Japan Today

Abe vows to defend disputed islands from China


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You have to stand up to china its the only thing they understand. When they tried to take from india and vietnam they stood up to the chinese and china backed down. Japan may not really have to fire a shot hopefully. Maybe just the sign of japan taking a firm stand will make the chinese back away. But you never know what can happen next

9 ( +15 / -6 )

This dispute is not just for political crap inside the two respective countries. This dispute is about China being able to board international ships in international waters, denying passage, and claiming immense valuable resources which a nuclear-shy Japan could really use badly if it wants to avoid building more reactors.

This issue is important.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

I'm pretty Jealous with Japan's prime minister. Our president ignores everything.... sigh

Just so you guys know, the country with the most issues around the world right now is China. Whether this man(Japan Prime minister) talks or not, China is a threat. All these disputes are happening is because of China. Everything started with China to begin with(that is if you read news everyday people).

As far as i can see, there should be someone in the east to stand up to the dragon(well China thinks Dragon is a God LOL). And Japan PM doing this is a good thing! China is actually engaged in a Psy-war situation with all it's neighboring nation in all sides right now, sending their navy/fishermen fleet in everyone's territories, renewing their own history to make their claim valid. C'mon people wake up! Japan Prime minister is not fanning the flames, Chinese government has already closed its ears for any diplomatic solution for all this disputes they are facing. You could see it in the issue in the south china sea. PH brought the issue to the UN, and China says, NO were not going... the next day they sent a a navy fleet to conduct drills.. wtf? is that something right? One thing I could say, if no one speaks up against this Giant, they will all become slaves.

US forces in Japan and PH is a good thing whether you agree or not. As much as we had bad history with the US, there isn't anyone strong enough to take on China unless the entire east will join forces against this one. When you think about it, if China's claim is invalid by the UN, everything they are doing right now will be pointless and their claims will be gone for good. But with the current military of China, there is no show of giving in, this obviously an expansion of territory and they are starting a war anytime soon whether we like it or not. IF the Chinese people aren't gonna start up a revolution soon and allow themselves being manipulated by their own leaders, they will only end up as pawns, after all China has the biggest population on earth.

I really hope you guys know what happened to Tibet. Same strategy is being applied now. Let us not forget TIbet, coz i really believe, even Tibet is being forgotten by the rest of the world now..... :(

6 ( +6 / -0 )

You have to stand up to china its the only thing they understand.

Unfortunately this is true. If you just talk, they'll constantly undermine your position and use bully tactics to push you backwards at the negotiating table.

If it continues to harrass Japan's Coast Guard in trying to get close to the disputed islands, will Abe give the order to start doing something drastic about it?

I don't think you understand. If Abe and the government never made any comments that they would stand firm, China would be far more aggressive than it is now.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

avigatorFeb. 03, 2013 - 12:17AM JST I believe the instigators are the japanese

Great. But the rest of Asia and the entire world disagree with you.

Tony EwFeb. 03, 2013 - 01:41AM JST Looks like Abe is baiting China to attack first while at this stage Japan seems to have better US supplied F15 and >navy ships and possibly submarines.

Japan is not a militant fascist country with a military and territorial expansion agenda like China. Only Chinese web warriors and a few hawks ion PLA openly talk about starting war. This belligerent attitude not just towards Japan but towards all of it's Asian neighbors is what keeps China from ever becoming a "leader" in Asia.

Abe keeps talking tough but did he consider Okinawans will be the first to suffer if there is full scale war? Since >Okinawa will the the launching pad for planes and ships this must be something worrisome for Okinawans as China is >tempted to attack it first. This is a very serious possibility as China may not want to go beyond that and attack >mainland Japan to reduce risk of full scale US involvement.

China is trying to take a part of the Japanese prefecture that houses the largest US military presence in Asia. There is zero chance of China takling military action against Japan on any level that will not cause a direct engagement with the United States.

China may just attack Japanese air and navy assets with long range missiles but leave US bases alone. Let's see >how US respond in this scenario.

Look up and read the US-Japan Mutual Defense Treaty and see if the above makes any sense at all.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


Ya don't need to keep fanning the flames here. Japan should be talking diplomacy here, it's all they need to do. It's a given that a country will defend it's own territory. If China push the envelope with this, they will be in the wrong, they will look bad.

This is idiocy.

4 ( +14 / -10 )

I see the JT socialist club meeting has started without me .... oh dear.

Look at the one quote from Abe in this article. Its pretty tame actually. He is basically saying "I will defend the nations interests and safeguard her territory". In other words ..... he's going to do is job. Horrors.

People getting bent out of shape over this comment need to get real. Its like the day he sang the national anthem of his country and every communist sympathizer in Japan crawled out from under their kotatsu to log in at JT and voice their displeasure. Absolutely ridiculous.

Want Abe to shut up? Tell the communists to stop sending ships, planes etc into Japanese territory every day for four months.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

However I wish Abe should be less war mongering and less arrogant. Like grandpa like grandson! The more he talk about the war , the more people will understand about his true color and poisonous pre war nationalism.

Out of curiosity, would someone care to explain, how saying you'll defend your land if attacked, is warmongering? Is like if I say, I'll defend myself if you attack me, somehow I'm then to blame for you attacking me. It makes no sense. Abe is stating very simply, that if China continues its agressive actions, Japan will respond. It makes sense. Not only that, its the only way to deal with a bully. China only understands strength.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Perhaps this blitzkreig attack will solve the 'Japan Problem' once and for all?

I can't be the only one getting tired of your rhetoric and constant war talk.

The world doesn't have a "Japan problem". What we do have is a serious communist chinese problem. Can't wait till that deluded tinpot wannabe superpower collapses on itself.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Yes, IF China think she can get away with it, she should.

Short term, childish, thinking. Even if it were actually true, which it is not, that a truce would prevent an immediate counter-offensive (again, attacking mainland China is not anywhere near the only possible option), retaliation will come. Americans tend to be quick to forgive, slow to forget.

This is no different than Pearl Harbor sneak attack.

I agree. The Pearl Harbor attack resulted in the Doolittle Raid. Unfortunately, due to delays in technology, it took about three months before the first US attack on mainland China occurred. Actual authorization of the raid only took two weeks. The raid had about the same effect on Japan that Peral Harbor had on the US.

Retaliation, however, began almost immediately. In a worst-case scenario attack consisting of of hundreds of aircraft, mini-submarines, and 8 carriers, against an enemy who was sleeping, had the ammo lockers locked, had the air guns unmanned, and generally had their collective pants down, the base still managed to get aircraft in the air, still managed to down about 30 aircraft and several submarines, and still managed to capture an enemy sailor. The US retaliated well enough to the point that the planned third wave of fighters was waived, seeing how much damage had been caused to the second wave.

The parallels between China and Japan, in this instance, are frighteningly similar. In both cases, the US did not, at all, expect imminent war with Japan. In both cases, the intent was a pre-emptive strike under the reasoning that it would prevent war in the future. In both cases, the idea was the the US would not want to get brought into a war that wasn't of its own making. In both cases, it was believed the US did not have the ability to counter-attack either immediately or in the near future.

So go on, throw 'childish' any adjectives your superior intellect can come up with, don't matter.

I wish I could take credit for it, but frankly, it doesn't take much of a superior intellect to counter these childish ideas.

China is teflon coated and your labels won't stick!

Please write down in your PRC handbook that the term "teflon-coated ass" isn't exactly a compliment in either the US or Japan.

If people don't like facts that is not my problem!

I agree. Your problem is that you cannot tell the difference between your facts and your opinions. (hint: you aren't really using many facts).

Oh, I guess US can send in the marines to take out a small fish like Manuel Noreiga without declaration of war, but China?

Correct, but for different reasons. Noriega wasn't the leader of a potential global player. Noriega had many people who didn't favor him among the existing global players. Noriega was heavily reliant on primitive tactics such as brute force, unnecessary violence, and drug-trafficking, as well as things which did actually affect the other countries, such as racketeering, and money-laundering.

China, on the other hand, we would have to wait for an attack prior to justifying a counter-offensive. This has actually been the US strategy for a long, long time, to the point that we are willing to see our soldiers and sailors killed in clear, aggressive, war-time, attacks without immediate retaliation by isolated groups.(attack a bunch of civilians, on the other hand, and your ass is grass).

Roosevelt referred to the Pearl Harbor attack as "a day that will live in infamy". He wasn't kidding. There is a reason why we refer to our training as "lessons written in blood". There were a tremendous amount of lessons learned from that attack, and they exist and are in action today.

Well...at least, there were many lessons learned by the US that day. Those who refuse to study history...end up becoming part of it.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

So, Tony, to summarize your stance:

-China will never attack the US, because it understands it will get its behind handed to it. Otherwise, it would be fully justified in attacking the US, even though the US has never attacked or threatened China.

-China has no reason to attack Japan, except that Japan is hosting the US (which China would not attack otherwise).

-Even though the US has never attacked, or even threatened attack, towards China, and even though the US has been a significant factor in the growth and power of China, China nonetheless considers the US to be an active and imminent threat of all-out nuclear warfare.

-Even though Japan has not made the slightest attack, or threatened attack, towards China for the last 70 years, and is indeed another significant factor in China's growth and power, and has never been shown to have a government sponsored program specifically designed to indoctrinate in children a social bias specifically against China, China is still willing to consider Japan an imminent nuclear threat.

-Even though Japan has neither attacked nor threatened attack towards China for the last 70 years, has officially and formally apologized for the previous war, has a declared truce of friendship with China acknowledging that apology, has been a consistent and reliable trade partner with China for decades, China still has the right to demand that Japan submit to searches and inspections for weapons which China has never had the slightest reason to believe exist.

-China would be justified in attacking Japan as long as they only intended to attack US bases and personnel.

-Japanese citizens would not be justified in holding Chinese military aircraft entering their airspace without permission and firing missiles into cities and towns, as responsible for the attacks. Similarly, any coast guard ships sunk in the attack should be blamed on the US presence, not on the Chinese attack.

-The US military would not be justified in either engaging attacking aircraft, or in pursuing other Chinese military targets, in the event of an attack.

-Similarly, the US will not be justified in attacking Chinese military targets following an attack, as long as China declares that it doesn't want to fight anymore.

So...basically, China want to attack the US, but doesn't want to get hit back. China doesn't want to attack Japan (it wants to protect Japan, and build a Disneyland in Okinawa). China is, however, willing to attack Japan if Japan insists on hosting the US. If Japan agrees to push the US military out, and it agrees to submit to being searched for weapons, and it agrees to let China take over its protection, then everything will be alright. Otherwise, China will have no choice but to consider both Japan and the US as possible threats and will be justified in launching a pre-emptive strike.

Did I miss anything?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Abe said. “I will take the lead to stand up against the present danger and protect the people’s lives and asset, ...” ...The uninhabited islands are controlled by Japan...

Good on you, Abe. You go protect and defend the lives of the people who live on those uninhabited islands! Be the PM Japan needs!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Japan was a villain of WWII

I almost fell off my chair when I read this! Perhaps WWII did not occur? No Bataan March? No River Kwai? No Death Railway? No invasion of Malaya? No Nanking Massacre? You should talk to some old WWII vets if any are still alive!

Here's a tip for the non-native English speakers on the site. We distinguish between the past and present tenses when writing sentences. Hence the statements above have no relationship whatsoever to the absolutely correct statement "Japan is not a militant fascist country with a military and territorial expansion agenda like China" made by Ossan.

I hope this tip helps you out with your future posts.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Maybe I imagine too much but what if China, knowing she won't have a knockout punch to win the battle in short order in the actual air sea engagement around the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, decide to launch a BLITZKREIG ATTACK on Japanese military assets on Okinawa itself AND DECLARE A TRUCE IMMEDIATELY? What US will do is a difficult question nobody can answer for sure. Not a drop of US blood is spilled, so should US fight ON BEHALF of Japan SO EARLY ON? ATTACK MAINLAND CHINA?

This is the end result of the belief that the base in Okinawa is a "vacation", and not a military base stationed and maintained in the event that an attack by any of the unstable elements in the region, particularly of the ones who are currently engaged in poking at a country we are treaty-bound and duty-obligated to defend.

I guess US will just issue a SUPER SERIOUS WARNING TO CHINA, but China see that coming THAT is why China will call a TRUCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ATTACK.

This is a prime example of the sort of childish thinking that pervades the PRC. In war, you don't get to use the "1-2-3-NOT IT!" gambit. Particularly when invading a global player.

If US don't want to accept the truce you can expect Defcon 2 readiness as Chinese missileers will be itchy to hit the Go Button at a moment's notice due to fear of stealth attacks by F22 and F 35

Fortunately, thanks to China's aggressive actions of late, the US will see that coming, and the missileers (?) will wonder why, seconds after pressing the launch buttons, their missiles suddenly show up as missing on their screens.

There is, after all, a reason why the US is much more relaxed about nuclear attacks than it used to be.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Ah, shoot, I didn't notice it was Tony I was responding to. Never mind.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

My reply got flagged for a while for discussing sensitive issues so I am just going to make a quick reply here without taking too much of my time.

It think it had less to do with the issue and more to do with the quality/intent of the response.

1 US cannot attack China without a declaration of war. This means Congress have to be involved and this takes time.

Not a student of history, are you?

2 In this rapid fire military actions by China as I envisioned, there is zero chance for POTUS to order an attack on China.

He is unlikely to need to. Contingency plans for this sort of thing, particularly in situations such as the one China is creating, exist specifically for the purpose of rapid-response.

This means after China declare a truce within an hour after the blitzkreig AND do nothing else, no activities around the disputed islands, WHAT action can US take? Attack mainland China?

Possibly, but unlikely. There are plenty of Chinese military targets that aren't in mainland China.

3 Blittzrieg and withdraw, seek truce is not a childish game.

It absolutely is. Only a child (and we are talking preteens here) thinks that they can hit someone and then run away to tell the teacher the other guy wants to hit him.

It is a WISE military strategy to reduce the losses if any and still manage to inflict damage to the enemy.

It is an idiotic strategy that relies on the enemy soldiers looking around at the destruction around them, the deaths of their friends, the bodies of the people they are meant to protect, and just sit back and do nothing because they didn't bother to plan for it or anything and should probably just wait for the politicians to tell them what to do. I cannot for the life of me think that the Chinese military generals are so stupid that they would think yelling "QUITSIES!" will gain them any sort of sympathy with the rest of the world.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Stealth ships + stealth planes from China launching missiles into Okinawa!

Okay, China attacks, kind of tame for a strategy, but okay...

Next thing you know this causes a psychological impact and may motivate Okinawans to scream for US bases to leave the islands!

Hmm...generally speaking, and attack by a foreign power does not result in the locals demanding the removal of their only viable counter-offense option. If anything, it often results in the locals demanding they take action against the invaders.

While the genius in the Pentagon think Air Sea Battle may revolve around Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, there is no proof China won't hit Okinawa FIRST to deliver a psychological shock.

No one, not geniuses nor idiots, think the battle is going to revolve around the Senkaku Islands. They have no military nor strategic value.

War is not just brute military force.

Exactly. Which is why we have people who are very good at it in the Pentagon continuously making plans against threats. Any idiot can propose a brute force attack like attacking Okinawa. It takes intelligence to plan out what to do afterwards.

The Art of War to drive US out of Okinawa?

So you've changed your previous stance about China refusing to attack the US?

Factual references + opinions AND NO LIES what do you get? Honesty! Enough said!

Well, I won't comment on whether or not you've lied about anything. I will say that not lying is not the same as being honest. As for your opinions, I've already answered them, so that leaves your factual references...which, again, are none (hint: It isn't enough to say you have facts; you have to actually present them).

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Japan can make the nuclear war head. It has technology. According Tony Ew research, Japan has many hidden plutoniums too. In fact, only Israel and Japan are non declared nuclear states. If they use WMD, it will be very leathal with hidden Subs. It will be nightmare for Asia. Japan is revisiting the pre war nationalism now. It is unwelcoming development. Japan can not be trusted according history. If they have no intention for first strike, how on earth they have stock piled WMD?


IF: Japan could make a nuclear warhead, IF: Tony Ew's (noted researcher and expert that he is) claim that Japan is hiding weapon's-grade (implied) plutonium is actually correct (and not just another opinion he mistook as a fact), IF: Japan uses submarines to launch weapons of mass destruction,

Then... logically... Japan has stockpiles of WMD?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Just say Deny Deny Deny

That tactic really isn't working for you. It's just too obvious when you try to deny things. Heck, you're already at the stage where you are directly contradicting yourself.

It is more than an IF thing.

Meaning...what? That you have evidence that it is an actual fact? Not one of those "opinion" things that aren't actually facts?

It is very easy given Japan tech prowness and US cooperation.

Ah, yes, of course, the building of a thermonuclear ballistic missile...is a very easy thing. Heck, you can download the instructions on the internet. It's just like making a potato-gun, really.

It's almost silly how some people waste a good seven years of their lives studying physics and nuclear sciences.

Have anybody do a proper accounting of the plutonium stockpile and make it public so we can all rest assured there is no diversion?

Oh, good, you admit that your previous factual reference with no lies was actually...not a reference, which means...

Japan cannot have a stockpile of WMD...

Sure it can. Whether Japan has a stockpile of WMD's or not isn't going to change how ridiculous the logic presented was.

but Japan can easily assemble them with short notice

Generally, the purpose of stockpiling something is because it isn't easy to get a hold of in large quantities in a reasonable amount of time (i.e. "short notice").

But again, this is only an "IF". Kind of like the following:

but you already lost track (of the plutonium) with the Fukushima meltdown

don't know how many have be diverted to military programs

If Japan allow for inspection of her military factories to make sure no mobile launchers are made, that will help to remove suspicion.

And why would Japan allow China to do that? Rather presumptuous, I think. The only countries that demand that other countries open up their blouses for inspection are the countries that are quietly threatening to go to war if there is no compliance.

The stealth attacks are more to milk psychological benefits from Okinawan behavior rather than shock and awe!

Please...stop talking about military strategy. It hurts. I'd explain how there are no psychological effects if no one notices the attack, and how shock and awe are, kind of by definition, psychological effects, but really, you and military strategy...yeah, not worth it.

China will ONLY target Japanese targets that are not commingled with US forces if that is possible.

What difference does that make? Attack Japan, and Japan and the US attack you. It's a pretty simple chain of events.

If the Japanese want to embed inside US bases of course that won't be a safe target. But the ships! Those coast guard ships got to watch out!

I believe we've talked about your utter lack of proportionality? Talking about shooting a missile into a coast guard ship while the discussion is about thermonuclear missiles...do you see the gap there?

The Fear Factor! Okinawans will finally hear distant sounds and see flashes in their sky. Not directed at them. Hopefully no stray missiles. See, that is what frightens them...

Not really. No more than lightning does, or fireworks do. What frightens them (because, like a majority of us here, they are intelligent enough to not be frightened at something that is unlikely to be dangerous) are missiles actually blowing up in their vicinity. Like we say in the US, at that point "Sh!t gets real".

PLUS their current disdain for US forces there will accelerate the push to get US out.

But see, the thing of it is that when someone tries to shoot another person, and they hit a bystander instead, it is still the shooter, not the original target, who is blamed. Heck, even if they hit the original target, it doesn't really generate much sympathy for the shooter. And if the original target happens to be the beat cop, it doesn't matter how disliked he is, the bystanders are still going to tell him to take down the shooter.

"Good morning neighbor! I know this is your building and all and you have the right to decide who lives here and who doesn't, but I really don't like that guy in 202." "Yes, neither do I, but he does pay his rent." "Okay then, if you don't mind, I'll go ahead and shoot him, you okay with that?" "Oh, would you? Thanks, I'll tell him right away! Oh, wait, he might not believe you. Could you maybe try shooting him a bit first? Try not to hit any of the kids. Excellent, thanks. You know, If someone like that attracts people who like to shoot other people they don't like, I'll be so much better off without him!" "Not a problem. I know he's never actually attacked me, or threatened me, or...actually, he set me up with a bunch of jobs that let me buy the house next door, but still...he might be a threat to me, so, yeah, I'll just go and shoot him a bit. See ya." "Don't be a stranger!"

This is not an attack on the people itself so there is no reason for the Okinawan to direct their anger at China.

Right...a missile attack...in their country...just next door to their homes...just seconds flight time from where the children are playing...at people whose jobs pretty much revolve around waging war...

Sure. The Okinawan's would be fine with that. Missile hits the base and Obaasan will just right her sun hat back on her hair as she toddles down to the market, rolling her eyes and grumbling about how noisy the base is today.

They will understand China will not attack their islands if US forces are not there!

So, the wolf says to the sheep: "Hey guys, look, it's really simple: If you get that dog to go back to the barn instead of hanging around here with you all day, I won't have any reason to attack you. Heck, you know what? I'll even protect you! Let me show you the plans for Okinawa Disneyland..."

3 ( +3 / -0 )

What I said is what I said.

Oh, good, it's not just me, then.

Can't help you if you are missing something.

Really? You do not have the ability to point out something you've said which might help the readers make some sense of the spherical nonsense summarized above?

Okay, then. Good to know.

The readers, yes, the readers! They are the ones to make a judgement whether what I said make sense.

I think you can come to a pretty accurate conclusion regarding what the reader's have concluded by looking at how many dislikes your posts tend to average.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

TamaramaFeb. 02, 2013 - 04:02PM JST Just SHUT UP MAN!

Well if China would take the issue to IJC instead of using physical bullying tactics, he could,

tian4670Feb. 02, 2013 - 07:45PM JST FYI: It is reported that China has referred (or tried to) the dispute to united nation for a resolution. What will Japan do >in response?

No it's not. China has submitted a redefining of it's territory on the basis of the continental shelf. An attempt to justify taking over all of the East and South China Seas.It will not have any bearing on the territorial dispute itself as the UN has made clear that it must be settled "between the sates:. The UN has the ICJ for tht purpose but China continues to avoid talking the Senkaku issue (as well as disputes with other nations) there.

ZenpunFeb. 02, 2013 - 04:41PM JST Tarama He has one standard to Senkaku territorial water. He has one standard to Aust territorial water. I wish Aust PM should >be touch and strong enough for not surrendering J ships colonization of their southern water.

Japanese whaling ships have not entered Australian "territorial waters", they have entered Australian EEZ, something that any vessel can do in transit and the Australian government can do nothing about unless they were "whaling" within the EEZ. Furthermore, no Japanese ships have entered Australian territorial waters or it's EEZ for the purpose of claiming land owned by Australia. In contrast, China has sent government ships into the contiguous zone which lies between the EEZ and territorial waters for the sole purpose of attempting to take the Senkaku islands. It is asinine to even attempt to make a comparison. Not to even mention that Australia is in the US/Japan camp as far as China is concerned.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Tony EwFeb. 03, 2013 - 07:00AM JST "Japan is not a militant fascist country with a military and territorial expansion agenda like China" I almost fell off my chair when I read this! Perhaps WWII did not occur? No Bataan March? No River Kwai? No Death >Railway? No invasion of Malaya? No Nanking Massacre? You should talk to some old WWII vets if any are still alive!

That's right Tony Ew. Neither Japan nor Germany have been fascist countries for 70 years. Communist China on the other hand, having fought wars with India and Vietnam and the entire United Nations on the Korean Penninsula has moved from Communism to Capitalism but retained all of the authoritarian features like public opinion control, censorship, militant nationalism so that today it is indeed a Fascist China. That's TODAY Tony, not 70 year old history,

"Only Chinese web warriors and a few hawks ion PLA openly talk about starting war."

It's all tough talk by BOTH sides isn't it? What do you expect?

No it's not on both sides. No Japanese. politicians or military have advocated war. In fact their constitution prohibits it.

There will aways be some vocal guys on both sides making their views heard, but luckily they don't run the >government in China.


Yup, I thought about US obligations to Japan too. Maybe I imagine too much but what if China, knowing she won't >have a knockout punch to win the battle in short order in the actual air sea engagement around the Senkaku/Diaoyu >Islands, decide to launch a BLITZKREIG ATTACK on Japanese military assets on Okinawa itself AND DECLARE A >TRUCE IMMEDIATELY? What US will do is a difficult question nobody can answer for sure. Not a drop of US blood is >spilled, so should US fight ON BEHALF of Japan SO EARLY ON? ATTACK MAINLAND CHINA?

I agree with you Tony Ew in that you are imagining too much. Firstly, China is not interested in an "all out war". At lease unless the nationalist hawk Generals and Admirals in the PLA and PLAN manage to gain control of the Chinese politburo. The main reason is that China knows that in an "all out war" it would wiped off the map. At this point there's no need to address your hypothetical "blitzkrieg" on Japanese assets on Okinawa because any such attack will engage the United States. I know you're trying hard to believe that somehow China will be left free to start a war with Japan but realistically that just isn't going to happen. The Chinese government know this too otherwise they would be wasting time with the "maritime surveillance agency" ships. Your imaginery scenarios as fun as it may be for you to fantasize about Chinese military strength, also exposes how little you are aware of the degree of integration between US Forces in Japan and the JSDF.

Perhaps this blitzkreig attack will solve the 'Japan Problem' once and for all?

The world and all of Asia only sees the "China problem".

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Okay ... seems as if Abe has drawn a line in the sand ... er ... water. Now let's see what China does. If it continues to harrass Japan's Coast Guard in trying to get close to the disputed islands, will Abe give the order to start doing something drastic about it? He's laid down the law ... now it's in his corner to defend it.

In the meantime, better get your helmets & bomb-proof vests out of storage ...

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Get some new headlines JT. Abe is just repeating himself.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Hi, I had a very nice idea. Just create a similar version of Eurozone. The name can be something like Pacific Zone. Then include Japan as the member. The Pacific Zone will have an economy power of 21 trillion of GDP dollars or even more if they include Australia and Canada. The new military forces can be named PTO. Then, the risk of war will be reduced to almost zero. It will require some changes in the constitution to allow Japan to be part of international forces. They can keep the cause saying that Japan can't start a war.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The JT 50 cent party is more like it. Swarms of people supporting Fascism and in East Asia.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

How can the world trust Japan after Mukden Incident, Pearl Harbor. All these are acts of deceit

Yet there you are suggesting, advocating, threatening that the communist chinese might just do a "blitzkrieg" attack on Okinawa. Blitzkrieg here being a euphemism for sneak attack. And then rather than face the consequences of their sneak attack, you recommend the communists hightail it back home and declare an immediate truce to avoid having their asses handed to them by the US Navy.

Hello pot, meet kettle.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Abe hope JP can change constitution and strength his force soon and let the US leave so JP can be really independent just like Ishihara and right wingers said. Later JP could be really grow up like an adult, then JP can be mature enough to make decision whether he want to take risk or compromise for something, that's how people handle matters in real world! Suppose JP always hide by back of a big tiger and say whatever he want, he can't grow up and get others' respect. That's what Abe has been trying to do now so I think his declaration is not just another careless speech.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

some one forgot to tell Abe that the election is over, and that he has won

0 ( +3 / -3 )

hkitagawa: the pre-requisite for your idea to work is concession. Unfortunately this word means loosing face in many asian countries.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

How else can he be able to stir up sentiments for changing the constitution? Suits his purpose.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Abe is correct, you hit the bully by it's nose. China's arrogance and mentality on claiming the whole Pacific seas is already absurd and ridiculous. Lets face the fact - war will start in the Pacific. China's agenda is to destroy the West and it's allies.

Gen. MacArthur should have finished them off all the way to China from the Korean Peninsula.

Free Tibet Now !

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I forgot to mention: The idea of Pacific Zone should include all the small countries in Asia, Japan, America, and any friendly countries :)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Please stay on topic. Pearl Harbor is not relevant to this discussion.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

enough already what the hell is wrong with these idiots running this country we get it what the hell does this spoiled rich kid know about defending anything fing chiuahua

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

He's an American puppet.

This. Also, Usa won't support Japan in a conflict against China for the Senkaku islands. Japan is alone. Man, I'm sorry for Japanese people who voted this man who can bring only pain to them.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

So the Chinese enter Japan's EEZ and they get detained but the Japanese Coast Guard enters Australian EEZ after being asked not to with flagrant disregard for a potential defense ally. Oddly not a word about the Southern Ocean on NHK, Two faced Japan wants respect they should give some as well.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

@hkitagawa: ahahaha, implying USA would let that.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

If a war breaks out over these islands, I'd better see Abe don a uniform, grab a gun and rush on over there!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

'At all costs...'' it says it all In other words at the expense of the People dying for a useless cause. History repeats itself.!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Alex Noaburg,

At this point, it seems like Abe WANTS to engage in a war with China.

Well either he does or his "handlers" do.

My guess is he'll take it to the brink.

Rewrite history, rewrite the Constitution, at ENORMOUS expense, buy a load of military hardware from his buddies in the States, get Japan into incredible debt.

Then, get an attack of the "tummywobbles," go into forced retirement and leave an unholy mess for the next guy to attempt to clear up.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

I sincerely hope that china continues to treat Japan with the same disdain that Japan is treating Australia with. Japan complains and calls it regrettable when a Chinese vessel enters its claimed EEZ yet has no qualms about sending JCG vessels not only into Australia EEZ but also our territorial waters ..... Double standards japan.....

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Yeah, good for you Abe! And, who is gonna defend Japan from you and your cronies?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Defend your country from being dependent with the U.S. That's the real problem.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Pls let me correct the second last sentence as China success and technology advancement was contributed by US in 1980s.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

At this point, it seems like Abe WANTS to engage in a war with China. He keeps poking and prodding China with inflammatory comments as in the article. War is only good for the top 1% who benefit financially and politically from it, not the average citizens who will compose the ranks who will die in a war.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Smart Judge,

Abe is not a smart politican.

Sorry, but he isn't.

He's a FAILED politician.

He is patriotic to Japan but he needs more study on history between Japan and China.

He may need to study the history of Japan and China as you say, but he is NOT patriotic to Japan. He's an American puppet.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Molenir: defending land is one thing. Creating a mess with a piece of rocks is another.

In both sides these rocks are just used for internal propaganda politic. Shame on Japan and shame on China. 50:50.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

OssanAmerica Feb. 03, 2013 - 06:01AM JST

Japan is not a militant fascist country with a military and territorial expansion agenda like China. Only Chinese web warriors and a few hawks ion PLA openly talk about starting war. This belligerent attitude not just towards Japan but towards all of it's Asian neighbors is what keeps China from ever becoming a "leader" in Asia.

You might be joking. Japan was a villain of WWII and keep white washing history. Abe was famous for denying anything about imperial army atrocities. He was a PM before from 2006 to 2007. His grandpa was imperial army high ranking official. His grandpa was sent to prison for his crime. PLA has some hawks. Japan has many pre war ultra nationalists too. Many are still fond of revisiting their glorious days. It is not welcoming development.

During the Asean submit of 2012, Philippines wanted to raise the issue of territory dispute. Host and many Asian nations wanted to be neutral. PRC gave aids and market access to SE Asian nations. However It has not lectured and dominated their domestic affair. It wanted to get political votes from them. China successful was contributed by US in 1980s. Therefore US is responsible for current mess.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Let us just suppose that Japan's claim to the island is legitimate, because it was "terras nullus" (unocccupied) at the time Japan secured it for usage in 1895. Assume that the older claims made in Chinese or Ryuukyuu documents claiming ownership cannot have meaning because, the island unused, there is no way to sort them, and the claims were merley to enhance the status of the various rules at the time. And let us also assume that the 40 year tenancy of the Katsuobushi fish processing plant, followed by 72 years of uninhabitedness, qualifies the island as belonging to Yamato proper, so that it must be protected with the same love and sacrifice, including violence if necessary, as the farmlands of Fukushima which have been passed down though hundreds of generations.

Now any war buff must admit that Japan resoundingly won the 1894-1895 Sino-Japanese war, sending the Chinese fleet to to the bottom of the sea. And because if this victory, they establish effective control over all the seas from Korea to Japan to Taiwan, including the seas around the Senkaku's. And only because of this control, they were able to claim the Senkaku's. If China had won control of the seas, Japan would not have been able to claim the island and operate a Katsuobushi fish processing factory on it.

So there you have it, Japanese possesion of the island could only have occurred as a result of the victory of Japan over China in 1894-1895. Regardless of whether the Senkaku's are within the scope of the San Franciso Treaty, it should be obvious to everybody involved that due to the shift in balance of power, China will make a claim for the islands.

Now if China would only present this above case to Japan in a diplomatic way, instead of relying on disputable ancient documents, Japan bashing riots, and crisis racheting military spear shaking, it would be possible to actually make a case to which the Japanese public would at least listen, because it is simply not disputable that Japan's total naval victory enabled it to control the seas around the Senakau's, and safely establish a Katsubushi factory there.

Otherwise, as it is, Abe may get his desired crisis, and hold the limelite for a while, but ultimately he will suffer the same fate as Bush did, and Japan and China will both suffer needlessly.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

spudmanreincarnatedFeb. 02, 2013 - 07:32PM JST

Outta hereFeb. 02, 2013 - 07:39PM JST

Very well said. Your posts are fair and balanced. How on earth Japan is so touch and confrontational with PRC ships for their water? On the contrary to Abe remark, Australia is matured and peace loving nation. Unlike Japan they did not take any provocative action to J ships.

However I wish Abe should be less war mongering and less arrogant. Like grandpa like grandson! The more he talk about the war , the more people will understand about his true color and poisonous pre war nationalism.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Looks like Abe is baiting China to attack first while at this stage Japan seems to have better US supplied F15 and navy ships and possibly submarines. His window to win a battle is now, not a year or so later when China navy and air forces gets stronger. If no war happen in meantime, you can bet he will be very quiet when more powerful Chinese navy ships and stealth planes become available perhaps by end of this year to shoot down F15.

Abe keeps talking tough but did he consider Okinawans will be the first to suffer if there is full scale war? Since Okinawa will the the launching pad for planes and ships this must be something worrisome for Okinawans as China is tempted to attack it first. This is a very serious possibility as China may not want to go beyond that and attack mainland Japan to reduce risk of full scale US involvement. China may just attack Japanese air and navy assets with long range missiles but leave US bases alone. Let's see how US respond in this scenario.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Here's a tip for the non-native English speakers on the site. We distinguish between the past and present tenses when writing sentences. Hence the statements above have no relationship whatsoever to the absolutely correct statement "Japan is not a militant fascist country with a military and territorial expansion agenda like China" made by Ossan.

Some people making the living or business related with Japan may want to kiss J boots for pleasing. Whether J collaborators like it or not, J politicians are getting assertive and war mongering. They are ultra nationalists with pre war mentality. Not to expect everyone will follow their way. Who cares what they think or lecture others. The world is not owned by them.

IS means not past. WILL is representing the future. He was a PM and has been kicked off from office shortly. Abe is a failed politician. He will be failed again. During his first term, he could not manage even his bowel movement let alone managing national and foreign affair. He is just spoiled son of Aristocrat. As a PM who is responsible for economy, national interest and diplomacy, he can not talk like street hawkers. No other nation PM has repeated occasionally with same phrases like him. He was not campaigning for election. He is serving as current PM. Was and Is has different time zone.

Universally recognized as every nation will defend their territory if it will be invaded. Will is not Is again. If it is repeating frequently, it will become inflammation instead of promoting national pride.

Action speak louder than words. Wise PM should be less talk and take more action. His job is not pleasing audience. He job is demonstrating his real stand and dealing with the conflict. ****

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Maybe this will be my last word. Note the title of this article, which was carefully chosen to reflect the new thought process with the PLA. "War with Japan, Win or Lose." Note that the PLA already acknowledges that war with Japan may mean a victory for Japan. The USA does not need to intervene. The Japanese are far more skillful at war, having been taught by war-seasoned American forces how to conduct war in training exercises and war games. And, the Japanese military might is far superior technologically and numerically to China's PLAN and PLAAF.

The Air-Sea Battle Plan is Japan's return to regional hegemony so, obviously, Abe is anxious to trap the Chinese leadership into the Senkaku noose.

When China engages Japan militarily and loses (as the PLA is now fully aware will happen), China's economy and regional status will disappear with Japan resuming its second-place status as an economic and military power. The CCP knows this and will not engage Japan in a struggle for a few islands in the East China Sea or the South China Sea. We expect China to start looking at its northern neighbor where there are ample energy reserves for the taking. We will not interfere, and Russia cannot defend itself.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

FYI: It is reported that China has referred (or tried to) the dispute to united nation for a resolution. What will Japan do in response?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )


I agree with you completely! Japan have not produce a SINGLE STATESMAN in recent memory! i like to compare Abe to someone like the current Philippines president Aquino whom I label as Noisy Noi Noi

These PM or president have one thing in common. Conducting diplomacy through chest thumping in public. to please their domestic audience. Election is already over! We need somebody who are less verbal that annoy the other party. Why don't these president, PM learn from US? You never hear this kind of noisy talk from US presidents. All their words are very measured and not repeatedly spoken in public to upset the other party.

If Abe really mean what he says put boots on the ground in Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands and watch for fireworks over there!

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

@OssanAmerica @cabadaje

My reply got flagged for a while for discussing sensitive issues so I am just going to make a quick reply here without taking too much of my time.

In no particular order:

1 US cannot attack China without a declaration of war. This means Congress have to be involved and this takes time.

2 In this rapid fire military actions by China as I envisioned, there is zero chance for POTUS to order an attack on China. This means after China declare a truce within an hour after the blitzkreig AND do nothing else, no activities around the disputed islands, WHAT action can US take? Attack mainland China?

3 Blittzrieg and withdraw, seek truce is not a childish game. It is a WISE military strategy to reduce the losses if any and still manage to inflict damage to the enemy.

4 Japan Problem is not what I mean in the context of currency manipulation, whaling, disputes with Russia, China, Taiwan, S Korea over the islands. I mean US finally able to disentangle herself from having to defend Japan, so instead of defending from in front, it is more like defending from behind after US see Japan is unable to defend herself. So it is a timing issue, let Japan bear the frontal burden, US help only if Japan cannot defend herself.

5 I said 'tough talk' by both sides. I did not say any Japanese advocate war but definitely there is a push by Ishihara to have nukes, so you can be as pacifist as your Constitution says, that piece of document can be changed overnight as Abe intend to do. Having nuke is for what? Defensive or offensive later?

6 People who doubt China's capability should just look into the Pentagon reports and stop thinking US is so far ahead. Heard of asymmetric warfare?

In any case this post is about Abe visit to Okinawa. I think he should talk less to stop provoking China to send more ships and planes to the edges and give Japan sleepless nights. Better yet tell China we are ready to do joint oil/gas drilling, stalled since the 2008 agreement. Why is Japan dragging her feet?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


What I said is what I said. Can't help you if you are missing something. The readers, yes, the readers! They are the ones to make a judgement whether what I said make sense.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


I strongly agree with you. He has two faces. The more he talked, the more chaotic. He used to change his stand for his interest. He has one standard to Senkaku territorial water. He has one standard to Aust territorial water. I wish Aust PM should be touch and strong enough for not surrendering J ships colonization of their southern water.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )


I can't be the only one getting tired of your rhetoric and constant war talk. The world doesn't have a "Japan problem". What we do have is a serious communist chinese problem. Can't wait till that deluded tinpot wannabe superpower collapses on itself.

Don't be naive. Two ways to read what I wrote. One way is like you interpret this as war talk. Anoher way is to see reality as it really is. An ordinary person like me can imagine this, don't you think the military think tank in both countries can imagine it too? I am saying China do NOT AND WILL NOT want a slow motion war that makes it hard for US not to be drawn in. Thus the blitzkreig strategy is a very plausible scenario to reduce the chance of US involvement.

It is more important to sober up both sides so nobody need to inflame this situation any more till both sides and US as well are forced to take undesirable actions. Maybe then you will see what I say in a better light! If I don't frighten people enough with very plausible scenarios then we will all be in for a rude awakening later!

'Japan Problem' need be clarified further. I am not talking of yen currency devaluation, whaling, island disputes with China, Korea, Russia as a Japan Problem but in the context of US protection for Japan and how to do it without getting US involved. It is very tricky of course, so I talk about China declaring truce as a way to keep US away from need to intervene and all those Defcon stuff, it is real, why lie? I think Japan US security alliance is more suitable back when US preoccupation was to prevent Communism from spreading to other countries in Asia but that is history now. So in this sense the security alliance with Japan should really be revised to EXCLUDE island disputes BECAUSE US NEVER give sovereignty to Japan in the handover in 1971

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

hidingoutFeb. 03, 2013 - 08:25AM JST

Here's a tip for the non-native English speakers on the site. We distinguish between the past and present tenses when writing sentences. Hence the statements above have no relationship whatsoever to the absolutely correct statement "Japan is not a militant fascist country with a military and territorial expansion agenda like China" made by Ossan.

Thanks for your unpaid tutorial. It is representing about the present. Forget about the past. Move forward to future. Without past memory, present can not be implemented. We can not make better future. Such as medical history for dianosing the patient current problem and finding the cause and treatment.

Japan can not change the past or history because it is not a God. It is not impressive for pretending as Saint either. Germany is reputable. They admitted their crimes and sins. They do not hide out their past. They exposed and move forward.

Japan can not hide out or white wash the imprerial Army atrocities. True life goes on! However it can not deny the past. Present is reviewing the past mistakes. Future will not be rosy without fixing the past mistakes at present.

Japan can make the nuclear war head. It has technology. According Tony Ew research, Japan has many hidden plutoniums too. In fact, only Israel and Japan are non declared nuclear states. If they use WMD, it will be very leathal with hidden Subs. It will be nightmare for Asia. Japan is revisiting the pre war nationalism now. It is unwelcoming development.

Japan can not be trusted according history. If they have no intention for first strike, how on earth they have stock piled WMD?

Abe may be worse than Saddam Hussein beacuse later one has no WMD and did not lie.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


Just say Deny Deny Deny It is more than an IF thing. It is very easy given Japan tech prowness and US cooperation. Manuals to make bombs are in public domain. It is just a matter of putting them on mobile launch vehicles and off they go, guided by US GPS! It's only a little over 500 miles to China and a single stage rocket will do perhaps modified from the Epsilon Launch Vehicle, so you see the dual use technology here? Have anybody do a proper accounting of the plutonium stockpile and make it public so we can all rest assured there is no diversion?

Japan cannot have a stockpile of WMD but Japan can easily assemble them with short notice unless you remove all plutonium from Japan but you already lost track with the Fukushima meltdown and don't know how many have be diverted to military programs! That will make Ishihara dream comes true!

If Japan allow for inspection of her military factories to make sure no mobile launchers are made, that will help to remove suspicion.

The stealth attacks are more to milk psychological benefits from Okinawan behavior rather than shock and awe!

China will ONLY target Japanese targets that are not commingled with US forces if that is possible. If the Japanese want to embed inside US bases of course that won't be a safe target. But the ships! Those coast guard ships got to watch out!

The Fear Factor! Okinawans will finally hear distant sounds and see flashes in their sky. Not directed at them. Hopefully no stray missiles. See, that is what frightens them PLUS their current disdain for US forces there will accelerate the push to get US out. This is not an attack on the people itself so there is no reason for the Okinawan to direct their anger at China. They will understand China will not attack their islands if US forces are not there!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Abe is not a smart politican. He is patriotic to Japan but he needs more study on history between Japan and China. He also needs to learn from Japanese business leaders on how to bring long term benefits and recovery to Japan's economy. China has a huge potential market as big as USA. Losing this Chinese market will mean another 10-20 years of recession to Japan.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

@OssanAmericaFeb. 03, 2013 - 06:01AM JST

Tony EwFeb. 03, 2013 - 01:41AM JST Looks like Abe is baiting China to attack first while at this stage Japan seems to have better US supplied F15 and >navy ships and possibly submarines.

Japan is not a militant fascist country with a military and territorial expansion agenda like China. Only Chinese web warriors and a few hawks ion PLA openly talk about starting war. This belligerent attitude not just towards Japan but towards all of it's Asian neighbors is what keeps China from ever becoming a "leader" in Asia.

Abe keeps talking tough but did he consider Okinawans will be the first to suffer if there is full scale war? Since >Okinawa will the the launching pad for planes and ships this must be something worrisome for Okinawans as China is >tempted to attack it first. This is a very serious possibility as China may not want to go beyond that and attack >mainland Japan to reduce risk of full scale US involvement.

China is trying to take a part of the Japanese prefecture that houses the largest US military presence in Asia. There is zero chance of China takling military action against Japan on any level that will not cause a direct engagement with the United States.

China may just attack Japanese air and navy assets with long range missiles but leave US bases alone. Let's see >how US respond in this scenario.

Look up and read the US-Japan Mutual Defense Treaty and see if the above makes any sense at all.

"Japan is not a militant fascist country with a military and territorial expansion agenda like China"

I almost fell off my chair when I read this! Perhaps WWII did not occur? No Bataan March? No River Kwai? No Death Railway? No invasion of Malaya? No Nanking Massacre? You should talk to some old WWII vets if any are still alive!

"Only Chinese web warriors and a few hawks ion PLA openly talk about starting war."

It's all tough talk by BOTH sides isn't it? What do you expect? There will always be some vocal guys on both sides making their views heard, but luckily they don't run the government in China. I would advise them to talk tough next year when the navy and air force will be much stronger by then, not this year as only CRUDE weapons like ballistic missiles may defeat Japan at this stage.

Yup, I thought about US obligations to Japan too. Maybe I imagine too much but what if China, knowing she won't have a knockout punch to win the battle in short order in the actual air sea engagement around the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, decide to launch a BLITZKREIG ATTACK on Japanese military assets on Okinawa itself AND DECLARE A TRUCE IMMEDIATELY? What US will do is a difficult question nobody can answer for sure. Not a drop of US blood is spilled, so should US fight ON BEHALF of Japan SO EARLY ON? ATTACK MAINLAND CHINA?

I guess US will just issue a SUPER SERIOUS WARNING TO CHINA, but China see that coming THAT is why China will call a TRUCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ATTACK. The attack ittself on Japanese military assets in Okinawa won't last more than half an hour, so very very fast and limited. This is not an unusual Chinese battle field strategy as you can see in the Sino Indian war 1962.

If US don't want to accept the truce you can expect Defcon 2 readiness as Chinese missileers will be itchy to hit the Go Button at a moment's notice due to fear of stealth attacks by F22 and F 35

Perhaps this blitzkreig attack will solve the 'Japan Problem' once and for all?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

@hidingout @cabadaje


Yes, IF China think she can get away with it, she should. This is no different than Pearl Harbor sneak attack. I can only think of a Mukden Incident like PRETEXT modus operandi the Japanese are so good at! In other words if necessary China will setup Japan to conduct this blitzreig and tell the world Japan is about to attack Chinese assets so China is justified to attack first!

So you see Okinawa = Pearl Harbor if China gets really really angry and make a pretext to attack!

Ordinary people talk in a civil manner but in war and politics if it become necessary the leaders will act with a BRAZEN FACE like denying war atrocities. So go on, throw 'childish' any adjectives your superior intellect can come up with, don't matter. China is teflon coated and your labels won't stick! Japan is very good at doing this too!

My response is frequently all encompassing. If people don't like facts that is not my problem! When I talk of dangerous stealthy nuke capable F35 with half hour attack potential on Chinese cities, that is a fact that must be publicized. I don't see why people should not be informed of very dangerous scenarios. Know now and decide for yourself what to do, that is not my business.

Oh, I guess US can send in the marines to take out a small fish like Manuel Noreiga without declaration of war, but China?

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

I believe the instigators are the japanese. There having enough proof that these islands are inherently part of China. Whether the japanese want to continue in their ridiculous path, it does not lead do any productive talks After all what led the Japanese too all the wars after the Western powers insisted in getting access to Japan? If that had not happened, China would have still been the dominant regional power.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )


Yup, history shows Japan cannot be trusted in her military composition. What is cloaked as self defense/research can easily become an offensive weapon.

The Epsilon Launch Vehicle to be tested this year to launch satellites can be as dangerous as Iran and N Korean 'satellite launches' easily convertible into a dirty nuke missile launcher! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epsilon_%28rocket%29

Japan must not put any of these launchers in Okinawa when it become road mobile ready!

I wish the Okinawan people success in having more say in running their own islands.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )


Perhaps we should take the brawl outside this forum as it is not relevant to this article. However I want to note here items relevant to Okinawa.

Just a hint here and you figure out the attack strategy yourself. Stealth ships + stealth planes from China launching missiles into Okinawa! Next thing you know this causes a psychological impact and may motivate Okinawans to scream for US bases to leave the islands! While the genius in the Pentagon think Air Sea Battle may revolve around Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, there is no proof China won't hit Okinawa FIRST to deliver a psychological shock. War is not just brute military force. It could be people's sentiment that matters more. Abe is not winning many converts in Okinawa. The Art of War to drive US out of Okinawa? Just one hit and wait a few months to let it gel to critical mass that can no longer be ignored by Tokyo.

Factual references + opinions AND NO LIES what do you get? Honesty! Enough said!

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Japan is now run by a nationalist government. Ishihara loves to arm Japan with nukes. It may already be well on the way, who knows? LDP is nationalist too so I don't see it as different from Ishihara. Would you like Japan to be armed to become offensive instead of merely defensive? Abe intend to revise the Constitution, does that give you a hint of changing from pacifist to militaristic Constitution?

It will be nice if China sponsor a resolution in the UN demanding an audit of Japan's plutonium stock and also make inspections of weapon factories to make sure no offensive launch vehicles and rockets are made. We can leave aside the actual plutonium for now, just paper work checking will suffice.

Again I repeat, Okinawa will be the frontline in any conflict. Are these people second class citizens? Why not move some bases to Japan mainland itself to lessen their risk? I am sure some rice fields from farmers who are nationalists can make way for the air bases. Kyushu will be a nice compromise location.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Here's a tip for the non-native English speakers on the site. We distinguish between the past and present tenses when writing sentences. Hence the statements above have no relationship whatsoever to the absolutely correct statement "Japan is not a militant fascist country with a military and territorial expansion agenda like China" made by Ossan. I hope this tip helps you out with your future posts

It was a fast read, nothing to do with comprehending the English language. Like Abe I like to use the word 'Regret' instead of 'Apologize' to sound good but don't really mean it. Even Nathaw got tripped! You see what I mean? After Japan past military adventures you dare to claim Japan is not a militant country? How can the world trust Japan after Mukden Incident, Pearl Harbor. All these are acts of deceit. Because of this history I am very suspicious Japan have plenty of dirty nukes from plentiful plutonium in hidden submarines. Japan also have the Epsilon Launch Vehicle under test which when ready can launch missiles very quickly and in great numbers. Still want to convince the world Japan IS not a militant country when Japan's history establish a PATTERN that she can NEVER be trusted?

This post is about defending Senkaku/Diaoyou Islands, so let me add something here. US should tear up the mutual defense treaty as noted here http://www.forbes.com/sites/stephenharner/2012/08/26/u-s-japan-security-alliance-is-obsolete-leaving-japan-caught-between-china-and-the-u-s-in-a-new-asian-order/ and let Japan take care of her own defense regarding the disputed islands.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

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