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© 2014 AFPChina memorial to Korean assassin sparks Japan feud
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Honor an assassin is odd. Better to stay out :)
Ahn was responsible for killing a man deeply involved with the annexation of Korea. In that light, its not surprising that hes considered a patriot or freedom fighter in Korea. Does Suga consider the French resistance fighters of WW2 terrorists because they ruthlessly fought the Nazis?
Seems Korea is becoming a China patsy! This has been taking place for a while now. Pretty odd as China has supported North Korea into a nuclear armed territory against South Korea. Pretty stupid of South Korea. maybe the US should be closing bases there!
If that`s the case, Japan is certainly a US one
House Atreides
Great. So China shouldn't have a problem with others celebrating Tibetans and Uyghurs that kill Chinese people.
Shinjuku No Yaju
So now that they've done this, will China/Korea stop complaining about Yasukuni? It seems to be a case of tit for tat
Golden opportunity to score major PR points, Mr. Suga and Prime MInister Abe. For years you have been complaining about foreign countries who comment on the existence of and visits to Yasukuni shrine. If I were Mr. Suga I would say something along these lines,"While Ahn is not someone we would erect a statue for we recognize that every country has a right to salute their war heroes and we also recognize Japan's role in WWII that would cause some to want to glorify Ahn. Therefore we will respect their wishes and refrain from commenting on the matter." There, you could kill two birds with one stone.
Not exactly. This monument relates to the early stage of Japan`s annexation of Korea. Admittedly Hirobumi was against outright annexation, but nonetheless he favoured the "protectorate" arrangement which was in place when he was assassinated. Hirobumi was involved with the territorial expansion of imperial Japan. The 14 convicted war criminals enshrined at Yasukuni were also involved with this expansion - particularly during WW2. So to link the monument to one individual to 14 enshrined war criminals seems to be incorrect
Hypocrisy and propaganda goose step hand in hand, Communist China and it's tributary state of Korea are great examples of that goose step.
Then the PRC should stop complaining or even threatening western countries of retaliation when they invite the Dalai Lama right?
I am not Chinese not Korean & definitely not Japanese .. But I think any country .. Just mind their own business ..anybody can erect their own monument & go to any shrine they want .. Stop bullying each other doing things that can hurt each other's .. Don't get on each other case . Who said .. You are for PEACE..?? All of you ?? Each govt official does not in any way represent the sentiment of each citizen .. But you represent your country be careful with your action & diplomacy should always be considered.when you act nor when you say something publicly .. It can creat chaos ..
There you go! China and S.Korea has now an excuse to counter annoy Japan's Yasukuni Shrine. I hope they don't whine any more when a Japanese politician pays a visit.
“We recognize Ahn Jung-Geun as a terrorist who was sentenced to death for killing our country’s first prime minister,” Suga said.
Poor critical thinking skills, Suga-san.
Terrorist is too emotional a term for an act a century ago against an occupying force.
Some diplomatic nous, not noose, please.
Brilliant way to take the dialogue forward.
Ahn Jung-guen was a soldier of a Korean resistance army. He killed one of the notorious leaders of Japanese Imperial Army, a terrorist organization that committed atrocities against their neighboring countries. He should be given honor by all people.
These so called educated/intelligent leaders behave exactly like little kids at the playground......Serious issues are disputed by the use of a "tit for tat" approach... sad...
A move like this isn't particularly unexpected, but it does escalate the situation any further.
I expect to see any visits to Yasukuni countered with a visit to Ahn's memorial. Followed by further calls from each side about how doing so makes the other side alike to being He Who Shall not be Named.
Just another act from China showing how big of a hypocrite they really truly are. If they wanted to set a example to follow this wasn't one to do. Seriously China must think western society is full of a bunch of uneducated idiots that can't see through their PR stunts aimed at painting a negative image of Japan. Seems to me China is just building up a multitude of reasons for first strike ...believing the rest of the world will side with them afterwards. I think not...there will be one overgrown bully crying alone in the schoolyard after with no one wanting anything to do with that bully.
Yeah, I don't really see why Japan should be complaining about this..
Mitch Cohen
When China criticised Japan over Yasukuni visits, and Japanese government argued the issue was a domestic issue and China should not meddle in internal matters of Japan.
So why is it, that when Chinese authorities build a memorial at a Chinese railway station, it's suddenly a matter for Japan to protest?
Japanese government should follow its own advice and not meddle in internal matters of China. You can't have it both ways.
dcog9065Jan. 20, 2014 - 05:47PM JST
Think what will happen if some country builds statute of Bin Ladin.
SenseNotSoCommonJan. 20, 2014 - 05:31PM JST
Learn the history. Japan did not "occupy" Korea during the days of Ito. Korea agreed to be a protectorate of Japan, but that does not mean Japan occupied Korea, and the Japanese army in Korea at that time was not large enough to occupy Korea. Japan annexed Korea AFTER Ito was assasinated. It is rather odd to call An an independent fighter. In addition, his assasination contributed nothing to independence of Korea.
Why do these three countries obsess over the past? It was 70+ years ago, time to move on.
He is a hero who tried to fought for the freedom for the Korean people. To compare him to the shrine is a shame since the shrine represents war criminals responsible for millions of peoples lives including the Japanese lives.
Mitch Cohen
@CH3CHO - Do you really maintain that Korea was peacefully and voluntarily annexed to Japan?
The 1905 Japan-Korea Treaty was never signed by Emperor Gojong, who in fact claimed it was illegal due to its coercive nature, and he sent letters to various heads of state including King Edward VII of Britain, appealing for support which never came. He even sent delegates to the Hague Peace Convention in 1907 protesting Japan's illegal occupation of Korea.
Well said. Imagine if Bin Laden and his collaborators were commemorated in a large religious memorial. Imagine if the King of Saudi Arabia paid annual visits to the memorial. It would cause outrage and rightly so. If Japan maintains that Yasukuni visits are not a problem, they should also respect China and SK's right to commemorate Ahn.
zichiJan. 20, 2014 - 06:23PM JST
Praying at Yasukuni does not mean to praise war criminals. I know you will never accept the belief of Shintoism but that is what it is. See how many Shinto shrines were built for criminals since ancient times.
Japanese are against comfort women statutes because the explanation contains too many lies. Koreans should tell the true story.
No reason to make a fuss about. However there are of ours two sides of the coin here. He was a korean freedom fighter and now the are making a memorial for his acts. Good for them. The other side is of course politicians trying to use his name as a baseball bat against modern Japan. Question is if the one side taints the other with low and cheap trick morals, thus destroying the memory of the national hero.
Mitch Cohen
@CH3CHO - So what are these lies?
Do you believe the girls as young as 15 were voluntary prostitutes? That Japanese government had no involvement in coercion of the young girls?
Well guess what, nobody outside Japan believes that. Is every single country who were victims of this (Korea, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Netherlands, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan etc) telling the same lie and only Japanese politicians speak the truth?
Mitch CohenJan. 20, 2014 - 06:37PM JST
The treaty did not need to be signed by the Emperor himself. He gave concent to his cabinet.
That is the very proof of lying by Korean Emperor. He told one thing to Japan and told another story to other countries. He could have said no to Japan. It is recorded that during the 1905 treaty negotiation with Japan, the Korean Emperor was quite concerned about his treatment and proposed a clause that Japan shall maintain and respect the dignity of Korean Imperial family, to which Japan consented and the clause was added as article 5 of the treaty. Koreans had negotiating power, though the power was used only for the Royal Family.
I know Koreans do not teach their children about the treaty negotiation.
CH3CHO: Diplomatically speaking, Korea didnt have much of a choice about becoming a protectorate of Japan. When you have Japanese bayonets at your throat, you cant exactly choose freely, can you?
Mitch Cohen
@CH3CHO - Unlike the Japanese who do so well in educating their students about Imperial Japan?
aussie-musashiJan. 20, 2014 - 07:14PM JST
The 1905 treaty negotiation took place in Korean Palace. It is true that Ito had body guards in the palace where assassination was common place. But it is far from truth that his body guards threatened the negotiating counter parts with bayonets. Korea rewrote the history and teaches their children that the body guards threatened the Korean ministers. But such acts were not recorded in 1905.
Mitch CohenJan. 20, 2014 - 06:52PM JST
Not to go too far from the topic here, Koreans should stop telling the Korean comfort women were "drafted", which is nothing but a lie.
Mitch Cohen
Assassinations were common in the Korean palace? The only one I'm aware of is the assassination of Empress Myeongseong, at the hands of the Japanese. Please list some of these 'common' assassinations in the palace.
So your position is they were voluntary prostitutes? Shameful. I supposed you also believe Japan liberated Asia, that Nanjing Massacre never happened, and Japan was the real victim of WW2?
Mitch CohenJan. 20, 2014 - 07:19PM JST
Mitch, what is the first photo of the article you linked? It is a photo of boys carrying age old toy rifles. What is it? Does the article explain what it is?
I think the photo is taken at some festival on the middle ages and has nothing to do with militarism. But the photo is there just to give some wrong impression. That will tell the quality of the whole article. Would you care to explain the photo?
Oh well , its the same as China has Mao's statue but not Chiang's and Taiwan has Chiang's but not Mao's.
Talk about stretching the truth and reality, but when one deals with propaganda one must swim through garbage to actually find the truth.
Communist China and it's tributary are as I said goose stepping to war.
This so called secret paramilitary group of your is nothing more than members of the Kyoto Festival known as Jidai Matsuri.
Look it up.
When Abe visited Yasukuni shrine, Yoshihide was hiding outsomewhere. His assistants told diplomats to Shut up. It is the internal matter of Japan.
It is also true for him to Shut Up for PRC and SK internal matter. They have already learnt about nationalistic Japan hypocrisy and double standard for more than fifty years.
All liberation movements are in the eyes of the beholders. For British officials, George Washington must have been a terrorist too. But for the founder fathers, he was probably a hero. So, let the Chinese have their monuments and memorials. Perhaps they can erect one for the sex slaves, and for the Koreans massacred in Tokyo in 1923 in the aftermath of the Great Kanto Earthquake.
Mitch CohenJan. 20, 2014 - 07:51PM JST
November 29, 1895, Chunsengmun incident, American and Russian soldiers masterminded by Korean Minister Yi Homsin attempted to assassinate Korean Prime Minister Kim Hongjib. It is said that American and Russian consulates took part in the attempted assassination.
August 11, 1898, Kim Hongryuk incident, A translator hired by Russian consulate attempted to murder the Korean Emperor and the Crown Prince by poisoning. The Crown Prince fell unconscious but later recovered.
As I understand it teaching history is always controversial in most democracies. The reason is that history is about interpretation and there will always be different versions of every important happening. Thats what scholars produce. Thus in a democracy different groups of interest look to influence how history is presented in schools, primarily through the curriculum. So this is quite natural and change with elections. The biggest problems in democracies today seems to be that youngsters are loosing interest in history and many other subjects. So I wonder if the point here is that victimized nations want to ensure that a certain number of pages will be dedicated to ww2 atrocities in the Japanese curricula. Is the point to make Japan behave less as a democracy? Is the point simply to make themselves feel better? Or is the point that that they fear Japan is a exactly as it was 70-80 years ago and therefore they need to ensure that Japan never forgets what they did?
Victory Nippon
I am a American and I think Japan just needs to respect Ahn Jung-Geun as a patriot. I respect the Chinese soldiers that fought the Japanese in Nanking. I also respect the Native Indians for fighting the Americans because what we did to them was really wrong and I just what to deeply apologize to all of the Native Indians.
This memorial is for peace and to honor the war dead. What's the problem Japan? So millions of Japanese and Japan governments can visit Yasukuni, yet Chinese and Koreans can't erect their own peace memorial to visit theirs?
Yes, something to think about regarding Yasukuni, isn't it?
It's hypocritical for Japan to be outraged at this, but the flipside is that it's now the same (hypocritical) for China/Sth Korea to get upset over Yasukuni.
So Japan wants other nations to forget this, but wants to honor war criminals. They want to forget atrocities committed by the IJA, but wants to remember the atomic bombings. They want to raise the rising sun flag and demand all people stand up and sing the national anthem honoring the emperor and reminiscent of said atrocities, but cry about a sex-slave statue in California.
Pot meet kettle. You can't demand China and SK 'forget the past and move on' while glorifying Japan's military past and remembering the 'victims'.
It isn't for peace but to bite back at Japan. And there was no war at the time. Ahn wasn't a soldier. Establishing a monument for 9.11 attacks Arab terrorists as 'for peace and to honor the war dead' is a good comparision.
Well I'm no fan of the Chinese government but this really is an internal matter. Japan will just have to sigh and keep silent now that it has said what it felt it needed to say. The Japanese had occupied these countries so it's not surprising for Ahn to be hailed a hero. True, it's not particularly forward-looking to build a statue of him 100 years later (and I'm sure China would throw a fit if Britain put up a statue in England commemorating, say, the first governor of Hong Kong) but Japan should let this go.
Shanchan: "It isn't for peace but to bite back at Japan."
And I suppose you believe Abe's visit to Yasukuni was 'for peace' despite him LITERALLY saying months ago he would visit if China did not agree to talks?
Good thinking China. Honor a Korean assassin who killed a Japanese politician who was against the colonization of Korea. The assassination made it happen sooner. And let's ignore that Koreans were then part of Japan and they were part of the invasion of China. President Park's father was an officer in the Kwantung army of the IJA. But then China's anti-Japan policy never did needed much sense, truth or reality.
Enough of this puerile revisionism. Can we have a Truth Commission to acknowledge the pain, agree to let bygones be bygones and start afresh?
Victory Nippon
Japan just listen to Mike Honda
Well it's only a matter of time until China allots a public space in some city to a monument honoring Lee Harvey Oswald. He was, after all, a fellow communist.
Open Minded
China, Japan and South Korea might be in the top WW power countries, but in term of maturity, there is still a looooong way to go!
When my kids fight with such a kind of odd arguments, they go to their bedrooms for 10 minutes to think about it, then we have a discussion together and eventually the problem is solved without anyone loosing face!
All these politic games have one and only one objective: internal politic to show, randomly: "we are the best", "our problems come from abroad" as a distraction from own issues or to gain vote.
It is really stooping too low and running out of ideas to compare someone who committed an act of heroism to a bunch of war criminals who committed so much murder and atrocities in so many countries. Unless of course you consider these criminals heroes too! This is another case for international media to better understand history!
Ok I understand he did this during japanese occupation. But to unveil a monument now is silly. Also honoring one man who killed another and viewing it as ok while complaining about a leader who visits a shrine to all who have died for Japan (even a few foreigners) is ludicrous. As has been said china should now not have a problem of people who have killed Chinese for freedom. Or hell what about people who loved John Wilkes Booth for shooting Lincoln? See not all assassinations are right. Killing someone is never right. Honoring an assassin is strange and this seems to be a "if you do it so will we " which still doesn't make sense. 14 war criminals( out of over 2 million) enshrined by people outside the government should not cause this much damn drama on a shrine to honor the dead. Not should it be a reason to turn around and "honor" a lone gunman
James Dean Jnr.
Honouring and building a statue of an individual who killed another individual, regardless of the motive is MURDER. One side says 'Terrorist', the other 'Freedom Fighter', in both instances, he is an assasin, a murderer. And THAT my dear children is bad to teach: If the going gets tough, kill someone. Never kill. Death penalty anyone?
Childish!! Sticks and stone may break my bones but words can never harm me!! In this case Japan and China are letting these war of words harm their relations. I think if Japan just ignored the Chinese war on words and just laugh at China maybe they would just go away!
CajunH20: "Also honoring one man who killed another and viewing it as ok while complaining about a leader who visits a shrine to all who have died for Japan (even a few foreigners) is ludicrous."
Pure hypocrisy. Abe didn't go to honor the dead, he went to spite the Chinese and SK under the guise of 'peace', and he said quite a while before that that was what he would do if China didn't come to the table. So give it a rest.
James Dean Jr.: "One side says 'Terrorist', the other 'Freedom Fighter', in both instances, he is an assasin, a murderer."
Would you call George Washington a terrorist? My guess is, 'no'. And yet he lead people against the British colonials and is revered as a hero. Zing.
The Who did what first mentality both of these countries display is tiresome, and I would hazard a waste of deliberation and time. We live in the here and now. I love both countries for their culture and the wisdom they aptly show to matter of importance. However Both political systems seem to be failing the countries in which they represent.
In short Japan and China should look respectively as to whether they need each other in trade, and act accordingly with each other.
As a another point. South Korea in my oppinion should be careful with it's stance in this. Because A certain nation has kept them protected from north korea. And that nation also represents Japan.
China, Japan and Korea. They're like a gang of flippin' schoolkids who need their heads banging together.
"But Miss, he started it!!!"
"No, he did!"
*rolls eyes
Gescha Francisco Madula
I think we all have to move on. History is history it thought us a lot of things . Philippines was also hurt at that time but instead of complaining we patronize peace. We need to grow as smart people not living in the shadows of the past.
Nenad Jovanović
So, they build the monument to the great" anti-Japanese" hero ? Is this glorification of anti-Japan sentiment, is this , better to say, the sign that China and Korea suport anti -Japan way of thinking ? Is this , hate all Japanese wherever they are ? Isnt this something that I only heard when Hitler called for hate against all Jews, this is it, This is open expression of pure hate against Japan , not as a state of Japan, but also hate toward every Japanese people on this planet . Incredible , pure incredible .
Like a bunch of kids in preschool.
If they want to rub it in Japan's face then Abe should just remain above the fray and take the high road. That's not what will happen, I'm afraid. Kids in preschool indeed.
Peace loving China strikes again. Honoring Ahn (a killer!?) is no different than going to Yasukuni shrine if you ask me.
Tit for tat. Both sides need to grow up and leave the past behind.
Looks like MR ABE will have to make more friends in AFRICA.
Ahn was a great man like Chang Kai Shek, the Dalai Lama and General Park Chung Hee
Sebin Iglesias
This feud between China and Japan has become a lets see who can offend who the hardest, no good is going to come from such bickering and face slapping, if this continues an armed confrontation is surely to occur in the future, you can not expect for the passionate followers from both sides to take some kind of action if provoked enough. Hope someone brings reasoning and goodwill to this discussion.
Japan should stop biting the bait that China throws at it. With the rich & educated leaving the country in droves, the Chinese government has to manipulate the ignorant poor so their frustration & unhappiness will not be directed at them. The irony to all this is that even they would like to leave the country once they accumulate wealth themselves.
It seems reasonable for Korea to have hero's that fought off Japanese and hail them. Sort of seems odd that China would support it even though they support the North.
General Park Chung Hee would be hard to call a hero since he was pretty much a dictator. Since he curtailed freedom of speech and press. Using his powers to take out his opponents. Though he did help Korea after the war with his economic policy.
This monument is just Communist China's way of getting closer to Korea and Korea is falling for it. When the North invades and Communist China aids the North in that invasion South Korea will ask for help. But when that day does come I hope Japan holds out from providing that aid for as long as possible.
Let the South stew in it's own creation and then when they need help make sure to make them pay dearly for that help. But, if I were in charge I would get payment up from. Because after the North and Communist China are forced back South Korea will renege on all promises.
Smith prove your point. When and where has Prime Minister Abe say the reason he went to the Shrine was to spite those nations and not to honor his nations fallen soldiers. What you write was your tainted opinion and not a fact.
What you call "pure hypocrisy" is just your hatred of Japan shining through as usual.
Let me try and help you refresh your own memory. You wrote this bold statement about the Getty Image in the BBC article by Mariko Oi.
zichiJan. 20, 2014 - 08:11PM JST I guess the Getty image used in the BBC post and written by Japanese writer, Mariko Oi is probably one of those secret groups who are attending the Yasukuni Shrine. I personally know several young boys who are part of the secret military groups I have mentioned.
So when you wrote this you were actually talking about another Getty Image in the article by Mariko Oi?
There is only one image of boys dressed up carrying guns in the article and those boys were the ones involved in the Jidai Matsuri festival and not part of some fanciful top secret paramilitary training group.
BTW if these groups are so secret then how do you know about them? Secret implies to be kept hidden and if you know about them then they aren't that secret.
Too much Fist of Fury series and not enough reality.
Louis Tan
If Japan can worship Japanese war criminals whats wrong with China and South Korea celebrating a South Korean hero who killed an aggressor?
And chinese rethoric keep growing and growing. It is hard to say that, but the Chinese, I think, they will have to go to a big war before they can get mature.
Some people can say it is matter of reading history textbooks to conclude war is not the way. But I think the chinese will only stop when they finally experience it. It is like a teenager who wants to see everything with their own eyes.
So the Peoples Republic of China and the Republic of Korea are in bed tougher. This "shrine" is to a single person not a number of people like in Yasukuni shrine. The question would things have been different if this PM had lived? I once again think Japan needs to pick its friends more carefully.
Of course you are right. Japan is an lonely planet of Asia. Abe understand that he has no friend near by neighbors except a bit distant land of Philippines. Japan likes Israel living with unwanted neighbors
Abe went to find Africa for getting Genuine friends. As far as Yen is flowing, Africa will never made Japan get Upset.
There is a sci-fi movie, produced in South Korea and dedicated to Ahn's action. It is called "2009 : Lost Memories"
While Mr. Onoda is hailed as hero after killing 30 locals in Phillipines, this Ahn person is terrorist for killing Hirobumi Ito. Really hypocritical if you ask me.
Victory Nippon
Wow so it's ok for the Japanese government to honor and praise their Kamikazes that were trying to kill the Americans who were trying to free and liberate the Asian countries from Japan. I guess We Americans are terrorist too then to the Japanese government hypocrites.
Wow, the occupier calls a resistance fighter a terrorist. We heard that before. Japan is still living in the 1900s. Yes, go protest to the world, to the UN, put it on record, and show the world how backward you people really are.
Mitch CohenJan. 20, 2014 - 07:51PM JST
Here is a link to a testimony of former comfort women at a US congress public haering.
On page 19 you can read the written testimony of Ms YONG SOO LEE.
On page 17, you can read the oral testimony of the very same Ms YONG SOO LEE.
I do not know which version of her story to believe, but at least she did not testify she was drafted.
Itō Hirobumi(resident general of Korea) was going to meet with Count Vladimir Nikolaevich Kokovtsov (minister of finance Russia). He was against annexation of Korea and wanted it to remain a protectorate to keep it out of China's or Russian hands. So by killing him this Korean "patriot" ensured the annexation of Korea by Japan. It also prevented what could of been a key meeting in Japanese Russian relations. So how did Korea win by his killing? Oh Itō Hirobumi helped draft the Meiji constitution (1889) and brought about the establishment of a bicameral national Diet (1890). He was a force for positive change and the only reason applaud the killing is because he was a member of the Japanese government.
The irony of this is that the former vassal state, Korea is again cuddling up to it's former suzerain state, China which was fought by the Japanese in the First Sino-Japanese War which led to freedom of their vassal status from the Chinese. The Korean peninsula was decimated without any legs to stand on in which Japan provided the financing for Koreans to get back on their own two feet who errected the freedom arch comemorating their freedom from China and now Korea is in pack with China to condemn Japan?
Somebody ought to hit the beauracrats with a big thick history book.
Good for China, and Korea! Now lets hope we never hear them running their mouth's about Japans shrine visit again! They no longer have any say so. Oh wait! They are bigots! Bigots always have a say...
PM Hara Takashi, PM Osachi Hamaguchi, PM Inukai Tsuyoshi, Former PM Korekiyo Takahashi, RIP.
@don-in-japan. Yasukuni enshrines war criminals responsible for a war that killed millions. Ahn was responsible for killing one man largely responsible for the annexation of his country. How do the two equate? The fact that Suga got upset about this shows that the Japanese government doesn`t really feel remorse about what they did to Korea.
Finally just see impossible to communicate with Japanese who has different thinking and logic with outside world. Don't waste time except the only thing they believe, the muscle. All its neighbors, china korea Russia Taiwan, find hard to live with japan. Another neighbor, liuqiu, so called Okinawa, has been illegally occupied by japan.
In 20th century, Chinese have no own hero. Their movies were looking for hero who assassinated high ranking J official in early 20th century like Ahn Jung Geun.
In the Fist of Fury movie, Bruce 's Character of Chen Zhen was identical with "Ahn Jung-Geun". Both Ahn and Chen assassinated pre war high ranking J official. Both of them died with gloriy. Ahn was hanged. Chen was shot with while he was screaming.
That lyric comes from of Fist of fury ending. " Who says chivalry is dead?" " Who says life is always preferred?"
Ahn of Korean hero was a reality. Not from the movie.
One must wonder if this is completely a political move if so it brings disrespect to the person they are honoring i hope the Japanese officials won't respond by visiting the yasukuni shrine in retaliation for the statue if they do it is political and disrespectful to the spirits enshrined at yasukini
Victory Nippon
“We recognize Ahn Jung-Geun as a terrorist who was sentenced to death for killing our country’s first prime minister,” Suga said. I wonder what does that make Japan then Suga San ? Japan always praise their so called war Hero's, Why can't Koreans praise their Patriot's, it;s or ok for Japan to do it but not Korea for to it.
Ahn Jung-Geun is just like that German army officer in WW2: Colonel Staffenberg who attempted to kill Hitler. So he was honourable for his plot although assassination is not a glorious thing when you are figting a brutal occupations!
It is bad enough, China leaders keeping the people of China brainless living as if it was 70 years ago, but for South Korea to be showing this mindset to match China.... incredible and shows just how both nations have so much in common as a society and that society being backwards!
I was actually referring to the Black Dragon society in the Fist of Fury movie and 1995 series.
Andreas Zachcial
If he is japanese they call him a Hero, like Hiroo Onoda.
Still this is a shrine to killing Japanese. The victim did not kill millions of people and was a friend of democracy. He was not a perfect person but the shrine is meant to further Korean hatred toward Japanese. Most Koreans are very ignorant of history. They hate all things Japanese and this includes the Okinawa peoples. During one of my trips to South Korea someone asked me "where are you from?" I said Okinawa and was promptly called (censored).
Now Koreans have forgotten how the Peoples Republic of China send millions of Chinese troops to take over Korea. How many Koreans did they kill? Yet today there is no outrage towards a government still in power. The Imperial government is gone and gone for good. The criminals faced justice at the end of a rope. Their ashes were dumped in Tokyo bay like so much trash. Only their names are written at Yasukuni shrine.
The fact that the "memorial" was erected at the train station where the assassination took place, the Chinese are commemorating the act of murder itself (quantifiable, provable murder) rather than the idea of freedom.
Why Korea continues to hate Japan to this day, and still snuggles up to its old suzerain China might seem like a mystery to some but it's pretty simple at the core. China views Korea as a "little brother" because it essentially was a good little vassal and paid tribute to China accordingly. They seem very willing to cozy back up into that relationship and become subservient to China once again. Japan may have annexed Korea for some 35 years, Chinese intervention in the Korean War resulted in Korea being partitioned to THIS VERY DAY. How much have the Koreans lost in terms of development, GDP, and other quality of life issues due to the interference of the Chinese? North Korea is going on 65 years now, and unless math has changed since I learned it, 65 is greater than 35.
Meanwhile,South Korean's Hong Moon-jong, secretary-general of the Saenuri Party called Japan is a 'Terrorist state'! “If Ahn Jung-guen was a terrorist, then Japan was a terrorist state for having mercilessly invaded and plundered countries around it! ”
I think he does have the approval from his country's lady president. Otherwise the above remarks were very serious with the position he was sitting!
I can't believe people are arguing about this. Japan, Koreas, and China doesn't see the same truth so they will never agree. It more important to look at this with the future in mind. This seems to indicate that China has given up on Japan. This doesn't bode well for Japan. The worst thing China can do with respect to Japan, is to help unite Korea. If S. Korea and N. Korea are united, it eliminates a major reason for the US to be in the region. It also will mean that Korea can become much more powerful than Japan. The reason Japan wanted Korea was for their mineral resources in the north. S.Korean industries will explode if they can get those resources. Then China and Korea can put the squeeze to Japan. Question is, will China take the next step and help re-unite Korea?
ka-chan so what if Korea reunites into one. The Republic of Korea has never been a friend to the Japanese or Okinawa peoples. I would be very happy if Japan puts them on the foe list and look elsewhere for friends. As for Korea being more powerful so what? Unless they want to attack Japan with their friends the Peoples Republic of China. As always I say give the rocks to the ROK, Japan should drop all claims. However Japan should read the Korean schoolbooks and expose to the world their lies and how they turn the Korean people into Japanese hating people.
I always find it funny when folks use what ifs and what can be to try and make some sort of point.
In you happy utopian scenario you have forgotten one tiny little detail, North Korea's rulers. If you actually believe that the North would just say, "okay, let reunite Kim will move to China" you are barking up the wrong tree.
The only way China will allow a unified Korea would be if it is a Socialist/Communist state just like Communist China. Now, a more realistic scenario would be North Korean Tanks rolling into Seoul with Communist Chinese support. That is the only way the North and Communist China want a reunification.
But, when that happens the South Korean government will realize what it means to be buddies with a Communist State such as China.
So, to Korea I say, enjoy your new rationing programs and your free re-education you will get from the Communist and remember, you make your own beds.
Who gave the Japanese authorities to arrest and execute Ahn Jung-Geun back in 1909/1910? Back then the city of Harbin was the soil of " The great Manchurian empire", the precessor of modern China. Japan's arrest and legal punishment was definately not valid on China's soil! Those arrest and trail were carry out by an 'occupation forces' which violated other country's soverignity and was carry out by threatening force of the Japanese army against the weak Manchurian empire!They were actually practising an authority that they have no legitimacy or international recognized legal foundation! The case of Ahn Jung-Geun wasnt just the conflict between The Koreas and Japan but also China. Japan has violated China's soverignity since that assassination of Hirobumi Ito!
You never know as the saying goes they will cut off their nose to spite the face. LoL
They Iron is Ito was a moderate, and Ahn removing him and made it that much easier for the annexation of Korea.
Ito may have been against outright annexation, (much as Yamamoto was opposed to initiating hostilities with the US in 1941, but did it anyway) but he was largely responsible for the Japan-Korea treaty of 1905 which paved the way for it
To those who want to know the truth of Annexation of Korea by Japan.
I recommend reading "The New Korea" by Alleyne Ireland.
You will see it is totally different from what Koreans are now claiming as the brutality by Japan.
Also, "Comfort Women" by Sarah Soh, is reputed as comparatively fair.
It is true that Korea at that time was strugling in the feudal society. Hirobumi Ito wanted Korea to stand by themselves, and he was against the annexation. (Refer to Article 1 of Treaty of Shimonoseki, signed by Ito)
There is even a rumor that Ahn was exploited by the Japanese Army. In any case, he killed a man in peacetime. It is nothing but a crime. Also, he was admiring the Emperor of Japan, which usually Koreans try to ignore.
S. Korea should praise other heroes more, such as General Paik Sun-yup, who protected Pusan from communist North Korea, not a terrorist. But they don't because he is regarded as pro-Japan. It is so ridiculous as ROK might have been ruled by Kim famility as a part of DPRK without General Paik.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi
Sadly, these antics appeal to the small minded and those with axes to grind. There is nothing noble or worthy of respect in any of these actions. How many children should die for these ancient, primitive and senseless acts. When death is glorified life has so little value it is a plaything for cruel and greedy manipulators. Disgusting.