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© Thomson Reuters 2023.Beijing criticizes Japan, Britain over 'anti-China' G7 summit
By Liz Lee and Satoshi Sugiyama BEIJING/TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Meanwhile the Chinese factories still crank out the low cost products that the west cannot do without…
I'm really sure the UK and Japan are quaking in their boots, having been berated by a Communist mouthpiece. I'll trust democratic nation's legitimate concerns over a totalitarian bully.
Speak for yourself. Many of us have done everything possible to disengage from China and their shoddy, cheap and nasty products.
Touchy and silly, as ever.
finally rich
And believe me, there are actually people in the West who supports China, Russia, etc.
It reminds me of a meme I saw just the other day, serious communist soldier with rifle in hands:
Did you think that communism means you will be supported to make bad poetry and protest for social justice, instead of labouring in fields?
You are funny. Please face wall.
When I see other foreign tat replacing Chinese tat in my local 100 yen store then I’ll let you know-hasn’t change as of now though…
Exactly. The whole thing is nonsense. It really would be better if we could all just get along. We certainly arent going to remedy our differences through the cold shoulder or conflict.
It is little doubt that western economics have filled their boots with cheap manufacturing courtesy of people of China, some instances child labor.
All supported and encouraged by the Government of China.
Anti despotism, anti genocide, anti atrocities, anti totalitarianism, repression, dictatorship, tyranny.
Is not something to shy away from.
Yep, I think we all know where this will end up going. I'd say they will have the result they so crave anytime soon now. Buckle up folks, it's gonna be quite the ride.
You have the same mind set as those who used it bash Japan back in the day. None of what you say is true these days. By the way, what computer do you have? And your phone? And your electric car?
They bring up economic coercion then China strikes Micron.
China: what did you say, economic coercion? Say it again and see what happens.
G7: Nothing, we were just saying how the world needs peace.
Maybe the world wouldn’t be Anti-china if they weren’t trying to take over the world
Me thinks China does protest too much......
The dictatorial and repressive Chinese regime must recognise that the free democratic countries of the world are free to speak out about all of the things which China insists on doing - their aggressive expansionist aims in the region ( 11 separate regional disputes currently), their shutting-down of democracy in Hong Kong and all areas of China, their despicable treatment of ethnic minorities, their enslavement of poorer countries who were coerced into signing-up for their imperialist Belt-and-Road deals, their policy of organ-harvesting from the poor and dispossessed for the benefit of rich Chinese, their disgusting raising of dogs and 'exotic species' for consumption...... the list is endless.
If only they were smart enough to understand how all of the above disgraceful behaviour is abhorrent to the rest of the civilised world, then they could start to make the necessary changes. Until then, they can expect the calling-out and criticism to continue unabated, and if they don't listen, then they won't be surprised when their mass-production of goods suddenly gets boycotted by the people worldwide. Hitting them financially may be the only thing they'd understand - I, for one, have managed to avoid buying anything Made in China for several years now, and will be happy to continue doing so until they become civilised again.
The western democracies stumble from one economic and political calamity to another no doubt.
And pay for it dearly at the ballot box democracy...AI could present challenges to come
The difference, the people of China and Russia don't have a choice.
As the people of Hong Kong has learnt the cost.
How is it possible to be anti China or Russia?
It is perfectly feasible, acceptable to be anti the Governments of China and Russia.
Do you want a list
I have a habit of checking the labels on everything I buy, including foods. If it says made in China, it doesn't get chosen. And their rhetoric about being offended is becoming tiresome, very tiresome.
finally rich
This is also a Health issue!
Last time I tried to fry some big onions from china bought at Gyomu super they "dissolved" into an unnatural ammount of liquid (?), leaving probably 2/3 or less of their original volume to eat. Imagine if I had eaten that thing raw? Never again.
As one of the largest economies of the World, China's voice needs to be heard at G7 . . . .
"State-backed Chinese mouthpiece". Quality journalism.
Cogito Ergo Sum
The honest truth is that the US’ type of “ democracy “ is incompatible with a country like China. This US led democratic push is what gives Washington and its operatives the nooks and crannies necessary for “regime change” whenever they wish, ( So far how many democratic governments have been done in by the US?).
Because of China’s and Russia’s steadfast system they always get a “ access denied”.
Should the citizens of these countries want a regime change then let it be organic, from within not formented outside.
As it’s, the Chinese have already picked what they deem good from the “ democracies”, and we can’t deny it’s served them well...and surprise! No regime change is likely for a long time ! The Tibet issue - out ! The Uighurs - out!
Let’s learn to stay out of other peoples business.
That's nice is you have your own farm and grow your own produce. But good luck finding things not made in China, without any component made in china, made by a company that is not owned by the Chinese...
Remember that when Taiwanese streets are bombed out and the people living in shelters. China cannot be allowed to seize Taiwan in the same way Russia is trying with Ukraine.
It's all part of this greater battle for hearts and minds of global south especially, China's had unprecedented success this year with their historic Muslim Peace Reconciliation. Let's not forget Turkey was key player in this Suni Shia Muslim Peace brokered by China. 2.2 billion Muslims now looking to China for stability and global leadership.
President Erdogan of Turkey talks non-stop of US and EU interference in their domestic political and economic affairs, especially currency under constant attack. Imagine how many other global south countries want similar treatment as Democracies? ZERO. Plus, China's expanding engagement with Russia during this US NATO Ukraine Proxy War.
Can there be any real surprise G-7 went on the China attack? Frankly, surprised they were not more aggressive towards China. Meanwhile China has no inflation problem, strong growth relative to collapsing G-7 Stagflation etc.
Strikes of pure G-7 desperation, as world's tired of their Central Bank Money Printing exporting inflation globally and endless wars and proxy wars led by US and their many NATO puppets in G-7 and elsewhere. Constant destabilization pursuing transactional gain versus China's stable non-interference partnership model, seems obvious choice.
In the 1990s the world, US, EU, JPN all extended our friendship and assistance to help the PRC join the community of nations. We helped build their economy which had been a basket case since 1949. As their economy grew the PRC claimed it was a "Peacefull Rise".
They had their chance. They made their choice.
Agreed but FAR Preferable to US/G-7 destabilization experience per 49 Muslim majority countries below, 2.2 billion growing rapidly, the ink just signed in Bejing this year!
China's had unprecedented success this year with their historic Muslim Peace Reconciliation. Let's not forget Turkey was key player in this Suni Shia Muslim Peace brokered by China. 2.2 billion Muslims now looking to China for stability and global leadership...
waah waah beijing criticizing something isnt event news - its par for the course. what a ridiculous excuse for a government
xin xin
China paid to get the Muslim Peace Plan. In the same way China paid for the B&R Initiative, Confucius Institutes, etc. All for a political purpose -- eventual domination. If Muslims want to praise China, look at the treatment of the Uyghurs first. Charity begins at home. All else is show to cheat and China does that pretty darn well.
englisc aspyrgend
“tensions between the authoritarian government in Beijing and the group of democratic countries” there I have fixed the error for you.
Good advice, wonder when China will take it?
Me too, but I will also highlight the fact with the company why they didn’t get the business so they are aware their policies are affecting the bottom line, the only way to change their practices. Another action I take is to check their anti-slavery policy, they all proudly espouse them and then quote it to then and ask why they are trading with a country practicing slave labour and genocide in breach of their own policies, preferably on as public a forum as I can manage.
China has only itself to blame. Their own actions speak louder than the hypocritical squeal’s of their despicable diplomats. No one treats their rote complaints seriously any more; the law of diminishing returns applies
Cogito Ergo Sum
The same deals were once offered to the marvelled Asian Tigers... before they realized they were being conned. The World Bank and IMF would dictate impossible conditions with their SAPs ( Structural Adjustment Programmes) which are always meant to enthral the borrowers. Iremember Koreans citizens taking their own jewelry to pay up and rid themselves of the exploitation, so did Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.
They offer you loans and you become a slave . You wonder how come The Global South can’t ( Will never completely) pay its debts?
Then there’s the Eastern Europe model, the IMF and World Bank recommended “ Privatizations “ of state industries and parastatals, they had just previously opened the Euro borders and all the youth of countries like Ukraine, Poland etc flocked west , any Briton servy of happenings in that period who reads this will attest.
Many countries in the Global South rues the day they met the Bretton Woods group.
The world will not overlook China, where late imperialism is rampant.
The surveillance society can do whatever the Chinese want, but it is hard to say that they are convinced and obeyed, at least from the reaction of the people at the time of Corona.
China's territorial ambitions, such as Tibet, Uyghur, the Spratly Islands, and the Senkaku Islands, know no bounds.
The Chinese Communist Party is the only country in the world today with such territorial ambitions.
Even Putin is nothing compared to China.
It can be said that it is inevitable that the United States will change its policy to be anti-China.
Cogito Ergo Sum
What I forgot to say above is that the multi- nationals moved to Ukraine and scooped those cos for peanuts. May be thats what they want from Russian and the Crown Jewel... China , the market ! Human resource etc
Alfie Noakes
State-backed Western mouthpiece Reuters reports that State-backed Chinese mouthpiece Global Times called the G7 an "anti-China workshop" on Monday.
Comedy gold, you couldn't make it up.
90% of Daiso goods, the largest 100 yen store franchise in Japan, are made in Japan, by prison labor.
Dango bong
China telling people to adhere to signed agreements is comedy GOLD, China are the biggest back-stabbers on the planet.
Time for China to maybe ask itself if it’s doing everything it can to be getting along with and working with other countries.
The whole playing victim while being hostile to other nations is getting old.
What's with the numerous repeated comment?
One of the smarter thing Japan has been doing the past few years is create incentives to move factories from China back to Japan. Even more are looking at moving the factories to other parts of Asian. I think the Japanese see the upcoming issues of China using supply chain to project power and aren't having any of it.
Precise point. That G7 was nothing more than ivory-tower elitists engaging in sanctimonious China and Russia bashing. It's embarrassing, jingoistic and hypocritical. Some of the crass juvenile themes and mendacious statements have clearly made their way into equally ignorant comments here unfortunately.
Gabor Fabricius
I think China should concentrate on stopping their terror in Tibet and the Uyghurs
Desert Tortoise
I don't buy anything from China. I read labels and find out where things are made before I buy them. If an item is made in China I buy a competitive product made somewhere else, even if it costs a bit more. The computer I am typing on was manufactured in Virginia using components from the US, Taiwan and South Korea. My shoes are either American, Vietnamese or my boat shoes are from the Dominican Republic. Linens from the US and India. Clothes from a variety of countries but not from China. Washer/ dryer, Amana mircowave, refrigerator, dishwasher and vacuums all made in the US. Cars are German, Spanish and American.
Desert Tortoise
Risible nonsense. A complete distortion of reality. Western economic and political engagement in places like South Korea and Taiwan led to those nations throwing off their military dictatorships and become model democracies while their economies and standard of living soared. US engagement with Japan has unarguably led to a better nation than pre-WWII Japan, both for its own citizens and for the world.
Desert Tortoise
What on Earth are you talking about. I read the Arab press daily, several different sites, and the relationship between China and Turkey is, if anything, frosty. There was no historic Muslim peace reconciliation. You just make stuff up. Yeah, China negotiated a return to diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, but they threw gasoline on the fire between Qatar and Iran by backing Qatari claims to three islands currently controlled by Iran, drawing a strong diplomatic rebuke from Iran. Fact is Iran is being bent over by China as UN sanctions leave Iran with no choice but to deal with Russia and China.
Russia said a sililar thing. This verifies that G7 summit was a great success. A good job.
Boo hoo. CCP are scum.
Peter Neil
JT is blocked in China. But, mouthpieces are allowed to tunnel out to do what mouthpieces do.
It’s hard to find much to like about a place that killed probably 50 million educated citizens to revolutionize their culture.
Peter Neil
Never in history has a nation killed 50 million of its own citizens, let alone under the guise of improving their society. You get the pic?
Of course the US fears Japan moving away from the G7 Bloc towards BRICS and the SCO. Even Americans would look at a picture of nothing but White Christians declaring themselves the Leaders of the World and go "Nope, not buying it"
China trying to be the victim. The CCP puts out so much anti-foreigner stuff on the Mandarin websites that you'd think it was written by someone who hates everyone outside China. They are used to the rest of the world having a language barrier and it has gotten much worse the last 10 yrs, under Xi.
If you want to see what normal Chinese are posting ... translated to English - these are good and bad posts - visit this: There is a bunch of really nice stuff there and some highly visceral ideas too.
For people unwilling to visit twitter - which I can't blame anyone for avoiding - here's a Chinese student in Australia speaking Mandarin, saying that he wants to kill all "f&&^% foreigners" . Where do you think he learned that? No doubt, from the CCP-Chinese govt. Hopefully, he will be kicked out of Australia for making plans to kill residents. The CCP-Chinese govt has taught citizens to distrust and dislike all "foreigners". No surprise when some Chinese people use hate speech towards non-Chinese ... or anyone who disagrees with the CCP.
One way to look at it or one might take the view that endless wars, economic and other destabilization over many DECADES meant US and G-7 in particular PAID heavy price, 49 counties walked of their own free will.
As China's largest customer for most of these Muslim counties and not dumping oil market from their strategic reserve or crazy printing money at their Central Bank, both forms of economic destabilization, seems that also helped enhance this truly historic diplomatic goodwill.
Action talks, you know what walks = 2.2 billion Muslims
G-7's big sales 'pitch' was what exactly? More US NATO Ukraine Proxy War. Wow, that's persuasive,
Certainly, most across Global South and elsewhere believe NATO eastward expansion's the most pressing global issue, making entire Much Safer & More Stable!
Where are all these 'New' Democracies? Seems Turkey's had MORE than enough of G-7 Democracy, and it seems most Globally very sympathetic to Turkey!
Desert Tortoise
If the CCP was capable of even a tiny bit of self reflection they would understand that stealing the ip of other nation's companies, standing up a massive government funded and organized institution to hack into foreign firms information systems and steal from them, making territorial claims that are utterly unsupported by international law and trying to intimidate people living abroad are not going to make nations respect China but rather it makes them fear China. China's problems with her neighbors are entirely of China's making. The sooner the CCP comes to understand this the better, but don't hold your breath.
Funny how you call it a war ... but that isn't allowed in Russia. Thanks for calling it that.
Odd that you think NATO is involved. They are not. Individual countries who may be part of NATO are helping their neighbors push back again invaders from an authoritarian country.
If you doni't like that war, get the Russians out, hand over Putin and the top leaders for war crimes and start paying restitution to Ukraine so they can rebuild their nation.
Ukraine wasn't going to invade anyone. Russia's claim that Ukraine "forced them" into attacking is a huge barrel of crap. Russia has been trying to destabilize Ukraine for over a decade, trying to get Russian-friendly leaders into office, which has failed. Call it what it is - Putin wanted the land that Ukraine controls - to boost his ego. That is completely obvious.