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China newspaper slams Japan for lack of WW2 contrition


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German contrition over World War Two stands in contrast to Japan’s failure to reflect on its past

I agree with the above, but of course the irony is that Japan's denial of history fails in comparison with the Chinese Communist Party's failure to recognize the Mao regime's atrocities and many millions of deaths.

Very obviously the CCP is training the public's attention on Japan to detract from its own shortcomings, and to provide a pretext for Chinese expansionism around SE Asia.

9 ( +16 / -7 )

Lies, lies, and more lies from the corrupt Chinese Communist Party.

Why are they bringing all this up again and again and again? They want money from the Japanese government... it is as easy as that.

For example, the family of last premier Wen JiaBao....has at least $2.7 billions. New York Times stands by this figure.

The Chinese leaders want money.....MONEY.

And they even admit...there is corruption among them.

Think about it...$2.7 billion. Wen JiaBao has quite an enterprising family.

-2 ( +11 / -13 )

It's undeniable that Japan has apologized and made amends. It is also undeniable that literally NO forgiveness was given in response. This lack of forgiveness is the reason for any perceived stagnation or set backs in Japan's remorse and the sooner close minded parties realize that forgiveness is a TWO WAY street the sooner the region can find harmony.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Funny how China accepted Japan's apology and ODA money in 1972 and even reaffirmed that Sino-Japanese Treaty of Friendship again in 1978, received decades of assistance as a "developing country" to attain it's current economic status., and now denies everything with respect to Japan and uses anti-Japan sentiment as a political tool for controlling the populace control as well as cover for their territorial exansionism. This behavior is clear in the eyes of Asia and the whole world.

7 ( +16 / -9 )

There was no problem until Abe came along with his ultra right wing "friends."

Abe is rewriting history to cut out the atrocities committed by Japan before and during WWII.

He wants to rewrite the constitution so that Japan can have an actual military again.

He reveres his ancestors, particularly his grandfather, who was a war criminal who managed to worm his way out of punishment in the Tokyo Trials.

He denies that there were sex slaves, in spite of solid evidence that there were.

On the other hand, as the article states, Germany has never tried to halt any criticism and has admitted guilt and taken responsibility for their past. As a result, Germany has moved forward.

Abe and the ultra right wing are trying to push back the clock.

Abe's party, the LDP is a joke - they are neither LIBERAL nor DEMOCRATIC.

2 ( +13 / -11 )

Does anyone have a link to the article? I would like to read it myself.

Actually BertieWooster pretty much hits the nail on the head but this goes beyond Abe because whilst Japan continues to have PMs in his mold this will continue forever. Therein lies the root of the problem.

I hope whoever is the next PM is not so simple minded. To me the worse thing out of all of this is the revising of textbooks and smoothing of history. The apologies whilst important are not so critical the learning from history by this generation and never wanting to repeat the same mistake as those previous idiots is the key.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Once again Meh

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Funny how China accepted Japan's apology and ODA money in 1972 and even reaffirmed that Sino-Japanese Treaty of Friendship again in 1978, received decades of assistance as a "developing country" to attain it's current economic status., and now denies everything with respect to Japan

If Japanese politicians didn't continue to deny that Japan did anything wrong, you wouldn't see China piping up about it. This whole issue has arisen because of a string of Japanese politicians who undermined their own apologies.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Um, I don't think any Chinese leaders are in need of money these days. They are probably bringing it up repeatedly for political reasons, nevertheless it's important to understand there is still very deep pain felt from Japan's wartime aggression among the Chinese population - they are in no way making that up.

It's not money they need, but an ever so convenient diversion to use when things get hot domestically. I think people are being awfully naive by saying that "apologize properly and it'll all go away". Not so! Mind you, I'm not trying to excuse the habitual "revisers" either here! They need to go away (preferably for good) as well!

That being said, Abe and the "revisers" from the far right are not doing Japan any favors either.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

It's not money they need, but an ever so convenient diversion to use when things get hot domestically.

If the Japanese didn't give them ammo to work with, they couldn't use it as a diversion.

I think people are being awfully naive by saying that "apologize properly and it'll all go away".

If they apologized properly, the problem may not go away with the Chinese or the Koreans, but it would with the rest of the world. You wouldn't have people from other countries encouraging the Japanese to live up to their wartime atrocities.

On top of that, there's something to be said for doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

If they apologized properly, the problem may not go away with the Chinese or the Koreans, but it would with the rest of the world. You wouldn't have people from other countries encouraging the Japanese to live up to their wartime atrocities. On top of that, there's something to be said for doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do.

You won't get any disagreement with me there; although I would say myself is to stop the pointless "revisings" that water down the actual apologies! If people want to look at it differently, I would ask them to do this; have the "revisings" done Japan any real good? I think not. Ditching the stupid "revisings" I believe will do a lot more to help Japan help itself.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Ho hum, more bleating from the CCP. When have they ever apologized for anything? Tibet? Xinjiang? Tiananmen?

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Blaming Abe

does not explain why the current tension started before he was even elected.

does not explain why China has ongoing problems with several other countries before the guys before him were elected either.

does not excuse things like China claiming vast areas of oceans as their "indisputable" territory since "ancient" times.

If it wasn't for trade, China (the CCP) would be treated akin to North Korea. And rightfully so.

China's harping on about the war is an attempt to discredit changing the constitution, ie enhanced ability for Japan to defend itself.

In other words, imagined aggression by a country that has done nothing of the sort for 70 years (compare this to certain West European nations and America) vs. a country that has used aggression each and every time, internally and externally, without either hesitation or remorse.

Think election of another PM or more apologies will fix things with China? It won't.

Fear of retribution is the only thing that keeps China in check.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

China's harping on about the war is an attempt to discredit changing the constitution, ie enhanced ability for Japan to defend itself.

They are quite right to harp on. Japan has not followed Germany's fine example. Besides, no need to change the constitution - at least until the LDP is driven from power.

In other words, imagined aggression

Nope, the Nanking massacre did take place, as well as the bombing of Australia, maltreatment of POWs, Unit 731, to name but a few. The world would've forgotten by now if the period of 1805-1945 was properly taught in Japan's schools.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Nope, the Nanking massacre did take place, as well as the bombing of Australia, maltreatment of POWs, Unit 731, to name but a few. The world would've forgotten by now if the period of 1805-1945 was properly taught in Japan's schools.

70 years ago was 1945 champ. You've failed Math, English and History simultaneously.

Japan has not followed Germany's fine example.

Germany has sent it's military overseas for active deployment. SDF forces has been limited to engineering, refueling and first aid.

You'd also find that Germany has exported far more weaponry than Japan since WW2.

So much for your "fine example".

1 ( +9 / -8 )

how is this news anymore?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

This will not go away until these two countries fight another war.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

"how is this news anymore?" It is news because people are saying it needs to change. It is going to be news until they change! It SHOULD be news until it changes. It is not only NOT changing it is getting worse. Japan is going backwards in terms of their contrition.

The only shame here is that it is mainly coming from China. China doesn't even really care, they just want a reason to complain about Japan. Japan needs more pressure from its closer allies.... I mean one single ally. But the USA enjoys its military bases far too much to pressure Japan. It was the exact same immieidallty following the war. Look at the German war trials vs Japanese war trials. The Japanese trials were either rushed, hushed, or non-existent because the USA wanted /needed a base of operation in the Pacific ASAP because they knew that Russia would begin spreading southeast to fill the power vacuum and that is EXACTLY what happened.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

"everlasting responsibility" vs. "deep repentance"

'Yesterday in Moskow' and 'sometime in Washington'

Two sides od the same world.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Seems you didn't do so well in your history class.

No matter how hard you try to change the subject, Japan has remained at peace for 70 years.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

As are those who never learn to think for themselves.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Japan has remained at peace for 70 years.

Yes, and has denied every apology it ever made. No matter how hard you try to change the subject, Germany hasn't denied or changed every apology it has ever made. Just the other day Merkel was in Russia to commemorate the Russians who died at the hands of Germany. Would we see Abe at a similar ceremony in Nanking I wonder?

As are those who never learn to think for themselves.

As are those who are brainwashed by right-wing propaganda. China has every right to be riled

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

But remarks by conservative politicians periodically prompt critics to cast doubt on Tokyo’s sincerity.

What a bunch of trouble makers that give bad name to Japan. It's no wonder people doubting the sincerity of Japanese apologize or if any of them really acknowledge Japan WW2 atrocities?

Just curious, does the Japanese history textbook mention and acknowledge that the Japanese soldiers kill Chinese civilians and rape many Chinese women in Nanking Massacre?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@Christopher Glen

Yes, and has denied every apology it ever made.

Here is a list of some apologies. How has Japan denied every one?


0 ( +5 / -5 )

There is no need to pay attention to this. Judging by the concentration of Chinese tourists I see in Shinjuku every single day, Chinese are paying no attention to this either. Try walking from Alta to Isetan without hearing Chinese. Especially in front of Matsumoto Kiyoshi, there are always a group of Chinese shopers. And when I go to China (mainly Shanghai and Beijing), I'm always treated well. Also, in high school, lots of the teachers are leftist, and provide "supplementary materials" to explain whatever is not in the textbooks. I still remember some of the photographs more than 15 years later.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Being an isolated island with average tech and isolated education, how to mix with the heavyweights 50 Years from now?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

The so called peoples daily of the prc is daily yes but it is not written by "the people" of commie china. It is written by the propaganda arm of the ministry of truth. China fools nobody.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Here is a list of some apologies. How has Japan denied every one?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kono_Statement (In which Kono apologised for coercion of sex slaves. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1544471/Japanese-PM-denies-wartime-comfort-women-were-forced.html Abe denied what Kono apologised for http://www.jca.apc.org/~nakanom/E/epage16.htm Taro Nakayama apologised to South Korea in 1990. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/kyodo-news-international/130519/hashimoto-denies-comfort-women-were-sex-slaves http://japanfocus.org/events/view/207 Morihiro Hosokawa apologised for Japan's war of aggression. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/shinzo-abes-inability-to-face-history/2013/04/26/90f5549c-ae87-11e2-a986-eec837b1888b_story.html Abe denies that Japan waged a war of aggression.

So as you can see, Japan's apologies have been in turn weakened by denial. Stop the denials, and China and South Korea will lose the wind from their sails

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

@Christopher Glen, thanks for that list of apologies. Is there a list of all the aid Japan has given China (in English or Japanese?). My Chinese classmates were at university here in Tokyo in the late 90s went for free (that is, paid by the Japanese government). I've heard that there has been lots of other stuff.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

You guys must be very naive if you really think that China is just seeking justice and everything will be solved once Japan apologize "appropriately". As already some people said, China is using this historic issue as a political tool to divert people's attention from internal problems (such as disparity between the rich and the poor, independence movements, pollution, corruption) as well as to cover its imperialistic expansionism in South and East China Sea .

Secondly many people blame Abe for the deterioration of Sino-Japanese relation. The relation deteriorated when ironically Japan was under the rule of pro-Chinese and anti-American Democratic Party. The Senkaku issues escalated then when China sent a fishing boat to intrude Japanese water and ram into a Japanese Coast Guard ship. So China had the opportunity to improve Sino-Japanese relationship when Japan was under the rule of Yukio Hatoyama and his successor Naoto Kan who were "the opposite" of Shinzo Abe, yet they used this opportunity to provoke Japan instead. You show kindness to China and they will take it as a weakness.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Also, in high school, lots of the teachers are leftist, and provide "supplementary materials" to explain whatever is not in the textbooks. I still remember some of the photographs more than 15 years later.

Are you a Japanese studying in Japan before? Can you share with us what does Japanese history text book says about Rape of Nanking? Just a short summary will do because I really hope those conservative politicians who deny or try to play down those atrocities represent a very small minority of Japanese people.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

1 Good Bad gokai_wo_manekuMAY. 11, 2015 - 09:12PM JST @Christopher Glen, thanks for that list of apologies. Is there a list of all the aid Japan has given China (in English or Japanese?). My Chinese classmates were at university here in Tokyo in the late 90s went for free (that is, paid by the Japanese government). I've heard that there has been lots of other stuff.

Money does not buy absolution for Japan. Simply teaching its people the truth on the other hand...

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


Also, in high school, lots of the teachers are leftist

That is a fact. I say so from my own experience through elementary school to high school. Many of my teachers (especially female ones) were typical far-left nikkyoso (日教組.) They would instruct us to read WW2-related books during summer break, make us watch graphic war films including Nanking, and some sick teachers made us cover up the Kimigayo page in every music textbook with a blank piece of paper so we could not sing it.

Some high school teacher have been taking their students to Korea and making them down on their knees in front of comfort women and the war museum and do dogeza for forgiveness over 30 years.


Can you share with us what does Japanese history text book says about Rape of Nanking?

Here's a detailed research:


@Christopher Glen

As the article itself and the entire thread discussion suggests, now it is time for academic honesty and professional approach. The world used to be sympathetic about big death numbers, testimonies with tears, graphic images, and dramatic survivers tales. But after 70 years, they are bit tired of same old comments with no 'solid evidence.' Why are you here all day all night repeating same thing over and over while avoiding constructive criticism and ignoring all the requests for academic level primary/secondary source from other posters? Copying and pasting someone else's "Many scholars argue..." and "It is said that..." does not work anymore. It is time for us to drop our personal agenda and sincerely face all the pieces on the discussion table, re-examine every single one of them, and put them all together. That's a respect for academic level history study as well as humanity.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

If Japan takes the lead - it being the aggressor - I don't see why not. China gets to keep the spotlight on Japan because of their revisionism.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I just returned from a 2 week trip to China where I was in Nanjing (Nanking), Shanghai, and Beijing, and couldn't help but notice the Nanjing memorial that commemorated the Japanese occupation and abuses that took place. The memorial had this huge title on it, something along the lines of "Memorial to Remember the Massacre of the Chinese People by the Japanese Army..." Or something along those lines--it was a long, descriptive title." But I asked my coworker, who is a Beijing native and resident, about the "average" Chinese citizen's sentiment towards the Japanese and he told me that the rhetoric is mostly driven by the politicians and is meant as a distraction. He said that most Chinese know that much of China's modernization can be credited investment by Japan, and just count past history as that: past history. Obviously this is an opinion of just one, but probably reflective of many educated Chinese people.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Obviously this is an opinion of just one, but probably reflective of many educated Chinese people.

Um, supporting links for that info please. The topic in hand doesn't relate to the "blood money" that Japan paid to China in 1972, but rather Japan's historical revisionism

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@christopher glen supporting links? What the heck are you talking about? I was relaying info firsthand from a conversation with a resident of Beijing. What's your deal, dude?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Nazi crimes includes holocaust so German contrition was unavoidable process but Japan is likely of the hook for this part and it will take some more time before all can be resolve to the satisfaction of China.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

What's your deal, dude?

I might ask the same

Nazi crimes includes holocaust

Japan's crimes included Nanking, POWs, sex slaves, Unit 731.

so German contrition was unavoidable process

Not really. They just chose to look at their history square in the eye and deal with it, rather than bury and forget it like Japan has done

it will take some more time before all can be resolve to the satisfaction of China.

Not really. "Revise" the textbooks in line with what the rest of the world teaches, stop denials by politicians and visits to Yasukuni shrine - and things should get better

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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