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© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Abe to propose major job-creating plan to Trump, reports say
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Damn Abe.....You spend so much time worrying about other countries and their economic needs but keep on failing to do your job HERE.
Why don't you just move to America and run for office there? Can't say you'd be missed much.
Servant leadership.
What? So now Toyota and other Japanese companies will get government assistance from Japanese taxpayers to invest in the US. They are never off the teat, no matter what.
Dango bong
Aly Rustom
Yubaru, considering the leadership they have there, I'd say its the ONLY place I know in the western world where electing Abe would be an improvement...oh my god I can't believe I just said that.
Wouldn't be surprised if I saw Abe with his face painted white in a kimono performing the tea ceremony for a bored Trump.
No one is. This is the land of the rising nipple.
Dango bong
I agree Japan invests a lot in America but let's not forget what prompted Trump to criticize Japan in the first place; a tax to bring things from Mexico as Toyota plans new Mexico factories. Japan is not addressing this.
What a kiss ass, meanwhile the Japanese economy is tanking
Aaaaahahahahaha/// He cannot even created jobs for Japanese in japan, and he goes to another country to tell then how to do it?
Fred Wallace
Guess he wasn't kidding about those jobs huh?
Can someone tell Mr Abe he promised to make jobs in Japan about 4 years ago. Still waiting to see his Abenomics thing kick in.
Dango bong
Welfare in Japan at record highs, I asked J wife who is big Abe supporter why, she said maybe they changed the index of measuring, it does nor mean people are poor. haha this is J thinking...Believe it or not Abe is still quite popular here
The US economy has seen growth for nearly 8 years and now has full employment. It doesnt need stimulus. Duh. This is what happens when politicians are in charge of economic issues.
that's not so radical. They've been doing that in Vietnam and other countries. Japanese government billboards are all over Saigon, bragging about all the spending it's is doing on local infrastructure.
"IS" tanking?
Lol this has to be a first, referring to Trump as a politician!
Priceless. I was thinking he'd give him a simple foot massage. Or as a truly special ally, he might be allowed to coif that orange ferret on Trump's head.
I think Mr. Trup is doing the great job for other countries to grow. Every year more than 60,000 experts from all over the world were gathering and helping make the land go to the top. Now those talents will move back to their home countries. world should try to reduce consuming the junk food and heavy sugar drinks and so many other harmful products being dumped from trump's country. let's see how they can leave so wealthy life..!
I know a whole lot of Japanese hanging their heads in shame right now, and I'm not far behind. This guy is a disgrace! I understand perhaps trying to talk to the guy and giving some concessions, but Abe has literally jumped into the bucked of crap Trump said he must jump into before kissing his arse. "The Japan that said No", eh? What a disgrace. How much money of our taxes has Abe given out to other nations during his second reign?
Abe can't protect the rights of workers in Japan and he won't even mandate wage increases - despite doing all he can to inflate prices... Beware of this man's broken arrows.
J-wife sounds like many J-people, grasping at straws to rationalize something that they can not fathom and unwilling to truly accept that the "popular" Abe is to blame.
How about putting Japan first Mr Abe!
So this money is coming from our pension fund. I guess I'd better start saving lots of money since I only have 30 years until retirement. If the world lasts that long.
Can one sue the gov't for taking unreasonable and irresponsible risks with their pension fund?
Alexandre T. Ishii
Government Pension Investment Fund and govt. bonds there to increase=Abenomics(??)
Alfie Noakes
So, instead of opening and reforming Japan's collapsing economy Shinzo is going to bribe Trump with Japanese taxpayers money so that Toyota et al can continue to make vast profits in the US while avoiding paying tax in Japan.
That's a great deal Shinzo, well done putting the interests of your LDP cronies and massively subsidised farm lobby ahead of the rest of the country.
And the zombie boondoggle that is the Maglev? You must be crazy if you think anyone is going to dump money into that black hole...
Great! They should also thank N. Americans for purchasing millions of Japanese cars, a trend that has been occurring for a few decades now. No sign of American cars in Japan though. Trump standing up for the American taxpayer that has been footing the bill for so much of the international community for too long.
In return for US jobs, Japan will get casinos. Trump's people are too clever to put the dear leader's brand name directly on them, but somewhere deeply hidden in the ownership chain his son-in-law Kushner's hands and Trump's family businesses will be involved. Kushner and Trump's teams of accountants and lawyers will be able to hide direct connection back to the Don (or maybe hide connections to one of his biggest campaign contributors in the gambling industry).
If this is all a partnership agreement to invest in Trump's massive upcoming infrastructure spending, then this is a good idea as it'll give Japanese companies a big slice of that cash as well as satisfying Trump's aims of boosting employment for Americans, as they will be the ones building.
However, I heavily disagree that Japan should use the GPIF to invest in some of these projects as it's way too risky and infrastructure spending in the US will definitely not be generating good returns any time soon.
First time Abe will ever do anything useful.
Let me get this straight, aside from all the issues pointed out above, rightly so.
Does anyone think trump will jump at the chance to get low interest loans from Japan to BUY a bunch of MIJ goods for american's to assemble!!!!!!
trump will probably hit those imports with a chunk of duty to then re-pay Japan haha this is too funny if it wasn't so DEPRESSING!!!!
Right, millions of Japanese cars made by American's in America. Go figure huh!
Trains? shouldn't those projects be done through an open tender, and not through political deals, aka "bribery"?
How does Abe think the Canadian, European and American contractors and suppliers planning to bid on future projects will react? Isn't this a violation of the WTO?
I see. So please tell us what you would do?
Abe..... why
Great! So labor demand will increase in the US along with the price for labor. Because unemployment is at an eight-year low. Like Japan (not.) Good plan, Shinzo-kun.
bass4funk: "I see. So please tell us what you would do?"
We know no one likes to kiss Trump's butt and grin from ear to ear more than Trump supporters, but the answer is easy. Stand up, like most countries are doing. Offer to negotiate before saying you're going to give in to any and all the man-child's demands. Japan is DEFINITELY the number one country in the world in terms of bending over and grabbing their ankles here. From now on, no Japanese can say "we don't need the US", or "We are strong and independent". The elected leaders have proven they are scared little children running for the hills.
And you know what? I guarantee when Abe comes back the talks on how to raise the necessary cash for societal issues at home in the next fiscal year will begin, starting with tax and premium increases, pension and health care money being cut, and the government saying, "But there's no money! What can we do?"
Mike Critchley
Delusional much, Abe? You can't even fix your own economy. How do you propose sweeping reforms that will create all those jobs in a foreign country? Idiot.
Although gotta be careful with that "idiot" word. Trump has re-defined it, and not in a good way.
Ask Trump what he's gong to do to create more jobs in Japan...
Abe, can I propose a closer tie to China and the rest of South-East Asia ? It has growing middle class and economy, give it 20 ~ 30 years, it will be a worthwhile investment. Why do you seek "friends" from far away but not make friends with your closest neighbors ?
Funny thing is people here act like everyone in Japan hates Abe yet his approval rating has been ranging between 54% to sometimes over 60% over the past year. This is at par and sometimes higher than posters on this site's favorite president, Barack Obama. If you and the people you know represented the opinion of an entire country, Trump wouldn't be president.
I agree and would add India.
J Chino
Abenomics is coming to the US.
How can he spend that money? How is that legal?
Not kissing butt,but applauding that finally we have a president that won't take crap, kicks butt keeps his promises.
From the looks of it, it seems like they will all fall in line, hopefully sooner rather than later.
Just a tad bit harsh, wouldn't you say?
(With sincerest apologies to Pikotaro)
???? I have a Trump; I have an Abe
(on) AirForce One❗️
I have a Trump; I have (throwing head up and right arm out) Fascism.
bass4funk: "Not kissing butt"
Maybe not, but you'll blindly accept anything he says -- and I do mean BLINDLY. Even when it's not a fact and it's called an "alternative fact" (made up by Republicans), you'll not and accept it. You take the very same things you criticised a month ago and call it "common sense" now, and lest we forget the time-machine arguments.
"Just a tad bit harsh, wouldn't you say?"
The truth sometimes. And please, no 'alternative' truths.
If only Abe had created proper jobs in Japan in the last 4 years then is be more likely to believe his overtures to Trump....
How about build some factories or sell some cars? American that is.
DaDude: "Funny thing is people here act like everyone in Japan hates Abe yet his approval rating has been ranging between 54% to sometimes over 60% over the past year."
And how about the past week? you know, since the guy 80% of Japanese are worried about took office in the US, and Abe decided to give over Japan's pension and invest heavily despite Trump's constant threats to the nation? I don't know a SINGLE person who agrees with what Abe is doing, but feel free to mention it to them and watch them hang their heads and say nothing.
True but as leader of Japan you should be focused on doing what you can to help your own country grow, not leave things in the hands of foreign economies. Make Japan Great Again Too, Mr. Abe.
They could divulge what they are going to talk about then, since surely it has nothing to do with Trump.
@Reckless: Yeah like I said I agree that it's a good move to get in on the infrastructure investment splurge Trump is planning, that would be a huge victory for Japanese business. I don't agree however that funds should be used from the GPIF unless it's for US infrastructure bonds
Proposals and expectations full of, ifs, buts, or maybes. All in all, perhaps by some chance in a decade the Government of Japan investment will generate $450 billion in new business.
No promises, commitments, or any hint of an assurance. The only guarantee President Trump can be sure off is a gift from Abe san of a quality Golf club, plus the Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund at some point in the future might become involved based on whether it would benefit those covered by the fund. That is the politics of illusion. The reality for Trump could well amount to no more that ignis fatuus foolish fire
All that is missing is a spinning dickie-bow with flashing lights. The question is spotting the magician from the clown?
Kazuaki Shimazaki
I blame Article 9 and Japanese pacifism for this.
Fundamentally, no Japanese really wanted to do this. Unfortunately, this is the kind of crap that happens when you choose to not spend enough to defend yourself and your protector comes jerking the chain.
That should be the lesson that's being taken away here.
While Abe is offering the prospect of plans to propose a sweeping economic cooperation package meant to create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the U.S, the BOJ moved to suppress a surge in the yields of10 year benchmark Government bonds the Yen weakened as a result.
BOJ to conduct special bond buying after yield surge on Trump remarks
God what a crawler... I thought's May's performance with Dumpf was cringe worthy, but Abe is just acting like a scared schoolboy hoping to be pals with the school bully.
@pointofview: Good joke.
Trump will be demanding strong terms on Abe and get likely all of them:
Stronger Yen Pay more for military costs Invest lots of money & share Japan's technology with US Open up agriculture & import more from US. Will Trump affirms strong US-Japan military alliance. It is steadily heading in that direction. Trump got Abe in his "hands". Both will appear very happy on the "win-win" conclusion of the 10th & 11th Feb meeting.sangetsu03
Trump has Abe by the short hairs, and Abe knows it. For generations the Japanese business lobby has greased the hands of American politicians to overlook trade inequalities. Whenever anything resembling a conflict arose, like back in 1995 when Clinton threatened a 100% tariff on Japanese cars, Japan managed to wiggle itself out without making any real concessions.
Trump appears to have enough money that Abe and Japan Inc can't buy him off. Trump seems not to want to deal with such things through intermediaries who would could be bought off, and try to influence Trump to seeing Japan's way, as has usually been done in past administrations.
Trade equalization would be a short term disaster for Japanese industry, causing the collapse of some companies (which have been on lift support since 1991). But it would be a long term boom to Japanese consumers, who would no longer be a captive market to Japan Inc.
But Japan Inc will stop at nothing to prevent trade equalization from ever happening, which is why Abe is talking about investing in America, and making no effort at all to open Japan's markets. In the end, if Trump wants Abe to open Japan's markets to American goods, Abe has no choice but to do so. With one of his executive orders, Trump could bankrupt all of Japan with the stroke of a pen.
The funny thing is that Trump may end up being the savior of Abenomics, by forcing Abe to actually implement the trade reform and deregulation that he preached on about 3 years ago.
Michael Erickson
Japan-U.S. Growth and Employment Initiative: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe intends to propose during a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump on Feb. 10 a bilateral economic cooperation plan, including the creation of a $450 billion (¥51 trillion) market through railways and other infrastructure investments in the United States to generate 700,000 jobs. a. Development of the world’s most advanced infrastructure in the United States: High Speed Rail Projects (Dallas-Houston; Baltimore-Washington, DC; California) – Japan to provide Technical Cooperation & Low Interest Loans (from Japan Government Pension Fund). Japan to replace 3000 aging USA-manufactured Train Cars with Japan-produced Train Cars. b. Cooperate in highly efficient gas-fired power generation and the latest compact nuclear power generation systems. c. Drawing on demand for infrastructure around the world; d. Research and development of robots and artificial intelligence: Cooperation between Japan (who has advance robotic technology) and USA (which leads in AI technology). Jointly develop robots to be used for inspecting aging infrastructure, decommissioning nuclear power plants, and carrying out medical diagnosis and surgery. Cooperate on development of autonomous cars, autonomous planes and autonomous ships. e. Trade Cooperation: Compete against China by sstrengthening the implementation of trade rules to cope with oversupply of steel, aluminum and other metals as well as illegal acquisition of intellectual property. Japan and the United States would jointly work on creating common rules related to e-commerce, government procurement, labor and other issues so that Japanese and U.S. companies will be able to operate under fair conditions, even in “non-market economies” where preferential treatment is given to state-owned enterprises and free competition among private companies is not guaranteed. f. Collaboration in new areas such as cyber and space; g. Cooperation in employment: Toyota has been making big investments in the U.S. It has built big factories, created jobs. If they make profits, their salaries increase and the benefits for Japan also grow. If the United States grows, without a doubt that benefits Japan. h. Defense Cooperation
Texas High-Speed Rail a. When: Starting construction next year, completion estimated by FY2021? b. Where: 90-minute travel time in North Texas Dallas-to-Houston. See Route at six geographic areas include: • Corsicana (CR) • Bardwell (BA) • Interstate Highway 45 (IH‐45) • Middle (MD) • Hockley (HC) • Downtown Houston (DH) c. Cost: About US$10 billion even though Texas Central Railway has not revealed the cost of purchasing the land, buying the rolling stock and building the railway and stations. Does not include the cost of needed Inner City Commuter-leg. d. How Fast: 200-mph (in a fully-sealed corridor) e. Players: 1) Texas Central Partners (formerly called Lone Star High Speed Rail, LLC); 2) Central Japan Railway Company (20-Employees in Texas) f. Technology: Based on the N700‐I Toikaido Shinkansen (Tokyo-Nagoya-Osaka). See: g. Objectives: 1) Relieve congestion along Interstate-45 2) Connect businesses with Houston 3) Efficiency 4) Increase Passengers on Dallas Area Rapid Transit’s (DART) light rail 5) Bring High-Speed Rail Station into downtown Houston 6) Bring more Japanese companies to North Texas – already lured Toyota, Kubota h. Feasibility Studies: i. FRA Analysis of Alternatives (AoA): j. Environmental Impact: minimal impacts to the natural and built environments by maximizing adjacency to existing infrastructure ROW. See 1) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Report at: 2) FRA Corridor AoA Report: 3) FRA Alignment AoA Report: 4) FRA Last Mile Report: k. Infrastructure needed to be successful 1) Gulf-Coast Rail District – The planned route for Texas Central Railway’s high-speed train between Houston and Dallas would only bring the train as far as the 610 Loop. Houston would need a Commuter Rail segment: l. Economic Impact: m. Train Stations: 1) Dallas: Atop I-30 (south of downtown) to connect Cedars neighborhood n. Decision Makers 1) Drayton McLane Jr. (Board of Directors), Texas Central Partners 2) Tim Keith (CEO), Texas Central Partners 3) (former) U.S. Ambassador-Japan Thomas Schieffer (Advisor) Texas Central Partners 4) Jeff Mosseley (VP-State)(former Texas Transp. Commission; Denton Co. Judge) Texas Central Partners 5) Michael Moore (VP-Houston)(former Houston Mayor Chief-of-Staff) Texas Central Partners 6) Lee Kleinman (Councilman) Dallas City 7) Mike Rawlings (Mayor) Dallas 8) Sylvester Turner (Mayor) Houston
Baltimore-to-Washington, DC High Speed Rail Project: a. Japan's ambassador to the U.S. (Kenchiro Sasae) announced Japan Government-funded $2 million to support a feasibility study on building a high-speed train. b. Memorandum of cooperation between Japan and Maryland signed with Gov. Larry Hogan & Japan Ambassador Sasae. The agreement formalizes trade relations between the state and Japan. c. November 2016 Federal government (FRA) awarded $27.8 million in seed money to The Northeast Maglev (TNEM) a private venture seeking to build a high-speed magnetic levitation train between Washington and Baltimore. A 20% outside match is required (Japan will pay this 20%). d. Engineering Analysis commenced. e. Cost $10-$12 Billion Dollars
California High Speed Rail
LETS see.
I can can only vote sangetsu's comments up. They cannot be voted down. Fraud.
Suddenly massive investment into the US?
If only it were just that....
Kazuaki (4-5 posts up) read between the lines and can see that it is about the defense or non defense of Japan by the US.
What matters to Abe is the US military machine backing up Japan to either curtail a Chinese threat or to counter effectively Japanese aggression.
Therefore, Abe will do more or less anything to appease Trump. Trump is belligerent toward China and Abe sees benefit in cultivating that state of affairs.