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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.China calls for action from Australia; raps agreement with Japan
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The CCP are sure a bunch of idiots to think that telling someone they are the problem when clearly it is the CCP that is the problem and the whole non-commie world knows it, is going to solve the problem. Then again, stupid rarely knows it is stupid and you can't fix stupid so what do you do about stupid?
Australia is not Tibet, not a country under occupation, does not have a net work of concentration camps, doesn't force it's culture onto others. It's not Australia that should be taking any steps to placate a belligerent thin skinned bully...quite the opposite.
Desert Tortoise
Lists like that are a made for TV opportunity to publicly tear them up while proclaiming Australia isn't China's vassal to be ordered around.
Seeing as how China is so dependent upon Australian iron ore and some other minerals vital to their manufacturing industries perhaps Australia should add a surcharge to exports to China. The west has to learn how to play hardball with nations like China because the Chinese sure aren't shy about elbowing all and sundry.
What’s now from China? bully and impose rules?
Australia is a great mature democracy and a role model in the world,a sovreign country with respected international reputation and one of the western fine nations.
It should be the other way around,maybe if the imperialist CCP would tone down it arrogance and act like a normal country they could get some great lesson from Australia and democracy.
The US,Japan,The UK,the other asian countries and the EU must firmly support our Australian friends against that despicable country called communist China.
Our principles are for freedom and democracy.
Just ignore China.
Nobody needs or better say "wants" them anymore.
Now is the best time to cut all ties with China.
"In a joint statement, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his Japanese counterpart, Yoshihide Suga, expressed “serious concerns about the situation” in the South and East China Seas and “strong opposition” to militarizing disputed islands "
Tough talk, but both countries need to spend more on defense.
Peter Wright
Pls stop doing business with China, that's the only way how to boycott and isolate this evil regime. CCP shows again and again that they are imperialist aggressor who will not hesitate to use power to attack other nations. It is 5 minutes to 12...
Ricky Kaminski13
You may wanna look at our rather short but proud history. Australia doesn’t kowtow to bullies, never has never will. So yeah, Zhao.... on your bike mate!
As if China would ever admit to any wrongdoing ever anyways. They dictate, psychologically that’s all they can do.
Why not just kick the arrogant country's embassy out of Australia? They could add that to thei whinge list.
What does the deadwood United Nations is thinking?
The Ozzies owe their affluent lifestyles to China.
Cutting ties with your biggest customer is not an option.
From Yodobashi!
Kick RCEP out n make A new one with US India Aussi NZ plus Japan taiwan then CHiNa will be at peace forever
Bjorn Tomention
Just simply Disengage from China, no more trade in or out.
Until they realize their position in this world they will only continue to act as the bully and outspoken obnoxious neighbour !
Kick them out of any trade groups isolate them,. after all they keep making threats against everyone who wants them and their $2 rubbish
robert maes
China must be stopped now and we can all help as businessmen and individuals and consumers. Even if it hurts a bit it will hurt a lot more when we let China continue its unchecked arrogance and bullying
If Australia needed to choose between China and the democratic world, I imagine Australia would choose the democratic world every single time.
Sorry Chinese Commie Government, you aren't liked.
Sven Asai
Building an Aussie military base on Taiwan would shut up their mouth. lol
Mark down 2020. The year that all that started to change. The days of fooling the world with the "Peaceful Rise" Lie is over.
China is suffering from famine (see reports on their recent "Clean Plate" campaign), and yet they knock back food imports from Australia?
In the list of possible stupid strategic moves, this is another one made by China. It's almost like they want to shoot themselves in the foot.
Australia is a sovereign country that's just going to go on doing what it does regardless. It may not be a military or economic heavyweight, but it is a diplomatic one.
"Raps" agreement?
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
Wow, I'm sure Scotty from Marketing terrifies the Chinese leadership.
How fresh were China's rhymes?
This is China's current MO. Create issues out of nothing and play the victim. Point the finger at someone else as the problem to ensure others are not looking at them. The list of 14 issues is a complete farce.
Australia has the right to forgo purchasing from any company for national infrastructure projects. China can object but it is an internal issue for Australia.
Foreign interference laws are also an internal matter for Australia and none of China's business.
Calls for an inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus angered the CCP. Tough luck get over it. It is effecting Australia and the world and people want to know.
Speaking out on the South China Sea is our right as it is international waters and we along with the world use it for trade and passage.
Speaking out on human rights allegations in Xinjiang. Photographic proof has been provided by other nations as well as testimony from people directly effected by these internment camps. Australia is not alone in its condemnation of China for these barbaric acts.
"Thinly veiled" allegations against China on cyber attacks which Beijing says lacks evidence. The evidence will not be provided so that you can better hide your cyber attacks. We found you doing it and called you out. Stop your illegal cyber attacks.
New foreign relations laws which give the federal government power to veto state, or local government agreements with foreign governments is an internal matter for Australia and none of China's business. You complain about our comments on Xinjiang and Hong Kong but think its ok for you to interfere in Australian domestic issues? That is hypocrisy.
In short the CCP has initiated trade tariffs against our free trade deal, to punish Australia for not doing as Beijing wants and for speaking out on issues that embarrass the CCP.
Actions Australia could take to show our "displeasure" at China's continued wrong actions.
Invite the Dalai Lama for a state visit to Canberra.
Establish full diplomatic relations with Taiwan and offer to build it new submarines and destroyers as well as supply it with other modern military equipment.
Stop all export resources to China from Australia for 12 months then adding surcharges once shipments restart.
Stockpile the resources and sell them to anyone else who picks up the slack from the drop in Chinese manufacturing.
Yes China can hurt Australia if it chooses to, and as it is now trying to. But Australia has options and is not toothless. China had better work hard to take back its wrong actions and appease Australia and Australians who may be getting ready to walk away from all dealings with China no matter the economic costs.
egads man!
Take China for a ride and bleed them dry.
Enjoyed the starting comments.
Alas power is a warm gun.
Australian consumers are already boycotting products ‘made in China’, & a ‘buy Australian’ movement is gaining momentum.
I implore more countries to take similar actions
Seth M
China is mad because Australia took their money and went to bed with their arch enemy. And now that they are both in RCEP, they can't slap tariffs on Australian goods can they?
There is a free trade deal between China and Australia (since 2015) and yet these made up tariffs still get levied. RCEP is not going to change it when China wants to "punish" a trading partner it will put up trade barriers and introduce tariffs regardless of any trade agreement.
Boycott China.
Trump is not smart enough to have his own MO. He stole China's which is why they look the same.
As I have been saying for more than 20+yrs now, we need to STOP feeding the MONSTER that IS CHINA!!!
I am very happy to see us all together START to really see what needs to be done, now hopefully big business & govt we join!
The west we FED China, EDUCATED its people, allowed them to STEAL our tech & THIS IS THE THANKS WE GET!!!!!
To HELL with the Chinese govt! Time to CUT THEM OFF!!
To the people of China, we are NOT against you, quite the opposite in FACT!! I hope you can overcome the CCP & build a BETTER future for China & its people! Ditch your govt & truly PROSPER!!!
Villains are only filled with villainy. The CCP is in constant search of targets to find the weakest links...
Desert Tortoise
Take a page from how the Chinese do it. Don't stop trade per-se, but add a surcharge to all goods sold to China and say you are going to use it to prop up businesses hurt by Chinese trade retaliation. The more they retaliate, the higher the surcharge. Make the Chinese pay out the nose for the privilege of doing business with Australia.
Sooner or later the entire world will tire of dealing with china. Problem is that China will let their entire population starve before admitting any failure. It has happened before. The CCP has zero respect for anything, including their own people.
Desert Tortoise
I don't think it is possible today for Xi Jinping to get away with starving his people in the manner of Mao. The problem for today's CCP is the Chinese people have come to expect ever increasing standards of living and ever greater wealth in exchange for looking the other way at the lack of personal freedom allowed under CCP rule. The children and grandchildren of Mao's generation are accustomed to a higher standard of living. If the day comes that it is clear to the Chinese people that the gravy train has stopped and their incomes and standard of living will stagnate or decline the Chinese will boot the CCP and some of their leaders will likely meet an unpleasant end.