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© 2013 AFPChina, S Korea envoys skip tsunami ceremony
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Kimokekahuna Hawaii
what.. you expect them to kiss your ass? Show respect.. honor your dead?
Just more typical PRC, how can anyone expect them to act civilized when they are ruled by thugs.
It's a shame that Japan has such a bad relationship to its east asian neighbours. Politics aside, this is pretty bad display by both China and South Korea, but the history and saving face mentality between the Asian countries really is doing no one any good. Everyone's acting stubborn.
Not really disgrace when Koreans were one of the first to send relief aid and workers as well as donating millions of dollars only to be told shoved a whole lot of neo-imperialist, fascist propaganda as a thank you howdy do.
This is a disgrace for both the gov'ts of China and South Korea, not every citizen. Its such a disgrace, nevertheless.
You mean ties between the politics of the two countries. I am pretty sure a homeless man in Shinjuku Park and a farmer living on a $10/month salary in Northern China care less about the ties between the countries.
Taiwan and Mainland are both part of one China. Both the current Taiwan government and the mainland government acknowledge this 1992 Consensus.
Of course Taiwan was part of China (check history). No control does not equal no sovereignty. Similarly while Japan has 'control' over Diaoyu/Senkaku, it does not necessarily equal to Japan has sovereignty the islets. This is also the US official position.
Representatives and people from Taiwan have every right to be acknowledged and thanked by Japanese for their help in Japan's Tsunami. However, diplomatic protocol is a different and not a petty matter. Taiwan should not be diplomatically treated equal to other diplomats of sovereign states because Japan and Taiwan do not have formal diplomatic sovereign statehood relationship and since Japan should show by diplomatic action, not just talk of it's policy remain the same, that it truly by actions honor the Sino-Japan Communique.
Communist China is so childish. In fact, a country which bans something as trivial as Facebook should get no respect from anyone!!
China and Korea don't have to anything for Japan. It's folly to try to convince people how someone feels. Speak for yourselves. Of course they feel bad for Japan. Just because they weren't there doesn't mean they don't care.
When was the last time you missed your friends party? Does that mean he doesn't like you? No it doesn't
Let's be truthful and honest with each other. If someone steals your home, car, land or whatever then invites you to their party would you go? No, you would NOT.
That fact is this. The way they have responded is quite normal. Not only that its truthful.
If they had came the media would lie and put a completely different spin on this. Oh look, the fools came. Lets take some more from them.
Would you go back to your wife after she cheats on you? You would? Pfft she'll never respect you.
Korea sent rescue teams, relief envoys and millions in aid to Japan after the aid only to face a wave of neo-imperialist nationalism with Abe claiming that the WWII sex slaves were common prostitutes. Give me a break.
YubaruMar. 13, 2013 - 01:49PM JST He money from SK was close to $20 million (US)
South Korea donation totaled around $50 million to Japan earthquake. Can you show me your link that saids SK total was $20 million.
Its the 2nd anniversary, not the first or the 5th or the 10th. Who cares what the Koreans or Chinese do? If anything, Japanese government needs to focus on the Japanese people today. If government truly wants to commemorate the deaths in Tohoku, do more for the survivors there. Politics and international relations should not be the focus on this day.
Saul Schimek
so South Korea and China are being Prats. Why does this surprise anyone?
Where do you see the comprehensive list of the total donations from each country? There are multiple donation channels and I haven't seen a complete report. One thing I know for sure is that some Korean celebrities and companies donated a lot for the disaster relief. Koreans also donated a record high amount of money to the Korean Red Cross.
Broad Minded
Yubaru---yes they must have been ticked off but isn't it true that they have always been ticked off since they were children? I did not know about the new text book thing which always seems to crop up though I wonder how many kids and what age really read this stuff? This whole thing is so childish.
ks852852igie--very cool--no need to apologize--just be yourself man.
Jeff Ogrisseg
Now we have a better idea about the approximate value of a human life in China and South Korea. They disrespected their own dead countrymen, and flushed a huge opportunity to back up their rhetoric for better ties, i.e., they missed an "in your face moment." News to China: Think whatever you want, but Taiwan has built its own nation and national infrastructure despite you.
South Korea donated a good sum of money to Japan for the disaster relief, waging a nationwide donation campaign. There is no reason for not attending the ceremony and then clarifying there was a mistake if it was intentional. Nothing to gain from that move.
A couple of quick google searches and you arev quite right, it's very low in comparison to other countries and one of the big reasons for it was due to the Japanese government issuing new textbooks regarding the island dispute with Korea. People got ticked off and shut their wallets.
THe money from SK was close to $20 million (US)
Broad Minded
No, it is way below that and probably far below $1B. My estimate would be less than $100M and closer to $20M.
$50B--are you out of your mind? Korea does not even have that much money and the country is on the verge of bankruptcy.
Japan knows this will happen and intentionally invited Taiwan.
Politics? Inviting foreign dignitaries to a ceremony honoring the dead is political? I guess if you want to consider it that way sure, but then by your definition EVERYTHING is politcally motivated and no one should do anything related with Japan because of it.
My vote for the joke of the year so far on JT?
@chucky3176: You hate Japan very much. I know it because I read your comments on Chinasmack, Japancrush and Koreabang. You always bash this country. I wonder why you are here. You should only ignore it since you hate it that much. Also, unlike you, I think Korean news write a lot about Japan, and they like writing how their economy is better than Japan's, praising the Korean wave all the time, and talking about how much K-pop is popular in Japan and everywhere...tons of stuff like this. Korean press is very nationalistic. Ah, I'm not Japanese, I'm Italian. So, don't think I'm your typical Japanese netizen who likes to bash Korea. After tsunami, some Korean people donated their money to Japan. I'm sure the gesture of many people was sincere. But I can remember two very disturbing things that I read: 1 - some people took their donations back because of Dokdo dispute. 2 - some Korean people were happy to donate their money because this way they could show their powerful status to Japan. I was disgusted by these things. I don't think everyone in South Korea is like that, of course. But hate towards Japan is widely accepted. On The Korea Times I read many comments in the articles about Japan where Korean people call Japanese "ugly radioactive monkeys". Their comments are not banned, and this is what I find being the most incredible thing. If someone wrote here that Koreans are ugly monkeys the mods would erase the comments. The Korean Times isn't supposed to be on the level of 2chan. I think Japanese press isn't absoultely perfect but way more professional and serious than Korean press.
Don't know why sfjp330 would suggest that three Japanese lawmakers should be arrested on trying to visit Ulleungdo which us recognized as Korewn territory even by Japan. On what grounds? They were even prohibited from entering the country which clearly indicates the irrational behavior of Koreans. Since when did Japan refused to admit Korean nationals or lawmakers despite announcing beforehand that they were going there specifically to protest? And what does this incident in Summer of 2011 have to do with the two year anniversary in 2013 when Kirean officials attended the one tear anniversary in 2012? The lame excuses needs to stop.
YubaruMar. 13, 2013 - 06:24AM JST Like other countries dont have memorial events for disasters that occurred?
Other countries know how to behave. If Japan goverment mixes natural disaster with politics, you cannot blame other nations of abandoning any memorial in Japan. It really is in Japan's best interest from a security and economic standpoint to do whatever needs to be done to repair its relationship with South Korea. Japan sent three Japanese lawmakers in the summer of 2011, Yoshitaka Shindo, Tomomi Inada and Masahisa Sato, all from Japan’s LDP, of their plan to travel close to Dokdo islands claimed by South Korea and Japan. The trio then made a confrontation with a big scene, being arrogant, and refused for hours to board a return flight home. They shoud've been arrested and put in Korean jail for a while. The Japanese influence in the Pacific is gradually fading away anyway, so South Korea does not put significant importance in improving relations with Japan. Japan cannot change so leave them alone.
Like other countries dont have memorial events for disasters that occurred?
South Korea did the right thing by refusing to attend the ceremony because it is meaningless. Japan continues to look at themselves as victims and cannot see beyond themselves. After the earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, and even with the warnings from South Korean government, these three Japanese politicans tried to visit near Dokdo (Ulleungdo island) to intentionally create conflict in August 2011. The question was why the ponderous Japanese bureaucracy had to repeat its hoary claim to "Dokdo", while South Koreans were collecting donations and sending rescue teams in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami that inundated the northeast coast of Japan?
What was the priorties for J-goverment after the disaster? At the time, PM Kan didn't say anything against this issue, and did Kan approve of what these three lawmakers plans to do? There was no apologies from the J-goverment. Why was it so important for Japan goverment to create a conflict to South Korea that donated over $50 billion dollars to the Japan relief? Japan should pay back all the contribution money. These Japanese lawmakers don't give a damm about the countless hours these Koreans work to raise millions for the Japan relief and for better relations. Japan is saying stick it. If there is a conflict, and we know there are, why didn't these lawmakers go through proper channels for discussion?
I guess I'm wondering how much aid did China send to Japan? I don't care to speculate but I gotta ask.
On the other hand you can guess that Abe planned to cock a snook at China and China responded. In reality, who cares? Just the child politicians.
SK I don't understand. Their use of excuses is just odd. Oh well.
According to the article, obviously China had contacted Japan to confirm the treatment of Taiwan in the ceremony and “the Japanese government explained to China that we would treat Taiwan appropriately in this ceremony considering its enormous support to us.” This response meant that there might be a possible conflict and embarrassment created by J govt, so it would be best for China to avoid it all together. Clearly, China had planned to attend, but that response left much room for conflict. Think about it, China did attend the first ceremony and Noda govt had used appropriate approach in their treatment of China and Taiwan, but this time it would be different as seen from the response. It was the right choice for China by not attending, in a way Taiwan was meant to represent China in the ceremony. In the case of SK, the chance of clerical error in this matter is almost nil. SK had no plan to attend at all and I wonder whether SK might have known that China was not attending either.
"overchan... talk of being childish... look at Japan.
Japan's love affair with their poster child, Taiwan is extremely funny. Thailand is like Japan's underling, they do all of Japan's biddings. Taiwan's love affair with Japan flatters the Japanese, which butters up Japanese egos."
They will all turn on Japan once they have the financial prosperity. South Korea and China are no exceptions. I have no doubt SEA nations will turn on ALL of East Asia once they reach the same level of economic prosperity. Terry Gou's arrogant demands of Sharp is one case. Then again, who knows. It's not fair to generalize.
For now, they all put a nice smile and reap the benefits. Japan did it, Korea did it, China did it. It's a good idea to mend relations before it reaches this point.
That's not true. SK gave millions for relief.
The only article that I can find about this supposed snub, is this one from (see below)
Most Koreans don't even know that there's an issue. So your painting an entire nation with this, simply ludicrous.
Japan has observed a moment of silence to mark the second anniversary of a devastating earthquake and tsunami that claimed nearly 19,000 lives and caused the worst nuclear accident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
At a national ceremony in Tokyo Monday, attended by Emperor Akihito, Empress Michiko and other top government officials, attendees stood in silence at 2:46 p.m., the exact time the 9.0-magnitude earthquake on March 11, 2011 off Japan's northeastern Pacific coast.
Anti-nuclear demonstrations were also planned across Japan to call on the country to abandon nuclear power generation.
The quake triggered a killer tsunami that swallowed coastal communities, battered the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, and left nearly 19,000 people dead or missing.
Efforts to rebuild the disaster-hit region have been slow. Figures show more than 300,000 people are still without a permanent home, many remaining in cramped temporary housing units.
Tony Ew
China is absolutely right! Maybe somebody can explain why Abe need to 'improve' on what Noda do? If no explanation is relevant, this means Abe is the real childish politician. Another sneaky attempt by the wise Abe to poison the atmosphere. Abe is doing nothing classy here, just playing small timer politics. Compare with US, really, zero statesman coming out from Japan!
overchan... talk of being childish... look at Japan.
Japan's love affair with their poster child, Taiwan is extremely funny. Thailand is like Japan's underling, they do all of Japan's biddings. Taiwan's love affair with Japan flatters the Japanese, which butters up Japanese egos.
The Tsunami is nothing about political problems. Its an humanitarian issue. Im sure that China and South Korea are hateful, childish and insensitive countries.Unlike Taiwan, even with Island Disputes they are not as childish.
Stay classy.
Who cares?
I've quickly scanned all the major Korean dailies and I don't see any stories on this at all. If the story is even printed, it's probably buried somewhere. This story is out of sight, out of mind. All this tells me is, nobody in Korea cares about this. If this was done purposely, I think the Korean press would have been let known and they would have been on it. I think there are some serious misunderstandings in Japan, about Korea. Japan is getting less and less press coverage (neither bad or good) in Korea. Korea's becoming increasingly apathetic to Japan. While it seems to be the opposite phenomenon in Japan where Korea's press coverage (mostly bad) is becoming increasingly frequent.
Elbuda Mexicano
Japan and the Koreas and China must get along! It is just stupid to fight about stupid things. China needs high tech from Japan and Samsung, Japan and Samsung, oops, South Koreans, anyway, time for ALL these 3 groups to grow up.
There isn't. It truly showed their true colors. I think people are just laughing at their "my dog ate my homework" type excuses where the guy further embarasses himself by publicly announcing it on his twitter.
SK receives no ODA from anybody. This is 2013, not 1955. I don't know where you're getting that ideal from.
Nigelboy, if Japanese are happy Koreans stayed away. I really don't see what the problem is.
It appears they are. What's riling them up now is the multiple excuses by Korean officials to cover their hate.
Except for Shin Kak Soo, the Ambassador.
I bet we will see more from all around the world the sign "NO KOREANS ALLOWED"|. What a show of super duper attitude! China is next, like "No Back Stabbing Chinese Allowed",hahaha If it comes to reality, I would say just " FINALLLLLLLLLLLLY".
"I wish the US realizes what a bad investment SK is. Let them deal with their own probs from the North. leave them. As for Japan, leave them without any ODA and other similar monetary support. They ought to know that, instead of bragging for their foolish artificial cosmetics.' Yes cuz you said so right? If the US pulled out, Korea would most definitely start developing nukes. They are increasingly getting adamant due to their constant bringing up of the subject towards the US. It's bad enough that China has nukes. I don't want an arms race in beautiful E asia thanks.
Everyday there are demonstrations in Tokyo, for Koreans to get out of Japan and not come to Japan. Now Japanese are angry because Koreans didn't come. I thought Japanese net users would be very happy Koreans stayed away. I don't get it. If Koreans did come, then the Japanese will be complaining that they did come. There's nothing Korea can do to satisfy Japan.
If it was done purposely, then S.Korea would have told Japan they will stay away purposely. Koreans don't beat around the bush when their intentions are different. They would have let Japan know about it if they wanted to make a point or a statement. What's the point of saying it was mistake if Koreans wanted to make a statement?
Clerical error? Givme a break... It was purposely done.
I wish the US realizes what a bad investment SK is. Let them deal with their own probs from the North. leave them. As for Japan, leave them without any ODA and other similar monetary support. They ought to know that, instead of bragging for their foolish artificial cosmetics. China just gets deeper into the realm of the "UNFORGIVABLE" side of the katana. They shouldn't be considered as a good neighbor in any sense. So NO need for ODA as well from JP. WHAT the heck is JP thinking, giving ODA (help money) to countries like PRC and SK, and at the same time killing it's own people with lucrative taxes and price hikes.
There is no more respect, just politics. The human race is doomed IMHO.
'But instead China & South Korea showed THEIR TRUE COLORS by Snubbing this event and their actions Clearly Demonstrated to The World Their Feelings of: "WE DON'T FEEL SORRY THAT THOUSANDS OF YOUR CITIZENS GOT WASHED AWAY...!!! I feel like China & S. Korea were actually HAPPY it happened and I feel like they wish it would happen again.'
South Korea donated alot for the tsunami. Kim Yuna even donated her prize money. Same goes for China. Regular citizens from both countries all chipped in to provide money for the relief. Don't insult their good will. East Asia needs to help eachother out... especially cuz of the looming threat of Mount Fuji. On top of that Japan continuously denies its past actions and insults the victims by calling them prostitutes and the event has never occurred. Politics is a double edged sword and it's truly regrettable. This is why East Asia can't have nice things.
I NEVER EVER want to hear about Nanjing nor Comfort Women Ever Again! This was an opportunity for China and South Korea to stand on the World Stage and demonstrate "We felt sorry for your people, now please hear our grievance.".
But instead China & South Korea showed THEIR TRUE COLORS by Snubbing this event and their actions Clearly Demonstrated to The World Their Feelings of: "WE DON'T FEEL SORRY THAT THOUSANDS OF YOUR CITIZENS GOT WASHED AWAY...!!! I feel like China & S. Korea were actually HAPPY it happened and I feel like they wish it would happen again.
This is why People Around The World feel no pitty for China and now Shockingly South Korea when Natural Disasters hit them or for Sourh Koreas sake, when their Cousins across the North take cannon shots at them. It's because of their Horrible and Sour ATTITUDES!! Beijing and Soul should Never get the Olympics ever again.
BTW: China & South Korea just Secured Abe's next Re-Election - Nice Move (those idiots). Big Blunder, but what do you expect from Political Amateurs?
Well, The United States of AMERICA was there and we gave Japan all of our sympathy and condolences to the Beautiful Nation of Japan.
This is too funny.
First, they reported it was a clerical error. Then they went on further by explaining that the staff mistook the faxed invitation as "not important" because it was written in English and the staff promptly DISCARDED them. Then this Korean official had the nerve to criticize Japan for not "following up" with the invitation for Korea is claiming that there was no reason to decline when Korea assisted in the relief efforts.
Now, it's been reported that Korea did indeed replied "will not attend" and that they deny there was any ulterior motives behind their absence. (Yeah right!!!)
What a messed up country.
Have they been invited ?
I see you like mixing apples and oranges. In one, the Chinese and Japanese were combatants and I'm not sure whether China would even WANT a representative of Japan to be invited, and in the other Japan specifically invited China - who sent a lot of financial assistance after the tsunami to Japan - to attend. Taiwan's assistance came without any direction or support by mainland China, so they deserved to be invited separately from mainland China REGARDLESS of previous agreements.
This is truly regrettable. As for Taiwan. I would totally support their independence... if they stopped calling themselves the republic of China.
considering China-japan relations... I was kinda expecting this.
Korea and China probably didn't attend cuz they were in the mindset of "if they don't care about our problems, why should we care about theirs"
No smith. It was initially reported as "clerical error" when it appears Korea did in fact respond to the invitation "will not attend".
Korea is petty indeed.
As others have already slapped down your hate mongering, they are not comparable. Natural disasters are something all humans share without regard to politics or national borders. Japan has sent teams, doctors and supplies to China after the Sczechuan earthquakes.
Broad Minded
We all know how Chinese acted when the dispute over the islands erupted through that purchase. The Chinese broke into Japanese department stores and trashed all the Japanese products. They are wild barbarian animals. Not all of them are of this class but it just shows and the fact that the government did not do anything to stop them just shows the government is on the same side as the beasts. If you hate someone do you break into their house and steal the tv or demolish things? The truth is that this type of behavior is that of animals. As such what do you expect from China when it comes to a peaceful come together for the tsunami ceremony?
Broad Minded
Interesting way to look at this is Korea is like a stalker country and Japan is not really thinking about Korea at all in a good or bad way. Many Koreans were celebrating when Japan had the earthquake so of course they are not going to come. For China it is bigger news since Japan thinks about them more. Just because of this Taiwan issue is so lame and like children. Grow up world. Think about humanity first. Peace and Love.
Broad Minded
Clerical mistake--yeh right. I thought about this and figured out that there was definitely no clerical mistake. Well everyone knows that 3/11 is the date and as such there has been one full year to plan ahead for this. Even just a week before or few days before people must have known. If SK wants to really apologize at this point then they could send over $10M and explain how ashamed they are of missing this important time. Of course that will not happen. We all know there are political issues among all sides but this was the time to drop all of that and try to come together and show our humanity.
what's the surprise? Chinese has a new leader and he may not be so willing to take dirt thrown by J-politicians and still keep a smiling face?
Forget about sino-japan friendship any more.
Mike Critchley
Pathetic. Physically adult people with the personalities of elementary age school kids running entire nations. Scary stuff.
This is the effective news....
Useless unpleasant gestures. They even lack of respect for Korean and Chinese victims.
100% clear that it's Seoul that invented that pretext. There was no error. There can't be an error so total, they could be one guy not making it to the place, but the Embassy would have find a way to replace him at the last minute...unless they wanted to show an empty seat.
If Peoples Republic of China does not want to be honored at the ceremony, it is fine with me that they are absent. Japan should honor Taiwan for their heart felt help during the crisis.
If PRC does not want to see Taiwanese in a convention, they should have boycotted London Olympic Games.
@ Knox Harrington.
I don't think China needs Japan's help in this area. It seems to be doing a pretty good job all over Asia of showing everyone its cards prematurely and being a disdainful and arrogant bully. It trumpets its long history as having conferred on it some kind of superior wisdom yet acts like an immature and uncouth lout.
This was a serious diplomatic blunder by both China and South Korea, The earthquake and tsunami disaster was a humanitarian crisis where "developed" countries are expected to show compassion at the very least. It clearly shows these two are far from being "truly developed" countries in the advanced sociological sense. I can bet if such horrific disaster befell China or South Korea, Japan would send millions of $ in aid and send hig ranking diplomats to show their respects, like all highly developed countries should. I don't blame the people, but the governments there are despicable. I've been to both China and South Korea and I have met some decent people there, although there are harsh sentiments towards Japan from many people. Really, Japan is on a much higher level, at least that's the way I saw it, firsthand.
Anyone from North Korea???
Knox Harrington
So what if they didn't join.
China sure is no saint when it comes to international relations, but it takes one to know one as they say. Japan has not exactly been the good guy when talking diplomacy with its neighbors lately so I see this as yet another attempt from Japan's side to try to imprint into the populace that China is forever the bad guy. Pathetic.
Wow.....all I can say is wow. How could anyone be so cold as to try and connect a war related incident, of which there are plenty to go around for everyone, with a NATURAL DISASTER.
Dude this is down right cold.
Not the same thing. There is a disagreement over who caused Nanking and the extent of the dead. Japan officially does nit acknowledge responsibility for Nanking so it would make no sense to send someone to the ceremony. The case of the tsunami is not the same. It's apples and oranges.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
Tiger_In_The_HermitageMar. 12, 2013 - 04:52PM JST
One thing has nothing to do with another.
I believe that regardless of ideology, they should only think about tsunami´s victimis this moment.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
MoonrakerMar. 12, 2013 - 05:07PM JST
I think so too.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
some14someMar. 12, 2013 - 04:57PM JST
Seems to me that Chinese government will only attent the next cerimony if Japan doenst invite Taiwan.
Amazing! 5000 years of history and such petulance. I don't think China has much to teach the world.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
Some Chinese are trying to make excuse by talking about issues that has nothing to do with Tsunami.
let's hope they will attend next year's ceremony !
Mitsuo Matsuyama
Unfortunatelly some Chinese still didnt understand the meaning of humanity.
Taiwan's friendship, thanks for reminding me. Taiwan also has a claim on the Senkaku, should we give it to them as a mark of friendship?
Pretty poor diplomacy by both China and South Korea. A simple gesture of attendance might have improved relations even if only a little. Wasted opportunity.
Once again, Japan´s neighbours are an embarrassment to themselves.
From communist China, I half-expected this, but that the Korean government behaves like this too is really a dissappointment.
globalwatcherMar. 12, 2013 - 03:50PM JST
I think this is a characteristic than can be equally applied to the Japanese and Koreans, as well as the Chinese.
ProbieMar. 12, 2013 - 03:39PM JST
The only difference is that China didn't cause the death of the Tsunami victims and China doesn't deny the Tsunami ever happened. Both events are branded on the national psyche and play a large part in defining who they are in 2013.
I have a problem with someone like this who cannot "compartmentalize" one issue to others. This is a rational thinking skill that they do not seem to have. Doesn't it sound very familiar? Wife wants to go back and brow up all her life time anger at you when you want to talk about a current dispulte?
It sums up about them very well-no compassion and no empathy in humanity. Sounds like they are very mean. Sad and shame.
Completely different to this situation.
China ans S.Korea should grow up. Especially China. They make Japan look mature.
Samurai_Blue: "It's pretty clear through this statement; Seoul informed Tokyo on Monday its envoy’s absence was due to a clerical mistake."
That doesn't clearly state at all which side the error was from, as it could well have been on the invitation from Tokyo, couldn't it? It would have been a clerical worker in Tokyo who sent the information to Seoul, no? I doubt that's the case -- as we would likely have heard "Seoul informed Tokyo on Monday its envoy's absence was due to a clerical mistake on the Tokyo side", but I'm just saying.
In any case, I still think it's a pretty serious blunder, and if indeed on Seoul's side they ought to up the ante in terms of going and showing respects, especially with a new President and staff there.
Dog: "And when was the last time Japan sent a Japanese government representative to Nanking massacre rembrance day on December 10th?"
While I don't disagree with what you're saying, the incidents are not really comparable. Japan SHOULD of course send someone to Nanjing, but first they've got a whole lot of politics to work on. A natural disaster that reminds us all of how fragile life is for everyone and how powerless we are against it should not have anything to do with nationality or politics. So again, it was petty.
Sadly however events like this are political, like it or not, and protocols need to be maintained. If they wanted to keep it non-political they wouldn't have had any formal ceremony anyway, but like other "memorial" events here in Japan they are always political undertones.
smithinjapanMar. 12, 2013 - 02:32PM JST
And when was the last time Japan sent a Japanese government representative to Nanking massacre rembrance day on December 10th?
So 2 neighbors decide that they won't attend or can not attend 1 of whom donated a great deal towards the relief and there is no thought that the host might be a little at fault? Guess everyone else is wrong except the poor picked on host.
Taiwan's actions alone should be enough for people to recognize that it isn't part of China, as much as the powers up in Beijing like to whine about it.
Grow up Beijing.
Hahahaha, Hilarious!
As for SK 'clerical' mistake? Maybe, but I doubt it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's easy to blame the island disputes for the sour grapes between Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and China, but the animosity between these countries goes much further back and it was Japan that created this ill-feeling with their colonial rule and invasions in the first half of last century, which Japan seems to want to ignore and forget.
House Atreides
Taiwan isn't a part of China. It was never a part of China. This was made clear after the Mudan Incident of 1871 when the Chinese government stated that they did not have effective control over Taiwan.
Representatives from Taiwan have every right to take part in the ceremony on an equal footing with other diplomats. The sooner more countries recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation, independent of China, the better.
Childish! Period. I expected this from China but not from SK.
Taiwan must be recognized as it is a true friend of Japan, past and present. No other nation contributed so selflessly in the time of the tsunami. I was utterly dismayed when Japan snubbed Taiwan from the list of 'countries' due to the one China policy. I do not know whether or when Taiwan and the Mainland will reunify, there is no doubt Taiwan's friendship must be recognized and honored among the international community as equals.
Clerical error? Givme a break... It was purposely done.
It's pretty clear through this statement; Seoul informed Tokyo on Monday its envoy’s absence was due to a clerical mistake.
It was Korean side that made the mistake unless they make an independent statement stating otherwise.
If we disrepect the Chinese by kind of acknowledging Taiwan independence and then complain about the Chinese not showing up for a memorial event, thats pretty low of our politicians. The memorial event should be as that, not a political staging ground as it just demostrates the lack of respect the the victims by our own government.
Pretty poor show by our neighbours. Funzo znd the boys should publicly pop down to Yasukuni to show their appreciation.
That's pretty petty of China, regardless of Japan kind of flubbing it up by inviting Taiwan on equal footing. The part about South Korea should definitely be clarified. If it was due to a clerical error (on which side?) then it was just plain stupid. If it were otherwise, equally as petty as with China.