Japan Today

China marks 84th anniversary of Nanking Massacre


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No matter Japan official refuse to acknowledge this event it won't go away.


Also what China did to Uyghur people that won't go away either.


What China did to Tibet


9 ( +31 / -22 )

Some right-wing Japanese politicians have downplayed the death toll or denied outright that the Nanking atrocity happened.

Again, one can't help wondering how the Japanese would respond if, for instance, someone said that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings never happened or that the number of casualties is overstated.

I guess they wouldn't be too happy...

So other countries' reactions to Japanese statements and actions are actually undersrandable

14 ( +42 / -28 )

China commemorates this, meanwhile between 1 to 2 million Muslim Uighyurs are in concentration camps in western China, being tortured and killed while the entire world looks the other way and holds their hands out for $$$.

Boycott the Genocide Games. Entirely.

25 ( +53 / -28 )

China's just a bowl of fun and laughs, aren't they?

10 ( +31 / -21 )

The mystery about the Nanjing Massacre is that the remains of the 300,000 victims have never been found. It would have taken huge mass graves to bury that number of people.

2 ( +30 / -28 )

Do they also commemorate the invasion of Tibet & murder of 1000’s of its citizens ?

10 ( +30 / -20 )

China commemorates this, meanwhile between 1 to 2 million Muslim Uighyurs are in concentration camps in western China, being tortured and killed while the entire world looks the other way and holds their hands out for $$.

Nanjing massacre is quite different to Muslim Uighur concentration camp. The Japanese had their own camps anyway, ever seen Bridge on the river kwai?

-13 ( +15 / -28 )

Trying to compare the Nanjing massacre and what the Japanese imperial army were doing with thier chemical factories and experiments and all the plagues and water contamination of the environment to what the Chinese are allegedly doing with the Uyguhur is not comparable.

Japan's expansionist campaign across Asia resulted in the needless ruthless bloodshed of 30 million lives of mostly civilians.

Iam not defending china.

-8 ( +26 / -34 )

Not to mention they also call it “the rape of Nanking” as well for a reason.


5 ( +26 / -21 )

And how about the Tienanmen square massacre, where CCP massacred their own people??? No? No need to remember them is there? Not convenient for the whitewashed history of China, is it!

18 ( +35 / -17 )

One thing is clear: the Nanking story can freely be featured and widely published in JT as well as mainstream Japanese media (in varying degrees and nuanced approaches depending on individual media outlets). There is no sudden shutdown on "disturbing" "subversive" news stories on air. Many critics never vanish all of a sudden from the street. Free speech and open discussions together with serious history inquiries are far more guaranteed in Japan.

Take the CCP version of wartime history with a grain of salt. It's alleged that Mao Zedong colluded with the Japanese Army.

16 ( +29 / -13 )

Never mind that the Chinese are doing basically the same thing to the Uyghurs, and to a lesser degree, its own people. Seems they get angry when you point this out to them, saying it's different. Well, it IS different, in that it was the Japanese who inflicted horrors on the Chinese in the 1930's-1940's. But it's only different in who is inflicting horrors on whom. It's still a government inflicting horrors on a people. And in this case, it seems the Chinese government doesn't mind inflicting horrors on a people as long as it's the Chinese government inflicting horrors on people within its own borders.


22 ( +35 / -13 )

They should not forget to commemorate the cultural revolution massacre, the Uighur genocide and the Tienamen massacre….

29 ( +40 / -11 )

A very sad event. Throughout history this is what happens when armies get out of control.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

How about people stop, what about ism? Also, this article conveniently inserted a paragraph implying that Chiang Kai-shek's nationalist army were the heroes. The CCP wanted a united front against Japan, but it was Chiang who attacked the CCP, and fought the Eighth Route Army, effectively forcing the Eighth Route Army to fight against both the Japanese and the Nationalist Army. To sum up, Chiang's army were a bunch of conscripts who would rather run than fight, much like the ARVN. I personally knew a man (Japanese) who fought in China and he said that they were more afraid of the 8th Route Army than the Nationalists and whenever they entered a village they would make a sign with the index finger and thumb which looks like the number 8 八 asking the villagers if they saw the Eighth Route Army. This is not an apology for the current regime, but China is a country with a long history and they remember, whereas in Japan the right wing fascists can still walk around spewing out their vitriol denying history without any consequences.

-7 ( +11 / -18 )

As long as it’s a peace rally and not a hate rally, then that’s okay. It is ironic, however, considering the events and treatment of of Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Uighur people.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

Promotes this but censors tiananmen square

18 ( +29 / -11 )

Let the past move on!

3 ( +17 / -14 )

50,000 people, including many civilians were being killed every day in South East Asia at the hands of the Japanese at the height of WW2.

A truly barbaric and despicable aggressor.

-1 ( +22 / -23 )

"Revisionism"? lol. When I lived in China for a year, I went to Nanjing. Great city. There, I also visited the Nanjing Massacre Memorial "Museum".

Pure propaganda. Pure revisionism. "Mao" and the "CCP" defeated the Japanese single-handedly, didn't you know. Yeah, Mao, the guy hiding in a cave thousands of miles from the front? His CCP, a party that AVOIDED battles with Japanese whenever they could, responsible for fewer than 5% of total fighting against Japanese forces in China?

The US did not exist in that museum. Chiang Kai Shek and the Nationalist Forces (who fought the other 95% of the battles)...did not exist. No, Mao won the war. Mao and his "glorious" CCP...you know, the party that massacred some 80,000,000 or more Chinese.

lol. When it comes to "revisionism", communists are THE masters!

14 ( +26 / -12 )

His CCP, a party that AVOIDED battles with Japanese whenever they could, responsible for fewer than 5% of total fighting against Japanese forces in China?

At the time what consisted of 'the CCP' was seperate cells of largely unarmed workers resisting the invaders and the Chinese nationalists.

I've also been in many Chinese cities (not Nanjing) and I'm sure they don't minimize the contribution of the Red Army in defeating Japanese armies in China.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

the Uighur genocide

US secret police invented fiction. It's frightening how easily they can get the masses to fall in line.

-13 ( +8 / -21 )

Such a dark time in human history. It gives me chills that some people are capable to do such evil things.

Also, smh at the comments that goes "yeah but China did insert horrible act". Yes we get it... China also did horrible things but it doesn't justify what happened in Nanjing and it's like these commenters are trying to divert attention away from the actual topic of the article.

2 ( +19 / -17 )

Even to this day, the details of the so-called "Nanjing Massacre" can be argued.

The estimates given by historians are too wide in range.

8 ( +20 / -12 )

So, this happened, but Tianmen square didn't huh?

9 ( +22 / -13 )

Smoke and mirrors. Keep the masses focused on the past so they don’t think of how corrupt the ccp are and the atrocities committed against the ulghars..

13 ( +23 / -10 )

These problems are not going away anytime soon. They all deny certain truths in history, try and obscure or hide facts. They make everyone else sound like the bad guy. While Japan is not at it now, they dont admit to certain things don't teach about WWII in history. China denies doing things that everyone knows they are doing. And then make threats to other countries if they don't bow to their wishes. Countries not sending dipolmats to the winters games will pay. China is a big bully.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

The Government of China has morphed into the very global tyrant, the lessons this so called 84th anniversary of the Nanking Massacre is supposed to commemorate,

Learn from The ever growing list of appalling human right abuses, the geocide, committing crimes against humanity against the Uyghur population and other mostly-Muslim minorities, forced sterilization, the blatant harassment of Taiwan

Addressing the gathering, Chinese Vice Premier Sun Chunlan said they had came together to "learn from history and open up a new chapter of our future."

The ceremony aimed to "showcase our lofty commitment to a peaceful development path," said Sun, the only woman on the ruling Communist Party's 25-member Politburo.

What utter barefaced hypocrisy.

And the global community does nothing.!!!!!!

7 ( +16 / -9 )

Its very sad when women and children on either side are killed.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Hong Kong?

Heck we could be here until Christmas detailing the atrocities committed by the Government of China

3 ( +11 / -8 )

every single country does a similar thing....commemorates it's own deaths and denigrates the hostilities of others.......the UK has remembrance day, asking people to wear poppies then call them unpatriotic if they refuse, whilst conveniently forgetting the many millions that have been killed in Britains murderous expansion across the globe over a few hundred years.

The US has it's "thank you for your service" hypocrisy, thanking their soldiers for "protecting" them from an enemy that never tried to attack them in any way, then with another breath loudly berate how other countries behave.

Japan it's contrite, poor us sad-face tabloid headline when remembering the atomic bombings of WWII whilst pretending their own imperial army wasn't one of the worst to have ever walked the earth.

China has Nanking.......this is tiresome. Finger pointing, moral grandstanding about who is the least bad. It's about time we all grew up and consigned war and expansionism to the annals of history.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Sorry but I think that as long as Japanese politicians continue to pray at the altar of past horrible war criminals at Yasukuni then any Japanese apology is completely worthless

-10 ( +12 / -22 )

This was a great tragedy. Do the Chinese also commemorate the great tragedies caused by the colonial European countries in China?

5 ( +16 / -11 )

Unfortunately so much of our Japanese taxes are now being paid to APA Hotel, for providing accommodation to those who must quarantine when coming back to Japan. They are by far the number one recipient of government money regarding quarantine accommodation now. APA hotel is founded and owned by a right-wing, anti-Semite nut who proclaims in his book/magazines which are placed in each room and sold in the lobby that the Nanjing Massacre is a fabrication and Jews control the world among other things.

They were forced to remove this book from the rooms during the Olympics and now for quarantining people among which I was one this past week. I had no choice to stay there, but there’s no way I would ever give a single Yen to them on my own free will.

It’s true China focuses on this and not Tianamen or Tibet, but the same can be said for other countries. The US makes a big deal of Pearl Harbor, but not Hiroshima, the slaughter of Nstive Americans or slavery. Japan makes a big deal of Hiroshima/Nagasaki but not Unit 731 or Nanjing. Every country has been a victim and victimizer.

7 ( +15 / -8 )

Dear Chairman Xi,

Your commemorating the Nanjing Massacre already lost its significance the moment you threatened to invade peaceful Taiwan and kill 23 million innocent civilians and children.

You already da-kine lost the world’s sympathy.

Ya have already transformed yar China into a hundred times the monster Imperial Japan was.

7 ( +19 / -12 )

Japan's fascists learn from CCP to deploy a massive number of online trolls everywhere. Today, I see Japan increasingly becoming just like China. The war crime denialism is just a start, and soon the Japanese fascists will start worshipping fascist fables and killing minorities in Japan. Reading a few comments here already gave me a precognitive vision of such.

-10 ( +11 / -21 )

@Septim Dynasty

That is good, learning from success.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

Rightfully so China should remember their most disgraceful betrayal of their own citizens. The Nationalist's Army ran at the first sight of the Imperial Japanese Army, abandoning the city and it's citizens to their fate.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that the Nanjing "Incident" did not occur.

And let's move forward to 18 April, 1942, when the Doolittle Raid, US Army Air Corps bombers flown from an aircraft carrier, dropped bombs on Tokyo, Kawasaki , Yokohama, etc.

A few US planes were shot down, but most flew to airfields in SE China. As a penalty for rescuing the US pilots, this is what happened. (From Wiki)

After the raid, the Japanese Imperial Army began the Zhejiang-Jiangxi campaign (also known as Operation Sei-go) to prevent these eastern coastal provinces of China from being used again for an attack on Japan and to take revenge on the Chinese people. An area of some 20,000 sq mi (50,000 km2) was laid waste. "Like a swarm of locusts, they left behind nothing but destruction and chaos," eyewitness Father Wendelin Dunker wrote. The Japanese killed an estimated 10,000 Chinese civilians during their search for Doolittle's men. People who aided the airmen were tortured before they were killed....The Japanese entered Nancheng, population 50,000 on June 11, "beginning a reign of terror so horrendous that missionaries would later dub it 'the Rape of Nancheng.' " evoking memories of the infamous Rape of Nanjing five years before. Less than a month later, the Japanese forces put what remained of the city to the torch....When Japanese troops moved out of the Zhejiang and Jiangxi areas in mid-August, they left behind a trail of devastation. Chinese estimates put the civilian death toll at 250,000. 

So why argue over one particular atrocity when there were numerous atrocities, starting with the Jinan Incident in Shandong in 1928, and continuing through the 1940s? (And Japan does not deny these other incidents.) The body count almost certainly runs into the millions.

18 ( +22 / -4 )

They say they want to remember the past, but Tiananmen Square is scrubbed from everywhere.

12 ( +19 / -7 )

Lest we forget ALL the victims of the insane beast that man becomes in times of war. Live, learn and make sure we don’t go back to hating some dude, country or race that we’ve never met, have little understanding, nor have any personal beef with. Never to be manipulated into hatred. It really is the darkest part of our natures that must be tamed. We all have them, and history is screaming at us from beyond the grave.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Unfortunately so much of our Japanese taxes are now being paid to APA Hotel

I like APA Hotel despite their tiny rooms.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

Surprising that China commemorates the massacre of ROC troops that defended China on one hand. Yet China itself now threatens ROC troops on Taiwan.

Of course the internal narrative is that they were communist troops that this article has already mentioned were in the North and well away from most of the fighting.

Commemorating civilians is of course well intentioned.

Such remembering would be better done if observed in Nanking and on Taiwan where the remaining ROC still exists, with officials from Japan invited to attend and lay wreaths for the lost.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Something very unfortunate..

Every country, every kingdom, every empire has a cruel and barbaric past

and Japan it is not the only country that has committed such atrocities..

Although it was another Japan, it should recognize its past mistakes, have a better relationship between all Asian countries, be more united and separate forever from the interventionism of the US and its NATO circus..

Let Asians rule themselves..

> China commemorates this, meanwhile between 1 to 2 million Muslim Uighyurs are in concentration camps in western China, being tortured and killed while the entire world looks the other way and holds their hands out for $$.

Any real proof ??..

But real, not US fake media and washington gossips..

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Japan must always remember what they have done and never kill again.

0 ( +15 / -15 )

Dear Comrade Xi Jin Ping,

On this very day while yar China is solemnly commemorating the tragic Nanjing Massacre , it would be globally appreciated if you would say that Beijington will seek peace with Taiwan , Japan and the rest of the world.

Ya should da-kine say that ya will never allow a Nanjing Massacre Part 2 in Taiwan to ever happen.

In this way the people of the world will put you in a pedestal standing shoulder to shoulder with Confucius.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

China has so far justified its invasions of Mongolia, Tibet, and Xinjiang with lies, and the Nanjing Incident is one of them.

In all the videos and photos that China uses to claim damage in the Nanking Incident, it is the Japanese who are being victimized, not the Chinese. (Tongzhou Incident, Jinan Incident, and other unrelated incidents)

The photos of the Jinan Incident in particular are famous for being used by China as photos of human experimentation by Unit 731. In fact, the photos are of the autopsy of the Jinan incident, and the bodies in the photos were Japanese who were massacred by the Chinese.

7 ( +16 / -9 )

Incidentally, both the Tongzhou Incident and the Jinan Incident were cases of Japanese being massacred by the Chinese, and the bodies of the Japanese in the Tongzhou Incident in particular were severely damaged, with the stomachs of pregnant women ripped open and their babies pulled out by the Chinese, and vital parts cut off. It is said that there is a very high possibility that the damage caused by the Nanking Incident claimed by China is a fiction based on the acts committed by the Chinese against the Japanese in the Tongzhou Incident.

6 ( +17 / -11 )

If you are in China and search June 4 (or June 4 1989) online you will find nothing at all about Tiananmen

16 ( +18 / -2 )

The Chinese should come clean, tell the truth and apologize to the Japanese people.

The following Chiang kai shek listed atrocities are only a small sample of crimes committed, as he killed over 10 million Chinese from 1927-1949.

When the communists won their Civil War, they decided to sanitize his past by changing the narrative (sounds all too familiar) and removing him from their history books. Someone had to take the blame for his murderous spree.

Nanjing Incident, Chinese soldiers attack foreign consulates, kill Europeans, civilians and loot many buildings. 24/3/27 

Hankou Incident, one hundred and fifty homes damaged, and dozens killed when the Chinese army invades and loots Japanese concessions. 3/4/27

Shanghai Massacre, (April 12 Purge) Chinese nationalists kill around 300,000 communists. 12/4/27 Japan is blamed.

The "Manchurian Incident" (Mukden Incident) Chinese bandits blow up a section of the track belonging to the Japanese owned South Manchurian Railway. Very little to no damage is done. The Chinese blame the Japanese 18/9/31

Jiangxi-Fujian Communist Purge, National Revolution Army kill 700,000 Hakka. 1931-1934

Chinese contaminate hundreds of water wells dysentery, anthrax and cholera resulting in the death of 6,000 Imperial Japanese soldiers and 2,000 horses. Civilian deaths unknown. Unit 731 builds a water purifying plant so that this never happens again. 1935

Tungchow Massacre, Chinese soldiers attack and kill more than 250 Japanese, Chinese and Korean civilians. 29/7/37

Cathay & Pacific Hotels Massacre, Chinese Air Force bombed the hotels resulting in 3,500 civilians killed and wounded. China tries to blame Japan but there are too many witnesses. 14/8/37

Nanking Massacre, General Tang Shen-chih threatens to severely punish soldiers who stop fighting. He kills many of his own troops. Destroys roads, railways, bridges, sinks boats to stop escapes across the river, burned houses so that his troops have nowhere to hide. 11/12/1937. Japanese soldiers are shocked when they enter the city.

Chinese army deserters found hiding with numerous weapons inside the Nanking Safety Zone. They admit to looting and rape blaming it on the Japanese army. When arrested the atrocities stop. Minnie Vautrin was devastated that it happened on her watch. 3/1/38, she committed suicide a short time later.

Chiang kai shek breaches dykes holding back the Yellow River flooding an area of 21,000 sq. miles washing away valuable topsoil. This one act alone killed over a million Chinese through drownings, starvation and disease. Survivors cannot be rescued as roads, railways and bridges have been destroyed during Chiang's "scorched earth period". Chiang tries once again to blame the Japanese.

Great Changsha Fire Massacre, Chiang kai shek sends arson teams to burn the city to the ground, the greatest fire in Chinese history, more than 30,000 killed and 56,000 buildings destroyed. 13/11/38

The Taiwan "228 Massacre" in which as many as 28,000 people were raped and murdered by troops sent by the Chinese nationalist leader Chiang kai shek, many more went missing. 28/2/1947

1 ( +17 / -16 )

Well done, you made sure you got the dig in at China in the last sentence….I was getting worried I wouldn’t find it.

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Sheikh YerboabyToday  09:53 am JST

every single country does a similar thing....commemorates it's own deaths and denigrates the hostilities of others.......the UK has remembrance day, asking people to wear poppies then call them unpatriotic if they refuse, whilst conveniently forgetting the many millions that have been killed in Britains murderous expansion across the globe over a few hundred years.

The US has it's "thank you for your service" hypocrisy, thanking their soldiers for "protecting" them from an enemy that never tried to attack them in any way, then with another breath loudly berate how other countries behave.

Japan it's contrite, poor us sad-face tabloid headline when remembering the atomic bombings of WWII whilst pretending their own imperial army wasn't one of the worst to have ever walked the earth.

China has Nanking.......this is tiresome. Finger pointing, moral grandstanding about who is the least bad. It's about time we all grew up and consigned war and expansionism to the annals of history.


0 ( +3 / -3 )

Every person, and every country, is capable of doing terrible things. By acknowledging past mistakes, perhaps we can avoid future ones.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

China won’t play the game of the globalists so she will become a target to make her inconsequential. The western world is going to isolate China into submission. George Sorros withdrew all his investments in China and the Chinese are calling him the son of Satan. China will ultimately become inconsequential. Strong powers like Russia and Islam extremist nations like Iran and Turkey will be eliminated in the Ezekiel 38 war. We have a systematic destruction of America. So the globalists agenda to usher in the New World Order, the Great Reset, the one world government will become a reality very soon. Christians will be raptured and the Christ rejecting world will be left to suffer the wrath of God.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

There is no doubt that the rape and atrocity took place when IJA units took over Nanjing in 1937. But I somewhat feel uneasy about China's official death toll in the Nanjing Massacre of 300,000 deaths. Can an occupying army kill 300,000 non-combatants in six weeks?

Statistical figures must be correct and reliable. Otherwise, the whole argument will be dubbed as a blatant lie. That's why some right-wingers in Japan say there was no such thing as the Nanjing Massacre.

A sad situation, indeed.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

How about “Tiananmen square” and killings and abductions by Chinese government of its own citizens even today?? Will even recognize that.

Chinese government has wiped out all the races in China except “Han”. Chinaese government has removed all this from the history and instead being thankful to the Japan for their economic development, bullying all its neighboring countries.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Let’s remember these stories and try our best to avoid it now and in the future. One important lesson from WW2 is that we need to restrain any country with imperialistic/dictatorship agenda as early as possible before its too late. It may cost money now, but if not act, it will cost money and lives later.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

mardariusToday  07:01 am JST

Some right-wing Japanese politicians have downplayed the death toll or denied outright that the Nanking atrocity happened.

Again, one can't help wondering how the Japanese would respond if, for instance, someone said that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings never happened or that the number of casualties is overstated.

I guess they wouldn't be too happy...

The facts surrounding the A-Bombs and victims are thoroughly documented by both the US and Japan.

The Naking Massacre is not documented. At the International Tribunal for the Fareast (aka Tokyo Trials) the ROC charged Japan with the Nanking Massacre citing an estimated 100,000 victims. The Tribunal rejected their claim for lack of evidence. After the communists outed the ROC and China became the PRC, they inflated the numbers of victims to 300,000. For a city that had a civilian population of 250,000 at the time. No mass graves matching such numbers have been found and no reports exist of mass cremation. So while there likely was an incident, the exact nature and scope is mostly heresay. For that reason there are some who have raised issues of credibility. Just as the Allied Tribunal did.

Only an idiot would put the A-bombings and Nanking on ther same level.

5 ( +15 / -10 )

I understand all about the Nanking massacre, but China should be reminded about the 5.3 million deaths its caused through covid 19.

12 ( +18 / -6 )


Yep... your reaction is a perfect illustration of what I was speaking about

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

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