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© 2013 AFPChina must retaliate for Abe's shrine visit, state media urge
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© 2013 AFP
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"China must take “excessive” countermeasures after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Yasukuni war shrine visit" Like what? Show up to the next G8 summit naked? I mean... He visited a war shrine. At worst it is just very poor taste. What countermeasures are we talking about here? Chinese slave factories are still going to welcome Japense buiensses with open arms so Chinese Government will take half their of the miserable slave wages. You know what the DUMBEST thing about all this is. China would NOTHING without Japan and Japan would be NOTHING with out China. Something like 1/3 of all tourism, and all that money, comes from their people visiting each others countries. Let me ask. 1/3 of Chinas exports go to Japan. Fuel... iron ore.... minerals.... TONS of food. Half the seafood you buy comes from.... CHINA! Their import and exports depend on each other so much it isnt even funny. Japan gets like 90% of its fuel from china for our power plants. LGP and coal.
Well done Abe, clever boy.
Yeah yeah yeah. Let's do something to distract the Chinese people from the real fundamental problems like pollution, infanticide, gender imbalance, income inequality, water shortages, ethnic tensions, corruption, ........ the list goes on and on and on and on.
House Atreides
The pot calling the kettle black. A bit ironic that the Chinese should be criticizing the Japanese on the same day they are celebrating the birthday of one of the biggest mass murderers in history.
Every time a Japanese Prime Minister visits the Yasukuni Shrine it causes increasing pain and insults not only to the bereaved relatives, but also to people who hope to develop friendly relations with Asia reflecting on Japan's past wars, and those who, for intellectual reasons or for reasons of conscience and belief do not want to have the Yasukuni Doctrine forced upon them.
''people who hope to develop friendly relations with Asia''
What have you been smoking ? ? Japan does have friendly relations with most countries in Asia, with the exception of China and South Korea.
It doesn't matter what Japan does, in their eyes it will never be good enough.
There's not much China can do other than jumping up and down. Abe obviously already calculated this much. Abe figured that there's no chance the Chinese (or Koreans) will ever meet him anyway. He had nothing to lose. So he simply pushed ahead with his own plan. His life long ambition: the resurrection of Japanese imperialism. Make no mistake about it. This is clear to every one. Only the Japanese are in denial.
Abe is a bad old man.
Abe should just say that Yasukuni Shrine is an "internal matter". Isn't that always China's excuse?
CGB Spender
There you have it! The ever belligerent aggro Chinese nationalist populace whose lack of discipline is incomparable. A Japanese PM goes to a shrine and prays for peace and for that never again people will die in a war. And China's permanently hot-headed populace wants to answer with war.
The CCP really does a great job of deceiving their country with the propaganda hate machine!
This is difficult to understand, there are war memorials all over the world. Some are seen as just that, a monument. And to me all are monuments to the great stupidity of the human race no matter what race you talk about . It probably all started over a cup of tea between two baseball fans. ( oh and a lot of them are beautiful and serene, especially when you try not to think of the stupidity).
I have said this before and I will repeat this again. Abe is not a politically savvy in foreign diplomacy.
He cannot see forest while he only sees trees in front of him. Abe is not a long term strategist. Well, what I meant was that Abe has just given China a good reason for their military expansion in the Asia. For the eyes of Chinese, it is all justified now. China has been using this excuse and now Japan is validating it. Smart (sarcasm).
The "leaders" of both China and Japan are just playing the tune they think the masses want to hear. But probably each country's citizens are fed up and would like more substance, like decent jobs and a better future for their children. Anyway, I guess there's no real harm if the war of words between the two countries continues; what's scary is if it escalates beyond words. Then it's a real problem for everyone, including me.
Well China does this kind of thing routinely whenever people don't kow-tow to them - Martin Lee, a previous leader of the Hong Kong Democratic Party, is banned from visiting China, as are other pro-democracy politicians in Hong Kong, those in China exercising free speech are regularly locked up (Ai Weiwei being a high profile example, with many more that we never hear about), the UKs Prime Minister David Cameron and government minister Kenneth Clarke were both basically refused visits because Cameron had the audacity to meet with the Dalai Lama. China had demanded Cameron apologise for meeting the Dalai Lama in the UK, the same demand they issued to Angela Merkel in Germany - she complied.
And yet China is the first to cry "internal matter!" when nations criticise them. Whether people believe Abe was wrong or not, we need to apply a wider perspective to China's response.
I'm delighted Abe did this given the way China has carried on in recent times. A well deserved middle finger to the middle kingdom.
How can you respect a country that still honours Mao who murdered 50 to 70 million of its own citizens during the cultural revolution? Crazy nation.
Not to mention the almost 40 million who died from famine caused by the "Great Leap Forward" .
China retaliates what? Invades the islands? All it can do now is probably riots at most. But it can't afford riots as long as its economy is not good enough and China has a lot of serious domestic problems.
China needs to ban those people from entering China.
BlingBlingNicky - Criticism is fine however saying "What have you been smoking" is a very inappropriate and crude comment to make especially to a women.
Novenachama, if I had known that you were female then I would have said something like ''What have you been smoking Lady?''
There was nothing crude or inappropriate about that comment. I used it to stress that I completely disagree with what you said.
So the current theory is Japan can act on China's history as a counter to Japan's history, that's really not a winner. Unit 731, burning captives alive, bayoneting bound people, sex slaves, beheading competitions, working to death numerous thousands. Training children and woman to fight with bamboo poles, half trained pilots told to kill themselves as a sacrifice to bolster a failed plan. Well done Mr Abe, you have managed to antagonise the biggest trading partner and display to a global audience the denial of history exposing Japan to derision and ridicule. Your grandfather must be very proud.
Raspberry, rattle-tossing, temper tantrum?
Read the original Global Times article here.
The media says,
China is the flower at the center of the world. What other country may think ethnocentrically like China.
As bad as those things were, and they were truly horrible, they cannot compare to the misery heaped on the Chinese people by their own government. You know . . . things like the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, where tens of millions of people died. Japan is no saint, but neither is China.
Abe did not go to Yasakuni to pray for peace, or to express his religious freedom, he went there to pander to Japan's far right, and to stir up things with China and Korea. Why else did he dress in formal clothes, fully accompanied by news cameras? Were he being really sincere about praying for peace, he could have gone incognito, without the benefit of cameras. What fool prays for peace when such an action stirs up violence?
Obviously Abe has few tricks left up his sleeve to motivate the economy and the people, so he is changing tack. He will do anything and everything, except for the right thing. Whoever is advising him doesn't have much sense, though acting on poor advice is worse than giving it.
Good job, Abe!!
sangetsu03Dec. 27, 2013 - 05:55PM JST
You mean it is OK if he prayed at Yasukuni secretly?
Japanese people have right to know what their PM is doing so as to cast their votes properly. The press should not let this unnoticed. It would scare me a lot more if he prayed at Yasukuni secretly and made it a state secret.
Retaliate by building a Shrine much, much bigger than Yasukuni for Mao and the souls of his 70 million compatriots killed under him.
I guess Toyota, Honda and Nissan car sales in China are going to plunge again.
If Japan never invaded China and carried out all those atrocities, then maybe you can say that Yasukuni is an internal affair. First you attacked and carried out those despicable acts; flip flop on history between different leaders and the leader visits a shrine where war criminals are enshrined and expect other nations to keep quiet. What do you think? Japan rules the world? I think all nations that suffered under Japanese hands must at least not buy Japanese for a month! China and S Korea can take the lead and maybe our backbone less leader in Singapore can follow!
In future, please don't use it at all.
leave it out china, let japan sort the problem out herself, if they cannot, maybe the world should bow down in front of them saying - ok japan, the actions you did in wwii are justified correct and as good examples..:))..maybe that should make Abe and his ministers and other nationalists more proud..
Well, visit Yasukuni is also freedom. No one can say no if there is not against the law!
China is going to build the biggest memorial shrine to enshrine their past and present leaders who enslaved, tortured, massacred, and pillaged its people. Yasukuni shrine will pale in comparison. Hurray!!!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaawn...sorry did the Chinese media say something?
Louis Tan
China should hit Japan where it hurts the people most. The politicians like Shinzo Abe can get away with murder. He has already seen to that with the passing of the Secrets Act. No point making noise. Let the blade slide in subtly but make the pain excruciating.
But China did react excessively already...all for very small ,internal Japanese affair.. If China just keeps calm ,quiet and be nice to Japan , nothing will ever happen. Generally speaking, religious heart of Japanese people is next to nothing, very thin. .
CH3CHO: "You mean it is OK if he prayed at Yasukuni secretly?"
Not if he signed in as PM, no. If he truly wanted to pray for the souls of the dead and do so 'for peace', as he claims, he wouldn't call the media in advance, ask them to film it all, then sign in as PM, and defend his 'Japan should be proud of its past' stuff that's already gotten him into so much trouble. What's more, you seem to confuse the word 'private' with 'secret'. I might believe the man were genuine if he showed up there unannounced, signed in with his name and no title, and asked the media to stay away; but then there would be no political show-boating and fewer uyoku cheers, right? It would still be better if he stayed away completely and paid his respects elsewhere, but we are talking about Abe, after all.
@ Asian 2013 - The past is the past, deal with it. It happened. Sorry to say, but reality isn't all let's-hold-hands-and-be-friends because political leaders are stupid 99% of the time and the masses that blindly follow them are stupid 100% of the time. And did those "Horrible things" happen to you? Are you going to bitch around and then shove the blame on the Japanese people who were never involved in the war? There are other countries you can bitch about as well so why don't you research some history? Oh wait, you won't bitch about it because it doesn't concern you and your biased ideals. BTW, Singapore had very good relations with Japan the last time I checked or at least Singapore's connection to Japan's sub-culture is fairly strong. And you're whining about a past WAR. WAR is a despicable and atrocious act in and of itself. Anything "Atrocious" that goes on in war is just part of it.
We don't visit Yasukuni and the Chinese slag us off. We visit the Yasukuni and the Chinese slag us off.... Either way they will constantly slag off Japan because the Chinese government knows that that will distract the people from all the internal problems that they are facing.
"Barrying from going to china for 5 years" Rich lawmakers will never go to a polluted country.
maybe, but i think the chinese are not the only ones to go against this public worship,, other countries in some ways might be thankful to china for being very responsive against this issue..of course, japan have other problems with china,,especially senkaku,,but as for yasukuni, maybe china is not the only one to feel the pain..
Humph - So interesting; I haven't ever heard the Japanese Media ever calling on retaliation for when Communist China harasses the Japanese.
I guess their reaction shows the true character of Communist China: Aggressive and Combative.
The Chinese should look into the mirror, they're no saints either. If Abe want to go to The Shrine it is his business. i live in USA and we have people honoring the confederates who fought against the Union 1860, does it bother me yes, can't loose any sleep over it. past is the past, only thing we can do is not to repeat it
OMG this is hilarious. Yes, lets ban the PM of another country because he visited a shrine we don't like. PRC worries that the world will "see them as a paper tiger". Its laughable how out of touch they are with reality outside their little communist bubble. What the outside world really thinks goes something like this, "oh good Lord, look at the commies. They're going full blown mental over a visit to a shrine".
If I may make a suggestion to the Abe government. This might be a good time to conduct a sweep for illegals and over stayers. Make a big campaign out of it and round up a few thousand criminal over stayers. Ship them all back to PRC with a big new conference at Narita explaining how communist PRC does not respect the rules of immigration and travel between nations. Explain how you might have to start taking a much closer look at the visa applications for people who pretend to be here studying (with grants from Japanese government) while actually working under the table. Imagine how bad it must be for average people in PRC if they'd rather live as an illegal in Japan and work for 800 yen in a convenience store. Meanwhile their government spends their time and energy omplaining about shrine visits ...
"rsgz4gg7y2DEC. 27, 2013 - 02:44PM JST There's not much China can do other than jumping up and down. Abe obviously already calculated this much. Abe figured that there's no chance the Chinese (or Koreans) will ever meet him anyway. He had nothing to lose. So he simply pushed ahead with his own"
Any time China jumps, Japan accomplishes something. Air defense zone scared Okinawans, thus OK's relocation of US base, methinks. What will "retaliation" bring about? Some economical goodies?
Jay Que
I hear the hardline communists in the PRC want to really harm me for having visited the Roman Catholic shrine of Lourdes in France as a teenager, plus the heinous offense of then praying at Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo as an adult (several times...). Well, my God. Is stronger than their Mao. Next time I visit Yasukuni, I'll pray for the peaceful overthrow of communism wherever it exists. Hooray, my God!
China is playing the game very well. I applaud them. Its WIN WIN opportunity for the CCP. Obama and LDP. As far. If you people notice both create headlines in a daily basis. The chinese people get more united to the CCP, Abe pays his political favors and Obama get to sale more weapons and another excuse for building more and maintain weapons industry.
China looks for any and all excuses to fan the hate of their people.
This is also a great way to keep the people focused on something than their own internal problems.
Abe should have known this would have happen. If he didn't he is an idiot. If he did we need to worry about what he is up to.
Akkio: "Are you going to bitch around and then shove the blame on the Japanese people who were never involved in the war?"
And yet you have no trouble blaming Americans who were never involved for the horrors of war in Okinawa and the atomic bombings, I bet. You want them to step up and send a president to attend the annual Hiroshima Peace Memorial ceremony, no doubt. It's people like yourself you demand others forget history when it's convenient for you, and demand they honor it when the victim. That's just plain hypocrisy, and you really shouldn't wonder why neighbors 'bitch' about it (to use your vulgarism).
JoeBigs: "This is also a great way to keep the people focused on something than their own internal problems."
Oh, please! And that's not what Japan has been doing from the start. More leaky tanks at Fukushima? Visit Yasukuni and make China angry! Want to increase defense spending while Japan has the highest debt of all G8 nations? Visit Yasukuni and make China angry! Want to avoid talking about how people in Tohoku are still suffering while at the same time justifying increased defense spending? Make China angry!
If it was not this the PRC would use another excuse. Might as well get it started. I am too old and sick to serve. I had hoped PRC would make peace with Japan but that is not going to happen. What PRC will do will be clear soon. Again I am too tired and sick to predict.
You are absolutely right there. Both China and SKorea have continued to decline his efforts for meetings. So he really did have nothing to lose.
You mean like the fascist militant state that China is today? The one that is considered a threat to all of Asia? This is clear in the eyes of the entire world. Only China supporters are in denial. .
Shinzo Abe knew exactly what he was doing and I commend him for it.
He wanted to show the world how adolescent, agressiive, and adversarial Communist China and South Korea really are.
He's playing the Geopolitics and he's a Master at this game!
Wow - I am amazed at how he perfectly calculated this move!
He has exposed China and South Korea as OPPORTUNISTIC FOOLS on The World Stage.
Instead if keeping quiet and pushing their agendas of "Land Grabbing" they took the bait Shinzo Abe laid out and now he exposed their Prejudice and Hatred towards the Japanese. Furthermore, he exposed how different the Asian Nations really are towards one another and this is not just One Asia.
Also, he really needed to find out or not if The United States was really on his side and he exposed The U.S. as well.
No, The U.S. has too much business tied up in Communist China to take Shinzo Abe and The Japanese People's side IF War should ever break out between Japan and China egnigjting the 2nd Sino-Japanese conflict.
America showed their True Colors with their "disapointed" attitude towarsds Abe's Yasukuni Shrine visit and it's Very Clear: "Sorry, actually with all the business we got tied up in China, we are really not on your side. You are on your own Japan - Sorry.
At least now Shinzo Abe knows what he is up against. And he knows now who his real friends and allies are, and now he can skillfully calculate how he will direct the future of Japan.
It's really sad to learn that America has been lying to Japan about being their "Closest Ally" and when Abe tested America on that promise (because he felt that he doesn't trust America) - America Failed.
Too bad we can't al just get along. LOL
China get that f d out your mouth.
Ok its wrong, but back then they were half brain washed. As far as they new America was out for them "the troops only".
There was a reason why they did sulcide missions. Not because they were like terrorist and hatted america in pure, but because they all got told america was trying to kill them.
How many U.S troops killed Iraq men that did nothing but say get fu&ked when they knocked on there door, after there men got ambushed????
Back in the day how many times did America / UK / AU test nuclear bombs on there own troops???
So how about we charge all the U.S / AU / UK scientist, that let them troops go to there deaths knowing??. There know different from a peace of S&&& N A Z l killing people in camps "for say". They new them test would make there teeth & hair fallout "and make them die a terrible death". Why not change the scientist and people in charge??? OOO ITS DIFFERENT?????
Yeah life is a b, and yes we die.
If we cant move forward we cant never move on. If we cant learn for the past we should not get another chance to move on.
^That means ww3 or a massive war funding and giving a sick bunch of people the worlds second biggest market, to be number 1.
That means how f***ing dumb are we?? We have given china a full market when they said they would not build up or start any trouble. We have given them trillions of dollars "but still" we are there enemy???
Ok i want to kill some c, but give him nuclear bombs and weapons to find me & take me out.
^So yeah china is building up to defend them self's because of us?. But if it was not for us, they would have nothing.
Even a junkie would know the out come here.
Just think about that. They hate us, hack us. But yet we have given a evil country the 2nd 2 be worlds biggest market, watched them build up, and have not done 1 thing. Yep we are out for them "or everything is going to be ok".
So wake the up, cut them off "growth", Invest in India to mop up the % of growth lost, why sinking there battleship because they 100% want to sink yours, even after you have made then and given them mass trillions of income.
Well done Abe. Through your incompetence and arrogance you have successfully poked and aggravated a very very large and dangerous bear.
China can shut its door to these people for a certain period, like five years. This is hillarious who wants to go to that cess pool everyone living in China if the can afford to get out they leave. If you ever travel to any country I am willing to bet you can find a China town. They dont have to go to war just send there people abroad to populate thn take over quietly its happening in Japan its happening in Canada and also the USA.
Abe's act is actually helping China. Otherwise their leader might be sleeping like stupid pigs in their corruption dream.
If wingers' act can wake up China, that's a contribution to world peace.
I disagree with your views on the U.S. position. I happen to believe that whoever at State Dept that authored that "disappointed" statement needs his/her personal accounts checked by the FBI and be canned from the position. However, to take that one statement and use it to negate the entire US pivot to the Pacific is a little ridiculous. If, as you say, the US has no intention of supporting Japan, they would have declared that the Senkakus do NOT fall within US defense parameters ages ago. And there'd probably be a Chinese flag stuck in the rock by now.
Ok, if what your saying is true, ten why didn't the USS Cowpens fire a Warning Shot across the PLAN LST's bow 2 weeks ago before an assertive near collision which could've caused the loss of American lives?
Why were the bombers that were flown over Communist China's ADIZ "unarmed" instead of "armed" bombers?
Why hasn't Washington directed defenses to be installed on The Senkakku Islands?
And why hasn't Washington setup an AOR over the East And South Chhina Sea?
The Vice President visited China and South Korea, but did he set ultimatums and reiterate The U.S.'s Treaty Obligations? No
Washington's "Pivot to Asia" is all just Lip-Service my friend.
Clearly you expect anything less than a full blown conflict posture from the U.S. towards China to be evidence of US submission to China. We, and not even Japan, is not in a state of war with China. Our objective is deterrence, to prevent that from happening.
Because we were one vessel against a Chinese carrier and her escorts. And it would escalate tensions.
Unless they are being actively deployed we always say they are unarmed, even if they are. And if they are actively deployed we certainly wouldn't be telling them they are even there much less armed.
Isn't that up to the Japanese government?
But the previous Secretary of State, Curremt and previous Secretaries of Defense Have. Additionally; "Whereas although the United States does not take a position on the ultimate sovereignty of the Senkaku Islands, the United States Government acknowledges that they are under the administration of Japan and opposes any unilateral actions that would seek to undermine such administration, affirms that the unilateral actions of a third party will not affect the United States acknowledgment of the administration of Japan over the Senkaku Islands, remains committed under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security to respond to any armed attack in the territories under the administration of Japan, and has urged all parties to take steps to prevent incidents and manage disagreements through peaceful means;"
Completely disagree.
Really I hope the communists do that, but we know their thirst for revenge will never let that happen. Little by little the mask of civility slips from their crooked faces.
Wonder if PRC will be so furious by the time 2020 rolls around that they refuse to participate in the Olympics. Maybe the Japanese should stoop to the level of some of her neighbors and make life as miserable as possible for certain delegations. After all sports is politics, right? You want to ignore Japan, right? Don't come. The rest of the free world doesn't want you anyway.
Sorry, my mistake. I gave the wrong link as regards an AOR. The correct one is:
Well, we can't just sit on the sidelines and watch Japan get chewed up like this!
We've spent the past 78 Years halting Japan from building up their Military while facading in front them that we will protect them no matter what, but when push comes to shove, I can be almost be 99% certain that America will back away from Japan and Cow Tow to Communist China.
Some can buy into that Lip-Service, but I can sense the reality.
But, for the sake of Peace and Democracy - I hope and pray I am wrong.
With all the apologies and reparations given by Japan towards the victims of its Imperial aggression these past few decades, how ironic that the anti Japan nationalists continue to white wash the truth themselves.
Right. The US is going to abandon its most trusted ally in the region in order to side with the communists? Not hardly. If the American government had given a crap about Abe's visit, they would have issued a verbal statement and it would have been someone you recognize giving the statement. An "oh we are disappointed" written by a flunkey on a piece of paper and handed to the press corps is about as anemic a protestation as you can imagine.
"Washington's "Pivot to Asia" is all just Lip-Service my friend."
The perfect timing and perfect stage for the 2 B-52 move, as well as the appropriate official statement that follows amazed me no end. Including you, if you bother to admit. USA is a Grand Master, you are not good enough to read her, my friend.
Let's pretend Abe has the chinese rethoric:
"Abe: The essence of Chinese leaders is to bully the japanese people and we won't accept that. Chinese behaviour of neighbouring aggression must stop right now. The chinese must bear the consequences arising from this. Chinese aggression causes great harm to the feelings of the Asian people and creates a significant new political obstacle to bilateral relations."
And that Xi Xinping has the japanese rethoric:
"Xi Xinping: I have no intention at all to hurt the feelings of Japanese people. I wish to continue friendly relations with Japan, which are important and will benefit national interests,"
Considering that your view of the US role in Japanese's post WWII defense is completely wrong, no offense but I don't put much faith in your "sense" of reality. We literally "forced" Japan to create the predecessor of todays JSDF in 1950 when the Korean Way broke out. Since then the United States has constantly pressured Japan to amend their constitution, accept collective defense and re-militarize, but found the Japanese using Article 9 as a defense against our requests. In 1982 we asked Japanese PM Suzuki to agree to have the JSADF help defend Guam and hey refused. In 1990 we asked Japan to send troops to the PG, which they refused. Although they did pay for most of the coalition efforts and sent minesweepers after the combat was over. It has been Japan that has been resisting our efforts to re-arm them, and it is now China that has succeeded where we failed. The value of military strength is in it's power as a deterrence, and frankly I hope that China does not think our Pivot is just Lip Service as you do. For it may embolden the PLA to start a conflict on the assumption that the US does not mean what it says. But that assumption alone displays an underestimation of American resolve, something that has lead many countries to regret in the past. Let us all hope for peace.
But I do agree with you in hoping and praying for peace
How is barring Japanese politicians who visited the shrine for entering China "excessive" countermeasures? Didn't the Koreans do something like this against Japanese politicians already?
"Excessive" is a pretty strong word. It borderlines unreasonable countermeasures which would be something along the line with a recall of the ambassador or the cancellation of Japanese corporate's operating licenses in China. Further excessive actions would be embargo on raw materials such as rare earth metals to Japan.
Those would be "excessive" countermeasures. A mere barring of entry to China is the opposite of "excessive". Its almost a non-issue since China often bar foreign visitors without providing much explanations.
Honestly, if China wants to hit Japan "excessively", there are a million more potent things they can do.
This is just some lame propaganda division in the Chinese gov't trying to take advantage of Abe's stupidity on the visit.
Chris Ore-Sama Mair
China criticizes Japan for having their PM visit a shrine at the same time they are glorifying a tyrant's birthday... sounds legit.
@OssanAmerica Based on your comments: I am wrong, therefore, I feel better.
@Rainrain What would make China and South Kprea feel better? Would they prefer that the Japanese start waiving "The Asahi Flag" every August 6 & August 9 of every year and demand America apologize for dropping the Atomic Bombs that INCINERATED Scores of Japanese Civilians?
Think about the image the Japanese would have if they assumed the image of China and South Korea...
China are no paper tiger they are "power tiger" but they wants Japan to be infinity paper tiger so it can't protect it's islands when China invade them.
Saketown, are you with Abe's inner circle? Are you privy to exclusive, secret, information? If you are you are our Snowdon and you'd better get a one way ticket to Moscow.
Actually Abe never articulated all that you claim are his motives. At this point we do not know what his real agenda is. And that is the scary part.
There should have been no ignorance on Abe's part about the consequences of going to Yaskuni with full media attention as the Prime Minister of Japan. The bitter reaction that this visit engendered were not surprising and did nothing for peace in this part of the world. Even the Americans were peeved.
Japanese war crimes and brutal domination of Asian countries is something that does not fade quickly for the collective conscience.
"China needs to take appropriate, even slightly excessive countermeasures” or else “be seen as a ‘paper tiger"
On what legal basis does China have the right and authority to instruct the head of State of another country what he may or may not do in his own country? Especially one where no one is physically hurt,. In fact, people in China aren't physically affected at all. I believe there is zero legal basis. In other words, China believes it has the right to instruct the head of another state. And the comment suggest that China will be seen as a "paper tiger" unless Japan is punished for not following China's commands. Am I the only one who finds this rather strange?
LOL - Nah, I'm just a dumb Country Boy from Texas :)
Nevertheless, Comminist China and South Korea need to take a step back and think about what they are saying before they start Rattling Their Sabers.
China is thinking whether to retaliate militarily, economically or politically. Since this is a political matter, they will probably prefer the political method. But that would not suite Abe. For his purpose, he will need China to retaliate militarily, for example, another show of force to the island, or an expansion of ADIZ to cover more islands.
But China may not want to dance to his tune. They will look for a longer strategic goal. The media is having a field day, now they have all the excuse they ever need to expand their military.
This is bad for the Americans. They are probably cursing Abe behind closed doors. The NSA is probably busy tapping Abe's phone, and the CIA probably secretly channeling money to his opposition. Indeed, there's nothing more frustrating than an ally who works against your goals.
Fox Cloud Lelean
That right there shows you just how pathetic China is. "Oh no, the Prime Minister of Japan is paying respects to the dead. I know, let's escalate tensions passed breaking point, initiate violence and military action, throw away our victim card and get thrashed by the US and Japan." How very mature China. You have no right to dictate what people from other countries can and cannot do IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. The only acceptable retaliation China can give is to glare angrily at Japan and mutter under its breath. Anything else is an overreaction and a clear attempt at provoking war.
["rsgz4gg7y2DEC. 28, 2013 - 09:26AM JST: ----This is bad for the Americans. They are probably cursing Abe behind closed doors. The NSA is probably busy tapping Abe's phone, and the CIA probably secretly channeling money to his opposition. Indeed, there's nothing more frustrating than an ally who works against your goals."]
@rsgz4gg7y2, you have a lively imagination, copying your pattern, here is another drama:
The Americans asked Mr. Abe, the pure-blooded Japanese prime minister, to do something about Article 9. Mr. Abe said, I need China’s help again. Americans asked, how? Mr. Abe: I need to go to Yasukuni. Americans: hmm- -, OK; to balance, I need to say I am disappointed. Mr. Abe, hmm- - OK.
Anyone who thinks that the Americans didn't know that Abe was going to the shrine beforehand are kidding themselves. Of course they knew and despite the public outcry against the visit, they have now hit enter and are waiting to see what the Chinese do before moving a few more battleships into East Asia in their real life game of Civilizations. Japan is part of the US global network and the Americans are fully in control.
What a bunch of codswallop.
I'm surprised the Chinese rulers haven't claimed that the Odaiba Gundam is a secret weapon, such is their grip on reality. Who the drokk cares what China thinks? It is a corrupt country with dreams of controlling the entire eastern half of the planet... and the Moon.
China should just shut up and mind its own business. What happens in Japan is of no concern to them. Militarily China is a monster compared to Japan... seriously, they see Japan as a threat? That's like an elephant stamping in a hamster. The hamster can bite, but that's all. (Sorry, went all Water Margin for a moment). Point is, China just wants to deflect the attention of its population away from its own major failings and so continues to demonise Japan.
It was time for a prime minister in Japan as to the liking of Abe! Stand tall and stand strong Abe, you have a ruthless killing regime of China breathing down your neck. China's actions speaks for itself all over East Asia and Southeast Asia. US should not stand by quiet when China pulls all these aggressive actions and moves against our friends and allies in Asia, US was confronted just a week ago by the Chinese ship stopping in their path. The ship should have been locked on and warned to move out of the path of the US war ship, but again US took the move of maneuvering around it instead. Just a weak showing of the US when it comes to everything CHina. No wonder China is pushing further and further into the spaces of others. They see no back lash against them for their aggression. So expand, they are doing!
Abe did the correct thing. This event shows the aggressiveness and danger of Chinese expansion. If Korean and South East Asian countries were smart they should be supporting Japan. Don't go crying to Japan for help when the Chinese start taking your territory.
Congratulations. Finally someone gets it.