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© 2022 AFPAs Ukraine war rages, Biden team revives Asia focus
By Shaun TANDON WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Hard for Biden to be in competition with China manufacturing and the size of their navy is rapidly expanding.
USA uses wars and conflicts to stifle competitors.
Charlatan Biden is doing everything in their power to cripple the World order. Just look who he appointed to Tokyo for "Asian" relations.
A lot of people here make the mistake of thinking that if the US is a corrupt and warmongering superpower, then its rivals must be better. Not the case.
China, under dictator Xi, is just as ideological, corrupt and ruthless as Putin's Russia and whoever runs the USA (we know it's not Biden - they just let him play president). Xi and many of his henchmen have boasted about raining nukes on Japan, and will without a doubt take back Taiwan, whatever the cost to China's economy. After all, they are not the ones who will starve - and to them the Chinese people are mere cannon fodder. (Like the American people are livestock and votes to the US government.)
Unfortunately, the rest of the world is going to suffer while these three bullies fight it out for who is king of the hill. China and Russia both know the USA has over-extended itself and is at the end of its reign. Russian won't benefit much from that, but China will. By China, of course, I mean the CCP, not the Chinese people.
Biden will never understand Asia.
That just won’t happen.
China is watching the war in Ukraine and thinking Hummmm !? do we really want to be in Russia's shoe?
I doubt it, China is the world factory and will continue to be that way, starting a war with anyone is NOT in the best interest of China at all.
Can be useful. Have you read a lot of history?
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Fund A mentality
The man in that photo is an embarrassment to the USA and the entire world.
Happy Day
Anything to distract from the manufactured chaos at home.
U.S. President Joe Biden was clear from the moment he entered office -- China is the main international competitor and should be the top concern for U.S. foreign policy. Then Russia invaded Ukraine.
Both Xi and Putin have stated AI supremacy is the key to the future, and have prioritized it, especially China.
Biden has to do the same.
Donald Seekins
Perhaps Washington DC should have been a bit more concerned with understanding the Russian point of view before the first invasion of Ukraine in 2014. Neither Putin nor any other Russian leader would tolerate a former republic of the USSR becoming a NATO ally. But instead, Biden, like his predecessors save for Trump, has approached the geopolitics of Eurasia with the same Hollywood good-versus-evil worldview that "informs" much other American foreign policy. By insisting on being the world's Good Guy, America finds Russia AND China lined up against it. And its so-called "allies" in the Middle East (including the murderous Saudi Arabian royal family) unwilling to donate oil to the west to make up for a Russian shortfall.
A wiser policy would have recruited Russia as an ally against China. Russia and China are natural enemies. Back in the 1960s-1970s, Chinese and Russian troops fought each other on the Amur River, and China went to war with its pro-Soviet neighbor, Vietnam, in the late 1970s. They have long borders which virtually guarantee antagonistic relations - that is, if Washington wasn't pushing them together.
Of course, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is horrible. A crime. But so was the American invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and our dear Saudi ally's mass murder in Yemen.
Spot on. Key word: hegemony. You notice what Biden or the article says:
That's right, not security threat, but competitor. The US does not want to and is incapable of sharing economic power with any other country. To the US, no other country has the right to prosper AND give it a run for its money. Japan tried that in the 80s, and the backlash was devastating, leading up to anti-Asian sentiment and even violence. Vincent Chin's murders getting off scot-free summed up everything about the US.
Indeed. China is not the country which has created wars and killed innocent people half way round the world and all over the world. The US keeps getting a pass and the western countries and Japan are too weak or are unwilling to give up this colonialist and imperialistic mentality. If having military surrounding China in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and SE Asia and trying to stir up trouble in Pakistan and Kazakhstan isn't being aggressive then I don't know what is. Oh that's right, having a relationship with the small Solomon Islands is.
Open a history book @Pukey2 and look up The Great Leap Forward before you go on supporting your communist heroes too much more
As Ukraine war rages, Biden team revives Asia focus:
That must be overly obvious.
Biden said before, China is the main international competitor & should be the top concern. He repeated the same stance multi-times.
US keeps making big effort to entice Taiwan to go against the mainland..
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
China's strategies are much different than Russia.
Desert Tortoise
No, Mao just managed to kill a good 20 - 40 million of his own people. Our family has some first hand experience with the butchery of the Red Guards. You do not. Today Xi Jinping and the modern CCP leads a genocide of the Uyghurs, the Tibetans and is starting to lean on the Inner Mongolians to abandon their language and culture. Your heros are thugs with no redeeming values. They have killed more in 73 years than the US has killed in all the wars it has fought but an order of magnitude.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Nothing is as it seems to be !
Hence the description "seems"
Strong powers like America, Russia, and China have to go I. Order to give way to the great reset, the new world order, the one world govt of the the globalists.
Biden was successful in the demolition of the American economy and military. He destroyed energy, used up oil reserves that is a threat to national security, opens its southern border, sends billions to Ukraine, deplete the US of arms by sending them to Ukraine without restocking them, another threat to natl security. They then provoked Russia to invading Ukraine so Moscow will be isolated and crippled. Now China is the next target.
U.S. President Joe Biden was clear from the moment he entered office -- China is the main international competitor and should be the top concern for U.S. foreign policy. Then Russia invaded Ukraine.
Romney was right about Russia.
And now Biden is going to goad China into doing something militarily too.
and it seems to be working.
Desert Tortoise
Mao attacked and conquered a formerly independent Tibet and suppresses their religion and culture bordering on genocide. They attacked Vietnam in 1979 and lost that one, but came back in the 1980s to steal some islands from Vietnam. About all that keeps China from attacking Taiwan and Japan are US forces.
What the world needs now is strong leadership from the west. Sadly we have some waiting to do still.
How afraid of losing their decadent hegemony..
Sh1mon M4sada
Oh pleuuuuase oh please, not another Asia pivot....duh...focus. Enough damage was done the first time round. Time to step aside and let middle power like Japan lead.
Oh C’mon. How could a face like that be responsible for WWIII? He’s not orange so s’all good right!
US realizing that they can only functionally sustain one propaganda campaign at a time, coupled with their population's short attention span. If their Shanghai narrative doesn't pan out for them, I expect we will here about sudden new "reports" from Xinjiang soon.
...are they? Those who support Ukraine would probably feel they aren't doing remotely enough, and those who don't support Ukraine would argue they are doing the exact opposite of that. I really don't think shoveling money and weapons is standing up for firm principles.
How many times does it need to be said, China is not an aggressive superpower. Stop judging other countries based on US standards, it doesn't work.