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© 2014 AFPChina preserves WWII Japanese military brothel
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Obviously the timing is suspect, since it comes like 70 years after the end of the war. But, regardless of that or the political motive that may be behind it, it seems as reasonable as the Japanese remembering their war dead at Yasukuni.
Why didn't the Chinese do this in '72 when Japan and China reopened bilateral relations.
Where was all this outcry when Japan began pouring billions yen in overseas development into the country?
Japan has already apologized for its government directed sex slavery in Asia during WWII with the Kono Statement. I don't care how many times the Chinese and Korean try to debunk it.
This issue shouldn't be rehashed over and over again and pushed into everyone's faces - there's nothing to be gained for anybody.
Old brothels becoming a sanctuary - only in China where the brothels were introduced by Japanese and after the war they disappeared!
Nenad Jovanović
Oh, marcelitoooooo, you want to suport China ? Why China now started with this ? Why China in any way had any contact with Japan then ? Why they let firms from Nazi Japan to be on their ground all these decades ? Why , Why, Why ? I will tell you why , because now China has money and with that, they managed to raise big army, while before, they were comedy of the army , and now, they want to bring back the glory of old China that ruled the Asia, thats why they are doing this now . Dont forget that China is in conflict with Philipines and Vietnam too, also because China wants to expand it self .
I wonder how many people know that Raffle's in Singapore was also a Japanese brothel during the war. Certainly none of the Japanese tourists who visit Singapore.
Speed -- exactly. Which is why I said that Japan should move on from the Yasakuni shrine/museum, so China and SK don't feel a need to go tit-for-tat.
Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along....
I wonder if they have any Opium Dens preserved.
Oh gee, what a zinger.
Ever hear of the Opium War?
Thats fine. We should remember these women, they suffered greatly.
I guess they going to build that monument to the Tiananmen Square Massacre and cultural revolution victims, too! Its great to see the Communist Party of China standing up against human rights abuses, and not using these abuses for a political agenda...
Oh wait...
Let's see, China, home to some of the largest brothels in the world, including many trafficking in young girls, wants to preserve this 70 year old brothel. Why exactly?
Nanjing is hardly the only place. For a long time there was a former Japanese brothel in Taipei City, 江山楼 (Kozanro) on Chungking S. Road, right across from the main railway station. The name appeared in bas-relief Japanese hiragana, written from right to left. It's probably long gone.
It needs a lick of paint.
Instead of making fun of this, how about getting this whole issue of sex slaves/comfort women right before they all die off?
And to the comments about opium war, what does that have to do with Japan? Why must you always say that "well, someone else did it too, why blame us?". That is a pathetic cop out. If the world runs by this concept, there will be no justifiable way to function under the code of law.
I can't understand why you people always try to get away with crimes that's shameful and frankly disgusting in the eyes of the rest of the world. Do you honestly think you live in a bubble of something that no one else pay attention to the details that you are trying to muddle away?
This statement makes it quite clear. Trying to divert attention from their own aggressive moves by bringing up the past. Telling how evil the Imperial Japan was could not possibly justify the expansionist movements of the Chinese Government at present. Or... can it?
**I guess they going to build that monument to the Tiananmen Square Massacre and cultural revolution victims, too! Its great to see the Communist Party of China standing up against human rights abuses, and not using these abuses for a political agenda...
Oh wait...**
We have no idea what the future of China holds and there coul dvery well be a government that comes to power tat does indeed do this. Then what will folks like yourself have as a comment when China is trying to create awareness about it's past? Are you upset about Hiroshima and the the bank being protected? No? Then why make an issue out of this? Oh right, because it's China and they're always bad, right? Grow up and try and understand that the constant calling on China to look at their recent history doesn't have anything to do with what Japan did in the past. Two wrong don't make a right and all that jazz. No one on here has EVER defended China for their horrible past but a lot of you will defend Japan. Unreal. And why these two nations can't sort it out.
Timing is as many commented, more than suspicious. Why not bring this up when they needed ODA money from Japan? Well...Why do it now? Maybe to keep the masses' attention away from things like these
People here are correct. When China was weak she had to suffer many injustices in the silent. Now that she is stronger, it is about time that certains wrong be righted! Of course when wrongs are righted, victimizers will cry foul and look for excuses. Victims and victimizers should just accept the truth and move on!
Or maybe it's because these moves to remember the past are not a way of remembering the victims, but a way too create hate for a useful "enemy." The Chinese government doesn't care about the women who may have been here. Women, children, men and animals are abused in China daily... right now. No need to go back 70 years to find victims. However this is useful is keeping people's minds off the current practices of Chinese government officers.
The Chinese government doesn't want to sort things out with Japan. They like having the distraction, and many would enjoy spilling Japanese blood. They have said so.
There are some very unpleasant people in powerful positions in China. And they are not constrained by democracy.
Here is the failed logic. What does ODA has to do with THE RIGHT THING TO DO BY JAPAN?
So some nation got ODA (with interest by the way, it ain't all free) from Japan, IN RETURN, particular for CHINA, China forgave the WWII indemnity owed by Japan. Which in today's value would be in the TRILLIONS of dollars.
It was negotiated in part by US because we want to normalize the relationship with China in order to create a leverage against Soviet Union. Japan is the springboard for Nixon. That's why all three sides wanted to expedite an official relations.
The issues of sex slaves/comfort women as well as Diaoyu/Senkaku islands were minor issues which the latter was discussed and agreed to be set aside by the LDP and the CCP.
Don't try to confuse the issues and facts here. ODA is not free. IN fact, most were loans with low interest. And in return Japan benefited in trillions because Japan doesn't have to pay indemnity for the lost of millions of lives and millions of destruction in buildings and hundreds of cities.
In another word, if you don't know, don't opine. And if you do know, don't lie.
Its already disgusting enough that sex slaves is still an issue on how or if and when Japan apologized with sincerity.
Muddling the issues of ODA is simply wrong and deplorable. And stop deflecting. Just because others are shameful, doesn't mean you have to be as well.
Cortes Elijah
The person with the most guilt is the person to point the finger first.
I hate how China brings up stuff like this all the time. Japan has apologized many times for this. Japan is ashamed for what it did in WWII yet China still causes problems.
Let me tell you, I'll bet a million dollars China will never let go of the past.
Best way to make the point is to actually reopen it as a brothel for Japanese military! Now that would be real news! China will never let the past go and will always play the 'hate Japan' card to distract its citizens from the real issues.
Speed says:
So why don't you tell the Abe administration that?
Speed: "Japan has already apologized for its government directed sex slavery in Asia during WWII with the Kono Statement. I don't care how many times the Chinese and Korean try to debunk it."
Says the guy defending a nation 'reviewing' and trying to debunk the Kono statement.
"This issue shouldn't be rehashed over and over again and pushed into everyone's faces - there's nothing to be gained for anybody."
There absolutely is if it means the government actually owns up to the atrocities and stops trying to change apologies and omit massacres and sexual slavery from textbooks while at the same time trying to change Article 9 and make Japan an offensive force, or when you have leaders denying what happened and suggesting they should emulate the Nazis (as Aso did). So long as you guys keep electing these leaders, the issue should not only be shoved in your faces, but down your throats. You don't learn from history by sweeping it under the rug and denying it to your children.
If China were a peaceful and responsible member of the international community maybe people would listen. But it's hard to take their constant WWII fixation seriously when they themselves are now considered the biggest threat to peace and stability in Asia. Brothel? You sat on it for nearly 70 years? Can you say "political tool"?
The "international community" is a creature of US power.
Japan continues to bring up Hiroshima and Nagasaki? So if Japan can continue to remind the world of the tragedy why can't china do likewise? Oh wait? I forgot Japanese imperial army were the heroes defending Asia from the white people. Give me a break!
What do you mean a "creature"? In the context of this discussion, the "International community" is the majority of countries besides China.
Communist Propaganda is just so bloody funny. Next, Communist China will produce the actual beds used by their Comfort women. Then afterwards they will show off clothes used by them, undies, bicycles, hair products, perfumes, combs, pay stubs, and anything else they can find.
But, the only thing they can't produce is actual evidence to back-up their claims.
Propaganda 101, "if you say it long enough some people will actually believe it".
Now, if they can only pin all the murders Mao was responsible for during the civil war and after on Japan.
What do you mean a "creature"?
A function of, derived from, predicated on, depends on.
The "international community" is a creature of US power. We created it in the wake of WWII. We set the rules, and enforce them. We set up the UN. We -- under Elenor Roosevelt -- established and enshrined Human Rights. And we've maintain it to this day. One looks at Russia in the Ukraine and the Caucuses a few years ago makes this point all too clear.
WIthout US power, the majority of countries would be at each others throats. WIthout US power, the "international community" would cease to exist.
No where is this more true than in East Asia. I don't understand your inability to grasp this. You are one of the few posters here who implicitly if not explicitly argue the very point again and again. That without the US, Korea and Japan would be killing each other, Taiwan and China would be killing each other, Japan and China would be killing each other. It is the US alliance system with all these nations which keeps the warfare down.
Do you even understand the meaning of what "international communities" mean? Do you know why US was forced to pivot back to Asia? It's because US is losing the support by the majorities of Asian nations. SK is already half aligned with China. Singapore is flaky. Philippines is useless and Vietnam is a communist state. The only one US can really count on in Japan.
What international communities are you talking about?
More than half of the Asean is on China's side. So is most of the EU and Russia. The entire African continent is also on China's side as well as most of the central and south American nations.
Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, the entire central Asia along with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal are also on China's side. All of the above mentioned nations do get a vote at the UN. There are 54 countries in Africa alone. Probably 52 of them are China's supporters. So are 10 out of the 13 South American nations who are strong Chinese supporters.
The only nation that are absolutely not on China's side are US, Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Canada, England, India (for now) and Taiwan. Australia is China's strategic partner and so is Mexico. And both came out right to reject any possibility of warfare against China.
Where is the international community that you mentioned of? I see the predominant and majority of international community not caring a bit for what China is doing with its SCS and ECS disputes. In fact, if China does push, I will bet a pretty penny that most of the non-US supporting nations will back China or at the very least stay neutral.
Do you understand what's the meaning of international community? Its not just what Japan, US, UK media say it is.
What makes you say that I don't "grasp this"? I support than 100% . And often take flak for it here on the JT forum from the China supporters and America and Japan bashers constantly for it.
Oh please, Abe's charisma and resolve is nowhere near.