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Biden to emphasize 'ironclad' nuclear deterrence during Asia trip: White House


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Why does this not make me feel any better?

So what, if as so many war mongers want and NATO goes up against Russia, we know full well NK will jump on the chance while the USA is busy on Europe and like with WW2 Europe will be the priority.

So what will the USA do, a first strike nuke if NK invades the South?

No it will sit back and nukes will only be used if the other side uses them first and in any event we here will be nuclear BBQ.

You all keep pointing out Kim and Putin are crazy, well remember that!

Crazy people do Crazy things are crazy maniacs do even crazier things and deciding to take as many with them as possible is they are going down is one things they are very capable of doing.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

Empty words from Biden. The US has never gone to war with a nuclear armed country and all the rogue nuclear powers know it. US nuclear deterrence simply doesn’t exist.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

Why does this not make me feel any better?

Those who continue to back Putin, an anti-west 'leader' who has threatened to use nukes should ask themselves why they support s his regime that engages in warmongering, risking a nuke war, and then threatens to use nukes. And yes I am very well aware of MAD. And I am not posting this link to scaremonger: https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/current-time/

I am also well aware that the US is a nuclear power, second perhaps, only to Russia, and is the only country to have ever dropped nukes, and is a country that along with its NATO allies, several of which are also nuke powers, has long been involved in invading sovereign nations, none of which I have agreed with. But talk about today, the right now, and the risks that the anti-west's idol Putin is making the rest of the world and his fellow Russians, himself and his own family face. NK's Kim might actually believe all the myths he and his regime have created about him and his family, one of which could be he could survive nuclear wars and global nuclear winter. Recall it was another far right hero whose scientists were first involved in creating an atomic bomb. Whether he would have done what Truman did remains conjecture, Hitler would have probably waited for his astrologist to tell him what to do, Stalin, who knows what he would have done, and who knows what Putin, another far right autocrat will do, and how western leaders will respond if he does. If the right's Trump gets back in office along with his equally belligerent Trump/Putin axis Republicans, who knows what could happen.But if they do return I will not feel comfortable, especially knowing they'll probaby try to do a Lukashenko/Putin and stay in power for longer than four years and maybe try to take Greenland instead of offering to buy it. Arctic resources galore up there for the military willing and able to take them, and Trump would be nuts enough to try to do so, using a Sharpie to show it's really part of the USA.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Those who continue to back Putin


North Korea has 30 to 50 nuclear weapons with up to 250 kilotonnes yield.( According to the USA government) missiles with ranges up to 8,000 km putting Tokyo in Japan easily within that range even their lowest range of 3,000 km still puts us in that range.

Russia has over 6,000 nuclear warheads with yields between 300 and 800 kilotonnes each and over 5,000 ICBM

What you can backing Putin I call looking at facts and reality.

If NATO or the USA goes to war with Russia and NK will join rest assured, nuclear weapons WILL be used at some point.

You are a contradiction in what you say. You call Putin crazy and dangerous but then try and say he wouldn't use nukes well you can't have it both ways either he is crazy or not if he is then expect nukes if he starts losing if he isn't then stay out of Europe's problems.

But remember this, since the Nuremberg trials and other post WW2 war crime trials and after Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, etc...

No despot leader their generals etc..are ever again going to go down without a fight to the last man and they will take revenge if they have nukes, they have nothing to lose.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

“The wise hawk hides its talons”! Biden the oaf that he is continues to make comments that enflame those ‘itching’ for a fight!

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Ronin,Biden has been measure in his rhetoric,like a stateman

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

@Meiyouwenti Its easy to say that with not the knowledge of knowing. I will say this "Loose Lips sink ships" LOL no country has went to war with a nuclear power but let me say this you don't want the monster released!! You are right in your WORLD the US nuclear deterrence simply doesn't exist!! In my world which I know you are not a part of then, I will refrain!

Empty words from Biden. The US has never gone to war with a nuclear armed country and all the rogue nuclear powers know it. US nuclear deterrence simply doesn’t exist.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Worst president ever.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Supposedly the USA will only defend its Asian allies if they are attacked.

So this talk about extending nuclear deterrence doesn't sound reassuring.

Its not surprising that Japan seeks preemptive strike capabilities .

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

So what will the USA do, a first strike nuke if NK invades the South?

No it will sit back and nukes will only be used if the other side uses them first and in any event we here will be nuclear BBQ.

US and South Korean forces could crush those of DPRK in a matter of weeks without resort to use of nuclear weapons. The South Korean military is very large, modern and well trained The US and South Koreans have had decades to plan and train to fight such a war. The wild card is whether or not China would come to the aid of DPRK if DPRK initiated such a war. Most analysts think they would as the prevailing point of view is that the Chinese see a unified democratic and capitalist Korea aligned with the west as an existential threat to the CCP. Fighting the DPRK would not require use of nuclear weapons but nobody really knows what happens if/when Chine enters that war.

I want you to keep something in mind when you consider US policy towards the Korean Peninsula. Close to half the population of South Korea lives close enough to the DMZ (mostly metro Seoul) to be within range of North Korean artillery. South Korean casualties on the first day of a second Korean War, due to the density of housing and working areas around Seoul, are often estimated by military planners to be on the order of 100,000 dead per hour. Per hour! Nobody on the US or South Korean side wants to see that happen. Millions dead the first day. The US and South Koreans are, justifiably, very careful not to light the fuse leading to a renewed war. The whole reason the US has its forces there is to prevent that from happening.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

LOL no country has went to war with a nuclear power 

The US invaded Iraq thinking the Iraqis had nuclear weapons. The US was ultimately proved wrong but the assumption on the part of the US at the initiation of hostilities was that they were invading a nuclear armed nation. Prior to that Egypt and Syria invaded a very much nuclear armed Israel. Egypt at the time had two Soviet Army nuclear armed Scud battalions on their soil and more nuclear armed Scuds on a Soviet ship in Alexandria. Israel very nearly lost that war. One of the reasons that war ended in a negotiated settlement was the Israelis brought one of their missiles out into plain view of Soviet and American satellites, as well as some nuclear bombs and made a very public display of prepping these weapons for use. The message was clear to both the Soviets who had forces ready to invade Israel  (the Soviet Foreign Minister was at the time threatening to mount an amphibious and airborne assault on Israel while Soviet naval forces were harassing the US Navy in the Med) that Israel would resort to nuclear warfare if the war was not stopped. That display caused both sides to take a step back and negotiate, but being nuclear armed did not stop Egypt and Syria from invading Israel. They thought they could win and came exceedingly close to doing so.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )


No country has went to war with a nuclear power

Are you out of your mind ?

Japan went to war with the USA and that's how Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened !


There is certainly nothing funny or humorous about a nuclear holocaust

The US has never went to war with a nuclear armed country

Oh yes it has !

Clearly you have absolutely no idea what your talking about.

US nuclear deterrence simply doesn't exist

It most certainly does exist obviously.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Coward not to mention Taiwan, which is in much greater risk of being invaded, by China, and it's not even likely to be nuclear. Coward.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The US invaded Iraq thinking the Iraqis had nuclear weapons.

Was the term used not "weapons of mass destruction"? My memory was that the focus was on chemical weapons. Iraq had used them before. (Oddly, the US and UK didn't invade at that time.)

3 ( +6 / -3 )


Iam also well aware that the US is a nuclear power,second perhaps, only to Russia,and is the only country to have ever dropped nukes,

Obviously your awareness is questionable if you don't know that France nuked Pacific islanders nations.

So no the USA isn't the only country to have dropped nukes.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

US and South Korean forces could crush those of DPRK in a matter of weeks without resort to use of nuclear weapons.

Sure if the USA isn't already occupied in Europe like you want it to be.

The USA cannot handle a war on two fronts. And the second SK or the USA cross into NK China will be on them like flies on.....

All the over the top America the great testosterone is funny considering The Taliban just kicked them out of Afghanistan, if it wasn't for Grenada I think the USA would be zero wins since the Korean war and even that all they could do was draw!

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Japan had no idea the US had such a weapon

I don't think that's quite right. I think some in Japan knew the US was developing such a weapon. And was Japan itself not researching such a weapon (along with a few other countries)?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

@Kyo mo aho desu ne

No country has went to war with a nuclear power

Are you out of your mind ?

Japan went to war with the USA and that's how Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened !

You must have skipped school when 20th century history was taught. When Japan went to war with America in December 1942, the Manhattan Project hadn't even begun.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Kaim,Japan was nuclear when the US dropped two on Japan

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

I not an American nationalist by no mean,but lots of Japanese are just ungrateful malcontent,we do give an illusion that the US will protect Japanese,at the risk of the US as a whole

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Was the term used not "weapons of mass destruction"? My memory was that the focus was on chemical weapons. Iraq had used them before. (Oddly, the US and UK didn't invade at that time.

Do you remember the infamous Nigerian "yellow cake" document forgeries purporting to claim Iraq was buying yellow cake from Nigeria to use to make nuclear weapons? How about the late Colin Powell's infamous speech to the UN to justify invading Iraq? Never mind UN inspectors who were looking for a nuclear weapons program found no evidence of one, the US claimed otherwise. The primary justification for invading Iraq was the mistaken belief they had usable nuclear weapons and was involved in the 9-11 attacks, never mind there was no known connection between Saddam and the 9-11 attacks much less a nuclear weapons program. That was the line of nonsense the US fed the world before invading Iraq. The WMD thing has been distorted afterwards by right wing pundits to include Iraq's well known chemical weapons program to deflect public attention from the lies we were all told going into that war. To be fair there is a not very well known Iraqi defector who was Saddam's chief nuclear scientist Dr. Khidhir Hamza. He left circa 1995 or 1996 but he wrote a book called "Saddam's Bombmaker: The Daring Escape of the Man Who Built Iraq's Secret Weapon" published in October 9, 2001 less than a month after the 9-11 attack that painted a picture of an Iraq right on the cusp of having a viable nuclear weapon. I read the book btw. However there was plenty of evidence contradicting this assertion that the Bush administration simply didn't want to see. They already had their minds made up but they did approach Iraq early in that war as if they might pop a nuke off on US forces at any moment.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

You must have skipped school when 20th century history was taught. When Japan went to war with America in December 1942, the Manhattan Project hadn't even begun.

You must be the one who skipped history. The story of the Manhattan Project began in 1938, when German scientists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann inadvertently discovered nuclear fission. A few months later, Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard sent a letter to President Roosevelt warning him that Germany might try to build an atomic bomb. In response, FDR formed the Uranium Committee, a group of top military and scientific experts to determine the feasibility of a nuclear chain reaction.

Nevertheless, initial research moved slowly until the spring of 1941, when the MAUD Committee (essentially the British equivalent to the Uranium Committee) issued a report affirming that an atomic bomb was possible and urging cooperation with the United States. The U.S. government responded by reorganizing its atomic research under the S-1 Committee, which was in turn under the jurisdiction of the newly created Office of Scientific Research and Development, led by Vannevar Bush. As the project progressed from research to development, however, Bush realized that the S-1 Committee did not have the resources for full-scale construction, eventually opting to turn to the Army for support.

Historians generally cite a report from October 1940, penned by Tatsusaburo Suzuki, as the beginning of the Japanese atomic bomb research effort. The report was commissioned by Lieutenant General Takeo Yasuda of the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA), a former engineer who was intrigued by the discovery of nuclear fission. Suzuki’s report stated that it would be possible to construct an atomic weapon. Even at that early stage, uranium procurement was identified as a crucial problem.

Yasuda contacted physicist Yoshio Nishina, later known as the Japanese “father of nuclear physics,” who had studied under Niels Bohr in Copenhagen. Nishina worked at the institute known as RIKEN, near Tokyo. He succeeded in building the first cyclotron outside the United States in 1937, and completed a larger one in 1944, both with the assistance of Ernest Lawrence. The IJA officially authorized Nishina’s lab to research an atomic bomb in April 1941. The project became known as Ni-Go.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

MAD has worked for almost 80 years so far. Here’s to many more years to come!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The primary justification for invading Iraq was the mistaken belief they had usable nuclear weapons and was involved in the 9-11 attacks, 

This is factually incorrect, the US at no point claimed that Iraq had usable nuclear weapons nor did anyone seriously believe that was the case. There us a huge difference between claiming they were trying to develop nuclear weapons and claiming they already had them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is factually incorrect, the US at no point claimed that Iraq had usable nuclear weapons nor did anyone seriously believe that was the case.

Circa April 2003 then Vice President Dick Cheney said the following on NBCs "Meet the Press"

"He’s had years to get good at it and we know he has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons"

In the end it turned out that the Iraqis had no chemical, biological or nuclear weapons despite a history of using chemical weapons against Iranian forces and later to put down a Kurdish rebellion. Saddam apparently destroyed his stockpiles, some say as early as 1996. Some uranium was found in 2004. You will find many who to this day maintain Saddam had nuclear weapons stashed away somewhere the US never found. I remember the events leading up to that war well so please do not try to tell me I didn't hear what I heard. There was a constant drumbeat of "evidence" that Saddam had a nuclear weapon and was going to sell it to America's enemies.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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