Japan Today

Biden tells Japan, European allies Ukraine support will continue after Republicans block funding

By Jeff Mason and Nandita Bose

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In war there are winners and losers.

Ukraine has already been given the latter title

Now it is time to be realistic and negotiate

-5 ( +20 / -25 )

When will people realize that the US needs to support Ukraine because if not then Russia will win and this will be catastrophic for The US! That’s the only reason the US is involved indirectly in this by providing aid.

4 ( +21 / -17 )

Loads of cash in support is nice, but apparently Western countries are running out of armaments to send. Mainly bullets and shells. NATO countries were prepared for interventions and nuclear standoffs, but not for a re-run of WWI with tank battles, trench warfare and endless shelling. Putin is running NATO low on weaponry without exchanging fire with it. There's a new tactic for the manuals.

Arms manufacturers have been told to ramp up production, but Ukraine is firing the stuff faster than they can produce it.


9 ( +12 / -3 )

Three days after the Maui fires, Biden asked Congress for 40 billion more USD to give Ukraine. Meanwhile, Biden only allocated a one time payment of $700 USD for Maui fire victims. Biden is more concerned with helping other countries than the US.

9 ( +21 / -12 )

When will people realize that the US needs to support Ukraine because if not then Russia will win and this will be catastrophic for The US! That’s the only reason the US is involved indirectly in this by providing aid.

I used to be really against sending money to Ukraine, but this line of reasoning made me change my opinion. The simple fact that with every dollar we spend defending Ukraine, the less emboldened China becomes to make a play on Taiwan. A Taiwan conflict would most likely directly drag in U.S. troops. It sounds harsh but I’d rather have Ukrainians sue to protect US interests than US troops due to protect US interests.

-3 ( +11 / -14 )

@CrashTestDummy: The world is a big and complicated place. Withdrawing support for Ukraine would have dire consequences for America and the rest of the world. Taking Ukraine is a first-step, not the end-game.

-4 ( +13 / -17 )

*It sounds harsh but I’d rather have Ukrainians die to protect US interests than US troops die to protect US interests.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

"President Biden made clear we cannot, under any circumstances, allow America's support for Ukraine to be interrupted," White House national security spokesperson John Kirby told reporters.

The support will wane. Americans are impatient and prefer a quick war. It hasn’t even been a few years yet Putin can get them to waver.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Europe together must contribute more.

No more excuses.

Ukraine its government, its people, cannot continue to repel Russian/Putin forces alone.

Failure to stand firm together in solidarity, could have devastating consequences.

-1 ( +13 / -14 )

This whole thing has become such a farce. The fact that there are people out there who still buy into the US is just protecting its best buddy narrative is upsetting. This is just business as usual for the neolib warmachine.

7 ( +15 / -8 )

not likely to happen no.

You’re crazy to think that China isn’t looking at what’s going on in Ukraine and applying those lessons to what would also happen in Taiwan. If the U.S. is willing to spend so much supporting a relatively irrelevant country like Ukraine imagine what they’re willing to do for Taiwan

2 ( +10 / -8 )

small group of House Republicans who have blocked Ukraine funding

Churchill would remember those types. They were cowards and traitors then and they are cowards and traitors now.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

*It sounds harsh but I’d rather have Ukrainians die to protect US interests than US troops die to protect US interests.

Wouhou!!! Speak about selfishness. With friends like this, who needs russia?

0 ( +6 / -6 )

I am all for supporting Ukraine all the way, BUT I am also in support of finding a peaceful solution ASAP as the people on all sides are suffering, there is a negotiating way out of this like all other conflicts.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

The arms manufacturers give more campaign contributions to Republicans than Democrat's. We hear the politicians say one thing and do another all of the time.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

More than 50,000 Russian soldiers have died in the war in Ukraine, according to a new statistical analysis.


-7 ( +3 / -10 )

The arms manufacturers give more campaign contributions to Republicans than Democrat's.

All that tells us is that democrats sell-out cheaper. Besides, Blackrock, who have just as much to gain from the situation in Ukraine as arms manufacturers, contribute more to the democrats.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Thank goodness we have a real patriotic American as our President rather than the previous Putin-loving wanna-be dictator...and soon to be inmate....

The Ukrainians are wiping the floor with the Russians - sinking their ships, blowing up their tanks, and sending their Generals to that great Potemkin Village in the sky....at least the Generals that haven't mutinied already...

They have forced Putin to go begging to the Iranians and nKoreans for weapons that work...

And lets not forget his BFF launching a coup and occupying a Russian city....

It's only a mater of time before Putin gets dispatched in that great Russian tradition - the "palace coup"....

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Cracks in the pro Ukraine alliance? Reports on the great spring/summer offensive have also dried up..... elections looming...

Can you see the writing on the wall?

4 ( +11 / -7 )

"It's egregious and it absolutely plays right into his false narrative of how this war started."

You mean this war didn't start by all the CIA backed coloured revolutions.???. I'm shocked...who even buys what comes out of the U$ cabals mouths anymore??

4 ( +11 / -7 )

The United States of America needs a new name! There is no "United" there anymore.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Old Joe's standing in front of the painting of "Rough Rider" Teddy Roosevelt (the work of a Polish artist to boot) is sending a symbolic message to the Republicans: Watch out I'm coming after you, right up your "San Juan Hill" of treasonous obstruction and egregious irresponsibility to the people who pay your salaries, benefits and pensions. And already another one bites the dust, McCarthy no less!

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

La vie douceToday 09:31 am JST

Catastrophic ..why? Because strong Russia or China are unacceptable to the US?

Because a Russia or China squashing a democratic Ukraine or Taiwan are unacceptable, yes.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

gokai_wo_manekuToday 09:20 am JST

The United States of America needs a new name! There is no "United" there anymore.

I'm just going to call this the "quarter pounder" argument because it is similar to the people that sue McDonalds for their burger not weighing 1/4 pound.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

SanjinosebleedToday 09:19 am JST

"It's egregious and it absolutely plays right into his false narrative of how this war started."

You mean this war didn't start by all the CIA backed coloured revolutions.???. I'm shocked...who even buys what comes out of the U$ cabals mouths anymore??

I think a minority of people in the west are as afraid as you that the CIA will come in through your windows tonight.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

GBR48Today 07:23 am JST

Loads of cash in support is nice, but apparently Western countries are running out of armaments to send. Mainly bullets and shells. NATO countries were prepared for interventions and nuclear standoffs, but not for a re-run of WWI with tank battles, trench warfare and endless shelling. Putin is running NATO low on weaponry without exchanging fire with it. There's a new tactic for the manuals.

Russia's been making artillery shells without stop since WW2 because it's not a normal country. You are right, though, that we should have adjusted to this realization around March 2022. There is no reason the 1.38 billion people in the OECD shouldn't have been able to outproduce the 143 million in Russia.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

La vie douceToday 09:39 am JST

"It sounds harsh but I’d rather have Ukrainians die to protect US interests than US troops die to protect US interests."

Perhaps it would be be easier and less costly in both lives and treasure if "US interests" could change slightly from expanding NATO into Russia,s historical backyard. Or is that so terribly hard? Why has that been such a priority, ask yourself that question , and for comparison , how did the US react during the Cuban crisis days?

Russia doesn't own the former soviet states. If they want to join NATO and NATO wants to have them, that is their decision. And the Cuban missile crisis was about nukes and set the precedent that the US was not allowed to wipe a neighbor off of the map like Russia shouldn't be allowed to.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Because a Russia or China squashing a democratic Ukraine or Taiwan are unacceptable, yes.

Yes, a democratic Ukraine. So democratic in fact that there will be no elections until the war ends...

2 ( +7 / -5 )

La vie douceToday 09:46 am JST

" Catastrophic ..why? Because strong Russia or China are unacceptable to the US ?

- Because a Russia or China squashing a democratic Ukraine or Taiwan are unacceptable, yes."

I see, but the US can squash / regime change "unacceptable" governments around the world as needed, non?

Limit in your mind, if you can, to the ones changed by military intervention without UN authorization. That leaves Iraq and Afghanistan. Afghanistan was harboring terrorists, so they went, or we tried to anyways. Iraq, well, if you are really pining for the days of Saddam Hussein, I don't know what to tell you. The Iraqi people sure aren't. In any event, the US did not shamefully annex parts of Iraq.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

ChabbawangaToday 09:49 am JST

Because a Russia or China squashing a democratic Ukraine or Taiwan are unacceptable, yes.

Yes, a democratic Ukraine. So democratic in fact that there will be no elections until the war ends...

It's almost as if trying to wipe a country off of the map causes it to take desperate measures. Nah, that is too logical.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

And the Cuban missile crisis was about nukes and set the precedent that the US was not allowed to wipe a neighbor off of the map like Russia shouldn't be allowed to

The Cuban missile crisis was about having a threat on the back door step of the United States. Instead of throwing their Cuban allies to the wolves, the Soviet Union backed down. This is the exact opposite of what the US is doing in Ukraine.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

well, if you are really pining for the days of Saddam Hussein, I don't know what to tell you. The Iraqi people sure aren't.

Do you know anyone from Iraq? I do. Opinion is actually split. There are just as many Iraqis who feel they were better off under Saddam's regime. Not surprising after a war that took 100s of thousands of Iraqi lives, devastated their homes, economy and infrastructure.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

"Russia's been making artillery shells without stop since WW2 because it's not a normal country. "

And yet we have expert posters continuously posting on this site that Russia has been running out of missiles and ammunition, it is quite a conundrum.

"The Ukrainians are wiping the floor with the Russians - sinking their ships, blowing up their tanks, and sending their Generals to that great Potemkin Village in the sky....at least the Generals that haven't mutinied already...They have forced Putin to go begging to the Iranians and nKoreans for weapons that work..."

So explain to us why Putin has to take his tin cup and go beg The Mullahs and KJU for more drones and artillery shells - if he has enough from his own factories...

Maybe because the Russian-made drones fly backwards and blow up on their own territory and the Russian-made artillery shells just blow up in the tube?

Case in point, voila.


-2 ( +6 / -8 )

ChabbawangaToday 09:54 am JST

And the Cuban missile crisis was about nukes and set the precedent that the US was not allowed to wipe a neighbor off of the map like Russia shouldn't be allowed to

The Cuban missile crisis was about having a threat on the back door step of the United States. Instead of throwing their Cuban allies to the wolves, the Soviet Union backed down. This is the exact opposite of what the US is doing in Ukraine.

Nonsense. Khrushchev saved Cuba by extracting a promise from the US not to invade Cuba:


The lesson of the Cuban Missile Crisis is that Russia needs to back down from its obsession to control its neighbors.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

EastmanToday 09:51 am JST

Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi.

Here s the answer.And Biden believes that he is still in position of god...but clearly he is not.

So why does Russia think that it is a god able to change 44 million people when it is barely a regional power?

its hard to admit another pricey failure.

Not as pricey as losing multiple vietnams like Russia, that is for sure.

its hard to admit that UA even with tons of cash,guns,media propaganda support have zero chance to win over Russia.

On the contrary: our land gear, distributed in a very haphazard manner, is completely devastating the Russian military by itself. Imagine how much more in trouble Russia will be with our air and naval power added to the picture along with all our trained troops? Russia is so toothless Finland and Sweden joined NATO without fear and Ukraine will have any weapon system it wants.

hardest part is to understand real position of USA in todays multipolar world.

Oh you have such precious dreams. Your master is in Peking. Meanwhile, dollar strong, stock market up, and troops safe.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

La vie douceToday 10:10 am JST

"The Cuban missile crisis was about having a threat on the back door step of the United States."

As is having Russia's Slavic backyard in NATO for Moscow.

You don't own it. They don't like you.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

ChabbawangaToday 10:04 am JST

well, if you are really pining for the days of Saddam Hussein, I don't know what to tell you. The Iraqi people sure aren't.

Do you know anyone from Iraq? I do. Opinion is actually split. There are just as many Iraqis who feel they were better off under Saddam's regime. Not surprising after a war that took 100s of thousands of Iraqi lives, devastated their homes, economy and infrastructure.

They pump more gas than under Saddam Hussein. It's not a loss for the US yet, my friend.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

lincolnmanToday 10:09 am JST

"Russia's been making artillery shells without stop since WW2 because it's not a normal country. "

And yet we have expert posters continuously posting on this site that Russia has been running out of missiles and ammunition, it is quite a conundrum.

"The Ukrainians are wiping the floor with the Russians - sinking their ships, blowing up their tanks, and sending their Generals to that great Potemkin Village in the sky....at least the Generals that haven't mutinied already...They have forced Putin to go begging to the Iranians and nKoreans for weapons that work..."

So explain to us why Putin has to take his tin cup and go beg The Mullahs and KJU for more drones and artillery shells - if he has enough from his own factories...

I didn't say they had enough. I said that as a unreformed horde state, the challenge posed by Russia in terms of quantity of arms is significant.

Maybe because the Russian-made drones fly backwards and blow up on their own territory and the Russian-made artillery shells just blow up in the tube?

Well you never know: Russian gear has proven woefully inadequate except their landmines.

Case in point, voila.


"Tee hee. I upvoted something!"

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Perhaps it would be be easier and less costly in both lives and treasure if "US interests" could change slightly from expanding NATO into Russia,s historical backyard. Or is that so terribly hard? Why has that been such a priority, ask yourself that question , and for comparison , how did the US react during the Cuban crisis days?

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined NATO in 2004 so this isn’t an argument

1 ( +7 / -6 )

its hard to admit another pricey failure.

Russia is a geopolitical adversary of the U.S. and the U.S. has had to spend 0 manpower to significantly weaken Russia. I don’t see how that’s a “failure”.

its hard to admit that UA even with tons of cash,guns,media propaganda support have zero chance to win over Russia.

its hard to admit that even with many different antirussian economical measures like sanctions-UA "victory" is not even snails step closer.

hardest part is to understand real position of USA in todays multipolar world.

Yawn. Just 2 more weeks until Russia takes Kyiv, right?

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

Nonsense. Khrushchev saved Cuba by extracting a promise from the US not to invade Cuba:

Thats literally what I said.

As is having Russia's Slavic backyard in NATO for Moscow.

Yes, I agree. I think you misunderstood my post.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Sorry, Russians and Russia-supporting Neutrals, Ukraine is not going to surrender to the Russian invaders and the democracies are not going to stop sending aid.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

The irony is the longer the war goes on - the more smashed Ukraine will become; Moscow's ultimate goal is to turn it into a basket case, as it rather correctly views it as a puppet, evidenced by the substance of this news story in the first place.

Since it won't become neutral, Moscow sees that it has no choice but to remove this possible threat. Pushing Zelensky away from the negotiating table in 2022 has left this the only course of action and paradoxically the collective west is obsessed with bankrolling it.

This will be a financial albatross around the neck of the west and in particular the EU. Dreams of retaking the Donbass and Crimea are yellow brick road fantasyland-type stuff.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

"Tee hee. I upvoted something!"

I think you misunderstood my post - I wasn't replying to you, I was replying to the person that replied to your post - second sentence down...

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

"So explain to us why Putin has to take his tin cup and go beg The Mullahs and KJU for more drones and artillery shells - if he has enough from his own factories..."

I would guess he got a good deal on them from Kim boy , so why wouldn't he?

Because he has to either barter or pay for them - why would he do that if his own factories were producing enough?

Meanwhile, collective west supplies seem to be running out despite all those factories.

Not by the number of turretless Russian tanks littering Ukraine...or Russian submarines with huge holes in their sides...

Maybe because the Russian-made drones fly backwards and blow up on their own territory and the Russian-made artillery shells just blow up in the tube?

This kind of nonsense needs no comment. ( even if there are cases of things malfunctioning on both sides ). Voila.

No comment? Thank you for caving and waving the white flag...

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

"This kind of nonsense needs no comment. ( even if there are cases of things malfunctioning on both sides ). Voila. - No comment? Thank you for caving and waving the white flag..."

Yes, because what you wrote is just nonsense. If some imaginary white flag makes you happy, well, je vous en prie.

Your choice to surrender...

"Not by the number of turretless Russian tanks littering Ukraine...or Russian submarines with huge holes in their sides..."

More of the same boring same, yawn, have a good day.

Yet you chose not to rebut it...because you couldn't...

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Putin has communicated for a long time prior to invading that Ukraine was a red line for him that the West should not cross.

I thought it was about Nazis? Are you saying he has another excuse for invading & murdering?

But we both know it's just a shabby land grab. Russia has been doing it for centuries, and they'll keep on doing it as long as the feeble-minded keep allowing them to.

Ukraine shan't be sacrificed to allow the feeble-minded to get away with being willfully so.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Ukraine future, Europe's future, I suggest could pivot on two potential Presidential candidates, Joe Biden, Donald Trump.

Both, in the latter stages of natures timeline.

Yet the present, a pollical maelstrom of uncertainly, the Government of China weighting up the what if and maybe of an invasion of Taiwan, a potential retaliation of a US presidency policy that the Russian Governments actions/invasion Ukraine could present a reluctance to intervene is truly a conundrum global without president since WW2.

USA needs leadership from a governments in lock step with the people.

Strong leadership, that can unite cross the aisle consensus like never before.

Time to face reality. Biden or Trump?

That must cannot be the only solution choice.

Only the US people can question such a scenario.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

UA heroi are not doing well.

Heroi = what? Hero? Hero's? or something else entirely? Curious to know what your saying.

They remain sovereign and free so I call that doing well against a nation 4-5 times your own population with a military that dwarfs your own. They continue to survive and are slowly pushing Russian forces out of Ukraine territory.

Russia has failed in all but one objective from pre invasion. It has made a land corridor from Crimea to Russia. All other objectives have failed and the cost of that one success is over 120,000 dead Russians and 240,000 estimated injured Russians. Not at all what was expected prior to 22 Feb, 2022.

Russia continues to hang on to Ukraine territory but like sand in their hand, it slowly slips though its fingers. That may change come winter but time will tell. This war will not end until Putin wants it to end. Nobody else can end it except ending Ukraine support, which would see Russia take all of Ukraine as its prize and end Ukraine independence for generations to come. And would see the murder of loyal Ukrainians by the thousands, just like the Russian massacre of thousands of Polish army officers in WWI after they took Poland with their ally at the time, the Nazi's.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

La vie douceToday 11:35 am JST

"Sorry, Russians and Russia-supporting Neutrals, Ukraine is not going to surrender to the Russian invaders and the democracies are not going to stop sending aid."

You seem to prefer the prospect of years of war with no end in sight and tens of thousands more casualties to peace talks and ceasefire.

If it is Russian casualties, absolutely. Until the people change their horde state they have to be made to reconsider their actions.

"Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined NATO in 2004 so this isn’t an argument"

Putin has communicated for a long time prior to invading that Ukraine was a red line for him that the West should not cross. He was dully ignored. It certainly is an argument.

Yeah, he made a sour face in 2004, went and hid in his room for 20 years, and then came out swinging. Some leader.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

You seem to prefer the prospect of years of war with no end in sight and tens of thousands more casualties to peace talks and ceasefire.

Freedom has always carried a high price, has it not? The clear preference is for Russia to cease its invasion and return its forces to its own recognized borders. You and others seem to want Russia to be victorious rather than to have peace and an end to fighting. Its Putin's way or no way for you guys right? So why be surprised that Ukrainians want their freedom and are prepared to fight and die for it, and for outsiders to support their desire to remain free from Russian tyranny?

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Russian massacre of thousands of Polish army officers in WWI

Russian massacre of thousands of Polish army officers in WWII

Apologies for the typo.

0 ( +4 / -4 )


That is it.

How high globally are leaderships willing to compromise, and the costs to the futures generations, that i contend will be short lived will be willing to pay or forgo?

Politically have we not all drank from the font/promise/baptism of a selfish world of social media influencers promising something for nothing, whilst the realities of a pandemic, a war, the unravelling of an illusion of globalization, supply chains just disintegrate unnoticed.

Who should be held accountable, Trump or Biden?

At the court of public opinion, court of law?

Far to late yes no?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

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