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© 2015 AFPChina warns Japan against 'crippling regional peace'
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Cyrus Wu
What, does China want it to be one sided when they decide to invade Japan?
Jumin Rhee
How about China accept an Article 9? Japan should keep theirs too.
Open message to China.......
Pot-Kettle-Black, 'nuff said!
Marcelo Kuroi
Totally misleading title, it makes one think it is a advice while in fact is a threat.
Black Sabbath
At present, Japan can defend itself from invasion. Your post makes no sense.
Great example of the pot calling the kettle black.
R.I.P. ex-peaceful Japan! We will miss you.
I think China is not the one really making an statement here to Japan. China started this started this unstable peace in the Asia pacific region. They are not adding peace in the region. This is useless comment.
Black Sabbath
To those who do not welcome Japan dumping Article Nine, a question:
Do you really find Japan's isolationism and reliance on US power a viable model for world peace?
@Yubaru. You were on fire yesterday. Today, too?!
No. The Chinese are quakin' in their boots all of a sudden? Can't be. A stonger japan-US alliance. You got to be kidding. LoL, let's see if these protesters got huevos. Either the ones in okinawa or the ones littered around the Diet in Tokyo~~
Ok China, fair call. Now, how about Spratly Islands & 'the great wall of sand'?
Aly Rustom
Well if Japan has earned international respect, meaning your respect, explain your behavior for the last two years.
“It is fully justified to ask if Japan is going to give up its exclusively defense-oriented policy”
Haha, I love arriving to work and starting off with a good laugh. Such simpletons in their grasp for power.
Do they really think that building more islands, and bullying other countries from their territories that they themselves did not spark off their own arms race in the region? Instability, HAHA.
"If passed, the bill will “tarnish the reputation of a nation that has earned international respect for its pacifist Constitution over a period of nearly seven decades”, it said.
Wow, so now they actually admit their respect-well....maybe-for Japan's pacifism, but yet they are a bully nation that has displayed brute strength and verbal threats to other world powers. They themselves cannot 'do the right thing' by becoming a pacifist nation, but instead choosing to be intimidating and bullying for land and territory.
Japan has no other choice in such a situation of hostility. I feel that Japan has the right to build up, and if need be, take it to other parts of the world if need be.
Shameless communist China points a finger to Japan while three other fingers are pointing to own-self of being the selfish bully in the region. China has no credibility except large manipulated and controlled mass of nationalism that have been duped by the communist party. How about accepting the multilateral and world court to decide the actual territorial dispute in the region, China?
True Okinawa
china is such a stupid nation...
Stupid? Hardly......antagonistic and equally childish.....probably.
A Realist
YubaruJUL. 17, 2015 - 09:07AM JST china is such a stupid nation...
Stupid? Hardly......antagonistic and equally childish.....probably."
Why do you think China is not a stupid nation? You only have to look at its foreign policy, that has managed to make many enemies in recent years and make it distrusted, disrespected and regarded with suspicion. How is that not stupid? Wouldn't have it been smarter to be peaceful and cooperate with other countries?
'Why do you think China is not a stupid nation? You only have to look at its foreign policy, that has managed to make many enemies in recent years and make it distrusted, disrespected and regarded with suspicion. How is that not stupid? Wouldn't have it been smarter to be peaceful and cooperate with other countries?'
Are you saying countries which have antagonized others with their foreign policy are all stupid countries? That could be quite a list..
Hah. There is actually a hidden message.
Japan has not the arsenal that China has been building. Japan's interests are only it's boundaries - not expansion or threats. There are no parades or display of military force in the streets of Tokyo. The Emperor promotes peace and humility.
Here's the real message:
China is bullying Japan to taunt the USA.
Should China continue on this path, it will be a Combined USA--Japan force to contend with.
Bring it on! Make my day.
China, what a bunch of hypocrites! Lol..............
'Should China continue on this path, it will be a Combined USA--Japan force to contend with.
Bring it on! Make my day'
It could be the worst bloodbath in history. What is it about war and death which gets people so excited? Is the utter faure and foul bloodbath in Iraq a distant enough memory for you to get all excited again?
Bulls and horns, don't f### with us, the most awesome military machine in history etc. etc.
it helps to make regional security power every country have this kind of right to do
Gaijin Desi
China warns Japan !!! Please don't do it again.........
Daniel Neagari
I though China was talking about itself.... I was wrong, it was referring to the demons that live in the small island nation to the East of know the evil land were we live.....
- There is no excitement or wish for war, not at all.
You have a big stick, ok, I'll show you mine; it's bigger!
It is clear who is the aggressor here.
Neither the US or Japan will make the first move or attack. But if provoked, we should meet with equal force that will send a message that such provocation will not be tolerated. That seems the only way to get across a nation that does not respect peaceful sovereign nations.
'Neither the US or Japan will make the first move or attack'
How do you know? The US isn't exactly a shrinking violet when it comes to war. As a man who likes a bet, I'd probably have my money on the US based on form.
Yibo Zhang
As a Chinese I fully understand why Japan and Philippines are so angry on us. But please, do you guys really believe we are making enemies only because of these inhabit islands? Have a look at how many US military bases around China then you will understand.
Nobody wants a war. Just cause japan passes a few securit bills doesn't mean the sdf will be looking for the s**t. Japanese aren't ready for the 1km stare.
despite its military build-up in recent years, China is still scared stiff of a name called Japanese army.
I agree. I'd put my money on the US starting it.
I routinely get down-vote bombed here for saying anything remotely positive about China, but even I think their stance here is way off-base. Whether or not a country wants the constitutional ability to project military power outside their borders is the literal definition of a sovereign choice. It's not anyone else's business. I don't support Abe's move to interpret-away Article 9, but as I'm not Japanese my opinion isn't worth beans on this topic. The only people whose opinions matter are the Japanese people. It's their country, it's their choice.
Now, if Abe did push through his new interpretations and if Japan then started making aggressive moves toward another country, everyone in the world who wants to comment, including China, is welcome to do so. To comment on a people's theoretical discussion of what kind of country they want to be as an outside country is absurd. To comment on a people's theoretical discussion of if they want to allow themselves the right to exercise military power when you are an outside country reserving the right to exercise military power and flexing that power in the region is absurdity worthy of a Terry Gilliam film.
As South Korea has done and any other country has the right to do, China is completely free to express its opinion on Japan returning to its horrible past. But they ought to think a little more carefully when they speak of creating tensions in the area, given that they are leading in doing just that. It takes two to tango.
Frankly it an appalling and terrifying situation that both Governments can't even politically/diplomatically meet each other halfway, the situation over the militarization to land reclamation on the Spratly Islands is the sort of dispute that can so easily spin out of control.
The Government of China would do well to heed some of its own advice and much as Abe san LDP Government refrain from performing or attempting legislative political trickery to a constitution that has warped the people of Japan in a blanket of peace for the past 70 years.
With these bogus security bills to remilitarize Japan (when, among other things, Japan still has not fully accounted for its brutal invasions/aggression against China/Korea/Asia in WWII but Abe whitwashes them), Abe and his cronies already did something profoundly unconstitutional and against thousands of legal experts and 80% of the Japanese people. In certain aspects, China (and Korea etc) are obviously right in their warnings and concerns. With these unconstitutional bills, it is now affirmed that Japan has no respect for democracy nor for the supreme law and thus is a hypocrite to lecture China to rule by law.
@wc626 and others with the same point: your point is I said in the other article's posts, Japanese soldiers have no stomach for a real war, plus are mentally insecure when these bills are not clearly lawful and when the ghost of Japan's brutal past weighs heavily.
'Nobody wants a war. Just cause japan passes a few securit bills doesn't mean the sdf will be looking for the s**t. Japanese aren't ready for the 1km stare.'
It doesn't take much to whip up patriotic fervor in the States among many and combined with outright hatred of China, a war is far from out of the question.
It's not a question of what the SDF is looking for. It's a question of what the US decides.
I do love the China/SK, in sync, response which is basically counter to rest of the world.
This proves that this law is good for Japan.
Good message, bad messenger.
Jimizo wrote"....and combined with outright hatred of China,..."
There is no hatred. None one is advocating hate.
Neither Japan nor the US is the aggressor.
But neither will we be subject to aggression.
Chinese anouncements are better than comedy.
Japan's concern is that China’s defense budget increases have always outpaced the growth in GDP. But this is the first time when the gap could be really, really big. That is, if the Chinese economy only grows by, say, 6 percent, but the defense budget grows by 10 percent, that’s a really sizable difference. It demonstrates that the Chinese leadership is committed to increasing defense spending, no matter what. This is the reason Japan has to be prepared for the worst consequences.
Simple deduction.
Exercise Collective self defense=Basically centers mostly Japan assisting the most important Ally in the region which is U.S.
China against it= we (China) consider ourselves potential enemy to U.S.
No surprise here but there are some who are actually confused.
As to South Korea, I'm not quite sure what their mind goes through but it simply boils down to a conclusion of "we hate Japan".
The fact of the matter is: Japan doesn't have to justify ANYTHING. Period.
I think China is putting up a big act to pretend that it's scared of Japan and that Japan will return to its old ways should they get a taste for battle...
In reality, China is so full of shite that even when I travel to Canada, I can still smell the BS way across the Pacific.
So then why is China building airfields in the middle of the South China Sea so close to other countries for? Oh, now I see why China wants Japan NOT to have a force that can come to the aid of others...
Japans recent disputes with her neighbors and Abes ill-advised ploy to ram legislation through the diet notwithstanding, China building airstrips on coral reefs in order to expand its claim over maritime real estate is a defacto provocation, not simply an existential threat. Pot, meet kettle.
Be careful no to confuse the supreme madness of the Chinese Communist Party for the greater Chinese populace. They aren't the same.
So much hatred for China (yet even those far away in Canada still take her money even with the smell/hatred of China??, like Knowbetter and Jimizo etc are trying to say?).... yet China is not the one with a history of initiating unjust wars and global domination and forcing her values. Look at your own history and hypocrisy first.
All this anti-China this and that, yet NOT even a single rationale nor convincing argument that can nullify the 11,000-plus (Japanese too, mind you) legal experts and scholars' conclusion that Abe's security war bills are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNLAWFUL.
All hot air in these posts and very gung-ho, but the basic most important point of these bogus bills is not talked about. Nor is America and Japan's hypocrisy and history mentioned. Everybody too eager to rain down missiles on China.
The fact that 80% of Japanese people and 99% experts themselves have concluded Abe's security bills are unlawful and unwarranted shows all this anti-China reasoning is misplaced.
Why are people here and America forcing the Japanese people against their will to ababdon democracy and rule of law (which westerners always preach about) and force them to abandon peace and to force them to go to (most likely unjust) wars (especially America dictated that Japan should never again wage wars 75 years ago)? Don't the Japanese people have their basic right to refuse wars?
@Wa4TKG: of course Japan has the moral duty to heed democracy and justify its actions and history, given its malevolent past. Even Japanese experts and commentators and American experts have said so. You can find and read their opinion pieces, which are numerous and far outnumber those holding views like yours.
'Jimizo wrote"....and combined with outright hatred of China,..."
There is no hatred. None one is advocating hate'
Are you saying the US and Japanese media in general don't present China in an overwhelmingly negative light? Try saying anything remotely positive about China or Chinese people on this site and the rightists start throwing hissy fits, go apeshit on the thumbs-down button or reply with 'yes, but....commies....bad those bullies who's boss....boycott Chinese goods....shift all factories out of China'. Our resident Japanese nationalists are often even more hysterical. I don't know if you live in Japan but I think you'll find the majority of Japanese people have a negative view of Chinese people in general and not just the bullyboys at the CCP.
As I said, the hatred ( not from all but from many ) and dislike of China in the US and Japan is very real. I've spent quite a bit of time in China and this hatred and dislike is reciprocated from many. I'm not as confident as others that war is out of the question.
If you have to ask the question you are not ready for the answer. You have already made up your mind and have a narrow view (read that as eye-of-the-needle narrow) of the world.
China is hardly stupid.
@Shimosueyoshi: I posted in yesterday's article about Diaoyu/Senkaku islands issue.
Basically, it is strange USA "gave" the islands to Japan but won't say whose sovereignty they belong too. If China's claims are not clear, then Japan's claims are more dubious (especialky the islands are so close to China).
Last year, UK documents showed that China and Japan had agreed to "shelf" the islands issue, contrary to Japan's denials and breach.
And, most importantly, last November Xi and Abe agreed on four principles when they met, including Japan's agreement that it accepts that there are other valid views/claims (notably China's) regarding these islands.
So there is no flashpoint, and Japan understands China sending her Coast Guard ships to patrol these islands. Which means Abe's security bills are even more unwarranted (in addition to being unlawful), as both sides can manage the situation bilaterally per the agreement above.
Let me repeat: all this anti-China hatred and talk is misplaced, as these bogus bills are unlawful and unwarranted as deemed by the overwhelming majority of Japanese people and experts themselves, who realize also now that the basis of these war bills (China "threat") is without justification.
Is it just me, or has everyone missed just what this new law means?
I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere on JT - I found that on the BBC.
zichi and yubaru have rational fair points.
@A realist, how are the Chinese people and culture and administration "stupid" or "sick man of Asia" when they will become the number one economy in the world soon? Heck, the US and Japan are said to become depedent on China for their survival. So it's okay for them to be stupid yet westerners/Japanese with a superiority complex hypocritically take their money happily with a double-face? And how is your rant and superiority-induced judgment of Chinese culture and people as "stupid" relate to the unease regarding Japanese remilitarization?
@Jimizo, it is hard to understand what you are trying to say. How is your statement about hating China related to the illegality of Abe's security bills and remilitarization that is causing great unease in Asia and elsewhere? Do you mean you espouse the hatred of China because it's a personal issue?, because it sure sounds like one. So hatred of a culture/people justifies the remiliarization of Abe's army and together with the US they should carpet-bomb China into oblivion? Didn't that happen 75 years ago when the Japanese Imperial Army brutally invaded China...? Wasn't that enough to show "hatred" of a culture/race/nation/people?
Have you or westerners reflected deeply about the hatred for Americans as exhibited by other parts of the world?
@ringman You have completely misunderstood me. I was replying to a post talking gleefully about a US/Japan alliance putting China in its place. I despise macho, posturing, patriotic nonsense. I was talking about how this dangerous crap is poisonous and could lead to war. I've seen it in China and the US and it's frightening.
How the hell did you get the impression I was bashing China?
Nicholas Tee
Are they serious???? ... China warning Japan about crippling peace ????????
Undoubtably the Chinese have very long memories about The Rape of Nanking - and fair enough too, but it is them that is threatening peace with their ridiculous attempts to reclaim all of the China sea and the international waters adjacent to them. Next it will be the airspace over it.
I believe this is going to get much worse before it gets better and the only way to slow this down is for ALL countries to place a complete trade embargo on China. No more buying cheap goods from them, and their economy will implode. The trouble is that most world leaders have neither the intelligence or balls to do that, and that is why the dragon has been allowed to grow so fat and powerful.
China will keep growing while the US and the West keep trying subjugate the Middle East. A futile but profitable exercise. Most of the people are just lambs for the slaughter in the global game going on, They haven't woke up to the reality that the governments of the "free world" are not here for the people, but for profit and corporate control. TPP anyone?
Tony W.
Typical denialist posturing by the Chinese Government. Only its own citizens are stupid enough to believe it's justified, and only that because they're brainwashed by their own government!
This is really funny coming from China.
Maybe not Japan but I can tell you how PRC had invaded Tibet, East Turkestan, Vietnam, Soviet Union, India, etc. after WW2 also aided unlawful nations like NK, Khmers rouges/Cambodia and various other tyrant in Africa to obtain their national interests.
Isn't that enough?
'Maybe not Japan but I can tell you how PRC had invaded Tibet, East Turkestan, Vietnam, Soviet Union, India, etc. after WW2 also aided unlawful nations like NK, Khmers rouges/Cambodia and various other tyrant in Africa to obtain their national interests.
Isn't that enough?'
Do you fancy going through the list of the countries the US has invaded, bombed ( not territorial disputes ), been complicit in the removal of democratic leaders and rogues gallery of murderous regimes it has backed since WW2?
I'm no supporter of the CCP cronies but I'm sure in the interest of fairness and balance you can see both sides of this. I wouldn't trust either.
Jordan Lloyd
How pathetic and bitter the Chinese are. Amazing how the defeat of Japan is a public holiday in China, it wasn't even them who ultimately defeated the Japanese. Most of the time they were crushed by the Japanese. As I read these articles often involving China and Japan, it makes me realise how pathetic China are that they are quick to pounce on any Japanese political move. Grow up.
Black Sabbath
I have always maintained we have more to fear from Chinese weakness than Chinese strength and more to fear from Chinese democracy that Chinese tyranny.
'How pathetic and bitter the Chinese are. Amazing how the defeat of Japan is a public holiday in China, it wasn't even them who ultimately defeated the Japanese.'
How do you regard other countries around the world who in your eyes didn't play a major role in defeating Japan commemorating VJ Day?
@JimizoJUL. 17, 2015 - 11:29PM JST 'Maybe not Japan but I can tell you how PRC had invaded Tibet, East Turkestan, Vietnam, Soviet Union, India, etc. after WW2 also aided unlawful nations like NK, Khmers rouges/Cambodia and various other tyrant in Africa to obtain their national interests.
thank you to remind China is not stupid. It used to be anything cheap in USA were made in Japan. Then China replaced Japan and then they gradually took over luxury items industry. You hardly find made by American corporation. It seems China love to be stereotyped as stupid while strengthing its military industry and even became top US Bond buyer country in world to shut up USA.
Christopher Glen
Fair enough
In which how many had been done AFTER WW2?
The ones I posted all occurred after WW2 by PRC.
Are they not really more concerned about sex in a Uniqlo(beijing) changing cabin, as reported by EU media?
@Black s: write Article 9 if you want to educate comment witers
Jordan Lloyd
You're not understanding me. The point I'm making is that it's ridiculous that an entire country holds a public holiday merely for 1 single country's defeat. The fact that they played barely any part in defeating them was just an addition to that.
"Japan lost the war, let's have an annual holiday because of it!"
8/15 is ShuSen KinenBi. Memorial Day of End of War. in Japan We were defeated by USA. Not by China or any orher countries. Japanese PM killed himself and Military Govt otgered us to suicide to become one of 100 million jewels, So, the Emperor defied Military command and His aides and NHK let Him read VGyokuOn ChokuGo on radio. Radio was only used then, Entire nation was in confusion. How do you like to get free speecj suddeny? Then free grocery shopping instead of Haikyu rarioned food. About everything was changed. I think China too enjoying free living instead of Japan occupied country.
@Jordan Lloyd
You are right. It's got nothing to do with the past that for the vast majority of Chinese has absolutely no relevance whatsoever.
It's about per-emptive mass indoctrination in the present. Portraying what Japan is (an educated democracy with a high quality of life) as evil so the masses aren't curious about it and don't want it.
The masses have no reason to be anti-Japanese at all. The Communist Party just doesn't want them asking, "why cannot live like the Japanese?" as it skims its billions off the nation.
(In saying that, I don't think Japan is perfect but I do think it's a whole lot more perfect that life in China for most).
A Realist
1 Good Bad JimizoJUL. 17, 2015 - 09:36AM JST 'Why do you think China is not a stupid nation? You only have to look at its foreign policy, that has managed to make many enemies in recent years and make it distrusted, disrespected and regarded with suspicion. How is that not stupid? Wouldn't have it been smarter to be peaceful and cooperate with other countries?'
Are you saying countries which have antagonized others with their foreign policy are all stupid countries? That could be quite a list.."
Yes, it is quite a list. You only have to look at history to see what stupid countries they are. Obviously China has leaned nothing from history and is only repeating the stupid mistakes that Germany and Japan made in the past. Or have you not heard of WWI and WWII? Those were the consequences of their expansionist policies. So why is China trying to emulate those policies? Does China think other countries will stand idly by and not react to China's aggression? Are you saying that China's foreign policy is wise and it is smart to antagonize other countries?