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© Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.China, Japan slug it out in the world's press
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China in recent rapid economic success has become swollen headed but its mentality is 50 or 100 years behind the time. We have to wait patiently the country to grow mentally mature. I hope China may not hit serious problems politically and economically under the undemocratic one-party communist government rule in the future.
The fundamental approach to Beijing should be based on the perception of China as a nation beginning to open its doors after 200 years of suffering foreign aggression and isolation. I hope Japan - China relations gets better before it gets worse.
“It is not Japan that most of Asia and the international community worry about; it is China,”
All of Asia and the entire world recognizes this fact. It is only China that believes it can use the 1950s Red Guard approach of telling a lie over and over again until the world gives up and accepts it as reality.
"Cui accused Abe of denying wartime atrocities and linked his homage at Yasukuni to his government’s efforts to loosen the constitutional constraints to reform Japan’s military and project power overseas."
Perhaps Cui would like to tell the world what "constitutional constraints" China has on its military, and how building 4 more aircraft carriers isn't an attempt to project power overseas. Chinese foreign ministry officials are obviously not in a position to express anything other than the official government line that they are ordered to repeat. But surely they must realize that they are beginning to appear more like a bunch of monkeys than professional diplomats. Especially when making such comments in the United States.
"On October 3, 2013, the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee (SCC) convened in Tokyo, with the participation of both the U.S. Secretaries of State and Defense and Japan’s Ministers for Foreign Affairs and of Defense. On the occasion of this historic meeting, the SCC reaffirmed the indispensable role our two countries play in the maintenance of international peace and security and reconfirmed our Alliance’s commitment to the security of Japan through the full range of U.S. military capabilities, including nuclear and conventional. The two sides also set forth a strategic vision that, reflecting our shared values of democracy, the rule of law, free and open markets, and respect for human rights, will effectively promote peace, security, stability, and economic prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region."
Alejandro S. Arashi
On the issue of who Voldemort is, there is a very big elephant in the room. In terms of who is the evil lord who most plunged this part of the world into death and destruction, one man stands out for the sheet number of people he killed. This is made ten times worse by the fact that this evil lord killed all of these men in a time of peace.
Lord Voldemort's first name is Mao.
China/USA alliance will become always stronger. They are doing a good job building up a dangerous image of Japan.
Japanese media, including JPToday, has historically been hostile to China using different tactics. They feed the Japanese public with fabricated stories, selectively pick personal comments to distort the facts, recycle American media reports whenever it falls in its favor, and plays victim games when international opinions turns against it.
It has remarkable success in the year gone. Only recently the world has opened eyes to find the truth.
And that is the "Final Answer" simply because of Chinese state control over the facts reality, press, media and its people.
Jay Que
Hmmm. Communist Prc or Democratic Japan. Tough for an American like me to choose. Ummm. Japan wins. Thanks all.
Peter McGreevy
As an Australian I can say that I really love Japan so much, but China is a greedy country with nothing but jealousy. They think they are bigger than what they are and they should let the past go.
China is about as communisr as Japan is democratic. That is to say not at all.
“Better to escalate on the pages of newspapers than in other ways.” That’s a good point although Beijing seems not interested in "ceasing fire" in the media war with Japan at this point.
Another big hurdle Japan faces now is that the trustworthy relationship between the US and Japan has been somewhat damaged by the recent incident. For instance, last Friday, Susan Rice, national security adviser for the Whitehouse spoke with Shotaro Yachi ( a special envoy sent to Washington and European countries to explain Abe’s Yasukuni Shrine visit by Japanese Government), telling him that the US is unhappy about Abe’s “peace-prayer” shrine visit. In addition, she urged Abe’s Admin to deal those thorny issues with neighboring countries by dialogue and diplomacy. In other wards, Obama’s admin wants Japanese government to make serious efforts to do some damage controls. Otherwise, the support from the US could wane.
I think that to win hearts and souls from Japanese people, Abe would be better off to stay away from these ill-fated nationalistic agenda advocated by Toru Hashimoto, Shintaro Ishihara or other hardcore Japanese nationalists because ,by doing so, Japan inadvertently provides ammunitions for Beijing and Soul to gain ground to isolate Japan internationally. Further, any miscalculation from Japan’s side might make Washington to take some unprecedented measures in order to protecte American national interests in the region.
Hopefully, Abe will become smarter after learning the lesson; as a result, to put more focus on economy, let the economic numbers and improvement of quality of Japanese lives do the talking so that to leave the incident behind.
Implying the USA actually dislike what Abe is doing. They want to break up the alliance with Japan, it's their strategy. They always supported nationalism in Japan against Communism in Asia (why so many war criminals were let free? Why did they let the administration of the Senkaku/Diaoyu to Japan yet currently they take their distance about this dispute?), but now they know they can only get closer to China for their interests, and at least they can isolate Japan. The natural order would be the Asia to the Asians, and the USA out from the region. Sadly, it won't happen.
@Strangerland - nonsense.
Japan has regular democratic elections for its leaders every 4 years, China does not. If the Japanese elect a conservative leadership, its their choice. But at least they have a choice, unlike the citizens of China.
The last I checked, the Communist Party of China hasn't changed its name, and Chinese journalists are required to sit for Marxist ideology exams and weekly training on Marxist core values to retain their credentials. Just because the CCP leadership cloaks itself in capitalist trappings, they remain committed to their version of Marxist ideology (and enriching themselves at the expense of the general Chinese citizenry).
@Wellsaid - The free press of the rest allows the CCP to publish its point of view, trusting in the citizens of the free democratic nations who allow it to draw their own conclusions. In China, the CCP does not allow this. If the CCP think the free world is going to turn their backs on Japan because the CCP wants to moan and play the victim over events of 70+ years ago, or the Japanese visiting a shrine in their own country, they are deluding themselves. These petty gripes are not powerful enough reasons for the US or Australia etc to turn their backs on Japan who has been a reliable ally and trading partner, and a model global citizen since 1945 - unlike the CCP/PLA.
Louis Tan
" But ties have been especially strained since Tokyo in 2012 nationalized some unoccupied islands it administers in the East China Sea that are also claimed by Beijing. "
Japan Today, you are so right as to which party started this war of words followed by repeated actions taunting the sensitivity of Japan's closest neighbours. The only way this can end is if Japan apologises publicly through positive actions admitting its war atrocities with its leaders visiting the the Nanjing War Memorial to apologise; remove the war criminals from Yusukuni and apologise to South Korea for forcing their women folk to service Japanese soldiers on the premise of relieving the soldiers' war stress. Only when Japan faces up to its barbaric past will this be resolved peacefully. But, will Japan's leaders have the balls to do this or continue to pretend nothing happened and that the aggression against China, Korea and Southeast Asian countries was its right? Unfortunately, most likely so since Japan is seemingly a country of eunuchs.
Louis Tan
" But ties have been especially strained since Tokyo in 2012 nationalized some unoccupied islands it administers in the East China Sea that are also claimed by Beijing. "
Japan Today, you are so right as to which party started this war of words followed by repeated actions taunting the sensitivity of Japan's closest neighbours. The only way this can end is if Japan apologises publicly through positive actions admitting its war atrocities with its leaders visiting the the Nanjing War Memorial to apologise; remove the war criminals from Yusukuni and apologise to South Korea for forcing their women folk to service Japanese soldiers on the premise of relieving the soldiers' war stress. Only when Japan faces up to its barbaric past will this be resolved peacefully. But, will Japan's leaders have the balls to do this or continue to pretend nothing happened and that the aggression against China, Korea and Southeast Asian countries was its right? Unfortunately, most likely so since Japan is seemingly a country of eunuchs.
This is all distraction to keep the public in both countries and elsewhere focused on international squabbles while the economic and political elite at home are busy changing rules and transferring public funds in classic class war fashion. We need to place more emphasis on our class identity and much less on our ethnic attachment or we'll continue to see greater inequality, fewer job protections and bigger holes in the social net.
SB - the LDP has been in power in Japan for over 50 years, with two small gaps, one of 10 months and the other of 3 years. They have created a system that looks like it is democratic, but in fact is biased to the point that guarantees that they will continue to be elected in.
The Chinese are run by a party called the Communist party, yet the system in their country is not at all communist, and there is essentially no social safety net in China, which is one of the tenets of communism.
These countries are using the words 'democracy' and 'communism' but beyond that they are neither democratic or communist.
My original statement still stands.
You have a good point. China is more Socialist than Communist. And they have replaced "Communism" with "Nationalism" as the glue to keep the country together. Hence the forced Patriotic Education and Anti-Japan policy. Do you know what we used to call National Socialists in the 1930s and 40s? A weak country bullied by others and carrying a big inferiority complex for decades builds up it economy and it's military, and when strong enough starts on territorial expansion and sets out to change the status quo. With the one party dictatorship, government control over the media and censorship, laws making even the expression of an opinion counter to the official government policy illegal, China certainly is not very "communist". It's outright fascist.
Contrary to popular belief, it takes THREE to start a fight.
The guys who are making a noise and slugging it out.
And the dirty little creep who actually started it, hiding in the wings.
According to this article, the guys slugging it out are Japan and China.
Now I wonder who the dirty little creep hiding in the wings is?
"Japan’s ambassador to the U.S. fired the latest salvo on Jan 17, accusing China of a global propaganda campaign that portrays Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as glorifying Japan’s militaristic past."
Ummm... that's exactly what Abe is doing, he just calls it "making Japan proud of its past". And nice touch with the "laying the wreath at Hitler's bunker" part in the media -- that's exactly what a visit to Yasukuni is in a PM's capacity.
Oh I dunno. I suspect the ordinary people of China don't see it that way. They just want to get on with their lives. As for the world? Well I'm sure people are wondering why China itself is militarizing and why it needs four aircraft carriers. Natural? Maybe, but in view of what it's doing in the South China Sea, its claims to be following the path of peace ring hollow.
Furthermore, in December China "withdrew from from a UN arbitration process dealing with its territorial disputes with the Philippines - the first time any state, let alone a permanent member of the Security Council, has taken such a step - and sent its aircraft carrier to the zone." (Daily Telegraph)
And in January, China unilaterally declared that all non-Chinese ships must first seek permission to enter its re-drawn (and unrecognized internationally) borders in the South China Sea.
House Atreides
Mr. Sasae should ask how anyone can believe China to be a peaceful country when they, the Chinese, are writing articles about nuking the United States.
And then there's this article in the Chinese-language publication Qianzhan talking about seizing Pag-asa Island by force in 2014.
There wouldn't be an arms race in Asia if China wasn't bullying its neighbors.
Whether China is socialist or communist, they are clearly pushing a nationalist agenda.
However, until Japan admits it's WW2 atrocities to every nation it affected, and until Japanese politicians cease paying tribute to the radical right wing in Japan, the Chinese will have easy targets to attack and use that to hide from worldwide reactions to their expansionist objectives.
Japan has become its own worst enemy, and too many Japanese refuse to hold their government to account.
Very sad.
Not at all. There is no social safety net in China. It's actually almost raw capitalism in China these days - if you have money you are all good. If you don't, you are out of luck. The only thing that keeps it from being purely capitalist is a government that will step in and do whatever they want whenever they want, including going against companies, which is an impediment upon capitalism. But still, it's more a capitalist country than either communist or socialist.
House Atreides
The China/USA sure is getting stronger. It's so strong Obama just signed a bill restricting the purchase of Chinese tech.
The United States knows which country is the real threat. Hint: it's the one writing articles about nuking the United States.
That's a red herring from China. How many could put their hand on their heart and say they truly believe China would stop its expansionist behaviour if Japan apologised again in a manner acceptable to China? The evidence clearly shows that this is not a local dispute between China and Japan. China is militarizing because it has plans for the whole region.
From a regional perspective, I would suggest the Senkaku issue is not the biggest concern. The real worry is China's unilaterally re-drawn borders affecting Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines. Japan v China is a flashpoint because Japan has the means to fight back on its own, but these countries are much less well-equipped than Japan to deal with such things, and rely on the USA even more than Japan.
We have already seen China seize and build a new 'city' on the disputed Spratly Islands (Sansha), withdraw from UN talks about the issue and declare that all foreign vessels must request permission to enter "their" waters. Again, I post the insane borders unilaterally declared by China to be their waters.
If Japan's ability to defend itself were on a par with these countries, it doesn't take a military strategist to predict what would happen. So China is trying to counter Japan's growing vocalization of its intention to defend itself by trying to demonise it as a country returning to its 1930s agenda. Simple question: which country or countries is Japan likely to invade. Realistic answer: none.
If Japan won't capitulate, one scenario we could see in a few decades is China manipulating North Korea and having them strike Japan with missiles. NK would be China's proxy / puppet, and it wouldn't be hard to do since it would have nothing to lose with more and more sanctions imposed on it along with isolation. However, does capitulation bring peace - or the kind of peace the free people of Asia would want?
Okay it seems the fog is lifting from the battlefield of words. Maybe this will help China to get a more internationally based view on themselves and their actions. That could be a nice step in their development and reduce the risk of military confrontation.
As I've mentioned before, the media must take its share of the blame for the stoking of the fire. Everyone knows the power of the media,non more so than the media itself,which in part ins run by just a few powerful individuals. Is history going to repeat itself, look at all conflicts from the twentieth century, and the role played by the media. The US,UK and Russia continually increase their military budgets,develop new weapons, building a more military might, and yet, hypercritically denounce the Chinese for doing the same. People decry them for their human right issues,once again, hypocritical,much worse is going on around the world and the western governments turn a blind eye. so what is it that everyone is so eager to pick on China, jealousy ,fear, the unknown. And lets not forget the corporate world who exploited the Chinese for cheap goods and cheap labour,and they didn't ask the ages of those making their cheap products. And take a look at our own governments and those politicians and bureaucrats,are they whiter than white, forever engaging in overseas policies when their own domestic problems have a more pressing need. Its about time the media relinquished all political affiliations and concentrated on exposing governments for what they truly are, a role they are well equipped to do. And then maybe the world will be a better place and all peoples will enjoy a reasonable quality of life.
House Atreides
Actually the US was prepared to use nuclear weapons against Chinese forces during the Korean War if conventional means failed.
Nuclear weapons became unnecessary because the Chinese were pushed back to the 38th Parallel. No doubt the United States continues to target China with nuclear weapons but you don't see newspapers in the United States talking openly about nuking China.
“It is not Japan that most of Asia and the international community worry about; it is China,” Ambassador Kenichiro Sasae wrote in The Washington Post."
Nailed it, the truth of the matter lies in those very words. The world worries that Communist China is dangerous and beefing up it's military to try and take what is not theirs.
A war is brewing and it is Communist China who is brewing it.
@Peter McGreevy: Im sure China will be willing to let the past go when Japanese leaders stop visiting Yasukuni shrine, whitewashing their history textbooks, and making statements of denial in public. All this fuels Chinas sense of victimhood (about 15 million Chinese died at the hands of the imperial army) and the feeling that all previous apologies by Japan mean nothing
Better they slug it out in the world's press than on the high seas.
No, Abe is not General Tojo. But he sees nothing wrong with honouring him, and 13 others, at Yasukuni shrine
A war is near between Japan and China. Japan will get a lesson to be peaceful and moral. That Australia's son of b~, learn more history, otherwise u will get kicked one day.
Facts are out in the open and on the table, Abe has offered 3 times to sit down and have frank open discussion , the belligerent ones refuse to.
Who is the trouble makers then ?
Or would you like me to draw pictures using crayons so you can understand?
House Atreides
The only thing China respects is force. If you give them an inch, they'll take more than a mile. Any concessions made to China are seen as a weaknesses by the Chinese. Take Scarborough Shoal for example:
That's what happens when you "negotiate" with the Chinese.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
The US actually welcome a more nationalistic and pro military japan, ithe fact that every time a US envoy visits japan they push japan to buy more military hardware confirms this. By 2020 the US will have deployed over 60% of its navy in the area, means on thevone hand they dint want to increase the likyhood of war just yet but at the same time welcomd japans increasing co operation in policy and military direction which will continue to support the IS ambitions and control over the region.
Yes, I suppose whatever they say in public, the US backs moves to amend the constitution in private.
If I slap you in the face, then ask you to talk it out, then slap you in the face, then ask you to talk it out, then slap you in the face, are you really going to take me seriously when I ask you to talk it out? Actions speak louder than words.
House Atreides
They say history repeats itself. The Chinese and Koreans were talking trash about Japan during the 1270's too.
Japan and China have been slugging it out since 1274. China doesn't believe in peace and China's neighbors have pretty much caught on to this fact. The current arms race going on in Asia should tell you all you need to know.
There is so much of the international community that has little knowledge of China today based on actual fact! Our news agencies especially CNN, MSNBC, FOX, all the main television networks, keeps the China topic Silent here in the US. Of course because of corporations that advertise and feed the networks their income, the basis of their money coming in. No one wants to bite the hand that feeds them so the China topic is very very seldom talked about.
Japan should launch an all out aggressive campaign based on just the truth of what China has been doing, including the South China Sea, the shadowing of Japanese ships in the East China sea around the Islands that THE US gave administrative control over. This should be points that should not be brought up once or twice , but points said and stated again and again until everyone knows these facts. China's military build up, all the incursions against everyone in the region, including India, Vietnam and China's aggression over the years, killing of Vietnam fisherman, opening fire upon them in disputed territories, EVERYTHING! Japan should also again reiterate China's aggression against US ships over the years including the recent blocking of the US ship in the south China sea. As I said, all these incidents are reported very far and in between in this country. Japan needs to bring all this to attention continually to spread the word and the truth of all these aggressive actions China has taken , in present times and over the last 20-30 years. Also Japan needs to state China's forced rule over the people that has not changed, it still is a totalitarian state with the voices of the people forced silent!
Japan has such an advantage in this propaganda war of words , it is incredible. That is, if Japan uses this advantage to take China out and completely change all perception of what the international community/societies, see China as being. Break the 20 year silence that all our news networks and agencies use as for self censorship because of greed!
Japan just needs to educate the dumbfounded public, since the international community has been guarded against the truths about the Chinese forced rulers!
OK! So, we're intending to glorify war, or we're not! just clarify!
Shinzo Abe has thrown away what little moral advantage Japan had with his denials of the sex slaves and visits to Yasukuni shrine
No one has slapped anyone yet but china might be about to get a slapping if she continues with this provocative BS.
"These countries are using the words 'democracy' and 'communism' but beyond that they are neither democratic or communis"
very true, not much difference between Asian facism and Asian communism.
You never really know how good peace is until it's gone.
Well, certain quarters of people keep on saying that the Chinese government brainwashes the people because the people are easy to brainwash. Well, they are taking all these to western media and western world and surely these people are not easily brainwashed or under the control of the CCP. When these people understand this period of history better, they will see who was Red Riding Hood and who was the wolf! Who was the victim and who is trying to explain his actions!
The more you try to paint over it, the worse you make it look. Japan should simply say sorry, and that one word will rub the Chinese and Koreans of all words.
But Alas, saying sorry requires courage, and that's not something the Japanese PM can ever do. It is not in the Japanese tradition to ever say sorry.
Hmm, the words "sorry" or apology have been said a few times by Japanese politicians. The problem is, the textbooks still paint a different picture from what Japanese leaders were apparently remorseful for, and there are no laws in place for politicians to deny any wrong doing by Japan. Like there are in Germany and Austria. For Japan to truly say sorry, it must be accompanied by honesty in history textbooks, and laws against denying atrocities by Japan. All the right-wingers would swiftly vanish to obscurity then
Which textbook? What was included and what was omitted? I'll compare what you say with my daughter's textbook that I have right here.
How about you tell us just how many pages are dedicated to each of:
** Japan's responsibility for their role in WWII
** The Rape of Nanking
** Comfort Women