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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2013.China concerned by Japan's move to boost military
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:) China's statement is as arrogant as their actions throughout Asia today! I guess CHina should be the only one with the building of a military and already using it to try and intimidate everyone in the region. GO JAPAN!!!!!!
Hillary got the ball rolling across the court of public opinion regarding China's aggressive posture in relation to its neighbors. Kerry will dunk it.
The only way that China can save itself without an external war with its neighbors is to engage in civil war and dissolve itself into its constituent parts, starting with a free Tibet, a free Xinjiang, a free Inner Mongolia. However, we will not consider that to be a true dissolution until the Han Chinese separate into three independent countries based along borders that each contain one of your three principle rivers.
Except for India, which would not agree to this strategy, the dissolution of the PRC is what the countries in the South China Sea and the East China Sea have set us to accomplish in order that they may never fear the 1.4 billion Chinese menace again. So say we all.
Big deal.
Steven C. Schulz
Pot calling the kettle black...
I think you're totally off he mark by some 63 years, It was the United States that forced Japan to form the basis of what is today the JSDF. Today they are one of if the most closely integrated ,militaries with the US forces. Airbases are shared, joint training is routine in both Japanese and U.S. waters and airspace. The U.S. has been, and continues to pressure Japan into revising it's constitution and play a greater role, not just in regional security but in US lead "coalition" actions as well. Japan has participated at US request in the first PG war (they sent minesweepers), second PG war (actual troops but no combat), and Somali anti-piracy operations. There is as much need for the U.S, to "restrict" Japan as there is to restrict UL, France or Germany.
Again, you're way off the mark of reality. With 70 years of peace and democracy. Japan is not about to "re-militarize" by returning to a authoritarian militant state. However, the need to change the post-WWII restrictions are clear thanks to fascist China's territorial and military expansion agenda, and Asian nations are actually supporting Japan's re-armament. Perhaps far more so than the Japanese are willing to themselves.
Japan, like any county has the right to do anything to protect their country. China has no right to question whatever security measures the Japanese government wants. China keeps on improving their military capabilities but no country questions them. China should study their actions first before they talk about other country. Are they afraid of the Japanese?
China is concerned with Japan increasing its size military wise ??? This statement is coming from a country that's increasing its military spending every year with no threats against it. This is coming from a country that is voicing its supposed territorial rights ( not just these disputed islands ) .
You are right to be worried because I am sure the USA is overjoyed at the prospect of supplying more advanced equipment to this location as well as joint spending on newer designs with highly efficient ways of neutralizing every system they develop in china .
Screw china ! Oppressor of the people . Worry about the starving people in your own country and reduce the toxins and pollution you crank out with no control until it makes the news.
Bullsh!t !!
It's funny that they are now concerned about Japan's military expense, whereas they seem oblivious to other nations' concern about their own. My impression is that China wants war but wants to present themselves as a victim while provoking Japan to defend itself and hoping to overreact to their subtle or not very subtle instigation.
I really don't think China has anything to worry about in regards to Japans military might. Japanese guys these days are too worried about their hairdo's and make up. China should only worry if a war breaks out in front of the magazine rack in a convenience store........then China might find themselves out numbered.
@ratfack.,...LMAO! I am cordially inviting you to come and test one of our friends here stationed in Naha trained at Nagasaki. He does puts on make up, all black oil based. Hahaha c'mon down!
As if JT has nothing else to print. Is a dog biting a man still a news? According to China anything others do is bad and anything Chinese do is good. So what else is news??
I find it ironic that a militaristic superpower (China) is concerned about an island nation (Japan) beefing up its military.
2,300,000 active and another 800,000 reserves. But those are 2010 figures so it's probably higher now but transparency isn't China's strong point.
Oh good grief, the country with 2.3 million military personnel is getting uptight about a country with 225,000 military personnel adding 287 more?
Due to more recent developments, China's neighbors are paying close attention to the former's moves where it is laying unfounded claims to territories in the South China Sea.
Of course China is worried. They want to catch too much flack when they decide to seize a few of Japan's islands.
China's worried? Really?
Kazuaki Shimazaki
The F-22s, possibly, with the B-2s the Japanese pacifist constitution is the bigger part.
Certainly, the US doesn't want Japan to become too big, but then the US doesn't want ANYONE else to become too big and Japan is very far off from the point where the US will stop encouraging and start restricting.
I won't be too concerned about the 3rd paragraph. The fact is, those countries that CAN draw extra oompf from their economy to make a military to threaten Japan (read: China, South Korea and North Korea, the last of which really has no oompf but is drawing anyway) are doing so even with a pacifist Japan. TO put it bluntly, if Japan went pacifist to win other's trust, she failed - it is just too good a deal for China and Korea to keep stoking up the past.
China should be concerned. Japan has the personnel, technology, and financial support to quickly build up its military base. With such as vast and structured heavy industries, Japan can militarize in an exponential rate compare with its current state.
But I seriously doubt that Japan can re-militarize to such degree due to the black hand behind Japan, the USA. I can say this with substantial certainty that there is no chance in hell that the US will allow Japan to re-militarize to such a degree that is out of US and possibly China/Russia's control. You think US is just all about being a good ally and being altruistic about protecting Japan with all its military stationing in Japan? Its both protect and restrict. IF US truly trusts Japan, there will be at least dozens of F-22s flying in the JDF and B-2 bombers serving as strategic deterrents.
And if Japan abandons its pacifist nature, the world will have a much different look at Japan. Rumors will fly, labels will stick, and you can bet all of Japan's neighbor will increase their own re-armament. The fear would be something so tiny as a water cannon piss match could spark fires that scorch earth. I would advise Japan to save the money and focus on its economy. These islands really don't mean that much. At the end of the day, when push comes to shove, Japan should take a step back to regroup so that it can prepare to win the future. If you want to be a pacifist, be a thorough one. IF not, forget what others say and just do your thing.
darknuts. He did kick this latest round of idiocy off. So credit where credit is due to Ishihara. Had he not tried to purchase the islands much of this would never have happened. So enough with the denial already. All problems have a starting point. The latest island row starts with Ishihara.
@Dissillioned Ishihara has been out of the lime light for a while now. Stop making him to be the source of all of Asias problems.
Is it dangerous that have plans to boost the number of military than developing stealth fighters and aircraft carrier? haha i love that one!
This is great news for the USA taxpayers who have funded Japan's security since WWII. The holiday is over. If the USA military had only military people in Japan, the taxpayers would appreciate the cost, but everyone related to the military people is not acceptable. It is not the increase in personnel that is the problem, it is the increase in additional expenses.
Concerned about an additional 287 personnel?? WTF! If Japan moves to amend its constitution, then I can see real concern from China, and maybe a few other countries in the region, but 287 additional dudes??? Gimme a break.
And this isn't imperial Japan of 70 years ago; it's a responsible player in the international community - a concept that China perhaps lacks in some areas.
Wait a sec. Lemme' wrap my head around this:
China? Expressed "concern" . . . ?
About a boost . . . .
(And this is the part that I'm still trying to process . . .)
. . . . in Japan's military . . . ?!
They have got to be freakin' kidding. Seriously, how does China's leadership issue these statements without blushing? Without knowing that it inspires snorts and guffaws at the utter hypocrisy of it?
A 0.1% increase in personnel. Whew, and I thought there was something of note here.
As a comparison, what does China's personnel changes look like? I can only imagine they dwarf Japan's proposal, and China would never volunteer the information.
China obviously trying to ease tension by making everybody laugh. Seriously, who's the bogeyman here?
Cortes Elijah
Why do people always talk about Ishihara? Seriously stop dragging him into every news article.
I'm concerned too! With the imperialistic jijis Ishihara, Hashimoto and Aso pulling Abe's puppet strings it is very concerning indeed!
Seems the tone from China is softening a bit for the moment. Excellent, now they only have do themselves what they demand from others and everything will cool down nicely.
I really don't think China has anything to worry about in regards to Japans military might. Japanese guys these days are too worried about their hairdo's and make up. China should only worry if a war breaks out in front of the magazine rack in a convenience store........then China might find themselves out numbered.
Same things go for you,China.
Everyone's concerned about each other's Military Might.....Sounds like something's brewing. Political issues!