Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's younger brother, Senior Vice Foreign Minister Nobuo Kishi, visited Yasukuni Shrine Saturday, a report said.
Kishi told reporters that his action should not affect Japan's relations with other countries and that he had not conferred with the prime minister about the visit, Kyodo News said.
His visit at the shrine's annual autumn festival came only a day after scores of Japanese parliamentarians, including a cabinet minister, paid tribute there Friday, drawing a rebuke from Beijing which said the visit was a bid to "whitewash" history.
Yasukuni is the believed repository of the souls of about 2.5 million war dead.
The shrine is controversial because of the inclusion of 14 convicted top war criminals from the World War II era.
China and South Korea, whose peoples suffered under Japan's militarist rule, say Yasukuni is a symbol of Tokyo's present-day unwillingness to come to terms with its past misdeeds.
However, Japanese conservatives say it is natural that they pay homage to people who lost their lives in the service of their country, and insist the shrine is no different from Arlington National Cemetery, where the United States honours its war dead.
Abe, a committed conservative who has not visited the shrine since he came to power late last year, on Thursday donated a symbolic gift to the shrine, in what was taken as a sign that he would not be there in person.
Abe has so far remained strategically vague about his plan to visit the shrine.
Kishi, 54, is Abe's blood-related brother. But he was adopted by a relative who had the different surname.
© (C) 2013 AFP
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Mitsuo Matsuyama
Do Vietnamise complain about US presidentes visiting Arrigton Cementery where there are some soldiers who raped Vietnamise girls? Nope. So, why should we make a big deal with Yasukuni shrine???
Whatever nation who have focus on improvement of their citizen will think about the future of their citizen and not about what other nation's leaders are doing or where he is visiting.
Honestly, in every graveyard theres always going to be some bad guy in it. Just happens theres some famous ones in this shrine. Just because someone visits the shrine doesnt mean theyre there for that. What if they have family who are buried there? Anyone ever think of that? Or that its just the jesture that they want to remember all the victims that were lost. Instead of creating a huge issue over visiting a shrine.
Poltics shouldnt matter when it involves the dead. They cant speak for themselves anymore, and obviously cant cause trouble. Though its looking like the living have the habit of stirring it up. Past is the past, we can only learn and move forward.
Next thing you know, there will be an article that says Abe's second cousin brother-in-law makes a visit to the shrine.
That is remarkable backwards thinking. If there are 2,500,000 persons enshrined and 14 are criminals (let's be real nobody cares about class B and C) why should they even bother making such a statement? And what exactly would they gain by going to honor "just the criminals" other than destroying their political career for no reason. If you honestly believe anyone is going there to honor the war criminals apart from immediate family,. you're out of your mind. .
Many soldier's bodies were not recovered, so Yasukuni is the only place for their relatives to pay respect to.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
You should understand that government has to focus on points that are more important which are the improvement of health care system, infrastructure, science, technology, security, etc... In the case of Japan, the Japanese government is not worry about what Chinese, Korean, Quenian or whoever leader is doing. Each of these nations should worry about their domestical issues and not about what other president or emperor is doing.
Another thing, who said that Yasukuni shrine honors atrocities and denies the past? Actually, the shrine itself is a place for those 2 million soldiers who fought for their nation. The shrine itself honor those good soldiers. Now if the excuse is the so called 14 class A war criminal, so I would say "Oh... really? Any shrine, temple or cementery you can find good and bad ones souls, so should ignore those good ones because of those 14 bad guys? Come on!!! Make another excuse brother Smith.
He visited as a private citizen, not in his official capacity. I wonder why his title was mentioned in the article when he did not visit in any official capacity.
@ControlFreak Really? It doesn't to me. He's from Yamaguchi, where there are a lot of war dead from the Boshin war. I think it's jumping to conclusions to say the visit has anything to do with his politics, especially if he visited as a private citizen.
@smithinjapan Abe's grandfather was never convicted, so it's not really correct to call him a war criminal.
Japanese politicians will never stop visiting Yasukuni no matter what other guys say. You guys better stop wasting your time by talking about it.
The mother ofr both btother is the daughter of Nobusuke Kishi. Nobusuke Satoh was adopted to Kishi ffamil Yamaguchi-ken. Eisuke Satoh succeeded Satoh family (Honke) Abe suceeded their father, Senator from Yaqmaguchi ken once upon a time. Novuaule Kishi? M y guwess is he was desttined to succeed Kishi]? Both Kishi and Satoh were PM. Yasukuni> There are too too many souls from Yamaguchiken there as Boshin-War was between Yamaguchi-ken and Shogunates.
It is a good idea to remove the name s from Yasujubi except it is a private property and so no one can order. Many people suggested in past but often they suggest to remove dead body/ there is no dead body, not even ash there. They can not remove something that are not there. Tojo etc were hung and their families did Kasou (cremation) and did not leave ash there. There was a rumor that Tojo's ash went on Pacdific Ocean but no one is sure because Tpjp's family did kaso and has no record they gave ash to anyone. BTW, USA did not leave any bodies (American? ) in Japan. Kishi was a Class A Sugamo prisoner but GHQ had to release him to reconstruct Jap[an against rising Japan Communist Party Nippon Kyosan To). Kishi became too friendly with Ike that when he returned to Japan. Then right wing tried to assassinate him by kbnifing him in airport.
Haha these adoptions of adults kill me!
I remember a longggg time ago while visiting relatives in Kansai my wifes uncle who is quite loaded had announced he had adopted a son.
Well I thought they are pretty old but sure as heck can afford it so............why not, help a kid who needs help, good on him I was thinking. Then while at his place a man, wife, 2kids show up, no big deal.
We all sit down & I kind of forget about the adoption bit, & then he announces to all present that this guy(the one with wife & 2 kids in tow) is his new son, well I lost it LOL! I cant remember what came outta my trap but the conversation STOPPED & everyone's eyes were on lil ole me haha!!
What an experience that was I tell ya, in the end all had good laugh but boy oh boy did it freak me out at the time.
The sad thing is the whole thing has ZIP to do with love/family, its just for taxes & inheritance purposes. So in the end the needy orphans of Japan got no love.
I think these kind of "adoptions" should be illegal!
Louis Tan
A non-event. Who cares. Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi. Same mother different father?
Mitsuo Matsuyama
Once Mister Ronald Reagan visited the German Nazi Cementery. He paid respect to those soldiers who fought for Germany. Guess what, nobody really questioned about his visit, except the Jewish community.
Just because certain politician visit such cementery or shrine, it doesnt mean that he or she is worshiping those bad guys. In addition to that, not all German soldiers who joined the army during the WWII were supporting the Nazy Ideology. Now if you think visiting such sacred place is wrong, so you should stop visiting cementeries because every place you find good and bad souls.
The same apply to Yasukuni, just because of those 14 A class War criminals, should I ignore other 2.million good soldiers who served their nation? Another thing, you say things as if you know about it when actually you dont know for sure. The media says that those 14 guys were war criminals, but who can garantee that that was true? Who can garantee that their judgement was fair? Im not denying things, but none of us was there to know what really happened. My knowledge is based on imparcial sources, documents, maps, etc..., now others love to say things with no evidences, but yeah based on opnion or witness that we certain dont really know if they are saying the truth.
Smith san
Belive me, we have a great deal of education. It has nothing to do with J education. You can go check book stores. But you have to study Japanese first. Maybe the language is one of cause of not being able to understand each other.
Here is why Abe's brother became Nobuo Kishi. Grandpa Nobusuke KJishi had only one daughter. She married to Shintaro Abe whose family status is far upper class in Samurai time. PM Abe and Nobuo were born. Someone has to succeed Kishi family. So, first one to Abe. Second one to Kishi. Both are only grandsons of Nobusuke Kishi.
People, let us get back to talk about Abe's younger brother and his visiting Yasukuni. Until this JT report, we did not know Abe's younger brother is also a big shot in Japanese Govt. I strayed to write about Japanese custom of child adoption that has nothing to do with Abe's brother. I apologize my sloppy opinion. Now, Nobuo Abe visited Yasukuni as a private person, just like many tourists. It is Autumn festival time there. Many people who have relatives who were dead of war are visiting, too. Maybe he could meet with Yamaguchi-ken people? He with Tokyo upper class speech and others with Yamaguchi-keb dialects in Kumage-/gun area?
No I wasn't. Yes I have and will continue to refute the term "sex slaves" because they were recruited into a military program and paid. "Slaves" don't get paid. And what's wrong with "comfort women"? That's what they were called, rather than the technically accurate "military prostitutes".
"IT;s a physical impossibility to kidnap 200,000 women in Korea when 240,000 of their fathers, brothers, husbands and boyfriends are serving willingly in the Japanese military and making use of the Comfort Women system. It is also a physical impossibility when the local police, from where these 200,000 women were allegedly abducted were ALL KOREANS. The practice of selling off daughters to settle debts, not unique to Korea at that time, the necessary heavy involvement of Korean middlemen are aspects which Koreans ignore in order to further their absurd and physically impossible claim."
I have never denied the existence of the "Comfort Women System". How the were recruited is the debatable issue.
OssanAmerica and smithinjapan, please do not address each other any further on this thread, since all you are doing is bickering. Focus your comments on the story and not at each other.
I think I'll go visit Yasukuni too then.
@Deja: If you meet him, speak in English as these two brothers speak Enblish very well. He will enjoy you after he has to keep copncentration on Yamaguchi-ken diakect accent and pronunciation, men say Omaye instead of Anata. . for instance.
Hi people, there are just few criminals at Yasukuni. What about my idea to transfer them to another place? So, everyone may visit it. US did a huge mistake keeping the bodies in Japan!
"...and insist the shrine is no different from Arlington National Cemetery, where the United States honours its war dead."
It is VERY different, thank you very much. Not too many publicly announced war criminals in Arlington, for starters. As for Abe's brother visiting, who cares? I didn't even know he had a brother until now. I knew he had a war criminal granddad, but not a brother.
@ControlFreak I see your point, but since he visited as a private citizen, he really has no obligation to issue statement either way. You're assuming he went in bad faith. Why?
The souls were not transferred there in secret. It was done with the approval of the Ministry of Health, which Yasukuni requested to verify the identity of those transferred. The Ministry of Health maintains the old war records, so they have to verify each case. The Imperial Household Agency was well aware of the proceedings, and there was certainly nothing kept intentionally secret.
1,068 out of 2.5 million is 0.04%. It is statistically insignificant.
You don't know what my face looks like. Again, why make such an assumption?
It is true many soldiers families received flag, not bodxy. Army and airforce, Hinomaru (Sun flag. Navy kyoku-zitsu Rising sun, Nothing else except name. funerals were in Buddhism, /
GW wrote about some kind of adoption that I as a Japanese do not understand. There were customs of Toriko-toriyome for people who do not have children and wanted to keep their family name intact. Also, Yoshi, Yojo for family who wanted to adopt.
Good to know that Japan is a thriving democracy where there is no nepotism or succession of power.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
**Mitsuo Matsuyama--Wrong in two different ways. First wrong because Reagan's visit was protested by members of the U.S. military and government and celebrities before he even went! The Ramones and Frank Zappa both recorded songs of protest.
As I thought, only a minority of the world really questioned about his visiting.
Which question?
UNIT 731 ? Did it happen? If so, how can you be sure about it? Ok, I know you will tell that there were pictures regarding it; but, tell me one thing, how can you explain a supposed massacre on winter being portrayed in a picture that shows Japanese soldiers with summer uniforms? Why such pictures that show soldiers killing civilians wearing black uniforms when actually such uniform is not from Japanese army? Ah ok, you will tell me that there were witness, now how can you garantee that those witness really knew about what happened during that time? As I told, nobody from our generation really know what happened back in those days, and even witness cannot really explain all details because they were not part of the government as well as you dont know anything about Japan and say things without even analising the current situation. In other words, you cannot garantee that you are right, therefore, you are not on the position to judge others.
Another thing, who can garantee that those 14 A class war criminals are really guilty? How can you garantee that such trial was fair? Nobody can garantee excep if such individual can prove and bring evidences. Do you have one?
You can never chage somebodyelse's idea. No. You can not even change yourselves right?
You know, a vital difference between Yasukuni and a cemetery is that you can go to individual graves and mausoleums to pay respects. If there is a war criminal buried adjacent, you might not even know. Not so at Yasukuni. All the souls enshrined there are one kami now. Either you believe that, or your don't believe in State Shinto and have no business paying respects there.
And its worth saying again that although State Shinto worships the emperor as a demi-god and its all centered around him, they ignore his wishes and the fact that he and his father stopped going to Yasukuni once the secret of the enshrining of the war criminals was revealed. Does not get much more bizarre than that, and it goes to show just how much those people can be trusted if they cannot even respect their own demi-god, for Pete's sake.
People who want to adopt usually adopt from relatives/ Like Kishi families.
Good grief smith how can you be so wrong on so many counts? Not ONE of the Class-A War Criminals lead a sword charge. Not ONE of them had anything to do with "killing 100 people with a Katana" because Nanking was never prosecuted at the Trials due to lack of evidence, and those connected with Unit 731 were not charged because of U.S intervention. AS for the Comfort Women System, the abduction and forced prostitution of some Dutch women in Indonesia was the only proven conviction. Why don't you actually go read the details of the Tokyo War Crimes Trials?
That's not the answer and you know it.
Visiting the Shrine does none of what you describe. It honors the 2,500,000 or so who died. How do you "promote a sacrifice"? How does visiting a shrine "whitewash" anything? Or "deny" anything? They simply went, paid their respects, made no statement, and left. This is the absurdity of the Chinese/South Korean and naturally your position.
Ossan: "Good grief smith how can you be so wrong on so many counts? Not ONE of the Class-A War Criminals lead a sword charge. Not ONE of them had anything to do with "killing 100 people with a Katana" because Nanking was never prosecuted at the Trials due to lack of evidence, and those connected with Unit 731 were not charged because of U.S intervention. AS for the Comfort Women System, the abduction and forced prostitution of some Dutch women in Indonesia was the only proven conviction."
Ah, so you're finally admitting it's not just Koreans and Chinese who were forced into prostitution and raped, but also Dutch -- and you ask me to read. At least you can no longer deny it sexual slavery. In that respect, you're a lot like Abe -- he white-washed history and tried to remove the fact of sexual slavery, and later had to admit that Imperial troops engaged in it when proof was given. Baby steps, but still good, Ossan.
"Visiting the Shrine does none of what you describe."
Yeah, advertising to the media that you are going to visit a place that honors war criminals does none of that, Ossan.
I never said it was not "just Koreans and Chinese". If you think I have said so, show me. Otherwise please don't fabricate my statements.
300 victims, proven, tried and convicted, and you think that supports the Korean argument that 200,000 Korean woen were all abducted and not paid? I'm afraid it doesn't. IT;s a physical impossibility to kidnap 200,000 women in Korea when 240,000 of their fathers, brothers, husbands and boyfriends are serving willingly in the Japanese military and making use of the Comfort Women system. It is also a physical impossibility when the local police, from where these 200,000 women were allegedly abducted were ALL KOREANS. The practice of selling off daughters to settle debts, not unique to Korea at that time, the necessary heavy involvement of Korean middlemen are aspects which Koreans ignore in order to further their absurd and physically impossible claim.
No, Abe denied that the Comfort Women were "coerced". And as my previous paragraph shows, he is probably correct. Most Comfort Women were not "coerced" but sold by their parents, deceived and tricked by relatives and middlemen. Maybe you should take some baby steps and actually read what Abe said.
"Visiting the Shrine does none of what you describe."
Who advertised? And the place honors what 14 Class-A criminals out of 2,500,000? That makes it a place that honors only the war criminals?
Ossan: "I never said it was not "just Koreans and Chinese". If you think I have said so, show me. Otherwise please don't fabricate my statements."
What?? Weren't you just the other day accusing me of being Korean because you couldn't refute an argument? Hmmm... maybe it was nigelboy. But yes, you have denied sexual slavery on many occasions, just look at your wording of it -- 'comfort women'.
"IT;s a physical impossibility to kidnap 200,000 women in Korea when 240,000 of their fathers, brothers, husbands and boyfriends are serving willingly in the Japanese military and making use of the Comfort Women system. It is also a physical impossibility when the local police, from where these 200,000 women were allegedly abducted were ALL KOREANS. The practice of selling off daughters to settle debts, not unique to Korea at that time, the necessary heavy involvement of Korean middlemen are aspects which Koreans ignore in order to further their absurd and physically impossible claim."
Yeah, no, you never deny it, Ossan. Thanks for proving my point. You want the proof, look at your own words.
CH3CHO: ""War criminal" is an invention after WW2. Do you know which occurred first, the US Civil war or WW2?"
I know that your statement makes no sense. War crimes tribunals date back to up to the 1400s, if you must know. It became official in the Hague in 1907, if I recall correctly.
It's an ex post facto law, smith. This is why many have pointed out to your lack of knowledge on the subject matter. You figure that a person that post this much would of looked up some of these subjects after being pointed out so many times but you repeat the same thing over and over.. "some people never learn" best fits you.
His father was a respected (at least in USA) diplomat but died/ Second generation, third generation elected politicians are not rare/ Some of them did not like life of none-privacy of politicians that theyy chose other career but when their father died or lost election, etc, the supporters beg his son to go on election. We can not say nepotism if there is no other person capable like Nobuo Kishi. Just like all Democrats and Republicans voted to have Carolyne to be Ambassador to Japan. Just my opinion of Nobuo Kishi in Japanese Govt. He can visit Yasukuni to see his constituent, Unlike his brother, his election ward is At Large ward.
They will set up a third-party panel shortly that consists of experts to monitor the situation and provide guidance. They don't want the citizens to be confused by this incident.
As predicted:
"Thanks for reminding about this urban myth called sexual slaves."
"UNIT 731 ? Did it happen?"
"Another thing, who can garantee that those 14 A class war criminals are really guilty?"
"It is very easy to point finger on Japan, but where are the evidences about your claim?"
"Have you checked those pictures from Asahi Shimbum where Japanese troops are building schools, railways, or hospitals? How about that pictures where Japanese and Chinese are enjoying their life by singing and play instruments?"
Bye bye, credibility. Yeah, the 14 proven and convicted class A war criminals were 'victims'! And some people wonder why the victims of Japan's atrocities get upset and complain about the white-washing and brain-washing here. It seems some people never learn.
tinawatanabe: "Belive me, we have a great deal of education."
Yes, revisionist education.
"Belive me, we have a great deal of education. It has nothing to do with J education. You can go check book stores. But you have to study Japanese first. Maybe the language is one of cause of not being able to understand each other."
I understand the language quite well, thank you, just not why so many people deny the past, or worse yet, approve its revision in the books you mention.
ControlFreak: "And its worth saying again that although State Shinto worships the emperor as a demi-god and its all centered around him, they ignore his wishes and the fact that he and his father stopped going to Yasukuni once the secret of the enshrining of the war criminals was revealed. Does not get much more bizarre than that, and it goes to show just how much those people can be trusted if they cannot even respect their own demi-god, for Pete's sake."
Well said. You really have to wonder when people are given Buddhist funerals then enshrined in a Shinto shrine that the emperor is worshipped at but he himself loathes and refuses to visit, what's going on?
toshiko: "People who want to adopt usually adopt from relatives/ Like Kishi families."
I'd say that a person who wants to throw away their child and have someone in their family adopt it should be disowned, is more proper. Childless couples who want and love children, and will care for them, should be able to adopt. Not this whole 'kishi' thing for the sake of nepotism.
smithinjapanOct. 20, 2013 - 10:28PM JST
toshiko: "People who want to adopt usually adopt from relatives/ Like Kishi families."
I'd say that a person who wants to throw away their child and have someone in their family adopt it should be disowned, is more proper. Childless couples who want and love children, and will care for them, should be able to adopt. Not this whole 'kishi' thing for the sake of nepotism. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Smith, where did you get the idea people throwing away their children? People can adopt children if they want in Japan, It is legal in Japan. I wrote about people who are childless. It is legal in Japan when they adopt somebody else's children, However, many people like to have adoption of relatives. There is no law to stop that kind of practice in Japan. Notice I wrote "usually". In Japan, there is no law to force people to adopt any children,
Ossan: "That is remarkable backwards thinking. If there are 2,500,000 persons enshrined and 14 are criminals (let's be real nobody cares about class B and C) "
Yeah, like they stole a can of beer from Lawson's. They were A class war criminals, my friend -- people that led sword charges to see who could kill 100 innocent people first with a katana, people who gassed or injected chemicals into people to simply see what it would do, who raped and killed women and children and forced many others into prostitution, and on, and on, and on. Even if there are a billion souls who did 'nothing wrong' and only ONE of said criminals in there, it's still a crime, plain and simple. Get rid of them. That's the only answer.
But of course, instead you have people like Abe and family sending money to keep them going, despite white-washing history, denying atrocities, and promoting the 'sacrifice' Japan made during it's Imperial atrocities.
homleand: "Abe's grandfather was never convicted, so it's not really correct to call him a war criminal."
He was a war criminal. He was let go due to political influence. What's amazing, but not really all that surprising, is that he became PM later. Crime pays, I guess.
@Mitsuo Matsuyama--Wrong in two different ways. First wrong because Reagan's visit was protested by members of the U.S. military and government and celebrities before he even went! The Ramones and Frank Zappa both recorded songs of protest.
But more importantly you ignored my caveat about named, tried, convicted and punished war criminals, and thus, you have not remotely answered my question. No one buried at Bitberg fits that bill.
You question the justice and fairness of the tribunals that tried the Japanese war criminals. Fairness? In the sense of equal treatment, there was none. If there were, there would also have been plenty of American, British, French, Russian and other men of other nationalities also facing the gallows. Also the emperor and members of the imperial family and Shiro Ishii and other members of Unit 731 and many others who got off without even a trial. Justice? On that point there was both justice and injustice going around. Some were convicted and punished despite not having any means to prevent massacres. That was wrong. But enough of the 1068 were in fact guilty and deserved their punishment. Yasukuni denies this and that is why there were enshrined. Those who pay respects at Yasukuni deny their guilt, either by means of denying they did anything or approval of their evil. Its as preposterous as it is offensive.
And why do you apologists always try to whittle 1068 down to 14?
tinawatanabe: "You can never chage somebodyelse's idea. No. You can not even change yourselves right?"
Not true. A little thing called education can change both. But of course, you have to be willing to learn, first.
The apples don't fall far from the tree.
mitsuo: "Whatever nation who have focus on improvement of their citizen will think about the future of their citizen and not about what other nation's leaders are doing or where he is visiting."
That's the problem. Japan is not thinking about the future of its citizens with visits to a shrine that honors atrocities and denies the past -- it's guaranteeing there won't be much of a future at all.
It may be a move for popularity (nationalism sells well to voters), but in doing so Nobuo Kishi is dimming his prospect for a good diplomatic career.
Heza!: "Poltics shouldnt matter when it involves the dead."
Agreed. So why do so many politicians announce they are going to visit the place and do so in an official capacity? They're not honoring the dead by urinating on the ACTUAL victims.
"Past is the past, we can only learn and move forward."
I'm so tired of hearing this when it's Japan in question but then if it's China or South Korea the past is suddenly an issue. Should we forget about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? if you honestly believe in what you say, tell the people that keep asking a president to visit the memorial service (that has, oh my gosh! been going on how many years??) to stop complaining and move on.
The past should never be forgotten -- it is meant to be a tool for learning and improving the present by not repeating past mistakes. The Abe family seems pretty hell bent on reliving the 'glory days'.
@Heza!--Famous?? More like named, tried, convicted and punished. 1,068 and that is a drop in the bucket of all of Japan's war criminals, like Shiro Ishii who was allowed to just walk away. You name me any other place sitting politicians go and honor tried, convicted and punished war criminals and I will condemn it. Make my day.
Mitsuo: "Once Mister Ronald Reagan visited the German Nazi Cementery. "
How many class A war criminals are buried there? Tell us.
Mitsuyo: "Another thing, who said that Yasukuni shrine honors atrocities and denies the past? "
Oh, please, really? Okay, where are the pictures that honor the sex slaves? How about the information about forced suicides in Okinawa? No? Information about atrocities? Nanjing pics?
Just a Zero and pics of the 'good soldiers' you speak of? How is that NOT denying the past?
ControlFreak: "And why do you apologists always try to whittle 1068 down to 14?"
They always like to whittle such numbers down, if they even acknowledge them. Take Nanjing, for instance -- when some politicians are busy denying it even happened (I think Abe is one of them), others play down the number of deaths ten-fold.
So is China going to call the Japanese Ambassador to complain about this too?
Losers are punished for such a long time. Were there not war criminals on the side of the winners who were punished?
toshiko: "There were customs of Toriko-toriyome for people who do not have children and wanted to keep their family name intact. "
Yeah, but therein lies the rub. It is simply for show, and completely lacks any kind of depth or meaning. They're not saving anyone who needs saving, they are just trying to save a name -- which means nothing given the Japanese reliance on 'blood' relations. I mean, seriously, if I were to naturalize and become Japanese everyone would say I am not 'truly' Japanese because I don't have pure blood running through my veins, but they'll 'adopt' someone and claim they are family all the sudden?
I agree with GW.
@homleand--This tells us about his politics and his contempt for Japan's war victims.
@mjh875k--If he is also a member of the government mucking up foreign relations by wor-ship-ping at the altar of murdering war criminals, I should hope so.
@hkitagawa--There are 1,068 and their souls were "tranferred" there in secret.
@homleand--Then he could visit a graveyard in Yamaguchi. Instead he goes to a place that enshrined war criminals and NONE of these politicians have made ANY statements that they are NOT honoring those war criminals. Why not if they are not?? The answer is simple: Its because they are honoring the war criminals. And they thank you for your efforts in trying to make their silence look like plausible deniability.
Next time I pass by the black vans in front of Shinjuku station, I will glance over and see how many of your non-Asian faces I can spot standing with them, surely as you are standing with figuratively right now.