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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2015.China defends actions in South China Sea; says it is not seeking new world order
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These are uninhabited reefs we are talking about. If China really was about peace they would propose dividing the sea equitably based on shoreline. That isn't the way of the Ferengi, oops, I mean the Chinese, though.
Please check how many person views are putted into this article. They are obviously leading the view of the reader.
and what is the purpose of the author?
I talked to someone who live in China about how thinks work. Most of the people living at/near the coast are aware of the lies that the Communist regime in Beijing spreads. Most of China's army soldiers come from the inland provinces where people have less access to the internet and contact with overseas and so are more easily brainwashed. There are millions in their military who will obey almost with question, but they are ignorant. Anyway countries of the world need to unite against this major human rights abusing country.
Your problem is that the remarks are not unwarranted.
Do you know which nation has the greatest goup of internet people? Do you know which nation has the greatest group of people who are likely to go to internet with mobile phone?
Is lying a nation's habit?
Didn't say nuffin' 'bout Old World disorder.
They keep saying one thing but doing another. Action speaks louder than words.
What if Japan builds on the disputed islands what China is already building on the disputed islands? How would they react when the tables are turned?
He who dares, wins.
PRC's way of thinking, "Might makes Right". Another would be "When said a hundred times even lies becomes the truth." Lastly "What your is mine and mine is mine."
Mitsuo Matsuyama
PRC and her pathetic statement.
Chop Chop
I believe Philippine and Vietnamese Government should build artificial Islands on South China Sea by funded by US and Japanese Government. Communist Chinese Government will not listen to others and also will not abide International Maritime Law. The best way is let Philippine and Vietnamese Government to build artificial Islands on disputed territories. US and Japanese Government must help to build artificial Islands in South China sea and lease to US Navy.
Fox Sora Winters
Didn't Putin say that Russia wasn't invading Crimea? Look how that turned out. Didn't Hitler say he wasn't invading Poland? How did that pan out exactly? I wonder how many times Mgabe has claimed to hold a fair election vote, only to win it in a landslide victory earned by unfair methods? Are you seeing the pattern yet? Tyrants always claim that their being fair and honest and peace-loving, when their actions say the exact opposite. If China wants us to believe that it isn't seeking a New World Order, then it can pull out of Tibet, East Turkestan and all other regions that it has invaded, it can surrender it's claims over the Senkaku Islands, Taiwan (and it's surrounding islands), the Paracel Islands, the Spratly Islands and South Tibet. We might take them more seriously if they did that. It doesn't help that they're allied with North Korea and Russia though.
re: China’s hardline stance has stoked fears in Washington, Tokyo and some Southeast Asian capitals|"
Fear! Please this line in the article needs to be rewritten, fear is far from the truth, if anything it's not a laughable but enough to warrant a question as to why and whom does China fear that it has to take the steps of direction that it is doing and massive buildup of its military. Seriously Japan has not even once hinted at expansion into China, same goes for the US and other countries. Just the opposite of war is to continue Peace and trade. During the mid 90's until today, most of the world was happily receiving and doing business with China, I have not once seen or read anywhere of threats against it that warrant this massive buildup, who or what are they afraid and fear?
If they want fear the US, Japan and the other Asian countries can give real fear. Japan should just move ahead and build on the Senkaku's since it is administrative under Japan once and for all.
A Realist
SamuraiBlueMAR. 08, 2015 - 10:22PM JST PRC's way of thinking, "Might makes Right". Another would be "When said a hundred times even lies becomes the truth." Lastly "What your is mine and mine is mine."
Sometimes they try a more conciliatory approach: "What's mine is mine and what's yours we will negotiate - (while I hold a gun to your head)."
Actions speak louder than words.
As usual, more lies from the CCP. As others have said actions are louder than words and this has shown the claims of the CCP to be anything but peaceful and friendly.
Predictably they try to blame others for their aggressive and thuggish behavior, and then try to whitewash their actions as encouraging "patriotism" and "love of the mother country". What a joke. The CCP led PRC is today's arrogant imperialist, and I use the word imperialist as that is the undeniable truth of the matter. Others' actions may be the same (insert name of other superpowers in here) but the result is the same, they are doing the same repulsive acts, and they cower behind those acts in an attempt to justify themselves continually.
Looking back in the past, it was a huge personal mistake for me as a Chinese person to actually support such garbage in the past and get suckered in by this "patriotic" crap.
China is full of upper-income and ruling elites who are dual citizens and holders of foreign passports in addition to their Chinese ones. "Maternity tourism" to the west coast of the United States, a country which allows citizenship by birth (for how much longer, we don't know), is a booming business among Chinese who have money. These people sound like they are ready to abandon the ship of state if necessary. Polls have been conducted showing that a majority of Chinese citizens would want a baby of theirs born on the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands to have the right to claim Taiwanese or even Japanese citizenship.
I can't think of a better sign than these facts that the PRC is in serious trouble. It is hard not to conclude that aggressive actions in the South China Sea and East China Sea are meant to deflect attention away from the rotten, corrupt state of politics in the country. I think the passing of the 60th anniversary of the PRC's founding in October 2009 triggered some kind of concern in Beijing among leaders there about the long-term viability of their party-state regime (since the USSR "died" at the age of 74 in 1991) and led to a decision to begin aggressively challenging Japan and then Vietnam at sea starting in 2010. Authoritarian regimes are chronically insecure and can't really take stability for granted.
I have a radical proposal; Japan should give the Senkaku Islands and Takeshima Island to China and Korea, respectively. I know it sounds crazy but stay with me.
China and Korea are never going to give up "their claim" to these islands. Even if Japan wins an armed conflict and retakes them, Japan will be subjected to endless terrorism and sabotage, especially from China. Japan, with its sense of social justice and cohesion, will not be able to handle endless news reports of its citizens being killed and maimed and would most likely abandon the islands anyway.
Rather, I suggest going through the United Nations with a particular focus on Germany as a mediator and offer the Senkakus and Takeshima as reparations for WWII on the condition that the transaction serves as an end to all claims of further compensation, including apologies. The Chinese and Koreans, with their exquisite sense of victimhood, would either have to accept closure or show their true pettiness and/or aggressiveness to the rest of the world.
I know this proposal has no chance as long as Abe is the Prime Minister and even propsoing such a thing could set the drivers of the black trucks into a frenzy but I think it's an idea that should be considered.
"offer the Senkakus and Takeshima as reparations for WWII"
Yes, brilliant idea. Japan should offer to South Korea control of an island (Dokdo) that South Korea already controls. How exactly is Japan supposed to give away something that it has no control over? What's your next suggestion, that Japan give Saipan to the United States?