Chinese state-run media offered Tokyo heavily qualified congratulations Monday for winning the right to host the 2020 Olympics, saying the event's success would depend on Japan recognizing its World War II aggression.
"Japan should learn how to behave," the Global Times said in an editorial that focused mostly on Beijing's longstanding diplomatic rivalry with Tokyo.
The paper lamented Japan's "lousy job in reflecting its misdeeds in World War II", specifically pointing to visits by senior figures to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine, where the souls of the country's war dead are enshrined including 14 Class A war criminals.
If visits continued, the editorial said, the world would reconsider whether "a country which has been paying high tribute to brutal war criminals for years is qualified to host such an event that advocates peace and harmony".
The paper's news story on the 2020 decision said analysts were urging Japan "to adjust its attitude on history to reflect its appreciation for peace as implied in the Olympic Spirit".
Beijing and Tokyo are at loggerheads over disputed territory in the East China Sea administered by Tokyo, which calls them the Senkaku islands, but claimed by Beijing, which knows them as the Diaoyus.
In the editorial, which appeared in both the newspaper's Chinese and English editions, the Global Times added: "The Olympics will produce some pressure for Japan to realize the importance of self-restraint."
China's foreign ministry side-stepped questions at a regular press briefing Monday on whether it would congratulate Tokyo on its winning bid.
"We have noted the decision by the International Olympic Committee," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a daily news briefing.
Asked specifically whether China had offered congratulations, Hong said such a question should be directed to the Chinese Olympic Committee.
Ties between the Asian giants have plunged in the last year, largely because of the ongoing territorial row, but their relationship remains heavily colored by Japan's brutal occupation of China before and during World War II.
Beijing regularly accuses Tokyo of failing to atone for its imperialist past, while Japan says its neighbors use history as a diplomatic stick to beat it with.
Members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) meeting in Buenos Aires chose the Japanese capital over Istanbul after Madrid was eliminated, sparking celebrations in Tokyo.
The city previously hosted the Games in 1964.
© (C) 2013 AFP
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China and Korea will always hate no matter what Japan does. It's a fact. Hate has become a prime motivator to keep its own citizens looking away at their own countries problems. China and Korea continues to bash the WWII Japan that no longer exist. Today's Japan is very different, however as this continues we will beging to see militarization of Japan again.
it is human nature to hate, to have a "us versus them" mentality. We say we hate war, yet in the end we crave it.
I think China is hardly in a position to judge the success of the games based on how Japan deals with its past. Whether they want to congratulate Tokyo or not - who cares?
Ares, that's just not true. Look at Germany and its ties with its neighbors that it had brutalized in WW2. Due to Japan's continued denial and turning the blame on its victims, this is the overriding reason why their ties are frayed.
Hide Suzuki
"Japan should learn how to behave"
yeah, every country in the world should look at China as the role model !!
Whether Yasukuni is on the Olympic tour or banned from it, either way it's going to conflict with Japan's international image when it's put under focus. Using a new shrine without the war criminals would be easier, especially one in which the Emperor would visit. Yasukuni needs to be freed from this burden
Hey, you know what--the PRC did not participate in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, and the PRC is welcome to be a non-participant again in 2020.
Repeat after me, China:
Remember the 1980, 1984 games? China is thinking of playing that card if Japan doesn't "act" they way China would like to see it act.
Graham DeShazo
I remember back in 1984 when the Soviets boycotted, we had a great time anyway.
What a pathetic statement. China has no class.
With the Shanghai games so fresh in their past, one would think, China should know that, no country is perfect and still the games can be a big success!!
The Chinese state media made it clear that they will use this opportunity to increase the pressure on Tokyo over the Yasukuni visits now that more of the world's attention is focused on Tokyo. One Korean editorial also warned of how this could be exploited by Abe to ratchet up nationalist fervour, pointing out that sport and politics are not always separable. This is ugly, spiteful and childish and it's safe to say that they will be doing their best in the next 7 years to discredit Japan at every opportunity.
Japan's relations (especially from now onward) will definitely play an important role for the success of 2020 Olympics.
It will be a cold day in hell when the Japanese need behavior lessons from the communists.
China telling Japan to adjust its attitude to reflect the Olympic Spirit? That is laughable. I guess suppressing the press and freedom of speech along with denying human rights and freedoms is China's idea of the Olympic Spirit. If China and Korea boycotted the Olympics the only people they would be hurting are their own athletes.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA This coming from a country who treats its citizens poorly, treats its neighbours poorly and they have the nerve to say that Japan should adjust its attitude to one of peacefulness?
God my sides are hurting from laughing too much at China's stupidity.
Tom Thompson
hey china, swivel!
Hahahahahahahaha! China is hilarious!
Mitch Cohen
@ares7 - Someone posts this exact same line every week. But you don't think it goes both ways? I mean, doesn't Japan need to keep China and Korea as the baddies, in order to deflect attention away from its own internal problems? Every day the Japanese people react in disgust at its neighbours is one more day its own shortcomings are overlooked.
What are they haranguing about? China can say that when fundamental human rights, cultural standard, political freedom, self-determination, and the dignity of individuals becomes the norm in China.
Japan will face its history when China and Korea face theirs.
The Chinese government do not actually believe this. It is a ploy used by most governments to have a bogey man to distract their population from own problems. These leaders are mostly good pals behind the scenes as they have the same business interests in friends. These type of comments should not be taken seriously.
The Chinese government needs to admit to its aggressions - yesterday's, last week's, last months, etc. Get out of Japanese waters and stop being aggressive. "The pot should not call the kettle black." USA proverb.
No in fact they don't Mitch. The Japanese Government rarely (if ever) makes public statements about what the governments of other countries should be doing. And in Japan that sort of "advice" for other nations is certainly not trumpeted on the front pages of "newspapers" (the real function of which is to act as a mouthpiece for nationalist propaganda rather than the dispensing of any actual news) . In PRC and ROK that kind of crap happens every other week.
Oh for goodness' sake give it a rest China. This is a sporting event. Japan doesn't need lectures from a country that has repeatedly killed its own people, abused human rights, turned a blind eye to widespread counterfeiting, invaded and oppressed the people of Tibet...
And let's not forget China demolished historical areas and used gangsters to attack homeowners who refused to vacate their houses because the authorities wanted to demolish them for Olympic development. How sporting.
Face your own history first.
Yes, and China has faced it's past with Tiennamen Square and Tibet. Right. Pot, meet kettle.
The hatered comes from adults in Japan who learn from Internet and papers about news from those countries. On the other hand Chinese and Koreans are badly indoctrinated to hate Japan from the point when they start going to school.
Mitch Cohen
That comment is way off the mark. In Korea there are daily papers that span across the entire political spectrum, unlike the state-controlled Chinese media.
Korea ranks above Japan in the freedom of the press index too. You can't lump Korea and China together in terms of the way the press works.
This is one of these things that you can actually see both sides, any really the most valuable thing is communication and a bit of cross cultural interaction.
There are always going to be nationalist morons on all sides and unfortunately in any situation in any country they are present, sadly often well funded and very noisy.
Could Japan do a better job of the way they address that period of history, I would say yes, while I don't think this means constantly apologising I think to remind people that there is regret about some of the actions and that Japan has no interest or plan to be a nation of war wouldn't hurt.
Could China and Korea do better in realising that the Japan of today is considerably different than it was and that we all need to move on together forward if we intend on getting anywhere, again yes. If you always live in the past there is no future.
Here is the thing, I have Japanese, Korean, and Chinese friends we have all been in the same place plenty of times... no issues whatsoever...when people start relating to each other as people, guess what, we are all pretty much the same, we don't want wars, we want to enjoy our lives and try to do the best we can to enrich our futures and those of the people we care about.
On the surface, the dispute is about history. In fact, it is more about politics, domestic and international, revealing the tangled relations in a Pacific region where history is frequently manipulated for political ends. It turns out that even Mao Zedong had pretty smooth relations with Japan. The conflict is much, much more recent than you might think. Maoism can no longer justify the Communist Party’s monopoly on power, since few Chinese believe in any kind of Communism. Nationalism is now the dominant ideology, and the rulers have to prove their mettle, especially toward Japan. In other words, because Chinese isn’t really Maoist or Marxist anymore, the country had to find a new ideology, a new way to legitimate the Communist Party’s rule. That ideology is nationalism, but nationalism requires an “other,” a foreign country to galvanize patriotism and against which to define national identity. And Japan has still not fully recovered its own national identity when the country lost World War II. The only way to return stability to East Asia is for the U.S. to withdraw from Japan and allow the country greater independence.
Kyle Alpert
Japan is committed to preserving the (current) world order, and must endure this type of abuse as a result. Notice how noone talks about the world prior to rise of DAI NIPPON? Notice how noone points out the simple fact that Japan's actions broke the back of an evil, EVIL system that brutalised & abused most of the world's population for 100s of years--including (especially) China? The Japanese all (quietly) know they're dealing with a bunch of pathological ingrates. The Japanese all (quietly) know the Truths about many, many things... And they keep quiet, because to do otherwise would forever destroy this era of (relative) peace. The world needs to be reminded of the promise and potential of the thing called 'civilization', and the 2020 Olympics will be the perfect platform to do so. This is what China fears.
"The world" overlooked the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong. Yasukuni is small change by comparison.
Roxana A.
The donkey talking about ears....
What a douchey comment. If this comment came out of North Korea I could laugh it off, but from China? Who hosted the summer games just five years ago and wanted everyone to see how far they'd come? Pathetic. So much for sportsmanship and the non-political aspirations of the olympics.
China was caught off guard and has nothing to say because they assumed the Japan would lose the bid. They had only prepared long speeches about the historical reasons Japan lost the bid and how they did not deserve to get the Olympics. So now they are speechless that the world apparantly loves Japan.
The majority of posts seem to be along the lines of "China is bad, so they have no right to talk about how bad Japan has been". That's a false equivalency. China also being bad does not negate Japan's wrongs. Remember what your mom said about two wrongs?
Japan's wrongs should be evaluated on their own merit. The country doing the reporting has no bearing on the presence or absence of this guilt.
Chinese diplomacy.
Who'd expect more qualiity from Made in China? Cheap, low standard crap
Chinese are the last one to know how to behave.
You come and see US airports after Chinese invasions. Please flush toilet after use. Please wash hands with SOAP before touching things. Please do not spit. Please tone down when talking in public, Chinese are too loud and obnoxious . Please eat quietly. I do not want to hear their eating noise "chap, chap, ghee, weeh". The list goes on and on.....Chinese tourists are public nuisance. Thank you for listening.
petty, like korea's timing on banning fish from fukushima.
and let's not forget the cultural revolution...
We should get the survivors from China/Japan from back in those days and let them figh
"heavily qualified congratulations"
Cripes, that congratulations is so heavily qualified, it's not really a congratulations.
“Japan should learn how to behave,” the Global Times said in an editorial that focused mostly on Beijing’s longstanding diplomatic rivalry with Tokyo.
i wish japan must think it this is reality and not hide with money and human hart is not got with money .
i wish japan open their hart and though out heat again-es other national as its show openly on NHK every day many time.
Well, if Chinese attletes boycott the olympic games, there will be much more medals to dispute!
"how Japan faces its history "
Oh! And China doesn't have 'History'. Political Gobshite.
Chinese civil war + 10,000,000 dead... that's TEN MILLION DEAD! And how many people since in the purges?
Give Me A Fxxxxxx break
China = Childish, time to grow up and move forward China, hanging in the past is meaningless, no one is listening and no one cares about your continous griping. Japan has and did appologise, and has lived peacefully since the war, now let it go and behave like a mature member of the international community, instead of a 2 year old with a sh1tty diaper.
More childish antics proving that maturity doesn't always come with age. I'm looking forward to ignoring countries like this and enjoying the Olympics in Tokyo, which will undoubtedly be an enormous success on the heals of much Japanese dedication to perfection which no other country to emulate. I suppose this is partially why countries like China are jealous and constantly lashing out at Japan, while I choose to embrace others strengths and learn from them.
Jack Stern
Boo to China for its jealous ranting. They are so disappointed that Japan won. Now they need to think up a new anti Japan Olympic bashing strategy. Something new is in the wind.
Ricky Liow
Will there be a China boycott of the Games then?
If there is money to be made by attending, they'll be there.
"Few Chinese" believe in any kind of communism? Is there any such thing as "few Chinese"? In any case, how can we be expected to be assume that what you say is true when everything about the political system is controlled by the CPC? If, as you say, Maoism is no longer popular in PRC why persist with all the trappings of his worship? Far better for the government of PRC to ponder these domestic matters gravely rather than waste time making demands of their neighbor's behavior.
Why assume that nationalism and communism are mutually exclusive?
If what you say is true, PRC is even more dangerous to peace and stability in the region now than they were as devoted followers of mao. All the more reason for the world to ridicule their demands that Japan to "learn to behave".
And Japan has still not fully recovered its own national identity when the country lost World War II. The only way to return stability to East Asia is for the U.S. to withdraw from Japan and allow the country greater independence.
By 2020, Japan's overt efforts in trying to hide her past atrocities will be exposed for the rest of the world to see. It's best to confront them now.
China's propaganda problem is pretty evident here. They've boxed themselves in with their relentless bashing of Japan and can't lose face with the Chinese people by saying something as simple as "congratulations".
Let's make sure the Dalai Lama. Gets an engraved invitation!
Those unruly Chinese fans, they are a burden aren't they? At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, I don't really think creating an uproar during the Japanese anthem or pelting the Japanese fans with garbage would be a good thing.
“Japan should learn how to behave,”
comedy of the year !! China teaching Japan how to behave. We should avoid putting those guys comments about other countries..... Let them learn about behaviour first before making such comments......
Sorry China, Japan's success has no bearing on its past, Why not stay home to make a point.!! No one needs you there any ways with your twisted thoughts and lies you have branded into the minds of your people, along with the hatred towards everyone in Asia. One point of history not taught to the Chinese people is where this new found wealth and power originated from about the new found wealth and power originated from... yes, from Japan and the western countries investments into China, now look what you are doing to those that gave you this status..
The Chinese government/media is a joke. Any sports event should not be plagued by political agendas.
Nobody cares what china thinks.
the chinese government has a real hard-on for japan. anything that makes the news about japan, the china-gov will use to manipulate their people, using the slogan "hate japan" to unite their people. they are so sick. why can't they live up to their own great past, and stop using such cheap tactics. unfortunately the reason might be because they are dead set on grabbing the disputed islands and need to prepare their people to kill japanese (and feel good about it) in a possible future war.
I am really sick of anything China, even their politically charged Pandas
Those who criticize China and Korea do not understand the horrors of Japan's War aggressions at the height of their soldiers killing frenzies. Compared to other nations Japanese had different idea about people who surrendered... Japanese culture at that time viewed that person who surrender has no honor and was not to be treated like human beings. POW's were treated as subhumans and were frequently slaughtered like animals for no reasons. Even civilians were raped and killed mercilessly in the most heinous manner. There are all kinds of reasons for denial but regardless of any excuses Japan must come terms with it's past and apologize sincerely to neighbor as many times as needed.
Mitch Cohen
Many people here think that as long as Japan has offered apologies in the past, it's okay to for their high profile politicians to continuously deny or downplay/question the scope of Japanese atrocities, and to make efforts to view its wartime aggression in a new, more positive light.
I hope they allow protests in these Olympic Games.
I enjoyed the first Tokyo Olympics in 1964.I was a student and was so inspiring to me then. But China did not say anything then.The 1964 was a big success. As far as the history is concerned, nothing has been changed since then. Mr. Kishi was a prime minster who was a Class A war criminal that China and Korea did not make as a big deal out of it. Even Korea made a deal with Japan in 1965 and got $800,000,000 to rebuild Korea.
OH, But after the last Tokyo Olympics, we made former apologies for the both nations for all the historical situations many times. The president of China asked Japan and Panasonic to have a factory in China for sake of their foundation of economy in 1978.Panasonic made an action. Matsushita family took that request very seriously.The factory was established in China. Yes, The One Chinese terrorists destroyed it in 2012. That was not a demonstration beyond even the law in China. What else,,,,We sent totally 3,500,000,000,000 Yen to China as ODA and built Beijing air port, many bridges, hospitals, Harbors....etc for the sake of the both nations's friend ship and our future together. This is the difference between the successful 1964 Tokyo Olympics that China said nothing, No ODA yet (Before) and the one we are going to have in 2020.(After ODA and many projects to assist.) Something is not right.
OH, one more. The potential oil was found!!! around Senkaku was in 1968!!!.That was 4 years later from the successful Tokyo Olympics in 1964. Before 1969, The all Chinese official maps showed Senkaku as Japan and their communist news paper also used to publish their articles about Senkaku as Japan. In 1992,China promulgated a unilateral maritime law to include Senkaku as China. Even though the private owner was a Japanese family.... They never historically billed a real estate tax from China.
China is right. 2020 Olympic success will depend on how Japan faces its history.
They will show up, simply for the fact that they want to win more medals than Japan and what better way to stick it to Japan than to beat them at events in their own country. Also, China invests too much in Olympic training for them to just boycott the games.
The only way China could disrupt the games is have their government start making things a bit harder (like raising costs) for companies whose countries do decide to go to Tokyo for the Olympics if China ever did try to boycott. But in the long run that would hurt China since its economy depends on the flow of cheap goods to the world.
What China will do is close to 2020, make a move on one of thse islands and make a big stink about it and try to run the tables on various sports in the games.
The PRC is too funny!
Number one, the PRC and Korea have forgotten that if it weren't for Japan's ODA assistance those nations would still be in the darkages. But really who cares what the PRC or Korea think, they both think to highly of themselves.
When it comes to the PRC and Korea the adage,"bite the hand that feeds" comes to mind.
But atleast Japan wont have to teach it's citizens how to be polite.
china, bla bla~
China faces its own history by cultural genocide Tibet, supporting dictators across the globe, and bullying small nations for China's interest only. Words can be powerful, but actions speak louder; and in this case it reveals the real face of China. Hate and jealousy of Japan are integral parts of communist China's policy to be used shamelessly.
Opening ceremony on the Senkakus, anyone?
Mitch Cohen
Yeah, how dare China and Korea not be eternally grateful to Japan for all the wonderful acts of kindness, right?
Well, I guess the Chinese have a point, but the Olympics should not be about politics, but sadly, it seems it is. Even the decision to give them to Tokyo was based on politics. If China is so petty about this they should boycott the Tokyo Olympics in protest. We won't miss them.
China has a point!
whether we hates China or Korea (just becos of this point they tried to make), they are still important players regionally and internationally, we cannot just ignore and hate them that easy.
Glad to see that you agree with me...........LOL
As if China has room to talk: what, Chairman Mao executed, what, several million members of the opposition that had the misfortune to be left behind at the end of the Chinese Civil War? When China owns up to her past, I'm sure Japan will reciprocate....
Markus L
The death toll in Asia due to Japanese aggression in WW2 was about 30 million people. Of that about 20 million were ethnic Chinese. Compared to the billions in reparations paid by the German government and German corporations to victims of Nazi aggression, the reparations paid by Japan has been minimal, and often in the form of aid that also benefited Japanese companies.
This is largely due to the fact that unlike their European/US counterparts, the Chinese communist government claimed that it was a limited number of militarists, not the Japanese people, who should be held responsible for Japanese aggression, and in 1972, when China normalized it's relationship with Japan, it waived its claim for war reparations, which, if claimed, would have been a astronomical figure. Due in part to increased democratization, but also due to the attitude of the Japanese Government and people (such as under-assessing the number of victims of the Nanjing Massacre; displaying cynicism towards the problem of former "comfort women;" and opposing any form of apology or remorse for war guilt being formally expressed by the Japanese government) many Chinese now regret this generous attitude.
So maybe the Japanese Government and people (and evidently most of the readers of Japan Today) should consider this point before criticizing China and perhaps take a more mature look at their past and take the steps necessary to put this issue to rest, once and for all, and to the satisfaction of it's neighbors. If Japan does not more sincerely admit its past wrongs, it will be difficult for Japan to be trusted and respected in international society, as Germany now certainly is.
I hope China reads this comment board!
Really, China is clueless if it wants Japan to face its history when China TODAY can't face its own NEWS creating history of poor treatment of its OWN people.
China has some set of balls coming out with this BS. China should look in the mirror and then start cleaning up its own act before they tell others how to run their lives.
Oh, btw China, you do know that every time you make these stupid comments it just makes you look that much less credible in the eyes of those you might be trying to gain respect from?
China: forever bitter and sad.
This just sounds like sour grapes.
LMAO. I think you overestimate the popularity of this site. By a lot.
KnowBetterSep. 10, 2013 - 11:47AM JST
Yes, they do!! One department is solely harvesting info from world websites. So I say what I have in my mind, and no BS.
I cant make up my mind which is more distasteful - using Fukushima as emotional blackmail to get the olympics, or using the olympics as emotional blackmail to fulfill a political agenda.
Lol. The Chinese Olympic judo program just got ramped up big time!
If there is a controversy it is the fault of the J-Gov. The 1964 Tokyo Olympics was held at a less controversial time. Yasukuni was not an issue until 1969, publicly 1979. Tokyo was supposed to have had the 1940 Olympics but "war" cancelled those games. As for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, a lot can happen from now to then.
China's sanctimonious bombast recalls the good old days of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, when hordes of people gathered to show their loyalty to the government (and avoid getting purged) by brandishing Mao's little red book skyward and hysterically screaming meaningless slogans.
If the Chinese government had pointed out legitimate concerns about facing and controlling the Fukushima situation, that would at least be reasonable. And here's another reasoned opinion about China and their mature world view:
Remember what your mom said about the pot calling the kettle black, and what she said about people in glass houses not throwing stones?
ares7: "China and Korea will always hate no matter what Japan does. It's a fact."
The FACT here is that Korea is not mentioned at all in the article, yet here you are spouting hatred towards them all the same. So what was that about always hating no matter what?
All readers back on topic please.
Does anyone know the actual dates of the games in 2020? The reason why I ask that goes along with this post is that I am sure that if the games are in August, Hiroshima/Nagasaki will get on the sympathy train to keep them relevant during the games. If the work at Fukushima is not going too well, I imagine that the J-gov will also do a "script change" to make sure that the world looks at Japan as not the cause, but the victim (being the only nation to have A-bombs dropped on them, hopefully that will not change before then).
It is indeed a shame that governments would stoop so low to try to make "hay" out of something bad in order to promote some type of agenda or make a buck.
Apparently not, China
July 24 - Aug 9
The Olympic period will include the anniversary ceremonies commemorating both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. I was hoping they'd hold it in September..too many politically sensitive dates in August.
CGB Spender
Aah here we go! I was expecting China's negative comment about Tokyo's Olympic bid win. You're late China! What took you so long? It is obvious that you're always trying to spit into the soup of the countries that stand up against you but you're not always successful.
Before demanding others to do this or that, first destroy the icons of the guy who massacred millions of his own compatriots.
Eautaceux Janais
I feel that the Chinese government is in actuality very afraid of a fractured, vocal, and informed society and the high possibility that such an awakening can cause their way of life--as they know it--to collapse. So, they look for a common enemy with which to brainwash their sheep, so they (the government) can keep sherpherding their people the way they want them to.
So the tit for tat was recognition. And how much was that worth? For a borderline country with a tattered economy and an illegitimate totalitarian government, I'd say it's priceless. The Chinese leadership got a sweetheart deal, and now that they have the breathing room they bought, they're reneging.
Ms. Alexander
Keyword: history
China needs to let history be history and leave Japan alone. Japan back then and Japan now are two completely different countries. And China was no saint back then. They have no room to talk.
If they want to boycott the Olympics, so be it. That's more medals other countries can win.
More like, The success of China will depend on how well they undersatand how much countries like Japan have learned and changed from history. People learn, people change, people forgive....When will China make history?
All war issues were legally settled in 1965. It doesn't matter what a few rogue politicians say, that does not change the law.
Wow, taking a look at the highest number of downvotes, the three posts that got the most downvotes were those who mentioned Japan taking responsibility for their past actions. This site is full of Japan apologists - aka the "Japan can do no wrong" crowd.
Burying your head in the sand does not make the problem go away.
Here we go again!! China can you just stop whining now?
Ah...East Asia makes me sad...
On one side are two counties using the memories of wartime to misdirect the anger of the populace towards their one-time oppressor. With an overabundance of media, especially in China, that features brutal acts committed by Japanese soldiers (at times hyperbolic), it's no wonder that Japan has a bad image in lands they aimed to control. This is of course not helped by Japan hoping to gloss over the depth of the atrocities that they committed during the war. The brief mention or omission of events during and preceding World War 2 in textbooks and courses, coupled with the inflammatory remarks and actions of political figures only fans the flames. In turn you have many Japanese who can't understand the anger from China and Korea because of this lack of information, which in turn ignites their own need to defend the honor of their homeland that they see as being unjustly accused. While the negativity that individual citizens from each country feel for their counterparts in the countries with which they are having a dispute is hard to calculate, every time you see one person or another pointing the finger at the other means just another person has had the wool pulled over their eyes. All involved here need to properly educate, without omission or exaggeration, their citizens about what happened. And finally, they need to view the past as something to learn from, not a suppository from which to dig up old grudges. This will pave the way towards having responsible, civil conversations and mutual understanding in order to resolve petty conflicts about dubious claims on sea rocks and other small islands. Humanity has bigger problems, the least of which is worthless politicians, the most urgent being the multiple environmental and ecological stresses we will soon be facing.
So China officially admits it thinks it’s the world now?
By the way China:
L. Spiro
When will China learn that nobody wants to listen to what they have to say, and that nobody in the world respects them ? (barring N Korea)...
That the CCP think they can lecture anyone about misdeeds of the past is laughable, when they can't be honest about their own misdeeds and the suffering and death they have inflicted upon untold millions of their own citizens since 1949 with their corrupted ideology and ill conceived policies.
They are moral pygmies, unethical posers,hypocritical sophists, and petty thugs who think wealth can buy them respectability and influence. Most Chinese citizens only listen to them because of the malevolence and violence they are willing to inflict upon those who don't. No-one will mourn the CCPs passing, apart from those on their payroll.
China should just shut its mouth up.
Chris Detache
With no doubt of any China's own interests around the world, yet sending 3 war ships to cruise in Hawaii to show off its "Made in China" military toys (shamefully, with Technical Assistance from many other nations' defense companies) and "telling" Japan how to "behave" its peaceful happiness?
The world already "knew" only N. Korea is friendly to China in the region, it's threatening "all neighbors" aggressively that neighboring countries have to race for military arms to defend themselves against China's aggressiveness.
Bejiing's Olympic was a failure, "teaching" Japan how about this issue seemed completely irrelevant. I plan to take my family to visit Japan for this wonderful event on JAL's dreamliner (a wonderful commercial airplane fruited from Japan's Technologies and Boeing).
Chinese media wrote "Japan Lost Olympic Bid" and mocked by Chinese people. Then it found Tokyo was awarded, So, it needed something to criticize Japan. Rushed to comment something? So it copied S Korea's propaganda against Japan of history. It had to criticize Japan because right now, it has scandal trials of its billionaires and top officials/. USA medias report this scandals daily for American people who are tired of Syria news.
Perhaps Japan could do a better job of dealing with the past but they have tried. They've been rebuffed too as Korea and China perpetually complain that it's not enough. Still, China had a good Olympics despite political repression and pollution. The only problem that Japan might have is that since Japan has a free press and freedom of speech there might be more flak for issues. China just squashed anybody who didn't agree with the party. Which is better? At some point Japanese students will learn about the problems and try to avoid them. China just sweeps their own under the carpet and complains about Japan to deflect attention.....
Remember the great opening ceremony at the Beijing Olympics? The costumes were designed by a Japanese designer. When China and Japan work together, they can put on a great show.
Not necessarily. I believe that it all depends on what you're fed when you are growing up and what you are told. As a kid, I was told to hate what happened, to make sure that I don't side with war no matter what, but those around me made sure that I didn't hate the Germans or the Italians but to hate on the ideology that led to the war. My grandpa was a kid during the war, he would tell me his adventures, but he also told me of the German prisoners of war in Malta, that they would make things to sell cheaply and stuff like show me also their human side. At school the feeling that we got from the history lessons (actually teachers seemed to avoid talking on WWII as much as they could) was patriotism, and a sense of gratitude to the British, but never once did they teach us or say something which could influence us to hate on the Germans and Italians. Since I am European- the rest of the world during the war was ignored from my upbringing and I had to research about it by myself. I have German friends and we avoid speaking on the WWII era since they're afraid I'd be offended, whilst I'm afraid they'd get offended. I have Japanese friends and some are ashamed of their country's past.
I do agree Japan should do more to face its history, but everyone needs to stop looking to the past for things like these. WHY bring up WWII for a sports event that unites the whole world? Everyone could just live together if we forget our pasts, and all the hate..
China: what a bunch of miserable killjoys they are. How about China not forgetting the thousands killed during the Cultural Revolution... I don't remember Japan banging on about that when Beijing held the Olympics (with added CGI fireworks for global TV viewers).
False. Olympic success is predicated on China and SK boycotting the games. If you are going to use this over leveraged "history" card, might as well use it for the Olympics as well. I suggest the VANKsters and Fifty cent army to start petitioning their own government to boycott the games.
"China and Korea will always hate no matter what Japan does"
Another false mantra repeated ad nauseam by the Japan-apologists. It's not "no matter what". It's for very good reasons -- reasons of Japan's own making. Except for a consciencious few, the Japanese seem incapable of self-reflection, too busy with maintaining appearances and criticizing everyone but themselves..
Japanese people have noticed that being isolated from China and Korea is not so bad. On the contrary, we are feeling more relieved than ever before. In any case, we have friends all over the world. Thank you all for your support!
They keep saying if not learning from the history, we would be isolated from the world. But the fact is, they are getting isolated from the world.
Then, who on earth is not learning from the history?
@slowguy - we don't need to be apologists for Japan. Japan has already apologized. Japan sends foreign aid to SE Asia, Japan doesn't act badly to neighboring countries any more. The Japanese have learned a lesson and quietly go about making sure this doesn't happen again. Compare that to the behaviour of China. Which country has learned the lessons of WWII, and which is making the same mistakes? The Japanese are very self reflecting, that's why there's seppuku - an idea that really doesn't exist in many other cultures. But the Japanese aren't going to go running around beating their chests and crying "mia culpa, mia maxima culpa" the way the Chinese want them to. Quiet reflection and making sure the same mistakes aren't made again is the Japanese way of apology. It's a lot better than what China is doing.
All war issues were settled in 1965. What any politician says after that legally means nothing.
Frederick Shapiro
China never ceases to amaze! Do they really expect anyone with a mind to buy into the nonsense they spit out as it is very much their custom to do so! The Chinese are dogs; their logic like their overpopulation is so misplaced. They should look internally first, and then shut up! To use what is to be a wonderful event to come, only serves to show their lack of decorum, and bad taste. A typical attempt to try to show themselves as the guiding light, and failing miserably! They really have to learn to use better propaganda tools so as not to make themselves look so dam stupid!
China really is a disgrace as a country. Countries that are unable to abide by keeping politics out of the Olympics should be barred from participation for that year.
No matter how much good Japan did after WW2, she cannot expect others to forgive and forget what actually happened. You can hate the communist government and hate the more than 1.3 billion Chinese, but you cannot deny what you have done! It is not only the Chinese that were brutalized but other nations as well. But can they stand up to the Japanese. Not at the moment. China can politicize the 2020 Olympic and not attend the games and maybe no Japanese will care. Maybe they will be delighted as more golds will be available, not because Japan is better at it but because someone else gave them the chance. But if Japan politicize the games, then no nation should attend and Japan will get all the golds. Banzai!
I don't think the world cares. Just do it for god sakes. Stop posturing and state unequivocally that unless Japan recognizes history to the satisfaction of Chinese, they will boycott the games. If China does attend the games, then no more bringing this over used "history" card PERIOD.
@Asian2013 - the CCP has killed more of its own citizens than Imperial Japan ever did by a factor of 4. When is the CCP going to apologize for (let alone acknowledge) the misery and death it's inflicted on its own people?
In all the time I've been visiting this forum, I have rarely seen anyone expressing hatred toward the Chinese people. Most people can draw the distinction between the Chinese people, and the CCP overlords who govern them by virtue of intimidation, censorship, corruption, and the PLA guns.
China: Congrats Tokyo on Olympic Win Amid Spat
UPDATE 1-Olympics-China offers grudging congratulations to Japan
Olympics: No Chinese congrats on 2020 Games, says Japan
China, these listed above are the comments from all over the world about you, China. You are shooting your own foot. It takes a grown up to say "Congratulations" in civilized world standard. I suppose you are showing the world you still need a potty training.
China, it is your option not to be included in the 2020 Olympics, and you do not have to come to Japan to participate. WE, THE WORLD DO NOT MISS YA.
I have read an article which says 76% Chinese people believe that their history textbooks are just lies. Also, those who believe Chinese government least are Chinese.
What would you say about this, CCP?
Gaijin Desi
Looks like HISTORY is the ONLY subject thought in all Chinese school !!!! Oh My GOD !!!
@ Markus L.... That's a thumbs up from me, and thanks for the perspective, appreciated, but most here are objecting to the current politicization of the issue in the context of what has transpired since the end of WW-11.
Japan has had a very benign role in the modern world and its citizens, and for that matter, the rest of the world, have faced no threat from post war Japan, and that simply is not the case with China. And, the domestic politics of Japan, and China's belligerence, sure doesn't make admissions of past war crimes, easy for the leaders of Japan too find a way to address these issues
Regards Tre
Jay Que
Facing up to history... Mao delighted in the slaughter of tens of thousands of Chinese bretheren who sided with the republicans against the communists, and he wiped them out wholesale, tens of thousands in just a few days, episodes multiplied so many times that he drove the non-communists to flee the mainland or come under his boot, looking down the barrel of a gun. Now, the renimbi sports the smiling face of that butcher. Accepted as legal tender in practise. What difference does it make to the dead if you are gassed or simply ripped to pieces in an orgy of murder? Its with this history that PRC China backs Assad. Whats a few thousand killed at a time. Realpolitiks. Thats facing history truthfully without a CCP spin.
Kobuta Chan
Communists have too much jealous. Now their jealousy is burning like bushfire inside their heart. Poor Communists I hope God will mercy on them before they got mad.
Cortes Elijah
Shut up China. Your always abusing and throwing insults. No one cares.
@ Cortes, you cared enough to comment and convey your anger.
This is China saying not Korea. Chinese media released Tokyo Lost nessage and mocked by their people. I think China needed to bash Japan after they llearned Tokyo won. So it rushed to comment history which S, Korea commented quite a while ago. S Korean and Japanese will cooperate 2018 and 2020 Olympic, their sportsmen just released their comments.
"Japan should learn how to behave" thats really surprising catch copy for me cuz if China looks at what they have been doing in the sea of Asian region such as violent actions by their battle ships, then they can know that that kind of statement is really shameful, which means they do not know what exactly other countries think toward China. They also do not know how to behave.
China, really? whenever Japan is involved, China become a comedian. the boke in a manzai owarai duo. only his joke sometimes is too stupid and lame. but what amazing is how China, the boke, can keep such a straight face when spouting all these lues and nonsense.
Every success of Japan is always criticized by China and South Korea and always bringing up the history. When London hosted the Olympics, did the countries involved in their history criticized them badly? I don't think so! It's time for China to grow up and face the reality that no matter what, Japan has it's own uniqueness that will stand out among all Asian countries.
Well the war of media and national image has been going on for some time. Unfortunately for SK or China it seems neither are succeeding in trashing Japans image with ww2 history anymore. Since the worlds opinion obviously has changed it is most likely that the these campaigns will hit back on the sender soon. As a matter of fact I think the anti sentiments for China seems to be growing in global media. Havent seen much trashing of Sk:s image yet. For anyone unfamiliar with image wars the purpose can be to trash a nations image in order to burn the brands of that nation, thus affecting business. The logic is guilt by association.
Should't China face its present first and stop supporting the Syrian government who killed more that 100,000 innocents, before they advise others to face their history. If still insist to talk about history, shouldn't China face its crimes against Uyghur people.
A Realist
Whatever the state-controlled Chinese media says is of no importance, it is just CPC propaganda.
Piotr Gierszewski
"Dogs bark, the caravan goes on", I'd say.
It would be a great step forward if China was able to be so critical about its own actions. I know from the experiences of communist states in my area that the overwhelming propaganda forced people to hide their real beliefs and caused the whole society to develop "learned helplessness" and heavy paranoia. Sociologists who want to know what is the world-view of Chinese society have to keep in mind that they don't like to talk about their opinions, and they will talk the propaganda speech, because of the psychological pressure.
China never fails to make me laugh. Despite having become the second largest economy in the world their diplomatic skills and government statements are right out of the 1950s. Next thing they will be telling the United States to "stop supporting Japan" with a straight face no less.
Elbuda Mexicano
China needent worry since they can always RE write history as the Soviets did!!
China is just worried that Japan will out due and out shine the Chinese games. Because if it were the other way around, China probably would be silent, but they had their day and NOW Japan is up, China can't put on another Olympics and improve from some of the mistakes that occurred during the Beijing Games and they are probably worried. Japan will improve and as organized, clean and high tech as Japan is. Japan has 7 years to prepare and to organize and put on a fantastic and phenomenal show for 2 weeks. They will analyze, improve and show the world that they blow the international world away and China can't stomach that. So the only thing they can do is sit in the corner and at best give a BS verbal scolding. China is such a joke, let them talk as if anyone is listening to them.
Marlin Hughes
China can't handle the fact that Japan has moved on. Vengeance will kill you and China your attitude of the past continues to bleed your soul of bitterness and anger. Face it with a new look at the future and you would help the Far East a stronger place to be. Join Japan and mkve forward.
That's the main problem when politicians always mix up non-politic related issues with politics to gain milestones.
Olympic is sport, not politics!!! periods!
China and Korea should positively show supports and congratulate Japan for bringing Olympic to Asia, idiotic comments are not necessary nor welcome!
China, can you STFU for once and learn to respect thy neighbour??????? what a tyrant!
Sounds like: if Japan does not behave, China will boycott. Also sounds like: if China boycotts, Olympic 2020 will fail.
For the Olympics 2020 to be successful, all countries must send a team to take part. If China do not wish to take part (as in - find an excuse to boycott), Japan should invite the country of Tibet to send a team. This will ensure the success of the Olympics 2020.
I am really getting sick of the immaturity of East Asia.
I hope Japan invites the Dalai Lama to watch the Olympics.
I hope one day all Asians, including the Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Mongolians, ... become friendly. They all belong to one group of people and their similarities are striking. If they just looked at each other closely ....
China never stop to amaze the world about their cocky stands or remarks on her neighbour...... they seems to think becoz they are mighty and powerful, they can say, do, warn, threat, bla bla bla the way they like it becoz the rests of the world are scared of them......
My middle finger to you China!
Olympic is a sport for everyone, u should show self-respect by congratulating your neighbour for winning the Olympic 2020 but instead chose to make cocky remarks by stirring hates .....
if u are so cocky, why not just boycott Olympic 2020 instead and see if the world can move on without Mighty and Arrogant China!
Its either you
"Shut up and Live with it" or
"Cock up and Boycott the Games"
what say u?
Markus L
"God my sides are hurting from laughing too much at China's stupidity".
Well I'm sure this will give you a good chuckle then...