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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2013.China warns North Korea; blames Japan for tension
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The Chinese rhetoric is ludicrous. They might be convincing their domestic audience, but no-one else. Their diplomacy rather resembles the manners and behaviour of their citizens on holiday to be honest.
It's all ultimately about payback and punishment. They want to even the ledger, as they see it.
They obviously don't have much of a sense of irony either, if they can say this in light of yesterday's announcement.
It's ridiculous.
Which in China's eyes - for all Asian countires - means meek compliance with its unilaterally re-drawn borders. The time for appeasement is drawing to a close. When China says "Jump!" it expects other countries to say, "How high?"
A brief armed skirmish of some sort may be necessary in order to prevent a more serious and prolonged armed conflict from developing. Not wishing for it, just being realistic.
China can not use Japan's 70 year old history as an excuse for it's current behavior. Japan certainly learned from it's mistakes, but China obviously hasn't. The current Sino-Japanese tensions are ENTIRELY the fault of China which, now feeling militarily powerful enough to bully it's neighbors and expand it's territory, has unilaterally violated the both the word and spirit of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Friendship of 1972, reaffirmed in 1978. The Chinese PLA leaders speak freely of war and China is today what Germany and Japan were back in 1939.
"On the United States, Wang repeated President Xi Jinping’s earlier remarks that China wanted to build “a new brand of relations between major powers”, based on principles of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and cooperation."
In other words, please don't pay attention to our military's claims that they intend to take full control of the South and East China Seas, or that they will push the U.S. out of the western Pacific and replace it as the major strategic power. China is not yet ready to take on the U.S.
I am afraid bickerings among nations in this region become a laughing stock of the West.
Every time China posts some sort of statement about local affairs and actions towards its neighbours I am prepared for a good laugh because quite frankly you'd have to be mad to take China seriously for their view of their affairs with their neighbours.
China is just motivated by avarice. Just a bunch of sleep talk.
Why doesn't the Japanese Government say ok Japan committed horrible crimes during the Early part of the 1900's. Pretty well all those people have died that were responsible for these atrocities, now, let's start anew and forget the past and try and make the future peaceful. Is something like this POSSIBLE?
@canadianbento Japan already has. Other countries in Asia have no problems with Japan...funny that, isn't it?
North Korea is a creation of Communist China, please do not forget this fact. Instead, China is using the belligerent NK's behavior as another 'get even' ploy against Japan. No one in Asia or the rest of the world is fooled by China's rhetoric, but she continues spouting such unhelpful nonsense. I guess it is for her own people to read about.
Gaijin Desi
Looks like China is practising Kung-fu nothing else. Japan - ha, Korea - hu, Philippines - hai, India - auuuuu,
Did they really or only window dressing, with all the denial they making, nah don't trust them at all.
Please do not take what I am about to say lightly.
But, I am really getting concerned, but all countries involved in these disputes need to take some time off step back and ask themselves, " are these islands really worth starting world war 3?!?
There is no right country involved!!! Japan, China, North or South Korea or any others that is didn't mention. You are all at fault for these problems for not having the leadership skills to sit down and talk these problems through! Each of these countries have a government, we as citizens may not like the people running the government, but these people are supposed to be our leaders! But they cannot be very good if all they want to do is bully each other and run the risk of starting a war!
What I have to say to each government and it leaders is knock offal layout BS before you start a war that your citizens DO NOT want!!
Now, if you all want a war, thumb me down!
But, if you are like me, and you are worried about what's happening and want the leaders to act like leaders, by all means thumbs me up!!
north korea will not exist today if china didnt sent its troop, seems like actually china is the reason why the korean peninsula is unstable. otherwise the korean peninsula would have been one country a long time ago under democracy. pff
Actually China attempted two invasions of Japan long before Japan returned the favour. Perhaps it is the unelected communist dictatorship who should be apologising for their peoples earlier indiscretions. But as always they chosse the history that most suits them the most to play the "poor victim card". I am not for a minute condoning what occurred in China under the Japanese invasion.
"The first invasion happened in 1274, after the Japanese Shogun refused to pay tribute to Khubilai. The first invasion force, comprised of 15,000 Mongol, Jurchen, and Chinese troops, and 8,000 Korean troops, left from Korea and quickly took the little islands of Iki and Tsushima. The invaders then landed on Kyushu and squared off with Japanese forces. The Samurai were no match for the Mongols' catapults, crossbows, and bombs. The invaders succeeded in driving the defenders as far back as Dazaifu, the great administrative center of Kyushu. But a sudden typhoon saved Japan by destroying much of the Mongol fleet and forcing a hasty retreat.
7 years later, in 1281, the second "big" invasion happened. This time Khubilai took no chances. He plotted out a two-pronged assault strategy. The first force (the "Eastern Route fleet"), comprised of 30,000 Mongols (complete with horses), and 10,000 Koreans, would leave from Korea and retake Iki and Tsushima. There they would link up with the second force (the "Southern Route Fleet") of 100,000 Chinese troops leaving from Fukien, China. The combined fleets would then attack Japan itself.
In May of 1281 the Eastern Route Fleet set out from modern Masan, Korea and retook Iki and Tsushima with ease. But the Southern Route Fleet encountered problems and was delayed for a month. The impatient Mongol commander of the Eastern Route Fleet, Hsin-tu, decided to disobey orders and start the invasion without the Southern Route Fleet. The Eastern Fleet tried to land at Hakata bay on Kyushu, the same place they had landed in 1274, but the Japanese had since errected a stone barrier along the coast. The Fleet detoured to Shinganoshima but were met by fierce resistance. Only one Mongol unit landed successfully. The Japanese used small fishing boats to harrass the Mongol fleet with hit-and-run attacks, burning and sinking several ships. Finally the fleet retreated back to Iki.
While anchored off Iki the fleet was decimated by a sudden outbreak of disease that killed 3,000 men. But hope was renwewed when the Southern Route Fleet finally arrived in July. The island of Hirado was taken and used as a rallying point for the entire invasion force. From there the Mongols attacked and occupied the island of Takashima. But before the invasion could even begin another typhoon descended on western Japan and decimated the Mongol fleet. Khubilai never attempted another invasion of Japan."
Japan should cut all relations with china and korea, etc. ... nothing but trouble. Japan has better partners than these two. North korea is a joke
China's mouthpiece can't go wrong by blaming both North Korea AND Japan.
I can use a good analogy of this situation with China to NFL/AFL games . Often times, a QB throws a football to no where when he has no place to go.
No, Americans are very sick of China. How was the first visit of Xi Jinping to US go? Well received? China needs to do their unfinished business with US first to clean up their acts together.
Saxon Salute
Skeeter27, they should all step back and agree to start dialogue, but they can't. Japan is run by right-wing revisionists and China is run by communist extremists trying to get even. Both have warped views of history and deal in absolutes, 100% blaming the other for everything with no ability to see a shade of grey.
china is right.
The Chinese Government itself constantly maintains the same thing about Chinese tourists. Are they bigoted as well?
@Dukuleto, interesting history lesson.
My wife lives in Ulaanbaatar. While I would not argue the 13th Century History of China, I would like to point out that Chinese and Mongolian are quite different. The Yuan dynasty wes pushed north, to where it came from. Later, the Qing dyansty would be the last (?) emperor, also from north of the Great Wall built to keep the northern barbarians at bay. They were Manchurians. Like Koreans and Japanese, Manchurians and Mongols are diffrenet from Chinese.
It was a good history lesson post, though. Thanks because it interests me.
Despite your ludicrous haranguing rhetoric, China, can you quote one single aggressive incident committed by Japan against its neighbors in the last 65 years? YOU CANNOT BECAUSE THERE HAVE BEEN NONE.
Now look at what you, China, have done to your neighbors in the past 35 years. China aggressively and unilaterally invaded Vietnam in 1979.,8599,2054325,00.html
China attacked, murdered, and robbed Vietnam's islands in 1988:
China harassed and attacked Vietnamese fishermen 2013
China invaded the Philippines' reefs:
And the list goes on. You'd better off shutting up, China.
karjaiNov. 24, 2013 - 11:44AM JST
Can you write in English to tell us why you think so? Let us hear, let us hear.
A baby's behavior usually is a reflection of the parent as a pet to its master. N.Korea and China? Bully has no face, except own's agenda. Japan is surrounded by nations who seek to pinch her to the ground. Strong deterrence is only a survival tool for Japan. Disregard these nonsense words, especially when knowing who is talking.
CGB Spender
China blames, warns, claims, encroaches.... Is there even one positive verb associated with China? I'm starting to doubt it..
China calls North Korea its door step. Should actually be enough of an insult for NK to rethink their associations with the PRC.
Be patient, sit and wait for the outcome, lets times prove whatever have happened; if evils ever win! Why U.S. and Japan are so uneasy in Asia, West Pacific and with the N Koreans? Pivot means only chaos, stirring up tension in this peaceful water is not welcoming at all by the Asians!
It need not to be called a warning.
Skeeter, most people don't want war. But it's meaningless to blame all leaders for not sitting down and negotiating. They tried that with Hitler, and he made a mockery of the process. There is simply no way to negotiate with someone who is only interested in conquest. They will use negotiation to get a bit of what they want at no cost, and then use force to get the rest. China will only get worse if they meet no resistance - unless the people there wake up, and I'm not optimistic about that.
When it comes to the CCP, words are meaningless. The double-speak, tortured rhetoric, belligerent hyperbole, weasel-words, and paranoid threats, reveals a deeply insecure and psychotic leadership prepared to go to war to hang onto their tenuous grip on power and ill-gotten wealth. Neither trust or respect should be extended to them.
Japan aint no angel that's for sure but China is pretty much off its rocker & the rest of the world at some point may have to put her out of our collective misery!
I feel so sorry that the Chinese people are held hostage by their irresponsible leadership. The only difference between the PRC and DPRK is that the PRC manages to dilute blame throughout the "ruling elite" rather than a single megalomaniac Kim dynasty.
China: preaches the aggressor. What??
China warns, China blames, China provokes, China invades, China threatens, China takes, China copies, China censors, China preaches, China ignores, China pollutes, China imprisons, China executes, China double-speaks, China denies . . . And the list goes on. How sad. What happens to a great nation becomes clear when speakers like Wang open their mouths.
I don't get this, China warns NK about what? Just what exactly has NK done because this article did not specify what NK did at this moment. The nuclear test was many months ago.
And what did Japan do to increase tension? Be specific JT.
Any country with the word "People's" in it isn't really for the people, and is, and should be treated like a joke.
This kind of comments and blaming from China is no surprise....but wait who would sympathize anyway.
@GW "Japan aint no angel that's for sure"
What has Japan done wrong? I mean after WWII. Japan has not killed a single foreigner for almost 70 years. Some people here say Japan being a right wing militalist. But Japan has been maintaining a war renouncing constitution.
Kerry Le Blanc
Could be some Chinese official saw the latest Godzilla trailer, and thought the Japanese were going to send the big lizard to attack China.
China is sounding more and more deluded each day, now its chewing it's own head off with comments like this.
The communists are losing it and now spewing out statements that make themselves look even dumber, but we can expect the commies on this forum to jump to their defence, we all know who they are.
Its almost like china wants to now provoke north korea into action to shift the blame away from its belligerent self.
Japan since WWII to put it simply hasn't after 70yrs come to terms with WWII. Instead of admitting what it did it threw $$$ around & signed some paperwork & then has continuously white washed what it did.
As for Japans constitution.........well that was FORCED onto Japan, which thankfully it accepted, but it wasn't accepted with open arms in the beginning, so Japan can only take credit for not changing it as it didn't make it.
Now back on topic as I said China's govt is off its friggin rocker with its gross utter stupidity with regards to many of its neighbours.
And Japan aint no angel in all this but China has beyond stupid of late, they must really be worried about their own people turning on its own govt to be going down this road!
Some people have made a good point - Japan hasn't made a single aggressive move since 1945. Instead it's been the Chinese who have been the main aggressors in Asia, running about like bullies with impunity.
These countries are like a bunch of children. Stamping thier feet and crying if they don't get thier way. Grow up!
What a cracking read that was! I enjoyed that mini history lesson!!
Actually China attempted two invasions of Japan long before Japan returned the favour. Perhaps it is the unelected communist dictatorship who should be apologising for their peoples earlier indiscretions. But as always they chosse the history that most suits them the most to play the "poor victim card". I am not for a minute condoning what occurred in China under the Japanese invasion.
"The first invasion happened in 1274, after the Japanese Shogun refused to pay tribute to Khubilai. The first invasion force, comprised of 15,000 Mongol, Jurchen, and Chinese troops, and 8,000 Korean troops, left from Korea and quickly took the little islands of Iki and Tsushima. The invaders then landed on Kyushu and squared off with Japanese forces. The Samurai were no match for the Mongols' catapults, crossbows, and bombs. The invaders succeeded in driving the defenders as far back as Dazaifu, the great administrative center of Kyushu. But a sudden typhoon saved Japan by destroying much of the Mongol fleet and forcing a hasty retreat.
7 years later, in 1281, the second "big" invasion happened. This time Khubilai took no chances. He plotted out a two-pronged assault strategy. The first force (the "Eastern Route fleet"), comprised of 30,000 Mongols (complete with horses), and 10,000 Koreans, would leave from Korea and retake Iki and Tsushima. There they would link up with the second force (the "Southern Route Fleet") of 100,000 Chinese troops leaving from Fukien, China. The combined fleets would then attack Japan itself.
In May of 1281 the Eastern Route Fleet set out from modern Masan, Korea and retook Iki and Tsushima with ease. But the Southern Route Fleet encountered problems and was delayed for a month. The impatient Mongol commander of the Eastern Route Fleet, Hsin-tu, decided to disobey orders and start the invasion without the Southern Route Fleet. The Eastern Fleet tried to land at Hakata bay on Kyushu, the same place they had landed in 1274, but the Japanese had since errected a stone barrier along the coast. The Fleet detoured to Shinganoshima but were met by fierce resistance. Only one Mongol unit landed successfully. The Japanese used small fishing boats to harrass the Mongol fleet with hit-and-run attacks, burning and sinking several ships. Finally the fleet retreated back to Iki.
While anchored off Iki the fleet was decimated by a sudden outbreak of disease that killed 3,000 men. But hope was renwewed when the Southern Route Fleet finally arrived in July. The island of Hirado was taken and used as a rallying point for the entire invasion force. From there the Mongols attacked and occupied the island of Takashima. But before the invasion could even begin another typhoon descended on western Japan and decimated the Mongol fleet. Khubilai never attempted another invasion of Japan."
China is acting just like the US, when it became a regional, then global power - from the genocide of its Native American population for lebensraum to the Monroe Doctrine to current military adventures in Middle East. Check out Professor John J. Mearsheimer's speech here on Why China Cannot Rise Peacefully:
Japan can wait China out. Communism always fails, and China's disregard for its environment and people will only speed up China's collapse.
China needs to think about all the Chinese who will suffer when she goes to war with the USA. There are billions of Chinese who may die, many Chinese who live in the US who will be treated like an enemy because they are loyal to China over the US. Why does China push for this war. All it will bring is doom for the Chinese and a set back for China. The US will defend its sister democracy and honor its alliance with Japan. If China wants to avoid blood it needs to cool its rhetoric.
Will N. Korea obey China's advice? Meanwhile Japan will upgrade its weapon system next year. More drones and satellite to spy N. Korea. Ready to be attacked.
Maybe the US should launch an attack on North Korea dragging china into the war there, shifting the focus of the battle away from japan, now that could be a nice defence move to play. Once china has been dragged into north korea she will soon learn that using out dated broken weapons have little effect on high tech weapons the US now posses. Might be enough for it to realise it is out classed.
Sound great tmay be we are lucky enough to survive the nuclear winter.
these so-called high tech weapons didn't out-class any of the dated broken weapons in the middle east.
Or not. Does the world really need another war? Are the wars and conflicts in the Middle East not enough to satisfy the warmongers?
“China will never allow (anyone) to cause chaos and incidents on our home’s doorstep and will never accept China’s process of development from being disturbed and interrupted again,” Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on the foreign ministry’s website."
That is the most ridicules comment I have heard today. The PRC, the puppet masters of the North are telling them they will not allow the chaos?
Come on folks, the only people that are falling for that are the folks too blinded by their beliefs.
The PRC is the master of this chaos and all the chaos going on in this region.
They play the part of big brother when it is they that give the North the okay to do whatever it does.
Now for the PRC's "water internet army" posters here, you guys really need to get off the same memo and come up with better arguments.