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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2015.China says Japan complicating regional security with new bills
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Sounds like power hungry China is not happy with Japan facing up to the challenge of maintaining security.
The only thing it "complicates" are China's territorial expansion plans and the goal to oust the United States Navy out of the Fareast.
I think that complicating China's attempts to expand territory is the intended idea Mr. Minister.
China is a special country of the world which did not go through a process of democratization to become a modern nation. The country changed from despotic feudalistic society to a communist country and to a hybrid nation of communism and capitalism where still the central communim government controls everything and different ideas of people are not expressed to the world. Statements of the government are likely to become propagandas.
When will the Chinese be happy or is it a form of vassalage, expecting the Japanese to always seek China's acceptance of issues.
Haaa Nemui
I'd accept this statement from almost anyone BUT China.
Japan needs to stick with article #9 and not return to being an aggressive nation.
Ijiro Kiwate
China needs to look in the mirror to find what created this contemporary issue in the first place. Look in the dictionary for the words hegemony and genocide where you will find the PRC flag image. I am no apologist for the hideous atrocities that exemplified Imperial Japan and memories of that should never fade but it seems to me that one would avoid behavior that would resurrect Godzilla.
Problem for China is that Japan has the strongest navy and air force in Asia except for the U.S. They're still restricted by Article 9, but you don't want to mess with them. Since Japan has been supplied with advanced military equipment from the U.S, they still maintains a significant qualitative advantage. China's navy isn't as large or widespread, so any losses taken would be a big step closer to their naval power being crippled. They have only one functional aircraft carrier, the destruction of which would be a devastating blow to their strength. China's only aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, is too small to launch most long-range planes and will probably be limited to hugging China's coast.
...along with the rest of China's northern fleet, based in Qingdao, which can't sail into the Pacific without passing through Japanese waters at some point. I think the term you want is "bottled up."
China could do something constructive like engaging in multi-country negotiations on the regions resource sharing but they just want to throw their weight around. China should adopt their own article nine and that would end the problem.
"complicate"? I don't like the wording here, because it sounds like Japan is the only country in the region which aggravate the situation. What we have to do is see the things from as many perspectives as possible and cooperate with each other to make the circumstances better.
A Realist
Japan is certainly complicating China's plans to control Asia. I guess China never expected that anyone would ever dare stand up to it.
Don't forget that the reason Japan has article 9 in constitution is because JP surrendered to survive after WW2 and the ally demanded it to abide by the same! The US will never fight China in near future because both sides simply can't put up with that kind of loss caused by war each other. Japanese security bill of this time is only for psychological safety instead of anthing reality, nobody really think Japan will send soldiers to fight ISIS sort of thing!
yosun JUL. 18, 2015 - 11:20AM JST The US will never fight China in near future because both sides simply can't put up with that kind of loss caused by war each other.
China does not possessed a credible sea-based deterrent force, it still does not have a single operational aircraft carrier, and many of its submarines use diesel-electric propulsion rather than nuclear power. When these less-than-imposing features of the Chinese military posture are combined with deficiencies in airlift, reconnaissance, logistics and other key capabilities, the picture that emerges is not ominous.
Japan should not be the surrogate to fight China for America. Japan needs to live in peace and only fight to defend Japan.
You got the picture all wrong, It's the US that keeps China from attacking Japan. What Abe is doing is ensuring that Japan will be able to continue to live in peace.
China MUST STOP complicating issues regarding the South China Sea & the Shengkaku Japanese Islands BEFORE criticising Japan's new security amendments to its Constitution. Also, why is China so adamant to have a 1 Communist Party Rule ?, Why is China going back on its promise on 1 Party 2 System for Hong Kong? Why is China still supporting the Terror State of North Korea? There are many more Chinese faults that can be brought up including Chinese Ant-Japanese propaganda over CCTV since 2005. Now that China realises that Japan has a strong Armed Forces that will no longer "kow-tow" to Imperial Communist Power, the Chinese is trying to show they are becoming friendly and accommodating Japan. Look what is happening in Europe - Putin's Russia is continuously usurping Ukraine and forcefully annexed Crimea, & eyeing other Eastern European countries that were under the "boots" of the former USSR. China is following Putin's example. Now the Chinese has Economic power they want to flex their muscles and bully smaller South East Asian Countries who are also claimants to their own territorial waters. China has adamantly refused to be involved in the International Court of Justice with the Philippines re" Spratly Islands Disputes. The Chinese disregard UNCLOS and used 2,000 years of history to claim 90% of the South Chinese Sea. Damn Ridiculous - as the British, Spanish, French & Dutch could also stake their historical Colonial claims of the South China Sea. Please WAKE UP Japanese Peaceniks as I am sure u don't want Japan to be dominated by Imperial China - a few of Chinese Generals had also in the past threatened Japan with Nuclear weapons. PM Abe is has made the correct moves for the defence of Japan & the Japanese People & assist US, Australia, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia etc. to keep the South China Sea, as well as the East Sea free from the aggressive Chinese Navy.
advill JUL. 18, 2015 - 12:20PM JST China MUST STOP complicating issues regarding the South China Sea & the Shengkaku Japanese Islands BEFORE criticising Japan's new security amendments to its Constitution
There is a dispute. Japan renounced claims to a number of territories and islands including Taiwan in the 1951 Treaty of San Francisco. These islands, however, came under US trusteeship and were returned to Japan in 1971 under the Okinawa reversion deal. Japan says China raised no objections to the San Francisco deal. And it says that it is only since the 1970s, when the issue of oil resources in the area emerged, that Chinese and Taiwanese authorities began pressing their claims.
Why, you got scared china man? You are afraid that you can not be bullying around in asia?
And when Japan is under threat from an enemy that it can't repulse alone, who's it going to call? Sadly, weak defensive capabilities aren't a recipe for peace. Japan should discourage its rogue neighbors from creating more mayhem and misery by standing firm alongside its allies.
Does anyone, even China or the Koreas, seriously think that Japan is the same country that it was in the 1930s and 1940s?
Alan JUL. 18, 2015 - 12:48PM JST Japan should not be the surrogate to fight China for America. Japan needs to live in peace and only fight to defend Japan. And when Japan is under threat from an enemy that it can't repulse alone, who's it going to call? Sadly, weak defensive capabilities aren't a recipe for peace.
While China holds Germany as exemplary in dealing with its wartime past, Germany has the world’s highest percentage of people who view China negatively. A BBC survey found that more than 76 percent of Germans, the highest rate among 24 countries polled, view China as exerting a mainly negative impact on the world.
I only wrote the second half of the piece you quoted under my name. The first part belongs to YuriOtani.
Keep poking a stick at the neighborhood dog and it's going to bite you eventually. Saying that, I can't help the sinking feeling that this is what the Chinese wanted all along. They're not so dumb that they couldn't have seen this coming. I wonder what grand scheme they have brewing.
KyushuKris JUL. 18, 2015 - 02:13PM JST Keep poking a stick at the neighborhood dog and it's going to bite you eventually. Saying that, I can't help the sinking feeling that this is what the Chinese wanted all along.
If you know, from the China standpoint, the changes of a strategic, balancers would be Japan and India, but Vietnam, Philippines, Australia, and others could all conceivably play crucial roles. India and Japan share similar concerns about China locked in territorial disputes have doubts about U.S. commitment to the region. A security partnership with India offers Japan other benefits, if carried through, could undermine China's plans for regional hegemony, and Japan's military with Indian not enable it to prepare for out of area contingencies, which not represent step in Japan's becoming a normal military power.
What's China planning on doing to its neighbours that it would like Japan to stay out of? China thinks it's soooo smart and it thinks it's fooling everyone as to the real reason. Okay, who am I kidding, even China doesn't believe that they're fooling anyone but yet like complete idiots, they march on anyways with their pathetic attempt to distract everyone from their real agenda. I for one am glad that China still fears Japan enough to play this stupid game and demand that Japan stay home a mind its own business. Without the US and Japan in the area, China would F%#K up everyone in the area in no time to get their way. Just look at Tibet.
Diplomacy is complicated.Especially if you are a pacific nation. Life is so hard.
Everything you said might be true, however nowadays is an information era instead of mechanical era like decades ago! Once a real war occur between China and the US, the first day both sides will take down each others' satellites like GPS/ BDS and other military systems and hack each others varies internets before hot war by aircrafts/ navy vessles/ missles action... therefore before soldiers casualities, we'll find civilian airplane can't fly, ATM can't get cash, even power plants and hospitles... etc can't work! that's what I said nobody can put up with that sort of outcome! Also that's why the US don't really care China develop new fighters or missles but do care about China hackers or satellites destroying weapon or some special CN units took over control a US satellite 6 minutes.....
Ronald Hassem
unfortunately you need a big stick to ward off a snake . all countries governments and politicians are snakey, yuri otani reminds me of the hippies we have here in australia who speak out against the wars and soldiers who fight to attain the peace that affords them their ability sit at home and think of all these fanciful utopian ideas.i wonder if abe and xi will smoke weed at the summit? could be a good idea
The only ones who possibly couldn't approve of this are those who 1.) Don't know in what situation Japan is right now, swayed by media incompetence, censorship and PR 2.) Countries that are already preying on Japan
Some people make no sense and that makes me mad.
Nowhere has it been stated that Japan will even be able to pre-emptively attack anything. But it's also nowhere stated that Japan's neighbors have a much bigger military than Japan itself. And it's nowhere stated that the only reason that Japan isn't conquered, is most likely because of the big brother USA.
Abe doesn't want to be a sitting duck anymore and wants to strenghten Japan's military so it can be independent from the USA. It's not like Japan wants to conquer anything, it's just that they don't want to be conquered.
Just another P.R. campaign... People who really research where Japan is in the world right now will notice that Japan needs a stronger everything, including a military.
How else will Japan ensure its safety? Saying "Please don't conquer us! We want to be peaceful right now, come back later"? The nerve and naivité of some people...
One has to look at these comments and actions by the Government of China from two perspectives;
First, as has been discussed before, the Communist party has, and is, engaged in a strategic information campaign against Japan, vilifying and demonizing it, to deflect the Chinese populace’s attention from their lack of human rights and endemic corruption. Speaking of which, I read an article on health care in China and it essentially said that your ability to be seen at a hospital/doctor is directly related to how much of a bribe you’re willing to pay. Don’t want to pay a bribe, go on to the the next hospital, no matter how much of an emergency you (or your children) have……
The second dynamic is historical – many know that China is considered the “Middle Kingdom” – but many also think that term has but one definition. Besides relating to China’s geographic location straddling Asia and the Middle East/Western Europe, it also means China is the middle kingdom between heaven and earth. Throughout its history, and certainly in the “Golden Age” of the Tang and Song dynasties, where China lead the world in the arts, culture and technology, China has always viewed itself as “above all others”. The interim periods where it was conquered by either the Mongols or Westerners, were just interruptions to China natural place as the “chosen one” between the gods and the people. And that was pretty much how things worked out during those years, counties in Asia were vassal states and would pay tribute to China – hence the word “to kow-tow”. To China, that is the “natural order of things” – and we see that reflected in China’s actions today. When you hear the government use words like “protect China’s dignity” and “assume its rightful place”, what they really mean is for China to again assume its leadership role in Asia, with all other countries deferring its decisions. A strong Japan complicates that, so you see the government continually attempt to demonize Japan to its domestic audience, and make efforts to reduce Japan’s role and stature internationally - hence comments like.
YuriOtaniJul. 18, 2015 - 11:36AM JST
It is all wrong, Yuri.
Without US being present in Asian sea, China has no problem taking over Japan, Okinawa, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and Cambodia. You may want to know the reason why China wants to spend more in military.
My apologies, several typos;
... when China led the world.........
....all other countries deferring to its decisions........
... hence comments like this..........AU_user_since_1998
Japan is the only nation in Asia which can stand up with the bully Chinese. Without Japan, China will build fortress and ravenous exploitation of natural resources to the the body of water known as South ChiNazi and East ChiNazi.
No one will ever agree with China taking the whole body of water as their based on fabricated 9-dash lines and fake historical documents.
Hi everyone. Let's make sure Beijing is reading all posts here. You know they DO.
Beijing needs to stop being too aggressive. If Beijing cannot follow international rules, the rest of world will stop Beijing. Mark our words.We will do it.
You guys will not agree with me because following is just my guess. I think Abe wants Japan stands on own instead of being viewed as depending on USA military like mindless stupid.
"learn from history, respect major security concerns of its neighbors and not to do harm to regional peace and stability”, Xinhua added. Hmmmm, makes sense. The chinese should try it!