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© Copyright 2012 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.China slams Japan for allowing in Uighur activist
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As I said in another post, Japan is a sovereign nation and can do whatever the hell it want's within it's border !
Of course if Japan started making demands about who should and shouldn't be allowed into China/be allowed to hold meetings there China would acquiesce straight away....not.
So a spoiled brat
Just ignore them, you are dealing with a 3 yrs old spoiled child.
Japan knew it from the beginning. As long as it has freedom of speech/expression, it can't refuse it but not welcome.
Yes, Yes, Yes to all of the above. I will join you guys!!!
What is best about China is the food. Nothing else. It is a dirty messed up place, and I will smile when it implodes.
It seems China doesn't really understand how a developed democracy works. Slamming Japan for letting people in and having a meeting is silly - pretty much anyone can come to Japan on a tourist visa unless they are a terrorist or have a drugs record or something. And unlike in China, it's no business of the government what meetings people have when they're visiting. It reminds me of the protests against the Danish government for "allowing" cartoons offensive to Muslims to be published in a Danish newspaper.
Hey, China! It is Japan internal policy and for a peaceful purpose only. How about stop taking advantage of weaker and smaller nations around South China(?) sea. China exploits the whole world for own advantage without shame.
China is like the former U.S.S.R. Where Russia had it's periphery buffer states to protect it's wide open borders. And where the leaders were directly appointed by Moscow. China has Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner-Mongolian and Manchuria where leaders are appointed by Beijing ad where the locals don't trust the far south. With growing unrest and the bubbles in China finally bursting, this can only end one way. Which is why they are criticizing this Uighur visit, they want the world to remain ignorant of whats going in Xinjiang.
It's laughable that everytime China "slams" another nation or requests a denial of a visit by someone that Beijing doesn't like, it constantly falls upon deaf ears...
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
How about China just treat their own peoples(yes, plural) fairly? If China weren't so adamant about silencing dissent (oppressing their prisoner-citizens), then they could have peace within their borders.
The best solution to these over-grown empires is dissolution. The bigger the government (or company for that matter), the bigger the tyranny. Mongolia is not Peking-China, nor are these Uighurs. Boycott Chinese products whenever possible.
I will join Herve in calling for a continued boycott of China whereever possible until they stop repressing their minorities and any one else who challenges their authoritarian state.
Unlike China , Japan keep its free speech so it will never have problem of some no good citizens making " health medicine" from dead human fetuses !
China deserves criticism but also deserves praise for the remarkable strides it has made since 1979.
Well, when the starting point is the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, I guess only a couple million killed or repressed is a stride forward....
Give me a little human rights, please!
The "real" China is showing her face. Evil often hides behind a veil of fake history and political lies.
Jay Que
The CCP slams the US for allowing unlicensed free press and unregistered churchEs and families with four and more kids. So selfish of the US. I guess Japan should get on all four and grovel before her CCP masters bark and command. Yup, shut up the oppressed who live more freely in Japan than they can in their own homeland.
patty cake champion
Japan plays host to a public meeting of more than a hundred Uighur activists who are persecuted by the Chinese government while its "Lord and Savior" US backtracks from the pleas of one blind man to spare him and his family from the ire of the said regime.
If China doesn't like criticism then it should stop repressing people. If it does not want people who live within its borders becoming so unhappy and abused that they need to see outside help and support, then they should stop destroying the rights of people.
The Uyghur cause is a valid one and I heartily support Japan's willingness to accept this visit. The plight of the Ughurs is a key example of how China is dealing with many minority groups. The Chinese have worked non-stop to eradicate the cultures and traditions of these groups. Their have forced Han culture upon regional peoples in the same way Americans and Australians abused their indigenious populations in the 19th and 20th centuries.
The world should stop supporting the repressive governement of China. And China should frankly get bent over their unhappiness that the Uyghurs were invited to visit Japan.
Wow! China bashing really is in full swing! There are many countries with dreadful records regarding censorship and human rights abuses - look no further the democratic US and Guantanamo. I am shocked at the truly vitriolic reaction of Japanese towards China. Perhaps it's democratic Japan's wonderfully balanced media reporting. China deserves criticism but also deserves praise for the remarkable strides it has made since 1979. I know it's difficult for Japanese people to say anything positive about China but remeber their media paints just as ugly a picture of you.
It's funny how all this criticism started when China was becoming more developed during the 90's. Where were all the bleeding hearts before that? I bet most people had never even heard of the word Uighur. The fact is, much of the criticism comes from those who just don't want to see a successful China, even if it becomes a democratic, open country. They don't like the fact that their own countries are sliding down.
Of course, Japan has freedom of speech. Just as long as you don't mention anything about whaling, the imperial family, war crimes, racism and discrimination. I hardly think the Japanese media is something to brag about. They only report what is allowed.
You don't seem to know how Japanese media are biased toward leftist agenda. Japanese media love to talk about war crimes, racism and discrimination, etc. Politicians are harshly criticized and the "free speech" is compromised more by the media when the conservative agenda are promoted.
Rebiya Kadeer addressed about 120 people at Monday’s general assembly of the World Uyghur Congress in Tokyo.
A hundred and twenty people? That was really a miserable crying so desperated and amusing!
You won't be smiling for very long. If China goes down, the rest of East Asia's going down with her :(
Do talk decomracy or human right craps. Kadeer wants Xinjiang independent from China and she is enemy number two (dalai is number one) of China and Chinese people. If japan hosts enemy of China, of cause China will not happy. Plan simple and do not play human right card here. Xingjiang to China, it is sovernty, not human right.
Do not talk decomracy or human right craps here. Kadeer wants Xinjiang independent from China and she is enemy number two (dalai is number one) of China and Chinese people. If japan hosts enemy of China, of cause China will not happy. Plan simple and do not play human right card here. Xingjiang to China, it is sovereignty issue , not human right.
Take a last look at the so called east turkistan with know their existence is an obstacle and will be removed by 'bulldozer' very soon!
japan loves to poke their nose around other peoples biz. handle ur own home first.