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© 2013 AFPAbe pledges to resolve island dispute with Russia
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Sends mixed signals, if Abe give the Northern Islands to Russia, he can give Senkaku to China. But if he does the former without doing to later then he's proving the pick on China policy which all along has palyed part in Japanese politics. Evidently on the invasion of China in WWII. Abe is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Elbuda Mexicano
Japan is not in any position to demand those 4 little islands back from Russia, why?? Well sure is BIG and they are not afraid to use violence, like shooting Japanese fishermen who get to close to their waters etc..and now with problems with China, South Korea, Taiwan etc..kind of not the best time to start another INTERNATIONAL spat, IMHO.
wtf Abe thinks he is superman??
Cortes Elijah
sigh Someone here want to be PM? I am sure you could do a better job...because your mind would be for the people not for the money in your life time.
“There is no change in my resolve to do everything I can toward sealing a peace treaty with Russia after resolving the issue of the Northern Territories,”
He therefore contradicts himself -- if he truly wanted a mutually beneficial agreement he would start by not calling the islands strictly by their Japanese name. In any case, that's a mighty lofty pledge, and given the backlash when a former politician said, as a JOKE, he would consider given Russia half of one of the islands, there's no way Abe's going to agree to any we get half you get half deal Russia might (once again) put on the table. Until Japan IS willing to even talk about such an offer, they are Russian islands 100% -- lived on and administered, just like Senkaku is administed (not lived on) by Japan (and their biggest justification of ownership).
And you notice it's the usual "I vow to do this!" but also as usual never accompanied by an explanation as to how.
Only bc he needs an ally when China come invading.
Another hamfisted&猫パンチapproach to grabbing back islands. Don't mess with the Russians Abe!
Abe why don't you stick to one particular trouble spot at a time? Save your future bellyache for later.
Abe, the Russians are not China, that is one country the US is not going to play with, ask the Georgians.
The Russians kill a Japanese fishermen and no did or said anything, I wonder why?
The problem with islands must be solved calmly and Peace Treaty must be signed.
Maybe he has a plan. Showing off actual negotiations with Russia could possibly convince the Chinese to accept negotiations as well. Well Im not holding my breath...
Guillaume Varès
I don't have an opinion on this issue, but I don't imagine a minute the local Russian population accepting to fall under Japanese jurisdiction even if an agreement was signed between both governments.
The_True, that's because Russia is not dependent on the U.S. Consumer Market and U.S. is not dependent on Russia's financial support. Between China and U.S., they are too inter-connected to risk anything remotely substantial. That's why I've kept on saying the U.S. won't get involve with anything going on between China and Japan. Its a lose-lose situation for U.S. Piss of Japan, U.S. lose an important ally. Piss of China, U.S. lose its biggest export and import market as well as its biggest banker.
Russia is a totally different kind of bully. They really do shoot first against a weaker opponent. I think Abe has a better chance to make peace with China than confronting Russia. It should be obvious to everyone that Russia will never concede those islands to Japan. Not for an outrageously unreasonable demand that Japan can't stomach.
I think Abe should focus on one thing at a time.
You don't want to make an enemy out of both China and Russia. That's suicidal.
do not expect
Quite a talent for getting two angry neighbours riled up at once. BBC is reporting that Russian jets were over Japan airspace just now.
Abe is not looking for a military confrontation with Russia, he is sending Mori as his special emissary to negotiate the return of the islands in exchange of finacial and technological assistance within the far east. Japan will also be the largest stable customer which will pay premium for the natural resources that will be exploited from the area.
Maybe I am just a pessimist but I dont see much movement happening on this issue!
Putin is not dumb. He knows that a peace agreement with Japan will be good for russia too. The United States is already producing cheap shale gas, it's convenient for russia to have a stable buyer such as japan.
Considering the intrusion from Russia I think most signs point to a permanent vacation for article 9. Even though this kind of intrusion is commonplace all over the world it certainly did show up in the right hour. What else could Abe hope for in order to change the constitution? The self-defence forces will soon be history. Now how big was the youth unemployment number?
Loving the intellectually lazy comparisons to the Senkakus.
The Northeast Territories were inhabited at the time of occupation. The townspeople and landowners from the islands are still alive, and Russia allows them to make periodic visits to tend to family graves and the like on the islands.
Japan has also never been silent or acquiescent on its claim to the islands like China was for 100 years. Japan has never conceded sovereignty of the Senkakus, unlike Breshnev who proposed returning two of the islands. Russia and Japan have never signed a peace treaty specifically because of this issue - Japan and China happily founded diplomatic relations with the issue set aside in 1972.
The last time the Senkakus was inhabited was when it was used as a mackerel processing center during the war. There are no Senkaku refugees or landless from this dispute - there is a whole town of islanders in Nemuro waiting to return to their property that Stalin took before putting them into gulags for up to 20 years after the war.
Oh yeah, but these are all exactly the same, I forgot...
OK let me get this straight. Japan now wants to get in a fight with Russia? You know what I think? It's crazy of Japan to try to chew off more than they can bite at once. This is simply greed and unacceptable nationalism. Japan has to accept that they started the Pacific war with unprovoked aggression, so therefore it is fair punishment to lose the territories that they feel it is their's. Japan is even lucky to escape the aftermath of the war, largely unpunished and their government responsible for the war, left largely intact. You started the war, and you lost the war, so you have to pay for your crimes of aggression against sovereign countries. It's quite simple really.
Sentiments, I fail to see how getting rid of the Article 9 would help in the case of Russia. Is Japan going to make war on Russia now? lol.
"mutually acceptable solution"
Abe: You won the islands fair and square when we were helpless in August 1945. We give up all claims to them. Please accept our apologies for causing trouble all these years.
Putin: Apologies accepted.
The Senkakus belong to Japan because Japan administers them. If that is true, then the Northern Isles belong to Russia because Russia administers them. If Japan has a valid claim to the Northern Isles, then China and Taiwan have a valid claim to the Senkakus.
Maybe Russia likes Ishihara because his efforts and logic seem to validate their claim.
This is exactly what I said Abe should do several weeks ago on this site. Settle things once and for all with the Russians.
Unlike the communists in China, the Russians are/have been a legit military/world power for decades. They know very well that you win some and you lose some and that history is a long book not yet finished. They are also not into humiliating their neighbors for no good reason. I believe the Russians will be open to a compromise solution that will benefit both parties. Even if Japan has to concede a little more than they had hoped, it is worth it to make a deal here because doing so takes a lot of wind out of communist's sails and sets Japan up as the party with a proven track record of negotiating peacefully with her neighbors to resolve disputes. It will serve to make chinese shenanigans look all the more deplorable.
By being pro-active here Mr Abe is showing real leadership and political savvy .... things his detractors on this board never gave him any credit for possessing. Too busy talking about "tummy wobbles" I guess.
Ha! Of course they're conciliatory. Russia holds those islands and therefore has the upper hand. And I think he knows that Russia will not be a soft touch, compared to China or South Korea should anything happen. You know, whenever I hear what these Japanese right-wing politicians say, the words kettle, pot, shoe, other, foot, cake, have and eat all spring to mind.
If Japan is administering some islands, there's no dispute. But should another country be holding them, oh, the violins are out, and there's a dispute. Russia has offered two of the islands. Take it or leave it. I just don't see Japan offering anything. They even screwed up any plans to share gas exploration and drilling with China.
According to latest reports, Russian naval forces are doing military games in Sea of Japan right now. There were routine patrol flights of Russian Naval aviation but no violations of Japanese airspace took place.
Maybe read the article next time before dashing in with your comments chucky. Let me help you with a summary.
Abe talks with Putin. Abe expresses desire for long overdue peace treaty. Abe further states his wish to come to a final and binding agreement on territories under some cloud of dispute. Abe's comments are characterized as "conciliatory". chucky comes on JT and calls Abe a greedy nationalist who is trying to start a war.
I mean its just ridiculous. I think chucky is worried that Mr Abe and Mr Putin might strike a deal that would see a peaceful "mutually beneficial" solution reached and all of those Japanese factories that are propping up the communist's economy move right over to Russia. That, and all the stuff I posted above about communist china looking even more like the "greedy, uncompromising nationalists" they are in the eyes of the world.
Make no mistake, a Japan/Russia deal is the worst nightmare for the Chinese. Can't wait to see it happen.
Chucky I may have left to much interpretative space in the sentence. The logic has a different direction. The political games/conflicts with China, South Korea and Russia is playing to Abes advantage. Abe is happy to collect more and more reasons to be able to change the constitution. Every dispute and intrusion will create more political support for (t)his agenda and likely advance his image as a strong leader. Thus in a near future article 9 will be dismantled and so will the SDF. It does not mean that Abe wants war but Ill put my money on a rapid change to expansion of military power. I do not agree with your argument that once upon a time you did this - now suffer the consequences. Holding a grudge is easy - developing to a higher ground is tougher but definitely necessary. Abe, as most political leaders of the world, has to deal with domestic demands over lost land. I think what he is actually saying in the article above is that he understands and confirms his voters anguish over lost land. He will do something but no one knows were it will lead. Maybe he can get the smallest Island back if he supports some serious trade agreements with Russia, maybe not. From a political perspective he has done something and that goes a long way.
This islands may be given back to Japan if Russia will be permitted to set up or keep military bases if they needed is some point of the island.
CNN reports that Russian fighters entered Japanese airspace for less than a minute. Odd that it's not mentioned at all in this article. A commenter speculated it might be Russia trying to ingratiate itself with China. The last thing Japan needs is a united China/Russia against it, with South Korea and Taiwan who also disputes Japanese claim to territory the closest powers next to them.
Exactly! That would be a best solution ever. And mind you , China without factories of japanese consumer goods and automotive plants will sing another songs ! I'd like to see it too!
Look into the history and geopolitics, Russia and Japan will never become friend. Japan Empire and Russia Empire is not friend, they fought each other in 1904-1905. In most time of WWII, USSR and Japan Empire are friends; there is a peace treaty between Japan and Russia. But in the end Russia takes south Sakhalin. Then Putin said: Russia is big, but no one inch is redundant. No matter who rules Russia, emperor, communist chairman, or president; they are just not friend of Japan.
Tom Thompson
to the north, fighting with Russia to the west, fighting with Korea to the south, fighting with China to the east, well, Hawaii, already laid claim to Waikiki Beach! Germany never thought of this
There were minor violations of Japanese airspace earlier because islands of south Kurils are situated very close to Hokkaido. So, flying along borderline, Russian patrol jets penetrated into Japanese airspace for a very short time. Of course, Air Forces of Japan used to scramble fighters-interceptors. But those violations of japanese airspace by Russian patrol jets had nothing comparable to current chinese bravado nearby Senkaku islands. At least, no one from Russian jets shouted via radio to japanese pilots that " South Kurils are Russian soil!" or something like that.
BBC also reporting of the incursion.
Huh, this is a very primitive historical viewpoint. In 1905 Japan completely defeated Russa and seized South Sakhalin (Karafuto) and Kuril islands. Prior to 1945, Imperial Kwantung Army tried to seize parts of Soviet territory. As results, there were clashes between Soviets and Japanese armed forces nearby Khasan and Khalhin-Gol. Soviets fought back. During Yalta conference, Stalin promised to american and british leaders to help in a war against Japan "within 40 days after capitulation of NAZIs". Stalin ordered to attack Imperial Kwantung Army in Manchuria. So, Soviets liberated China ( those ungrateful chinese!) and regained Sakhalin and Kuril islands. But Soviets fought japanese armed forces, not japanese people. Soviets never bombed civilian population of Japan like Americans did. Nowadays average Russian and Japanese people are good neighbours. Do not put political affairs into relations between people!
China's behavior towards Japan, PI, Vietnam,etc has caused alarm to everyone, including India, Australia and Singapore. Russia has a little publicized problem with China along it's borders and is just as wary of China's expansionist mentality. In today's atmosphere, the likelihood of a Peace Treaty being drawn up between Russia and Japan is probably higher than ever before.
Alex Roncelli
How can Abe end dispute with China and appear strong enough to negotiate with mother Russia? One thing at a time, he needs to watch what he says, as no one can (not even his advisors) predict the future of these tensions. Bad negotiating with China will leave Russia laughing.
I think Abe is trying to point out to the Chinese that the Russians and Japanese have agreed to disagree and will negotiate rather than provoke. That's the only similarity in the two situations. As far as the US not supporting Japan, the next article has Panetta chiding China for it's behaviour. Which is the right thing to do. China can't be allowed to think that they can force territorial concessions from the neighbors. The "nine dashed line" is meaningless.
Two BBC articles of interest here: Russian jet incursion into Japanese airspace, and Russia to deploy more weapons to the Kurils. Jets were scrambled in the first case: F2s vs Su-27s. In the second case Medvedev didn't specify which islands or what weapons. Now if the Norks set off another nuke test, you get Japan sweating over three flashing red lights on three sides... not a fun time to be PM.
hidingoutFeb. 07, 2013 - 11:28PM JST
Maybe do a bit background reading, before jumping in with your silly comments.
Japan has never changed it's negotiating position since 1956 concerning the Southern Kuriles. Japan's position is and has been since then, 'Let's negotiate you (Russia) giving us back all 4 islands.'
The japanese suck big time at negotiating because their narrative on any issue is the only narrative and that might work OK within Japan, but fails dreadfully diplomatically.
There will be no peace treaty with Russia because since Hatoyama snr Japan has put itself in a corner of all 4 islands or nothing and Abe's position will be no different.
Russia should give the islands to Japan.
That is why it is usually smarter to negotiate in parallel with several opponents, unlike to what people suggest in this thread. Doing that, the outcome of each line of negotiations has less influence on the others.
Abe is doing everything right so far. However, if he wants things to move on, he not only has to be ready to give up two of the four islands, but also explain to the Japanese populace that this solution is for them, that it is profitable for Japan from all sides; that unlike all the other conflicts, Russia is "offering" and not threatening to occupy more; that Japan and Russia both committed acts of military aggression towards each other in history, non of which involved genocide or other grave atrocities of war, and thus, it is very much possible to draw a thick red line underneath and become friends.
If Abe is not ready for "mutual" benefits, he will fail.
No. IHateReek is correct. The Kuril islands (the entire nearly dozen or so islands minus the four Northern territories islands) were already part of Japan pursuant to Treaty of St. Petersburg in 1875. What Japan gained as a result of their win over Russia in the Japan-Russo war was South Sakhalin. Therefore, if one were to argue which territories were taken "by force or greed", it should be South Sakhalin, only. Therefore, the mere fact that Japan is not asking for the entire Kuril islands chain is in of itself a compromise, IMO.
Abe, I love you, you makes me laugh.
Did you notice several S-27 hovering around?
You just have to treat japan the Russian way: shoot before think.
Then all Japanese would bow and nod and say: well, Russian has been a world power and they know how to handle us.
Thanks Dog. I've done all the background reading I need. I also have extensive experience dealing with Russians in business. They can be hard-headed negotiators, but I have never known them to cut off their nose to spite their face ... unlike say the communist chinese. Furthermore, the Russians can be taken at their word.
Your comments are about as useful as those of IHateReek above you. Since things have always been one way, I guess they will never change. Given that "wisdom" we should be able to accurately predict all future events before they ever happen.
The Japanese and Russians are in a position to make a deal over these islands that will result in increased trade and cooperation to the benefit of both nations. I believe Mr Abe and Mr Putin might just be the men to see it accomplished. Your fear that this might occur is duly noted.
hidingout: "By being pro-active here Mr Abe is showing real leadership and political savvy .... things his detractors on this board never gave him any credit for possessing. Too busy talking about "tummy wobbles" I guess."
You seem to miss the point, as usual, hidingout: Abe may as well have said he's going to make the economy better by the next election, given that he has never said HOW he will do anything. How is he going to settle this issue? The Japanese people will accept NOTHING less than all four islands back, and there is no way in hell Russia is going to do that regardless of what they put on the plate. And again, Abe has never said how he's going to pull off this miracle no one before him has done.
So while you praise him and get ready to prostrate yourself for him as though he's already achieved what he's pledged, do tell us how he's going to do it and what Japan will get.
nigelboy: Spoils of war, bottom line.
I guess you try to sneak one in there.
Nope. I'd call it pure "looting during house fire". It's no wonder Japan has never been that willing to draft a peace treaty unless conditions are met.
Well leave it to communist sympathizers to enlighten me.
The economy is already demonstrably better in a few short months of Abe's leadership. The former "leadership" of Japan gave no thought to the economy whatsoever in their earnest (but fumbling and theoretically flawed) attempts to take Japan down the path of social welfare - and of course we all know how well that's worked out for our home countries don't we Smith?
I assume that those details are to be worked out in consultation with Russian counterparts. Is he to lay out the whole framework beforehand for you Smith? Get real please.
Doubtful. I suppose the far right will be dismayed if Abe has to negotiate away some territory here, but they can learn to live with it or go suck an egg. Most of the people in japan probably care more about having a stable relationship with a giant neighbor (one who isn't causing them trouble every five minutes and demanding apologies and compensation every other month) than they do about the terms of a compromise.
So now you are speaking for the Russians as well as the Japanese? Maybe we should just send you to negotiate the whole thing. You could probably wrap it up before lunch and have a detailed step by step briefing ready for the press before tea.
Once again, he's not obligated to spell it out for you.
Laughable. I know what I'd offer, but this is hardly the place for that discussion. Might be a little over your head anyway. Keep talking about the tummy wobbles and leave the negotiating to those who know what they are doing.
Tokdo, Senkeu, Kurils… huge appetite… lol Russia never gives islands to Japan. Try to compare. Who claims Islands back? A small group of former residents not more then 1500 persons and some crazy nationalists who are ready to strike with everybody. The Russian population on the islands is over 20000. What do they have to do with em???
As well as Hokkaido is poor and uninhabited part of Japan...
Why Tokyo will never get the Northern Territories?
The "Northern Territories Day" has been celebrated in Japan since January 6, 1981. Despite the relatively short history of the holiday for the last 30 years the idea to reclaim the islands had grown strongly in the minds of many Japanese people, and even became a "political" tradition. "Returning of the Northern Territories" is a serious prerequisite of any election program, regardless of the political orientation of the candidate.
But during an international conference on the disputed territories in the Asia-Pacific region held in Vladivostok prior to the APEC summit 2012 a group of Russian and foreign researchers came to a sensational conclusion that Japan would never be able to get the "Northern Territories". This conclusion is based on a detailed study of a set of international law documents on the world reorganization after World War II. Exactly those political and legal decisions and agreements signed at the end of the hostilities and postwar period are the fundamental documents for the border line consideration between Russia and Japan. However, in the territorial claims Tokyo continues referring to the "Treaty of Shimoda" signed in the mid-19th century which force is repeatedly reversed by the later documents.
Further distribution and consolidation of the territories seized from Japan was in accordance with the terms of the Peace Treaty between Japan and the coalition of 48 countries-winners signed on September 8, 1951 in San Francisco. According to clause "C" of Article 2 of the Treaty "Japan renounced all rights, legal foundations and claims to the Kuril Islands, and to that portion of Sakhalin and adjacent islands, the sovereignty over which Japan acquired by the Treaty of Portsmouth of September 5, 1905."
The jurisdiction of the USSR over the Kuriles and Sakhalin detailed in the Article 8 of the Treaty, in which Japan "recognized the legitimacy of all treaties signed by the Allied Powers ... to end the state of war, or any other agreements of the Allied Powers made to restore peace." Thus, by signing the Article 8 of the Treaty, Japan tacitly agreed with the decisions of the Yalta and Potsdam conferences, which assigned Sakhalin and Kuril Islands to the USSR.
However, today from the point of view of the modern Japanese such "not fully defined" legal status of the Kuril Islands does not satisfy the current Japanese government that seeks to score the political mileage by returning the territories.
Let’s assume that the government of Japan reaches an agreement with Moscow, whose main condition for the islands transfer would certainly be the American troops withdrawal from the territory of Japan, but not a peace treaty, as Tokyo wants. However, as per the reasoned opinion of the reputed expert on territorial disputes B.I.Tkachenko, with Russian attempt to transfer the islands to the possession of Japan the Article 2 of the San Francisco Treaty comes to effect, according to which no part of the Kuril Islands can belong to Japan, as it refused "all rights, titles and claims" to them for the time of indefinite term treaty.
Then, who may the Kuril Islands be transferred to? The answer is in the Article 26 of the Treaty, according to which "if Japan would negotiate a peaceful settlement or war claims settlement with any State ... the same benefits would be extended to the parties hereto." In this situation the islands transfer to Japan, legally waived the rights to them permanently, the islands shall automatically be placed under the joint jurisdiction of the 48 signatories to the Treaty. It is noteworthy that neither Russia (as we know, the Soviet Union did not sign the Treaty), nor Japan, which forever renounced the rights to the islands are among of them. The Article 22 of the Treaty also contains a similar provision, according to which all disputes relating to the implementation of this Treaty shall be settled by the International Court with the representatives of those 48 states.
Based on the foregoing, we can make several conclusions. For the indefinite term of the San Francisco Peace Treaty Japan renounced all Kuril Islands. The islands transfer to Japan will lead to the fact that the international control of the Treaty signatories will be established over the islands. Japan government attempts to resolve the territorial claims in the short term could lead to the fact that both countries (Russia and Japan) would lose the subject of a dispute forever because it would be placed under international jurisdiction. The way to resolve the current situation does not exist because the San Francisco Peace Treaty is an international indefinite term act in force.
Thus, at this stage, maintaining the status quo in the territorial dispute between Japan and Russia is in line with the national interest of both Russia and Japan. However, nothing impedes both countries to develop together the economy and infrastructure of the four islands, which finally will not be considered as the "apple of discord" and become one more link in the Russian-Japanese relations.
The Northern Islands belong to Japan.
Putin, a chief of former KGB has demanded 350 Russian politicians for free Japan trips and Japan agreed to accomodate his request. What kind of leader is he? Sick.
ne-tigerFeb. 08, 2013 - 06:23AM JST
Yes, Russian military cannot think. I still remember very well that Russia shut down Korean Airlines from LAX to Japan killing over 300 passengers for no reason. The world shed tears for victims and Russian's stupidity.
hidingoutFeb. 08, 2013 - 12:53PM JST
You don't seem to know or understand Japan very well. Abe has been PM less than 3 weeks.
globalwatcher, do you know that VISA to Japan is free for ALL Russian citizens for decades. All Russians can travel to Japan without paying anything, VISA or not. Or do you mean that he made Japanese to pay tickets and accommodation for 350 Russian politicians? If so, my respect. Maybe there is something to learn from him? How to make miracles. Don't you think?
Slavik Ignashev
Dear friends i reaaly can not understand what do they want to reach by leading this tallks... Great history says that Russia has legal rules on Kurills: "According to the results of Krimea's (Yalta's) Conference and Warld War II by the Heads of the Three Great Empires - United States Of America, Great Britain and Union Of Soviet Socialistic Republics - southern islands of Kuril String were handed to Soviet Union. In September of 1951 Japan government really signed and then ratified San-Francisco Peace Treaty, where Japan government receded from any rights, claims and legal foundation on Kuril Islands and the part of Sakhalin Island with nearby islands sovereignty of which was got according to the Portsmouth Treaty on the 5th of September in 1905" How can we discuss ways of solving this as called "problem" if it was do many tens of years ago...???? somebody can e[plain me????
Of course, Slavik. Both of the documents you mention (the Yalta document and the SF Treaty document) do not define Russian ownership over the four disputed islands. The Yalta document may or may not include the small isles and the SF Treaty was completely ignored by the Soviet Union, and thus, in no way attributes the isles to Russia.
You can forget about the SF Treaty entirely, as Soviet Union was not a part of it. You do not own what others surrender to the others.
The Yalta agreements are a matter of interpretation, which is exactly the matter of discussion here and elsewhere.
Please, do some home work before posting :-) KAL 007 departed from NYC, not LAX. The plane was refueled in Anchorage and set a wrong flight route after that, far away from standard flight route R20, deeply penetrating inside Soviet airspace. It was a SIGINT spy flight , targeted to gain and record classified parameters of Soviet Anti-Aircraft radars , working on so-called combat mode. That's why that flight KAL 007 was carefully monitored by Ferret-D SIGINT satellite and RC-135 SIGINT jet. If you are enough stupid or blind to believe American propaganda printed in tabloids and showed in TV news about "innocent civil flight and poor victims", you should know about existance of military specialists in other countries, who can collect various information and analyze it.
Slavik Ignashev
Konsta, in that way you wanna to say that Japan really has a base to claim these islands?????
Yes. However, currently Japan has no more basis than Russia, which creates all the historical speculations ond other nonsense. Thus, it is most profitable for both countries to pragmatically divide the problematic territories and jointly develop them.
Garry Gudini
Konsta, defenetly good idea))))) but acording to mentality of japans... Think that offer of joinly develop is just a trick to firstly just get any access to the island and than, after some decades they will got all islands, won't they?????)))))
Garry, I think that the risk is worth the risk. Taking into consideration many factors developing in Asia.
Slavik Ignashev
Garry Gudini, of course trick!!!! I know that asians at first they laugh and then beat you!!!! so that they will never get islands... and I hope that government of Russia understands the trick...
and Konsta, if I were Japanese I will not ever try Russians in such games....
Readers, KAL 007 is not relevant to this discussion.
What Article 8 of the Treaty of Peace states is "Japan will recognize the full force of all treaties now or hereafter concluded by the Allied Powers" hence the said article itself does not refer to the prior agreements.
Furthermore, "Treaty of Shimoda" in 1855 delinates the borders of the Kurile island chain where upon it was decided, the Northern territories were under effective control of the Sendai Han and the group of islands were called "Chishimakuni". This agreement is vital in that U.S. determination of the so-called "Kurile islands" are "The U.S. position on the Northern Territories was officially expressed in San-Francisco by John Foster Dulles who basing on research made by State Department experts, made a statement according to which the islands of Kunashiri, Etorofu, Shikotan and Habomai group “were never historically or geographically considered part of the Kurile islands and therefore Russia had no right to occupy them even under the so-called Yalta agreement”-John Foster Dulles Papers 1985.
In recent days Japanese government progressively brings up question of the South Kuril Islands Etorofu, Kunashiri, Shikotan and Habomai, which are under Russian administration. Tokyo believes that it is Japanese territory and demands returning the islands according to Japan-Russia Trade and Friendship Treaty of 1855, which fixed the border between Uruppu and Etorofu Island. In addition, Japan made the signing of a peace treaty depending from territorial question. According to Moscow, following the results of World War II, Russia inherited possession of the islands from the former Soviet Union, as its successor state, in accordance with international law. And its sovereignty is non-disputed.
Public-opinion poll among the population of Japan shows that only few respondents support the government’s approach to negotiations with Russia. At the same time, most Japanese people expressed their dissatisfaction with the Tokyo position on the South Kuriles issue. It shows that it is necessary for Japan to change its policy, concerning territorial question. Moreover, the former inhabitants of the Kuril Islands, which had big political influence, are being replaced by pragmatic younger generation. And for them the most important question is economy. Russia offers Japan participation in joint program on development of the Kurile Islands. However, in case of refusal, Moscow will invite investors from other countries (the USA, China, Singapore, Malaysia, etc.). Delegation of parliamentarians from the South Korea has also visited the Kuriles. It caused protests from Japan side. Tokyo believes that actions like that may give legality to Russian sovereignty over the islands, which Japan laid claim to. However, young Japanese are afraid of being late to participate in the Russian programs.
Russia is ready for dialog with Tokyo on this problem, in case Japan will recognize the results of World War II. However, according to Russian Foreign Minister S. Lavrov, “when radical approaches are followed by the government, talking on this issue is senseless.”
nigelboyFeb. 09, 2013 - 12:13AM JST
Normally I ignore your posts, but with this one I couldn't help commenting.
Sourcing John Foster Dulles is really hitting the bottom since JFD was probably the main instigator of the Northern Territories problem.
In 1956 when Ichiro Hatoyama was about to come to an agreement with the USSR on the 4 southern Kurile islands, a '2 for 2' agreement, JFD, horrified by the idea of a USSR-Japan reproachment, threatened Hatoyama that any agreement with the USSR on the 4 islands might negatively affect the USA's possible return of Okinawa to Japan.
Slavik Ignashev
Dog,in that way you want to say that the main invastigator of whole problem is JFD, aren't you????