Japan Today

Abe says there will be no change to wartime sex slave apology

By Peter Brieger

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Can we now put this topic to rest and the dummies who harp on n on n on please shut up now, Japan apologised Abe acknowledges the suffering, Japan paid compensation years ago, lets drop this topic and move on P L E A S E ! !

12 ( +24 / -14 )

That's right Abe suck it up and accept your culpability.

2 ( +16 / -14 )

That would be nice Storm, but you know as well as I do that there will be people in this very thread saying Abe is a nationalist, Hitler wannabe, denier of atrocities and so on and so forth. Its the only type of comment some people know how to make.

-2 ( +15 / -17 )

Can we now put this topic to rest


-11 ( +12 / -22 )

I think as long as the official apology stands, and for a change just toss the right-wingers a raspberry, the issue should be consigned to history. In truth, despite a few idiotic deniers here, I feel Japan's post-war strength and economic stability have in fact helped Asia in general. Let's move on already!

11 ( +16 / -5 )

Maybe some people here forgot that it was Abe himself questioning previous apologies, thus keeping this "topic" alive. I don't believe for one minute he is sincere about it, he just cuts his losses this time, being smart for once.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

This is an example of media made fuss out of nothing.

Read the bottom line of this NT times article.


Correction: March 5, 2014

An earlier version of this editorial incorrectly stated that the Abe government would possibly rescind an apology to Korean women who were forced into sexual servitude by Japanese troops.

3 ( +12 / -9 )

Good. As I have written before. This whole issue is a lot more than Abe just being a reactionary. To put it simply, there are a lot worse people around than the current PM (certain members of the LDP far right). Unfortunately, because Ishihara sits even further to the right, Abe has to play the nationalism card regularly so that the far right of his party don't defect. All that being said, it is good to see that he is trying to out maneuver certain fringe elements in the LDP. The next question, however, is whether South Korea and China will take this development as somewhat of a peace branch and give Abe some legitimacy. On the other hand, if they misread the situation and don't give Abe some wriggle room within his own party, then we will be in for a very long summer.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

this issue won't be put to rest because of this statement. certain groups will always want more (like for the emperor himself to apologize in person), and certain groups will criticize the j-gov't for not saying this earlier (like the above poster @reckless). it's an endless cycle of bickering.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

In China, though there was a forced brothel system, most soldiers preferred rape. The high command did not want to minimize the anger of the Chinese general public and so had specific women who were either picked up in the wake of the sweep of the Imperial Army through China, or they were brought in from Korea.

Despite these efforts, Japanese forces preferred to find their own targets from among the civilian population of China, usually murdering the woman when they were finished.

This is documented by the original sources themselves among Japanese veterans.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Abe, please Search "Diaoyu Islands, The Truth" in google.

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

Another Abe flip-flop! I guess he has been listening to his PR department.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Friday that his government would not revise a landmark 1993 “comfort women” apology, and said he was “deeply pained” by the suffering of women drawn into a system of wartime brothels.

That's good news.

Revision of a past apology for which there are fewer and fewer surviving victims was never going to achieve anything, other than satisfy a subgroup of ultra-nationalists motivated by a desire to re-write history.

Unfortunately though, this statement by Abe isn't going to suddenly reverse all the damage done by recent signs of Japanese intent to revise the Kono statement.

Interestingly, this is not the first time Abe has said he will let the Kono statement stand. Why is that I must ask? Any expressions of intention to revise it is damaging to Japan-SK relations.

you know as well as I do that there will be people in this very thread saying Abe is a nationalist, Hitler wannabe, denier of atrocities

@hidingout - Is Abe NOT a nationalist? Honestly? And he has never ever even hinted at his desire to deny past atrocities? Really?

Comparisons to Hitler is highly unwarranted and in my opinion voids that person's opinions instantly, but saying Abe is in no way nationalistic and in no way has shown desire to deny past wrongs is almost as bad.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

That's good of Abe, whatever his reasons for the turnaround. Hopefully he does not revisit this again and be fodder for SK and China! Japan can play a leading role in Asia and the world. Japan would be better off with economic strength than military strength. A Japan that works with and cooperates with SK and China can be more influential and productive! There is an ancient Turkish saying, " no matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back! ".

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Interestingly, this is not the first time Abe has said he will let the Kono statement stand. Why is that I must ask?

Because countries like ROK send their ministers and officials around the world telling lies. And posters like many of the regulars here propagate those lies around the internet.

I think the Japanese government should just ignore the lies, but Abe is a gentleman and wanted to respond.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Mitch CohenMar. 14, 2014 - 04:31PM JST

Revision of a past apology for which there are fewer and fewer surviving victims was never going to achieve anything

Except making apology denyers admit Japan has apologized.

recent signs of Japanese intent to revise the Kono statement.

I recommend you read the bottom line of this NY Times article. It will be an eye opener.


Correction: March 5, 2014

An earlier version of this editorial incorrectly stated that the Abe government would possibly rescind an apology to Korean women who were forced into sexual servitude by Japanese troops.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Jeez, this guy can't win can he? He's slammed for suggesting a review and now that he stated he stands by the original apology and adds his own remorse he still gets slammed.

I think this just needs to fade away now... although the Japan haters will demand more, as they always do. As StormR said right at the top:

Can we now put this topic to rest and the dummies who harp on n on n on please shut up now, Japan apologised Abe acknowledges the suffering, Japan paid compensation years ago, lets drop this topic and move on P L E A S E ! !

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Abe will be gone by summer.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

So why now stir the pot again?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Enough... lets move ahead.. sorry about the past but people alive today had nothing to do with that and if you want to keep this going then I am sure we can find something wrong that your country did or is doing or will do in the future to piss of somebody.. it is funny when people get money they get arrogant.. but karma will visit those who point fingers at others... and those who do not forgive... Japan does not point fingers at America about Hiroshima and Nagasaki... but there are those like Ktown and Chinatown and the the Jews who make a career out of blaming other people.. so they can make money..

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Finally the first thing he has done right.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

First it was abe/Japan that politicized this DOH!! Anybody who pays attention knows abe doesn't believe in sex slaves & that Japan was involved in making their lives miserable, DOH!

So here we are, abe wants to crawl back under the rock..............BUT will he stay under & shut up.......I wouldn't bet my $$$ on it.

So all that abe has achieved in all this is that he & his ilk have made Japan look VER VERY bad in the eyes of the world, wasted massive amounts of time & energy & now wants to shelve it all............its for the better BUT the clearly is not sincere in anything related to this topic.

Best Japan can hope for is he will zip his lips until he is out of office again, I doubt we are seeing the end of this though sadly!

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

CrazyJoeMar. 14, 2014 - 05:19PM JST

So why now stir the pot again?

I want to ask the question to the people who are building "Statue of Korean Sex Slave" everywhere in the world.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

@STormR and Hiding Out.

Good let it to rest. But don't complain if someone makes a movie, or play about it or sets up a monument, just like people do to remember the Holocaust. Just like people remember tragedies and atrocities in general.

Good for Mr Abe. So, from now on if Ishihara, Hashimoto, NHK chiefs or other ultra-nationalists accuse the comfort women of lying and asserting that Japan did nothing wrong, we can all point to Abe's statement and expect that Abe will be the first to jump on them and express his pain concerning the women.

And for the uyokusha who turn up here, stop your arguing. Abe agrees with the Kono statement and feels so much pain about what happened to those women.

So, let's see the uyokusha put the topic to rest and stop harping on about it!

Great news!

1 ( +7 / -6 )


New term? "Uyokusha"... first time I heard that term.

You seem not willing to "letting it go", though.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

my country will be in trouble as long as Abe lead. haihhhh!!!!!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

PeacetrainMar. 14, 2014 - 05:52PM JST

Good for Mr Abe. So, from now on if Ishihara, Hashimoto, NHK chiefs or other ultra-nationalists accuse the comfort women of lying

Not quite. You have to admit that they lied before US Congress.


Written testimony of Ms Lee Yong Soo.

In the autumn of 1944, when I was 16 years old, my friend, Kim Punsun, and I were collecting shellfish at the riverside when we noticed an elderly man and a Japanese man looking down at us form the hillside. A few days later, Punsun knocked on my window early in the morning, and whispered to me to follow her quietly. I tip-toed out of the house after her. I lift without telling my mother. I followed my friend until we met the same man who had tried to approach us on the riverbank. He looked as if he was in his late thirties and he wore a sort of People's Army uniform with a combat cap.(page 20)

The oral version

I live in Taegu, South Korea. My name is Lee Yong Soo, and sometimes I am a 14-year-old girl, and I look outside my window, and there is a girl, and there is a Japanese man, and they are saying something to each other, and they are gesturing me to come out. I did not know anything. I did not know what was going on but they gestured me to come out so I came out, and as you seen her dress, the girl and the Japanese soldier put their hand on my shoulder, and covered my mouth, and the soldier put something against my back, and like that in the middle of the night I was taken away. (page17)

Historians will study the comfort women issue anyway. Academic freedom is written in our constitution.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

So how many hours of tax payer funded teeth sucking were wasted on this?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

AylerMar. 14, 2014 - 06:06PM JST

So how many hours of tax payer funded teeth sucking were wasted on this?

Good idea. Japan should sue New York Times for compensation. <http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/03/opinion/mr-abes-dangerous-revisionism.html?ref=editorials&_r=0

Correction: March 5, 2014

An earlier version of this editorial incorrectly stated that the Abe government would possibly rescind an apology to Korean women who were forced into sexual servitude by Japanese troops.

If NYT did not make this mistake, Japanese taxpayers did not need to waste the money.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

If NYT did not make this mistake, Japanese taxpayers did not need to waste the money.

Absolute piffle.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

shaking head at CH3.

let it go my friend..... Both the Kono and Abe administrations feel terrible about the comfort women.

Don't ruin it now!

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

PeacetrainMar. 14, 2014 - 06:36PM JST

Don't ruin it now!

Abe said that he upholds Kono Statement and feel terrible about comfort women a number of times. Even a quick search will show, and only after he was re-appointed as PM,

May 17, 2013


May 24, 2013


May 31, 2013


June 18, 2013


August 13, 2013


What is the difference this time? The difference is that Western media made it a issue and report the same statement by Abe as if it is their victory.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

What, Abe doesn't have a crown of thorns?

How will the haters live their lives now?

Oh, wait, they still have their South Korean propaganda to get them by!LOL

It doesn't matter what Abe says or does Communist China and it's tributary state of Korea will always have to complain.

They want the Communist suck-up DPJ back in power so Communist China can remake South-Asia and the Pacific States in it's own image.

How, would you like it if Communist's told you how you had to live your life?

That would be as bad as having a king or queen ruling over you!

Wake up and see the Communist propaganda for what it is, oppression!

South Korea has already fallen for their bunk, don't be the next!

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

"Can we now put this topic to rest" Really? Why should the women who actually do it? Give me one reason.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

I like Uyokusha better than spelling lengthy ultra conservative lawmaker. It is obvious that Peace Train knows Japanese language very well. Uokjusha is easie to type than Uyiku-no-hito, either..

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

You'll notice that nowhere does Abe actually accept Japan's responsibility for atrocities. He simply does a PR stunt of acknowledging that people suffered and that he's not going to 'officially' contradict his predecessors. Wow, what a guy.

Meanwhile he and his like-minded revisionists take potshots at history while claiming disingenuously that history is best left to the historians.

Abe is playing this for domestic consumption. He knows that a large enough (and growing) portion of the public will see him as a reasonable leader who has been forced to play Mr. Tough Guy by China and Korea. Nationalism has become fashionable.

Whatever the faults of the other side, let's see this for what it is: a ploy to diminish critical and democratic action in Japan.

The real victims of all this hoopla are the Japanese people themselves.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Thank god sense has prevailed here.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

plasticmonkeyMar. 01, 2014 - 10:37AM JST I wish there were more people in Japan who recognized that the Abe government's revisionism is just plain wrong, instead of just framing it as an issue of other countries' opposition. Are Japanese putting up with this injustice simply because they see South Korea and China's reactions as over the top? I'm sure if prominent politicians in the US started justifying or denying the internment of Japanese Americans during the war, there would be an outcry by lots of Americans and not just by the Japanese government.

So when you said the above Abe was evil because he was going to revise his nation's apology.

plasticmonkeyMar. 14, 2014 - 08:28PM JST You'll notice that nowhere does Abe actually accept Japan's responsibility for atrocities. He simply does a PR stunt of acknowledging that people suffered and that he's not going to 'officially' contradict his predecessors. Wow, what a guy.

But, now that Abe isn't going to revise the apology he is still an evil?

It appears as if you have a damn him if he does and damn him if he doesn't opinion.

Hypocrisy is one hell of a dance partner when one is motivated by hatred and ideology.

Maybe you need to step back and take a long at yourself before you damn another.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Here is Kono statement detail that revisionists want to deny and Abe and Suga does not want to go along with uyokushas. Abe hasn't been revisionist. He was too busy for Japan Inc trade talks outside that Suga carried his wish.

Kono is well known as a controversial figure within the so-called comfort women debate, for the official statement he made in 1993, when he was Chief Cabinet Secretary. In his statement, made after historian Yoshiaki Yoshimi announced he had discovered in the Defense Agency library in Tokyo documentary evidence that the Imperial Japanese Army established and ran "comfort stations", he essentially admitted that the Japanese Imperial Army had been involved, directly and indirectly, in the establishment of comfort facilities, and that coercion had been used in the recruitment and retention of the women. His subsequent call for historical research and education aimed at remembering the issue became the basis for addressing the subject of forced prostitution in school history textbooks.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Better late than never!

It looks like that Abe got the messages sent from the allies and its own constituents. (the latest approval rating of Abe’s admin has gone down to 48% from the post surge of his provocative Yasukuni visit)

Weather or not Abe can be trusted for his words is still too early to call based on his flip-and-flop modus operandi.

One thing seems setting on the stone: Abe’s revisionist agendahas been proved ill-fated, and his nationalistic one could be the next on the line.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

The apology has been 'officially made'. Once an apology is made, you don't keep apologizing for the same thing again and again, personally or professionally. Life could not move on for anyone if that was not the case. As for crimes, who is held responsible..the perpetrator themselves, or their family?! Every person 'responsible' for World War Two is dead, you can't hold anyone accountable anymore for World War Two. If any person or Nation continues to live by the excuse of holding present day living people accountable for the past...then any Nation can declare immediate and justifiable war upon any Nation for past transgressions. Or a person can hold another person accountable for religious reasons for past transgressions like the Islamic radicals do today using 13th Century transgressions to kill other people today..does it make sense? Using the 'continuing apology logic', Japan can declare war on Korea and China for the two Mongol invasions in 1274 and 1281. Time passes, people responsible are dead, life moves on for the living, remember and don't repeat!

5 ( +8 / -3 )

So South Korea accepts that Japan has apologized for the Comfort Women issue in 1993? Yes or No?

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Every person 'responsible' for World War Two is dead, you can't hold anyone accountable anymore for World War Two. If any person or Nation continues to live by the excuse of holding present day living people accountable for the past...then any Nation can declare immediate and justifiable war upon any Nation for past transgressions.

@bpsitrep - Well said. It is clearly irrational to accuse the present-day Japanese of past wrongs. I mean, nobody would never look at a newborn Japanese infant and accuse him of war crimes.

But if that child grows up, and starts to deny history and claim Japan was trying to 'liberate' Asia and all accusations of wrongdoing (Unit 731 human experiments, sexual slavery, Nanjing Massacre, torture and murder of thousands of pro-independence Koreans etc) are fabricated, then he can rightly be condemned. The condemnation of present day Japan is exactly that. The current crop of politicians did not shed a single drop of blood. It's their attempt to revise and white-wash history that is being condemned. I hope you can see the difference.


-5 ( +7 / -12 )

Long after the death of the comfort women,the descendants will ask for compensation money just because they couldnt have a perfect childhood

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Suga, the government’s top spokesman, said Monday that there was no plan to revise the statement, adding that Tokyo’s review was aimed at verifying historical facts, and to determine if South Korea was involved in drafting its text.


If you have really apologized and want everyone to move on, then why are you doing this? Is it because you want to show you had nothing to apologize for and to show the outside world that you were unfairly forced to apologize by Korea? Victimization complex?

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

Every Nation, every people's have committed atrocities against someone. I'm American, my people....we slaughtered our own people....American Indians...American Civil War.....U.S. Gov't syphilis experiments on Blacks...no one is innocent of atrocities yet they continue today in Middle East and Africa, Eastern Europe. But at some point, the people responsible directly for those atrocities must be held accountable if they are alive....if not....no one can be truly held accountable. Does Europe hold all Germany today accountable for Hitler's War? No. Asia must move on in order to grow. You remember, you teach the history to the children of what happen and who did it then. History forgotten is repeated. If Asia wants to finger point, here's a little tidbit from the first Mongol invasion: "After the invasion, allied fleets returned to their homeland. The Goryeo general Kim Bang-gyeong paid tribute to the king and Mongol queen of Goryeo with 200 boys and girls for slaves." It's history, teach it, remember it, don't repeat it, live on !

2 ( +8 / -6 )

I don't think Japan needs to give compensation to comfort women. If they do, then they will leave themselves open to claims from many different people with genuine grievances - e.g all of the POWS who became slave labor.

I don't think Japan needs to apologise continually either.

But what the world wants is for the public denials by people of influence to stop. That's the problem. Nobody expects apologies once a month. But the fact that leading politicians and leaders of NHK come out with denials of atrocities is shameful.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Why the hell does he keep stirring the pot?

1 ( +7 / -6 )

There was no apology and it was never officialized by the Diet or cabinet.

So why do I keep hearing about this "official apology"? Who writes this? Who pays for it to be written? How does this outrageous lie keep getting by you all? Stop saluting this garbage just because it been run up the flag pole.

The statement is known as "The Kono Statement" because that is all it is. He made it as Chief Cabinet Secretary and not even as PM.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

There was interesting discovery in 2013.

Diary written by Korean worker at comfort stations in Burma, Singapore found.


Report No. 49: Japanese Prisoners of War Interrogation on Prostitution .


6 ( +7 / -1 )

@bpsitrep - Historical atrocities do have an 'expiry date'. However, the victims of sexual slavery at the hands of IJA are still alive, in their late 80s and beyond. These women are being taunted 'prostitutes' by Japanese politicians and ultra-nationalists most of whom weren't even born at the time, but are convinced of Japan's innocence due to their national pride.

Last year a Japanese rock band sent a CD of their song mocking the comfort women, to a shelther in SK for victims of sexual slavery. Even if you discount that as some lunatics looking for publicity, how do you excuse the dozens of influential Japanese politicians and media personality who come out to deny history?

It's history, teach it, remember it, don't repeat it, live on !

Again, the problem is that Japan refuses to teach it, and wants to remember it in an ever more positive light.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Abe has finally understood that japan need the other countries to sustain the J-business and his abenomics. Big export and global J-companies must have made big pressure to calm down this escalation (Korea is a big market for J-brands). Pragmatism pretty close to losing face attitude. I am positively surprised even though this is pure political game.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Japan is also trying to tear down memorials for these victims, taunting the the women as dirty prostitutes and gold diggers. It's conduct unbecoming of a nation that supposedly apologized already.

Mountblade and CH3CHO, 1400 Japanese historians have collected a petition condemning the Japanese cabinet plan to retract the Kono statement. You want to argue with them, instead of spamming this site with carefully picked articles that only support your position?

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

I see the same morons banging on with the same claptrap, they should be greatful of the outcome and show some maturity and move forward.

You cannot continue to live in the past.

Nice post too by the way bpsitrep.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

You either love your women and daughters and are willing to stand up and die for their dignity. Or you don't.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Beside Kono apology, Murayama apologized. You might say Kono apology is only a paper but not official apology. Murayama? He is alive, was alive during WW II, and he was Japanese Prime Minister when he apologized. Isn;t Murayama Apology an official apology?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Tom_MixMar. 14, 2014 - 10:16PM JST There was no apology and it was never officialized by the Diet or cabinet.

I think the evidence supports that Japan has indeed "apologized" to South Korea multiple times.

"June 22, 1965: Minister of Foreign Affairs Shiina Etsusaburo said to the people of the Republic of Korea: "In our two countries' long history there have been unfortunate times, it is truly regrettable and we are deeply remorseful"

"August 26, 1982: Chief Cabinet Secretary Kiichi Miyazawa said to the people of the Republic of Korea: "1. The Japanese Government and the Japanese people are deeply aware of the fact that acts by our country in the past caused tremendous suffering and damage to the peoples of Asian countries, including the Republic of Korea (ROK) and China, and have followed the path of a pacifist state with remorse and determination that such acts must never be repeated. Japan has recognized, in the Japan-ROK Joint Communique, of 1965, that the 'past relations are regrettable, and Japan feels deep remorse"

"September 6, 1984: Emperor Hirohito said to President Chun Doo Hwan: "It is indeed regrettable that there was an unfortunate past between us for a period in this century and I believe that it should not be repeated again." (Meeting with President Chun Doo Hwan.)"

"1989: Prime Minister Takeshita Noboru, in a speech in the Japanese Diet, said:"As we have made clear previously at repeated opportunities, the Japanese government and the Japanese people are deeply conscious of the fact that the actions of our country in the past caused suffering and loss to many people in neighboring countries. Starting from our regret and resolve not to repeat such things a second time, we have followed a course as a "Peace Nation" since then. This awareness and regret should be emphasized especially in the relationship between our countries and the Korean peninsula, our nearest neighbors both geographically and historically. At this opportunity as we face a new situation in the Korean peninsula, again, to all peoples of the globe, concerning the relationship of the past, we want to express our deep regret and sorrow "

"April 18, 1990: Minister of Foreign Affairs Taro Nakayama said to the people of the Republic of Korea: "Japan is deeply sorry for the tragedy in which these (Korean) people were moved to Sakhalin not of their own free will but by the design of the Japanese government and had to remain there after the conclusion of the war" (188th National Diet Session Lower House Committee of Foreign Affairs)."

"May 24, 1990: Emperor Akihito, in a meeting with President Roh Tae Woo, said: "Reflecting upon the suffering that your people underwent during this unfortunate period, which was brought about by our nation, I cannot but feel the deepest remorse" (Meeting with President Roh Tae Woo)"

"May 25, 1990: Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu, in a meeting with President Roh Tae Woo, said: "I would like to take the opportunity here to humbly reflect upon how the people of the Korean Peninsula went through unbearable pain and sorrow as a result of our country's actions during a certain period in the past and to express that we are sorry" (Summit meeting with President Roh Tae Woo in Japan)."

"January 1, 1992: Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, in a press conference, said: "Concerning the comfort women, I apologize from the bottom of my heart and feel remorse for those people who suffered indescribable hardships"."

This does not even reach half of the statements given by Japan towards South Korea, You can read the rest at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_war_apology_statements_issued_by_Japan It's rather obvious that anyone who thinks that Japan has not "apologized" to South Korea is in denial of reality and should seek therapy.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Hopefully the right wingers will now shut up and we can get on with more pressing matters....

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Deeply pained??? Sure wasn't so when he announced to withdraw the apology 15 month ago and proposed to re-investigate the validity of Comfort Women's calim. Can NOT believe Mr ABE is truly sincere enough not to change his mind again later... Mr Abe must first treat his "foot in the mouth" disease and accept the true History as it is.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Nice of Abe to be "deeply pained" about women he has said were non-coerced prostitutes. "I'm sorry you were whores" will be received nicely I'm sure.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

This is the reality of Korea's criminality of lie and threat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggQaYD37Jm4

X = Comfort woman O = Prostitute

This issue is ended decades ago between Korea and Japan. Korean government is a mafia party that keep trying to squeeze money from Japan.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

It's rather obvious that anyone who thinks that Japan has not "apologized" to South Korea is in denial of reality and should seek therapy.

No sir. That honor belongs to one who cut and pastes a bunch of statements unrelated to the topic at hand. We are not talking about the war in general. This is about the sex slaves. This is not about other people's words. Its about Kono's and Abe's.

The only direct apology you mentioned concerning them was that of Miyazawa. Is or was Miyazawa "Japan"? No. He said "I apologize". Not " we" apologize. His statement was personal and was never officialized. The Diet is the only part of the government that can officialize a statement on behalf of all Japan and they never have, whether its the sex slaves or the war in general.

But in my humble opinion its not an apology that is necessary. It is a plain and open statement which condemns Japan's acts of war, imperialism, murder and slavery that occurred during the period. That and following up and writing textbooks according and condemning politicians who attempt to obfuscate and deny that horrible evil history.

But what have we gotten from Abe and friends? Nitpicking about what the word "coercion" means and who actually did it, as if its okay to continue coercing women into sex so long as it was begun by another. And what does Abe say now? He is pained by their suffering? What, you mean like I am pained by the suffering of McDonald's employees who were denied wages? See, the thing is, Abe completely skirts the issue of who is responsible. Why? Because he does not believe the Japanese government and military were responsible. This whole thing is a great big sham. Japan never apologized. And Abe and pals keep poo-pooing even the statements that just admit guilt.

We are not going to see any changes to Japanese textbooks that make them accurately reflect the Kono statement. Abe will continue going to Yasukuni without apology, a place that makes Japanese murderous imperialism out to be a glorious war to be proud of. And why? Because right wing war loving nationalists have control of the politics of this country. And guess what? Japan's immediate neighbors are aware of all this and its understandably irksome. Japanese tend to run the small gamut between ignorance of what Japan did to them and denials of what was clear selfish brutality. Some of us see Abe's skirting and dodging of the issues plain as day. It should be obvious enough since he and his buddies went out of their way to even bring up the idea of revising the Kono apology. Now they seek to walk away from it without officializing it, admitting Japanese government and military responsibility with their own words, or acting on the Kono statement by way of textbook revisions.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Tom_Mix Mar. 15, 2014 - 02:48AM JST But in my humble opinion its not an apology that is necessary. It is a plain and open statement which condemns Japan's acts of war, imperialism, murder and slavery that occurred during the period. That and following up and writing textbooks according and condemning politicians who attempt to obfuscate and deny that horrible evil history.

After you finalize the 1965 treaty, and Korea receives $800 million as demanded, are you going back to the accuser 50 years later and say "it's not enough, give us more money and another apology"? Which is exactly what Koreans are doing. Average Korean citizens didn't even know until declassification in 2005 file (which is 40 years later) that Koreans learned for the first time that Japan had actually paid reparations and that their own Korean government had used up most of the reparations designated for individual compensation. Japan is frustrated because of the actions taken by the Korean goverment twisting the facts. During the Japan-Korea Treaty discussions in 1965, the Japanese government specifically proposed to directly compensate individual victims, but it was the South Korean government that insisted that it would handle individual compensation. Japan gave the SK government the requested lump sum on the behalf of victims. But it was not until 2005, when Korea declassified documents of the Treaty, that Koreans learned for the first time that Japan had actually paid reparations and that Korean government had used up most of the reparations designated for individual compensation to economic development such as social infrastructure, POSCO, Gyeongbu Expressway, Soyang Dam, with technology transfer from Japanese companies. Why did Korean goverment hid the truth from their own people of what happened to the millions in compensation that Japan gave them for the settlement of the '65 treaty?

2 ( +7 / -5 )

@ overchan

Long after the death of the comfort women, the descendants will ask for compensation money just because they couldnt have a perfect childhood

It's Korea we're talking about. They'll be making up unborn children having them sue Japan for not being born next.

Or perhaps I shouldn't be give them ideas?

@ chucky

I question if Japan actually has 1400 historians ... are you talking about High School teachers?

Academically, the issue has hardly progressed. It's still a propaganda war that has been usurped by racists and nationalist on both sides and being used for quite unrelated political and economic gains.

It's time it was re-wound back to being a feminist issue and about the abuse of women by all militaries which, of course, still goes on until this day - albeit not with the Japanese Self Defense Forces, who have an admirable good reputation in this area.

Not all comfort women were slave or victims and that has to be taken on board too. It's wrong to continue to pump out the idea that they were. If Korea wants to re-gain some of the credibility damaged by it's more extreme activists, it has to work to explore the whole truth, including its own citizens involvement in the business and stop using exaggerations to blame Japan.

It's not accurate to state, as AFP have recently take to doing "respected historians" without qualifying that the 200,000 figure is the high estimate of the one historian who proposed it (his lower was 45,000), and that that was for all women, voluntary prostitutes and Japanese included.

Clarity and objectivity are required.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Select Japanese language of "List of Japan apolgy statement Wikipedia" No one used "i". Waga kuni, Nihon, nipponkoku, ware ware nihon-jin, Nioopn seifu, watakushitachi nippon kokumin, etc. We usually skip to mention "i" when we want to talk "i" in Japanese speech. That is why I checked what treally they said.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I've always thought that it is absurd to try to apologise for something you are not directly responsible for.

Japan's current politicians cannot therefore apologise for what happened in the past. To try to do so is bonkers.

The greatest culprit of this was the vile Tony Blair, who 'apologised' for the Irish potato famine and also for the slave trade. Although he was guilty of many things, he was not responsible for these two, and his apologies were therefore rightly derided by most right-thinking Britons at the time.

'The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there'. Just move on.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

maryartemisMar. 14, 2014 - 11:34PM JST You either love your women and daughters and are willing to stand up and die for their dignity. Or you don't.

Where was that love in 1965? Let me answer it for you, nowhere. The Korean government didn't mention the comfort women then and really couldn't of cared less. The same government was running comfort station for the UN and US forces that were there.

If they felt as you do, they would have never asked those women to join the ranks of comfort women.

Tom_MixMar. 15, 2014 - 02:48AM JST The only direct apology you mentioned concerning them was that of Miyazawa. Is or was Miyazawa "Japan"? No. He said "I apologize". Not " we" apologize. His statement was personal and was never officialized. The Diet is the only part of the government that can officialize a statement on behalf of all Japan and they never have, whether its the sex slaves or the war in general.

It appears you just don't understand how Japan's government works. So, as always I am here to help the confused.

The Prime Minister of Japan is the Head of government also known as political leader of the state if he says "I" that holds a whole lot of weight. When a Prime Minster apologizes he is apologizing as the head of the government and not as a citizen. See the difference?

I guess you didn't, so let me further explain.

A Prime Minister isn't a Dictator and Japan isn't run by a single state party. Japan is Democracy and being a Democracy anyone can speak their mind. So, sometimes others in the legislature say what is on their minds.

And sometimes what's on their mind are some crazy things. But, the Prime Minister can't tell them to be silent. Remember, the Prime Minister isn't a Dictator he is the Head of the Government.

So, you'll just have to live with the apologizes of the past and accept them, or not. See, that is the beauty of a Democracy you have the freedom to choose how you think. But, I sense that you couldn't care less about that. Because, you will never be satisfied with anything that Japan does or doesn't.

So, please continue to rant and rave about how evil Japan is and we will continue to shack our heads and laugh at the silliness of your sides argument.

Sadly, there is no way to reason with folks who have an agenda or are pressing their propaganda. They will always find fault with each and everything that a nation says or does.

Propaganda is not an opinion, propaganda is a bad joke that keeps being told.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

The Diet is the only part of the government that can officialize a statement on behalf of all Japan and they never have, whether its the sex slaves or the war in general.

False. The Diet is not in a position, as stated in the constitution, to "officialize" on behalf of all of Japan. What the Diet can do is merely submit and approve a resolution which is meaningless and carries very little weight. The only "official" position of Japan can be issued by the Cabinet office which requires approval from all Cabinet ministers with the final seal from the Emperor himself. (閣議決定)However, if you're looking that "Diet" resolution itself, Murayama has done so during the lower house sesssion and was approved. Not too much fanfare as people like yourself don't know about it. Why? Because it's not "official" much like the hudreds of legislative body that gets passed by many states/countries regarding issues that they have no control of.

With the recent revealation by those who were invovled in the issuance of the Kono statement, it's now a known fact that the Korean government instructed the Japanese counterparts to place "coersion" on the statement on the promise that they would resolve the issue and not make any more fuss about it DESPITE NO EVIDENCE to support "coersion". Kono was simply played. Same happened again during the Koizumi era where it was understood that a establishment of AWF as well as the aplogy letter from the PM would once again "resolve" this issue. Duped again. What we have here again, is a third attempt by Park whose father, a former President of SK, operated DIRECTLY, a comfort women system under his leadership.


As you stated "we are not going to see any changes to Japanese textbooks that make them accurately reflect the Kono statement" because people like yourself would rather NOT see the 16 comfort women testimonies which the Korean government submitted to the Japanese governmnet which lead up to the Kono statement. There is a reason why the Korean government does not even want the verification and review of the Kono statement for what's going to end up eventually is,

"Japanese government of today apologizes on behalf of the Japanese government generations ago for not doing enough to prevent your parents from selling you to prostitution and/or prevent misdeeds by brokers who recruited you forcibly into prostitution"

Heck. At least AWF tried to compensate those without verification while Korean government accepted less than 10% for those who claimed to be former comfort women.


Meanwhile today, we have a more prosperous Korea and yet you see on the news how Korean women are arrested for prosititution in Japan. Go to Shin Okubo and Uguisudani and pick up one of those free Hangul papers with ads on missing persons. "My daughter missing. Please contact xxx-xxxxx for any information"

No wonder the "comfort women" issue have lost any credibility among majority of the domestic population in Japan.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Miyazawa Apology q1/16/1992

He said Watakushitachi Nippon Kokumin. (Not I. We japanese country people)/ Then as a PM, I anew regret and apologize ,,,,,,


Waga kuni ( our country) He mentioned his feelings but he was taking responsibility by Japan with his sincere apology.

Just do research what so many apology contents are before you decide those apologizes are just a personal apology. Too many apologies by the officials of Japanese Govt.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

After you finalize the 1965 treaty, and Korea receives $800 million as demanded, are you going back to the accuser 50 years later and say "it's not enough, give us more money and another apology"?

sfjp330, I now have to repeat myself to dispel the same basic smokescreen. This is not about the war or occupation in general. This is about the sex slaves. The sex slaves were not mentioned in the 1965 treaty and the compensation included no figures on them. At all. Period.

Further the treaty to establish relations and declare all property and other claims null and void is not remotely an apology. And while the two governments can get together and dismiss their own claims and problems as governments, they cannot dismiss the claims and problems of individual citizens to the governments that wronged them. This is obvious to anyone who knows anything about law.

The only compensation paid to former sex slaves was from the Asian Women's Fund (the name alone is a denial of what it was about), Only 285 former sex slaves of the many thousands were compensated, and they were from many other countries besides South Korea. They received individual apologies from PM Murayama, but again, no mention of the direct culpability of the government and military was mentioned. It may as well have been McDonald's sending charity money to Africa. The Japanese government just keeps refusing to straight up acknowledge who was responsible for the sexual slavery, and treats it all as if its something that "just happened" while behind the scenes blaming private contractors.

Until the Japanese government admits the Japanese government and military of the time abducted and raped and sexually slaved women and girls right alongside those contractors, and puts that information in government approved textbooks, and starts reprimanding politicians who deny the facts, this issue is never going to die.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


It appears as if you have a damn him if he does and damn him if he doesn't opinion.

You're misrepresenting my opinion. If Abe made a sincere and specific statement agreeing with the Kono Statement regarding Japan's culpability, I would not 'damn' him. As it is, he agrees vaguely (that many people suffered) as to avoid being labeled a revisionist by the Western powers, while at the same time he questions the validity of Japan's culpability in order to whip up nationalistic sentiment amongst his base.

The prevailing mood of this thread seems to be that enough is enough, stop whining, and move forward. But these same people, like yourself, feel that Abe and his friends are justified in openly questioning the veracity of history. In this case it is the LDP and JRP that are not moving forward, but brazenly backward.

All sides are behaving childishly in this matter: Japan, China, and South Korea.

Maybe you need to step back and take a long at yourself before you damn another.

My own sins, unlike Abe's, are not a matter of public concern.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

The prevailing mood of this thread seems to be that enough is enough, stop whining, and move forward. But these same people, like yourself, feel that Abe and his friends are justified in openly questioning the veracity of history.

SHAZAM! They talk out both sides of their mouths and act all scandalized that people get mad at them! It is in fact them who won't just admit history and move on, and when they get called on it, they accuse others of whining! Why won't we just let these people get away with being completely duplicitous buttholes? Simple. Because if we do, they will do it again!

Excellent post plasticmonkey!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

plasticmonkeyMar. 15, 2014 - 09:44AM JST You're misrepresenting my opinion. If Abe made a sincere and specific statement agreeing with the Kono Statement regarding Japan's culpability, I would not 'damn' him. As it is, he agrees vaguely (that many people suffered) as to avoid being labeled a revisionist by the Western powers, while at the same time he questions the validity of Japan's culpability in order to whip up nationalistic sentiment amongst his base.

So, you want Abe himself to apologize for what Japan did during the war? So previous apologies aren't sufficient to make this part of history.

See, here is the thing, apologize have been made over and over and it's still not good enough. Payments have been made, funds have been created, but still t isn't good enough.

It comes to a point when those who are accused of the crimes of their forefathers get fed up and say, "live with what we have already given you.". People are sick and tired of those that use these topics as propaganda tools.

Now, a question, when will Korea apologize for it's war crimes and Comfort women abuses?

plasticmonkeyMar. 15, 2014 - 09:44AM JST The prevailing mood of this thread seems to be that enough is enough, stop whining, and move forward. But these same people, like yourself, feel that Abe and his friends are justified in openly questioning the veracity of history. In this case it is the LDP and JRP that are not moving forward, but brazenly backward.

No, here you are also mistaken again, we aren't questioning history. We are questioning the use of that history as a propaganda tool.

See that is what you don't get.

History is just that history, when people like yourself and others here use it as a tool to promote their skewed agenda people like myself question it and then point out the hypocrisy of it's use.

History is to be studied and examined, it is not suppose to be used as a tool to push a nefarious agenda.

Now, I will ask you to produce untainted evidence that Korea brought up the comfort women's cause during the 1965 treaty negotiations. Don't forget those negotiations began in the early 1950s.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

See, here is the thing, apologize have been made over and over and it's still not good enough.

Apologies have been made over and over. Denials have then been made over and over. One step forward, one step back.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Apologies have been made over and over. Denials have then been made over and over.

True, but the difference is that the apologies have been made by the representatives of thegovernment of Japan and the denials are made by the idiots in Japan.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

The denials are made by the representatives of the government of Japan as well.

Take Abe for example: "There was no evidence to prove there was coercion as initially suggested."

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

In 1993, after hearing testimony from 16 Korean women, Japan offered “sincere apologies and remorse” to the women and vowed to face the historical facts squarely.

One of those 16 Korean women said elsewhere that she was forced to deal with dozens of soldiers on Christmas holidays for the Japanese army. I wish we maintained the custom even to this day. And Abe just decided to check if she also testified so in the hearing by an inquiry commission of the Japanese government which was conducted 5 days before the Kono Statement was released.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@ Seiharinokaze

Neither the Koreans nor Japanese celebrated Christmas and so one has to presume that is a propagandistic representation aimed at succour sympathies in the West. Sexual services are what sex workers provide.


Between the politically expedient apologies and idiots arguing, there is a third position and that is of the people still doing the historical review and research; not just of the events of the last century but of how the redress movement started, has grown and has changed.

Much of the argument, idiot or otherwise, is very outdated and ignores blatant anomalies and severe errors of ethics.

@ Tom_Mix

Japan shouldn't because that's not what nor how it happened; nor is what happened something that can be distilled down to one single, simple line and indoctrinated into children; nor should it be, nor is it something that can be decided by the rabble in the court of public opinion, let alone the hot bed of a propaganda war that very well might be the foundations for a real one.

There are very clear interests for both Korea and China to damage and disempower today's Japan and weaken international opinion and support for it, and that is what this issue has become. From originally being a sincere feminist issue, the redress movement has been usurped by nationalistic interests and often plain and simple greed, and race hate.

The context for the discussion should not be nationalistic. Any nationalistic framing of the discussion, e.g. "Japan versus Korea" should be firmly rejected by all. It was and remains a gender issue, i.e. males versus females and the accused are not "Japanese" but hyper-masculine elements of all militaries because, of course, the same activities carried on after WWII and continue on until this day.

There are also other cultural elements that one should be aware of which effect not just this issue but the now related territorial ones. Since the 19th Century, Japan has been quick to adopt the international legal standards which underpin modern society; Korea has been slower, China still outrightly rejects much of them and this is reflected through their societies never mind their propagandic activists.

One of the very core and basic principles of modern law, democracy and society is that one can only be guilty of act one has carried out oneself. This idea is not part of more rudimentary societies where the concept or expedient value of punishing family or community members for others crimes is still prevalent, as in the power of shaming and so on.

To punish other individuals for acts they did not carry out is wrong, as is shaming, and, hence, this is another reason why we should reject the ideologues, whether Chinese, Korean or Western. Part of this discussion is also about defining what is acceptable culturally and legally within the international community.

Not once in all the gerrymandering that goes have I ever read or heard "the Koreans" confess their compatriots involvement in the war time sex industry. Until they start to do so, and measure it, their arguments will never have any credibility despite however much they attempt to hector others into submissions.

The discussion gone from a sincere moral issue raised feminists with mutual interests in Japan and Korea ... they were campaigning against sex tourism targeting Japanese men and the brothel camps servicing American soldiers both supported and engineered by the patriarchal Korean government state ... to insidious race hate bully with the intent, even, of child abuse.

1 ( +4 / -3 )


History is just that history, when people like yourself and others here use it as a tool to promote their skewed agenda people like myself question it and then point out the hypocrisy of it's use.

Yes, that's right. History is history.

What 'skewed agenda' do I have? Unless you call me skewed for being offended by people (like Abe) who open old wounds deliberately. What is the motivation behind questioning the veracity of comfort women's testimony, the Japanese military's coercion of women into sexual slavery, whether or not the Nanjing massacre really took place, etc?

This is not about the Chinese or Koreans seeking more apologies. It's about certain members of the the Japanese government calling into question the legitimacy of the apologies that were expressed before.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

I commend the pacifist side of PM Abe. It shows his ambivalence. Ditto for him. The ball now is in China and Korean's court. I just hope they're not after a slice of Japan. And I hope too they'd grow tired of raising up the subject to every Jpolitician or even to every Jcitizen. I still stand on my opinion that those women rode on the series of rapes for survival and still riding on those times on survival issues until now.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

How these top Japanese politicians painted Japan and Korea during WW II? Waga Kuni a Kagaisha. (Our country was attackers) Kikoku ga higaisha (your country - Korea is victim). Not like revisionists, Japanese who studied history felt awful and did not hide their remorse and expressed their feelings. I think Abe learned Suga investigation on Ianfu. Suga was mad at one lawmaker that denied existence of Ianfu and got help by scholors and reported to Abe.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Tom_MixMar. 15, 2014 - 09:27AM JST "After you finalize the 1965 treaty, and Korea receives $800 million as demanded, are you going back to the accuser 50 years later and say "it's not enough, give us more money and another apology"?

sfjp330, I now have to repeat myself to dispel the same basic smokescreen. This is not about the war or occupation in >general. This is about the sex slaves. The sex slaves were not mentioned in the 1965 treaty and the compensation >included no figures on them. At all. Period.

That's because South Korea NEVER brought up the Comfort Women issue in the years of negotiations leading to the 1965 Treaty. The compensation most certainly includes compensation for them. Unless you feel that the Comfort Women were not "individuals who suffered" under Japanese colonial rule. Japan even wanted to pay all individuals directly which South Korea refused and spent the money elsewhere.

1 ( +5 / -3 )

plasticmonkeyMar. 15, 2014 - 07:22PM JST This is not about the Chinese or Koreans seeking more apologies. It's about certain members of the the Japanese government calling into question the legitimacy of the apologies that were expressed before.

I am glad to see that you agree that Japan has apologized.

plasticmonkeyMar. 15, 2014 - 07:22PM JST Yes, that's right. History is history.

Again we agree

plasticmonkeyMar. 15, 2014 - 07:22PM JST What 'skewed agenda' do I have? Unless you call me skewed for being offended by people (like Abe) who open old wounds deliberately. What is the motivation behind questioning the veracity of comfort women's testimony, the Japanese military's coercion of women into sexual slavery, whether or not the Nanjing massacre really took place, etc?

These so called old wound weren't open by Abe. These so called old wound have been propaganda tools longer than Abe has been in politics.

Before 2005 most Korean's believed that Japan never gave one red cent in compensation to Korea. But after papers were disclosed Korea couldn't say that any longer.

The Korean government wanted Japan to pay more compensation so the Korean government didn't have to. But, after it disclosed those documents the cat was out of the bag.


Next, there has been propaganda campaigns by Korea and Communist China to make the world believe that Japan has never apologized for anything. And folks like yourself knowingly or not have been pushing this farce.


But, after all the hullabaloo about the Kono apology Korea can no longer try to hide the fact that Japan has already apologized on more than one occasion.

Now, why would Korea and Communist China push this propaganda? That is the easiest thing to see if you haven't fallen for all the propaganda. Korea and Communist China want things from Japan and if they can convince the world by using their propaganda they will get those things.

Korea wants more compensation and Japan to relinquish it's rightful claim to the Takashima island. Korea has once again fallen for the giant reunification carrot trap and it needs as much money as it can get. So, where best to get the money than their old enemy, Japan.

Here is what Park said after Japan stated that it would not revise the Kono apology.

President Park also expressed hopes that this becomes an opportunity in which we can alleviate the pain of the comfort women victims and solidify the bilateral relationship of South Korea and Japan as well as that of Northeast Asia,

How can Japan alleviate those pains? Money, money and more money. If they can open the compensation floodgates the Korean government wouldn't have to pay anything.

How much has the South Korean Government paid in compensation to it's own people? Not much, and that is why they want Japan to pay so they can save their money and use it where they think they need it.

The world stage is a giant game of chess, you move your pieces against your opponent and try to checkmate them. President Park thought she had a chance to call checkmate, but all that happened was she lost her queen. Now what?

Now, Korea will continue to press it's case, but their case has gotten a whole lot weaker.

-3 ( +5 / -7 )

Here are Japanese on past apologies. Ware ware is all of us It is is not I (Watakushi). Ware one pnly means You in insulting wa such as arguments y. So, Ware ware is not I. Waga Kuni means Our country - Not I. Nippon and Nihon means Japan. Nippon-koku also means Japan. nippon Seifu is Government of Japan (Not I). Watakushi tachi Nippon Kokumin is we Japanese country people (not I), However, we use watakushi to explain a personal feelings. Often politica; statement use Watakushi wa nippon o daihyo shite (I am going to tell this as representing Japan) This differs I. Miyazawa was not talking as one person (i). So. all official apologies were said or written as re[resenting Japan.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Don't write a lie.

Prime Minister Abe said.  ” Mi Na o Sa Na I ( I't does not improve )”. 

This is not "accepting."

This is not "not rewriting."

This is not "succeeding."

This is not "not canceling."

This is not "not verifying."

It is Prime Minister Abe's lip service.

The Japanese government verifies "the lie of Kono" and "the prostitute whom South Korea fabricated".

Prime Minister Abe will cancel the Kono discourse, or he will announce the new "Abe discourse".

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

@Masaki: Prime Minister Abe said.  ” Mi Na o Sa Na I ( I't does not improve )”.


What kind of language you wrote? I only know Japanese, Chinese and English.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

S. Korea is forcing Japan to maintain Kono Statement using Nuclear Security Summit 2014, which is scheduled to be held on March 24/25 at Prague, as a “hostage.”

S. Korean officials declared that they would attend the nuclear summit talks regardless of whether the talks would be the Japan/Korea Bilateral meetings or the Japan/US/Korea Trilateral meetings subject to the condition that PM Abe maintains the Kono Statement.

This is a scurvy trick.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Current Ianfu talks began when Suga was talking about Ianfu in a Diet session. One lawmaker said loudly no such thing. then Suga, who was treated as if Suga was a liar got mad at and yelled, there was Ianfu system and he will prove it. LDP members who disliked ultra conservative trying to dominate LDP (meaning they wanted to topple Abe and make their own PM) calmed Suga down. Suga was so humiliated by treated as a liar got scholars help. They found Ianfu system stories in JSDF library and Suga was glad. Abe was too busy in promoting Japan Inc help to many countries, then. Suga reported to Abe.

Now, ultra who wanted to topple Abe cabinet lost some power in LDP crowd. Abe decided to go along with his top man Suga. Apologies stands now. It is official declaration. He is PM of Japan.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

chucky3176Mar. 14, 2014 - 10:47PM JST

Mountblade and CH3CHO, 1400 Japanese historians have collected a petition condemning the Japanese cabinet plan to retract the Kono statement. You want to argue with them, instead of spamming this site with carefully picked articles that only support your position?

PM Abe has been saying he is not going to rescind Kono Statement. We are all in agreement to keep Kono Statement. Still, you try to give wrong impression to the readers here that PM Abe or I am denying Kono Statement. I only find your comment utmost annoying.

StrangerlandMar. 15, 2014 - 03:13PM JST

Take Abe for example: "There was no evidence to prove there was coercion as initially suggested."

It is true and established that there is no evidence, so far, that Korean former comfort women were abducted or drafted, except for incoherent "testimonies" decades after the end of WW2. If you think otherwise, you can show us the evidence and enlighten me. I think this is an area that needs further study. Remember that pointing the lack of evidence is not same as denying the fact. Every Japanese understands this. If the review proposed by Abe results in the finding of new evidence, everyone will be happy.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Although PM Abe was in Long Beach when he was young, he only learned So. Calif English. No record of he talks in Masaki written some kind of cryptic none Japanese.''

Suga had help of scholars and old document at JSDF library regarding Ianfu system existed. No record of 1400 Japanese historians petitioned. There are history professors who did reserach of Japanese war time history in some prominent universities but there is no 1400 prominent universities in Japan.

Abe studied Suga reports. This is my guess. Probably JSDF library documents were copied using these old copying machines or somebody used Acer type laptop, copied to WorPro screen, hit Ctrol P Key to print on connected Kodak type printer and gave to Abe. Exact copy of original documents,
0 ( +1 / -1 )

If Abe said opossite, it would make the news. But this kind of news is not going to grab headline in ohter places than japan, making them believe Japan has never accepted, apologized and compensated over the hisotry. I don't know what Ave really think and want to do, but the official position of the Japanese government has never denied the history. If you go to the web site of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, you can find it clearly states that Comfort woman, Nanjing Massacre and something like these things cannot be denied. I known some politician are trying to change the view. But, the official position has never changed. Even if some American politician make racist comments, it does not mean the the US government officially allows racism. The same can be said for Japanease government.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

In other words, he couldn't have possibly revised the Kono statement. It's not possible. The right-wingers should be upset at Abe, but they're not. They tried to deny the comfort women issue, but they failed. Now even more Japanese people are aware of the problem.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

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