Japan Today

Asia-Pacific leaders discuss South China Sea, North Korea, Ukraine


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deanzaZZRToday 12:46 am JST

That's 2 misleading headlines about this issue. What has journalism come to?

will also likely take up mounting tensions in the South China Sea

Laos is the chair and will set the agenda. I doubt USA grandstanding on the SCS will be allowed.

I think everyone acknowledges on some level China is completely in the wrong in the SCS. And Laos probably does not appreciate the Chinese debt trap it finds itself in.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

That's 2 misleading headlines about this issue. What has journalism come to?

will also likely take up mounting tensions in the South China Sea

Laos is the chair and will set the agenda. I doubt USA grandstanding on the SCS will be allowed.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

They should be focusing on Israel and the devastation to the totally innocent victims in that area.

Why? That's been a skip fire for decades. They've got their own local pig-headed attitudes to settle before engaging in another half way round the world.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

They should be focusing on Israel and the devastation to the totally innocent victims in that area.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

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