station!

Another embarrassing day to be living in Japan & we have a ways to go till August, what a disgrace!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

@yamashi. So Truman is War Criminal? So were Tojo and his henchmen. Right. Japan was defeated way before the first A-bomb was dropped. Too bad the US had to intimidate Stalin this way. Too bad Japan started the war in the first place. The chickens came home to roost-

4 ( +5 / -1 )

@genjuroJUN. 23, 2015 - 08:35PM JST I still can't fathom why the Japanese people voted for this guy into office in the first place. What were they thinking/not thinking?

With the voting age lowered, I surely hope more young people with independent minds vote to get him and the old boys club out of office. It seems like they're the last hope for Japan's future.


Japanese people do not vote Prime Minister of Japan.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Japanese people do not vote Prime Minister of Japan.

Right Toshiko-san . . . But the LDP legacy is the only tone of politics japanese people vote for. The majority of voters. Has there ever been another party in power?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@Wc626 no use trying to rationalise with people that can only see there blind truth of things, end of the day it was a time in history that todays so called experts really know very little about. what if, but its etc what is fact is the A bombs ended the war and theres no proof whatsoever to say that Japan was going to surrender before the fact. and if the roles were reversed Japan would have most definately used the bombs on the US

6 ( +6 / -0 )

and if the roles were reversed Japan would have most definately used the bombs on the US

Oh tell me about it WTF. . . Worse, if Tojo's buddy Adolf Hitler would've got his paws on 2-3 nukes, it would've been lights out for DC, London, Moscow or a large Jewish population.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@wtfjapan"what is fact is the A bombs ended the war"

It is not a fact but a well-known American-created myth to justify horrible crimes of A-bombings. The one million men IJA in Northern China was defeated by the end of August of 1945. The Act of Capitulation was signed in September.

"Japan would have most definitely used the bombs on the US"

This is not History but rather sci-fi. Besides, Japanese did not fall that low to bomb American cities with civilians. Japanese attacked US naval harbour.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

@wc626: He went to Okinawa and history and this educated him about how Okinawan people feel abou US Military bases. From now on, he can not depend on LDP conservative members' opinions blindly. He may make his henchmen to find how Iwakuni handles Marine Base there. Maybe he might go on getting rid of Okinawa bases. Or maybe he will create a different political party than LDP. Check historo of Japanese Govt to know more than half of Japanese PM in Jp[an were from Yamaguchi Ken except during WW II. Since Meiji. Ishin, He might plan to get rid of Okinawa bases as Japan and China are getting awfully cozy recently.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Okinawa welcome Abe like a pest because Okinawa is likely # 4 place in Japan which endure worst suffering during WW2. Because Abe is taking this pain too lightly many people criticize him for being lousy leader.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"Okinawa was the only part of Japan in which battles were fought."

Iwo Jima

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Critics say the move runs counter to the country’s pacifist constitution, which was imposed by US occupiers in the aftermath of WWII, but has since been adopted as an article of faith by large swathes of voters.


USA did not impose the constitution. There was open gossips that was affair of Viscountessa Torio and GHQ legal officer who created Constitution, then. Japanese /govt PM Shidehara and Cabinet secretary General Narahara recruited alumini groups of Joshi Galushuin to entertain GHQ Official and Col Kadis and Viscountessa Tsuruyo Torio worked together to create draft of constitution. Used to be nicknamed Queen of RokumeiKan. To cover up their using famale like old time, Govt nicknamed MacArthur constitution. She worked for Fujin Koron later and she came to USA to meet her lover Kadis but he was happily married so she did not meet him and back in Japan. Using female for political purpose was stopped aftter a young giirl marriewd to Scaron and became Indonesian First Lady. But Old people like me know USA did not make constitution. People were sick and tired of war that time. They did not do as bad as presenting one Imperial house princess presented to Korean crown prince annexing Korea or one noble lady presented to Manchuria Emperor's brother, though. Just entertained parties.

Some people may believe USA wrote Japanese constituion. but not so. Japanese language constitution and English versions are attached. Article 9 was added to guarantee self defence. Not by China but Soviet/ coming to Japan.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

yamashi: Besides, Japanese did not fall that low to bomb American cities with civilians

Actually, the intent of the Japanese balloon bomb program (Fugo) was to indiscriminately bomb west coast cites, start forest fires, etc. The bombs didn't cause much damage, but the intent to do harm was there. Japan considered the balloon bomb program to be a failure. Mainly because the US censored all reports of balloon bomb sightings and Japan didn't get any feedback to indicate the bombs were actually reaching the US. Personally, if Japanese planes could have reached US, I think they would have bombed cities with civilians, i.e., same as done to cities in Burma, China, etc. .

0 ( +0 / -0 )

a lot of people make comments regarding the war, regarding how Okinawa does not appreciate the US etc, however - has anyone really appreciated what the Okinawan' s have gone through? The USA were the aggressors who came to the island and bombed, set on fire and killed people.

even if the US did not turn into the horrible demon's they were made out to be by the Imperialist troops- i do not think they expected to be kept under occupation ever since. - for that is what it must feel like

1 ( +3 / -2 )


So, according to you, everything in this link is false?

Have you ever heard that 1945 films were coloured after the war?

It would appear not!

McArthur imposed a constitution, spite of whatever you want to add to the sorry state of affairs.

Luckily Abe knows it very well and wants it gone!

And for your info, I have been to Japan! I just would never live there.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Independence for Okinawa!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

@Patrick: Okinawan people are nice but they were mistreated since Ryukyu was annexed to Kagoshims's Shimazu clan. they were victims. I hope Mr Abe will consider about US bases relocation, Maybe to Camp Pendleton area? It is near Huntington Beach and also close to Disneyland. Warm. Iwakuni people will raise hell if Abe asks to Marine relocation.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Okinawa was the only part of Japan in which battles were fought.

This statement has been made in a few articles this week, not just this one. It should of course read the only "populated" part of Japan in which battles were fought, Io (Iwo) Jima also being part of Japan. A minor point maybe, but you would think professional journalists and editors would want to try to avoid such sloppy errors.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This news made my day! I'm going to be smiling all day now! Have a little tummy ache Abe chan? Those butterflies in your stomach starting up yet? Good on you Okinawa!!!!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

smithinjapan Jun. 23, 2015 - 04:54PM JST

victims who were forced into harms way by the Imperial troops were well cared for by American soldiers if found alive, unlike the 'rapists and animals' the IAJ lied

Obviously you have never researched with Survivors of Okinawa battle. They have real knowledge and true color about both US and Japanese forces. It is true that US soldiers refrained from mass killing of civilians except bombardment of Air Force over hidden caves.

However U.S. military personnel raped Okinawan women during the Battle of Okinawa in 1945.

**Based on several years of research, Okinawan historian Oshiro Masayasu (former director of the Okinawa Prefectural Historical Archives) writes:

Soon after the U.S. Marines landed, all the women of a village on Motobu Peninsula fell into the hands of American soldiers. At the time, there were only women, children, and old people in the village, as all the young men had been mobilized for the war. Soon after landing, the Marines "mopped up" the entire village, but found no signs of Japanese forces. Taking advantage of the situation, they started "hunting for women" in broad daylight, and women who were hiding in the village or nearby air raid shelters were dragged out one after another.

According to interviews carried out by the New York Times and published by them in 2000, multiple elderly people from an Okinawan village confessed that after the United States had won the Battle of Okinawa, three armed marines kept coming to the village every week to force the villagers to gather all the local women, who were then carried off into the hills and raped. The article goes deeper into the matter and claims that the villagers' tale - true or not - is part of a 'dark, long-kept secret' the unraveling of which 'refocused attention on what historians say is one of the most widely ignored crimes of the war': "the widespread rape of Okinawan women by American servicemen."[24] Although Japanese reports of rape were largely ignored at the time, academic estimates have been that as many as 10,000 Okinawan women may have been raped.


Okinawa landing US soldiers were not Saints or Pure and Innocent as Snow White as you exaggerated or whitewashed as Abe editing history text books. There were some atrocities from US soldiers despite civilians have surrendered. They may be not animals as IAJ lied. There were many rapists of Okinawa girls. Overall US force were a bit kinder and gentler during wartime for their spreading propaganda for wining the heart of civilians. However they are out of control during the peace time. When Okinawa has been returned to Japan in 1972, there were many more atrocities committed by US force.

Okinawans have unpleasant memory. They have never appreciated US force presence. US force conquered the Okinawa physically. They will never win the heart and mind of Okinawa. Okinawa has survived before US was founded in 1776.

Go Home Abe and his beloved bases.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )


They have never apreciated US force presence. US force conquered the Okinawa physically. They will never win the heart and mind of Okinawa. Okinawa has survived before US was founded in 1776.

Okinawa deserves to be Free of foreign bases and even Independent from any foreign political influence.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

"Okinawa has survived before US was founded in 1776."

Not really. The Ryukyu Kingdom never survived, not after Japan invaded and conquered it, and turned into a province of Japan.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Japanese did not fall that low to bomb American cities with civilians.

They still did brutal things. Read a book titled, "the Rape of Nanjing" it's disgusting. Look at how they made okinawans commit suicide. Or ask yourself why Angelina Jollie's "Unbroken" was not released in japan. Truth hurts.

Japanese did not fall that low to bomb American cities with civilians. Japanese attacked US naval harbour.

Because after pearl, the tide of the war swiftly swung in favor of the US. . . . Thus, in defense mode, japan was extremely incapable of reaching an major US city on the west coast.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The way in wich this story was buried by the major Japanese media outlets yesterday is truly frightening. Either this is a prime example of self-censorship or the government is directly involved.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Japanese did not fall that low to bomb American cities with civilians.

Only just noticed this comment. It's pretty delusional.

Japan launched over nine thousand 風船爆弾 (balloon bombs) during the war. They were anti-personnel and incendiary bombs attached to hot air balloons which drifted from Japan to North America on the prevailing air currents. They were completely indiscriminate, obviously. In 1945, in Oregon, five kids and a pregnant woman were killed by one while on a picnic. That was the only "success" they achieved. Congratulations for that.

Otherwise, Japan bombed any enemy city her planes could reach. Just ask the Chinese. They didn't bomb America with aircraft because they couldn't. No other reason.

5 ( +6 / -1 )


The Ryukyu Kingdom never survived

Ryuku Kingdom well established from 14th century to late 19 century. Japan and China treated Okinawa as tribunal state. Japan started to annex that Chain Islands in late 19th century. Therefore you are wrong to say that they have never survived. It has been flourished before US was founded. Almost Five centuries has been survived for that proud civilization.

In the 14th century, small domains scattered on Okinawa Island were unified into three principalities: Hokuzan (北山?, Northern Mountain), Chūzan (中山?, Central Mountain) and Nanzan (南山?, Southern Mountain). This was known as the Three Kingdoms or Sanzan (三山, Three Mountains) period.[citation needed] Hokuzan, which constituted much of the northern half of the island, was the largest in terms of land area and militarily strength, but was economically the weakest of the three. Nanzan constituted the southern portion of the island. Chūzan lay in the center of the island, and was economically the strongest. Its political capital at Shuri, Nanzan was adjacent to the major port of Naha and Kume-mura, the center of traditional Chinese education. These sites, and Chūzan as a whole, would continue to form the center of the Ryukyu Kingdom until its abolition.

not after Japan invaded and conquered it

In the ancient time, Japan even did not have own written form and dialect. They had to adopt the Chinese language, culinary, Art and craft and civic rule. Ancient Ryuku Kingdom had own dialect, custom, tradition and identity while ancient Japanese were pirating, exploring and fishing in the sea.

Japanese imported many Okinawa art, music, literature and combat skills known as Karate. After Japanese conquest, Okinawa has been oppressed and bullied by Japan or US. Japan needs Okinawa for becoming decent civilization back then. It was not other way around.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Wc626, "the Rape of Nanjing" is a propaganda book written by a Chinese American, which is criticized of containing lots of lies.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@lucabrasi"Japan launched over nine thousand balloon bombs"

You know, to compare "balloon bombs" to massive air raids with fire bombings of civilians or to nuclear bombings of innocent people is way below delusional posts.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )


I wasn't comparing anything with anything. I was just countering the ridiculous notion that the Japanese were somehow too moral to bomb innocent civilians. They did everything they could with the limited resources available.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

@ Yamashi "This is not History but rather sci-fi. Besides, Japanese did not fall that low to bomb American cities with civilians. Japanese attacked US naval harbour." Ohh Yes they did. Cities like Nanking, Peking,Chungking were fed a daily deathly staples of bombs and a smogasbord of chemical and germ warfare in the countryside. The Japanese tried to bomb Western US with gyroscoped Balloon bombs and one found its mark killing a family. See how much you are being sheltered from the evil truth you should own?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

@Cogito Ergo Sum "Cities like Nanking,Peking, Changking"

Those cities are not located on US territory. No one would believe in American revenge such as fire bombings or nuclear bombings accomplished in Japan just to satisfy Chinese.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

"Japanese did not fall that low to bomb American cities with civilians."

At the outset of the war, they bombed downtown Singapore, without a shred of moralizing about it. They bombarded several other big cities, especially Chunking which went on for a few years, to banzai cheers at home.

The Japanese only started moralizing about civilian bombing later, when THEY became the victims of it.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

“People in Okinawa have long been asked to carry a big burden for our security,” he said. “We will continue to do our best to reduce it.”


Hope he will keep his words and get rid of US military bases in Okinawa ASAP

@Octagon: According to interviews carried out by the New York Times and published by them in 2000, multiple elderly people from an Okinawan village confessed that after the United States had won the Battle of Okinawa, three armed marines kept coming to the village every week to force the villagers to gather all the local women, who were then carried off into the hills and raped. The article goes deeper into the matter and claims that the villagers' tale - true or not - is part of a 'dark, long-kept secret' the unraveling of which 'refocused attention on what historians say is one of the most widely ignored crimes of the war': "the widespread rape of Okinawan women by American servicemen."[24] Although Japanese reports of rape were largely ignored at the time, academic estimates have been that as many as 10,000 Okinawan women may have been raped.


Same as Tokyo after GI came. In Japan's opinion magazines, I read that there were abandoned mixed babies (konketsuji) on Tokyo street corners. Tokyo was still shambles. And so Ms. Miki Sawata, the wife of former UN Ambassader and first daughter of baron Iwasaki who was owner of Mitsubishi demanded their ond of confisticated mansion and created orphanage facility to these abandoned mixed babies. Elizabeth Sander Home. Later when a graduate girl of facility was arrested for gatraffic violation, she went to visit but she could not see because Japanese law does not allow foster parents to visit detained people. The report went on the paper. She left a message Red Devils and Green Devils did not let me visit you but I came. The letter was smaggled to Ministry of Justice and he visited her, bent head on floor and apolobised to change law. The report stated wjhy foster parents now can visit their children. Our city had a air field but all city officials refused American base. But invited British force that promissed soldiers would not enter city.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )



Article 9 does not permit collective self defence - which is basically aiding an "ally" under attack. The Japanese constitution pretty much does not permit Japan to engage in acts of war. Now, there is no allowance in it made for the U.S. military presence - particularly in Okinawa - as such a presence implies "collective self defence" - illegal - as in any case Japan has its own SDF.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The idea of article 9 was neabt to defend Japan from Soviet attacking Japan. China is now wealthy and strong but at that time, China was not in consideration. To rationalize US bases in Japan and receive annual omoiyari payment, to protect Japan from China. talk was added. Some time ago, Hawaii was asked but Hawaii refused. So did Guam. Japan is stuck with US Bases and soldiers.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Doing you the courtesy of a reply. Like it or not the U.S. military presence in Japan - and on Okinawa especially - is in violation of article 9. In this instance Abe is following the lead of a master in bending the rules - Nobusuke Kishi

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Articke 9 did not exist when Kishi was appointed as Minister of Business and Technology during WW II. He bent ruile to make one political party lost all power. Sanzo Nosaaka's Japan Communist Party that was ready to make Japan as a communism country. As he was in Sugamo, he had nothing to do with Article 9 creation and he did not start war after he became PM.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Japanese did not fall that low to bomb American cities with civilians. Japanese attacked US naval harbour. pleease the IJA killed 100s thousands of civilians throughtout asia, not to mention treating POW like dogs letting them starve. the IJA was only outdone by Hitler in there war atrocities. so many japanese are f blind to what the IJA did instead prefering to look at themselves as the main victim of the the pacific war. stop being brainwashed by the J media and watch and read some factual documentaries on the Pacific war.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

@wtfjapan "the IJA killed 100s thousands of civilians throughout Asia"

Not in America. Japanese attacked US naval base and did not bomb US cities and towns. Americans killed thousands of Japanese civilians by fire bombings and nuclear bombings. Are you trying to justify crimes of US forces towards to Japanese civilians by pointing to earlier "victims of IJA across Asia"? Again, I will never buy this sort of twisted logic. It it the same as trying to justify US invasion to Iraq "because Saddam gassed Kurds". Let us be honest : your forces are more murderers than warriors. You are proving it almost everyday in many parts of the world. Instead of challenge relatively strong enemy your prefer to kill and abuse population in weak, small countries. The questions are : do Japan needs such an ally? Do Okinawa needs military bases with such "wonderful protectors" who prefer to drank, abuse and even rape locals instead of supporting good level of discipline and military training?

"stop being brainwashed by the J media and watch and read some factual documentaries on the Pacific war"

"J media" has nothind to do with it. You have no idea how many I found and read documentaries about World War II and other military conflicts all around the world where Americans were directly involved.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Japanese media write more freely than USA media which may get sued often. 500 pages each of Gendai. Chuo Koron. shincho etc and plenty weeklies in Japan.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


I sincerely hope they boot the US military out and get their independence.

@Patrick Kimura-Macke

Independence for Okinawa!


Okinawa deserves to be Free of foreign bases and even Independent from any foreign political influence.

And how long to do you all really expect that to last? We're sitting here watching China build entire islands to secure the South China Sea while the US counters with an "Asia Pivot" and rallies its allies with joint military exercises. Do you really think either major power will just sit by and NOT incorporate Okinawa into their strategic security plans?

Okinawa has only two options: exist in the US's sphere of influence or exist in China's. How many of you really prefer the latter? Any other course of action is a naive pipe dream.


Let us be honest : your forces are more murderers than warriors. You are proving it almost everyday in many parts >of the world. Instead of challenge relatively strong enemy your prefer to kill and abuse population in weak, small >countries.

I suppose we could take Japan and Germany's examples, picking fights with huge industrial economies with large populations. Tell me, how well did that work out for you?

Newsflash: no "warrior" goes into battle looking for a fair fight...that's a good way to quickly end up DEAD. Warfare is the controlled application of violence to achieve political objectives. It's not a sport. It's not a game. It's not meant for each party to have equal odds of success.


I hope Mr Abe will consider about US bases relocation, Maybe to Camp Pendleton area? It is near Huntington >Beach and also close to Disneyland.

California? Seriously?

Distance from Naha to Shanghai: 822km. Warship travel time @30knots: ~15 hours

Distance from San Diego to Shanghai: 10,602km. Warship travel time: ~8 days

Now what sort of high-level strategic decision maker would select an 8-day response time over a 15-hour response time? The desires of less than 1% of the Japanese population aren't even a blip on the radar of the men tasked with maintaining an integrated regional defense network trying to contain a country that is clearly on track to be the world's next superpower.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Article 9 did not exist when Kishi was appointed as Minister of Business and Technology during WW II. He bent ruile to make one political party lost all power. Sanzo Nosaaka's Japan Communist Party that was ready to make Japan as a communism country. As he was in Sugamo, he had nothing to do with Article 9 creation and he did not start war after he became PM.

Irrelevant - he violated it by pushing through the security treaty against public opposition. Similar to what his grandson is doing now

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@ Yamashi Those cities are not located on US territory. Indeed they are Not. Were they( Chinese ) cities infested by vermin that they don't count? If I were you, I'd be ashamed to even cite the bombing of Hawaii naval base, it is a confirmation of what a conniving,below- the-belt hitting no-code-of-honor "warriors" the Japanese are. Yamamoto Isoroku's stealthy creep of pearl habour that Dec 7, 1941 is nothing to be proud of at all !! Japan, like the Greek mythology's, King Sisyphus of Ephyria, has been cursed with carrying this immensely heavy boulder up a steep hill only for it to roll back and for him to begin again.Why ? Punishment for chronic deceitfulness. Like President Reagan who once asked the East Germans to " Tear Down this wall ", people of conscion are asking Japan to do the same to their walls of lies and fully own up to its EVIL past.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

No argument there

0 ( +1 / -1 )


@toshiko I hope Mr Abe will consider about US bases relocation, Maybe to Camp Pendleton area? It is near Huntington Beach and also close to Disneyland. California? Seriously? Distance from Naha to Shanghai: 822km. Warship travel time @30knots: ~15 hours Distance from San Diego to Shanghai: 10,602km. Warship travel time: ~8 days


California is in USA ..... Okinawa is not in USA

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Shouts of “Go home!”

Is what a heckler said to Abe as he stood the podium. Obama should school him on how to deal with hecklers.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Obama is not a historical revisionist, or the grandson of a war criminal. A bit of a difference there. In this case, the heckling was well deserved

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Japan fell in historical trap.

Sad but truth. A lot of old political problems.

With China Korea Russia, American bases and so on....

Japanese economical wonder has gone...

Dead end...

What exactly Japanese politicians have done in last 25 years??

Groundhog day..again and again

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Are you trying to justify crimes of US forces towards to Japanese civilians no Im just pointing out that the IJA were just as guilty at killing innocent civilians, even the mistreatment of POW which is also against the rules of war. let not forget all the crap that happened in the pacific war could have been avoided if Japan just minded there own business and didnt bomb pearl harbour, America was trying hard to stay out of the European side of the war, it was Japan that dragged America into the war. It was Hitler and the IJA that are the original war mongers

4 ( +4 / -0 )

That was so staged....

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Not really

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@True Okinawa. That was NOT so staged. The Japanese are wonderful blame- shifters and sympathy seekers. Everytime they get hit from doing something stupid,it's always somebody else's mistake, when they're successful? It's that they are a " unique " and " Superior" people.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

One of my senior aged students explained to me that the people who heckled Mr Abe must have been anti Abe activists who came from other parts of Japan. I had asked the group if they had heard about the heckling which they hadn't: it wasn't mentioned in the reports they saw.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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