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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2015.China sets Sept 3 to mark WWII victory over Japan
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To Japanese companies time to pull out. Do you really expect fair treatment? As for the ceremony expect Japan to boycott it.
This title alone is asking for heated comments, After 70 years one would think that it's time to bury the hatchet and remember the people that died, from all sides in the conflict.
I agree. German leaders do not "worship" war criminals the way Japanese ministers visit Yasukuni.
The Chinese government will do all they can to take advantage of this.. In their mind it boosts their prestige and there isn't any downside domestically.
Jeff Huffman
Poorly worded headline. China wasn't victorious over the Japanese, per se, the U.S. was. The Japanese army in China was effectively abandoned as attention turned to defending the main islands against the U.S.
Japanese companies will stay there as long as it is economically beneficial. Only the most right-wing shachos will pull out for political reasons even when it's still financially beneficial to be there. The only reason Japanese companies will pull out is if it stops being financially beneficial to do business in China, or if they feel that it may soon become so due to political issues.
But one thing they never report in the news is that while China is harsh on Japan in the news regarding it's wartime past (lets call this tatemae), they are pro-business in the background and want Japanese companies to continue doing business in their country (lets call this honne). People doing business in China understand this.
Brandon Sherman
Japan hasn't kissed our butts enough from WWII, but look the other way while we poison and enslave tens of millions of our own people for a little profit. Consistency not needed here.
Again vicious Chinese government is imbueing their ignorant public with wrong ideas to avert their attentions from domestic problems. In China, the government controls everything education, medias, economy etc. and people's activities against the government are carefully watched by the police.
The Chinese recognize no facts, with their selective memory.
Gary Raynor
YuriOtaniMay. 14, 2015 - 07:19AM JST
Great idea. Then Japan can sell all its cars, aircons and fridges its domestic market of part time workers and pensioners.
Oh that's right it can't!!!! and that's the reason Japanese companies are in China in the first place.
....But the communist party never actually defeated the Japanese, it was the Nationalist faction. They were relegated to maintaining the supply line and even then they failed at that I believe. Taiwan can do it since they actually did fight on the front lines but the communist party saved its power until after the war to win over the Nationalist faction.
China's victory over Japan? Ummmm talk about re-writing history.
Forget it China, it is History!
Gary Raynor please read the article their is a growing boycott of Japanese made goods in China. It is a 50 percent reduction and Japanese companies are often the targets of mobs or the PRC government. So tell me again about the "fruits" of Japanese companies being in the PRC.
I expect the ceremony to be a hate filled event toward Japan. Perhaps it will be used to send in hate filled people to destroy Japaneses business and factories. Perhaps the thugs will get out of hand and injure or kill Japanese or perceived Japanese.
This is my take on this event and the Peoples Republic of China was not a country for victory in the pacific day. It was the Republic of China and then the civil war started that killed an untold number of Chinese.
The shachos will stay in China as long as the money flows AND the risk is low, they are right in saying that the commemorations do pose a potential risk, especially if the sentiment descends into the "patriotic" farce that was in force the last time mass anti-Japanese riots occurred over in the PRC years ago...
Just sayin'.
They have a right to commemorate yes, but I highly doubt it's just for ..commemoration.
Gary Raynor
wakawaka225May. 14, 2015 - 08:40AM JST
OkikibiMay. 14, 2015 - 08:44AM JST
You two need to do a bit of reading, when you find the time.
I learnt at school, when I was 11, that the Sino-Japanese war lasted from 1937-1945. However my history teacher could have been mistaken or was in the pay of the communist Chinese.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
@Gary RaynorMAY. 14, 2015 - 08:50AM JST
Actually, they are both mostly right. The Communist contribution to the war is greatly exaggerated by the Communists - it was mostly the Nationalists bearing the weight.
As for the other comment, one can actually make a case too. The Chinese held out while the US (mostly) defeated Japan.
Nicholas Tee
YuriOtani, I have read so many of your comments at different times complaining about how Japan is viewed and treated by other countries, but at the end of the day you need to face the fact that Japan's actions towards so many other countries over the last 90 years had been absolutely reprehensible - particularly in the lead up to, and during WW2. China particularly is not about to forget "The Rape of Nanking". And you cannot expect people to simply forget. However I think that I must show some understanding towards your comments, because having worked in Japan, and having had much to do with Japanese foreign students that go overseas to study English, I am very much aware how your own government has spared no effort to conceal and hide the truth from its own citizens. As a result it is extremely likely that you have no real understanding about why so many countries have a very cautious attitude towards Japan. If you want to learn the truth about your own country's history - from over 200 years ago up to the present time, then could I suggest locate the author Sterling Seagrave, and read some of his books. You will discover why for example, so few war crimes trials were held in Japan after WW2, why and how several of the larger companies in Japan, the Japanese Government and the Yakuza remain so closely linked and intertwined, why so many Japanese companies have been returning to the Philippines since the end of WW2, why so little of the loot stolen by the Japanese Royal family and the army - from China and across the Pacific, has ever been returned to their rightful owners. Seek out this information yourself about the history of Japan over the last 200 years and you will also better understand why Japanese society is how it is today, and why other countries have their opinions.
Jeff Ogrisseg
Oh, darn! Sept. 3 is a Thursday, and this is probably during the day, so we can't make it. But you go ahead, State Council, and enjoy your delusions, m'kay?
The Allies were.
But with regards to China's intentions, or should I say the CCP, they are doing their opponents a big favour by looking more ridiculous as time goes on.
These days it's not unusual for people on Chinese forums to comment on their government using Japan as a scapegoat as a distraction to hide their own incompetence and corruption.
The world has to feel sorry for the Chinese people. To have such a government like the non-elected communist party.
They would have you believe, and get this...that the Chinese defeated the Japanese....single handedly. And continue this line of BS in all the anti-Japanese movies made in the People's Republic of China.
How much longer is the world going to be subjected to their lies.
It is high time that the Chinese communists stop jiving and tell the truth.
Gary Raynor
Kazuaki ShimazakiMay. 14, 2015 - 09:07AM JST
No they're not and besides it's such a ridiculous point of view. By the same illogic, no Republican President has a right to attend a VE / VJ ceremony because it was a Democratic administration that conducted the wars against Germany and Japan.
I strongly urge you to peruse Rana Mitter's 'Forgotten Ally'. A great read on this exact subject and very informative. In Japan I find something racist about the Japanese attitude to losing the war. They find something palatable in the false narrative that Japan lost the war to the white man and not the Chinese Asian.
Jeff Huffman
Gary RaynorMAY. 14, 2015 - 08:50AM JST I learnt at school, when I was 11, that the Sino-Japanese war lasted from 1937-1945.
And your point is?
By 1941, the Japanese army had subdued a good bit of Eastern China. They only began to lose control of the territory once the U.S. was able to start bombing the home islands and because they spent too much manpower and material defending useless territory in the Pacific, not because the competing Chinese armies were particularly formidable,
It's a bit of a historical what if, but in all likelihood the wars in both Europe and the Pacific would have gone on a lot longer if Germany hadn't stupidly invaded the Soviet Union and if Japan had contented themselves to NE China, Shanghai, HK, Taiwan and Singapore. The Philippines and the Pacific islands were of no strategic value to Japan (which raises the question of why the U.S. thought it necessary to invade them) nor was pushing clear into SE Asia, except for Indonesia's oil. In both cases, the aggressors over-extended themselves. But I digress.
It seems that more Chinese people would probably come to Japan to buy more goods beforeafter celebration day of WW2 victory.It must be a good reason for them to come to Japan for holidays though their government strongly says people should buy more goods in China than Japan.
While Japanese soldiers brutally murdered million of Chinese,(besides all the other national groups in the Pacific), it is a documented fact that when the Japanese retreated and fled China, they left their own babies behind. It was the Chinese who took care of them and raised them as their own. And when later some of them tried to return to Japan, the Japanese government did not make it that easy for their return. Had did been the other way around, I doubt the Japanese would be nursing abandoned Chinese babies. The Japanese commemorate the drop of the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the pretense of the horrors of nuclear bombs. But in reality it is a reverse psychology to remind the World of crimes against humanity. Nothing different from what China is trying to remind the World about. Just like Honne and Tatemae convey different truths so the written histories get distorted facts. Even some American Congressmen have stated that China does not want war but business. If they did, long time ago they could have establish a military rule in the LyuKyu Kingdom. But guess who could not keep it hands off the cookie jar and invaded Okinawa?
Haaa Nemui
I know Japan could do a lot better regarding this, but sheesh... stoke the fire China!
Nicholas TeeMay. 14, 2015 - 09:10AM JST
I see no such effort by Japanese government. There is no restriction to information in Japan. All kinds of books are available in Japan. How can the government "conceal truth" here?
The article says,
Who is telling the truth? The difference is not limitted to numbers. All kinds of facts are taught differently in China. How can you expect Chinese educated in China have better understanding of history than Japanese who has unrestricted access to information?
Japan concluded peace treaties with all the countries involved in WW2, including China. This is what I call facing the war responsiblities.
You recommended Sterling Seagrave, but after reading his wiki page, I would rather not read his books. I think you also need some fresh air.
That makes no sense. That's like saying (in July) the snow has been heavy for the past 6 months, especially in early February. Refusal to recognize any changes between 1925 Japan and shows hopeless bias. Japan's actions towards other countries over the past 70 years have been exemplary.
Yuriotani: "To Japanese companies time to pull out. Do you really expect fair treatment? As for the ceremony expect Japan to boycott it."
That would be further suffering for Japan, and solely for your own petty, emotional reasons. Way when you admit your own past you can rightly criticize China's. Same goes with China the other day: they can point out Japan's lack of recognition of history, but without recognizing their own as well it comes off as being hypocritical at best. And you cannot pretend Japan isn't engaged in a white-washing propaganda game, especially with Abe at the helm -- biggest denier in Japan's white-washed history.
This is a government vs. government spat. No amount of debate is going to change bull-headed top officials on both sides.
Gary Raynor
Have you seen Angelina Jolie's film 'Unbroken' yet?
Me neither or the 120,000,000 other people who reside in Japan, even though it's been out for over a year.
Japan has more subtle ways and not so subtle ways of restricting information.
Gary RaynorMay. 14, 2015 - 11:17AM JST
Who is restricting? Not Japanese government for sure. If she wanted the film seen in Japan, she could have done so through YouTube or even through cable TVs.
It seems that more Japanese companies/factories are lately trying to move out of China because labor is no longer cheap and also Japan may have some kinda China risks there. Same thing is unfortunately happening to other foreign companies in China. It seems everyone might have knew the time will come someday. Just bad luck for China and good luck for other South Asian countries and India,,,others.
Smith I am not a fan of Abe and do not deny Japans past. However some people want to rub Japans nose in it forever. What I hear from you is Japan and Japanese are evil people. We have been at peace for almost 70 years. No one of any conscious will deny the past, however Japan as a country has made a lot of progress.
Nicholas Tee, the current population of Japan (besides some very old people) has no war criminals. We have been at peace for so long and I thing Abe wants to take Japan in the wrong direction. You like Smith want to punish innocent people for the mistakes of their ancestors.
So when China (both) and Russia crow over defeating Imperial Japan it is meant to say Japan is still EVIL. I reject this with my whole heart and mind. My country made mistakes in the past but it is the PAST. The present and future need to be judged on our current conduct. Also Japan should not be judged on the conduct of Abe and his minions.
Anders Blenstrup-Pedersen
Nicholas Tee - Not to save Japan or anything, and looking on the world in a more neutral point of view, then what you say doesn't make sense. It all comes down to who wins and who looses, people talking about Germany? after WW 1, they had a HUGE debt, which actually got cut down in WW2. So who actually sponsored WW2 or germany, american companies! especially IBM and Ford. What about all the wars america has waged in the name of god? what about England? Napoleon, or the way they put prisoners on an "island" where is should have been impossible to live tho not true Australia is very nice today. It's 70 years ago, and the Vatican archives and the Secret service archives from WW2 is starting to open for the historians around the world, still some things are locked away because of its contents. And as for Germany, its a lot easier to apologize, when the ones you have to apologize at the same time removes your debt. Where China wants more.
“History is written by the victors.” ― Winston S. Churchill
Masaki Satoh
I'm Japanese and feel sick and tiring hearing such news by PRC and South
Korea. So, what ? What PRC wants us to do? Is that warning against
Japanese firms to retract from China? It's like a "A wolf and the boy"
from Aesop's Fables. Why China doesn’t kill Japanese businessmen over
there? Try it! You can add a history of legendary massacre. I know what
China did there about 70 years ago. And, what China is doing in South
China Sea and elsewhere.
Dear Nicholas Tee,
Thank you for your comment and your reading recommendations, Japanese pupils across the country will surely be grateful that you are so willing to show them the path to rightfulness.
Since we can go back as far as "200 years ago", might you also suggest a few books on the West own troubled past ? Some detailing the various reparations and apologies made to its former colonies would be nice. I seem to be having problems finding any.
And while you are at it, literature on the current US foreign policy based on waging wars across the Middle East or supporting dashing counties like Saudi Arabia and arbitrarily executing thousands from the sky would be quite useful too.
And finally, but really if it is not too much asking, if you know of any good book approved by the CCP that can shed some light on what really happened in China between 1958-1961 and also in 1989, that would be just awesome.
Much obliged.
kurumazaka punishing modern Japan pushes people to support Abe. The US is supporting Abe and his delusions of grander. The USA wants Japan to have a even stronger military and I say the current SDF will defend Japan. Building up American forces in Japan is a threat to the security of PRC and the Russian Federation.
Again the PRC will bash Japan with their ceremony. Again and again bashing Japan gives Abe his power. Peace and goodwill diminishes his hold on Japan.
@N. Tee Yours is an interesting way of looking at the past. Still, it is funny to compare the 20 years before the end of WWII with the following postwar period of 70 years and say that Japan has been all so bad throughout the last 9 decades.
As one of the regular posters here wrote a few days ago, Japan, just like any other country, has been both “good” and “bad” throughout history. Yet, it seems that it has been repeatedly singled out as being the perpetual evil by a few neighbors and some people who cannot let go. And in spite of the claims of many people who say that comparisons with other great powers are irrelevant, such comparisons actually are relevant because we live in a world where people and governments are connected more so than ever before. As a result, there is a lot of peer pressure and whatnot when it comes to adjusting your behavior (am talking both about individual people and national governments) to the present-day realities.
I have lived and worked in Japan for the past 14 years and despite all the gross things the Japanese army did during the first half of the 20th century and the “terrible” record of the Japanese governments and business after the war, it seems that many foreign governments still want to have Japanese businesses and industrial giants invest in their countries. I believe that it would be interesting though to read some of the books of Mr. Sterling Seagrave and see the facts which make Japan a business partner which everybody should be cautious about.
Yuri Otani - no I think you are wrong in that people want to rub Japan's nose in it forever. I think you will find contributors such as SmithinJapan and Nicholas Tee etc very much love the country but find it frustrating that it is being held back by certain elements of Japanese society that try to white wash history and become more and more daring with a leader like Abe.
I am proud of Japan and what it has achieved (and will achieve) but I am not proud of the fact that elements of Japanese society want generations to be ignorant about what occurred and try and make the war a misty eyed romantic event and that "we were trying to free the natives from western oppression". "Yes" other countries have done wrong and will continue to do so but should we rely on such a crutch that "well the US did this to the native americans and the Australians did this to the aborigines etc"? I don't think we should because all that it does is make us look weak in the eyes of the international community.
'Poorly worded headline. China wasn't victorious over the Japanese, per se, the U.S. was.'
It looks like it isn't just the Chinese who want to take sole credit. This kind of mindset is dangerous no matter who puts it forward.
Third party
But not a sophistry . It had been the war with Japan Republic of China . We do not have the People's Republic of China war .
Japan needs to acknowledge what it has done in the past and not try to give in to the far right wing people. Its the fact that people in the government that make pretty much denial or suggesting a denial of WWII or the horrors that it brought.
If the Japanese tourism industry (airlines, hotels, etc.) was smart they would offer extremely cut-rate fly-stay-shop packages from China to Japan over this "holiday" to entice Chinese to travel here in droves to buy Japanese products and spend their money here like during the Chinese New Years holiday earlier in the year. The irony would be delicious and I would think that it would irk the hell out of the CCP.
Yet another East Asian narrative that defies historical reality...China beat Japan? That's on a par with the alternate realities Japanese nationalists keep dishing out. Lets just say we were the winners or victims. In any case, that is the history we want-so that is the history we are going to dish out in our schools.
Christopher Glen
With China (the nationalists anyway) not giving up and making peace with Japan - it tied down a substantial numbers of troops. Troops which would've been brought to bear against the US. Something to keep in mind. Regardless of China's own domestic transgressions - it's quite right to have a beef with Japan about its historical record
This is just one more shot in the ongoing information warfare campaign China has been waging against Japan since the Senkakus were bought by the Japanese government in Sept 12 (to keep them from being purchased by a ultra-nationalist, and former Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara.) China made a concerted decision then to begin demonizing Japan, with two main objectives;
To further inflame nationalism and instill a belief that the Communist party is the sole protector of China’s “dignity”, and deflect attention of the public from rampant corruption throughout the country, and a denial of basic human rights.
To attempt to isolate Japan diplomatically with regards to its claim over the Senkakus, furthering China’s aim to assert sovereignty over great swaths of the east and south China seas – to control all the major lines of communication (sea lanes) that operate through this area.What most people need to understand is that the Communist leaders have no real hate for Japan – they are merely using it as a tool to solidify the party’s control – if having close relations with Japan was somehow more beneficial to the communist party remaining in power, then President Xi would be visiting Tokyo and having sushi with PM Abe, and the state controlled media would be praising Japan’s accomplishments.
Daisuke Asato
It's pity. I don't think it good to set the memory of war as celebration. We should remember the day, but we should promote peaceful corporation of each other.
YuriOtani: "My country made mistakes in the past but it is the PAST. The present and future need to be judged on our current conduct."
They ARE being judged on current conduct: politicians claiming the Nanjing Massacre never happened, that sex slaves were willing prostitutes never coerced or forced by the ICJ, there was no unit 731, Japan was 'defending Asia' and brought modern education and even BATHING to Asian nations, visiting Yasukuni and paying money to shrines that honor war criminals, denying they were criminals, claiming to be victims all the time (something you know very well), revising history, increasing defense spending and changing the pacifist constitution, Death Railway, Bataan Death March, etc.
"Also Japan should not be judged on the conduct of Abe and his minions."
Yes, it should. Abe was voted in, TWICE, and he therefore represents the people of Japan.
Masaki Satoh: "I know what China did there about 70 years ago."
But do you know what JAPAN did? Not if you've read Abe-approved texts you don't.
Christopher Glen
So they said. It was a convenient excuse though.
Japan has been doing the same for China for decades
Nope, because Japan claims there is no dispute - while hypocritically insisting there are ones over Dokdo and the northern territories
Much the same as what Shinzo Abe is doing - stirring the pot by visiting Yasukuni
Like I said. Stop visits the Yasukuni, lay a wreath at the memorial to the Nanking massacre - and things will turn golden. Last I checked NHK was government controlled
Christopher GlenMay. 14, 2015 - 06:22PM JST
Demonizing China? Like what? I have no idea what you are talking about.
Each case should be evaluated separately. There is nothing hypocritical.
Too naive.
It appears you are extremely unfamiliar with this issue.
And who are "they"? You are aware aren't you that this purchase was conducted under the previous DPJ regime, who oppose Abe and the LDP's current rightward slant?
Interesting opinion - illuminating you provide no examples........
Are you actually claiming that China is not waging a strategic information campaign against not only Japan, but Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan and other claimants to south China sea islands?
When did Abe visit Yasukuni under his current term?
NHK maybe, Asahi not so much. Please provide an example of a non-state controlled media outlet in China - and no counting those already shutdown or behind bars........
Technically true, but in reality false. Japan has plenty of information available, however, the government also has the ability to stop anything from being made public too.
The "truth" was burned decades ago, which has given the Japanese government deniability as it will not admit to anything that IT has no actual records of to back it up.
Oh and have you ever heard of the state secrets act, or perhaps the government putting undo pressure on the media to not publish what it considers "hearsay" evidence?
So tell me with a straight face that Japan has no restrictions on information.
Talk about can not read, the headline states "mark WWII victory over Japan". Normal but confusing journalistic writing, to save space. It does not state "mark it's WWII victory over Japan" more like "mark the victory over Japan", which is perfectly correct, and understandable
YubaruMay. 14, 2015 - 08:05PM JST
So, you are claiming that Japanese do not know what no one on earth knows. That is true and tautology. But still a Japanese can ask anyone on earth, thus there is no restriction.
Yes. But are you saying that people outside Japan have access to state secrets of Japan whereas Japanese do not? You have to put words in context. My previous comment was to this comment.
Japanese have un-restricted access to information, and people inside Japan have as much access to information as people outside.
"The spat led to large-scale anti-Japan protests across China and boycott of Japanese goods."
The boycott of Japanese goods hasn't extended to disposable diapers and washlet toilets, the Chinese are snapping them up.
@ Gobshite
'Talk about can not read'. That's a good 'un. Specially if you consider the article under the headline. Where its says:
'The State Council, China's Cabinet said in a statement it posted on this website that it had set this holidaiy to" mark the victory of its war against Japan"''....More space saving journalism...I think not.
China said on Wednesday it would make Sept 3 a national holiday this year to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two and set the foundation for the start of WWIII
Not denying the suffering brought onto the Chinese in the second world war, “mark the victory of its war against Japan” sounds a bit off. This country's administration seems intent to perpetuate hatred, totally ignoring and denying everything Japan has done for decades to placate animosity. Where would China be today without the technology it received or pilfered for its industries from Japan? What about Japanese NGO projects trying to halt the advance of the desert in the north of China and to reforest areas in the south for more than a decade? Blatantly ignored. The people must not find out. But some day they will. To deal with China today western nations need to realize that China is not a western nation and does not and will not conform to standards and agreements the former adhere to. Bribery, lying, cheating, human and civil rights infringements are unfortunately still rampant although there has been some progress. The attitude by the Chinese generally towards these traits is one of indifference. It's always been like that and not going to change overnight. Japan and other nations that invested in China, out to harvest cheap labor to produce and market their products are facing the consequences of dealing with a nation with its own set of rules. The rhetoric spewing out of China's official mouths is not always pretty - but that depends on who is listening. It looks like it is more intended for domestic ears than to the world. To me it comes across as childish.
And will they declare May 9th as the end of the war in Europe?
Perhaps we here in America should start celebrating Independence Day on July 5th?
Has Christmas been moved to December 26th?
Jeff Huffman
GobshiteMAY. 14, 2015 - 08:49PM JST Talk about can not read, the headline states "mark WWII victory over Japan". Normal but confusing journalistic writing, to save space. It does not state "mark it's WWII victory over Japan" more like "mark the victory over Japan", which is perfectly correct, and understandable
The article is entirely about China and makes no mention of U.S., British or ANZAC participation in this observance. So, yes it is a crap headline because China contributed next to nothing to the victory over Japan. Furthermore, the war in Asia ended in August, not September, so why the special ahistoric observance? Well, that would be because the PRC's leadership is petty like all authoritarian leadership.
Propose a same day national holiday in JP. Call it "war memorial day" or so in both counties.
Most of Eastasia could reflect together on its past.
Christopher Glen
Examples were provided, but the post was deleted for reasons known only to the moderator. <> It suits Japan's purposes to demonise China.
The issue here is Japan's hypocrisy over its territorial disputes.
Not in the least. Speak for yourself.
This link isn't about China's domestic policy, but Japan's war crimes in China. But since you bring it up
China has every right to be riled over this
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
It is a shame because the Chinese Communist Party is deliberately indoctrinating hate into generations of Chinese people who had nothing to with the history and knew nothing about it, hate against other individuals who also had nothing to do with it.
Largely, it is just about them, the Chinese elite, manipulating the mass and securing their own positions, and has nothing to do with what is good or right.
It would be in the interest of the world if JAPAN TODAY send somebody to cover the celebration in China of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two. In September of this year. Then the world will finally know the truth....of the defeat of Japan.
Directly from the mouth of the People's Republic of China.
Mao Zedong is actually on record as saying the Communists would never have taken over in China had it not been for the help they got from the Japanese.
Camnai is correct on two levels. They are write about Mao, he actually thanked Japan, and he is right about the benefits.
It's another one of those bizarre head spinning twists the PRC propaganda division does. They forget China was not one and Japan was mostly fighting and weakening their bitter enemy, the nationalists and war lords.
There are good argument to suggest the Chinese people would have been a lot better off under the Japan than the Nationalists and have been eased into the modern era (democracy/capitalism/human rights etc) far quicker and fair more painlessly than what Mao then did to them given Taiwan as an example of their colonial rule. They might even have ended up with more than one political party.
It benefits the CPC to perpetually portray Japan as the evil aggressor. I am not sure it benefits/benefited the Chinese people so much.
Japan should celebrate this too, with China and the USA and everyone else the end of the Nazi supported regime of that time. That would take the wind out of the sails of the right-wingers, from all the countries, who thrive on conflict. This would move all of Asia past history for once. Otherwise what is Japan defending?
Christopher Glen
Japan is no different. Roughly 2 generations now have been raised with little or no knowledge of the period 1895-1945, beyond the fact Japan was a "victim" of atom bombs. What does that tell you?
I think you are misusing the quote function there, but it tells me that you know little about Japan and the Japanese.
Japan was victim to Western Imperial ambitions, and still is, and racial biases. That's a fact of history that's been well discussed, from the European interventions prior to the Edo period to America's aggression and economic ambitions from Perry to WWII and beyond (the occupation of Okinawa to the TPP are largely extensions of it even to this day).
There's a certain tautological confusion in your statement between Japan and the Japanese who were victims to the atomic bombs.
The victims of the atomic bombs were mainly women, children and old people - non-combitants in the war but America's preferred targets.
Relations between China-South Korea-Japan have never been better.
Our people trade in commerce, tourism, and culture. Quit being cynical/divorced from reality/stuck on the past & embrace the future.
Christopher Glen
As were the victims of the Nanking massacre. Non-combatants in the war, but the imperial army's preferred targets. Is this episode taught in schools? Or the sex slaves, or unit 731? No.
There's really no evidence to suggest that at all.
One of the problems the Imperial Army had in China was that it was a modern army, largely playing by internationally accepted rules, against numerous factions that were not, e.g. non-uniformed combatants, guerillas etc. And this is why the history of Nanking etc will never been clear.
Unlike the US army - who were directly engaged in the genocide of native Americans at the time the US opened up Japan - and Chinese, the Japanese military or samurai class really did not have a tradition of war against civilians. Conflicts within Japan were generally short set pieces between members of the same class outside of cities.
This is, for example, why in China you tend to find walled cities, whereas in Japan you did not.
The Chinese tend to accuse the Japanese of the kind of atrocities they themselves carried out against each other.
What research has shown, time and time again, is that so many of the archetypal propaganda used in the current information warfare are faked up, cropped, edited out and of actions carried out by Chinese.