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© 2014 AFPAbe to attend Sochi Olympics despite boycott calls
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Got to patronize the great Russian bear, no matter how disgusting it feels. It's all about driving a wedge between Russia and China. Abe is willing to pay any price to do this, even to suck up to the Russians, despite their occupation of Japan, and despite all the bad things they've done to the Japanese in the past, and even despite the fact that the Americans really hate Putin.
Abe is visiting sport events as head of Japan. He never mentioned he is gay or none gay/ He is visiting Russia as head of Japan. That is all Some American like Putin, some American dislike Putin. some American dpn't know who is Putin, or what is Putin. Many of us we love to watch sport on TV. That is all. Maybe Gay people did not want Abe visit Russia but Abe represent all Japanese.
Is there anyone that Abe has not been able to P-off in his one year term? The guy has about as much charisma as a turd in a thermos!
Is this Abe's retaliation (revenge) for being called "disappointed" by the United States regarding his Yasukuni visit? This sudden change in attending the opening ceremonies while many countries are shying away must be to strengthen ties with Russia? (Northern Territories issue)
Sport should be separated from politics. Every country has its own problems but you shouldn't boycott a sportive event.
I hope the Russians don't seat him too close to the representative from the Dagestan Liberation Front.
Heads of state and heads of government don't usually attend the opening ceremonies. Attendance is the exception rather than the rule. For example, Obama wasn't in London in 2012, and he wasn't in Vancouver in 2010.
Calling this a boycott seems a bit manufactured to me.
This isn't about homophobia, it's about the island issue. Show me where gay marriage is accepted in Japan.
I don't hate Putin. After all, he IS helping the patriot, Snowdon.
Just more provocative behaviour from Abe...
@rsgz4gg7y2. The only bad thing the Russians did to Japan was to detain large numbers of Japanese POWs even after WW2 ended. Having said that, Japan has no moral high ground on that score. Russia`s anti-gay law does seem to have widespread support. Apparently. Who is the west to judge?
Gaspard Et Gaspard
...these mindless pro-Chinese trolls are just miffed because nobody in the human race really gives a....and calls for a boycott, of course, come from a similarly divided lobbies of LGBT communities.
Any good Japanese delegation, you know you're going to receive some decent, high quality omiyage--not just poor quality, bootleg DVDs...
Abe's quite a provocative guy, I think all the anonymous Chinese premier definitely fete his full head of hair and his towering 180cm figure. Yeah, Putin and him are gonna play some good golf!
Good that Abe is attending the Sochi games. Too much of sucking up to the USA is like overdosing on drugs. Plus the China factor plays hard on his mind. Its better to have more friends than foes with China acting like a schoolyard bully.
rsgz4gg7y2Jan. 18, 2014 - 07:03AM JST Got to patronize the great Russian bear, no matter how disgusting it feels. It's all about driving a wedge between Russia and China.
Russia faces its own challenges in Northeast Asia. Even with better relations with China, Putin is looking at long term approach when viewing its interests in Asia. Russia's interests would be best served by solving its problems with Japan should relations with China turn negative. Still, it is possible that domestic politics, an unwillingness to compromise, or even some unforeseen set of circumstances could kill a possible deal.
Japan and Russia have strong incentives for settling this long standing dispute between them. Agreeing to some sort deal to end the island dispute would clear the way for a formal peace treaty from WWII. This could lead the way to greater economic ties such as Japanese investment and Russia exporting oil and natural gas to Japan. The economic benefits have always been there, but it seems there is a more pressing strategic interest now. It is long overdue, and if successful, it restores a relationship that has been handicapped for half a century.
Sport needs to remain seperated from political agendas as much as possible as sport can always act as a bridge to peace and dialogue. It is good that Abe attends the games, Russia and Zjapan have progressively been improving relations positively edpecially ftom 2007 till now. A friend can influence better than a foe can...good policy.
Louis Tan
This international prostitute is for sale to any one. Not only is the service free but he pays money too.
If Abe wants to go, I think he should go. There is not reason to not go only because of anti gay law. We are talking about sports.
By the way, countries should forget all disagreements (and wars) and compete in sports only.
If some country wants to show it is better than others, go to the olympics and do its best.
Knox Harrington
Small womder. He is clueless.
The Northern Territories issue is very important for Japan. It's like one of our arms are being taken out. It's good that Mr. Abe can go. If the Northern Territorties are returned, Russia's image would be greatly improved among Japanese and int'l community.
Hilariously, the day of the opening ceremonies is Northern Territories day. Supposedly Abe will attend the annual anti-Russian ceremonies here and then head off for Sochi. Gonna be quite a crowded itinerary.
Rohet Pokrel Nepali
Abe does not have to follow what US and Germany does. He has his will and as a basic human rights he has right to whatsoever he wants. Medias are too biased to be trusted and twisted in the favor of the power. Abe in my consideration is what Japan had been looking for since 60 years. Pacifist Constitution do need a change when you are constantly harassed by the country which did not back down even to massacre its own citizen and your ally is a turn coat like USA & UK. Literally, without a rectification in Pacifist Constitution and moving away US army, Japan is just another state of USA, unlike other states, a state only for benefits.
It is all about getting along. The fight for Russian homosexual rights is not our fight. It is to the advantage of Japan to attend the games and cause no trouble.
Hope he has a heavy overcoat with him. Cold cold place but he can not skip his dury as PM. His presence there will be heart warimg for Japanese people who have been shiverring even daytime.
I have no idea why this Russia - gay thing has become such a big deal. People do realize that there are countries with far harsher laws, right? If you're openly gay in most Middle East countries your liable to get yourself killed. Yet nobody is outraged when Western leaders visit these countries. By comparison, Russia's laws are downright tame. Finally, this is a purely domestic issue and I'm sick of hypocrites complaining about other countries domestic policies. Russians can decide Russian laws, simple as that.
@Yuri Otani: I actually agree with what you say. Gay rights in Russia is a matter that should be determined by the majority of Russian people. At the moment, it seems that Putin`s law has widespread support
Abe can go and try and talk about the islands. However, I feel the Russia doesn't care at all what Abe has to say and Russia is not worried about what Japan or he thinks....
This is just my thought....
Abe to attend Sochi Olympics despite boycott basically says he is against GAY PRIDE he is basically in bed bed with Putin on this issue! The statement he is making clear is he does not want that sort of group in male dominated Japan
Kent Mcgraw
It is silly to try to make the Olympic games a statement for homosexuality. Homosexuality has nothing to do with the games except for a small minority trying to force their way on other people. Let the games be just what they are, games.
I never heard boycott calls in Japan
CGB Spender
If you're going to stick to boycotting just about anything about a disputed issue, then you will soon not be able to leave your house, even less make political visits. Should we not boycott the US because of their ridiculous claims for every idiot to have the right to posses guns?! How about boycotting Germany? They still don't have 24h convinience stores! Don't even get me started on China! From a logical point of view the whole world needs to boycott China!
@Kent Mcgraw. Exactly, I think Obama`s attitude to the whole thing is ludicrous
Not surprising to read posts basically approving of the thug Putin and his chauvinism. I do agree that boycotting in this case is wrong. Athletes who disagree with Putin and the Neanderthals who support him should wear a symbol in solidarity with those he is abusing. Shame them. Perhaps Abe can get into the spirit by dressing up as Liberace for the opening ceremony. Beautiful Japan indeed.
The athletes can disagree all they want, but it`s clear that this law has the support of most Russians. In only this instance, I agree with Abe
Aizo Yurei
I think Japan doesn't really care about international issues unless it directly affects them. The J-gov is only interested in glorious Japanese victories, so they can parade the one or two people with a medal and sell air freshener or knee medicine.
Konichiwa Sochi!
funny car
Odd that a ban on homosexual propaganda gets so much press. Even in the west, gay rights are still a contentious issue, and it was not all that long ago they were banned from the U.S. military. They still don't have marriage or visitation rights in many places. Bring up homosexual couples adopting if you want to start an argument.
Meanwhile, Russia's continued oppression in the Caucasus is not getting all that much press. Is this our priorities? The right promote gayness over people's freedom and independence?
Russia is not experiencing suicide bombings because of that law. And yes there is a good chance of more suicide bombings during the Olympics, as the Olympics are a target.
That said, I don't have a problem with Abe going (cough).
The Olympics is suppose to bring the world tougher. Competitive spirit can be done through sport. Politics needs to be left out of the games. Japan and Russia are making progress. I have written a lot on this issue but think that perhaps Japan and Russia can become friends. A friendship built on mutual respect. Now non Japanese want Japan to throw away all the progress on something that is not our problem. There has been enough trouble between Japan and Russia it needs to end now.
Gaspard Et Gaspard
Shinzo Abe has some sketchy cronies, for sure--but Vladmir Putin ensures certain *extinction by deviating from the norm...for all the Russian people doing questionable things--it ain't North Korea. Or China. People use indoor plumbing and there's a healthy amount of dissent despite the regime.
Everybody wants to check out what obscene money can purchase, so for a few weeks things will be brisk.
Edward SnowBOARDen.
Knox Harrington
Not that your ignorant comment surprises me but... The fight for human rights concerns all people. Ultimately, this is a human rights issue, not a gay one. I applaud world leaders and athletes who take a stand against this backwards attitude.
Even if a president doesn't attend, there is usually a top ranking government official attending the Olympic opening ceremonies. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden were at the last Olympics. This year, they decided to send 2 gay athletes as representatives and no government officials at all. That says something right there.
Sharon Rodgers
Abe should go if he so desires. Pressure from the USA not to go based on the human rights of the lgbt community is a farce. My government tramples our civil liberties daily with little accountability. They to seek out a minority to defend (blacks, illiegal immigrants, gays, etc.) to fog the real issues facing our country. Like a $$$17+ Trillion debt and an unaccountable president/administration, politicians.
Haven't the adults of the world learned to "rise above" the fray?
Go everywhere abe and do as much as possible!
It's wise position .
Shouldn't use the term "Boy" and "Cot" in Russia.
don't bring politics into sports