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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2016.China tells Japan to stop interfering in South China Sea
By Sue-Lin Wong and Terrence Edwards ULAN BATOR, Mongolia©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Haaa Nemui
Very hypocritical of China considering the support they have tried to garner from other nations regarding both the South China Sea and the Sea of Japan.
Ummm Nine Dash Line, guys?!
China has bought Cambodia, Laos, Hungary, Croatia and Greece. Still, China has put itself in a position that is not going to be easy to back out of. They could turn around, accept the PAC ruling and change the world's view of China for the better for the next few decades. But unfortunately Xi Jingping has relied heavily on two outside issues- antiJapan sentiment and Chinese sovereignty over the South China Sea and now the PLA generals, the PLAN admirals and most of the brainwashed Chinese public will likely support further militarization in defiance of international law. The next issue to watch is if China will build on Scarborough Shoal....and how the United States will respond.
China is its own worst enemy. They dont need to worry about Japan or any other country. The world is not stupid everyone can see what China is trying to do.
I believe the Nations of the Far East have to come together and tell the Chinese to mind their own business! It appears what ever the Chinese do is ok, but, if another Country does something it is wrong!
"Meeting in the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator, Li told Abe that China’s stance on the South China Sea was completely in line with international law" My goodness me put a muzzle on this buffoon! Clearly it is NOT or the arbitration hearing in the Hague would have come to a different conclusion then it did. China reminds me of my four year old son who when hearing from his mum that he can't have something says " I don't like mama I like dada" When the previous day he said exactly the opposite when he was told off by me. Its worrying that such childish individuals as a collective have control of such a large nation of people and resources. Its clearly a threat to world peace and stability. What happens when these imbeciles wake up one morning and decide that another sovereign nation belongs to them because of some ancient piece of toilet paper from a fossilised latrine, said so. Why the rest of the delegation didn't tell the Premier to go and sit on the naughty chair, I have no idea!
I was looking at a video the other day showing how the borders of China changed over the last 3000 or so years. A country that was limited to coastal areas up until 200 years ago, has occupied Uighur lands, took over Manchuria, and occupied Tibet. Today it is a major bully and threatens to take over the entire South China Sea. Looks like there is not much anybody can do anything about it now. Sad.
Why is the international community only doing anything about this now ? They should have voice their concern to China when China started to build the islands. At the moment no one wants to tell the "Big Bully" anything because everyone and I mean EVERYONE is trying to kiss the Chinese arse for money.
Thirty years ago the US stated that: 'the Hague court ‘a semi-legal, semi-juridical, semi-political body, which nations sometimes accept and sometimes don’t', regarding its dispute with Nicuragua. If the US can ignore the Hague, why not China?
Haaa Nemui
The US shouldn't be ignoring the Hague, but the fact they did doesn't automatically it right when another nation does.
Japan has a 100% right. America has no right. This is Asia, not America.
That's a good idea in principle, but unfortunately would not be very effective since China's armed forced are more powerful than that of all of the other Far East Nations combined (not to mention it's nuclear arsenal)
And China shouldn't be a state directly involved in the "South China Sea" issue.
Louis Amsel
GoodlucktoyouJUL. 16, 2016 - 10:14AM JST
Its international waters, everyone has the right, especially against a common threat
China being a big baby again
Communist China has no face by spitting out non sense bully words that reflect of corrupted and ugly minds beyond shame. The world community rejects these poor and selfish behavior of Mao once said " one hand uses to shake the adversary's hand, and the other is ready to stab the adversary if needed". It is beyond shame, China!
Hi, in fact the court case started before the island building. The Philippines brought its case to The Hague in 2013, but it took years to be completed as these things do; the serious island building was done in the meantime, in 2014 - 2015. It appears that China knew it would lose the case (obviously, as the 9-dash line blatantly has no legal basis) and so built the islands to achieve a fait accompli before the verdict came in. People are waiting to see China's reaction, but in fact they already took pre-emptive action.
Just what they would say!
Or what?
Japan: "We'll stop bringing up the South China Sea issue when you stop bringing up the Senkaku issue."
China: "............... Doh! Hoisted by our petard!"
The Senkaku issue is on China's back burner. Two US Secretaries of Defense, two US Secretaries of State and the President of the United States have explicitly told China that the US would defend the Senkakus from any Chinese military attempt to take them. So Xi Jingping has focused on the South China Sea where China can deal wit weaker opponents ad test the level of U.S. commitment.
Commodore Shmidlap (Retired)
"South China Sea," or, as the rest of us call it, the entire Pacific Ocean and parts of the moon.
So what? Philipino fishing boats are not allowed to work near Spratly islands by Taiwan Coast Guard even today!
One of the rulings made was that no feature in the Spratlys qualifies for an EEZ - including Taiwan controlled Taiping island. This should (in theory) make it harder for Taiwan to justify blocking RP fishing boats near Taiping
When Japan surrendered to the Allied Powers in WW2, it returned the South China Sea islands (Paracel and Spratly Islands) to China under the surrender agreement supported by US.
Hogwash. The sovereignty of those islands was never established. And the Republic of China (now TAIWAN) administered the hand over from Japan at the end of WWII in 1945. Japan actually didn't officially give them up until the 1951 Treaty of San Francisco. Communist China (PRC) didn't even exist until 1948.
Eat un'chi china.
Taiwan(ROC) doesn't recognize that "rulings" at all! Basically, arbitration means 2 or more parties all agree to compromise something so that arbitration could be done/ effective, however this time only Phillipine join the same so who care? Actually Taiwan Coast Guard has been cruising the area and several times expel Philipin fishing boats more than 100 NM outside Taiping island even on 15/ July!
ROC accepted the surrender of Japanese forces in the area, but this does not mean sovereignty was transferred to ROC; and as Ossan stated, sovereignty of the islands in question wasn't established in any peace treaty
OK, then let's follow the forest's rule and see who practically occupied and effectively ruled that area, land and sea~
So you consider Taiwan to be a Chinese province and it's OK for China to threaten Taiwan with force should it ever declare independence? That's an example of your rule of the forest,
Certainly Taiwan is a province of China(ROC) as per our constitution, which is supported by most of Taiwanese including ruling party DPP and opposition KMT & other small parties.
No-no-no. China needs to respect and honor the ruling of International Court decision. International Court does not recognize Chinese claim.
Nguyen Huu Minh
I as well as the wish of Vietnamese and Filipino peoples, want China get out of South East Asia seas. You have no historical rights nor legal rights to be there. China, the SUPER THUG, get out now because only THUG never respect the laws. Only THUG wants to take the livelihood of other people for its own gain. China is that THUG.
Thank you Japan for being one voice with the South East Asians.
China is a disgraceful, genocidal and aggressive dictatorship. It is completely in the wrong in this dispute.
I'm asking you if you consider Taiwan t be a province of the PRC. And if you think it's ok for PRC to threaten Taiwan with force if they declare independence.
ROC has been being an independent country for 105 years which is longer the age of PRC, so your question is not a question!
yosun JUL. 19, 2016 - 03:45PM JST ROC has been being an independent country for 105 years which is longer the age of PRC, so your question is not a question!
It is a question. Chinese declaration was the UN Conference on the Law of the Sea, held in 1956, and the resulting treaties signed in 1958, such as the Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone.