Japan Today

Chiefs of Japan opposition CDPJ, DPP to meet, explore coordination


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isabelleNov. 1  07:37 pm JST

There's no pleasing the JT political commentators, is there?

If people vote for the LDP, Japan is a "one-party state;" if they vote for another party, it's "political instability."

In all fairness that's not so far from the truth as there isn't just one other party to vote for, there are several and the chances of one of them winning enough seats by itself to form a governing majority are extremely slim. The CDP did just about as well as they could have hoped for, but they still won't able to put together a coalition to take over from the LDP and Komeito. Until they can, "political instability" pretty much sums the situation up.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

YrralToday 06:25 pm JST

Japanese political instability

There's no pleasing the JT political commentators, is there?

If people vote for the LDP, Japan is a "one-party state;" if they vote for another party, it's "political instability."

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Japanese political instability

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

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