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Chinese foreign minister accuses Japan of constantly seeking to make trouble


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China sees little reason for optimism that relations with Japan will improve, China’s Foreign Minister said on Tuesday, accusing “two-faced” Tokyo of constantly seeking to make trouble.

I wonder, did he have to practice very long to say this with a straight face?

16 ( +18 / -2 )

China calling anyone tw-faced is about as humorous as Mitt Romney calling Donald Trump greedy. I got a chuckle from both..

14 ( +19 / -5 )

The pot calling the kettle black!!

11 ( +14 / -3 )

... said the guy from the country claiming every island in the sea as their own and flying jets into Japanese airspace as often as they can. Ask Vietnam and Taiwan if they agree Japan's the troublemaker in the region.

23 ( +23 / -1 )

I rue the day the Deng decided that it was time for China to join the world economy. China's economic ascendancy hasn't benefitted the rest of the world in the least and made an already insecure nation all the more belligerent. Yes, yes, lifting a certain percentage of the population out of the abject poverty that existed up through the 1970s was good, but beyond that . . .

2 ( +6 / -4 )

"Speaking at his yearly news conference on the sidelines of China’s annual parliament meeting,..."

Just more of the same hot air meant for the Chinese masses.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

What hypocrisy China has to accuse Japan, when they are doing all the escalation.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

This is much more true of China itself than of Japan. But unfortunately Japan does often provide ammunition to China, South Korea and others, making this kind of comment possible. Japan should be wiping the floor diplomatically with China, given that the Chinese government has no legitimacy with its own people and Japan is a liberal democracy, but somehow the message gets lost due to idiotic utterances from Japanese politicians, diplomats and others. So frustrating to those of us who love and want the best for Japan.

6 ( +8 / -3 )

The Chinese Government continues unaware that their ridiculous and hypocritical comments make them the laughing stock of all Asia and the entire world. Meantime the Chinese people are visiting Japan in droves and breaking sales records.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Chinese foreign minister accuses Japan of constantly seeking to make trouble

And yet China is causing trouble, for the whole Pacific region, including the US and Australia. But I don't see Japan claiming pretty much the entire SCS, declaring air defence zones at will, militarizing islands, building new islands (and militarising those too), or extensively bullying every neighbour it has, barring the crackpot one.

So who's seeking to make trouble exactly?

12 ( +13 / -1 )

How ironic.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Still writing memos on your hand, Wang Yi?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

“two-faced” is how i describe Japan/japanese to my friends back hope.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

China really need to look into the mirror. They are the one who been causing trouble.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Suga saying in February that Japan was gathering and analysing information on China’s moves there with “serious interest”.

Just worry about Senkaku Is. and the East China Sea. Those are areas for Japan to be watching. But what's the point?With all these anti-Security Law protesters, anti-US Base activists, the SEALDs nonsense etc, how is the government supposed to get anything done right?

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Hello everybody!

Even after a sip of almost heaven awamori it seems the facts still stood like a smiling gargoyle.

China only started to be more assertive on all the island claims when Nippon arrogantly nationalized 3 islands in the disputed East China sea that really belongs to Ilan county, Taiwan.

This is in parallel to Abe's insistence that a new de facto colonizer base must be built in the Henoko Bay which is the home of the endangered dugongs, without any alternatives despite very strong Ryukyuan opposition.

How can one expect Japan to have a nice diplomatic ending with China when Tokyo insists that there is no territorial disputes in the first place?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Er, and who voted you into office, Mr Wang Yi? Oh.....nobody. You were appointed by an unelected, corrupt junta.

Go to the people, get a democratic mandate, THEN you have the right to speak for your country.

Thank you

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Is Wang a comedian?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

On one hand, Japanese leaders say nice things about wanting to improve relations, but on the other they “create troubles for China at every turn” China certainly isnt innocent of this , but when it comes to saying nice things then backing it with a trip to Yasukuni, Japan is just a guilty.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

This is much more true of China itself than of Japan. But unfortunately Japan does often provide ammunition to China, South Korea and others, making this kind of comment possible. Japan should be wiping the floor diplomatically with China, given that the Chinese government has no legitimacy with its own people and Japan is a liberal democracy, but somehow the message gets lost due to idiotic utterances from Japanese politicians, diplomats and others. So frustrating to those of us who love and want the best for Japan.


Sadly your bang on with the above.

That said however I have often referred to China as the MONSTER the west helped create, & this twit wang is a perfect example of the MONSTER that China has become. The west may well find out the REAL cost of letting Wall Street coning the worlds govts into thinking opening up China & investing there would be a ""good thing""

I am afraid the cost will end with a whole lot of death & destruction at the rate China is ramping this BS up!!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The pot calling the kettle black.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Commie China has the problem to see the color : They can't tell which one is black ,and which one is white.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Commie China has the problem to see the color

China is not communist.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Hiro S NobumasaMar. 09, 2016 - 01:15PM JST China only started to be more assertive on all the island claims when Nippon arrogantly nationalized 3 islands in the >disputed East China sea that really belongs to Ilan county, Taiwan.

That awamori has gone to your head, You are wrong on two points. First, China's plan to take the Senkakus started well before the government purchase. In 2010 a Chinese fishing trawer was sent by the East China Sea Fisheries Research Institte, a Chinese government agency with real time communications with Chinese fishing vessels to the Senkakus to cause an incident. I'm sure everyone remembers the JCG ramming videos, Taking the Senkakus is part of the PLA Navy's plan to break the first islamd chain which has been publicized as early as 2002. The Chinese fishermen are today officially Chinese "Maritime Militia" armed and can be deployed to assert Chinese interests in the East and South China Sea, Second error is that China used the claim that Japan "nationalized" the Senkakus as an excuse for their hostile behavior, Anyone with functioning brainmatter can examine this alleged offensive act anddiscover that there are 5 islands, of which 1 has ALWAYS been owned by the Japanese Governmet. In fact it was used by US Forces as a live bombing training site. We haven't heard peep from China about the US bombing "Chinese territory since ancient times". More significant is the fact that the 3 islands that China whines were "nationalized" were purchased from the Japanese civilian owners.With China's subsequent declaration of their ADIZ over the East China Sea covering the Senkakus and their actions in yje South China Sea which are now currently in he news spotlight have brought China's territorial expansion aspirations out into the open. Thirdly, any claims by Taiwan are meaningless as long as Taiwan remains an undeclared non-sovereign state and exists under China's declaration that Taiwan is a Chinese province. The clai over the Senkakus were originally a Taiwan issue which China usurped in the late 1960s.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

You all are right about China being aggressive and pot calling kettle black, etc.

But how is Wang wrong in calling Japan 'two faced'?

Japan IS saying nice things to the face of China, while cozying up to, and egging on China's adversaries like India, Vietnam and Philippines.

So again, you may not like what China is doing, but Wang is technically correct in calling Japan 'two faced'. Don't let your emotions get in the way of being analytical, people.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Well, he's not wrong. Japan should not get involved in the south china sea. Arming small developing,nations (Phillipines) in order to spite China , only increases conflict, and pushes back any hope for improved ties with China.

Japan IS two faced (stirring up conflict while calling for restraint) china is openly agressive, they dont hide anything

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I am against militarization but Japan has all the right to prepare for potential confilct in the future despite the provocation it may create just like China has done so with it's unprecendented military expansion. China aggravates neighbors with it's ginormous $145 billion defense budget and they are calling Japan trouble makers??? The real trouble is in China and everyone knows it.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

China calling someone a trouble maker? Oh, that's rich. Really, does anybody take China's lame accusations seriously?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

TaxesDaddyMar. 10, 2016 - 03:13AM JST You all are right about China being aggressive and pot calling kettle black, etc. But how is Wang wrong in calling Japan 'two faced'? Japan IS saying nice things to the face of China, while cozying up to, and egging on China's adversaries like India, >Vietnam and Philippines. . Egging on? Are you Wang? Those nations have turned to the United States for help to counter China, Japan happens to be a US ally along with Australia, which you left out. Politically carrying out an anti-Japan policy while allowing it's people to visit Japan as tourists in hordes is "two faced". How about claiming a "Peaceful Rise"for two decades only to take over the entire South China Sea when it feels able to? Seems pretty two-faced to me.

Bob SneiderMar. 10, 2016 - 03:30AM JST

Well, he's not wrong. Japan should not get involved in the south china sea. Arming small developing,nations (>Phillipines) in order to spite China , only increases conflict, and pushes back any hope for improved ties with China.

Yes China would like all Asian nations not to get involved, all disputes with China should be handled bilaterally where the massive China can outweigh the smaller nation with overwhelming military superiority. Bullying weak little democracies will bring China into a conflict with the civilized world.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Thanks OssanAmerica for reminding me about too much awamori! I am now enjoying near paradise cold Orion instead which happily prevented me from addressing your honor as OsamaAmerica!

I agree with you that China should thank Japan instead of acting like a jilted lover. When Tokyo nationalized the disputed Tiau Yu Tai islands it must have alerted Beijing of possible copycats in the South China sea thus enabling them to take preemptive steps. Imagine the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Taiwan nationalizing islands in chorus? If that ever happens I'm gonna go back to my beloved awamori!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Hiro S NobumasaMar. 10, 2016 - 03:25PM JST Thanks OssanAmerica for reminding me about too much awamori! I am now enjoying near paradise cold Orion instead >which happily prevented me from addressing your honor as OsamaAmerica!

OsamaAmerica is fine. About as accurate as Nobumasa.

I agree with you that China should thank Japan instead of acting like a jilted lover. When Tokyo nationalized the disputed >Tiau Yu Tai islands it must have alerted Beijing of possible copycats in the South China sea thus enabling them to take >preemptive steps. Imagine the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Taiwan nationalizing islands in chorus?

None of the disputed South China Sea islands are presently owned by Filipppino, Vietnamese, Malaysian or Taiewanese citizens. So your point is rather meaningless. But it does show how the term "nationalized" as used by the Chinese government to give the impression that Japan invaded and occupied Chinese territory is pure nonsense.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Japan IS saying nice things to the face of China, while cozying up to, and egging on China's adversaries like India, Vietnam and Philippines.

Japan and China relation is agreed on as Senryaku Gokei Kankei, Strategically Beneficial Relation. Not like Kindergarten Kids Relation, "I don't like him, so don't talk to him, OK?"

0 ( +1 / -1 )

**OssanAmericaMar. 10, 2016 - 11:51PM JST

None of the disputed South China Sea islands are presently owned by Filipppino, Vietnamese, Malaysian or Taiewanese citizens. So your point is rather meaningless. But it does show how the term "nationalized" as used by the Chinese government to give the impression that Japan invaded and occupied Chinese territory is pure nonsense. **

AHA! Either OssanAmerica must also be secretly enjoying blissful awamori or be Suga-san himself!

Be that as it may here's a rough guide for you from Wiki:


"Eight of the Spratly Islands are under Chinese control; Vietnamese troops control the greatest number of Spratly islands, 29.[citation needed][timeframe?] Eight islands are controlled by the Philippines, five by Malaysia, two by Brunei and one by Taiwan.[citation needed][timeframe?"

Can OssanAmerica imagine what will happen if Vietnam, the Philippines...Malaysia and so on follows Japan's example and nationalized even 2 of their islands?

In essence it's Japan that opened the island version of the Pandora's box!

As for the awamori, cheers!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

kurumazaka Mar. 11, 2016 - 03:23AM JST

OsamaAmerica is fine. About as accurate as Nobumasa.

Gotta agree with you, Ossan. Can't say I've ever heard a Japanese person regardless of political leaning refer to the Senkaku's as "the disputed Tiau Yu Tai islands." Ya need to up your game there, Nobu!

No conflict there kuruma! Nobu is as non-Japanese as awamori! Prost!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

For China to claim 80 percent of the South China Sea, it would also have to claim most of the water far beyond 12 nautical miles from any of those islands, artificial or not. So what is China’s claim? Contrary to the impressions it has cultivated, China has not claimed anything near what most accounts ascribe. There is substantial uncertainty about Chinese claims in the South China Sea because China has not formalized or clarified those claims. Article 16 of the UN Law of the Sea requires states to publicize their claimed territorial seas and baselines (boundaries that maritime claims are measured from) and provide them to the UN either on “charts… adequate for ascertaining their position” or in a “list of geographical coordinates of points.” But for all the contentiousness, China’s deposits to the UN contain few such explicit claims.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

tinawatanabeMar. 11, 2016 - 12:34AM JST

Japan and China relation is agreed on as Senryaku Gokei Kankei, Strategically Beneficial Relation. Not like Kindergarten Kids Relation, "I don't like him, so don't talk to him, OK?

I agree with you Tina! Japan-China relationship now is as bad as Ryukyu-Nippon bromance!

Hoping that a future non-kindergarten Japanese PM will let Okinawa be free again!


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Hiro S NobumasaMar. 11, 2016 - 02:29AM JST OssanAmericaMar. 10, 2016 - 11:51PM JST "None of the disputed South China Sea islands are presently owned by Filipppino, Vietnamese, Malaysian or Taiewanese citizens. So your point is rather meaningless. But it does show how the term "nationalized" as used by the Chinese government to give the impression that Japan invaded and occupied Chinese territory is pure nonsense.

AHA! Either OssanAmerica must also be secretly enjoying blissful awamori or be Suga-san himself! Be that as it may here's a rough guide for you from Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_disputes_in_the_South_China_Sea "Eight of the Spratly Islands are under Chinese control; Vietnamese troops control the greatest number of Spratly >islands, 29.[citation needed][timeframe?] Eight islands are controlled by the Philippines, five by Malaysia, two by Brunei >and one by Taiwan.[citation needed][timeframe?"

Can OssanAmerica imagine what will happen if Vietnam, the Philippines...Malaysia and so on follows Japan's example >and nationalized even 2 of their islands?

Once again proving my point - none of those islands are OWNED by natonals of Vietnam. PI, Malaysia, etc..

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Once again: Gee, I guess the US military bases ain't that bad of a thing after all....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

OssanAmericaMar. 11, 2016 - 06:35AM JST

Once again proving my point - none of those islands are OWNED by natonals of Vietnam. PI, Malaysia, etc..

OssanAmerica , I can understand the zingy effect of awamori for those who are not accustomed to it so it's but natural for you to have a little trouble grasping the depth and complexity that is layered on one such island ownership issue.

The heirs and estate of Admiral Tomas Cloma indeed still owned Kalayaan islands . Despite the fact that the dictator Ferdinand Marcos forcibly bought the island for just one peso while Cloma was in duress in prison!

His heirs and estate are nevertheles preparing a legal battle and hope that a new democratic president will hear their case to reclaim ownerhip soon.

The fact of the matter here is Japan's nationalizing of the TYT- DY- SK islands must have made China worry that copycats all over would emerge in the SCS.

Thus China should one way or another thank Japan instead!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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