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© KYODOChina military body may be target of Japan counterstrike capability
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Peter Neil
What, they haven’t of the US-Japan security agreement? That’s why the US is in Japan and Japan pays ~$2 billion per year, plus $3 billion to build a new base on Guam.
The US has plenty of counterstrike capability.
I understand that Japan needs a counterstrike capability and aiming for the head of the serpent is always better, but the media should not disclose these things. Any sensitive military operational plan should not be disclosed, or at least not in detail. I agree with Peter Neil though, the US gets paid to rent prime Japanese real estate, the very least it could do is to beef up the country's security.
englisc aspyrgend
Agree this is a question to which an answer should not be given. If the counter strike capability comes in to play it is far too late to worry whether this would lead to full scale war with China.
Keep your potential opponent guessing and off balance.
How many does Russia have? And North Korea? It seems there are plenty of nations with missiles they can launch from home and hit Japan. Of course Japan should have the ability to counter strike in similar fashion.
Telegraphing potential targets can be a tactical ploy to make people waste systems defending what is not actually a likely target. Keep them guessing.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Japan agrees to obtain these capabilities there will be no need to host the USA military.
Announcement of directly targeting China on a national news site is just a recipe for disaster with loose lips.
Are we to believe the Japanese military doesn't covertly sneak attack in ninja kamikaze style anymore and misdirection isn't used ?
Sh1mon M4sada
This is why it will be almost impossible for 5 eyes to add Japan to its ranks. Domestic politics are too often proven to be Japan's weakness when it comes to national security.
I'm guessing companies like Nidec are to totally invested in China and their fate are tied to CCP survival.
Alfie Noakes
The drip, drip, drip of manufactured consent for war with China continues.
Sato himself announced the deployment of Japanese and US intermediate-range missiles in Hokkaido in a recent speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. The CSIS is one of the nastiest and spookiest far-right think-tanks in the US, notorious for its role in the coup against Allende in Chile.
Samit Basu
Japan's enemies China and Korea already plan a decapitation strike on Japanese Prime Minister's office and MOD headquarter building should they go to war with Japan, so it's only fitting that Japan also should plan a decapitation strike on Chinese and Korean presidents.
That's Warfare 101.
Who is this idiot lawmaker? Stupid question to be asking. And it should not be answered or made a subject of public discussion. China withouot doubt already has Japan's MOD as well as COMUSJAPAN at Yokota on their target list. Just as America's enemies have the Pentagon on their list.
China will launch a counterstrike back at 35.7,139.7 in the heart of Tokyo
That would be a "counter-counter strike", since Japan;'s counter strike would be a response to a Chinese first strike.
The Great Hall of the People and Shinjuku Station are 1300 miles apart,Ossian,that the GPS coordinates of Shinjuku Station
Simon Foston
ToshihiroToday 08:05 am JST
I think the LDP is okay with these kinds of things getting disclosed. It makes them look tough and macho in the eyes of the armchair hawks who vote for them.
Of course it is of absolute necessity to maintain counterstrike capability that includes neutralizing the central military command, political leaders, as well as strategic infrastructure.
Anything less is no deterrent.
China military body may be target of Japan counterstrike capability:
Japan appears to be getting more assertive militarily.
First they beef up the naval prowess for defense, now they go for counter-strike preparation, targeting China's central military commission.
Such daring attitude is unacceptable..
Desert Tortoise
It's kind of a silly and uniformed question. If a shooting war breaks out there won't be a soul in the buildings of the Central Military Commission. Everyone will have evacuated to bunkers deep below ground. There are weapons that could attack those bunkers but they are the sole domain of the USAF. Japan, however, would very much need to be able to attack Chinese naval bases, their naval forces at sea military airfields and shore based air defenses.
China nuclear that will hit Tokyo Google China Tibet Nuclear Silos
venze Today 10:54 am JST China military body may be target of Japan counterstrike capability: Japan appears to be getting more assertive militarily. First they beef up the naval prowess for defense, now they go for counter-strike preparation, targeting China's central military commission. Such daring attitude is unacceptable..
But China having all that is "acceptable"???
Japan's thinking is completely silly.
I thought that this is the role of the US military in Japan, in particular, in Okinawa.
China closest nuclear to Japan ,is at the North Korea Border
If only all wars were fought this way - they would be doing the citizens of each other's country a great favor. And those "leaders" would think twice before starting a war if they knew they were the prime target.
It seems that everyone wanted to start this WW3.
NK military collapsing in hours,massive Covid outbreak spread during parade Google NK Covid Parade
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
They should probably finish discussing "preemptive strike capabilities "before finishing discussing "counter strike capabilities" .
To assume you can strike back after an attack isn't very wise.
Sven Asai
I recommend first trying to virtually survive a computer game walkthrough at the easiest level, let’s say in Doom. If you can manage that, which I already hereby doubt, then you can follow those strange thoughts and defense or war plannings in reality again.
Everyone's bought up the narrative of US because they can't accept that power is slowly shifting and China is dominating the global economy without the use of ARMS. The US failed at Hongkong and I don't think they will succeed either in using Taiwan as bait to provoke China into a war.
The purpose of having a counter-strike capability is to act as a deterrence, so that the enemy will not carry out a first-strike in the first place knowing that they will receive retaliation.
The US did not "fail" with Hongkong with which it had no security arrangement. Taiwan is a different scenario. Only a person who believes Ukraine provoked Russia into invading would believe that the US is provoking China into a war. It is China that has declared an intent to take Taiwan by force for decades.
Peter Neil
Why would China attack Japan in the first place?
To break the first island chain.
Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly 434-0 to reject a bill drafted by Republican Congressman Adam Kinsinger to “empower the U.S. military to protect allies”.
Yes, this is in the context of Ukraine and there is the Japan-US security agreement, but times are changing, 434-0. If I can notice, I’m sure the Japanese have as well.
They wouldn’t. They have never attacked Japan in their history, one of the longest in the world. They are more interested in trade and money.
Peter Neil
Agree. Why would you attack your customers?
That’s the giant gap between people and politicians. People just want to live their lives, but politicians want to spin up ethnocentrism and “patriotism” by creating conflict.
Politicians think they need to do something about everything, but people and societies would be better off with them doing nothing.
Samit Basu
@Peter Neil
US war planners assume China will bomb US bases on Okinawa and Japan before commencing the invasion of Taiwan.
Of course China won't do that, because there is a chance US might stay out of war if China didn't attack US bases, but the US military intervention is 100% guaranteed if China attacked first.
Desert Tortoise
What on Earth are you talking about? To fail to prepare and equip to be able to strike back after an attack is pure stupidity. Having a robust defense means your enemy knows that if they attack you there will be he11 to pay in return. The known ability to survive an attack and mount a hard counterattack is how a nation prevents wars from happening. Nobody will pick a fight with you if they think you are going to pound them.
Desert Tortoise
That is a nice fragile bubble and I am going to burst it. If China attacks Taiwan the US goes to war to defend Taiwan. No ifs, ands or buts. It doesn't matter if the Chinese attack US bases in Japan or not. US forces will probably be there before the attack simply because there is no way China can amass a big enough force to take Taiwan without it being highly visible to satellite surveillance. It will take many weeks to assemble a force that size. Once that force build up is seen US forces will surge to the region. There isn't a member of the US Congress who doesn't support defending Taiwan. China knows this too. The Chinese have no friends in the US any more, and it is something that is held against Chairman Xi by many in the CCP and the PLA. Meanwhile Taiwan has near universal support.
Desert Tortoise
Well, the Chines have territorial claims on Japanese islands including Okinawa. If Japan looks weak enough or if China thinks they have overwhelming superiority they might be tempted to act on those claims. Other reasons for China to attack Japan? If Japanese support Taiwan against a Chinese invasion perhaps? If Japan were to support South Korea in the face of a North Korean attack? And the biggest reason is retribution for the barbarities inflicted on China during Japans wars there. Combine that last reason with the first and the Japanese defense planners have good reason to be nervous and want to improve Japan's military posture.
Desert,the South have compotence military,they are trusted by American,they know they their back
Yuan Dynasty in 1274 and 1281. China under Mongol rule, invaders made up of Mongols, Han Chinese, Jurchens and Koreans.
Desert Tortoise
Correct, but the US will have to use bases in Japan to support combat operations in Korea. If China becomes involved on the North Korean side one could imagine situations where the Chinese would attack Japan for supporting US and South Korean forces.