Japan Today

China sends 2 patrol boats to disputed islands after Japan buys them


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Good to see they have their priorities straight. Why bother stimulating the economy or dealing with reconstruction when you can stir nationalistic sentiment with this nonsense...

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Are they out of their mind? I can see China unleashing its burning hot dragon. Prepare japanese companies in China. There will be more whacked jcars and more beaten Chinese owned Japanese restaurants. Why can't they just wait for Mt.Fuji to erupt and make more land mass?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Oh dear. These weak lame ducks will try any slimy maneuver to stay in power. Lead us not into another idiotic war.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

China implode, explode or both, clearly the chinese govt is TERRIFIED of its own people RIGHT NOW, this does not bod well for china's future if they feel they have to play this crap!

The world may have to be ready to do battle with china if this keeps up!

6 ( +9 / -3 )

The Chinese will be meet by the SDF and they will not be allowed to pass. If there is a all war than it will start here. Otherwise it would start over the island of Okinawa itself. This will let us know who are friends really are!

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

The US Navy is superior and CHina would not dare to make a move.

-2 ( +7 / -10 )

“to maintain the Senkakus peacefully and stably.”

Yeah, because that's what you're doing. The people who have got to be chuckling over this whole thing are the so-called owner of these islands. They're going to make a mint off of the J-government over islands that may not rightfully be theirs to begin with.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

This is where you really need clever cool-headed people running countries.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

The US Navy is superior and CHina would not dare to make a move.

JapGal, Chinese always emphasize quantity over quality. They won't dare make a move though, it's too serious a problem.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

This is great. This is what everybody was waiting for. If china is blocked all products that were made in China wont be sold and all our economies will grow again

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Great.. so some already rich Japanese family got 2 billion Yen, which could be used for any number of more important things.. and the international relations between China and Japan have been further enflamed..

I don't think this the way forward.. or perhaps the beginning of something much worse.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Taiwan must also send couple ships over there to keep self in game, otherwise nobody'll care/ respect about you! I hope President Ma should take real action instead to bu****it empty words.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The Chinese will be meet by the SDF and they will not be allowed to pass. If there is a all war than it will start here. Otherwise it would start over the island of Okinawa itself. This will let us know who are friends really are!

Hahahaha.... I guess there's no good stuff in the news lately regard Okinawa and the U.S. Military... If you believe for one second that the Japanese SDF has even a remote chance of winning any engagements against China's military, you should know, doing drugs in Japan is illegal.

The U.S. isn't going to touch this issue with a ten-foot chop stick, they don't consider it an integral part of Japanese territory. These islands are NOT near Japan, these island are close enough to Taiwan and Mainland China to take a one day tour and visit, NOT so with Japan, unless you are talking from the extreme outer edge rim of the Okinawan Islands.

Good Luck on this one... Japan needs to learn to pick and chose it's battles better... Stopping Japanese Citizens from being abducted by North Korean's in Niigata, a GOOD IDEA... Trying to exert control over some remote islands, inside of Chinese territorial waters.... BAD IDEA...

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Wow, a game of chicken. Lets see who blinks... I say Japans government will.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Well, here we go. This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test. In the event of an actual emergency....Hold on. This is an emergency. Vessels of war in such close proximity does not bode well for us.

I do believe this is the worst I've ever seen Japan in. The last 5 years, oh man. Talk about irresponsible government.

The nation is still getting over a devastating earthquake and tsunami and thw world's worst nuclear meltdown. The government wants war at this time? Japan is ready to change it's Constitution and go to war.

@YuriOtani You are reckless. I don't believe one American life, bullet, or machine should be used for your petty conflict. The Congress in the United States will not support it, as they represetn American cititzens.

Operation Tomodachi wasn't enough for you. This is bloodlust. I think it's hypocritical of you to have it. You have no idea of how painful a war with them will be. The day after you will surely cry if you are alive to see it.

No, YuriOtani, not your friend this time. You don't understand American's at all. We will let your country and China duke it out. 2 against 1 isn't fair. Your in no position to fight a war.

I think those islands should be a neutral zone but your government is acting like your jurisdiction has no bounds. Childish.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )


" Trying to exert control over some remote islands, inside of Chinese territorial waters. "

You are missing the point. Where the "territorial waters" are depends on who owns the islands. That is what the dispute is about.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Hope you're happy Ishihara you've started all of this.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

JapanGal: "The US Navy is superior and CHina would not dare to make a move."

True about the US Navy, but suggesting the US would bother getting involved is perhaps wishful thinking. If China made a move, the US would sit back and say it's a domestic issue -- they wouldn't risk full out war for a few rocks, especially given how much they need China.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Just saber rattling I am sure. China too will not risk all out war. Must agree with above though. The Jp politicians are complete morons. So much wrong here at home and this is their priority?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I think Japan should collect all the Fukushima radioactive waste, dump it on the islands, then renounce sovereignty over them, and let the Chinese have at it.

4 ( +7 / -4 )

The good thing with Japan is that She has 4 spy satellite currently operating above and their sole purpose is to watch just the western and south-western part of Japan including this Senkaku Islands.

The moment Chinese boats and ships leave the port in China and in Taiwan, these satellites are already watching.

The US should now allow Japan and South Korea to develop missiles and weapons that can be used for targets of over 200-mile distance.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

POLITICIANS ARE LIKE RATS. After something bad happens, they say its others fault. Nobody will ever go to war. They got a family to attend, nobody's looking for bigger problems. Stir a little. but not that much.

I have family. I would never ever want a war.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If there is a all war than it will start here. Otherwise it would start over the island of Okinawa itself. This will let us know who are friends really are!

Hilarious that some people are sitting in their lairs in America, fantasizing about an "all out war". All that will happen is more chest-puffing and childish antics. Both sides are pathetic - as are both governments.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Just the sort of grandstanding stunt i expected the Chinese to try, they are desperate to move interest from their own sad political problems including the mysterious disapperence from view of the prospective new party head. Not much to care about .this sort of antic really.

JDF and coast guard can take care of any problems from the wet behind the ears Chinese fledgling naval circus, they are not much to worry about at all. One hopes for no silly antics but it is important for Japan to be clear it wont be pushed around by Chinese bulling and it is essential for the US to stand by her as well.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

No good can come out of this scenario. Just wait until after the elections and negotiate a settlement behind closed doors. This showmanship and nationalistic jingoism sounds too much like brinkmanship for my taste. Tit-for-tat. I just hope no one does anything that is too regrettable.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Well, for me, there is a bright side to all this nonsense. If these two do go to war it will be the action I need to pack my kids up and get them the heck off this island asylum.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Its about time. The Japanese have been unfailingly polite in the face of Chinese bullying for far too long. Next good move would be to start deporting all the illegal Chinese nationals that I see everyday.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The purchase can not possibly hold legally! Cause I own the islands.... My Great Grandmother lived on the island, I owe it. The Government needs to pay me! Not 2 billion yen, 500 trillion yen is my price. You think this is crazy, the reality is more so!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

So what if China sends ships into waters that are claimed to be Japanese. Much like Japan protesting over and trying to go to the islands that SK hold that Japan wants. Japan merely claims these islands, as does China and Taiwan, and until an internationally recognised court hands down a verdict on true ownership then it is merely Japans word against Chinas and so forth. The only way to settle this nonesense is to get an independant verdict. Oh and saying the US handed them back to Japan so they must be Japans doesnt count.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I always thought that the third world war would start in the middle east not china and Japan starting a war over a frikkin Rock in the sea!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

YuriOtani: "The Chinese will be meet by the SDF and they will not be allowed to pass."

Until the untested SDF ships were sunk, then the Chinese would pass through pretty easily.

"If there is a all war than it will start here. Otherwise it would start over the island of Okinawa itself. This will let us know who are friends really are!"

Ah, Yuri and her typical war-mongering! There's not going to be a war, Yuri, so stop itching for one. If there WERE a war, which no one wants to risk, Japan would be annihilated on the first day, as would major cities in China, North Korea (and probably the South), and likely the rest of the world. No one is going to risk that over a few uninhabited rocks.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

YuriOtani: "The Chinese will be meet by the SDF and they will not be allowed to pass."

Until the untested SDF ships were sunk, then the Chinese would pass through pretty easily.

"If there is a all war than it will start here. Otherwise it would start over the island of Okinawa itself. This will let us know who are friends really are!"

Ah, Yuri and her typical war-mongering! There's not going to be a war, Yuri, so stop itching for one. If there WERE a war, which no one wants to risk, Japan would be annihilated on the first day, as would major cities in China, North Korea (and probably the South), and likely the rest of the world. No one is going to risk that over a few uninhabited rocks.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

China sends 2 patrol boats to disputed islands after Japan buys them

No worries....just put Ishihara in a row boat and let him hightail it over to the islands by himself with the land title deed in his hands.....that should sort all of this out in no time!!!!!!

I wonder where Ishihara will be when push turns to shove because it is getting very very close. Lets see if he shoots his mouth off when China deploy their destroyer (I'm guessing before Christmas).

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I guess I should remind you that China wanting the islands for the goddamn enormous oil/gas reserve under the ocean, not those rocks. They must be stopped. The Chinese leaders are as rotten as Apple.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

what i don't understand is:

why the need to buy when/if it already belonged to "a private Japanese family it recognizes as the owner"?

recognized only in japan or worldwide?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

For the first time the word 'Regretable' seems to fit the situation perfectly...

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

megosaa: No kidding. Why Japan needs to buy something they claim they already own is beyond most rational thinkers. It's like saying you own a bicycle, but will pay money for it to 'prove' you already own it.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

If history has taught us anything then it's that one needs to draw a line in the sand at some point, and say, "No more.". China annexed Tibet, and has generally been acting like Germany pre-WW2, seeing how far they can push without someone pushing back. Rather push back now than later.

What everyone seems to forget here is that China isn't popular. India doesn't like China, South Korea doesn't like China, Taiwan doesn't like China, Thailand doesn't like China.... the list goes on and on. Their list of allies is pitifully small (and all of them underdeveloped and incapable of any giving any real help), and their list of enemies is very, very long. If China is run by lunatics then they'll push this too far and, worst case scenario, all their enemies will nibble away at the edges until China is the size of my herb garden. Russia certainly would love the chance!

No, China won't risk a military war when it's doing so well at the economic war it is currently waging against the U.S..

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Well done! It was too late to do this, but still good. If Japan had purchased the islands from the private Japaneses owner while Chinese official maps indicated in1953, 58 ,60 ,67 Senkaku as Japan.In Jinminnippo(Communist party News paper) on Jan. 8th 1953 also, states Senkaku as Japan. Japan could have avoided this unnecessary international conflict. Or the latest timing was the right after Okinawa and its islands were returned to Japan in 72 would have been the last chance to prevent this conflict. If China wants to do anything now, China should sue Japan at ICJ to be Judged by the International law not based on any emotional argument.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The japanese have crossed the line to much! Do you guys really have the gut to face the grave consequences?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

China should sue Japan at ICJ to be Judged by the International law not based on any emotional argument.

Come on now it's China we are discussing here and when have then done anything that doesnt have any "emotion" attached to it's actions?

I agree, and I also believe that Japan should take the first steps and make their case to the UN Security Council. If China did something like this to a US territory the US would look at it as an act of war. And since China is provoking things here the UN Security Council should step up to the plate and tell China to cool off.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

China should sue Japan at ICJ

By telling the lie that China does not object to Japan's claim of sovereignty over those islands, i.e. the so called "no dispute in sovereignty", the government of japan has thus ruled out the possibility of bringing the case to the ICJ.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Japan should take the first steps and make their case to the UN Security Council

Taking the case to the UNSC is a good idea but I doubt Japan dares to do it since Japan's claim of sovereignty over those islands is a violation of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender and the Potsdam Agreement which says:

"The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we (China, Russia, UK and US) determine."

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

why the need to buy when/if it already belonged to "a private Japanese family it recognizes as the owner"? recognized only in japan or worldwide?

Any private ownership would have been rendered null and void in 1945 when Japan lost the war and gave up its sovereignty over the Ryukyu and Diaoyu islands according to the Potsdam Agreement and subsequently, the San Francisco Peace Treaty.

That is the reason why the Diaoyu islands and Ryukyu islands can't even be found in any map of Japan either published in Japan or other nations in the world between 1946 to 1971 such as this one:


0 ( +2 / -2 )

That is the reason why the Diaoyu islands and Ryukyu islands can't even be found in any map of Japan either published in Japan or other nations in the world between 1946 to 1971 such as this one:

Actually your reasoning is wrong as to why, the islands, including Senkaku, were under US control until they were reverted to Japanese control in 1972.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I have one simple question to many people. Before my Q. I want to say that I am not expecting any military action for this dispute but hope fully solve the issue at ICJ.After saying this, why so may people here said US would not get involved for any military action for this? Since 1960 till still today,according to the US. Japan treaty that includes Okinawa and its all islands. This means as far as a Okinawa prefecture which once US ruled till 72. At that time these dispute islands of Senkaku were the under US control. In this sense, these were Japan then.The US never ruled Chinese territory which makes no sense. Any way, unless the US terminates the defense treaty with Japan , US will have no choice. I do not know how many Americans know how much Japan has been paying to America since 1960. One example, the near future,9000 US Marine people will move to Guam from Okinawa,and Japan is requested by US gov. to pay $7,200,000,000 for the cost.Who can think to pat other country`s moving cost? Because we have the article 9 which was made by US government and promulgated in 46 in Japan. The 9 is renunciation of war in the constitution of Japan. So instead of creating a big military system in Japan, jJapan has been paying to US since 1960 under the name of treaty. I am not saying that I want US get involved a war for Japan but in case of any military aggression by anyone in the area,the US has an obligation. If any one dislikes it, you should vote for any president who would stop this treaty with Japan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

PS. Some typo and unclear English sentence I found.What I said above was: . why so may people here said US would not get involved for any military action for this? What I wanted to say was: why so may people here said US would not get involved for any military action just in case any military action occursin the area for this?

Who can think to pat??? NOT pat!!! pay. I am sorry about this. Thank you.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A useful distraction for the governments of both countries.

In Japan this focuses attention away from the ham-fisted or non existent attempts to deal with radiation from Fukushima; in China this may distract people from poor government in general.

They've certainly got people going.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

megosaa: No kidding. Why Japan needs to buy something they claim they already own is beyond most rational thinkers. It's like saying you own a bicycle, but will pay money for it to 'prove' you already own it.

The Japanese government would have problems drilling for oil or building an armed defence on privately owned land. Purchasing the land will allow them to do both.

It's the Chinese that you should be criticising here, as surely their issue is not affected by who owns the land.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Well, they warned Japan not to do it, and did Japan listen? Nope. This is bad management by the Japanese. They are now in a game of brinkmanship with a bellicose adversary who feels there are some old scores to settle. It will very very interesting to see how badly this end up. Might be time to sell some shares.....

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I think that Japan made a dareful move, since because those islands are geographically stationed near Chinese territory. The main interest in Senkaku Islands are only natural resources...and since we learned history of Japan also throught WWII, maybe they are willing to claim islands in many ways. Just thinking.

I don't know, I think that it's hard to calm down this tension between them...and Japan isn't in a good period to start a war only for a bunch of island. Buying them doesn't solve anything.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

So the Japan Coast Guard is going to maintain the islands. Should put up a lighthouse, rescue facilities, helicopter pad, and communications site. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the US Marines with the aircrafts on Okinawa could be relocated to the islands? It could solve some of the problems for the Okinawa people. I am sure the aircraft noises won't bother any neighbors.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Sending patrol boats seems to be a routine job. China would anyway have to send them to Senkakus to mitigate people's anger, otherwise one billion people would criticize their government.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Guru 29: I am not saying I am right here, your said about Cairo Declaration, but your understanding is very different from my understanding. Where and how that is described in Cairo Declaration or SF treaty as you said? I am not a lawyer nor historian. The way I read few times the section I am mentioning below did not give me the way you pointed out. Nothing personal, just asking.

The 2nd article, such as Taiwan which will finally be separated from the territory of our country in the San Francisco Peace Treaty according to the plan of Cairo Declaration, Although placed under U.S. administrative power for the time being like southwest islands, the area (the 3rd article) succeedingly accepted as a territory of Japan was distinguished clearly. Moreover, territory processing like the right based on the San Francisco Peace Treaty is recognized also in the 2nd article of Treaty of Peace between Japan and China which went into effect in August, 1952, In addition, the China side did not have an objection at all,at that time. In fact Jinmin Nippo (Communist party News paper) on Jan. 8th 1953. It states Senkaku as Japan.Also, Chinese Gov.maps in1953, 58 ,60 ,67, which were edited by them, all those maps show Senkaku as Japan. Those maps and the copy of the news papers were available in China on the Internet till around Aug.26 2012.Now I can not find them!!! Some reason,the Chinese gov, controls the internet information. That is more problem for me when I think about China.

People act, think, talk based on the information we have accumulated. I hope no gov. controls how people elicit any information.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Tom: " Wouldn't it be wonderful if the US Marines with the aircrafts on Okinawa could be relocated to the islands?"

First, I doubt there is sufficient land to build any worthwhile facilities the Americans could use. Second, if they could and did, Okinawans would soon move out there and build housing around the bases to profit from their presence, only to start complaining about the bases a few years down the road.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Right, Governor Ishihara, you started this. When can we expect to see you put your tin hat on, tie your samurai sword to your waist and start rowing out there to defend those rocks like you said was your duty? Oh, it's all gone quiet in your Den-En Chofu palace.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Folks I have often mentioned we shud have exit strategies just in case...............well this is one senario I was concerned about!

Have you got yours? Might be a good time to think about it

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Well, I still do not understand how will islands buying will help Japanese cause.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I just heard our (Taiwan) ambassador was recalled for this issue, I support this move ! I hope people can understand how serious JP coast guard bully our fishmen per JP so called economic zone base on these rocks which are less than 200km to Taiwan! So you can say whenever our fishmen leave taiwan and go northeastward, they'll just see JP coast guard there to stop them to where their fathers' traditional fishing yard. So today it's fishmen protest in Taiwan. This issue is not others bully JP! It's definitely JP bully others by taking use of a big naive brother behind him.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Every claiming nations have to calm down a bit. If not it will be end of the world in 2012 according the Maya(ancient tribe of South America).

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What is with all of posters who can't seem to understand tat the U.S. has already stated that they would defend the Senkakus? Even the Chinese recognize it and are complaining about it. China will send "patrol boats" ie' maritime law enforcement. Not the PLANavy because then gthe JMSDF and the US 7th Fleet will respond. China does not not have the cojones to take on he US Navy. Hell they haven't even been able to take Taiwan for 63 years. You think they can take anhthing this close to the US bases in Okinawa? The Japansee government did what it could to keep matters from getting worse, they pre-empted Tokyo from building anything. Time for them to tell China that unless they clamp down on the rabid masses, they will go ahead and build on them. The masses will really give he Chinse government problems then. The government came up with and raised these people on anti-japan "patriotic Education". They have no one to blame but themselves.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


1 ( +1 / -0 )

FarmboySep. 11, 2012 - 09:48PM JST The US has said they will defend the Senkakus, that they take no position on sovereignty, that they would put any >involvement before Congress, and enough other things to surmise that they might do something, and then again >they might not. My feeling is that they would lean toward doing something, but that it's not a certainty. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/us-obliged-to-defend-contested-senkaku-islands/story-e6frg6so->1226422910686

How you feel, how I feel, how "experts" and news sources feel about thiis is totally insignificant to how China feels about it. They have already recognized it and have complained about it. And China has never ever sent their PLA Navy ships to the islands. Only law enforcement vessels. This is a similar situation with the Liancourt Rocks, for all the screaming and occupying that South Korea does, they have POLICE on the islands, not military. And the recent planned landing of South Korean Marines on those rocks was cancelled because of the implications.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I hope you're satisfied, ISHIHARA !

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Ewan HuzarmySep. 11, 2012 - 10:03PM JST I hope you're satisfied, ISHIHARA !

Why should he be satisdied? He lost his chance to take over the islands and build on them.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Whether or not the US Navy is stronger doesnt solve any problems. Large numbers of people will die and suffer if there is a conflict. I wouldnt want to piss China off just to find out either.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This whole debate is stupid. How hard is it to freaking work out who owns them? Does anyone own them? Who's ocean territory are they in? If they are in China's territory they belong to China, if they are in Japan's they belong to Japan.

We should work out this damn issue first. Jumping and buying the islands is a stupid thing to do. If it does cause war then China will get the crap kicked out of them, its the 21st Century...China needs to learn to communicate better. Japan would not attack China if they bought the islands, nor would they threaten "severe consequences" as China always does. China even "warned" Australia when we grew closer to the US. China is a want to be world leader, the only thing they lead is corruption, lies, and human slavery.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Noda National hero !!!! National hero ? ? Remember ' 9.11' of Tokyo, president Obama is by far the biggest winner.. by opaque verbal comments -- it does not cost the U.S. to keep up the heat in stirring up hatred between the neighbors. Very smart though !

For China, donot get it wrong despite the superficial protests, their target is to build up an united front with Taiwan -- unification with Taiwan is on the top of priority list as compared to a few rocks ( they are not giving up the isles but after resolving the unification issue ) located so close to China Mainland. For Taiwan issue, they have to thank the J govt for having triggered the isles issue for speeding up the process..

0 ( +1 / -1 )

hellsvienSep. 11, 2012 - 10:17PM JST ... We should work out this damn issue first. ...

In order to start working out, one should first stop screaming and contracting. Not long ago even Japan did not fully understand that. What do you want from China. Noda works towards that.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Auhh, to the people thinking US will not get involved, think again.

It sends the wrong message to PRC making them bolder giving PRC to ponder invasion of Taiwan as reality and also encroach the entire southern and eastern sea of China as their own.

It's Neville Chamberlain all over again and you know what happens next.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Great. Now nobody will do anything. LIke always. We need republicans in US with bush we would be fighting china.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

pointofviewSep. 11, 2012 - 10:13PM JST Whether or not the US Navy is stronger doesnt solve any problems.

Sure it does. It has kept China from invading Taiwan for 63 years, What more proof do you need?

Large numbers of people will die and suffer if there is a conflict. I wouldnt want to piss China off just to find out >either.

So you would rather appease them? Keep paying your lunch money to the school bullies. See if that ever puts and endto iot or enboldens them to demand more.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So what should Japan do, surrender? The Red Chinese are on a roll and that little island in the PI was just not enough. They will send these 2 ships in and perhaps put down a landing party to "occupy" the islands. Then Japan will be the aggressor in this our new crazy new thinking.

The world had this show once in 1938 and a country was sacrificed for "peace". If there is to be a war China will start it and over perceived weakness. Japan being strong now will prevent and not start a war.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

With the U.S. decline in its dominance in recent years, the U.S. wants Japan to shoulder more regional responsibilities and play a more proactive role in East Asia, especially to counterbalance the rise of China. But the U.S. has ignored a basic fact. Japan lacks systematic strategic thinking, at the same time, wants to become a political power, but it does not have the ability to cope with the complex regional situation independently and cannot even handle its relations with neighbors that have historical grievances. For one, it refuses to have genuine feelings on its atrocities that brought grave disaster on people in China and Southeast Asian countries in the past.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

It is CERTAINLY NOT obvious whether the US wud intervene over the Senkaku's or not, BUT I can assure you the yanks DO NOT want to, the last thing uncle sam wants to do is send its sons/daughters down to fight/die over these tiny ilses!

You can bet there are some real serious chats going on behind the scenes between the US & Japan & that the Yanks AINT HAPPY!

If Japan puts yanks in harms way over these ilses the yanks will be seriously pissed off & that includes the people of the US, I can see them sitting idly by with battles over distant ilses on CNN!

And there can only be losers in all this, no one will win, even if they THINK they have won. But this issue makes crystal clear why the yanks have stayed on since 1945, the imbeciles in china & the far east are simply UNABLE to get along, the yanks are the only thing that keeps the peace

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ossan America,

War over a few pieces of insignificant rock is stupid. Don`t bother trying to defend a war for this. Now if they wanted to take over Hokkaido, different story

For 63 years? True but now that the developed countries have brought trillions and trillions to China they`ve had time to build up their forces. Money equals power.

Sorry, no deaths for rocks. Silliness.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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