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© 2013 AFPChina slams Japan defense spending plan
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Tristan E. Kenelm
Bravo! presto345 - totally agree.
China is the only country that is preparing for war.
"As tensions between China and Japan escalate, China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been told to prepare for war in a training directive issued by the General Staff Headquarters, which oversees the entire PLA. While the official directive does not mention Japan, a commentary about the directive also appearing in the People’s Liberation Army Daily makes clear that Japan is the would-be adversary."
Kenny Wopper
Please get rid of article 9!
Steven C. Schulz
The PRC opposes this because every ¥ spent on defence makes it all the more difficult to intimidate Japan (and all of Asia/Pacific).
China, and to some degree Korea, interpret Japan's military expansion to be in preparation for war. Korea's expansion is against both China and Japan. China's expansion is against the US. Although US is not likely to want war with China, so China may end up fighting Japan instead, since Japan seems to be eager to fill in this role.
And who put them on that road? Japan stated investing in China even before the West did.
China's military growth is self-declared, has been ongoing since the early 1990s when the PLA leaders were as shocked and awed as the Iraqis watching TV. In 2003 the PLA openly started talking of challenging US strategic dominance in the western Pacific. They disclosed their first, second third island chain concepts and following that a declaration to take complete control of the entire South and East China Seas. No, there is no ignorance or confusion here, you can read all these statements over time from various news sources on the internet. The upshot is that now China is considered the biggest threat to regional peace by all of Asia. Sorry but that is a fact. We don't even have to get into discussion about military budgets, especially since China's is not transparent anyway.
I am clearly biased against the CCP dictatorship. And everything I write I support with factual evidence. Please tell me what China has contributed to the world within the last two decades, and compare it to what the rest of the world has contributed to China.
China wouldn't be where it is today economically if Japan had not lead the West into investing in China. But we all got fooled you see, like idiots we thought that a better standard of living in China would create a large middle class that would force China to move closer to democratic ideals. Instead the CCP dictatorship has hardened it's grip and is challenging the United States.
China most certainly warrants every bit of criticism it gets from the entire world. And Japan, which signed a Treaty of Friendship in 1972 only to be backstabbed by anti-Japan forced Patriotic Education has every reason to be both critical and defensive, especially with China openly taking about "war".
I don't where you get this stuff. Koizumi is ancient history and North Korean relations set his administrations policies, not China. Abe wouldn't be where he is if China were not behaving the way it is. Pretty simple.
No, I'm not Japanese and I don't think Joebigs is either. You display the typical Chinese stereotype of assuming anyone who sides with Japan (a US ally and democracy) against China (A totalitarian communist dictatorship) is automatically Japanese. As for contributory negligence, because SKorea and China, the only two countries that have a rift of any concern both signed Peace Treaties with Japan putting WWII issues to rest in 1965 and 1972 respectively, I find it difficult to expect much more from Japan. Frankly I find this harping on 70 year old history ridiculous as does the rest of the world. I guess you would consider John Kerry and Chuck Hel to be Japanese as well. Read it and weep.
@Bruce Miller What like Iraq's oil???
Ok lets go to another war, spend $500 billion dollars then not win rights to get the oil.
Iraq will & has sold its oil to china "over iraq".
What makes you think they will start a bigger war, to spend $1 trillion dollars on it, to get F all.
Within 35 years, oil will be a thing of the past.
Poor chinese have nothing that can get close to a single atago class destroyer.
In a new CNN article, it stated that China has pulled millions of its own people out of poverty level from 2007 to 2012. Something like 20% differential. Clearly, China is still improving economically and seeking for a better standard of living for their own. And they are succeeding.
Now, this is where you are either ignorant or confused on China military budget. Even if you triple on what they are disclosing, for the size of a nation such as China and the amount of neighboring nations that directly connect with its border, China's military spending is actually pathetic compare to any regional or world power.
You are clearly bias against China in all of the posts you have. Some are warranted but most of just repetitive rants that lack in factual representation. China is a threat only to those who are in conflict with them. And they have contributed to the rest of the world in countless forms within the last 2 decades that will take hours for me to write. I don't know everything about China but just economically, they absolutely saved Japan from imploding within the past 2 decades. Economically speaking.
I don't agree with many things China does but it clearly does not warrant the type of criticism Japan is throwing at them. It is clear that emotions and fear of a rising China, whether peacefully or not is thrown on tangent. Take Junichiro for example, he absolutely provoked China by his selfish act on wanting to create a dominant LDP and secure his own political legacy. So he used the China is a threat card, guess what, where was that threat? He created this notion that so long as you're against China,, which was seen as a unstable source among ordinary Japanese, then you are in the win with the right and the moderate. Abe is using that same strategy and people are flocking in line for that bait. Have any Japanese, which you are clearly Japanese Ossan, as well as JoeBigs, because no American will come to Japan's defense so swiftly and dedicated, that Japan might be somewhat at fault at this? That some is contributory negligence on causing such as rift with all of its immediate neighbors?
No need to apologize and don't worry about it. I think what you were referring to was simply profit taking on the BOA deal as well as some of the failed IPO such as the SinoForest which involved GS's Paulson and a few others. Like I said, I know the financial and economics in China pretty well and there has nothing but more investment and hot money flowing into China. Some of the pull backs are on the worries of "shadow banking" that's creeping in many of the secondary cities as well as the credit crunch created by the gov't. Those pullbacks were temporary as all the big 5 are long in China.
Actually a Strong Japan is VERY beneficial to China as they can purchase more and invest more in China. China has never worried about a strong Japan. It worries about a right leaning Japan. It is clear that the Chinese doesn't want any type of war or military conflicts because they are still in developing mode. And having US stationary in Japan is actually something that China also wants. US can stabilize the region and monitor Japan as well as others. Don't think that Japan is an ally of US and we trust Japan unconditionally. We are there with our eyes wide open. One eye on Japan, the other on the rest. What China want is an equal footing in Asia with equal respect as to its sovereignty. Don't forget, in the Chinese mind, it is still a fractured nation as it sees Taiwan as part of China. Japan is clearly in the way of that so its not a surprise that there is no love between the two. And honestly speaking, if Japan has a selfish stake in the outcome of Taiwan, then its really in no position to be all high and mighty about its own stance.
Now, you claim that everything belonged to the state in China because its a communist regime. That is factually false. Foreigners can own private properties in China. The property rights is the right to use for a term of years, namely 70-90years depending on the type of properties. Afterwards, you just pay for the increased difference in land value in order for you to keep your rights to use on the said properties. This is not uncommon to the rest of the world, in fact, many of the commonwealth nations still use this type of property law.
So clearly, private individuals can own many things and they do not belong to the state.
This is why I posted that long post. Its that so many people just DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT'S GOING ON IN CHINA.
I suggest you pay a visit to China or ask someone who has conducted business in China. It is not what you think at all. And its sad that in this information age, people are still ignorant and misinformed about almost everything in China. But I don't blame you, my own family are misinformed and bias against China due to all the media propaganda that skewed the views against China by projecting all the negatives as something as the norm in China. That's just not that case. China is a huge and diverse country. what you see is just the tip of the iceberg. We have multiples of dedicated crack teams that conduct non-stop R&D on China and its people as well as its culture in every region on every single day. There are much more about China than some media hype and propaganda.
Don't get brain wash by the media. Save a little bit and step into China and see for yourself.
Communist China has to be opposed to anything Japan does to defend itself because it's goals are simple. They believe that if they split the US Japan alliance then they can become the dominate player in the Pacific and then they will be able to do whatever they wish without a single worry.
A strong Japan means someone else they will have to worry about.
Folks seem to forget that China is a Communist regime and at any time they can and will the plug on all things Capitalist. For those people who don't understand in a Communist utopia no one owns anything because it all belongs to the state.
You may wish to think that the property you have purchased for this city or that city is yours, but it is not. The state owns everything it only allows you to be there.
My apologies highball, but all my replies have been delete so I can't comment.
I can only say to go and do a Google search on the subject and you may discover what I am talking about.
Hope this post survives.
So this is Christmas
And what have you done
An increase in WAR spending
And much more to come
And so this is Christmas
I hope you know how to run
China is on the war path
Thank you Mao Zedong
"Every Communist must grasp the truth:"
"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
Over 20 years ago the entire world welcomed China as a member of the international community in the hopes that the economic improvements they sought would result in a better standard of living for the Chinese people, that they affluence would spawn a large middle class, and the CCP government would move away from their totalitarian ways and "evolve: closer to democracy. Guess what? For two decades we listened to their claims of a "Peaceful Rise" while they threw everything into building up their military, and now they have become the biggest threat to peace in the region, and openly challenge the United States. The notion that the United States could ever be a "partner" with a Dictatorship, as China constantly proposes, is laughable, So what is China trying to achieve? Japan went from a completely destroyed country to the second biggest economy in the world without any conflicts or any country thinking it was a "threat". Is China simply incapable of doing this?
Very good post. I hope people listen....
When did Goldman and the rest of the gang sold their stakes in China? I happened to work for one of the big 5 in Japan, Hong Kong and China for over 20 years. I've never heard of such things. Where do you get your info from or are you just blowing smokes here?
Also, your attitude towards the Chinese and the commies is exactly the reason why they're besting us these days. You have zero understanding of China and the types of plans they have. You claimed to have lived in Japan and studied Asian histories but your comments show that you only know that part of the region superficially.
Its unfortunate that there are many like you around who really don't see what China is doing and trying to achieve. They can be the single biggest obstacle for us or the single biggest partner depending on how its gov't evolve. And slowly but surely, they are reforming and evolving. Its just so happened that this is a Japanese forum talking about Japan so I will refrain from digressing so much and go in depth on what China is going to do.
But there are guys like us around who see China and understand China much more than the usual pomp and romp about how horrible China is. In fact, for the past 25 years, China has been the single biggest economic and social miracle since slice bread. This type of transformation from the fundamental level has not been seen since the industrial revolution. And the Chinese are doing it much faster and more efficiently.
Other than the current spat with Japan and SCS, which has been ongoing for decades. China did go to war with Vietnam over this and the disputed islands on ECS isn't limited to China but Taiwan. So China being aggressive isn't new. But I don't hear this in the 80s, and 90s when the relationship with Japan was relatively good. The only difference is China is going up and Japan is going down economically as well as its standing to the world.
So what is this really about? Its about Japan's own fear of its past and its fear of China and maybe even a South Korea being superior to Japan in the future. Its also about Japan's own fear that its aging population is dwindling rapidly without the ability to refill its ethnocentric population since Japan doesn't really have an immigration program for outsiders.
To me, its really about Japanese can't stand the fact that its no longer the star in Asia after years of economic, social and innovative advancement. Now that Japan doesn't matter so much and is relegated as secondary in Asia, its gov't and its people's attitude can easily be swayed to the ultra right for its own comfort on chest-pumping nationalistic discourse. The end result is the type of policy the LDP is pushing out, big gov't, higher taxes, more corporate-centric, squeeze out the middle class, and more stringent on social welfare. Its the classic squeeze play that's been repeated in history.
China was heading that way too. But then its extremely competent managers of the state realized it and pushed out the 2 children policy which can alleviate a lot of the growing pain in the next generation. Why you ask? Because almost everyone in THIS generation in China belong to the one-child family so everyone belonging to their progeny has that 2nd child option for them. Which will somewhat close the gap for a dwindling ratio in Ageing Parents vs. Progeny. Remember, its mostly 2 in parents and if you can't produce 2 children, the social structure will be in trouble.
Why did I state the above in this post? Because its crucially important to Japan as well since the new generations of young adults in Japan do not want marriage, children or maybe just a one child home due to cost constrain and psychological displacement. With no new "blood" coming in, Japan is bound to fail. Its only a matter of time where the production from individuals can no longer support its social-economical structure.
Hence, fear. Then a sharp right turn. Then a trickling of small events that pushes the limits of itself and the tolerance of its opponents. And BOOM. Reset. Its a dangerous path.
"China's navy should speed up its development and prepare for warfare, President Hu Jintao has said. He told military personnel they should "make extended preparations for warfare".
"As tensions between China and Japan escalate, China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been told to prepare for war in a training directive issued by the General Staff Headquarters, which oversees the entire PLA. While the official directive does not mention Japan, a commentary about the directive also appearing in the People’s Liberation Army Daily makes clear that Japan is the would-be adversary."
Saul Schimek
in other news, Water is Wet. The Sky is Mostly Blue, and China and Korea are Still whinging on about something that happened 68 years ago
This is one of the funniest things i have heard in a long long time. The thief complains to the policeman for arresting him and for using excessive force and violating his rights for trying to steal another country's territory.
ah well the first posts have said it all and said it well. This is getting to be a very boring merrygoround of siliness. Poor China. I hope they realize they have already lost in this case. They still have chances to grab land from the Phillipines, Korea, Vietnam, and India tho.
The problem in the defense plan is the explicit reference to China as the threat. What country does this? Even during the cold war the American defense plans do not explicitly reference USSR as the threat.
China perceives this plan as Japan making an official declaration of China as the enemy. This is humiliating to China. Obviously the Japanese people couldn't care less if the Chinese are humiliated. It'd be wonderful to the Japanese if all the Chinese die out in an instant. But the problem is that if you declare someone to be your enemy, then he will become your enemy even if he was otherwise not your enemy.
Japan now has China as a enemy. Under such circumstances, China will never want to be meet Abe. This is a policy failure on the part of the Abe government.
Tom Thompson
a really good situation for china would be for japan to reduce its military spending a good idea for the US is for everyone to reduce their spending, then the US could be even stronger than everyone else wow, I am so smart
Countries in Asia, Oceania and around the world need to unite to keep China in check. The PROC do not respect human rights.
Now, as for you post concerning Italy and Japan you forgot to mention that Russia (CCCP) was part of that circle until it found itself being invaded by it's ally in 41'.
Now, Communist China has molded it's tactic closer to that of Germany than any other nation. Germany lost WWI and had to cede territories because of that defeat. But, then invaded those lost lands via propaganda and arm twisting. While it invaded it's former holding it used its propaganda machine to avoid war.
Folks like Neville Chamberlain and other leaders tried to avert also war by looking for a diplomatic solution. But, the more they tried the more lands Germany invaded.
Same tactic that Communist China is using now, but unlike Germany the CCP has little time to do it's deeds. It's economy is slowing and it's debt is growing.
Answer this question, why has Bank of America, Goldman and other investor groups departing and unloaded their stake in China?
Only a matter of time before it's bubble bursts and it's forced to use force to take what it needs.
If you consider China spending $166 dollars on it's military "a huge amount" then what do you call the US $682 Billion budget? Also, if you think that the US needs to sneak attack Communist China then you need to read up a bit more.
The US plays chess like a grandmaster while the CCP plays with it's eyes closed, only a matter of time before it makes a huge mistake.
You will be surprised but not only Hitler used this tactic. Gentle Hitler Allies like Italy or Japan also used it ....
Italy in Africa and Japanese Empire in.... China....
China (like Russia ) must spend a huge amount of money to protect itself against US possible surprise attack
Shuddup china, you have no say now you have aggravated this peaceful nation , you will feel the wrath soon enough.
|| The world is sailing into dangerous uncharted waters here. Moving towards war is nothing new, what is new is the possibility of war between nations each armed with nuclear weapons.
| You cannot blame Japan. The way China has been irrationally behaving in Asia, Japan has no choice.
Strange. Nowhere did I say Japan was to blame. But you said I said so, and then changed the topic, as though the topic I brought up shouldn't be talked about.
So I will continue talking anyway. By the end of the cold war many believed the two nuclear powers (Russia and US in particular) would never directly fight each other but use proxies instead. I question whether this model holds up for China and the US. If the two confront, where are the nuclear thresholds? If one side or the other starts to win dramatically? If there are a substantial number of civilian casualties, including possibly through starvation? If a nuclear plant starts to meltdown as a result of chaos caused by war? If tactical nuclear weapons are used in a naval battle? Etc. Is there any excuse NOT to consider these questions?
While USA advocates a nuclear weapon free world, China test fired its ICBM Dung Fung DF 41, range 14,000 km covering whole of North America. Chinese newspaper commented: "a new foundation for manitaining national security".
Patrick McCormick
Pot, meet kettle.
"Japan does not send ships and planes over them every day like some countries."
"Taiwan and Japan are not in a near "conflict" scenario over it,
So much tension that it doesn't make the world news. How does that compare with China's ADIZ?
Actually no it's not. Japan doesn't require ALL flights through it's ADIZ to register themselves or face enforcement as China requires.
"So what if they were "nationalized"?"
There is nothing to negotiate. China had over 100 years to "negotiate" but didn't bother until maybe oil/gas was found. Now the PLA Navy want it badly for strategic purposes. One of the five islands were owned by the J-govt and 4 by Japanese nationals, and all under Japanese administration. Now 4 islands are owned by the J-govt, 1 by a Japanese national and all are under Japanese administration. How is there any "change in the status quo" between the two that has any bearing at all on China's position or claim?
"That China continues to harp on this as some "big reason" to go to war simply exposes their need to use an excuse, any excuse to try to take the islands."
"As tensions between China and Japan escalate, China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been told to prepare for war in a training directive issued by the General Staff Headquarters, which oversees the entire PLA."
No, I do not exaggerate,
Japan increases military what's next??? china will probably increase their spending as well. Tit for tat cycle between the dimwit politicians and bureaucrats are only going to burden average citizens more on top of slowing economy between the two nations. Armed interventions are only going to create chaos, it shouldn't even be considered to resolve this conflict. One can say Abe is using this event as an excuse to strengthen the military but it''s also china who threatened the sovereignty of Japan flexing it's military might. We need leaders who understands no one is going to settle this conflict with weapons, both countries have to put their guns down and sit down to compromise for peace and mutual prosperity.
JoeBigsDec. 23, 2013 - 04:35PM JST
Not always. Some or us are here because our conscience is speaking to us to fight against a bully like China. A challenge of PRC today is a teaching of morale and civility have been forgotten among Chinese peasants while their economy is the second largest. There are at least 8000 Chinese are still in jail or house arrests and oppressed under the human rights violation definitions. Many of them die in jail without trials.
The PRC posters here actually believe that if someone posts remarks in favor of Japan and against the PRC propaganda that the person must be Japanese.
Let me help you guys out, if you had a leg to stand on the world would support you, but you don't and 90% of the world is against you.
Wake up and stop believing your own Nationalistic propaganda.
Now, this is where you folks just don't get it, I'm not Japanese, but I live here and I have studied Asian history in school and on my own for nearly 40 years. I know what happened during WW2 which ended 68 years ago. I also know what has happened since and who has been the aggressor nation since then. So playing silly propaganda games will not fly.
Japan learned it's lessons from using force to take what it wants and has become wiser, while the PRC hasn't and has used aggressive tactics to take what it wants avoiding the rule of international laws.
The atomic bombs were dropped in 1945 and no I didn't feel them, but the Japanese did and they don't harp about it like the PRC paid posters do. The two bombs were dropped for many reasons and those deaths were sad, but how often do you see Japanese citizens rioting about it, very big difference.
I doubt that Japan News is ashamed of your post, try to post it again without many bold claims and see what happens.
TohkaDec. 23, 2013 - 03:22PM JST
I am fortunate I have a good friend who is teaching Chinese History in a major university here in US. I have learned how corrupt CCP has been. They are in power to do what is the best interest for themselves. To my understanding, people like sanyuyulai is hired by CCP to stir up global websites.
BTW: China has no record of their military force.
The last time was when they when went to war was when they went to North Korea in the 50's.
China is a paper dragon.
Louis; a Korea Vet
I hope the collection of posters here is not a representation of the general Japanese population. If it were, then I am afriad the world is finished. Remember China and Japan are the number two and number three nuclear-capable economies!
I am so depressed to see so many mindless red-neck Japanese nationalists (or promoters) in a supposedly more sophisticated and civilized society. They are no better than the brain-washed extremists on the other side.
China has always stated don't mess with our internal affairs.
Now Japan is saying to China don't mess with our internal affairs.
Thank you Global. I'm not a full fan of the Japanese government, but some of the stuff being spouted by those in the PRC camp gives me a mental image of scenes like this:
Old one I know, but people like sanyuyulai and those that are "educated" by the PRC also like to deny that this too, is also... you guessed it, history, which is then brushed off all in the name of aiguo wuzui.
Thank God. . I know many intellectuals in China see the corruption in CCP.
"No wonder Japanese always deny history; they think that whoever not "suffered personally" is not entitle to query what evils that they have done in the past.
Then, what is the history for, Japan? I am sure you have forgotten the 2 A-bombs too, which you did not "suffered personally".
I wonder if your beloved dear CCP Party has taught you about the Cultural Revolution, the Great Leap Forward, 6 June 1989, the DC-4 Shootdown in 1954?
Your beloved CCP-led China is right up there with those whom you accuse of denying history. The thought of China having ANY form of moral high ground is completely laughable, like the so called logic that you bring.
Go run along and go collect your 50 mao (your precious 8 US Cents) from the Propaganda Ministry for posting your garbage. 99 more before you can go collect your 2 yuan allowance from the state. I'm sure that will go a long way for you.
And no, I'm not Japanese. I'm Chinese. And yet, I know enough to know that China is clearly in the wrong.
CraigHicksDec. 23, 2013 - 01:58PM JST
You cannot blame Japan. The way China has been irrationally behaving in Asia, Japan has no choice.
Best way to handle a bully like China is to show them that you are not a kawaii girl. Japan needs to man up.. The bully does not believe in civility. I am old enough to know it does not take two to tango in life sometime. It is just a myth. The fight can be started by just one bad bully. That's exactly China is.
The world is sailing into dangerous uncharted waters here. Moving towards war is nothing new, what is new is the possibility of war between nations each armed with nuclear weapons.
I was watching 60 minutes tonight when Susan Rice was interviewed. She is a special advisor to the President. She is a right hand woman for Obama. From what I hear on TSA issue, she has a pretty good grip on China's aggression and current tensions between China and Japan initiated and provoked by China. Well, I would like to see what Obama will deliver to China in April.
"China has been boosting its defense budget for decades, and last year was the world’s second biggest military spender with an outlay of $166 billion, according to Sweden-based think-tank the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
The United States spent $682 billion on its military in 2012, while Japan spent $59 billion, SIPRI said."
Isn't anyone slamming the U.S. defense spending plan?
China is building and repairing harbor facilities in Sri Lanka and Maldives, its submarines frequently seen or detected in that part of the Indian Ocean. China wants Scarborough shoal and is currently engaged in an intensive dispute over it with the Philippines. China wants Senkaku, a bridgehead within easy access of both Okinawa and Taiwan--islands right on the East Pacific sea-lane. If you draw a line starting from Middle East along these spots all the way to a Japan harbor, you know China is trying to choke Japan off of its oil supply. You can dispute those are irrelevant, however to others without an agenda that’s something to worry about, let alone Japan. So what’s wrong if Japan makes itself a bit stronger, just in case China, a military superpower, turns its wishful thinking into practice?
Joebigs_Dec 23 2013 So when was the last time you personally suffered under Japan's expansionist, please do tell?
No wonder Japanese always deny history; they think that whoever not "suffered personally" is not entitle to query what evils that they have done in the past.
Then, what is the history for, Japan? I am sure you have forgotten the 2 A-bombs too, which you did not "suffered personally".
Japan has decreasing its defense budget for decades. Mean while, China just even on the surface level, 27 times more than 90's. It is natural if Japan tries to accommodate the circumstances around Japan. Also twice? that I remember, N.Korea sent their missile going over Japan. Japan needs to be a country which is capable to fight in the best way, but does not plan to fight. Along with beefing our defense force up,article 9 must be changed for our dettrent power. At this moment, Japan is the country which can not fight. I wish I did not have to say this opinion.
china a threat LMAO everything china makes it breaks thats because they cheat and steal everything if they were so great they would build their own carrier to all of you Chinese living in Japan posting on this site if china was so great you would be home if the education was great you would study at home everything thing about China is corrupt the people the place smell like death the air you cant breath its a hell hole and those who can get out leave and just think if China ever went to battle against Japan and the US i can bet every living Chinese in the states will be on the next plane out
Okay. So South Korea is also responsible for tensions. Fine.
Exaggeration. Its not a daily occurrence.
Only because Taiwan and Japan are allies. But there is still "tension" and Japan caused it.
And while we speak of the ADIZ, Japan's comes within 130 km of mainland China, closer to China than Japan! That is a cause of tension!
It underscores Japan's unwillingness to negotiate. Its Japan unilaterally changing the status quo, something I note China gets lambasted for doing.
They have not gone to war. Nor has China threatened to. You again exaggerate.
Japan immediately after South Korea unilaterally took the islands upon US advice. They have suggested settling at the ICJ THREE times with South Korea refusing. Japan does not send ships and planes over them every day like some countries.
Taiwan and Japan are not in a near "conflict" scenario over it, as China has escalated the Senkaku issue with Japan.
So what if they were "nationalized"? One of the five islands has always been owned by the J-govt. The 3 islands were bought from Japanese citizens, not Chinese. The purchase made no difference at all to China's 1971 claim. That China continues to harp on this as some "big reason" to go to war simply exposes their need to use an excuse, any excuse to try to take the islands.
That really takes the cake. It ignores Japan's claim to South Korea's Dokdo island. It ignores Japans expansion of her ADIZ 22km closer to Taiwan on June 25 2010. It ignores Japan nationalizing the Senkaku/Diaoyu.islands. It ignores the fact that Taiwan also claims the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands. It ignores Japan hosting the U.S. military. It ignores American spy flights just barely outside of Chinese airspace. It ignores the fact that America has come half way around the world to park its military in China's face and has for decades. It ignores the fact that the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan have disputes with each other over the Spratly's and not just China. It even ignores North Korea!!!
The statement I quoted is the epitome of the many one-sided views posted here. These views are so myoptic and self-serving and so devoid of any level of fairness, big picture facts and diplomacy that I am beginning to believe that many of you actually want a war with China. Its like you want to see another Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere and are just as deluded as to why you want it as the Japanese were 80 years ago.
So when was the last time you personally suffered under Japan's expansionist, please do tell?
oldman_13Dec. 23, 2013 - 02:09AM JST
Coming next month: burning of Japanese businesses, destruction of Japanese cars, and assaults of Japanese citizens in China- take 50.
Thanks for telling this in advance. I changed your response listed above in bold, so that Japanese business in China will be prepared.
Coming next month: burning of Japanese businesses, destruction of Japanese cars, and assaults of Japanese citizens in China- take 50.
Asian2013Dec. 23, 2013 - 01:20AM JST
I guess you have not been told the truth about China. I am posting China's genocide research by University of Hawaii. China is one of the worst offenders and the devil in history.
China's Bloody Century
It is Japan's right to strengthen its military. But for millions of us in Aisa who have suffered under expansionist Japan, Japan better swear that it will never repeat what was done several decades ago! Up till today, there is no total contrite on what they did. Maybe China will also be a threat, but at least she is a lesser devil!!!
AdamwestiDec. 22, 2013 - 10:22AM JST
LOL, you and I get totally different pictures because you read China newspapers that are totally controlled by PRC. PRC is telling you what you want to hear.
Xi Jinping's first US visit ended with disaster. He received very cold shoulders by Washington. First Lady did not even host state dinner for Xi Jinping.
I guess you do not read global newspapers and their responses. Too bad. You have just lowered your credibility here. The truth is totally opposite from your views. Global leaders are not supporting China's position at all.
The world is denying your claim. Period. Please read major global newspapers to understand what's really going on and accept the reality of China's challenge in the world stage.. Good luck.
Gaijin Desi
There is need to form NATO like Alliance in ASIA against China but without US (their track record is not good in the History of WAR)
China spends nearly 3 times as much on its military as Japan does. You have to be kidding me China.
Because it takes one to know one and the difference is that it seems the US is at least learning from its mistakes, such as not wanting to get involved in Syria even after it proved that Chemical weapons were used, not wanting to get involved in Libya, it is getting ready to withdraw from Afghanistan, it has withdrawn from Iraq.
So am I take it that if someone has done something in the past they are not proud of and regret doing means they are no longer allowed to accuse other people/nations/communities of doing the same thing?
Strangely, this is all over the international news media but I can't find it in any Japanese language news sites. Government censorship!?
[[NovenachamaDEC. 22, 2013 - 07:47AM JST
No one should doubt that the time has passed when America can shield Japan from China.] Japan's dependence on a relatively weaker America against a relatively stronger China poses the real risk to Asia's security.] [- - Therefore all us would be safer if Japan stands on its own two feet as a normal country and great power again in Asia. So go Japan and bolster your defense- - ]][[[CrazedinjapanDEC. 22, 2013 - 08:16AM JST @ noven ...relatively weaker America ???? Pull your head out of the sand and take a good look around. There isn't one nation that's more advanced in tech than the USA . China should be concerned with Japan purchasing all of Americas tech. This is going to make whatever they have now even less effective.]]]
@Crazedinjapan Novenachama’s idea is also the impression many people, those in Asia at least, have. End result is, it emboldens China to take provocative actions against Japan, causing Japan to take necessary measures for self-defense. Will there be vicious spiral of escalations? Nobody knows. Hi-tech weapons are good, however China is thinking of traditional nuclear warfare: 1) Thousands of missiles aiming at Taiwan. How many aiming at Japan? 2) Attacking one single carrier with hundreds of multi-warheaded missiles in one instance, are there weapons to counter those? 3) Instead of the moon, “intercontinental ballistic missiles aiming at North America”, said China.
Aside from hi-tech weapons, showing a firm resolution to a total retaliation is more important, it prevents serious miscalculations. In that sense, emboldening China and disappointing Asian people is not a good idea.
Minh Quy Le
The dogs bark but the caravan goes on!
LOL! What did you expect China would say? Have you ever heard Japan being happy about China increasing defense spending? Both of you are like little children fighting for some petty attention.
I think the PLA is secretly overjoyed about this Japan defense spending increasing. Albeit only a meager 5%. Now PLA will probably say to its bosses that hey, lets increase spending since the Japanese are a threat again. And the cycle continues.
Words down the vine is that China is constructing 2 more aircraft carriers. Don't know if they will be stobar or catobar. Nevertheless, China is expanding its arms and the target isn't really about Japan. The target clearly point at USN and USAF. So all Japan needs to do is arms itself with enough advance weapons and last long enough for US to get involve.
But I see a problem with such meager increase of budget, it will take about 20 years in order for all of the new purchases to be battle ready. By that time, China would have hundreds of those J-20 and J-31 fighters as well as those new Aegis destroyers and possibly 2-3 carrier groups. This type of increase is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.
I am looking forward to the day where the East China Sea and South China Sea is full of all these subs from all these countries and 90 percent of them from all other nations, EXCLUDING the Chinese subs, are in continual communication and then you have China's subs all alone by themselves drifting around threatening the other 90 percent. lol THis is China's mindset of domination of the world.
Alain Vermeersch
the navy of china , let me laugh , one carrier , and two torpedos and she down , hihi
What aspect of China's military is NOT being built up??? What part of China's military is NOT being used as aggression outward? Reports recently show China even advancing their nuclear capabilities with multi vehicle warheads on their nukes. So.. not only should Japan be advancing its military capabilities, but everyone should be, in the growing threat that China is expanding. In other words, screw China and its criticism of others. Llike no one should respond to CHina's growing military threat to the WORLD!!!!! Who the hll do they think they are?
China is the biggest threat to the civilized world as we know it. It is up to civilized democracies including the United States, Japan, and Australia/NZ to stand up to it. Korea is too selfish and cowardly, so I am leaving them out of it.
Given that Japan's increased defense spending plan is in PART (it was also Abe's plan anyway) in response to China's massive increase in military budget, I'd say this is beyond hypocritical.
No worries fw360 but pro-china arguments come in many shapes :-). In principal I think you make a good case for transcending unnecessary opposites. However since there is also a discursive war going on in several forums on the net I thought I best give you a few counter arguments. For quite some time now the Chinese position in the conflict has been quite aggressive. No doubt the clear involvement of the US has affected their position. I think it would be wise for China to try to change strategy and see what they can gain from a peaceful and diplomatic approach. The bullying approach has only created fear and hostility in the region so far. However I think we will not see such a development in the foreseeable future. The Chinese military has their own agenda and are benefitting greatly from this situation. And of course now the Japanese military has a chance to get more influential, no doubt contributing to an escalation. The only good side is that the emerging new military industries will create more jobs, and the rest is just sad.
I hope that Japan will be fully ready because China demonstrated aggressive behavior for years, bullying and stealing the resources of any country they perceive as weak. Japan and the US should work together to improve the defense alliance, as China keep pursuing someone's else natural resources and blackmail to satisfy their huge economic needs and gradually become the next enemy.
CGB Spender
China slams Japan whenever they see it as suitable and for whatever reasons. The CCP needs to keep the nationalist fire burning or their country will fall into chaos (or so they think). Nothing particularly new or newsworthy here.
To the extremists on this forum:
As an American living in Japan, I really find both sides of the japan/china bashing to be unproductive at the very least and frightening at the worst. (Not to be read as an apology for US behavior or policy, which is not the topic here.)
Both China and Japan have so much to be proud of, both historically and in the present day, that it's a pity to see such hateful finger pointing and not more emphasis on common ground.
Every country has the right to defence and Japan is in the right direction. Aggressor must prove it's claim in international court instead of bullying. Japan is true warrior with technological prowess and can build strong weapons and they have US and other powers' backing.
@Sentiments -- I can agree with your logic... but you have understand the logic of the other side, so that you know how to manage it... instead of aggravate it.
Actually, I strongly agree with @Pakjournalist's post: Arms race only brings sufferings to the people.
The only country creating regional tensions is China. I bet all nations in the Far East will agree. It's time someone creates a documentary film on that to be shown to the world.
Japan should slam China for slamming them
Yes, because China has such an excellent track record in championing animal rights and being environmentally responsible. Excellent choice. We should trust them with adjuciating international affairs as well. *
I'm sure China people and Hong Kong knows exactly what PRC is doing and they are probably not satisfied with that.
No doubt China but they don't much trust Japan either
I don't really care about how much CN & JP spend for defense now because both of them have money! but I do care about the US! Have u ever been Bay area of California lately? Bay area is good place before but the streets over there are full of homeless people now (you can't even walk in sidewalk because of their camping!), Freeway is all very poor for short of repairing. It's clear where the US should spend it's money! Both of CN & JP should see the situation of the US and smartly use their money!
In China, they say "it's internal politics". In business world they say "you asked for it", and in the real world; they say "stuff your nonsense to yourself". Cheap words than 100 yen stores?
fw360 - catching up it is not logical. Who decides what level of catching up is appropriate? Aggressions is not determined by Chinas own estimate of what they are doing, but also what their neighbors feel. Obviously Chinas gov thinks in their own reality and are incapable of understanding smaller nations feelings. This is exactly what is dangerous with a rising power. Putting up an ADIZ that covers Japanese controlled territory is only aggressive, nothing else. Seems to me Chinas talk about Abes militarization is only based on 70 year old references. These are a few reasons why Chinas actions and rhetorics doesn't make any sense.
Is Japan still sending ODA financial aide to China? Anyone?
China does not need any financial help from Japan, and it should be stopped immediately. Well like I said before, if China keeps up with this pace of military expansion, it will eventually fall or there will be a coup or civil unrests. We will see. They are just playing with fire.
Karjai--Japan never learned their horror, cruel and evil attitude mistakes in the past! One word can describe the Japanese army, CRUEL EVIL! Abe is a evil PM.--
There is a saying, "江山易改, 品性难移。..a leopard cannot change his spots..”(it is easier to deface a mountain and change the course of a river, than to move one's instinct character).
China really have to renounce these phrases regularly to the world esp to the Asians; the evil coming of the Japanese.
The run-downed looks of Abe and his colleague in the picture shown well how deeply planted the evils' minds, have past down from their ancestors.
Japan’s actions “must cause great concern to neighboring countries in Asia and the international community”, Geng said.
Quite the contrary, actually.
@Tohka : You are correct. Which country is India and Southeast Asia more concerned about? China or Japan? The answer is obvious.
Arms race only brings sufferings to the people
I think most of the poster here have been drinking from the same cool-aide… one sided without any understanding of the other side. That why you are confused why PRC did what they did.
1) If you read anything from PRC English news outlets, you can easily see that they explain their recent investment in military is “catching up”. Because they were so poor before, they are totally left behind in terms of modern defense. Even at today’s level, we all know their composite navy and air-force power are much less than Japan’s, let alone US. They are trying to synchronize their military capability in step with their economic status. You may not agree with this argument… but it is logical.
2) As for the incident with US naval ship recently, here is what I have read from some Hong Kong news papers: The incident occurred in international water. However the US ship had entered the pre-announced (area and time) and closed-off PLA naval drill area. The US ship was warned not to enter, it refused. Then the PLAN sent one of their ships to stop the entry. Does that story make sense?
So from their viewpoint, even with these two items plus the newly announced copy-cat ADIZ, they are not being aggressive… just being defensive.
Again, before you can solve a problem you need to understand the reason for the problem… I believe Biden has a better understanding of the situation than most of the politicians in Japan.
Has anyone seen this?
Top 10 military spenders 2012
Chinese military spending increase between 2003-2012 is a top of the list by 175% while Japan decreased the spending by 3.6%.
Hopefully, If China keeps up with this pace, they will be heading to the next USSR and it will be collapsed. Also, the world is beginning to see the pattern of Chinese conflicting diplomacy.
This story of China reminds me a man heavily addicted to drug telling his son to quit a drug.
Please stop posting ridiculous and inflammatory one liners.
Let me get this straight. I am in no way a apologist or in agreement with China's aggressive behaviour and I think that Japan has the right to arm itself if it feels the need to. What I find hard to stomach here is that we condemn China's aggression whilst ignoring our own. The West and in particularly the USA lost the moral high ground a long time ago. The things that many of you are saying about China, they are saying about the West. If neither side can themselves the way that the other sees them a war is inevitable. How can we with a straight face accuse them of doing what we have done? I thought it was Japan that is denial about it's history but it would seem we all are.
what china says doesn't even add up. They said from day one this would not happen "them building up starting trouble"
China is the one that has built up, & china is the one that has now started trouble after they got a aircraft Carrie.
If China had a gender it would be female as she is utter incapable of recognizing her own faults.
I think this shows china's real goals.
Like they person said up the top Japan's year military spending $60 Billion dollars. China's yearly military budget $166 Billion dollars.
That's like a Murder saying how would you kill someone, when he has killed 4 people.
Really a WTF from china.
I'd say this is a reaction based in fear. The Chinese, while having 10x the population of Japan, and having a larger economy, have a significantly weaker military, with significantly lower quality military goods. If Japan actually decided to attack China, China would be screwed. So the Chinese definitely don't want Japan increasing its military budget.
Of course, if they don't want to be afraid, then they should probably stop provoking. But, often people will provoke the most when they are afraid, in the hopes that the other side will back off without any conflict.
Fox Cloud Lelean
It's not an excuse, it's a valid and justifiable reason to boost defensive capabilities. China has repeatedly boosted defense spending, and was the second biggest spender in the world last year. So what's they're excuse? Are they afraid that the Martians are coming for them? No, they spend on their military to further restrict the rights of their citizens, flex their muscles at the rest of the world, and distract from the environmental crisis that they refuse to do anything about. You can take your complaints and shove it China. You have no justifiable reason to spend ~$100 billion on defense. Japan has every right to increase spending by 5% between 2014 and 2019.
The only advanced technology America has is military technology. If America is so advanced then why are the treatments for my CP coming from Japan?
though I'm not fond of this ongoing farce between China and Japan. But the increased defense spending by Japan is justified.... Just to act as a deterrence and nothing more.
Remember the brief border war between India and China? At that time, India was unprepared and didn't expect China to invade their border until it was too late. The war ended when China "unilaterally" (just like they did with the ADIZ) announce ceasefire when US carriers in the Indian Ocean authorized to provide fire support, and India reluctantly agreed to it. How about Vietnam? same thing happened....
so.... I hope the day when war broke out never come, I heard stories from my grandparents, how they lived in fear during the Japanese occupation... War is never an answer.
"China is not the only country in this world guilty of aggression and hypocrisy. Look in your own backyards before you throw stones."
Funny how the truth needs no embellishment. Instead of throwing stones greed needs no mirror when the truth is self evident. There's no business like the murder business like no business, you know?
A bit of nationalist gin and the profits come tumbling in. Murder by numbers, one two, three . . . the sport of the elected. Get the babies ready, a tsunami of blood is the only drink that quenches the thirst of greed. Peace, out.
I have the highest respect for China's President Xi Jinping. He has used diplomacy when speaking with Foreign Leaders & has gained a lot of support, additionally at the same time, friendship. More countries appear to be turning toward China for support, & to help in improving their economy. I agree with China on the ADIZ as I believe they have every right to protect their people & property, just like any other country. I recall when the a govt in WWII landed in Okinawa & Japan & took land without any payment & even today many people who owned the property have never been compensated & actually prefer the land be returned to its owners.
These China threads always leave me wishing for a better caliber of contrarian Chinese.
Does that make the USA and Israel childish then? It seems that China isn't the only one with double standards. Cue the thumbs down from 5....4....3....2..... Let's see if I can get to -20 for suggesting that China is not the only country in this world guilty of aggression and hypocrisy. Look in your own backyards before you throw stones.
Ahhhh - If there is one thing that Abe has relied on time and time again it is the so predictable response of China to Japan's wishes to re-militarise. Well-played Abe! You have manufactured a non-existent crisis with China (by getting your rabid right-wing nationalists to make the long-standing non-issue of a few Islands an Issue); China have responded as you knew they would (with resounding rhetoric, pointless air-space annexing and sabre-rattling) and your sheep-like, clueless, nationalist populace has lapped like yapping puppy-dogs it up to endorse your military expansion. Well-played sir! It's like the Tea Party of the US.... but in an actual government.
Japan never learned their horror, cruel and evil attitude mistakes in the past! One word can describe the Japanese army, CRUEL EVIL! Abe is a evil PM.
What are the China Liaoning aircraft carrier, stealth aircraft & drone developments that are recently announced for?as China not increased their budget for arms purchase as reported all over the media? Are these not 'aggressive increases' in their own budget if they can criticize Japan's increase in their defense budget to counter them? Jesus, some of these PR Chinese officials are really screwed up, I don't know to laugh or cry!
Shame we can't hire the Chinese Navy to protect the whales in the Southern Ocean Sanctuary from the annual Japanese slaughter.
Hypocritical indeed, coming from a country that has increased it's defense budget over 10% almost every year since 1999...
"China is “firmly opposed” to Japan’s spending plans, defense ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng said in a statement released Saturday."
Quite right. China has every right to determine the internal planning and defense spending of Japan.
(Reuters) - China unveiled another double-digit rise in military expenditure on Tuesday, but for a third year in a row the defense budget will be exceeded by spending on domestic security, highlighting Beijing's concern about internal threats.
Spending on the People's Liberation Army (PLA) will rise 10.7 percent to 740.6 billion yuan ($119 billion), while the domestic security budget will go up at a slightly slower pace, by 8.7 percent, to 769.1 billion yuan, according to the budget released at the opening of parliament's annual meeting.
find detail at . . .
Either these two venerable ancient societies have learned nothing in the past 10,000 years or their leadership has less integrity and intelligence than George W. Bush and Dick Cheney's wars of profit.
One thing the knowledgeable populations know for certain; none of this rhetoric and waste intends anything less than profit for a tiny cadre of profiteers. Blood for gold, the ages old formula of human greed distilled into action.
Japan’s actions “must cause great concern to neighboring countries in Asia and the international community”, Geng said.
Quite the contrary, actually.
I wonder if China is really aware of how hypocritical they look in the eyes of the world.
The downside of a democracy is that you can't prevent individuals from expressing their own opinions even if it may be uncalled for or even stupid. Of course we could all live in a Dictatorship like China where it's actually illegal to have an opinion counter to that of the State. As for what Japan is doing and where it's going it is all with the backing and support of the United States. You may recall that we were the ones who destroyed Imperial Japan in the last century.
Bruce Miller
Game Play: Will China allowing Shanghai Exchange buying and selling of Oil in Yuan, not U.S. Petro-dollars alter the Global Energy situation? Is this why: the U.S. thrust for Iranian oil at any cost, even weak and pretentious nuclear reasons? Is this why U.S. plays "Good Cop" and Israel plays "Bad Cop' in extorting Iran for its oil? On threat from Israel of nuclear extinction, without U.S. 'protection'? (Mobster style?) Under these strange circumstances, can Iran even sell oil to China? In Yuan? Very strange logic here, Nuttinyahoo threatens nukes on Iran's head, U.S. offers fiat, "Funny Money" for oil? Ayatollahs nod and smile, nod and smile? Last words on energy: Chinese Thorium? Japan also "Stuck in the middle' Between China that wants returns on its huge loans to U.S.A. and U.S.A. that desperately needs armaments contracts? Canada was forced to 'take it up the bum" by U.S.A. for F-35 fighters - even Canadian ground crews not allowed, by contract to service them - even on Canadian soil? F-35's designed to land on Air Craft Carriers - Canada has none! F-35's that cannot fly in the cold? Canada a frozen desert 8 months a year? Price over three decades? Over $42 Billions ! For F-35's that will be obsolete before they are delivered, at least a decade from now? MIG's from Russia, even Mirage from France, Swedish fighters or British fighters 1/3 the cost - no strings attached no 'Monkey Models" (check this American Military term) delivered? F-35's have whole sub assemblies subcontracted to Chinese factories? Canadian bought Hercules planes most certainly did! News story broke here last year. But: Canada still payed full U.S. prices? Who took the rake off on that deal? Beware Japan not all is as it appears? best bet: Build your own!
Even without new purchases China is still way behind the Japanese/ American military machine just off China's front yard.
The only thing surprising about China's recent arms purchases is that it took them so long despite knowing what a large unfriendly force was just over the water from them.
China has only one aircraft carrier, and that was an old outdated rustbucket they bought from Ukraine and refurbished. It was only commissioned last year. And this from a country that harbors one sixth of the world's population, is surrounded by unfriendly nations, and has been invaded and colonized in living memory.
Meanwhile Japan has five helicopter carriers which are comparable to aircraft carriers. America has 19 carriers and however many are ever anywhere near Japan, the rest could be here fast enough if ever there were trouble.
All this fear of China like an elephant fearing a mouse. I can't blame the Chinese for being concerned about Japan's arms purchases. They are not necessary. And for those of you who like to point out Japan's "self-defense only" constitution, that can be neutered with the stroke of a pen. And who was it that colonized and brutalized China in living memory? Why that was Japan! China has more to be worried about here over all.
And I am really sick of hearing about those tiny, uninhabited insignificant islands. They are not worth fighting over by any stretch of the imagination.
These people are beyond childish. I can do it, but you can't, incredible.
"He accused Tokyo of playing up the perceived military threat from China as an “excuse” to expand its military."
This is clearly an odd thing to say, unless China is trying to appear ironic.
But on the Japan side, while I agree that the time has probably come for Japan to reform it's military policy, the rhetoric from some prominent politicians is also ridiculous, given the historical record. Japan should humbly admit that it was overtaken by imperialistic, fascistic dreams in the last century, and strive to avoid such insanity in its future path.
They really are buffoons (Chinese Ministry's) as usual their rhetoric is for domestic consumption as their statements outside of China appear ludicrous, ignorant and just plain childish to the rest of the world. Grow up China already! You are like a school yard bully who just discovered you are a bit bigger than the other kids and now you want to throw your weight around. Shame on you, you should rather be acting like a big brother to your smaller neighbours and be promoting peace in the region, but instead it is you which is flaring tensions across the entire region. Like all bully's you need to be taught a lesson.
More bla bla blah from China.
China should listen to its oft used retorts and stop meddeling in the internal affairs of other nations.
HAHAHAHAHA. Coming from the country that over the past few years has been fattening up its military to bully its neighbours. Oh god China seriously stop it you're killing me with laughter!
The ADIZ and the maritime activities of China are becoming a touchstone to change the status quo with power. The national security strategy of Japan is seeking restraint on the Chinese side.
Due to yen depreciation is that realy a bigger defense budget? I doubt. i'd call that an 'updated' one.
@ noven ...relatively weaker America ???? Pull your head out of the sand and take a good look around. There isn't one nation that's more advanced in tech than the USA . China should be concerned with Japan purchasing all of Americas tech. This is going to make whatever they have now even less effective.
As China grows stronger it is becoming more and more willing to push Japan around. So China slams Japan. Well, Japan has a perfect right to protect itself from being bullied and intimidated. No one should doubt that the time has passed when America can shield Japan from China. If you see a more independent Japanese strategic posture as threatening the security of Asia, it is wrong because Japan's dependence on a relatively weaker America against a relatively stronger China poses the real risk to Asia's security. Therefore all us would be safer if Japan stands on its own two feet as a normal country and great power again in Asia. So go Japan and bolster your defense but don't choose to return to the path of militarism. Instead be a champion for order, stability, and an advocate for peace in the international community.
Denounce? no way guys. China did the part of the stronger nation with acting on his own, expanded the ADIZ without asking and now they're fearing to be beaten by japan's defense plan?
I'm wondering what's wrong with them...
The PRC is worried that Japan will have even more better weapons that is what they fear. They fear that Japan's military will become more aggressive against the PRC's attempted invasion of Japanese territory.
Give the bully an inch and he will take everything. Hitler used this tactic and took most of Europe without a peep. Time for Article 9 to go the way of the dinosaur.
Japan's year military spending $60 Billion dollars.
China's yearly military budget $166 Billion dollars.
Nothing perceived about it, the PRC has been arming up and taking territories belonging to other nations for years.
In 2002 the PRC military budget was $20 Billion dollars today it's $166 Billion, that is a build up and not a bump.