Japan Today

Abe to tell U.S. leaders Japan ready for bigger security role

By Linda Sieg

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the conservative leader will want fresh assurances that America will show up if needed in any clash with China, conversations with politicians and experts show.

Paranoid much? If Japan wants to play Asia bully they should do it by themselves and stop relying on the U.S. to support them.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Abe to tell U.S. leaders Japan ready for bigger security role

Really, Mr Abe? Try listening to your electorate. I think you'll find they have a different opinon on that

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Japan has ZERO combat zone experience following WWII and no one is expecting their contribution.

US does.

I cannot imagine any sort of improved foreign relation that Japan could enjoy from partaking in collective defense.

Collective self defense is also a request from US, maybe your country?

On what basis does Abe believe the US would be willing to involve themselves in any confrontation against the Chinese?

Security treaty? If US is not willing as you say, then Japan need a bigger security role doesn't it?

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

“We have a sense of crisis that (Chinese President) Xi Jinping ... is increasing China’s hegemonic motivation.”

Behind that message, the conservative leader will want fresh assurances that America will show up if needed in any clash with China

clash with Beijing over disputed islets in the East China Sea.

With would be friends like Japan, why would China need anymore enemies? No wonder the Chinese want to have nothing to do with China.

With would be allies like Japan, why would the US need anymore enemies? Where was Japan, after 9/11? I hope the US wakes up to how self absorbed Japan is and doesn't get dragged into an Asian war because of Japan.

The really sad thing about Asia is that not just Japan, but all the countries have an inability to lesser their arrogance and operate by some international understanding. You don't see the Brits arguing with the French over the Channel Islands.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Abe has to choose his words very carefully. If his comments are taken as aggressive by the Chinese there will be 10 million Chinese troops marching into Kasumigaseki and beating down every door in their path. Abe and his cronies should be using diplomacy to solve the issues with China and not trying to find a bigger bully to back them up.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

He pitches this to the US while pitching a white-washed history speech back home. The recipients of these calculated speeches need to not forget he's trying to play the other crowd in a very different manner. Imagine if he started telling the Japanese electorate -- the people of whom more than 70% are against the revision of the constitution and are protesting Abe's moves -- they will play a larger roles in outside wars. Then imagine he started telling people in the US his white-washed versions of history and then saying he's off to visit Arlington Cemetery.

I sure do hope a lot of Japanese turn up in the US to protest, as well as Americans and other nationalities who won't pretend Abe isn't the white-washer and winger that he is.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

"Abe to tell U.S. leaders Japan ready for bigger security role"

Abe to "tell" or Abe to "ask"?

And is this coming before or after his WWII apology? Because if he ain't apologizin, don't bother tellin.

8 ( +8 / -0 )



3 ( +6 / -3 )

From wikipedia; "The Blue Team is an informal term for a group of politicians and journalists in United States loosely unified by their belief that the People's Republic of China is a significant security threat to the United States and most of those to whom the term has been applied are conservative or neoconservative."

Mr. Abe and his ilk such as Mr. Funada are Neocon's puppet.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Couple days ago Abe's just smiling and told reporters he had a very meaningful summit meeting with Xi and relations between China and Japan were improving in Jakarda...... Anyway I don't yhink Xi would continue playing small isle dispute game with JP any more because he's busy playing more exciting silk road venture game with others now! Abe need to go over this old issue because audience are not interesting, keeping focus on this boring matter is definitely bad strategy for a big country like Japan!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Somebody should make it really clear to Abe (because he seems to have a hard time understanding), that the US cannot help Japan if it stays on its provocative course, rather the contrary. If Japan keeps electing leaders that stir up trouble in East Asia, Japan will soon have both the US and China (and probably Russia as well) against it.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Constrained by its pacifist constitution, Japan was for decades criticised in the United States for free-riding on U.S. military spending and using money that it would otherwise have used on its own defense to fund its economic development.

After WW2 the USA forced the pacifist constitution on Japan and negotiated a fat annual fee from Japan (plus other concessions such as U.S.-run bases in Japan paid for by Japan amongst other things)

.... and then the USA turns around and criticizes Japan for "free-riding" (when in fact nothing could be further from the truth).

And this is pretty typical of the USA. If Japan keeps by the terms of their agreement and pays what the USA demands the US lies straight to their face and accuses them of "free-riding". If they break their agreements and build up their military the USA could (with more justification) call them liars.

... and then the USA gets all confused about why nobody likes them. eyeroll

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Its about time Japan steps up its security role after decades of "checkbook policy".

Sure the US imposed Japan's present day pacifist constitution. But if you look at the decades following ww2, japan hasn't made any ammendment to it. Why?

Cause japan enjoyed the ride. Wrote the checks. Sent their kids to college under the US umbrella and say, " look @ how peaceful Japan is." - its time to pay the fiddler & step up to the plate. Abe needs to be assertive on this topic.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Thank you, Frungy, for telling it like it is.

A lot of people are getting sick of the US sponging on Japan.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

"A lot of people are getting sick of the US sponging on Japan."

Hee hee!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

of course japan has its own story in asia, america has its own story in the americas. if you cannot appease with your neighbors, don't expect other far-reaching countries to make that happen or come to aid in any crisis that might ensue. with that said, diplomacy is the cheapest and powerful among available options.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Are there no bounds to Shin-chan's penchant for snatching diplomatic failure from the jaws of success?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Instead of wasting money with US made weapons he should visit his neighbors in a friendly manner, have a couple of sakes and fix the RP issue. No needs for escalation, sorry Washington!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Let's remember why Japan rose to an economic powerhouse from the the ashes. Cause the US taught & encouraged Japan to do so. ( democracy / capitalism / post-meiji industrialization / innovative marketing. etc)

Sure the japanese have certainly sacrificed themselves for the benefit of attaining the status on the world stage. (Not so much prosperity lately). But they've renowned America (and the american way) by reciprocating our system & values.

But now, its time to for the JSDF to step up to a new role in their region. No more free rides. No more boy scouts-

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

the US should protect Japan if they come under invasion attack etc, but not if Japan instigate a fight. if you want to start a fight you shouldnt expect your big brother to join in to help, only protect you if attacked

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Right. But either way, you cannot hide forever.

Let japan & JSDF enforce the integrity of its airspace, waters & borders. Senkakus too.

By all means, don't depend on the US to scramble its jets any more than japan has. Pull your own weight for once.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

don't depend on the US to scramble its jets any more than japan has. Pull your own weight for once.

WC626, US never srambled. It is Japan's Blue impulse that's doing whenever China or Russia came near Japan's ADIZ.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Okay you're prob right. But how accurate? Have you been in the JSDF? Worked for your gov? Know US military officers-

I aint' trying to put you on blast. Just don't believe everything you hear nor read.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Go abe. I support you.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

It is Japan's Blue impulse that's doing whenever China or Russia came near Japan's ADIZ.

Just have to point out that Blue Impulse is the aerobatics team of the JASDF. The only thing they are being scrambled to intercept is the delight of sports fans and summer festival goers ;-)


1 ( +2 / -1 )

Just remember - if he wants to send his troops abroad under his 'new security policy', other countries' troops will not be babysitting next time.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Japan has been nothing more than America's dupe. Have we learned nothing from the past? Japan needs to mind its own business. We should NEVER get involved in another war unless it comes to us. Abe is a threat to world peace and his LDP was elected by rigging the vote. It is tie we turn back from the brink of disaster of our own design. Abe learn the lessons of our past and turn away from war.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Japan needs to stop sponging off of the US. And for the illiterates here, it is not clear at all that the US somehow forced the pacifist clause on Japan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_9_of_the_Japanese_Constitution#Historical_background. In any event, it has now just become the fig leaf of the anti-baser.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

scipantheist Japan pays for the costs of the American bases. From local nations working on the base to even electric and utilities. Then add the costs of new buildings. No I say close all of the US bases in Japan. Jpan will have to sink or swim alone. As for "anti base", Japan belongs to the Japanese nationals and not the USA.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Japan needs to stop sponging off of the US.

scipanthesit, when did Japan sponge off of the US?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

YuriOtani: "scipantheist Japan pays for the costs of the American bases."

They pay some of the costs, not all, and in return Japan is protected -- and you can bow down and thank them for it.

"No I say close all of the US bases in Japan. Jpan will have to sink or swim alone. "

And whenever a Chinese sub nears Okinawa you are suddenly a 'part of Japan under the US defense' and demand their protection. You literally have before, citing the defense pact with the US and saying they have no choice, then turn around again and scream for them to go home. Typical.

tinawatanabe: "scipanthesit, when did Japan sponge off of the US?"

Constantly. Why do you think Abe's going a-begging? You think he's going to talk out of benevolence?

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Why do you think Abe's going a-begging?

Because he's a pathetic little groveller who wants the US to face the problems he can't face.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Japan is freeloading off US security. Sorry but when armed forces members receive their direct deposits (including their cola pay) it comes from the US dept. of defense. Not bank of Japan.

Darn right Japan will have to sink or swim alone if the "good guys" pack-up & leave. Look @ a globe. Find Japan. Then start counting all countries around Japan who actually like Japanese. None. Thats how many.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Wc626Apr. 26, 2015 - 08:45PM JST Japan is freeloading off US security. Sorry but when armed forces members receive their direct deposits (including their cola pay) it comes from the US dept. of defense. Not bank of Japan.

Bull. The Japanese support of the US armed forces goes way beyond just paying for Japanese defense. I know for a fact that during the War on Iraq the oil running the U.S. aircraft carriers was paid for by the Japanese taxpayers as the Japanese contribution to the war effort.

Darn right Japan will have to sink or swim alone if the "good guys" pack-up & leave.

I long for the day when the U.S. stops its colonial agenda and packs up and goes home. It has repeatedly destabilised world politics almost to the point of Armageddon scenarios in the last 70 years, and the U.S. government clearly doesn't give two hoots about anyone, not even U.S. citizens.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Good post.

Again you tell it like it is.

I remember the massive demonstration against the nine billion dollars that Japan "donated" to contribute to the US "war" in Iraq. It was huge and stretched from Shinjuku to the Diet Building. I've no idea how many people that was. A million? Maybe. In any case, on TV, newspapers, the radio, NOTHING was said about this demonstration. It was censored.

Don't be too hard on Wc626. He is operating on the information he has been given. He obviously is not in possession of the full story.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japan is freeloading off US security.

Wc626, If you think so, then why don't they pack up and leave? You didn't even know that US did not scramble. You are only making Americans image worse as ignorant, arrogant and naive.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

IMHO, it's about time that the Japan enforced their own security against threats and aggressions. Change the accord sign after WW2 just to act only as a defense force. China have been acting rudely for years now. Obama's admininstration , United Nation and the likes, just keep on dilly dallying especially about islands dispute. I think Abe's move to make USA re-assure Japan about their sincere support is good. This will show USA transparency to US support. And btw, Japan is also spending for the presence of US Military bases and not USA alone as reported. IMHO, It's about time for Japan not only to defend themselves but also to respond to attacks. I just cannot grasp why until now the world's powerful nation cannot even lift a finger to China's abusive behavior in Asia. Economic problem maybe? USA financially neck deep indebted to China? Your guess is good as mine?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Why do you think Abe's going a-begging?

smithinjapan, Abe is begging for bigger security role. What's wrong with that under China threat? I really think you should make up your mind whether you be pro-China or pro-USA. So, when did Japan sponge off US?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Hey, Obama no able to secure the White House lawn from intrusion, but...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

By "the world's most powerful nation" I presume you are referring to the USA?

If so, are you asking why the U.S.A. cannot "lift a finger to China's abusive behavior?"

Probably because the U.S.A. is not only broke, but in debt big time to China and also because China isn't being particularly abusive in Asia - not when you compare it with the bloodbath the U.S.A. has created in the Middle East.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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