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© KYODOChina criticizes Japan, U.S. for creating exclusive group on supply chains
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When Mr. Wenbin checks in with his economist planners, they can brief him that choices made between states to ensure critical supplylines are, in fact, an enterprise choice of strategy.
The commitment of capital, and time, to secure necessary resources for a nation's economy (or their national defence, for that matter) in a micro manner (state-to-state or state-to-cooperative), means to be able to continue to function effectively in a timely manner without unnecessary disruptions. To do otherwise - to do so broadly and globally - brings questionably unstable elements or actors into calculations, and invokes unnecessary and unacceptable risks that a nation's leadership may not wish to undertake.
Strategic decision making is really all about success or failure. Failure, unfortunately, often cannot be reversed.
As usual China is behaving like a spoiled 3 year old. It was China itself that chose to use supply chains as a political and diplomatic weapon when they stop rare earth metal exports in response to the Senkaku issue with Japan a decade ago. At that point China changed the game rules by integrating economics and trade with their political and strategic goals. That nations can not rely on China as a supplier was hammered home to many countries back then and what's happening now is the direct result of China's own doing.
The entire world needs to disengage from this dictatorship if we ever want to see a China that will be a good neighbor and constructive member of the international community.
China constantly shoots itself in the foot, then blames others for its own stupidity. Trying to control the market, then complain when your victims find alternate solutions? Yeah, very smart.
xin xin
Reason why China is so gross goes back to its origins. Mao recruited heavily from the secret societies which consisted of bandits, derelicts, drug pushers and other social outcasts. Deng’s very father was a local chapter leader of the Ge Lao Hui, one of the biggest in SW China in those days. Those members were the attack dogs in the early political campaigns after 1949 and also during the Cultural Revolution. Now it’s their legacy kids serving high positions in the party.
charging fees to transition the South China Sea may be a good resolution. Panama does it, Suezawa does it.
Michael Machida
Every country needs to do the same. We need to understand that if we spend more money on Chinese made trash, we will pay the price down the road.
Didn't China gobble most of the world's rare earth supply, and then withhold supplies from those they deemed insufficiently obsequious?
I do not want to see a trade war, but the West protecting itself from being blackmailed is a good thing.
It would be much better for the free world if Japan was the leader in semiconductor production.
Danny Nguyen
Cry me a river, China. What else is new? It's beyond pathetic at this point that they complaint for this or that after spending several years screwing up the rules themselves.
Desert Tortoise
Panama does not assert control or charge anyone anything to use international waters. No nation owns the South China Sea. It is international waters any maritime nation may sail through freely without interference. Panama has a canal built across land connecting two oceans. It is carved out of their land cutting through mountains inside their country requiring systems of locks to raise ships up so they can cross the narrow neck of Panama. Locks, dams and dredging cost money to operate so they charge to use it. Likewise the Suez Canal is built across Egypt. Both are man made and cross land. Do you understand the difference? Nobody needs to do anything in the way of maintenance to keep the South China Sea open and navigable. It is the open ocean. Nobody can legally charge anyone to use it.
Desert Tortoise
Considering the degree that China exploits the internet to steal intellectual property and spy on all and sundry, it is long past time for the west to say you can't let the thief back in the store after they are caught, and ban trade with China altogether. 100% trade and travel embargo, prohibit anyone trading with China from doing so in US dollars and/or using any aspect of the US financial system. Then cut every communications link/fiber optic cable between the US and China. You just cannot let the thief back in the store.
brian smith
This Chinese rhetoric not only comes from the Spokesman in China but also from the Diplomatic channels when Countries like Australia allow them to speak at Conferences. The Chinese Consular spokesman makes critical comments about the country he is working in. Imagine the reverse... an Ambassador in Beijing from an english speaking country ... no names.... giving a big serve to the Chinese media for its hypocrisy... the story would be conveniently blacked out. Heavens help if the Ambassador mentioned Human Rights !!! out on the first plane !!!
You can not charge fee's for people who transit nations EEZ's. Nor can you charge people for sailing through International waters. I doubt the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia would want to charge others for sailing through their EEZ anyway so your suggestion is a poor one.
Regarding this article though, The CCP has shown it is not a reliable trade partner and will use it as a weapon against those who do not defer to it's will. China has attempted to sabotage Australian trade by ignoring trade agreements and either banning trade or erecting huge tariffs on selected Australian exports to exact a loss on Australia's trade in those items. That being the case it makes perfect sense for all nations to now "insure" themselves against such behavior regarding sensitive materials or products that are mostly supplied by China.
This "decoupling" is so stupid for the US. China will just start making all the stuff the the US used to export, and US companies will lose out on a multi-billion market that is growing. China joined RCEP, which includes Japan, so whatever the tatemae sent to the USs, the honne is that Japan will be within China's sphere. Forget the sinking USA.
Or even better if the free world protected Taiwan and recognized it as a sovereign country which it really is.
World boycott of China, only way to control their aggressiveness.
It was HW Bush and Clinton that pushed through the policy allowing a mercantilist dictatorship into the world trading system. Engagement was a massive mistake. I can’t see Biden following through on any strategy to isolate the CCP and restore neutrality to the international trading system. He doesn’t believe in disengagement - we see that in his eagerness to cooperate with Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Trump brought the American right around to opposing completely free markets in the face of mercantilism. Oddly the Left has become less centered on protecting “American jobs” than they used to be.
Bob Kunihiro
Screw China. Always crying about everything
Who is to blame for rising tensions?
Everything your seeing from neighboring countries it's a response to Chinese aggression.
Peaceful rise is out the window, reunification by peace with Taiwan is out the window.
Finding out the truth about Covid19 out the window.
No lessons learned from one of the worst pandemics in the past 100 yrs. CCP pointing fingers to other countries instead.
Robert pearce
China wants to play the Capitalist game but with
Communist rules...
Thats the way the roll !
Desert Tortoise
Chairman Xi, the deaf blind Helmsman, sounds more and more like a North Korean dictator every day.
Desert Tortoise
No. Decoupling means the Chinese will no longer manufacture goods for the US and possibly EU markets. That work will either come back home or go to other nations that do not threaten US and allied interests. The tariffs on Chinese goods will make them uncompetitive.
China is an economic dead end. With what has happened to Jack Ma it is now clear to everyone in business that no matter how much wealth you create, the CCP can take it all from you with the stroke of a pen. China reneging on the their agreement with Hong Kong shows the world their word is worth nothing. Last, the demographics of China ensure it will be a stagnant and then declining market within the lifespans of our children. By the time my little boy is a man China will be less powerful and less attractive for investment.
This is the failed US policy of countering the former USSR by dumping Taiwan and siding with the CCP and China.
As someone mentioned, the founders of the CCP were a bunch of thugs, rebels, and country bumpkins with no education, training or experience in governing.
Boku Dayo
I welcome every effort to reduce our addiction to China (formerly known as the "world's factory").
The communists now need to know that you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Decoupling started last year and has been recommended by PWC and others.
Its simply business sense not to have all your eggs in one basket re supply chains - especially when the supplier is an unpredictable authoritarian regime that steals the IP of companies, is involved in genocide, shuts down foreign tech services without warning and that unapologetically started a global pandemic that could have been avoided.
Not least, China’s recent shift to a militaristic footing means that those supply chains will be cut as soon as China flexes is military will in a real clash that will result in sanctions. That clash seems like it’s close - even European countries are sending ships here. They know something we don’t.
India, Malaysia and others are beneficiaries to this de-coupling and this is great for these countries. Recent trends in personalization and cheaper local manufacturing technology is resulting in a trend to onshoring anyway and climate change demands it.
Comedy gold.
Stay funny China!
Japan never learn.
Desert Tortoise
Are you implying Japan should remain dependent upon China? Be clear with your thoughts in this matter.
Desert Tortoise
I wonder how long it will take for the rank and file of the CCP to realize their current path is alienating pretty much every other nation in the world. Instead of running to China to set up factories, foreign firms are now looking for the exits hoping they can slowly move production to other places without losing a lot of shareholder value in the process. It is time for the CCP to decouple from Xi Jinping. Send him back to that cave he was put in as a teenager. It seems he learned his caveman like behavior there.
The last 75 years proves that Japan has learned.
Only China has not learned.