Japan Today

China denounces 'slanderous' air zone remarks by Abe


China on Sunday rejected as "slanderous" a renewed call by Japan's premier for Beijing to rescind its controversial air defense zone, the latest salvo in a territorial dispute that has increased friction in the region.

Beijing's retort came hours after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said at a Japan-ASEAN summit in Tokyo on Saturday that he was "deeply concerned" by China's establishment of the air zone and that he believed "many" leaders of Southeast Asian countries attending the meeting shared his view.

"We express strong dissatisfaction with the Japanese leader's use of an international meeting to make slanderous remarks about China," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said in a statement posted online.

He added that Japan's "attempt to promote a double standard and mislead international public opinion is doomed to fail."

"The one that has unilaterally changed the status quo over the Diaoyu islands is none other than Japan itself," Hong said.

"In this regard, China has taken lawful and necessary measures to safeguard its sovereign territory and is fully justified and blameless."

China last month declared an air defense identification zone over an area of the East China Sea which includes the disputed Tokyo-controlled islands, which Japan calls the Senkakus, in a move that ratcheted up an already-tense situation.

Saturday's Japan-ASEAN summit was the first major gathering of Asian leaders since China's move to assert its power over the skies near its southeast coast.

In a joint statement, the heads of state on Saturday encouraged Japan's "proactive contribution to peace" and announced that they had "agreed to enhance cooperation in ensuring freedom of overflight and civil aviation safety", language viewed as a cautious show of support for Tokyo.

The back-and-forth between Tokyo and Beijing also comes after reports that a Chinese naval vessel nearly collided with a U.S. warship in the South China Sea on Dec 5.

The USS Cowpens, a guided missile cruiser, was forced to maneuver to avoid a collision with the Chinese ship that had crossed directly in front of it and halted, according to U.S. naval officers and defense officials.

China's amphibious dock ship came within 500 meters of the U.S. warship, a defense official said. Chinese officials have not issued any comment on the incident.

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I cannot understand why Abe doesn't go to China and resolve this issue.

Because he is somewhat lacking in cohones?

-14 ( +9 / -23 )

Dear China, Today's furious tirade lacked the usually self-righteous indignation bordering on hysteria we've become accustomed to. Please obliged your spokespersons to try harder, or you risk boring your audience.

33 ( +37 / -4 )

china bully the weak, that's why it got angry when Philippines listed the help of Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and other southeast asian countries to met the growing imperialism of grat China. Japan, seeing this opportunity to regain its leadership role in Asia, it started lambasting China and stood with the countried being bullied by China through threat and intimidation.

China is more interested in controlling its population now that they are in transition of leadership plus the downturn of China's economy are the main reason it keeps on with its rhetoric. China is trying to divert the attention of its people from the growing chiasm of economic classes and the stagnation of its economy.

China will be balkanized the way it became a nation. Its just a matter of time.

15 ( +21 / -6 )

Is China paranoid?

10 ( +14 / -4 )

@Mikihouse, I think you hit the NAIL ON THE HEAD! China is just trying to BUY TIME, trying to DIVERT attention and anger etc..towards BEIJING and make more stupid scandals agains Japan, etc..so the hungry, angry Chinese masses that feel they are NOT PART OF THE CHINESE DREAM of $$$ and nice cars, houses, etc...

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Same record, different day.


7 ( +9 / -2 )

He added that Japan' s attempt to promote a double standard and mislead international public opinion is doomed to fail.

Hong is something right about Japan started the current ADIZ mess according


Japan has extended twice ADIZ twice since 1972. Back in 2010, it has extended incredibly wider zone into East China Sea despite protest from Taiwan and SK. Now Japan is crying as wolf for other is following her footstep.

According Lord Buddha speech, everyone has karma to pay back what he or she has done before. He or She will suffer from their sin.

According Taipei news from Taiwan, Japan has been monitoring and demanding Taiwan commercial air lines to inform their flight path to Japan!

Taipei, Dec. 2 (CNA) Civilian aircraft from Taiwan has previously been intercepted by Japan's Air Self-Defense Force in an area where the two countries' airspace zones overlap, the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) revealed Monday. In 2002, Japanese defense craft "monitored" a Taiwanese plane testing a new air route designated B591, which stretches from Taipei to northeastern China through the overlapping zones, according to CAA official Hung Mei-yun. A similar incident occurred in 2009, shen said. Responding to questions from lawmakers earlier in the day, CAA Director-General Jean Shen said that the incidents occurred where Japan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ) and Taiwan's flight information region overlap. Shen explained that the area falls between longitude 123-124 degrees east. Japan asked Taiwan to provide flight plans through the overlap starting in 2009, and Taiwan has complied. Even so, Japanese self-defense planes have intercepted Taiwanese civil aircraft in the region, which she said "poses a great danger" to Taiwan's flight control.

If PRC is paranoid or bullying weak, Japan is worse than PRC for bullying and intimidating Little Taiwan. At least PRC is the late comer for declaring ADIZ. Japan is buying Asean friends with $$$ now. However royalty and trust worthiness is questionable from new friends. $$$ can not buy everything!

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

I think China is boring.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Other than N. Korea, no-one blusters like China.

12 ( +15 / -3 )


Is China paranoid?

No, but the US is.

-16 ( +5 / -21 )

Zenpun. That Japan has intercepted civilian commercial aircraft is not rare since those could be small jets. Not only 747 type jets.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

China has too much transgressions, main reasons they have few women and too many men. That's what you get in China when you have too many peasants living and working in Slave conditions getting treated like a Beast by their own Communist Corrupt Government.

While the CCP elite flaunt their ill gotten riches and hide their billions of account in overseas banks, waiting to jump ship when China implodes.

See the signs even North Korea is now shunning China, you bring Prc in the table they will bring Corrupt Culture Business in your Country dear Leader Kim is not tolerating China's Greedy Business inside his country -

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The major issue that causes all the problem between China/SK and Japan is that the war crime that Japan's emperor Hirohito should be convicted was ignored by Americans on purpose. This is a fundermantal reason why all Japanese modern politicians are reluctant to admit and apologize to its neighbors, which would embarrass Japan's whole political system and imply "the incumbent Mikado is actually a heir of criminal". If Hirohito would have been hung like many war crime offenders in Germany, no such problem would exist right now.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

BertieWoosterDec. 15, 2013 - 05:20PM JST I cannot understand why Abe doesn't go to China and resolve this issue. Because he is somewhat lacking in cohones?

No, because China repeatedly refuses Japan's requests for a head of state level meeting. Instead of misleading statements how about telling us WHY China keeps refusing?

ZenpunDec. 15, 2013 - 07:32PM JST Hong is something right about Japan started the current ADIZ mess according Japan has extended twice ADIZ twice since 1972. Back in 2010, it has extended incredibly wider zone into East China

What that fails to recognize is that neither the original ADIZ established by the US nor it's subsequent extensions crossed Chinese ADIZ (which did not exist) or stretched over Chinese controlled territory. This makes all the difference.

According Taipei news from Taiwan, Japan has been monitoring and demanding Taiwan commercial air lines to >inform their flight path to Japan!

Only in the area of overlap, not the entire Japanese ADIZ. In contrast China's demand on commercial airlines is not for a specific area but the entire Chinese ADIZ. You are stretching to try and equate China's new ADIZ, implemented without notice to others and objected to by every country it has affected, to Japan's ADIZ. The fact is that Japan's ADIZ despite overlaps with South Korea and Taiwan have never caused the international uproar that China's has despite being in place four decades. Furthermore Japan has no precedent of shooting down a commercial airliner like China has.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

I don't understand why President Xi doesn't come to Japan to try and resolve the issue peacefully rather than resort to a cold war.

The PRC's slowing economy right now must have as much natural resources as it can steal, they are spending themselves into a corner and it is starting to show.

If any more of their workers are laid off that will be a very bad sign for the future of Xi's control.

Civil war and Chinese history go hand in hand, it is long overdo.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Slanderous? I don't think that word means what you think it means

4 ( +5 / -1 )

There is not much Japan, US and Mr. Abe can do.

China needs something on which it can draw internal as well as external attention, due to its deepening economical crises. Mr. Abe and the US will be best advised to stay calm whenever possible, since this aggression is primary not against Japan, it is most of all a diversion maneuver. Replying with too much force and counter-pressure might be just what China's regime is waiting for.

Perhaps China’s depth and property bubble is just about to burst and threatening hundreds of millions Chinese with poverty and death - with the consequential potential of toppling over China’s regime. There are huge dangers ahead and Japan as the only high developed Asian nation for its own sake needs to stay out of any possible Chinese turmoil.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

China has been extremely well played by the nationalist Japanese government with the implicit approval of the US.

There was no substantive issue surrounding these Islands for years until Japanese nationalists started making noises about "Japan's Sovereignty". I think China's hand was forced on purpose to encourage just this response.

Consider how "China's aggressive actions" play into the hands of the increasingly nationalist and aspiring militaristic Japanese government. How long before the (overwhelmingly pacifist) Japanese public accept the need to 'tool-up' for protection against the "evil yellow peril' of China. It's straight from the US's Iraq/Afghan/Iran playbook.

Well-played Japan - there will be plenty on these pages who fail to grasp what you've done.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Cue the violins.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

OssanAmerica DEC. 15, 2013 - 11:32PM JST

What that fails to recognize is that neither the original ADIZ established by the US nor it's subsequent extensions crossed Chinese ADIZ (which did not exist) or stretched over Chinese controlled territory. This makes all the difference.

Is Japan Imperial God for extending Unilaterally? If Japan could do, I do not see any reason why not PRC can follow Japan footstep. When I saw the Japan ADIZ from CNN, I got shocked to see such a large extension and greed. No wonder there will be conflict and counter extension. Japan is accountable and responsible as first offender.


The fact is that Japan's ADIZ despite overlaps with South Korea and Taiwan have never caused the international uproar that China's has despite being in place four decades.

It is untrue and bias. Both SK and Taiwan are members of US allies. Due to the pressure from Uncle Sam, they have not made publicity and noise about Japan self proclaimed ADIZ. It does not mean they are happy about it. It is more likely allied nations will showdown with each other instead of PRC. Japan is like a spoiled and pampered child. Japan has no justice and behave like well mannered and friendly neighbor.

Furthermore Japan has no precedent of shooting down a commercial airliner like China has.

Obviously you have no information about Japan recklessness and hypocrisy for controlling the sky. Japan fighters jets escorted Taiwan commercial airline before. In some cases, Japan went too far for risk. You have to research more about Japan high noon and wild west adventures at the East China Sea.




-3 ( +1 / -4 )

China will one day rule the world.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

ZenpunDec. 16, 2013 - 09:02AM JST "OssanAmerica DEC. 15, 2013 - 11:32PM JST What that fails to recognize is that neither the original ADIZ established by the US nor it's subsequent extensions crossed Chinese ADIZ (which did not exist) or stretched over Chinese controlled territory. This makes all the difference."

Is Japan Imperial God for extending Unilaterally? If Japan could do, I do not see any reason why not PRC can follow >Japan footstep. When I saw the Japan ADIZ from CNN, I got shocked to see such a large extension and greed. No >wonder there will be conflict and counter extension. Japan is accountable and responsible as first offender. http://edition.cnn.com/2013/11/25/world/asia/china-japan-island-explainer/

Please read what I said to understand the difference. No0, Japan is not the "first offender". Japan did not even make the first ADIZ I 1945, the US did. The reason that the Japanese ADIZ looks so large is because Japanese territory is spread apart with many small islands. In anycaswe, THe US, Australia, ASEAN are not upset about Japan's ADIZ, they are upset about China's.

"The fact is that Japan's ADIZ despite overlaps with South Korea and Taiwan have never caused the international uproar that China's has despite being in place four decades."

It is untrue and bias. Both SK and Taiwan are members of US allies. Due to the pressure from Uncle Sam, they have >not made publicity and noise about Japan self proclaimed ADIZ.

You say it's untrue and bias and then confirm exactly what I said.

It does not mean they are happy about it. It is more likely allied nations will showdown with each other instead of >PRC. Japan is like a spoiled and pampered child. Japan has no justice and behave like well mannered and friendly >neighbor.

Sorry but no country agrees with China's ADIZ or it's behavior. The entire world sees China as the bully and aggressor trying to expand it's territory by intimidation and coercion. No country is complaining about Japan besides China.

"Furthermore Japan has no precedent of shooting down a commercial airliner like China has."

Obviously you have no information about Japan recklessness and hypocrisy for controlling the sky.

OK I guess you do, So please tell me when Japan has shot down a commercial airliner.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

so many posts here just completely missing the point over what this is about. - This is a problem engineered to held Abe turn Japan into a regional military power. Amazing that so many here do't see that... then again...

0 ( +5 / -5 )

@Jaymann. Precisely, and Abe now has the new secrets bill to muzzle the press and only divulge what information he wants divulged. @Ossan America, beating your anti-China drum as usual. Were it not for the new secrets act, conveniently coming into force despite widespread opposition soon after Tokyo was awarded the 2020 Olympics - I might have been a little tempted to support Chinas position. @Joe Bigs: Abe refuses to recognise the existence of a dispute, despite the fact that when the Chinese and Japanese governments agreed to "shelve the issue" in 1972 and 1978 they were both tacitly agreeing that just such a dispute existed. All Japan has to do is revert the status of the islands to pre-2012 status, and block any future purchases. Lo and behold, things will simmer down. Heres an interesting link http://japanfocus.org/-Gavan-McCormack/3947

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

@OssanAmerica ...Sorry but no country agrees with China's ADIZ or it's behavior. The entire world sees China as ...

I think you are stepping out on a limb here, claiming to speak for the "entire world". For a start, 1/3 of the worlds population is in China.

@aussie-musashi ... All Japan has to do is revert the status of the islands to pre-2012 status, and block any future purchases ...

In order to keep the islands in their pre-2012 status, under the governance of PM Noda (some of) the islands were purchased by the government from their private owners. So your wish has already been granted.

By August of 2012 mayor of Tokyo Ishihara had privately raised 18+ million dollars for the purchase of (some of) the islands (officially by the Tokyo Govt, although with private money) with the intention of building a weather station and a dock. This building would have represented a change of the status quo, which Japan's govt has long avoided. To avoid change in status quo, for years the Japanese government had been renting the islands and preventing any private developement or visitation of the islands. Japanese PM Noda responded by offering the private owner 26+ million dollars for (some of) the islands. His bigger offer won; the islands had become safe from being used a platform for a provocative change of status quo. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/asia-pacific/japan/120905/senkaku-islands-east-china-sea Before the central government via Noda made it's bid, the Chinese media had been truthfully about Ishihara's efforts to purchase the islands. The Chinese media correctly represented him as troublemaker. But when Noda's government purchased (some of) the islands to squeeze Ishihara out, the Chinese media erased the part of the story concerning Ishihara, instead representing Noda's purchase as a spontaneous attempt to alter the status quo. So in fact, representing Noda's purchase as a spontaneous attempt to alter the status quo is a lie. Behind the lie, is a motive. The motive is to pick a fight with Japan. It is a sad reflection of China's values that it decides to spend it new found power picking a fight with Japan. But unfortunately that is the way it is for now.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I would go the other way, and say it suits Abe nothing better than to make the Japanese people fearful of China so he can push through his secrecy bill, and moves to amend to constitution. If Japan were to refer the case to the ICJ anyway, they would have to admit there is a "dispute". Thus far they keep insisting there isnt one, so for all of you who support Japans position in this, keep that in mind

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

@Craig hicks - have you not considered that the Japanese government knew full well how China would respond? The present situation is fantastic for Abe and his clear aim to re-militarise Japan.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

@Jaymann: Absolutely. Abe has a secrecy bill to filter what the public should know about Fukushima in the leadup to the 2020 Olympics. Now his comment: "Let me assure you the situation is under control," takes on its true meaning

0 ( +3 / -3 )


I have supplied many links to you from non biased site. You want to know more, you have to read them. I recalled you submitted East Asia Sea ADIZ wiki in similar thread and blindly argued as Japan inherited US ADIZ as original condition. Japan is innocent about current size. Nathaw nicely pointed out that Japan ADIZ is no longer the same as 1969 as you mentioned.

It was obvious that you did not read your link before posting it. Chunky1376 has posted as you deliberately misinformed for your agenda. Although I do not wish to go that far for offending you, I believed that you have not read your link or other posters links. Sound like you rushed to argue instead of referring from your own link.

If you have no information about Japan aggression and harassing neighbor civilian air plane, you have to research more. Japan is not Snow White as you portrayed. PRC is not saint either. However Japan torched the flame first. PRC has just declared her AIDZ a few weeks ago. Do you have any information about PRC has shot down any of commercial and military air craft?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

@Jaymann: Please explain why you would be afraid of a military stronger Japan and why you are not afraid about the rapidly growing military strength of China. We do not live in the 1940s or earlier anymore. Japan has developed to a western nation, highly valued, Japan is a today a democracy, recognized by the world, is contributing to many peace missions and is the biggest donator of developing aid to China and many other countries. China is governed by a regime, which killed millions in the past, which is still heavily suppressing people opinion and free education, still is a totalitarian regime using nationalism as a tool for power, drowned in corruption, very seriously violating human rights, in territorial conflicts with many of its neighbor states,… Of which country are you afraid of?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

@promote Truth. I don't believe that I mentioned or implied 'fear' in anything I pointed out above.

However, seeing as you raise the point. It is a bit disturbing that Japan is clearly manipulating public opinion in order to militarise. Clearly this is necessary as Japan's public has remained steadfastly pacifist for much of the lat 60 years. In much the way the US lied to its public, the UN and the wider Global community to manufacturer a crisis in Iraq and Afghanistan - Japan has manufactured a crisis with China. China have been played (expertly IMO); they have responded in an utterly predictable manner and now Abe will reap the benefits he and his War apologists and nationalist buddies desire.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

No point fussing with the soulless one. Japanese history books have become manga.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japan should rescind its ADIZ first before asking other Asian leaders to be wary of China new ADIZ. Abe San makes himself look foolish isn't he?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Who would ASEAN be willing to work with? a country that promises peaceful business and development or a country that wants to forcefully take the sea that belongs to the ASEAN region? gosh its is such an easy choice lol

1 ( +3 / -2 )

No its not only about Japan and Abe "secret plans" to go backwards. China could not make up half of what they are doing only as a response to Abes intentions. Instead it is as usual in this world, it takes two to tango. China makes moves, Abe responds, then China responds, and then Abe responds and so on. Basically they are supporting each other but I seriously doubt that they know what the consequences may be. To this day I find Chinas covert and "secret plans" more interesting than Abes.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

CraigHicksDec. 16, 2013 - 01:48PM JST @OssanAmerica ...Sorry but no country agrees with China's ADIZ or it's behavior. The entire world sees China as ... I think you are stepping out on a limb here, claiming to speak for the "entire world". For a start, 1/3 of the worlds >population is in China.

The "entire world" refers to the number of sovereign counties. Not the population.

ZenpunDec. 16, 2013 - 02:53PM JST Ossan I have supplied many links to you from non biased site.

But you still have no answered my question. When has Japan ever shot down a commercial airliner as China has done in 1954?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Ossan: "But you still have no answered my question. When has Japan ever shot down a commercial airliner as China has done in 1954?"

Nearly 70 years ago? really? This from a guy who demands South Koreans forget about the past and 'move on'? Anyway, CraigHicks gave you more than what you asked, as I did yesterday, and you continue to deflect. Please stop being so inflammatory.

"The "entire world" refers to the number of sovereign counties. Not the population."

Last I checked the 'entire world' referred to the entire world, not what an ossan suggests it is. Please define "entire world" for us, Ossan.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Nearly 70 years ago? really? This from a guy who demands South Koreans forget about the past and 'move on'?

The same People's Army that shot that plane down exists today. The same cannot be said for the Japanese Imperial Army.

For the record, I denounce China's denounciation as slanderous and rediculous as all of their actions in this matter have been of late.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The most important thing that the Japanese can & should do is to keep spending money after the April comsumer tax hike. Sure the Chinese & Koreans war crime complaints will get louder & more aggressive but the world doesn't care by then and neither should Japan. Japan should quit becoming involved in petty confrontations and concentrate on big picture.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yes i China did shot an airline in 1954, less than 10 years after WW2, the last commercial airline shot down was in 1988 by US navy in the Persian Gulf flight 655 and was over international water too, so we should bring back war crime that Japan did after all it was it 1937 less than 20 years.

The same People's Army that shot that plane down exists today.

Same goes for JSDF they are the same people just change of name, they are still Japanese as are the PLA still same Chinese.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

It's pretty funny, China is starting to sound like NK. Or is that the other way round?

If China was to give up the "nine dashed line" claim to all of the South China Sea then there might be some discussion possible. But since China is going into the area with force it's obvious that they are the side that is causing all the trouble. If Ishihara had bought the Senkaku islands and put people on them would China have been happier? I think not. So why all the bluster? To get support at home? To expand territory? Is the Chinese government so lacking in their study of history that they don't see that their actions are going to have serious consequences? I guess not.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

ZenpunDec. 16, 2013 - 02:53PM JST Ossan I have supplied many links to you from non biased site. You want to know more, you have to read them. I recalled you >submitted East Asia Sea ADIZ wiki in similar thread and blindly argued as Japan inherited US ADIZ as original >condition. Japan is innocent about current size. Nathaw nicely pointed out that Japan ADIZ is no longer the same as >1969 as you mentioned.

Zenpun. I know that you are attempting to equate Japan as the aggressor and that China's ADIZ is no different from Japan's. But you are ignoring he fact that multiple countries are objecting to China's ADIZ, whereas that is not the case with Japan's, either original or expanded. Even you admitted that because countries like South Korea and Taiwan are US allies they would not raise a loud objection. You are likely right in this regard. But the fact remains that Japan's ADIZ is NOT a concern to others, whereas China's certainly is. I know that you can not find an example of Japan ever shooting down a commercial airliner. Whereas China has. So there again efforts to show how belligerent Japan is in enforcing it's ADIZ are, to coin a Chinese phrase, groundless.

smithinjapanDec. 16, 2013 - 11:06PM JST "Ossan: "But you still have no answered my question. When has Japan ever shot down a commercial airliner as China has done in 1954?"

Nearly 70 years ago? really?

1954 is 59 years ago smith.

This from a guy who demands South Koreans forget about the past and 'move on'?

Yup, the Colonization ended 58 years,South Koreans settled and signed a Treaty in 1965 which was 48 years ago, and South Koreans should get over their "fixation" and move on.

Anyway, CraigHicks gave you more than what you asked, as I did yesterday, and you continue to deflect. Please stop >being so inflammatory.

No I'm not being inflammatory. And you saying so doesn't make it so.

"The "entire world" refers to the number of sovereign counties. Not the population."

Last I checked the 'entire world' referred to the entire world, not what an ossan suggests it is. Please define "entire >world" for us, Ossan.

In the context of the exchange where you invariably butt in, it means numerous countries in the region. Didn't I ask you to ignore my posts?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Readers, please stop bickering.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Promote_truthDec. 16, 2013 - 03:42AM JST

Replying with too much force and counter-pressure might be just what China's regime is waiting for.

Yep, this is the most rational analysis I have heard here.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Same goes for JSDF they are the same people just change of name, they are still Japanese as are the PLA still same Chinese

No, JSDF is not the Imperial Army and the present Japanese government and the structure of the government is far different than it was before WWII. There is no comparison. The PLA is exactly the same as is the government of China.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Be aware that China is just waiting for a right moment to strike back and to play a victim role when US or Japan makes mistake.

From my personal experiences in the past with Chinese peasants, that's what they do to get you. You need to be very careful when dealing with Chinese. They are very manipulative and provocative in nature. They are the last ones to know what is fair and just. Chinese are just different and they will never change. Your property is theirs, their property is theirs. They are not giving people. They are all takers. You give one inch, then they take a yard. You give one yard, then they take a mile. I have nothing to do with them to keep myself in peace.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Japan can try to bring the SEAsian nations to its side with money. But in the next 2 months delegations from these nations would be visiting China to firm ties and Japan can just look and see its economic waste. Many SEAsian nations are different today and $20billion is nothing. Maybe try $1 trillion.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

It's amazing how politicians can take countries to war by rhetorics alone. This is how world war one started. It's been a hundred years since then. With that generation all dead and gone. Memories faded. Time now to repeat the history.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It's amazing how politicians can take countries to war by rhetorics alone.

China has done more than rhetoric. They've unilaterally declared an air zone. Heck, they've even declared Okinawa as a part of China. China can stop this any time they'd like. However, they won't because they'd prefer that their own citizens look outward rather than look at domestic problems. Standard trick.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Well, until Okinawa was annexed in the late 1870s it certainly wasnt part of Japan. Japan can stop this anytime they like by suggesting to China that the matter gets resolved at the ICJ. To do that however, Japan would have to admit there is a dispute. To be fair, the US doesnt recognise the ICJ, thus weakening China`s incentive, as a superpower of sorts, to join. So, the onus is on Japan to eat humble pie and make the first move

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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