Japan Today

China dismisses criticism of Wang's comments appearing to push for race-based alliance


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Europeans and Americans are incapable of distinguishing among Chinese, Koreans and Japanese.

If it matters, I actually find it quite easy. But like I say, it doesn't matter

“No matter how yellow you dye your hair, or how sharp you make your nose, you’ll never turn into a European or American, you’ll never turn into a Westerner,

Some serious hang ups with the top brass.

20 ( +22 / -2 )

No matter how yellow you dye your hair, or how sharp you make your nose, you’ll never turn into a European or American, you’ll never turn into a Westerner"

Could you even imagine for one second a European or North American leader, matter-of-factly declaring: "No matter how black you dye your hair, or how moon-shaped you make your face, you’ll never turn into an East Asian" ???

26 ( +29 / -3 )

Simply a dumb way to talk about a shared history which includes literature and the arts as well as Confucian learning.

Maybe it's time for Wang to step aside for someone younger and more capable.

18 ( +20 / -2 )

Simply a dumb way to talk about a shared history which includes literature and the arts as well as Confucian learning.

Don't forget the Persian/Indian influence of commerce and religion that fed into it all too

15 ( +17 / -2 )

Enter Trump stage left.


Ok, could you even imagine for one second a European or North American leader - besides The Donald - matter-of-factly making that declaration?

Wang's ridiculous comments come from an absolute clown of a man representing a complete joke of a regime.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

And, unless you learn Mandarin, give up your religion, give up your desire for freedom from the repressive CCP, endorse the ideological nonsense of Pooh you will never even take one step along the road to becoming an acceptable Chinese, according to the fools like Wang that run the place. Bear that in mind any Koreans and Japanese tempted by this tripe. And will you ever be Han in the arrogant centre of the world?

16 ( +22 / -6 )

Ok, could you even imagine for one second a European or North American leader - besides The Donald - matter-of-factly making that declaration?


4 ( +9 / -5 )

What a lot of BS coming out of China.

Can or does anyone want to become Chinese?

20 ( +24 / -4 )

And people say the US is racist. My god.

18 ( +26 / -8 )

China on Wednesday dismissed criticism of racially tinged comments by its top diplomat, who said Europeans and Americans are incapable of distinguishing among Chinese, Koreans and Japanese.

Childish comment from a top diplomat but most East Asians cannot distinguish between people from the Caribbean and North Africans, or East Africans and South Asians, or Northern Europeans and their standard image of Caucasian Americans.

But sowing identitarian division is the hot thing East and West to cover up oligarchical shenanigans.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

What a wang.

8 ( +17 / -9 )

Obviously China does not understand America at all. In addition to that, it is easy to tell the difference between Asian's regarding which country they come from. America is a country of immigrants who do not have [yellow hair and sharp noses] as indicated in the article. America stands for every country, and that is the joke on China. We stand united, including Chinese people who live in America as well.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

“The irony of ... Wang Yi telling Japanese and Koreans “you can never become an American,” is that Japanese and Koreans become Americans every day,” wrote Jeff M. Smith, director of the Asian Studies Center at U.S. think tank The Heritage Foundation.

True. The converse of Wang’s statement is also true. You can never become Japanese if you’re a foreigner, even if you’re born in Japan.

In that sense Wang seems to think Americans are white Caucasians and Koreans and Japanese or non-white people will never be white. Not that they are trying to be as he seems to be implying.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Wang's comments, whilst not the most diplomatic, are clearly in response to the massive wave of anti-Chinese McCarthyism currently sweeping across the US, particularly among scientists of Chinese descent. In a recent study some 72% of scientists of Chinese descent said they didn't feel safe in the US, with some 61% declaring they intended to leave.


The highest-profile leaver so far been Cheng Li, who left the think-tank Brookings Institute recently after 17 years, including 9 as the leader of the John L. Thornton China Centre:

"He said he thought that McCarthyism was returning to America, and that living in the US had become more uncomfortable for Chinese-Americans like him. While giving public talks, Li said he was increasingly asked to clarify which side he was speaking for: “When I say ‘we,’ people ask, what do you mean by ‘we’?”


-18 ( +7 / -25 )

OK, so this is China's top diplomat, highest ranking, and this is how he sees the world. Bring on full decoupling and isolation please, sooner the better.

“Only a region that is united and self-reliant can eliminate external interference and achieve sustainable development,” added Wang

LOL, SK, Taiwan, SK even HK and commie Vietnam et al are very united against China LOL

13 ( +17 / -4 )

“The irony of ... Wang Yi telling Japanese and Koreans “you can never become an American,” is that Japanese and Koreans become Americans every day,” wrote Jeff M. Smith, director of the Asian Studies Center at U.S. think tank The Heritage Foundation.

“They’re part of the fabric of America. What they can’t become is Chinese. Tone deaf. Again,” Smith wrote.

Calling that Dick Wang tone deaf is a very diplomatic way of putting it.

OK, so this is China's top diplomat, highest ranking, and this is how he sees the world. Bring on full decoupling and isolation please, sooner the better.

Hear hear!

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Ha! Well, it's true. To Europeans and North, Central and South Americans, Asians are just Chinese.

Just the same as non Asian faces in Japan, to the Japanese they all come from that one country called gaikoku. Pretty sure in China they must think the same way about non Asians.

-13 ( +6 / -19 )

Wang's comments, whilst not the most diplomatic,


A diplomat, the highest ranking diplomat, that requires defense fro his iwn department? How does that work?

13 ( +17 / -4 )

China is the most racist country I've ever visited, by far. The CCP Govt is always producing Japanese hated propaganda. Unfortunately, it works with the less informed Chinese people and has been used for many decades. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/chinas-propaganda-campaign-against-japan/2014/01/16/925ed924-7caa-11e3-93c1-0e888170b723_story.html Racism is alive in China.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

How about this one from Mike Pompeo?

But his comments, made aboard a flight to Japan, stirred controversy for another reason: He committed a faux pas by saying that the United States was beginning “to put some outlines around the substance of the agenda for the summit between the president and Chairman Un.” NY Times

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

Becoming a usa citizen and Becoming American isn't the same thing .

Funny that, Elon Musk often refers to himself as American, South African, Canadian...

The law professor that wrote the Patriot Act wad an Asian (Chinese?) migrant, and he says he's American. Countless paperclip migrants/refugees say they are patriotic American....

Who's got the power to tell anyone else how he/she feels about themselves? You?

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Lets get serious here, this Xi appointed diplomat's only defense is that he was told by Xi, what to convey, how to convey it, and how to feel afterwards.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Wang's comments, whilst not the most diplomatic, 

My, we certainly are being very muted in our criticism of an extraordinary display of xenophobia from a senior official representing the position of the Chinese government, aren’t we?

are clearly in response to the massive wave of anti-Chinese McCarthyism currently sweeping across the US, particularly among scientists of Chinese descent. In a recent study some 72% of scientists of Chinese descent said they didn't feel safe in the US, with some 61% declaring they intended to leave.

No, that is you projecting a motive on Wang that fits your worldview, not what Wang’s actual motive as representative of the Chinese state is. The Chinese government doesn’t base its foreign policy around the experiences of racism that Chinese-Americans have had to deal with. That isn’t a high priority for the Chinese Communist party, which views most ofthose people as politically suspicious anyway.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Because that is just how clueless and “provincial” in their thinking the CCP is.

The idea that race supersedes ideology and values (maybe because they have none) is the hallmark of other authoritarian dictatorships and their wannabes (cough cough).

Its actually kind of funny as it gives away the game of the so-called “worldwide” communist ideology as exemplified by “the international”, lol.

I guess race-based alliances are “socialism with Chinese characteristics”?

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Becoming a usa citizen and Becoming American isn't the same thing .

All citizens of the United States are by definition Americans whether that suits you or not.


9 ( +13 / -4 )

Koreans ,ethnic Japanese ,Chinese are predominantly Han as it's the largest gene pool in SE Asia and the world.

and if you go back far enough all Asians originated in Africa, the human genome doesn't lie, we all have ancestral African DNA we all have a common ancestry which is why different races can procreate just like people of the same race

4 ( +9 / -5 )

We can all witness how divided and un-united the United States of America is.

You can choose to hate the Chinese as you please .

ask the Uyghurs how they feel about being Chinese

10 ( +13 / -3 )

To some degree I agree, Japan, China, and Korea, wealth and economic power combined could prosper the entire Asian continent and lift it out of poverty, not only Asia but the Middle East, Africa, and South America will all benefit, what's even better if The U.S. and the western world join and put and end to this east vs. west race that is dragging us down.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Is Wang a racist?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Is this Wang muppet disgracefully suggesting Japan should "stick together" with deplorable nations such as Communist China, North Kirea etc simply because they are also Asian?

Probably the most laughable thing I've read all year.

Try telling a British person they should have "stuck together" with Nazi Germany back in the day, simply because they "have the same roots". See where that ends up.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

What a great article to start the day!

“No matter how yellow you dye your hair, or how sharp you make your nose, you’ll never turn into a European or American, you’ll never turn into a Westerner,"

Same can be said for naturalized westerners or even "haafu" born here (which I simply refer to some of them as "hakujin").

There is nothing wrong with race solidarity.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

We had some South Korean students in my grad school program. During one of our study sessions in a student's home the subject of European and Asian accents came up. Those of us who were of European descent could tell a French accent from an Italian, German or British accent while the South Korean students could not. It all sounded the same to them. But, the South Korean students could instantly tell apart the accents of Koreans, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese speaking English. Having spent a lot of time in Asia I could tell some of these apart myself but the other students of European descent could not. We thought it was funny and gave it no further thought.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Is Wang a racist?

I think what you are seeing are some of the failures of the Chinese educational system under communism. My wife is from Shanghai. She is an electrical engineer but she knows absolutely nothing about the Middle East, the various conflicts there, or a lot of the world's recent history we in the west are all familiar with. They are never exposed to any of the ideas upon which western civilization is built. They will never read anything from Voltaire or James Madison for example. They give lip service to the equality of man but in reality the whole of the Chinese system is built upon the superiority of the Han Chinese. They are taught it was the Han who dragged the Tibetans out of slavery and serfdom and into the 21st Century. I had to force my wife to read some western historical sources for her to finally understand that the US did not attack North Korea to start the Korean War as she was taught nor did Vietnam attack China in 1979. She also didn't know Chinese forces got their butts kicked by the Vietnamese. She was taught Vietnam attacked China and the Chinese beat them.

So the Wangster is a product of his culture and a poster child for much that is wrong with the communist Chinese educational system.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

There is nothing wrong with race solidarity.

So, you support the notion of sticking by and favouring individuals and/or regimes - no matter how deplorable they are - simply because of a shared race? A man with initials AH also espoused those views very strongly.

Bizarre and creepy - at best.

0 ( +13 / -13 )

A cautionary argument is made here that much of the CCP nomenklatura is poorly educated by the standards of their western counterparts, including and perhaps especially Xi Jinping. With a few rare exceptions you do not find people in the CCP who are well read and who have any kind of deep understanding of other societies. There is no effort to learn either as doing so could get you in trouble. The take their prejudices with them everywhere so the possibility of a miscalculation due to their shallow understanding of other societies is very real. In this instance it is not much more than some public embarrassment. But such a lack of basic understanding of other nations could lead to a miscalculation that leads to combat. It is a serious and real problem when dealing with China.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

“One needs to know where one’s roots are," Wang said at a trilateral forum in the northern Chinese city of Qingdao on Monday.

A simple DNA check will provide all the historical information on your genetic origins. None of which should shackle you or your actions and ambitions in life.

"China, Japan, Korea — if we can join hands and cooperate, it would not only suit the interests of our three countries, but also the wishes of our peoples

BS. the vast majority of people in Japan and South Korea want little to do with a China run by the CCP. They are much more open to working with democratic Taiwan.

and together we can prosper, revitalize East Asia and enrich the world."

A laudable goal but simply not achievable as long as the CCP runs China. The CCP are the problem. Until they come to understand and accept that fact, they have no way of building cooperative coalitions like the West does. The CCP are not only not trusted, they are reviled.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Wang Yi emphasized cooperation among the three nations, adding that “some major countries outside the region deliberately exaggerate ideological differences, weave various exclusive small circles, and try to replace cooperation with confrontation and unity with division.

Wang is suggesting his own exclusive small circle while condemning that very same thing when done by others. (China can do what it likes but others can not). Hypocrite.

Wang deliberately dismisses ideological differences as insignificant or simply smoke and shadow. In other words does not take the concerns of others seriously and is not prepared to change to accommodate them.

The only ones looking for confrontation are the CCP who want the world to allow them to do anything and everything they want regardless of who they step all over in the process. Taiwan being a prime example.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

If Wang Yi had said that China, Japan and Korea share the same Confucian values, his comment would have been OK. Because these countries share essentially the same civilization (with important regional differences), East Asian cultural identity could be used to promote better relations, a sense of deep relatedness among Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. Wang's use of racial imagery was crude.

Actually, I have always been dismayed by Japanese efforts to put cultural and civilizational distance between Japan and its neighbors on the Asian mainland. Japanese ethno-centrism usually takes one of two forms: (1) Nihonjinron, theories of Japanese uniqueness, which claims that Japanese "civilization" is essentially different from any other on earth (and superior); and (2) the view, first advocated by Fukuzawa Yukichi in the 19th century, that Japan should turn its back on its Asian neighbors and become a "European" country.

Hopefully, Nihonjinron is largely a thing of the past (though it was echoed in Abe's bullsh*t about "beautiful Japan"), but PM Kishida's undying enthusiasm for emphasing that his country is part of the G-7, the elite club of "developed" nations, and his enthusiastic backing of Ukraine after Feb. 2022 shows that the fever dream of Fukuzawa, who advocated Japanese colonization of Asia, is far from dead.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

As if they can tell the differences in Europeans. No irony there.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The government of China political agenda has no benign congenial intent.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi aim is divisive, it sole purpose to create discord, fan the regional flames tensions, the disparaging racial slant eye slurs, the west can't tell the difference trope.  

Without doubt the dictatorship of China wants to exert control until the time comes to control every aspect of vital trading shipping routes.

What will be the result, war.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

More low resolution nonsense from the Wangman.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

What ol' Jack Burton always saysToday 08:12 am JST

“The irony of ... Wang Yi telling Japanese and Koreans “you can never become an American,” is that Japanese and Koreans become Americans every day,” wrote Jeff M. Smith, director of the Asian Studies Center at U.S. think tank The Heritage Foundation.


Becoming a usa citizen and Becoming American isn't the same thing .Furthermore the joke is that people that think their Americans aka USA citizens are standing united.

We can all witness how divided and un-united the United States of America is.

The only political division of consequence is between Republican and Democrat, not between races. No race is a monolith politically, either.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Wang used wrong illustrations in describing the differences between Asian societies, cultures and politics between USA and Western alliances that want to sow wedges between Asian countries.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Stupid scumbag!!!!

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is a puppet worked by strings or the feet of the body politic, reminiscent of a long forgone Chinese proletariat, no significant recognizable ownership of the means of production.

Out of the classroom to be forcibly inflicted on a entire nation.

Which will have devastating consequences globally.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

and together we can prosper, revitalize East Asia and enrich the world."

If only you knew the power of the dark side...

Ha! Well, it's true. To Europeans and North, Central and South Americans, Asians are just Chinese.

To most Northern and Western Europeans, Eastern Europeans are just some sort of Russian.

Koreans ,ethnic Japanese ,Chinese are predominantly Han as it's the largest gene pool in SE Asia and the world.

Lots of Japanese have more in common with Mr. Shoigu than Mr. Wang. Especially the northern half of the country. Also Japan is not in South-East Asia.

Becoming a usa citizen and Becoming American isn't the same thing .

The first Americans came from Jomon Japan. Google Kelp Highway.

the view, first advocated by Fukuzawa Yukichi in the 19th century,

Are you also going to talk about Pan-Turanism, too?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

View the photo Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi  has spent a life grimacing spiting contempt and threats at his neighbors.

Now any thought of a smile.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is completely alien to his facial muscular furniture.

It is all south.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

And the facts show that the Japanese Koreans and Chinese can’t either.

here. Met so many Japanese who said they could but once you take fashion and make up out of the equations they are no different than Caucasians, or black.

imagine saying the Chinese can’t distinguish between a Brit, French or German or Canadian or American. Absolutely shocking. Anyone one says they can do it purely by face should’ve made to do this test. Just to challenge their racial assumptions.or should that be national assumptions after all your supposed to be the same race.


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Most Asians can't tell one Asian from another. Try being Japanese and visiting a Chinese restaurant.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Nothing like a racist ideology to gee up the dullards.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I generally don't like to call people names, but what an idiot this guy is.

Japanese, Chinese, and Korean people can't become American? Or Canadian for that matter?

How, then, to explain the fact that millions of Americans and Canadians are of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean descent.

I also wonder if Mr. Wang would be able to tell German and Polish people apart. Or French and Spanish people. Or Greek and Turkish. Or Scandinavians and Russians. And so on.

These sorts of idiotic comments need to be called out, although sometimes I wonder if they deserve being dignified at all with any response.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

“No matter how yellow you dye your hair, or how sharp you make your nose, you’ll never turn into a European or American, you’ll never turn into a Westerner..."

This genius apparently thinks that all Americans, Europeans, and Westerners in general are white.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I think the man is right .

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Could you even imagine for one second a European or North American leader, matter-of-factly declaring: "No matter how black you dye your hair, or how moon-shaped you make your face, you’ll never turn into an East Asian" ???

No, can't imagine. However, I don't even have to imagine a former US President who describes COVID as "Kung Flu", and idolizes Putin.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Unfortunately, what he says is correct. But can't tell the truth these days l can we?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Furthermore the joke is that people that think their Americans aka USA citizens are standing united.

We can all witness how divided and un-united the United States of America is.

It’s so very clear you are not American, have never been to America, and have no idea of what you speak.

I do find it endlessly amusing though that whenever a sordidly foul remark or action comes from the levers of power of a despotic regime like the CCP, the usual suspects, without skipping a beat, will post “But America!”

Endlessly entertaining.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Abe234, out of 30 staff here in Kochi and 20 staff in Nagoya that I sent your links, not one successfully identified more than eight.

I managed just five, all guesses....

Tomorrow night is Izakaya night, let see what a few drinks has.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I sent this link to Brighton, HR was having none of it......

Guess the Asian... it is good fun none the less.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Look for balance.......

Life in the UK Test.....

Not as much fun as Abe234 this is for real, worth a try?


0 ( +0 / -0 )

While true you cant change your genetic history, that by no means defines you or what you can do, or where you can live and call home or have allegiance to.

You can look at strangers and see those people with Asian, or Black or Scandinavian genetic majority in their DNA makeup. What you cant tell by looking at someone is what country they were born in, what citizenship they have or what country they love and call home. Humans have been moving around the planet freely for the most part for hundreds of years. Some nations have a larger mix of ancestry than others. Japan has less foreigners than the US has as citizens but both do have citizens outside the majority racial profiles.

China under the CCP is of the mind that your genetics should determine your allegiance over anything else. So anyone with Chinese genetic majority should be loyal to China and the CCP. This narrow minded and absolutely wrong way of viewing humanity is so obvious that even China recognizes this is simply a ploy to get expats to spy for them. They exploit familial ties to coerce cooperation from Chinese who are second, third or fourth generation expats, based purely on genetics. Who in their right mind would want to give loyalty to the CCP when they are fourth generation American Chinese or European Chinese? I submit that nobody does. But the CCP expect it.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Abe234, and others how did you do?


I managed 20 correct answers.

I can stay in the UK?

Not quite.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japanese citizenship in all honestly, I failed, spoken passed, my written was pants, yet here I am.

Japan government gave me a pass.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Unfortunately, in much of Chinese culture, race is important. Forthe majority Han people, all the rest were barbarians. An exception was Confucius, who taught a value-based identity irrespective of physical characteristics, but he was smartly pushed aside by fakes during the Han Dynasty, and you have fakes manning the Confucius Institutes. Xi Jinping told Trump at the Beijing airport on the latter's visit in 2017 -- "Yellow skin, black hair, dark eyes, Descendants of the Dragon, for thousands of years....". Which unwittingly defined away the Uighurs who do not share the same characteristics. In China, Wang's comments are quite standard, especially but not limited to the ultra-nationalists. One should just stay away from China to not get insulted.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

xin xin unarguably, spot on,

However culturally it is persuading politically other conflicting cultures to accept whose culture is dominant, so takes president

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Look for balance.......

> Life in the UK Test.....

> Not as much fun as Abe234 this is for real, worth a try?

> https://lifeintheuktest.com/

I only answered 18 out 0f 24

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Wow China is so desperate it is trying to unite Asia against Europeans and America with their own race war theory. Is he saying us against them?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What a queer thing to say, especially from a man who looks soooo incredibly camp. Never mind, it’s what we have come to expect from these disfunctional loons who live in their own fake reality.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

it’s what we have come to expect from these disfunctional loons who live in their own fake reality.

Here, here and well said! Lol

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Says a man sporting a Brook Brother's suit.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

China's official view is that there is a difference between Japanese and Chinese DNA.

A new study by a research team led by Xu Shuhua of the Institute of Computational Biology, Shanghai Academy of Life Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences found significant differences in gene expression between Han Chinese and Japanese. However, the contribution of genetic variation ranged from 7% to 43%. China News reported.

The Han Chinese and the Japanese have the same genetic origin, and have a high degree of similarity in their appearance. However, despite this, there is an impression that Han Chinese and Japanese are generally distinguishable by appearance. This is probably due to differences in culture, behavior and gestures, and some accompanying visual differences.

Then, from a biological angle, what kind of differences exist between the Han Chinese and the Japanese? Was this difference brought about by environmental differences or due to genetic factors? Xu's research team tackled this issue by exploring and examining gene expression profiles.

When the research team analyzed the expression profiles of all genes of the Han Chinese and Japanese in detail, it was found that there were overall differences in the gene expression profiles of the Han Chinese and Japanese. Although the Han Chinese and Japanese have similarities in appearance and genetic origin, there are significant differences from a genomic angle.

As a result of the comparative analysis conducted by the research team, it was found that there were genes with large differences in expression between these two groups. In addition, through searches of complex trait association analysis databases and functional annotation of genes, some of these genes have been found to be related to blood and biochemical characteristics, and some to height and some diseases. bottom. However, due to the lack of epidemiological survey data and definitive phenotypic data, the specific association and mechanism are unknown at this time.

The study found that there are not only geographical, linguistic, and cultural differences between the Han Chinese and Japanese, but also biological differences. These differences will be more accurately quantified and objectively described by future natural science research. The results of this research were published in the online version of Medical Genetics, and were evaluated as "helpful in understanding the relationship between gene expression and genetic variation" and "helpful in elucidating the molecular mechanisms that lead to phenotypic differences between closely related populations." was done.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

His fool is completely on another level. Insults just roll off this tougue with ease. Like I stated before they need us more then we need them. China is a huge importer of foods and fuels and want to insult the hand that will be feeding them well into the future, brilliant move Wang. Has for studies they all forgot to mention the large difference between the Han Chinese and the Japanese where one group being genetic losers big time.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Oh my, how rich for this diplomat to appeal to "racial unity" among Chinese, South Korea, and Japan, considering that its government indoctrinates its citizens to despise Japanese/Japan from a young age (same with South Korea). The Chi-Comm government sure is one helluva delusional entity.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

 Has for studies they all forgot to mention the large difference between the Han Chinese and the Japanese where one group being genetic losers big time.

I am the biggest advocate of the destruction of Communist China. But to suggest one group are "genetic losers" compared to another is rubbish and harks back to a very dark time. Free Taiwan, for instance, have everything to be proud of. Taiwan's population is largely Han Chinese.

Racial "solidarity" is a complete nonsense.

People who love freedom and democracy will show solidarity to nations like Taiwan over Communist China.

Wang is an irrelevance.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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