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© KYODOAbe pushes for serious debate on constitution as Diet session begins
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Chip Star
Good. Put the amendment to the people so we can see Japan's true colors.
I don't think Abe knows what the meaning of 'top priority' means.
get to work.
Alfie Noakes
LDP mouthpiece Kyodo desperate to distract population from the tax increase, Abe's diplomatic failure and the TEPCO horrorshow in Chiba.
Abe keeps using the word 'diversity'.
That photo doesn't look very diverse to me.
Great news. I hope Japan can get it's army back. China has basically became 1930s Japan. They need to be put back in their place.
Great news, this has been long coming and now its here! Lets get this done and return Japan to the state where it can rightly and respectfully defend its self!
A constitution for Japan by Japan, not one forced on it by an occupying state!
Chip Star
China is nothing like 1930s Japan because it's not invading its neighbors and raping and pillaging them.
@joy - well do prepare to be disappointed..
Mike James
@joyridingonthetitanic "... Lets get this done and return Japan to the state where it can rightly and respectfully defend its self! A constitution for Japan by Japan, not one forced on it by an occupying state!"
Sorry, but Japan tried "defending itself" once and just about destroyed Asia. So the occupying state came, saved the people, put in a constitution which is better but not perfect, and Japan is now enjoying an unprecedented era of relative peace and economic growth that is still the envy of Asia. Ask anyone old enough to remember the war and the aftermath, and they will profess an unwavering support for being liberated from a Japan that can "defend itself."
Considering Japan's track record of recent dealings with China, Korea, and Japan (bth provoked and unprovoked), Abe's smile while riding in the attack aircraft #731, and the abysmal response of the public to his efforts to revive grandpa's legacy, its not quite time yet.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe urged lawmakers to engage in serious debate about constitutional reform, zeroing in on his cherished yet contentious goal during Friday's opening of an extraordinary Diet session.
Guess Abe and the rest of his cohorts didn't read about the Japan military pilot ASDF in Misawa AB that disobeyed the control towers to hold take off while the right of way civilian aircraft operated by JAL, and almost caused an airline crash. Seems the military is anxious to rule like Imperial Japan of which is why there is a constitution in place to be managed by the civilian sector but slowly changing under Abe.
Chip Star
It all ready can under the current constitution. Not to mention that Japan has one of the world's most well funded militaries.
Uh . . . You clearly don't understand that Shin-chan doesn't want to completely re-write the constitution.
Japan was given an opportunity to write its own constitution during the occupation but refused to make any substantive changes, so GHQ wrote it for Japan.
The current constitution has worked for over 70 years and gave Japan freedoms it never had, and would not have had otherwise. This led to Japan being able to quickly rise from the ashes of its war of aggression to become the number two economy in the world.
Ironic that it took two atomic bombs and an occupation to bring democracy to Japan.
You are right.
Today's china is WORSE than 1930s Japan.
It HAS invaded it's neighbors (Tibet) AND has raped, pillaged, tortured, and harvested the organs of thousands of Tibetans, Urghur Muslims and Fulongong members. The PLA thinks nothing of shooting Tibetan nuns as well as raping and torturing them.
In other words, now the tax on consumption has been raised to 10% means there is more money to spend on armaments!
Nobody wants a change in the Japanese Constitution!
A simple referendum would show that......
Like the S. Korean supporters like to say: Follow Germany example Japan.
Germany started 2 World Wars and they have a normal military again. Follow Germany example.
If you believe what you are selling than become a pacifist country just like Japan! No? Only Japan? We call that Hypocracy.
Japan is not a pacifist nation. It is a nation with war in its blood. The world is terrified of China right now and too gutless to ask them nicely to take a step back. Why not ask Japan, a nation that has humiliated China for 400 years to pull on the gloves? Ask a nation like Japan that hasn't been broken by PC weakness to push China in the back. Japan will look them right in the eye.
Britain is gutless.
" Put the amendment to the people so we can see Japan's true colors."
Yes, a free and democratic people exercising their rights to vote and have a say in their law.
Ganbare Japan!
Great news. The tiny and pathetic "opposition parties" will not be able to lay a fist on PM Abe, the streetfighter from Yamaguchi. Its very clear that Japan needs her OWN Constitution and ability to defend herself and her allies, particularly the USA. We are living in the most dangerous time to be in Japan in 75 years, with at least 4 neighboring nations threatening Japans very existance.
Change that awful Constitution, PM Abe!!
Bruce Chatwin
Hey Abe! How about focusing on the steadily declining conditions of workers in Japan instead of distracting us with constitutional reform.
Wish Abe govt the best.
Kim Jong Unfollow
The current Japanese Constitution was written by the US, a foreign invader and occupier, and was forced on the Japanese people without their consent. Japan government should delete it and write a Constitution that has the Japanese people inputs and consent.
The men in blue flannel suits
Japan has the ability to defend itself. Article 9 prevents only attacking. It's really great and kept the nippon kaigi at bay forever
Henny Penny
It is in fact required by the Constitution that amendments be put to the people.
ARTICLE 96. (1) Amendments to this Constitution shall be initiated by the Diet, through a concurring vote of two-thirds or more of all the members of each House and shall thereupon be submitted to the people for ratification, which shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of all votes cast thereon, at a special referendum or at such election as the Diet shall specify.
(2) Amendments when so ratified shall immediately be promulgated by the Emperor in the name of the people, as an integral part of this Constitution.
Maybe you believe that people do not have the guts to own their decisions?
The majority of people in the UK want to be free of unelected officials making decisions that cannot be countered at the ballot box.
That is what the Brexit referendum told us...
I seriously don’t think anyone is going to invade Japan unless Japan provokes. A change in the constitution only means preemptive offense. This is open to miscalculation. Islands claimed by other countries are not worth having an offense military for. It will never be seen as the Japanese would like it to be seen. Why can’t Japan be satisfied being a neutral nation like Switzerland or some of the Scandinavian lands? This can only end bad for Japan.