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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2015.China urges Japan to properly educate youth over disputed islands
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I never see anything about Chinese textbooks. Has anyone in the Japanese government analyzed Chinese textbooks for content?
“No matter what means Japan adopts to publicise its mistaken position, there is no way it can change the fundamental fact that the Diaoyu Islands belong to China,” Hua told reporters at a regular briefing.
DID belong to China. Fixed it for ya, Hua.
Now they are Japanese. Old texts from old dynasties are relevant. Last time I checked, China lost the ownership of them after the first Sino-Japanese war.
And I urge China not to raise its population to be whiny losers looking to take over the world. If wishes were fishes...
Self correction: old texts are irrelevant.
china telling Japan to "educate the next young generation with correct historical views"? Oh, that's rich. How about the chinese telling the truth once in a while? Too funny.
The only "correct and proper" method of training and educating Japanese students that would be satisfactory to China would be to have Chinese textbooks and Chinese versions of history to be used.
Jay Que
Communist approved political "education", oh yeah, thats going to fly, in the free world.
Right back at ya China.
Yeah, Japan can teach their children that Senkaku was shown as Japanese territory on CCP authorized maps up until the 70's when UN reported that there may be some natural resources within the region. LoL
It never ends. This is your leadership???China and Japan, I have a pack of diapers for you.
Japan should never have put itself in the ludicrous positions of being lectured to by China on how to properly educate its young people!
Both sides should adopt a more balanced and mature approach based on third-party assessment of all relevant facts and accept the neutral verdict whatever that may be. Then we can look at more important issues.
Commodore Shmidlap (Retired)
China tells Japanese to substitute Chinese government propaganda for Japanese government propaganda. Meanwhile, people in the US assume American propaganda superior to both.
The rest of the world urges China to properly educate youth about Tibet, Great Leap Backwards, Cultural Revolution, South China Sea, etc.
The Chinese government seems to be doing quite well in its task of mass indoctrination.
I think many Japanese cannot recognize that what they did was wrong and should atone for their war crimes/Japanese history. Thanks to nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If it wasn't for the nuking, there would have been a lot more innocent victims. Additionally, even less people would have atoned for their war crimes/Japanese history.
Pot meet kettle. The sad part is that while many apologists on here are quick to point out the need for china to do exactly what it's pushing Japan to do, said apologists will take the proud and traditional stance that Japan is doing no wrong and they have a right to 'make history more positive', etc.
China urges Japan to properly educate youth over disputed islands
Says the Government that arrests anyone who asks too many questions about the Communist state's past atrocities.
The island dispute is totally irrelevant and there's no need to put them in history text book whether it's Chinese or Japanese text book.
Island issue can just be solved in International Court Justice. Just go to ICJ already.
China' s history text book should talk about chairman Mao who killed millions without trial, cultural genocide brought upon Tibet, the lack of freedom to explore internet in general, and communist party has nothing to offer the world; except taking and bullying others without shame. They should look at their own very dirty laundry in the first place.
China, what a bunch of hypocrites!
China: takes with one hand, slaps with the other.
Angus McGillicuddy
@Steven Knight: If discrepancies were found in Chinese textbooks, are you saying that would let Japan of the hook?
'And I urge China not to raise its population to be whiny losers looking to take over the world'
The idea of China becoming an imperial power like the US with military bases all over the planet or bombing the hell out of a country thousands of miles away would be ludicrous to Chinese people. They don't and never have thought in those terms. I've never met or heard any Chinese person, including politicians, with this mindset nor read any analyst or who sees anything other than the CCP bully boys reasserting China's historical dominance of the region. They are generally far too insular and condescending to think in global terms and proselytizing isn't what they do. China wants the US off what it sees as its turf and eventually the US will leave to in the interest of economic ties. South Korea is already gravitating towards China. Your posts on China show an astounding ignorance considering how often you post on this subject.
Christopher Glen
Well Japan is pretty hypocritical to insist that South Korea is wrongly occupying Takeshima / Dokdo then
Of what relevance is the view of the "Chinese people" in a militant one party dictatorship that prosecutes it's own citizes for expressing views counter to that of the official government position? China has a PLA that is itching to show their abilties,a population that reprsents over 1/4 of the world's population and the food and ebergy needs commensurate to that number. Worst is that it has an authoritarian government that uses international conficts as a political tool to maintain it;s power and supress internal dissent. China obviously intends to take the East and South China Seas by theft or force if necessary, if not today then tomorrow when it feels it can realistcally challenge the U.S. As for the US being an "Imperial Power" where are we claiing territories for ourselves, like China is doing? Where are we occupying a foreign land against the will f the people and calling it "American territory since ancient times"? Face it, unless the governmet of China changes it remains the biggest threat to peace and stability in Asia today, and potentially the rest of the world in the long run,
We don't dance with communist propaganda here in Japan.
South Korea IS wrongfully occupying the Liancurt Rocks. The United States advised Japan to immeditely put South Korea on notice and suggest an ICJ resolution when it happemed. To date Japan has made the ICJ request THREE times with South Korea refusing. In contrast China has NEVER attempted to resolve the Senkaku issue by the ICJ, obviously because it fears being taken to the ICJ by all the other Asian countries with respect to their territorial disputes. The rukle of law is not very attractive to China which leads Asia with 14 territorial disputes.
JimizoApr. 09, 2015 - 01:39PM JST 'And I urge China not to raise its population to be whiny losers looking to take over the world' The idea of China becoming an imperial power like the US with military bases all over the planet or bombing the hell >out of a country thousands of miles away would be ludicrous to Chinese people.
Of what relevance is the view of the "Chinese people" in a militant one party dictatorship that prosecutes it's own citizes for expressing views counter to that of the official government position? China has a PLA that is itching to show their abilties,a population that reprsents over 1/4 of the world's population and the food and ebergy needs commensurate to that number. Worst is that it has an authoritarian government that uses international conficts as a political tool to maintain it;s power and supress internal dissent. China obviously intends to take the East and South China Seas by theft or force if necessary, if not today then tomorrow when it feels it can realistcally challenge the U.S. As for the US being an "Imperial Power" where are we claiing territories for ourselves, like China is doing? Where are we occupying a foreign land against the will f the people and calling it "American territory since ancient times"? Face it, unless the governmet of China changes it remains the biggest threat to peace and stability in Asia today, and potentially the rest of the world in the long run.'
So? What has that got to do with me pointing out the idiotic idea of China wanting to take over the world? You pretty much said what I said. The future will see China bullying and intimidating South East Asian countries which don't follow its line into submission and America can go on bombing and droning the living daylights out of countries which don't follow its line as long as they don't do it on 'Chinese' turf. The Chinese use historical 'evidence' to justify their aggression while the US uses fabricated evidence if it bothers at all to justify its own. I think someone who has just lost his or her family in a drone wouldn't find great consolation in the fact the drone wasn't fired by a country with an authoritarian government.
China is claiming as it's "turf" some of the richest and most populous parts of the world. For that reason alone they need to be contained. This isn't just some corrupt backwater like in the ME: China infects the entire world with its authoritarian ideology.
'China is claiming as it's "turf" some of the richest and most populous parts of the world. For that reason alone they need to be contained. This isn't just some corrupt backwater like in the ME: China infects the entire world with its authoritarian ideology.'
The Middle East may be a corrupt backwater but it's awash with oil. That's undoubtedly the reason the US is prepared to entertain dictatorial theocrats in Saudi Arabia or prop up and arm murderous despots like Saddam when it suited them. Their distaste for dictatorships is, like yours, very selective. Money talks, narratives change and scumbags move between the 'like' and 'don't like' columns very smoothly for western countries depending on the circumstance.
I'm not sure who China is 'infecting with its authoritarian ideology'? Is there a sudden rush toward dictators claiming to be communists following the Chinese model we haven't heard about?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the loud Chinese practice what they preach? How about 'properly' educating their own people about the murder of millions during cultural revolution? How about 'adopting a responsible attitude toward history' and admitting the butcher of Tibetans? How about educating their own 'next young generation with correct historical views' on Kashmir, Manchuria, Mongolia and Uighurs? Oops! Then China would be reduced to a third of its current size!
There's nothing "idiotic" about the idea of the largest and most armed dictatorship in the world with the largest population and food and energy needs that doesn't give a damn about the rest of the world wanting to "take over the world" in the future when it feels it is capable of doing so. Every aspect of Communist China's behavior with respect to the rest of the world to date suggests this is likely.
Christopher Glen
Because the issue at hand is Japan's conduct during 1931 to 1945 in particular.
If that was the case PRC would have nothing to say since PRC didn't exist at that time.