Japan Today

Abe says he is ready to be more assertive against China


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Good on you, Abe. The USA backs you 100%.

-7 ( +22 / -29 )

You must be in power to be assertive.. you won't be by this time next year.

-13 ( +9 / -22 )

Abe talks with a sword in one hand and a candy in the other hand.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

"“We will undertake decisive action to strike back, with every consequence borne by the side that caused the trouble,” Geng added."

Well if China doesn't send any aircraft into Japanese airspace and doesn't ignore warnings to leave, then nothing is going to get shot down. China is in denial of the reality that it is the one causing the trouble, not just with Japan but numerous Asian countries. It is also in denial that "containment" is a reaction to China's aggressive military and territorial expansion. Stop that expansion and no need for containment. China is not going to be "defending itself" it simply wants the ability to bully smaller Asian nations with impunity. The Chinese "menace" is real and of their own making.

18 ( +30 / -12 )

homleandOCT. 27, 2013 - 06:16AM JST Good on you, Abe. The USA backs you 100%

are you really in a position to declare this? Speak for yourself please. This American for one thinks we should all be working to resolve international disputes without aggression.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

justbcuzisayOct. 27, 2013 - 07:00AM JST "homleandOCT. 27, 2013 - 06:16AM JST Good on you, Abe. The USA backs you 100% are you really in a position to declare this? Speak for yourself please. This American for one thinks we should all be >working to resolve international disputes without aggression.

Yes he is. This American supports the US position; that China may not change the status quo (South and East China Seas) through the use of force. This has been reiterated by the CINC, Sec of State and Sec of Defense. We would all prefer that international disputes be resolved without aggression. Unfortunately China, the most powerful dictatorship in the world today, feels otherwise.

12 ( +21 / -9 )

President Xi Jinping adopted a more conciliatory tone at a conference on diplomacy this week, saying good relations with neighbors were crucial to a stable foreign policy.

what a peaceful morning !

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Well done Abe. This is the decisiveness that is required to make Japan's position clear. Now change Article 9.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

According to Abe’s stance, South Korean Navy should destroy Japanese naval ships entering Korean waters, near Dokdo/Takeshima.

Let’s thank South Koreans for not having a warmongering leader like Abe.

-21 ( +9 / -30 )

So the next time Russia circumnavigate the Japanese archipelago they gonna get shot.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

JohnY921Oct. 27, 2013 - 08:03AM JST According to Abe’s stance, South Korean Navy should destroy Japanese naval ships entering Korean waters, near >Dokdo/Takeshima. Let’s thank South Koreans for not having a warmongering leader like Abe.

If you actually read the article it's about China. There's no mention of South Korea whatsoever. Furthermore South Korea is allied with the US like Japan and sees North Korea as it's greatest adversary, and North Korea is supported by China.

10 ( +17 / -7 )

And japan should shink the South Korean Navy and Destroy the Korean Navak base in Takeshima. Lets thank Japan is patient with war mongering Korea.

-23 ( +3 / -26 )

Abe should realize that Senkaku issue is not only between Japan and China but also with Taiwan. Since 19th century, Taiwanese fishermen come and go as they pleased. If Abe shoot down one of Taiwan plane, there will be rapid fire response from Taiwan Arm Force. Sky will be the limit. Recently Taiwanese navy approached the Phillipines maritime zone for the settlement for the murder of Taiwanese fisherman. Phillipines navy and coast guard have run away and hiding somewhere. They are too chicken about shooting Taiwanese navy ship.

Phillipines president Aquino was encouraged by Abe for shooting PRC ship. Their coastguard shot Taiwanese ship instead of PRC ship.

They have gut to murder unarmed fisherman. Not then armed navy servicemen. Abe likes Phillipines president talk touch, insecure about future and talk like the loose canon. Unlike Japan, Taiwan is not hiding behind US with armor, It has a combat ready service men and women.

Taiwan is the smallest chilly. I however it has a gut to stand up with both Japan and China. It is not the fan of China. However it is willing to settle with both Japan and Phillipines if it is bullied and intimidated. Bring it on Abe! A little chilly is often the hottest.

-18 ( +4 / -22 )

China are incredible. Repeatedly entering the airspace of a sovereign nation without permission is an act of aggression from a hostile neighbour - they know that because they enforce it themselves.

So to say:

If Japan does resort to enforcement measures like shooting down aircraft, that is a serious provocation to us, an act of war.

Is ridiculous. The onus is obviously and clearly on them not to send their planes there in the first place.

Good on Abe.

18 ( +22 / -4 )

Note that the PRC considers Taiwan its territory. Any attack on Taiwan will will provoke them.

So do you want a war over some uninhibited rocks. The Chinese are the main provocateurs in this case. But Abe is using this as an excuse to force his own unconstitutional militarist agenda. If he thinks Japan has even a prayer in a war with China he is out of his mind.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Here we go again. Abe using neo-nationalist rhetoric to divert the public's and the media's attention from the failure of his policies to seriously address domestic problems while they further shift influence and wealth to the few. Reminds us of Thatcher and the Falkland Islands, only China is not Argentina.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

octagon ...

Since 19th century, Taiwanese fishermen come and go as they pleased. If Abe shoot down one of Taiwan plane, there will be rapid fire response from Taiwan Arm Force.

I will admit fishing is not my forte, but I was under the impression ( i may be wrong) that fishing was generally done from some kind of sea fearing vessel... like a boat. why taiwanese fishermen would be invading Japanese airspace is beyond me. Unless the taiwanese fishermen are some variery of superfishermen, who can also pilot planes?

6 ( +9 / -3 )

"Good on you, Abe. The USA backs you 100%."

Depends on who you ask.There are many who dont, depends on the generation.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Almost all Asian countries must have assured to back Japan. S. Korea now has to choose either Japan or China. Despite of his health concern, he visited so many countries. He is showing BoCho samurai spirit now.

3 ( +6 / -3 )


How about being more assertive about fixing Fukushima?

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Abe is strong talking but quiet walking not showing real intention to get things under control.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

It is all just posturing. If Japan shot down any Chinese drone or clashed with any Korean, the backlash would destroy any economic progress. Japan is showing recovery; if Chinese boycott Japanese exports, it will send the whole thing into a spiral.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

@warispeace Erm, you do realise that Thatcher was right to defend the Falklands don't you? Britain holds sovereignty over those islands, just as Japan does with the Senkakus. So then Abe is right to do as Thatcher did, in defending a part of Japan.

Why am I not surprised to see China getting aggressive once again, and trying to pass it off as defence. They literally said it's not alright for Japan to shoot down any Chinese Drones entering Japanese airspace and ignoring requests to turn back. Sending drones into another nation's airspace is generally considered an act of war. So if Japan does shoot them down, it will be self defence, not a first strike. China is in the wrong here, once again. All this Sabre rattling is just a smokescreen to divert attention from China's horrendous pollution crisis, it's deeply questionable and frankly disturbing Human Rights (or rather, lack of rights), and it's alliance with the warmongering North Korea. Again, to make the comparison with the Falklands, this is just like Argentina taking cheap shots at Britain to divert attention from Government corruption.

Grow up China. You can't bully your neighbours, just because you're bigger than they are. Size is irrelevant. Isn't that a principle used in defensive martial arts such as Taekwondo? Using an opponent's size or momentum against them? You say not to underestimate China, perhaps China should flip that around. Don't underestimate Japan. If they succeed in their move to become less of a pacifist nation, I have no doubt that they will be able to hold their own against China if needs be. You'd be surprised what someone can do when push comes to shove. But I wonder how many seconds will pass before China flexes its muscles again, in the name of "defence."

13 ( +14 / -1 )

I think that we all created a monster and now this monster may turn into the greatest terror power that the world never seemed.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

@OssanAmerica I don't think it is because China is in denial. If you look at how they treat animals, people and nature - I think we can conclude with that they just don't care. They don't have respect for anything.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

communist china must learn how to respect diplomacy. if there's an issue to be solve, deal it in the UN's tribunal court. Not by force. China is so confident that they can beat whoever blocks' there way. the government of china doesn't care if many chinese people die in war. maybe they're thinking that it's ok to loose a couple of million chinese in just a snap rather than keep on pushing about 1 child policy. A win-win to them.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

"China, the most powerful dictatorship in the world today"

That sounds awful, but it's true. Who elected the current Chinese government? Not the common Chinese people. Top Communist Party officials, that's who. What's up with that?

9 ( +9 / -0 )

OctagonOct. 27, 2013 - 08:53AM JST Abe should realize that Senkaku issue is not only between Japan and China but also with Taiwan. Since 19th century, >Taiwanese fishermen come and go as they pleased. If Abe shoot down one of Taiwan plane, there will be rapid fire >response from Taiwan Arm Force.

The Japanese are extremely aware of Taiwan's position since it was Taiwan that started the issue with the Senkakus. However there are several factors which reduce the level of concern as regards Taiwan. Firstly Taiwan's interest was and is genuinely based on natural resources and to that extent an agreement has already been reached between Taiwan and Japan for sharing fishing rights around the Senkakus. Secondly, Taiwan is a democratic country and strategically allied with the US and Japan. Taiwan isn't trying to implement their claim by force as China is doing. Thirdly, Taiwan is not interested in the Senkakus for strategic purposes as China is. Basically, there is little chance if any of Japan shooting down a Taiwanese plane.Not to mention that even if a Taiwanese plane did intrude it would have no reason to withdraw upon warning.

Mike45Oct. 27, 2013 - 10:33AM JST It is all just posturing. If Japan shot down any Chinese drone or clashed with any Korean

If you read the article you will see that South Korea has nothing to do with it.

"Good on you, Abe. The USA backs you 100%."

Depends on who you ask. There are many who dont, depends on the generation.

The US government and military backs Japan 100%.

SaiakuOct. 27, 2013 - 10:45AM JST @OssanAmerica I don't think it is because China is in denial. If you look at how they treat animals, people and nature - >I think we can conclude with that they just don't care. They don't have respect for anything.

Maybe so. In either case it's a good thing that the United States is 10 years ahead of China militarily.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Fox Cloud Lelean,I agree, there was no Argentina when Britain first settled the Falklands. Did you notice the amount of support we received from our great ally the USA when Argentina attacked sovereign British territory though? Despite all the treaties with the USA, despite being the USA's best friend in NATO, we got nothing at all from Uncle Sam, not even a positive vote in the UN, despite having been attacked by an army sent by a tin pot dictator. Japan would be extremely foolish to think the USA would involve itself in a war with China if Japan starts shooting Chinese vessels in disputed waters. There is no support for this war in the USA and China is a nuclear power that could switch off the US economy. All Abe wants to do is portray the Chinese as a great threat so he can push his right-wing extremist agenda and get the people looking away from his absurd economic policies.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

And once again we see Abe's "vow" to improve ties with neighbouring nations bear the fruit of what he truly intends. He LOVES making himself look like the good guy while in all actuality being just as aggressive as China. The 'danger' to this nation is Abe, and nationalistic fools like him. He wants to return to the 'glory days' that got Japan ultimately bombed. He has not learned from history (and in fact wants to white-wash it further than he has).

It's not going to be a surprise how China reacts to this, and in turn it will be no surprise that the hypocrites say, "See? we need to defend ourselves!" as though they didn't throw a stone and taunt someone. Hopefully I'll still be around to say, "You made your bed".

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

And japan should shink the South Korean Navy and Destroy the Korean Navak base in Takeshima. Lets thank Japan is patient with war mongering Korea.

@mikihouse - Oh dear.. it's okay to have bias towards one side or another, as we all do. But being blinded by bias is never a good thing.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

WOW!! I am sure Beijing is shaking in its boots!

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

This silly, posturing, lying non-entity of a man won't be here for much longer anyway. The Chinese know this and so do many Japanese now. Blow it out of your backside, Mr Abe.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Why am I not surprised S.Korea is dragged into this? I guess because the hawkish Japan now also want to take on S.Korea by doing something that Japan has warned China about not doing. Can Japan please take their own advice, and chill out?

-12 ( +4 / -16 )

silly PM. Abe want to start WWIII.

-19 ( +1 / -20 )

U.S. welcomes a war between Japan and China. We have a huge debt problem here and a war in Asia would certainly help. On the other hand, Japan must realize that it can't continue to rely on us to protect it. It must pay for the service provided by U.S. and forfeit any debt ( T. bills and bonds) outstanding.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Good on you, Abe. The USA backs you 100%.

Keep dreaming Abe and his fairy tales posters. USA is too broke for paying the bill of another adventure. Irag war finance was funded by Saudi and PRC. Every year Congress is struggling to raise the debt ceiling limit for paying the wages of public servants and military. PRC will not fund for the war for putting itself on the chopping board.

If PRC sold out US treasury bonds, there will be no more fuel in the fighter jets. Marines wallets will be empty. Navy sea men has to fish near Senkaku for their breakfast and lunch. In the very perfect world, USA backs everything comes from the loose mouth of Abe. Look at Syria! Obama said you have crossed the red line. Later on he draw the white dove on the red line. He is a novel prize winner of peace. Not like Abe who is cocky and war mongering.

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

There is no support for this war in the USA and China is a nuclear power that could switch off the US economy.

Under that scenario China would switch off its own economy in an instant.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

President Xi Jinping adopted a more conciliatory tone at a conference on diplomacy this week, saying good relations with neighbors were crucial to a stable foreign policy.

how can good relations be achieved - i think this is a controversial question that needs to be answered. From Abe san:

He said he had realized at recent meetings with South East Asian leaders that the region sought leadership from Tokyo in terms of security

yes, but maybe they might be looking for a peaceful and diplomatic means as a first step rather than staggering weapons and readying everyone to once again shot each other.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Both, Abe's declaration and Geng Yansheng response are clear enough. Let's see if China sends the drones and if Japan shoot them down.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

if Abe san cannot himself make diplomacy work, then maybe it would be good if he spend money on setting up an "intellectual team" who can maybe try ways to make diplomacy work. i think this would be a good project not only for the sake of japanese but for the sake of neighboring countries. and perhaps it would be better to spend huge amount on the things that would drive peace rather than on the things that would drive conflicts and war.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Wonder if this will set off an arms race between China, Korea and Japan?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng said on the ministry’s website. “If Japan does resort to enforcement measures like shooting down aircraft, that is a serious provocation to us, an act of war.

But sending a military aircraft to Japan territory without letting Japan acknowledge its purpose it self is an act of war. Any normal country have that situation, any nation would consider to do so. In order to avoid any conflict, stop sending those plains. If China feels any issue with Japan, go to ICJ instead of sending your dangerous toys.

5 ( +8 / -3 )


We all know that he wouldn't dare to militarily provoke the Chinese without the blessing of the Americans. The last thing that the Americans want is a military conflict / instability between her two largest trading partners and bond purchasers.

Abe is just trying to build up his bona fides with the nationalists.

Abe government should focus on cleaning up Fukushima and build up Japan's soft power.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

People who call Mr. Abe a war mongering should understand that at pervious administrations of DPJ , Japanese public were very angry at the way they handled the China thereas. It is the public that chose the LDP and Mr. Abe. Everybody I know supports Mr. Abe's diplomacy right now. If his stance deviated from public's, he would be pulled down.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Everyone around the world hasn't stopped laughing since the clown. Shinzo Abe, came on-board to save a sinking ship. Instead of trying to repair the broken vessel he has been breaking the planks that hold it together. Allowed to carry this foolishness even a moment longer will jeopardize whatever is left of Japan's future. An insular dying race of aborigines who haven't yet understood honesty much as it preaches honour which in any case has fast disappeared.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Neighbours should be there for one another. That's when neighbours become good friends. Everybody needs good neighbours.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )


South Korean Navy should destroy Japanese naval ships entering Korean waters, near Dokdo/Takeshima

That is not Korean water, since 1952, S.Korea illegally occupied the area. It is clearly against San Francisco peace treaty article 3. But Japan has been refraining from any provocative action but asking them to settle at ICJ. But Korea has kept running away from a real verdict. I do not think Korea will do anything because if they sank Japanese ships the area which is recognized as Japan according to the treaty which has a strong legal back ground. That produce a lot of world attention that they do not want to have. They are buying time now to make it as an illegal occupation to a legal occupation. According to the law, after some time being the area, a sovereignty could be produced. So Korea would not attack Japan there.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Chinas rhetorics are the same as always. "We already own your land so you are actually violating and committing acts of war by being there. Because we are a peace loving country we will give you 5 minutes to get out." From such a point of view Abes rhetorics seems quite friendly I think. Here is a hypothesis for you. In about 5-7 years Chinas combined military will be so strong (actually mostly big) that it will start to become a concern for inner stability unless it is put to use. History teaches us that a (too) strong domestic military simply have to be put to use or they will turn on the state itself. This is well described from mespotamia and up to the present. Where do you think they will strike first Taiwan, Okinawa or South Korea?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Why am I not surprised S.Korea is dragged into this? I guess because the hawkish Japan now also want to take on S.Korea by doing something that Japan has warned China about not doing. Can Japan please take their own advice, and chill out?

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Fact of the matter is, Abe vowed before and after election he would improve ties, all the while quite transparently saying he wants to rescind apologies, denies atrocities, wants to increase defense spending, says there are no island dispute in relation to the Senkakus, removes any references to sexual slavery in history texts (and says it never happened), everything is under control in Fukushima (as an ad note to his character), etc. And lest we forget, this is a man who has already quit his job once in one of the shortest terms of a leader in history because he couldn't hack it. Oh, and is the grandson of a war criminal and is predicted to go visit and pray at Yasukuni. He's about as great a leader as any dictator, but a whole lot less intelligent.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

How come that " Beijing threatened to strike back if provoked" HELLO! Beijing started threatening the whole Asia......Tibet, ASEAN region, Taiwan, then Japan.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Victory Japan: "smithinjapan chucky3176 is always talking bad about Japan and isn't it funny that his username picture is the Japanese rising sun. He is trying to make Japanese people by using that picture and talking bad about Japan"

He's trying to make Japanese people? No, that's what Abe is doing -- trying to make Japanese people into right-wingers who forget the past that led to their destruction into going head-on into doing it again, behind American boots, of course.

kidojapan: "HELLO! Beijing started threatening the whole Asia"

China is no saint, that's for sure, but suggesting China started this whole thing when it was in fact Ishihara last April is a little naive, to put it nicely. You can't throw rocks at people and then wonder why they get upset.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

smithinjapan sorry about that I meant that he is trying to make Japanese people mad by using that profile picture, if he doesn't like Japan then why is that picture of the rising sun flag ?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

@ Fox Cloud Lelean, Good point, darling ! "Sending drones into another nation's airspace is generally considered an act of war" That is true.

I like your stance cause Japanese naval ships entering Korean waters near Dokdo & Uleungdo should be also considered an act of war. The pot calls the kettle black.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

smithinjapan to tell you the truth I don't like Abe either

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Two great powers peaking around the same time..2 lions in a cage..how long can the peace last, that is to be seen.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

I strongly condemn these latest provocative words and deeds from the Japanese government. These grave provocations will not yield any positive results other than further isolation for Japan in Northeast Asia.

The Chinese and Korean people shall never forget this.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

if he doesn't like Japan then why is that picture of the rising sun flag ?

Problems with head and multiple accounts that he can't even rember after a week?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )


are you really in a position to declare this?

In fact I am.

Speak for yourself please.

I'm doing that as well.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

NapiniOct. 27, 2013 - 08:32PM JST I strongly condemn these latest provocative words and deeds from the Japanese government. These grave >provocations will not yield any positive results other than further isolation for Japan in Northeast Asia. The Chinese and Korean people shall never forget this.

Seems that geopolitical issues being completely different from J-hating as South Korea is allied with the United States which is allied with Japan is a point lost on many posters.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I don't want to dye in battle. My guess is that the big mouths from both countries are not willing to go to fight themselves... How about you war waging lot ?.....yeah...that's what I thought...

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Yes the U.S should back Japan and I myself will be willing to assist if anything goes down in that region, you can bet on it.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

silly PM. Abe want to start WWIII.

Since Japan is trying to regain territories it lost to the Allies in WWII by force, it will be a restarting of WWII or Stage 2 of WWII.

Japanese have said that the US will help Japan to fight against China, its former WWII ally in Stage 2 of WWII since Japan is now a semi-colony of the US and the US is obliged to help its colony to expand. We shall see whether their prediction will come true.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

@Auckland, I wasn't aware of Japanese naval vessels entering Korean waters. There's a lot of events I'm not currently aware of. I was speaking specifically about the China/Japan conflict. Is that still the pot calling the kettle black? If it is indeed true that Japanese Naval vessels have been entering Korean waters, then of course Japan is in the wrong in that instance. However, this article is strictly about China and Japan, and in this instance, it is China in the wrong, not Japan. I hope that clarifies. But coherence is not one of my strong points, so my clarification may be difficult to see right away.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Guru29Oct. 28, 2013 - 01:54AM JST Since Japan is trying to regain territories it lost to the Allies in WWII by force, it will be a restarting of WWII or Stage 2 >of WWII.

Japan is not trying to regain territories lost in WWII in accordance with the Potsdam Agreement or any other WWII outcome. The Senkakus were excluded because they are minor islands that were never taken by force. Takeshima was illegally taken and occupied by South Korea in 1954, having nothing to do with WWII. The Southern Kuriles were taken by the USSR AFTER Japan surrendered and were never taken in war since they were always Japanese in accordance with the 1855 Treaty between Japan and Russia. Your statement is pure nonsense.

Japanese have said that the US will help Japan to fight against China,

The United States has said it will fight China if it tries to take the Senkakus by force.

its former WWII ally in Stage 2 of WWII since

China (PRC) was never an ally of the United States. China fought the US and UN troops in Korea in 1950/51. The China that was a US ally was the ROC now known as Taiwan.

Japan is now a semi-colony of the US and the US is obliged to help its colony to expand. We shall see whether their >prediction will come true.

Japan is an ally of the United States as are many free democratic countries. Japan is not "expanding", the only country expanding is China. And the US supports Japan and other Asian nations against this Chinese threat.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Contrary to what Abe may say, we in SEAsia definitely do not back Japan. It is okay for Japan to stir if China. But if you expect us to back Japan against China, you better think again! We suffered tremendously under expansionist Japan and 150,000 Chinese in Singapore were killed in Sook Ching during the 2WW and to expect Singapore to support Japan over China is bordering on the ridiculous!!! So long as you continue to pray for war criminals,wherever they may be; try to expand your military capability and deny the real extent of your war crimes, we cannot support you. To do so is asking for trouble. Don't forget the money and power in Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia are in overseas Chinese hands, let alone Malaysia and Singapore. It is better for Japan to indenify with Asia and work peacefully with all nations instead of identifying with the US and trying to be the Lone Ranger in Asia!

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

@Asian2013 - it's delusional and dangerous to believe that 'overseas Chinese' are sympathetic to the CCP cause and their belligerent behaviour towards the nations many call home (and have done for many generations).

Unlike CCP China, modern SE Asian nations prefer to live in the present and look to the future, rather than hold perpetual grudges over events that occurred 70+ years ago and use them to justify aggressive acts in the present.

Japan has worked peacefully with all nations (especially those in the Asian region) since 1945 including China.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

@Victory Nippon, you're so cute. Although I don't know what chucky really thinks, please don't take it as emotions towards a country or people. Not "talking bad", he's merely expressing his view on certain subjects, and the same for others who may have sharp voice. For instance, me, I don't like Abe's action, being upset with these right wingers, and not supporting Japanese government's move on the Islets issue, but I love Japanese people.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Japan has been painted into a corner for quite some time. I would expect nothing less from a Nation being provoked, and having the means to resist! Japan is not Tibet; China is attempting to force Japan to relent on its sovereignty by virtue of threats and consequences. Stand fast the Chinese has more to lose if they continue in this path of attempting to roll over Japan. China has in affect told Japan they will ignore Japan’s sovereignty, their air space, and their territorial waters, and their right to self defense. Any rational government would have to look really hard to see anything in the statements made by China as responsible, and or sane! They must be confusing Japan with the tactics used in the past that might makes right Japan has been victimized by the PRC for years!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

SInce 2008, Japan built 6 additional submarines. thanks to the provocation from Beijing.

The problem with China is that they think that they can just provoke Japan forever. It is not only the drones and ships that enters Japanese territories. In August, one of a friend of my friend in Japan Navy reported that the FAKE or boot-legged Gotland Type Submarine of the PLN with Chinese-made Sterling propulsion engine went right in the middle of Kyushu islands. Chinese think that their bootlegged sterling propulsion is invincible.

Actually, China is only using Senkaku as Scapegoat. China needs the whole Ryukyu and possible Kyushu Islands because their country is already full of dirt where in without even firing weapons to China, millions will be dying of the PM2.5, let alone the dreaded pollution contaminating their water supply. China is a dying nation literally.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

@Secular beast- nobody says overseas Chinese are sympathetic to the CCP. But they will never help to destroy the motherland of their parents, grandparents etc.. And completely forget what the Japanese did to their parents and grandparents. When push comes to shove, the Chinese will stand with Chinese, not Japanese. And that is not delusional! I am sure overseas Japanese will stand with Japan and not help China destroy Japan. Am I not right?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It's good to be assertive, but you don't want to be provocative. The so called American protection is a farce. The Americans, like any country, would only do what suits its own interest. Look at the way they've been spying on their so called allies. No country can depend on another country. If you do then you will be their slave. I think Japanese politicians know this in their hearts, although they will continue to suck up to the Americans just for the appearance. Japan still needs to buy military hardware from them and the Americans will only be too willing to sell. This arrangement is convenient but only temporary.

But Japan must measure its steps. You want to show you are capable to defend yourself, but you don't want to create an enemy out of China, or rush them into an arm race with you. It cannot be good for Japan. Conflict with a neighbor is always a bad idea. In WW2, Japan reduced the Chinese population by may be something like 5%, but it did not benefit Japan in anyway. Even if it can defeat China today (which is unlikely), it would only create a more hardened enemy for the future.

Most Japanese people don't realize how dangerous the situation has become. In Japan very few people, probably nobody, believes a conflict or war is likely. But the Chinese media in contrast seems to imply that, because of the Japanese behavior, a conflict with Japan is inevitable. This disparity means that the Chinese are psychologically far more ready for war than the Japanese. Do the politicians realize how much responsibility they have? Must dialog now! You can talk and spit at each other, but so long you are talking and so long you understand each other's bottom line, you won't go to war. After all no one wants war.

Any miscalculation at this point is extremely dangerous.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Japan has been too kind for china for several decades. Now is a time to follow international low and rule for Japan. And seems like Chinese govenrment does not know and understand international low at all.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yes he is. This American supports the US position...

No he isn't. This American doesn't support the US position.

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Asian2013Oct. 28, 2013 - 10:51PM JST @Secular beast- nobody says overseas Chinese are sympathetic to the CCP. But they will never help to destroy the >motherland of their parents, grandparents etc.. And completely forget what the Japanese did to their parents and >grandparents. When push comes to shove, the Chinese will stand with Chinese, not Japanese. And that is not >delusional! I am sure overseas Japanese will stand with Japan and not help China destroy Japan. Am I not right?

I believe your thinking is incorrect. As an American I grew up with Chinese-American friends whose parents fled the communists. Most made it to the US through Taiwan and Hong Kong. These folks were the most anti-CCP people around. There are today two general types of young people of Chinese ethnic background in the US. Those who support the American ideals of a democratic society and are against the CCP dictatorship, those who do not share in the anti-Japan agenda because they see themselves as "Asian-Americans" first. Then there are who confuse ethnic and cultural pride with blindly supporting a dictatorship. The latter tend to be young people who never heard their grandparents' stories and have no families to support or assets to protect and political issues are more of an academic debate fodder than something that actually touches their lives. Proof that your thinking is wrong is that in WWII when Japanese-Americans were interned (Imprisoned) a great many of them fought for the United States.

maglev101Oct. 29, 2013 - 10:29PM JST "Yes he is. This American supports the US position... No he isn't. This American doesn't support the US position.

Isn't it great that Americans, as well as Japanese, British, Australians, Indians, Europeans etc, all those who live in free democratic counties are able to have and freely express their own opinions? Unlike China where it is officially illegal to express an opinion counter to the State's position and may subject you to prosecution?

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Isn't it great that Americans, as well as Japanese, British, Australians, Indians, Europeans etc, all those who live in free democratic counties are able to have and freely express their own opinions? Unlike China where it is officially illegal to express an opinion counter to the State's position and may subject you to prosecution?

which is more important - having your family not starved or freedom of expression? CCP, for all it's faults, lifted 500 million chinese out of poverty. the most amount in human history. i'm sure the indian families living in slums with kids dying of malnutrition can take comfort in knowing that at least they could vote.

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