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© 2014 AFPChina slams 'troublemaker' Abe after Africa visit
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This seems to make it sound as if actual bodies are buried at the shrine. It is the souls, not the bodies that are believed to be kept at the shrine.
At any rate, I wonder if Xie Xiaoyan remembered to bring the photos of Tibet, Tiananmen square or even some photos of some of the people China has arrested for just blogging about the situation in China.
China continues to seem quite unreasonable.
Dear China: Africans do not care about your local spats. If you want to show pics, show a pic of the tanks you tried to tun your own citizens over with much more recently than the WWII. Oh forgot, your people cant see those pics because you brainwashed them by censoring the internet...
Oh boy, another needless bickering.
Why can't China go the way of the USSR and collapse already.
This isn't about preserving historical memory (that is precious, no doubt). This is about making propaganda for your own economic and political strategies taking advantage of your own country's past tragedies. That pic should be respected, not used this way.
Haha...I'm sure the African nations are really afraid of "Japanese militarism". Maybe the Chinese ought to try studying some history; "European colonialism" hits a far greater chord in that part of the world. But of course, they really don't consider Africa to be a subject worth studying too much.
No doubt soon China will try and claim that the African continent has been a part of China since ancient times rolls eyes
Ubochi Solo
Africans are waiting,and everyone is highly welcome. However,whoever that is coming should wear trouble coat,because the colonial era is still fresh in their memory,and cannot be repeated this time.
Boy Next Door
Look who's talking. All China does is claiming territories here and there. Good thing Japan is standing up to this aggression.
The only winner in this expensive Chinese-Japanese tit-for-tat will be the African warlords - oops, I mean leaders - who will end up with much of the cash.
"Why can't China go the way of the USSR and collapse already." The USSR collapse due to a coup. That means people in china would 1st actually have to have a clue what was going on and 2nd have courage. They are O for 2 so good luck. As dumb as Americans and Brits are three days we still try to fight injustice, stand against for what's wrong, and try to expose lies and corruption. 1 billion people in china, and they all just cowl behind the great fire wall.
Why is Japan and China suddenly so interested in Africa? Well, one third of the world’s new discoveries of oil since 2000 have taken place in Africa. Africa could possess considerable undiscovered reserves and they will become an increasingly important supplier to the world’s energy markets in the next decade. Just like Japan that imports 99 percent of the oil, China will be importing 80 percent of her oil needs by 2030. Africa’s growth is dependent upon the establishment of a rule of law and official accountability. Africa's economic development will hinge on the success of its battle against corruption, especially misappropriation of oil revenue. The battle against corruption in Africa will not be easy. The presence of substantial natural resource wealth is controlled by an elite few, without an enforced rule of law, encourages private actors to bribe those unaccountable elite in exchange for access to those resources. There is a critical need for consistent, credible enforcement of corruption laws. Maybe Japan has same idea as China about the of the corruptions in Africa as long as they get their oil for the future.
Sure, some progress has been made on buildings and infastructures, but Africa from the north to the south is still dirt poor. Africa goverments are still mainly subsistance upon Chinese, Japanese, and Western powers, IMF, who then steal this money and leave the African people to starve for themselves. With the contracts of Chinese and Japanese money comes demands from their powers that exclude the African people. Chinese and Japanese meddling and enriching the criminal elements so they can stay in power and serve their interest is still the main story behind African leaders. They are as corrupted as they come and wickedness beyond belief. True African success will come when African leaders are removed and aid addict African cronies are replaced with good and honest leaders who care for their community, and build the infrastructure and no foreign interference and corruption. The foreign aid is the main enemy for Africa. Money usually ends up in the wrong hands.
Abe is so busy going to other countries that he hasn't engaged in bickring fight. As for Tokyo Governor candidate, he han;t expressed opinions, either. No matter how N. Korea, S. Korea, China tried to make him to response, he behaves like Stateman. He probably knows Tokyo Governorship will go to Hosokawa. Best he can do is just behave as the top stateman in the world. Losing tokyo-to Governorship to Hosokawa is LDP loss and not Abe loss. Maybe he is going to replace Japan;s nuclear energy with African oil? Maybe solar energy? Hope he ignores Chian , etc.
“resurrection of Japanese militarism” Apparently, the accusation made by China doesn’t add up given the evidences.
Granted, sly Abe shouldn’t exploit the Yasukuni visit as a political theater to fan nationalistic sentiments in Japan, but a systemic world-wide propaganda executed by China to milk the situation for its own advantage would do disservice to the peace sought in the region.
Enough is enough, both Japan and China should stop playing this sort of political games, and moving forward to work on peace and prosperity.
The time is running out.
I find this recent trend by Chinese officials quite astonishing. It defies reason and logic and makes China appear infantile, manipulative and disingenuous.
As some posters have already pointed out, the Japanese, even at their worst estimates, couldn't hold a small candle to the misery visited upon the Chinese people by the Communist Party of China. With an upward estimate of 80 million odd Chinese deaths accredited to them and their 'policies', they have set a high bar.
Secondly, China participated in the War Crimes trials of the Japanese in Tokyo Post WW2, and both the Kuomintang and the Communist conducted war crimes trials of their own in China. The Communists 're-educated' around 1000 Japanese prisoners post war and tried 45 Japanese for war crimes 11 years after the war ended.
This is a scandalous thing to say and the man should be stood down immediately - this is way worse than anything the very stupidest of Japanese officials comes up with (Ishihara, Hashimoto). What Japan did in WW2 cannot be compared to the evil of Hitler, and the systematic genocide of the Holocaust, and Xie Xiaoyan and the Chinese are guilty of both ignorance and revisionism if they suggest such things. Justice Pal, who was one of the presiding Judges at the Tokyo War Crimes tribunal stated quite unequivocally that:
'the case presented before us cannot in any way be likened to the case of......Hitler'
Justice Webb, the Australian Judge at the Tokyo trials said:
'the crimes of the German accused (Nuremburg) were far more heinous, varied and extensive than those of the Japanese accused'
China should officially apologise for the comment.
Think how provocative it would be if China were to pay homage to a shrine honoring say, Mao. Oh, and show his face everywhere and have ceremonies to revive his teachings and stuff?
The Chinese 'diplomats' should really learn how to shut up. Obviously their infantile posturing over the Senakaku Islands 'problem' (read China's problem) has failed. Japan has the full support of the US and neighbouring Asian countries are mostly on-side or anti-China. So all China-PRC can resort to is sniping from the sidelines that achieves little and gives PRC even more of an image and PR problem.
"I find this recent trend by Chinese officials quite astonishing.'
His remarks sound a bit ridiculous. You have to think that many Chinese officials, diplomats, ambassadors, etc. are being told to toe the party line or else.
Seirei Tobimatsu
Japan has a current reputation for clean sustainable development even China is begging for to contain pollution/destruction.
Troublemaker for China's business in the area. You don't min arguments or friends by attacking other people, you just make yourself look stupid
Oh My godness. I always thought that japanese diplomacy was childish, but the chinese are much more child than the japanese.
At least the Cold War between Japan and China is funny, different from what ocurred between USA and USSR couple of decades ago.
If China were to collapse as the USSR, you may get a Putin like leader in China. Do you really want that? AS for China in Africa, it not good. Recently in the US, there was a reality TV show that showed these two idiots from Salt Lake City going to Africa to look for good. The first claim they had, they were chased off by squatting Chinese miners that acted much more like solders and they even shoot at the cast. You could see the shooters since it was pitch black but no one else was around then the next day they attacked with a bulldozer. Needless to say, they left. But it seems this kind of thing is happening in many places around the world. It may be rubies instead of gold in Myanmar and Thailand. So who is the militarists and troublemakers?
The communists have already accomplished all that through their own actions.
The real reason PRC is so upset about this is that they have been quietly raping the African continent for about ten years now. I imagine they are worried that a new player might come along and actually offer a fair price for the natural resources.
What a pathetic little worm.
FernandoUchiyamaJan. 16, 2014 - 09:31AM JST At least the Cold War between Japan and China is funny, different from what ocurred between USA and USSR couple of decades ago.
There is no comparison. US and USSR did not have hardly any trade between them. However, Japan and China has almost $345 billion a year in bilateral trade. China accounts for 21 percent of Japan's GDP, and bad relationship affects businesses.
Its time that the media point out the genocide that china has carried out against Tibet, also when communists took over china didnt they slaughter millions of their own? Killing teachers, religious leaders, women and even children. They are now being the aggresdors militarily against their neighbours, not Japan. Japan is actually conducting itself in a very balanced diplomatic fashion overall. I support what Abe is doing in terms of strengthenjng wirld ties within Asia and Africa, well done! And Japan has to become a military powerhouse once again to keep rogue governments like in china in check as we can all see.
Steve Fabricant
Certainly both countries are involved in Africa for economic reasons, but Japan has a pretty clean record in Africa, where they have also been implementing useful assistance projects for decades. China has been active there for less time but quickly garnered a reputation for aggressive purchases of farmland and unfair employment practices. In spite of this, Japan needs to keep showing the flag there in order to maintain a competitive edge against cheaper Chinese-made farm and construction machinery, roadbuilding and other infrastructure contracts.
China rarely attacked other countries in the world diplomatic circle. Don't wan to make people lose face, so to speak. And as a result it's been getting all that bad reps for decades. In the western culture, if you don't speak up, then you are assumed to be at fault. Over years, people get deep rooted misconceptions about you.
Just look at all those misguided comments here, from people who think they know!
Now China is speaking up! It's very counter intuitive and awkward to them. It's a learning process and will take time. It might be some years before people begin to hear them.
China IS a threat, all of Chinas' neighbours feel this.
China SHOULD be contained. It's a nation of 1.3 billion people, many of whom appear to be brainwashed and bent on China ruling the world. I for one don't want to become Chinese, ever. Abe isn't going to harm a butterfly.
The perfect response would be for the Japanese Ambassador to hold a picture of the "Tank Man" from Tienanmen. The Chinese government couldn't respond to that picture without drawing attention to their own barbarism AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE .No way the Chinese press would be allowed to show the picture to Chinese in China, and yet the rest of the world would be reminded that China's own hands are just as bloody .
Julian Garrett
Probably one of the worst things that China has going for them is their supreme arrogance and hypocrisy.
You are seeing it on display here.
The world sees who the real bully is.
It's nice to get a head start to deal with Africa and a cheaper alternative energy resource... Both Japan and China are still cautious with Africa due to the corruption problem. Perhaps Abe should work more closely with other "rich resource" country like Canada for alternative energy resource like Liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Gotta put money to different tables instead of one right?
To predict a country's behavior you must look at its history. It's a character in-grown to its culture and tends to be consistent. 4000 years is pretty long time for sample size.
Fear is always induced by a sense of guilt. Why should one fear unless one is guilty of some wrong against somebody? If you haven't done anything wrong, you don't fear others, no matter how powerful they may be. There're cops around all the time, armed to the teeth. Only thieves fear them.
will the Chinese poison Africans with frozen dumplings as well??? Shoddy goods, no class. Immature. China plz go away
Average Africans know who is presently constructing a new African-wide Imperialism. They know which country strips their natural resources bare and leaves their lands polluted and unproductive; they know who uses bribery and corruption as standard business practices; indeed they know the name of the country which floods Africa with domestic market-destroying product while reserving the best jobs, roads and infrastructure for Chinese only.
It's extremely ironic that the Chinese Communists rose to power by screaming anti-colonial slogans, when they are the ones most responsible for its propagation in the poorer regions of the world. Shame on the Beijing hypocrites!
China's next frontier is the continent of africa. Perhaps that is why they are whining like a little baby.
Ha Ha you so funny China.
Fox Cloud Lelean
Once again, the pot calls the kettle black. All of this slander and name calling is liable to cause trouble. Unfortunately for China, they'll be the ones in trouble. I'm sure that everyone can see by now just how childish China are being. Except for North Korea of course. Keep barking red dog, you're just begging to be put down.
I agree wholeheartedly. So then we can predict that PRC will continue to rip off its neighbors for any land, tech, blackmail money etc it can gets its mitts on while denying basic freedoms to its own citizens and cozying up to pariah regimes like the Mugabe government in order to extend their tentacles of greed to far off continents and exploit the citizens there as well?
I think you mistake disgust for fear. And that would be evidence of "character in-grown" arrogance and stupidity.
China was saying the same sort of thing in the UK recently, and they'll win this kind of global public relations war easily. Take the Newsnight interviews with Paxman. The Japanese ambassador comes on, looks incredibly serious and cold, can hardly speak English. Next the Chinese ambassador, super-confident, he's like "how's it going Jeremy", comes across as friendly and reasonable. I guess the reason being that China efficiently selects the best for these kind of jobs and Japan is more like a jobs for the boys approach.
House Atreides
Abe visits three African countries and China throws a temper tantrum. They say if you're not catching flak you're not over the target.
Many people on this thread seem to equate Japans earlier record of imperialism and atrocities against Asians with Chinas domestic record against its own people. While the latter is nothing to boast about, these two aspects are not the same. I believe in this case, China has a valid point against Abe, a dangerous jingoist. The sooner he is marginalised the better
It's easy to bash China, but what they're doing now is what the US has been doing for decades. That doesn't make it right, but can you really blame them for trying to move up after being the world's source of cheap labor for most of the modern era? They're new to capitalism and being an economic power. Give them some time to mature a bit.
Furthermore, Abe and his followers should acknowledge the atrocities committed against Chinese and other Asian countries. Many Japanese, not knowing the accurate history
House Atreides
Just because China says that the Tibetans and Uighurs are Chinese doesn't make them so.
The war between Japan and China has been going on since 1274 when the Chinese invaded Japan. Everything after that is what one might call karma.
China has always been ready to remind African countries that it was a victim of brutal colonialism rather than being the colonizer ( Tibet no doubt falling under the sinister evasiveness of 'an internal matter' ). As pointed out earlier, it's doubtful that this resonates. However, it is true that the European powers have a disgraceful history in Africa and modern trade policies are designed to keep the poor poor. I doubt these countries trust China as far as they could throw them. The same could be said for their views of any of the major powers.
You have to have nothing to give to people if you can't stand a little competition.
Gee, I wonder which nation is being childish and completely irrelevant here.
Answer these simple questions if you can.
When was the last time Japan committed any war crimes or crimes against humanity?
When was the last time China committed any war crimes or crimes against humanity?
If you don't answer or won't answer both questions then you are covering up the truth for a propaganda agenda.
CGB Spender
One doesn't need to work hard to portray China as a threat. China is doing enough by themselves to know they ARE a threat! China is just in a fury that there suddenly is a Japanese PM who doesn't bow down to the corruptive PRC anymore. They can scream and shout and slam but nothing will change the fact that they are the real troublemakers.
Japan and China battle for the favor of Africa: Africa wins.
Enough of this rubbish already china, all it is doing is making itself, its leaders and its people look stupid. Nothing it can say changes the view of the world, china goes about its business of copying, stealing hacking and ripping off what ever it chooses and expects the world to idly stand by while it try's to stand over it's neighbours and throw its misguided opinions around.
The more days that pass the more ignorant and belligerent this nation's leaders appear, before its petulant outbursts were mildly tolerable now it is becoming intolerable.
China is either going to get a slapping or it will implode but what ever happens this dribble running down this brat of a nation's chin will cease.
China your international record is disgusting, your environmental record is a atrocious and your human rights record is a disgrace, soon your economy will return to the laughing stock of a joke it was previously and your people will go back to eating what ever scraps they could find.
China again is playing the victim card, but folks forget that Mao murdered nearly 4 Million of his own people during their civil war and another 70 million during his reign of terror.
I for one hope that someone in the world would have the nads to point out these facts to counter these kind of PRC propaganda campaigns.
But, while the rest of the world plays diplomatic politics with the PRC, the PRC plays dirty Soviet era finger pointing propaganda games.
The People's Republic of China is 4,000 years old? What history books are you reading? The PRC is only 65 years old. Making a claim such as your is equivalent and me claiming that Spain is 6,000 years old. We all know it is not.
The Mongols used Korean and Chinese tributary soldiers.
So you are acknowledge that China was a Mongolian state and not the other way around, good to hear.
I also notice that you seem to omit a few facts about those letters sent in 1269 by the Great Khan. He wasn't sending a friendly "hello, how are you these days" letter. No, he was demanding that Japan become a tributary state of the Mongolian empire.
Next, I have never found anything in any books that says that the Japanese court beheaded the first Mongol emissaries. All I have ever read was that Japan rebuked their demands and then completely ignored them.
Now, after the first invasion completely collapsed the Great Khan decided to invade again so he sent 5 emissaries in 1275 with demands that Japan surrender and become a tributary state. But, this time the emissaries wouldn't leave unless the Japanese surrendered, so the Japanese court beheaded them and sent the Great Khan their answer.
And again as with the first invasion the Great Khan and his tributary states lost.
History is great, but if you omit what you don't want folks to know it can become propaganda.
So, most people here are so worried by China's broadcasting worldwide who Abe really is(a demon). No doubt the Africans are welcoming; but now on both Abe's generous donations and knowing Abe's evil intention.
Though Japan has not done any invasion lately, but Abe is creating convenient excuses for the resurrection of Japanese militarism, by denying history and by fanning China a threat. African knows who Abe is even without his visiting.
In Africa, all that'll get you is some tank buyers.
He has over reacted Abe Charm offensive. As a diplomat, he is unqualified for stupid comment. If he is a private citizen, he has freedom of expression. Surprisingly Abe has no friends with near by neighbors. However he is buying friends with $$$$$. It can be called as Check book diplomacy. However it will make Japan will become like USSR of 1980s sooner than later. No wonder Japan is more and more heavily indebted.
Africa may be large in size and population. However potential for market growth is smaller than Singapore and Switzerland. It will take a long time for making Africa as Asia.
US wanted to condemn PRC human rights record in UN for many times. However it has failed many times. Because third world developing nations( mostly from Africa) blocked US move. In fact, US has moral ground for lecturing PRC for human rights. US byself killing babies with drone and high powered semi automatic rifle. The land of free, proud and brave has become the land of killing field even in Cinema. At least PRC did not kill babies with whales and elephant killing weapons.
Many haters or doom and gloom sayers have predicted before. Back in early 1990s, American Chinese Gordon Chang published the book called as "Coming Collapse of China". However he has been old and grey now. His book on library shelf has become old and yellowish too. PRC central bank is sitting more than 3 trillions of foreign reserve. It is slowly buying Africa piece by piece now. Unlikely Gordon Chang may not see his dream come true during his lifetime.
PRC economy is slowing. However PRC domestic market is so large for making GDP sustainability. Therefore they can sustain their growth without depending on oversea. No nation on that earth sustained GDP of more than 9% for more than 35 yrs.
What junk. This guy's an ambassador and he's dredging up pictures from a 70 year old war on an unrelated continent?
Doesn't he know how ridiculous and petty he looks?
I don't much like Abe but he must be doing something right if China is this flustered. What sort of diplomats are they putting out there, anyway?
Tibet, Mao, The Cultural Revolution, The Great Leap forward, Freedom of speech, rampant corruption, false imprisonments, farming of executed prisoners organs, internal land seizures, claims to the whole china sea, regional bullying, erratic childish behaviour, endless star false propaganda ..... and did I mention rampant corruption .... YES WE TRUST THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY AND EVERYTHING THEY SAY.
KariHarukaJan. 16, 2014 - 07:49AM JST
No doubt soon China will try and claim that the African continent has been a part of China since ancient times rolls eyes
Yes this is true and in a way they are preparing for it.
First of all, how can we know that those photos correspond to WW2??. I think that is another Chinese fakery like Nanjing Massacre (fabricated by criminal Maoists). Anyways, if China is taking that stupid and useless policy of exposing past crimes, then Japanese government might try expose ethnic, racial and cultural extermination policies against Tibetan and Uygur people from 1949 by Chinese troops and government. Tokyo might try to denounce the Chinese invasion, occupation and colonization of Tibet and East Turkestan from 1949, using Han settlers to usurp Tibetan and Uygur lands. Japan might expose the immense extermination ordered by Chinese Communist Party during Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. Japan MUST expose and denounce those bandits and criminal gangsters in Beijing.
This man is a clown, clearly. But it is so annoying that Abe by foolishly visiting Yasukuni chose to hand an easy diplomatic victory to a country which otherwise would not have a leg to stand on from the point of view of its human rights record, aggression towards its neighbours, total lack of democratic legitimacy and all the other weaknesses pointed out by JT posters above. The own goal to end all own goals by yer man Abe.
A L L nations N E E D to C E A S E all T R A DE with C H I N A now.
Stop trading with this POS country and see how it manages dealing only with its own citizens who mostly live in poverty and cant afford iphones new cars or other luxury goods. Most of them have to scrape together the basic items for daily life. The millions of peasants aren't enough to sustain the chinese economy.
Topple China and its leadership using smarts not words.
Then how are we going to afford our iPhones?!
@StormR Cease all trade with China? Do you have or know of any job vacancies? Hope you have or know of quite a few.
In fact, many Chinese migrants are settling in Africa like China town of San Fransisco, Toronto or Vancover. In Tanzania or Congo or South Africa has become like China town of Yokohama. If there is intermarriage between Africans and Local Chinese, Africa will gradullay become like Florida which is full of Latinos. Physically, Chinese are more attractive to Africans because they are good looking. Materialistic African girl dream about marrying rich Chinese sugar daddies.
Some Chinese engineers have been murdered in Africa. However Chinese settlement and investment in Africa is unstoppable momentum.. Besides that they are not impoverished like 18 th century settlers. They are ATM machines which will change the Africa as China town of North America.
How can Abe compete the nation of 1.3 billion people and 3 trillion foreign reserve for winning African hearts? He is the late comer for Charm offensive.
What is funny is the amount of credibility is given to the Chinese Representative of Ethiopia, The permanent member of the African Union. The whole continent is a mess and yes there are vast resources to be developed. (the Chinese have been making inroads for years in Africa BTW). But the only aggression I see here is the Chinese and not only in Africa. Their constant harassing of the people in places like Tibet, the Western sections etc. I wonder how many people realize that of the whole population of China that there is only a small portion that has any real "human rights"? The members of the Com Party! They now have a Aircraft Carrier, more Submarines than most if not all countries. Jet aircraft as good as most and a very advanced space program they still try OH POOR US get a grip folks these guys are trying to expand and they need Africa's resources. Do not get diverted by this no name . When Peking gets serious they will sent someone a bit higher up . .
China is right to refute all Japanese attempts to instigate others against China. It is Japan's right to build diplomatic relations with everyone. But stop using China as the bogeyman. Japan is the last nation in Asia to influence others after the criminal actions of imperial Japan in the last century. If you can't influence others diplomatically, stop trying to break China's influence. China criticizes Abe, but people here criticise, China, the government and the people and wish for their demise! What evil thoughts, similar to those in expansionist Japan that was defeated by the US!
House Atreides
Like the Chinese aren't wishing for the demise of other countries...
China writes stuff like this and expects the rest of the world to believe that it isn't a threat?
China has been investing in Africa for many years now, with a view to obtaining the resources available there. Economists and political strategists have been talking about it for a long time, but only recently been doing anything about it. Looks like Japan has only just woken up to it...
MrBum and Jimzo more jobs could be created for others by moving manufacturing out of china, stop selling resources to this petulant nation so it has nothing to produce, move the jobs out of the place.
Goods will still be produced and consumed, china is not the only consumer.
Develop southeast asia south American and Africa for consumption, forget the one who doesn't appreciate what it has been given and where it is now.
Other nations can actually produce cheaper than china and they wont steal your patent or copyright either.
Gaspard Et Gaspard
...I have to stifle my laughter when 'long-established' and 'China' are used concurrently, when I speak to my contemporaries in Africa--it's obvious who they trust and prefer doing business with...if you want a good job*, honesty and quality you DON'T go with the Chinese.
Doesn't China have anything better than Japan bashing? Doesn't China have something to be proud of that they could shout to the world? The US tried Japan bashing in the 80s, and it didn't work. Now China is imitating the US (maybe they are not so different). And really, waving around a picture like that. Does he think that will change minds in Africa? NO It makes China looks tasteless and uncouth, and this is not anything that Africa and not done to itself or Europeans have done to Africa. China's leaders are really getting "full of it", as Americans say. But I still love going there and I'm always treated very well.
This is getting pretty boring...
A slightly different opinion : Both these guys are behaving like spoilt brats... Problem is, it could very easily turn nasty, VERY nasty and I, for one, find that quite scary...
I could find no mention of Abe mentioning China in his African trip. However, I did find this in the New York Times:
This Xie is a clown...
You know, if I was Japanese I would be extremely pee'd off at this constant sniping from the Chinese. We have that Muppet in the UK comparing Japan to a Harry Potter character, and now this posturing prat waving around photos and bleating on about war crimes just because Japan is trying to get some business in Africa... It's like a constant stream of rhetoric coming from China at the moment.
I think it's time Japan started going on about Chinese crimes against humanity, their human rights record, their insane EEZ and air zones... and the environmental damage being inflicted on Asia by Chinese pollution.
I think the best thing Japan can do is keep on going the route they have chosen while stopping every so often to look at China and laugh ...while uttering "who are these people ??!" Seriously where I come from most people I know loath Chinese for their culturally disgusting behavior while at the same time admire Japanese etticate. This outburst is for one reason and one reason only to provoke Japan in a antagonistic way. China lol you are really starting to look like the arse of the world.
Elbuda Mexicano
China,so just how many Africans have more things to worry about other than Japan having killed some Chinese many, many years ago?? Africans,so how Tibetans, Muslim Uighurs has BEIJING killed latelty??????!!
Kobuta Chan
Childish behavior is culture of Communist Chinese leaders, diplomats and members?
It's a safe bet that this rant was first given the OK by the Chinese government, and all it's done is show China up to be insecure and paranoid. China is a big investor in Africa but now another player has entered the arena. Honestly, does China think they are the only ones who should be allowed to invest there? Maybe they're worried that Japan will actually deal out REAL benefits to these countries by helping them build infrastructure. That's how partnerships should work.
The Chinese government is an embarrassment: "Boo hoo, go away. We got here first!" Japan must go ahead and invest, and build strong partnerships. The world is not a slave to Chinese money and Chinese tantrums.
China sees Japan trying to become cosy with African leaders and doesn't like its toes being stepped on-par for the course..........
Sure, only with forced abortions.
Substitute the word "Japan" for "China" in the comments from the Chinese ambassador and then it would all make sense.
I think that picture is actually something done in photoshop or some other programme - firstly it seems too clear to be an old picture, secondly the staging is too perfect: we have a cute woman, cradling a baby, getting beheaded, and the "evil Japanese" manage to take the shot just then? Also a surprising lack of blood...
I guess the Chinese like fakery rather than verete.
To truly understand China, you have to look at its impressive history and social conditioning.... Whoever said China brainwashes its children?
The politicians of today grew up with this, another fine example of Chinese culture:
Simona Stanzani
stop throwing your toys out of the pram you two. [China and Japan]
More empty posturing from the lame middle kingdom.
Politics have nothing to do with this kind of thing. It's called competition. It happens all over the world. Businesses etc compete with each other, vying for influence no matter where you are on this planet. Get used to it or just quit now, and cry me a river, you worthless dogs of the CCP. LIVE WITH IT.
Also, especially in Africa where they have seen so much more war and bloodshed over recent modern times, I really doubt they would want to get into a war just because China said so. The typical "wo shi Zhongguoren, wo shi hao ren" arrogance doesn't go well at all here, they have seen so much death, why would they want to get involved in YOUR dispute? Are you going to go give them a history lecture? Or even yet, exercise supposed historical claims or undergo "peaceful liberation" Tibet-style for all those who dare to question you?
If even something as simple as this, going overseas to see another country and try to set up shop there is "troublemaking" for China and the CCP, then I'd definitely encourage a bit more competition to go around, ESPECIALLY if it irritates the CCP more and makes them whine harder.
Also, let me end this by pretending to be as "clever" as Xie and I will hold this picture up for the world to see, too:
Japanese industry is experienced to expand to other continent and make their products popular in that country. Example is USA. Kentucky Tennesee, New Jersey and many more states are very thankful Japanese automakers etc created their divisions there. Japanese corporations trains people there to be technical and managerial positions to ensure they have workers in their branches. They did not want to bring none native English speaking Japanese there. Unlike UAW dominated Detroit. automation technoligies are used. Maybe Japan Inc will operate same way in Africa? More income for native people will increase sales? No need to train Japanese workers in African languages. Japan can not afford Japanese people immigualte to other countrids anyway.
Wait til the fallout from Abenomics - then Abe will be known as a real troublemaker!
China is acting like a three year old who thought everything was hers mine, mine, mine, mine.
But, the difference is three year olds think they own all the toys, China thinks it owns the world.......
Let me correct myself, China thinks the world wants it to own everything.
Yes China... how about the forced organ harvesting, the invasion of Tibet, the millions of Chinese people murdered during the cultural revolution, Tiananmen Square massacre... need I go on?
China can play the WW2 victim card as much as they like, but how many people did their troops kill, torture, rape and decapitate during the revolution and purges? How many were sent to labour camps to be worked to death? THEIR OWN PEOPLE!
China is so greedy ! When did Africa belong to China ? so that PM Abe should not go there and promote Japan? Tibet is not enough ,Xinjiang is not enough, Paracel islands ,Spratly islands is not enough ,Senkaku island is not enough , ...nothing is enough for China anymore! China wants to conquer the whole world but its foundation is only GREED and that will bite and swallow China in the end. ,
Why can't Japan go the way of the USSR and collapse already? I don't know. I never ask such kind of question or wish.
Why can't China go the way of the USSR and collapse already.
Ah, can I unlook that photo. There is no question the Japanese were incredibly cruel and brutal during there Asian campaign, and I believe there is a sound argument that Japan has not, does not show true remorse for their actions - but is Africa the place to bring this up?
BTW, When Japan Inc. successfuly dominated USA industry, there was no Abenomic in Japan yet. Abenomics has nothing to do with Japan's approach to African countries.
@ Toshiko,
BTW Japan may have taken over the car industry but remember where the technology came from so don't get on a high horse!
Toshiko ! Japan has never dominated the USA in marketing. What they did what take tech from the USA and utilize it to a a different extent. When you have population confined to a small demographic region it's easy to do. They is no way with the diversity of manufacturing in various countries that anyone can truly state one dominates the other
Clark Hambon
After all your bickerring- pro japan or not-japan will fall.Naturally like sink under the sea.Or undergo an economic sabotage by a united SK and China. I wish you pro-Japan-No-Matter-What-Topic Guys will live to see the day.
Takk about a strawman argument!
Basically, China is unhappy because Japan has increasing interest in the region. China was the one to build the roads and associated infrastructure and in doing so, expecting to keep the resource trade to themselves...
AntiToshiko people: Technology was not created by Japan. Japanese innovators study models of target and produce same products withougt copying. that is why Apple could not sue Japan Inc. They also get patent agrreement. Have you seenGM or Ford copied? Haven;t you seen Apple sued Samsung but never sued Japan Inc.? Don;t you know Japan has been behaving this way for many thousand years? China is an originater of Japanese culture, Japanese culture is copy and moderated Chinese culture. Ikebana, Tea Ceremony, Shinto, Japanese Buddhism, So it does not matter you were superior technologist or not. Can you name US industry that is not dominated by clever Japanese industry? How good model copycatting by Japan. Yosuke Matsuoka even modeled Nazi and made Japan one of Truiad with Italy. So, you think China will dominate Africa. If you go to any kofuns in Japan, you can see ancient Chinese and.or Korean antiques in these areas. I shouldnt tell this but Japan is a genius of moderaqting Chinese culture, now technology. No Japanese say Japan create technology. People know Morita of Sony snooped American electronic technology in 1950's and change his dingy repairsho name from Tokyo Denki Tsushin to Sony. No secret. BTW, Ayukawa answered his Nissan will never make for ca for Japanese women, When asked why not when American women drive. He answered thy are bigger than Japanese men( that was after he was released from Sugamo_ Japan Inc moderate according to consumer needs. Better Marketing. Name which US industry has been successful with their marketing strategy.
You wonder if the Chinese leadership actually believes this stuff. Then they say the same unbelievable things again, and again. I think they've started to believe their own propaganda. Or they're taking a page from Gobbel's book: if you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.
Rumor is that UN office employees have been gathering info on comments by Chinese and Japanese arguments as China appealed to UN to investigating arguments (?) by both countries. (meant name calling>) seriousely. Is this why Abe is not responding to China's smearing campaign?
This seems pretty childish to me.
China is baiting Abe to yell back. It forgot UN uses calender and comments in languages that were spoken. 'so, far, Abe is not baited yet. The UN investigations begin from the time Abe visited Yasukubi, //Just smearing comments China is appealing. Rumor is that UN can not intervene religeon of any country that China want investigations of smear campaigns. Maybe China did not know UN use regukar Calenderr? I think date and media name with comments in three languages wll be checked.I
Mr. Xie Xiaoyan, please also present the photos of tens of Million death people killed by Mao, the murdered and killed Tibetans and Uigurs, the 10000 annualy without a fair Trial executed prisoners, whos organs are then traded, the murdered students at Tianamen, etc. etc.
And this week Professor Ilham Tohti was jailed and accused crimes, because he reported about economical discrimination of the Uigurs in Xinjiang.
What kind of disgusting criminal regime is this in Beijing!
Let the debates begin! Finally China is talking to the world! China has been bullied, belittled and misunderstood for so long. China should no longer keep quiet because she fears the humiliation of the Japanese invasions. Yes she was totally helpless 8 decades away and the country was in total disarray. But this is a new China that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the US and Russia and European Union. There is no need to downplay the period of Japanese invasion. Take your history to world and let them understand the pains that you went through. It is humiliating but not shameful. Unless the truths be known, there will be people who misunderstand and don't know the magnitude of Japan's actions!!! There were also good things that Japan did for China. There is no need to downplay those actions! There were also good decent Japanese who saved or protected Chinese from atrocities in the war. Take out those documents. It is a shame if you downplay your history when China was no fight for Japan!
One script from right wingers is to use Mao to justify Japan's WW2 war crimes. It's not even worth discussion to reasonable people:
1) Did Mao encourage to rape, kill and disect poeple? 2) If Japanese killed japanese, does that mean any coutries are justfied to rape and kill Japanese?
That's why their logic is so twisted only themselves would believe that.
LOL. What an inferiority complex.
@ne-tiger - you are being obtuse. No-one is using the CCP's crimes to justify the crimes of Imperial Japan 70+ years ago.
The CCP are claiming that no-one should trust Japan because they are 'resurrecting the militarism' of 70+ years ago and are 'evil' and shouldn't be trusted. Based upon that criteria, other posters are simply saying that based upon their record of crimes, greater brutality, and territorial aggression - all of which occurred much more recently - that the CCP should be trusted even less.
The CCP are becoming a laughing stock pursuing this line of attack against Japan.
Aussie-Musashi, You are absolutely right.Abe is a dangerous man and is taking this country in a very bad direction.No matter what anyone thinks about China's history,it pales to Japan's.Abe's visit to Africa seems desperate and pathetic like his trip to Yaskuni. China has been shoring up it's energy needs around the globe for a long time,Africa 10 years.Now who is stepping on who's toes.If Japan continues on this path,I see nothing but an isolated future for this country.
China calls all freedom seeking Chinese people--its own subjects-- “Troublemakers”. China once saw Japan a subject nation, obviously these modern communists have inherited their dynastic ancestor’s genes, and consider Abe China’s citizen.
China think they own Africa and they see Abe as troublemaker who interferes with their business.
Ricky Kaminski
Both sides masters of hypocrisy.
Chinas antics are getting funny. As if any African country would give a dam about any "Japanese militarism". They want cash, period.
China has a valid point against Abe
Anti Toshiko people and Toshiko Basher: How come you people are not writing even one name of USA best marketing Industry in the world? Anyway, Japan will do its traditiona; foreign country marketing method and China will do its way/ Which way Africans love, we will wait/ Cowboy country USA is changed. So, why not Africa?
Ian Robertson
Given both countries' history of warfare and China's total lack of respect for its own citizen's human rights, this name-calling is pathetic.
Nonetheless, China has a valid point
Toshiko, Nobody hates you or is bashing you.They simply don't agree with your view on this topic and frankly speaking,It is the point of the thread.American companies are very successful marketers.Apple products.the Internet.Movies,Cable TV shall I go on? Have a good weekend.
Chinas calls anyone who they deem obstructive to their own policies and positions to be "troublemakers". People like the Dalai Lama and a few Taiwanese Presidents, The Philippines, etc. The hypocrisy is that it is China that is the troublemaker.
China merely seems to want Japan to frankly and openly acknowledge the past nothing more. I am by no means condoning China`s domestic record, but in this case they have a valid point
"Example is USA. Kentucky Tennesee, New Jersey and many more states are very thankful Japanese automakers etc created their divisions ther"
Yes, its correct, but the opposite can never be said for Japan allowing U.S. mfgs access to Japans market. Those states have low tax rates and unions arent strong and unemployment is high due to several factors. Unfortuanetly, many in the U.S. are unaware of Japans predatory business activities. I have no issue with Japan factories all over the U.S., but why cant they come to Japan?
Its very difficult to imagine anyone out of the China Nationalist Bubble thinks Chinese leaders are doing themselves any favors by bad mouthing Abe every chance they get.
Yeah, I'm talking about African perception of China here.
Nonetheless, China has a valid point. Abe is stirring up trouble
So, China is not a threat for people of Tibet, Uygur, Philippines and Kashmir anymore? It's a good news.