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© 2014 AFPChina's Xi highlights Japan militarist past in Seoul speech
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Wow, a Chinese government official talking about Japanese history from 70 years ago... indeed a rare event.
Xi gets more pathetic by the minute, going and playing the nationalism card, especially to try to divert internal audiences from things especially like the recent pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.
take with a grain of the way Abe was doing the same during his visit to Europe over China's sea-dispute with SE Asian countries.
And in the second half, PRC militants entered into a war of aggression to divide Korea, killing hundreds of thousands. Following this they propped up a totalitarian regime that divides the peninsula to the present day.
But I guess South Korea is ok with that.
If ,if Japan would "man up to its past" this would not be an issue. But sadly Japan is in denial.
Despite history, In a world where you have to choose a "side" do you really want China as your main ally?
And the pot banging continues from china , they offer nothing else and the beat of the pots is becoming intolerable, maybe Abe is getting sick of hearing the clanging too.
'Xi gets more pathetic by the minute, going and playing the nationalism card'
Of course he's going to bash Japan to a Seoul audience. Japan's leader is more unpopular in SK than that blubbery idiot up north. South Korea and Japan are being led by nationalists who are doing their respective countries no favours. Park is leading South Korea into China's sphere of influence and Abe is stirring up an even greater sense of hatred and suspicion of Japan in countries where they were not exactly popular to begin with. The only hope is that both are booted out of office sooner rather than later and more rational and more intelligent leaders can help pull things in the right direction. The main beneficiary of Abe and Park is China.
Crikey, The emperor and every prime minister since the war ended has apologised. How long do they have to keep doing it? And don't yada yada Germany yada yada. China and Korea are just pissed that Japan hasn't shelled out a bunch of money in damages. I mean, they have given over money, but not enough apparently.
CGB Spender
The only two countries who constantly bash Japan fall into self-pitying about being the victims of Japan's military history from 70 years ago. That's news! The leader of a corrupt, militarist, expansionist, freedom-suppressing government which claims annexation of countries like Tibet and Taiwan, and unilaterally grabs vast slices of ocean territory accuses Japan, a pacifist country for the last seventy years, of militarism. Way to call the kettle black!
What apologies and reparations has China made on behalf of it's involvement in the Korean War?
If, Japan, Japanese would really face their past, not a hollow bow, not a hollow gomenasi. But a heartfelt and remorseful soul searching is the missing piece, A recognition that the actions taken by the Imperial Army are a benchmark of barbarity that have not been equaled as a nation. I am constantly shocked by the miss informed Japanese public. They don't understand why every Asian county has a negative view of Japan. Vicious and barbarous, face it, do not bow and cry, face it.
Daniel Neagari
Then we all should be for eternity being apologizing heartfeltly and remosefully for every wrong that our grand parents may have done in when they were young.
Do you want to start?
fighting for the Japanese Empire in Manchuria, right President Xi? South Korea just named their submarine with the name of a terrorist who killed few Japanese Imperial officials in Shanghai in the 30's who was admired by Chiang Kai Shek that 'he did what 100,000Chinese soldiers couldn't do in years' and blamed by Korean Sangham Rhee that 'did right and that's no wonder that Japanese opressed Korean freedom movement after episodes like that'. It's indeed a poor mentallycountry if they praise 'heroes' like that...
Both of them would have been sick if they haven't mentioned Japan in their speeches. I wonder when young Chinese will be getting full of the 'blame' Japan as the generations will pass.
China has often declared its relationship with North Korea to be as close as "lips and teeth." Perhaps not right now. Content to see the Korean peninsula remain divided, rather than deal with a unified Korea on its flank, it tends to play both sides against each other to keep things on an even keel.
When is Xi Jinping going to admit that if the Chinese hadn't intervened in the Korean War, preventing the Allied forces from defeating North Korea completely, we wouldn't have had to be dealing with this awful division of Korea and this North Korean regime?
The active suppression of evidence, the constant downgrading of the truth in the face of evidence, the denial are the reasons why No Asian country can accept any apology from Japan it's just not heartfelt. The myth profligated that Japan was freeing other nations of the western yoke using rape and slave labour and random mass murders, is crap. Even the term comfort women is obscene as it is a "nice" way to describe a person who is raped constantly day after day after day.
Daniel Neagari
Funny you say that....because.. Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam has accepted its apologies. Even South Korea accepted officially the apologies (and they are now saying that they don't though).
Suppression of evidence? or you mean discussing evidence? And if they are so mad and not able to forgive what has passed... why on Earth they have welcomed money and technical assistance (private and public funding) from Japan for nearly 50 years? China is even now receiving technical and financial help from Japan... If you are not able to forgive someone... you should not be able to accept ANYTHING from them... apparently money and free stuff is ok?
President Xi and his aide de camp Park work so well together.
The United States Government really needs to open it's eyes and see how President Park fawns all over Xi. The US Government needs to get it through it's head that South Korea under Park is no ally. The South under Park is completely in Communist China's sphere of influence and there is no hope of ever repairing relationships as long as she is in power. If there would be a war with Communist China President Park would side with the Communist in a heart-beat. She would do whatever they want her to do. But, if the Communist North were to invade South Korea President Park would be screaming for United States and Japanese help.
South Korea under a President Park administration shouldn't be trusted one bit. If she and her like minded allies stay in power the United States needs to relocate it's forces somewhere else and leave South Korea to whatever fate will befall it. If you don't know what that fate is, well let me give you a hint, Seoul will be renamed Km Il Sung city.
Time for President Obama to wake up and smell the kimchi.
Whether we agree or not with this kind of hypocritical rhetoric from China and Korea, there is no question Japan needs to take greater notice of the growing sentiment toward Japan not doing enough about it's past aggression.
As harsh and unfair as it may seem for Japan 'you reap what ye sow'. The chickens are clearly coming home to roost.
"Seoul will be renamed Km II Sung City"
Or Kim Jong Un City...
Nah, the U.S. incredibly still has tens of thousands of troops in S. Korea, and, incredibly that will probably continue for at least another decade, so a North Korean invasion would fail.
Maybe if Japan hadn't occupied Korea (yes, Korea) and then walked away leaving a power vacuum...
Hey, the Japanese never would have walked away leaving a power vacuum in Korea, but the U.S. had to drop all those bombs on Japan, forcing them to walk away, cripes.
But if Japan had never occupied Korea from 1910? Who knows what would have happened... speculate all you want.
“In the first half of the 20th century, Japanese militarists carried out barbarous wars of aggression against China and Korea, swallowing up Korea and occupying half of the Chinese mainland,” Xi said in an address at Seoul National University.
And the foundation of Seoul National University was established by Japan during the annexation period. Isn't it ironic?
Maybe it shows that Japan won't be forgiven unless it submits its foreign policy to the control of Beijing and Seoul? Because I think that's what it's about, really. Historical grievances are a but of a smoke-screen. It's not enough for Japan to apologise, it would have to concede all territorial disputes in the favour of China and South Korea.
Sorry if I sound cynical, South Korea has no problem with China's support for the North in the 1950s - and all the hundreds of thousands that died as a result. China has never apologised and fiercly defends its intervention. And North Korea gets treated with kid gloves despite the fact it regularly threatens to destroy the South and has carried out military attacks very recently.
I've noticed an increasing feeling amongst Japanese that China and South Korea can go f- themselves.
Well, none of what Xi said is incorrect, and given Abe--grandson of a war criminal--has helped ensure the pacifist constitution be renounced (or "revised" if you buy into the BS, it's all the more timely a reminder of what happened the last time Japan flexed its military muscle.
Japanese need to understand that their savagery, atrocities against their neighbors, is a shameful act. They also need to understand that their deeds are no longer of the past matter if they deny or downplay their history, savagery. Japanese leaders brought their past to become a present matter.
China and South Korea should work together to stop Japanese from repeating their history. Hiroshima, Fukushima... Innocent Japanese do not deserve another radioactive city.
LOL. I'd say this is pretty incorrect:
When the war was at its highest pitch, Koreans were volunteering to fight against the Chinese.
Park's Father, for example.
Except for the South Korean President's father who served the Japanese military willingly.
I hope Xi mentioned all the suffering caused in Korea by the Chinese from 1950 - 1953 with their lap dog North Korea. I mean only to show remorse for all the death and destruction and privation caused by Communist China.
With that said, @ Masaki, you might want to tone down the nationalism just a hair. "Japan will rise again,The aloft "the Rising Sun flag", for Asia brethren." is not going to win Japan many friends. Just saying. ;-)
Does accepting WWII history on war crimes include conceding territory to our neighbors?
any how, Tokyo's attempt to antagonize Seoul and Beijing at the same time is reckless, and the result is what brings us to this article.
hokkaidoguy: "When the war was at its highest pitch, Koreans were volunteering to fight against the Chinese."
Not a surprising comment from you, but just to let you know not many Koreans 'volunteered' to fight against the Chinese, and most, as with sex slaves, were forced or coerced into doing so, at the barrel of a gun or the point of a bayonet. You make is seems as though the were bouncing up and down with excitement at being colonized and joining in Japan's atrocities! Well done in pointing out that Xi is correct and that the current Japanese government, and Japanophiles on here, are intend on glossing over history and putting the nation in a position to do the same again.
smithinjapanJul. 04, 2014 - 07:42PM JST Well, none of what Xi said is incorrect
I was beginning to worry that our usual Communist Chinese sympathizer had been hauled off in one of President Xi's purges, but now I see they're still here posting Communist China propaganda, so I feel better. I would have hated to lose their great comic relief and beddy bye tales. Thank you Smith, you made my night, now I can laugh my way to sleep!
Speaking of President Xi's purges, whatever happened to Chucky? Did he get re-educated?
President Park is so far in Xi's pocket that reality has taken a backseat. She is so desperate to make her reunification carrot trap to come true that she has tossed her allies under the bus.
Facts and the truth are not welcomed by Communist China or South Korea during this time. So, please stay away from them.
Oh belt up Xi... go and hide back under your rock.
JoeBigs: "I was beginning to worry that our usual Communist Chinese sympathizer had been hauled off in one of President Xi's purges"
Well, Joe, again, not a surprising comment from such a poster. I do not in any way support the Communist Government of China, I simply said that what Xi said was not incorrect (which you quoted). The whole "with us or against us" mentality is outdated and for sore losers. So, now, this may cause your brain to implode, but I don't support what Japan did, nor its white-washing of it, nor do I support what China did to its own people and how it white-washes its history as well. Oh my gosh! How can that be?? How about this then: you are obviously anti-China and South Korea, so you are therefore supporting the rape and murder of millions of innocents and a government that tries to cover it all up. Same faulty logic as you propose. You DO know that Japan has revised its textbooks, is going to change the constitution (against the opinion of the majority), coerced women into sexual slavery, and committed massacres, including with unit 731, right? You do also know that many here deny these things, right? So, again, tell us, how is Xi incorrect? Until then, please leave your baggage at the door and stop insinuating that anyone who points out that one side is correct means they support any and all that they do, or that they are against any and all of the person who is in the wrong on that point.
Masaki Miyamoto
Nice Joke,
We are "No thank you, Communist China and Korea."
"Asian countries wishing to peace in the region would support the right of collective self-defense of Japan all"
Again support the Philippine government, the decision of Japan
This entire article exposes what a farce this anti-Japan diplomatic and political tool used by China and South Korea really is. China (PRC) did not even exist until 3 years AFTER WWII ended. That the China (ROC) who actually fought Imperial Japan as one of the Allied Powers, now forced to Taiwan, does not have a problem with Japan and WWII history. South Korea was part of he Japanese Empire with 240,000 Koreans serving in the Japanese military. As other readers pointed out Park's own father was an officer in the IJA. In the Kwantung Army no less! I wonder how many Chinese deaths he was responsible for. There are a vast number of counties which actually fought Imperial Japan or were occupied by them before and during WWII, and they have all accepted Japan's apologies and do not harp on WWII. Only China and pathetically South Korea do this, and neither fought Imperial Japan. Fortunately the entire world short of China and South Korea are not stupid and know their history. We have nearly 70 years of relationships with Japan as a peaceful democracy trustworthy enough to entrust in security alliances. China's continuing propaganda war attempting to turn world opinion against Japan has failed miserably, with the major powers supporting Japan's recent changes and China looking like more and more like clowns.China's objective is to become the hegemonic power of Asia and to do this they must destroy U.S. strategic dominance in the region. To do so they are attempting to break apart the U.S. lead military alliance by playing on Korean anti-Japan sentiment (which China brought to South Korea in the 1980s as a "shared" experience) as well as South Korea's near total economic dependency on China. While Xi the leader of he world's biggest dictatorship gave a speech to feed China-South Korean unified hate, Pres Park refrained officially from any anti-Japan nonsense in discussions with Xi. Clearly the U.S., has put considerable pressure on South Korea to halt their "alliance shift" lest they get to wave our troops goodbye. South Korea today by playing both sides of the fence undoubtedly feels that it is in a position of power. Unfortunately they are undermining themselves in the long run vis-a-vis both the U.S. and China.
Everyday, the focus on war crimes and comfort women issues are getting further away from the victims, their family and friends but getting closer to the realm of amateurish political maneuvering across North East Asia. Posts on JT included.
Kazuaki Shimazaki
Nice, Xi. You deftly avoided the worst part of this for the South Koreans.
That there was a "barbarous war of aggression" implies Korea at least fought back.
She did not.
Saul Schimek
China has been pouring this one for sometime. they've definitely go domestic problems at this point
Park's father requested to be sent to fight in China. He enrolled in a military academy and became an officer in order to do so.
This is a fact, and it remains a fact regardless of how much whitewash you care to pour on it.
The number of Koreans who volunteered to fight for imperial Japan before conscription is also a fact. As for the fact that most of them did their fighting in China, well, that's a fact as well.
Japan's perceived lack of sincerity in war apologies and inability to provide or accept fine detail concerning otherwise accepted historical events is nothing compared to the blatant revisionism Park and Xi are putting out to deflect from their own political catastrophes at home.
'Japan's perceived lack of sincerity in war apologies and inability to provide or accept fine detail concerning otherwise accepted historical events'
That 'accept fine detail' is a truly contemptible phrase when you consider what is being either obfuscated or denied outright.
Masaki Miyamoto
@Kazuaki Shimazaki
Nice Comment,
Communist China is the same.
South Korea, became independent from the United States occupied territories to August 15, 1948.
Communist China, was founded on October 1, 1949.
This is a fact, In both countries, there is no war with Imperial Japan. LOL
Farce or not, preponderance of evidence is against the perpetrator, not the victim. In this case. the perpetrator has offered apologies, yet has not owned to it because of its distortions or denials of facts in their history books. In other words, it is viewed as a hypocritical apology, not a sincere one. Have you watched the Ryutaro Nonomura's recent video? He cries like a crocodile without tears. And before the end of WWI, did anybody outside Japan know about the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake Massacre? It was suppressed to the point they prohibited Koreans from traveling from Japan to the Peninsula. It was after the Allied Nations took over that facts about this massacre were disclosed. So, denial is equivalent to an insincere apology. Who is comfortable with an insincere apology? If your wife or husband makes a mistake and offers you a shallow insincere apology, would you take it at face value? Things will continue in an antagonistic way?
Ossan -- one additional thing for you to consider, in case you missed it:
So its a "farce" when China states their point-of-view, but not when an ignorent Japanese busineesman does the same? Right?
Xi speech was nothing but a cry me river speech to Park and the people of SK. Xi and Nk or doing nothing but trying to divid and conquer the alliance between the US and its Allie. If one ally falls its a good start the problems for Nk and China seems to be the US military personnel in SK and Jp. China knows the best way to start is to have China work on SK president because there is really no beef between those two country and the other scheme is for NK to throw the abduction issue out to Japan and try to offer something in the meantime should any or both fail the only country that stands to win would be China after all they can't be trusted as Xi told Park his goal is to make sure NK gets rid of their nuclear weapons. I smell a rat and it a rotten one in China they want it all.
well, north east asia has its own ways of dealing with its own problems. the fact that china and sk are talking about this now is quite inevitable and perhaps expected as they are also the only ones in asia that are quite on that level to talk back against japan. all the rest of asia is quiet, but, give them more time to grow, and at last, they will also join the ranks of china and sk to talk back against japan if japan will still be on the path of ignoring its wrongdoings and joking around with history. counting the money and aid given to china and sk, and perhaps the whole of asia is just mere pride. i think that is not apologizing. that pride can often make u walk blindly.
The Chinese government is getting more and more pathetic every day. As for the Koreans, they are still sending death threats to the Russian girl who won the Olympic figure skating gold medal. They just lack the ability to forget things, so I guess we have no choice but to live with it.
I would rather be arrogant than ignorant like you. Japan has signed peace treaties with South Korea in 1965 and with China in 1972 having apologized and made reparations to both countries. Both countries benefitted from those treaties and additional economic aid and investment through good relations. If Japan truly had a behavior problem and did not empathize with the victims of WWII there would be some 20-30 countries harping on WWII, instead of these two countries which did not combat Imperial Japan in WWII.
NONE of Japan's neighbors have a problem either, only the two farcical countries China and South Korea neither of which even existed in WWII. And South Korea which was part of Imperial Japan and their troops were killing Chinese. Don't you find that to be a farce? Japan's other Asian neighbors as well as Australia all either support Japan's redefinition of it's military rights, or have remained without comment. Even South Korea's response, while appeasing it's tributary master China by being critical of Japan, refrained from making any remarks as stupid as China's, as a result of US pressure and the reality that Japan exercising collective defense could only benefit South Korea.
Are you incapable of differentiating between a comment made by an individual businessman in a factory, and the official statements issued by the Chinese Head of State and the Foreign Ministry of China at an official press release? One reflects the personal views of an individual, whoever-the-hell-he-is. The other reflects the OFFICIAL view of an ENTIRE COUNTRY.
I had the pleasure of a business acquaintance from the Middle East who told me that denial of the holocaust wasn't appalling or based on a pathological bias or hatred of the victims. He claimed a 'dissenting opinion' too. I've heard it all before and it stinks the place up. You were not brought up in a dictatorship or a theocracy. Freedom of information is a gift but wasted on some.
70 years ago. Come on, it's time to look forward. Japan did terrible things 70 years ago but was punished severely and hasn't done anything like it since. China did terrible things 50 years ago and still does pretty bad things. So, which country is worse? It really is a no-brainer.
So what does this mean to South Korea, Japan and US Military Alliance? This is very troubling.
Of course focusing on Japan and its current constitutional changes saves Xi from having to talk about North Korea in Seoul and how the CCP is responsible for the existence of Kim's regime and how they have been backing it.
He also wants to avoid talking about Hong Kong's calls for democracy so the CCP's troll army must have gotten further directions to further press on how Japan is not apologizing "correctly" etc etc...
Funny he should talk about this because the very Chinese government that fought against Japan during WWII (now Taiwan) is the one that theoretically benefits from Japan's constitutional changes in the scenario of a confrontation with the PLA
Oh sorry, Xi, did you say something?
China. yawn
How long? Each and every time some Japanese public official attempts to go back on it.
Each and every time, until the Japanese nationalists give up on their attempts to falsify history.
Do the repercussions include China and Korea's indiscriminate scorn against all Japanese individuals, firms, institutions etc,? because that's what's happened. If one Japanese nationalist denies/disrespects/say anything Chinese and Koreans nationalist don't like, some ruckus breaks outside a Japanese diplomatic post at the least obnoxious level. I guess it's OK because they're doing this for the victims' dignity as opposed to the same infantile and narrow-minded nationalist ethos that's also driving the Japanese nationalists right?
I want to see an anti-Japanese activist who is a victim or a close friend or family for a change.
Ossan - my apology, I did not respond to this question, as silly as it may be -- Yes, I can differentiate between a comment made by an individual businessman, and official statements. Are you? For example, which "official statement" are China and SK supposed to believe -- Abe saying he will not retract the apology regarding comfort women, or him saying just a few days later that his blue-ribbon panel had decided there was really no need for the apology, since no evidence existed of government involvement? Also, please explain to me how what Xi did is really any different than Obama standing in front of the European leaders a month ago and remarking about the common loss of lifes they had all experienced at the hands of Germany?
I can't speak for Ossan but I guessing that one leader was merely reflecting on a historical experience while the other was referring to a historical experience in a vein attempt to leverage world opinion against a political foe while being so naive as to not knowing that western developed democracies are above harboring infantile observations about the past as they do in North East Asia?
The fact is that the Chinese Communist Party have visited far more misery on the Chinese than the Japanese ever got close to. So, if we were to be having open and frank discussions about the past, we would be really talking about that, because it's the REAL BIG historical elephant in the room.
Oh, but we can't discuss things like that can we, because the Chinese Communist Party aren't REALLY interested in frank honesty about one's past - about circumspect navel gazing and apologies for genocide, disastrous social policies and corrupt mismanagement that is almost unparalleled in human history. Not to mention support for similarly murderous despots like Pol Pot for example.
So this kind of rhetoric is very, very hollow indeed.
This guy is a complete tool.
It is both imperative and incumbent upon Japan to remove any and all reason for scorn due to any mixed messages regarding past wartime crimes. There is no doubt that Japan committed horrendous crimes against China and Korea. Any Japanese in a position of responsibility who attempts to excuse or deny those crimes puts his country in a position that is deserving of scorn -- to the extent that other Japanese sit by without taking swift and certain measures to re-establish Japan's official position regarding them. (Without such action, it is absolutely fair to say Japan has no official position.) Observe and follow the German example: make any denial of war crimes an offense that carries repercussions.
There can be only one reason that the Japanese in power would tolerate any Japanese in a position of influence to deny past crimes -- in other words, to undermine Japan's [supposed] official position -- and that is to demonstrate tacit agreement with the revisionist position.
Do not try to tell the world about "free speech." We know that a number of Japanese individuals who have had the temerity to unambiguously and publicly point the finger of blame at imperial Japan have been physically assaulted by the thugs who enforce the revisionist/nationalist position. Those violent and thuggish attacks may well represent a real Japan reasserting itself. As such, China and Korea are perfectly reasonable to raise their voices loudly and clearly.
Wrong. Japan's revisionists have pumped smoke into a room and then complain that the view is not clear. This is what you are helping to do by throwing up false moral equivalencies. Neither China nor Korea did anything to Japan that warranted Japan's atrocities against them. It is thus incumbent on Japan to clear the air and not blow more smoke. Once the air is finally clear of the revisionists' stench, just witnesses can then fairly judge the other parties' response.
The real anti-Japanese is the one who is trying to excuse or deny Japan's past crimes -- or who excuses others who are doing so. It is not pro-Japanese to throw up false moral equivalencies. Note: Every Japanese leader who led the Japanese people to utter destruction was rabidly "pro-Japanese." There is a horrendous flaw in the thinking of these nationalists.
No you can't. Otherwise you would never have equate a comment made by an unknown businessman as an individual and an official statement made by a Head of State at a press conference.
Since the J-Govt has never issued a statement either affirming, retracting or revising the 1993 Kono Statement, neither China nor South Korea have to believe anything.
NeoJamal answered your question perfectly. Not a single western nation (or other Asian nations for that matter) make WWII an official tool diplomatic and political tool as China and South Korea do.
NeoJamal -- nonsense. That is simply hogwash. Was Xi not "reflecting on a historical experience"? And was Obama not trying to use the occassion to "leverage world opinion"? And, as to your last sentence, it seems Japan, China and SK are all equally guilty of "harboring infantile observations about the past as they do in North East Asia". Like Ossan, you are allowing your dislike for China keep you from seeing that we are talking about shades of grey here, not black and white.
"In the first half of the 20th century, Japanese militarists carried out barbarous wars of aggression against China and Korea, swallowing up Korea and occupying half of the Chinese mainland.."
Everything Xi said is absolutely true. As mentioned before, he conveniently leaves out the part where China's unelected dictator and "Great Helmsman," Mao Zedong and Xi's CCP, waged a war of aggression throughout the Korean peninsula in the second half of the 20th century that caused millions of Korean lives to be needlessly lost.
Still, people have a right to express the truth. And speaking of truth, isn't it funny that such a sanctimoniously minded autocrat as Xi would go around telling the world how righteous he and his country are....and all the while the hypocritical corruption and hardship his precious CCP and, indeed, even his family are causing, is laid bare for the entire world to see? "Hundreds of millions of dollars" his family now has...simply for being "president" of an embarrassingly backwards and stunted political system.
I'm not the first one to say it, but it must be said: those Chinese "communists" in Beijing sure are a pathetic, sniveling, money-grubbing lot, aren't they?!
Simon Foston
I don't see why it must be said if it's already been said before, to be honest. Are you sure the same couldn't be said of Abe and his pals in Tokyo?
You provide no reasoning why the thugs is the real Japanese position. It's hard to believe the statement above is sincere. It looks like a typical poorly disguised strawman argument set up by Japanese nationalists who want to discredit the Chinese and the Koreans.
I see that you are you disagree with me but where is your reasoning? I can answer that part about Obama's intent, he was not criticizing current German foreign policy in the same occasion as when he made statement, and your assessment that I am implying that Japan, China and SK are equally infantile needs some explanation on your part.
@smithinjapanJUL. 04, 2014 - 07:42PM JST Well, none of what Xi said is incorrect, and given Abe--grandson of a war criminal--has helped ensure the pacifist constitution be renounced (or "revised" if you buy into the BS, it's all the more timely a reminder of what happened the last time Japan flexed its military muscle.
Abe's grandfather Nobusuke Kishi was not convicted. Gen. Mac released him to combat increasing power of Japan Communist Party after USA defeated Japan and occupied Japan. It worked well as you know Japan did not become a communist country. He was almost killed after he came back from USA. Kishi;s plan to have welcome Ike did not come but he was not convicted as a war criminal. Ditto with Kishi;s uncle Matsuoka who died with TB and was not convicted. Japanese right wing (then) already killed Asanuma and targetted Kishi who later awarded UN Peace Prize and Japan is not a communist country, Abe will ignore Xi and Soul, Stubborn Abe will not ignore USA.
It is extremely simple: First, there is no "real Japanese position." Various representatives, leaders and thinkers have been playing both sides of the fence.
By comparison, the Germans have established a real position. How? By making denial or undermining of that position by any official an offense that carries repercussions. Why have the Germans done this? Perhaps because of their remembrance of the Weimar "democracy" and where tolerance of the militaristic and violence-oriented factions eventually got them. The Weimar period has a number of striking parallels with Japan's nominal "democracy" today.
Second, the only repercussions we have witnessed within Japan have been physical attacks against those who have dared to point the blame at the leadership of Imperial Japan.
Abe was in Singapore recently for a meeting and he voiced concern over China's military build-up. Singapore was Syonan-to when Japan attacked and conquered the little island. In proportion to the population, the number of innocent people led to be slaughtered is probably the highest in Asia. Did he even lay a wreath or at least pretend to to be anguished with the families of the comfort women? NO!!!
Neo -- thank you, you reinforced by point better than I could have. You are 100% correct, Obama was not "critisizing current German foreign policy". In fact. Merkel was an honored guest at the ceremony. Compare that to the Obama administration just a month or two back having to tell Abe to back-off his intention to re-visit the comfort women issue. Which he did literally, but side-stepped by appointing his "special committee" to look into the apology. So, based on that, IMO, Japan is just as childish as SK and China in regards this whole issue.
I have to roll my eyes at all the comments here that pretends that Japan's right wing attitudes from every facets of Japanese society from government on down to Japanese media has nothing to do with the cold treatment that Japan is getting from her two neighbors.
1/4 people around the world are Chinese, event the USA want to broaden the market relationship with China, but Japan is discard this and come to the contrary to be the enemy of Chinese. How to define this?
Please have a look of the past few years, China almost get whatever they want: there will no negotiation of Chunxiao oil field; China has declared the east sea air defense recognize area; China coast guard boats go to the disputes islets water area every moth; Get back some market places occupied by Japan in China, and the S.Korea and Chinese companies is filling the blank that Japan left. All there things never happened before, this means what? and what did Japan get from the confliction?
STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! This is the only impression that Japan give to me in the past few years by now.
They will continue to attack Japan in WW2 theme for the future of my self. Why do they do it ? People who do not know it is too much. LOL
The reason is simple. China is "for the invasion", South Korea is "for the Money" .
Korea was must pay back the 136 trillion yen to the IMF. Deadline for it was in December of last year. The IMF(U.S.A) and South Korea was expect loan from Japan at last year. However, in order to deny this from the economic situation in Japan, it was worship the Yasukuni Shrine of Abe at the end of last year. As a result, South Korea is no longer able to request the assistance to Japan. (for the pride of South Korea)
When China begins to claim sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands, it is after of investigation the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East in 1968 of (ECAFE). This investigation study had been suggested to oil and natural gas are buried into near by Senkaku Islands. They wanted them since 1968. Motion of all anti-Japanese to order to execute them, it is information incitement to do reduce the country of Alliance of defend Japan. For this purpose in all the world, Anti-Japanese movement has been carried out on an ongoing basis in the ally of Japan mainly.
Do not forget that it by the instigation of the information, the Philippines kicked the U.S. military Support. For this reason, Philippines Islands has been invaded by China now. How long South and North Korea is continue the puppet of China? ,,,forever ? I think this situation will such not change for the time being to get half of the Pacific Ocean by China.
There was no problem about it until recent years when the Chinese and South Koreans decided to dramatize it 70 years after the war. The Chinese and the South Koreans use anti-Japan propaganda to keep there peoples discontent from there own problems, such as poverty, economic disparity and ethnic conflict.
Whenever a Japanese official apologizes, another one denies it. No wonder the Chinese and Koreans keep on demanding sincere apology from Japan. Japanese of conscience keep apologizing, and Japanese right wingers keep denying. This give impression that the apologies were not sincere and the victims keep demanding for sincere apology. This cycle has no end in sight. It is typical vague comments by Japanese politicians which are meant to satisfy both parties in an issue. So, if you expect an apology over the matter you are clearly going to be disappointed. When the Japanese politician apologizes, take it with a grain of salt. They were only trying to make “people think they apologized" but it is not their real intention.
John Master
I'm pretty sure Koreans are just pissed that Japanese politicians/high officials/media heads downplay/deny the atrocities committed by Imperial Japanese Army. South Korea and China aren't the only ones who are acting like a child here. Japan is doing that as well. One of the problem that prevents Japan/Japanese people from actually acknowledging the atrocities committed by their ancestors lies within its culture of pride. I'm pretty sure South Korea was quiet about all these issues, until Japanese politicians started visiting Yakusuni Shrines/denied the atrocities.
OssanAmerica, I'm pretty sure they would flip out as well if German officials/media denied the Holocaust.
Japanese PM's having been visiting Yasukuni for decades even after the enshrinment of so-called Class A. Even in the 90's, Korean government would send their military attache' to Yasukuni. Koreans, much like the Chinese are simply using this "war guilt campaign" against the Japanese as a political tool to distract their respective domestic problems.
If you look at the history after end of WWII, Japan spent basically from 1950's through mid 1990s under the same conservative LDP government. There was no change in thought or attitude. At best, the Japanese government was able to buy off the Chinese and Koreans, providing loans and grants while those governments kept nationalistic sentiments tamped down. When the LDP hold was toppled in the 1990s, the coalition government was so weak that even though it began reconciliation with a formal apology, it couldn't make much progress before the LDP came back to power one year later. Japan needed a strong center-left party to lead the way. Unfortunately, Murayama and the Japanese Social Democrats were simply too weak. Japan's delay in the process has only made it more difficult for any real reconciliation. Had they done it back when Japan was at its peak, Chinese and Korean nationalism were somewhat under control and Japan had bought some goodwill through economic aid, they might have gotten their message across more smoothly. Instead, now you have Japan in a weak position, China and Korea ascendant, and both those nations experiencing near-rabid nationalistic sentiments, it'll be much harder for all involved to come together.