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© 2014 AFPChinese newspaper posts map of A-bombed Japan
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© 2014 AFP
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Wow, at the very least now we can add "tasteless" to arrogant, belligerent, aggressive, conniving, lying, stealing, ad infinitum. What is typical of China here is that on one hand they harp on all the "Chinese killed" by Imperial Japan, during WWII but at the same time they mock all the "Japanese killed" in WWII with this kind of childish propaganda. If Japan "wanted war again" as they say why would the whole world excluding China be either supporting it or have no reaction at all? "Communist Youth League" sure sounds like Hitler Youth to me.
Ossan -- agree. This is just the height of tastelessness and extreme childishness. Beyond contempt.
And the point is what ????That USA is also an aggressor /??
Tia Niikura
well the chinese do drill hate for japan into their youth. I remember having to listen to a 21 year old chinese kid complain about how much he hated japan for what was done in 1937. I told the kid it wasn't his war and he shouldn't be hating the japanese for something his grandparents weren't even around for. I told him that would be like the jewish people still hating germany for the holocaust. and while some may, the younger generations of jewish have no such hatred and why would they? they didn't live through it. but seeing as how China is a communist country and kill their own people for even thinking for themselves, I don't think they have a say in anything
In China, World War II never ended.
Actually the Japanese politicians were unaffected by the newspaper until they were prodded for a reaction from the press who was seeking a story out of this.
The point is not only that the advertisement was in extremely bad taste, but served to inculcate hatred for Japan in China's youth. Another example, from Canada no less - two months ago, a friend and his wife tried to set me up with one of their single women friends, and during dinner, when I was talking about how wonderful my twice-yearly visits to Japan are, she looked me in the eye and said, 'Up until now, I thought you were wonderful, but I hate Japan, and everything about it. End of dinner. Bigots come out of the woodwork everywhere, it seems.
Greg Patrick
So... China show a map of what actually happened, and Japan get upset because its the truth ? wow
What a class act the Chinese Communist party is.
Dedicating an inordinate amount of time on the pressing need to provoke and needle Japan in whatever fashion they can conceive, whilst refusing the Chinese People the right to vote democratically for the leaders and government of their choosing.
It's truly embarrassing. It also very distinctly frames the fact that the CCP is not really interested in regional peace. What they want is retribution for past history, and hegemony, as well as continued control over the Chinese populace. It should be reiterated that the CCP is responsible for some of the worst genocide in human history in China (high estimates of 78,000,000), as well as supporting others in places like Cambodia (Khmer Rouge 1.7 Million deaths). They have no track record of respecting the sanctity of human life whatsoever, and should clearly be considered the greatest threat to peace and the status quo in Asia. Pointing the finger at contemporary Japan as a warmongering state is absolutely laughable.
While I agree, what does that have to do with this story?
So what does Japanese politicians will happen if Japan starts WWII again with china and South Korea by rearming? Does Japan think china and South Korea is going to wait till Abe and Japanese right wingers invade? No matter what Abe says, Japan is rearming and history will repeat itself. Japan will start WWIII and innocent Japanese will again suffer.
'Wow, at the very least now we can add "tasteless" to arrogant, belligerent, aggressive, conniving, lying, stealing, ad infinitum. What is typical of China here is that on one hand they harp on all the "Chinese killed" by Imperial Japan, during WWII but at the same time they mock all the "Japanese killed" in WWII with this kind of childish propaganda. If Japan "wanted war again" as they say why would the whole world excluding China be either supporting it or have no reaction at all? "Communist Youth League" sure sounds like Hitler Youth to me.'
A filthy stunt from a crappy newspaper. I thought you'd have all your negative adjectives primed but use them against this paper, not 'China'. This type of newspaper disgusts many Chinese, some of whom are my friends and colleagues. Attack this minnow of a paper, not turn it into one if your rants against a whole nation. Your posts remind me of the more hateful elements in China who pick up on hateful rightwing propaganda as an excuse to brand a whole nation. They don't have freedom of access to more moderate opinions. What's your excuse?
China keeps talking about how bad was Japan back then and don't want the same again but honestly, they can't live without the war. All they talk about is war, war, war.
Tia, I agree with you. A Chinese friend of mine, age 23 at the time of the big riots against Japanese China a years ago was telling me how much she hates Japan and Japanese people. About how bad they are coz of what happened about 70 years ago. And we both worked together and had a few Japanese friends in common.
Big deal. They posted a map with the explosions that did happen and he's gonna get all pissed.
Susan Elizabeth-Marsh Tanabe
Agree 100%, however i must say the textbook i use (teaching Japanese to high school students) uses a mushroom cloud to show Hiroshima. I was furious. This book was published in Hawai'i. All authors are Japanese or Japanese Americans and should know better. At first i thought it an OAK TREE....then, with a gasp, i realized what it truly was. I inform my students of the ignorance shown by the artist; that Hiroshima is known for other things as well. Their suggestions? A PEACE SIGN. Love it.
Mr Japan
japan should admit past wrongdoing.
It seems the Chinese officials want to shame, antagonize and belittle its neighbors. Japan especially. I think they know Japan is its toughest to conquer neighbor. Maybe also to put on edge Japan and allow the Japanese to slip on the banana peel and pull the trigger someday soon in the disputed island clashes.
It won't work China!
Here is a link to the ad:
Have you spoken to any Japanese people on the subject? Either they know nothing, thanks to the Japanese education system's selective education, otherwise known as brainwashing, or they are adamant that anything that did happen in Asia in the last century was solely the fault of the Chinese. The Chinese kid of whom you speak maybe misguided, but he has a point.
Well said.
Stuart hayward
The publication was obviously posted by a minority of extremist, designed to inflame and grab attention. The fact that it was removed also shows, that not everyone feels this was the right way to express their concerns. I'm sure that the average Chinese & Japanese civilians, just want to live peacefully. It's our leaders and politicians that continuously fan the flames!
Nothing is surprising anymore that comes out of Chinese politicians, they lie cheat and manipulate to control their people like no other nation.
Saw many 100s of Chinese yesterday at gotemba mall all happily interacting with Japanese shop keepers and buying many things, they seemed very much to like japan. It's not so much the Chinese people who have issues but the politicos who use the anti japan BS to further their own agenda.
Abe and japan will not start another war, they would have to get the green light from the US first which will not happen, but be assured when china starts the war japan will respond and will be backed by her allies.
Please list china;s allies so we can see just exactly how many DO NOT back china and her ignorant belligerent ways.
FREE TIBET and your own people CHINA.
I don't think the image is as much an issue as the text in the article from gutless immature anonymity .
Those poor Chineed communist youth growing up in a world where they will be irrelevant to simply be in a position to extort money and privilege.
Let's stoop to the same level and draw up some Chinese kids in dressed Hitler youth uniforms bayoneting Tibetan monks. That will help perpetuate this stupid groups resolve to continue.
Thanks for posting the picture, Sensato. Worst thing about this is that it was in a "youth" daily. That said, I kinda wish they'd published it in the Yomiuri. I wonder how readers would react.
Disgusting, war-mongering, and tasteless. Everything I expected from the Communist Party, and more. Not only is this deeply offensive, but it is appears to be a clear threat of war.
Luckily for the PRC, though, Japan is not a militaristic nation anymore, or the PLA would be feeling the hurt much like their predecessors did in the first and second Sino-Japanese wars. If I were the PRC, I'd be careful about provoking Japan since this time half of the industrialized world is not going to be there to save them.
Have you? They're not as brainwashed as you seem to believe. And no, he does not have a point. Hating a nation who has been peaceful for 70 years, and helped build your home country's economy and uplift millions from poverty is not legitimate.
Alejandro S. Arashi
Is this really newsworthy?
Oh dear. We were trying to teach the Chinese about free speech...
When someone says something you don't like, you don't say you can't tolerate it and protest about it.
What you do is respond to it, and with ridicule and irony for good effect. Kishida is a poor foreign minister.
Well, the paper is linked to the Communist Youth League, which is run by the Communist Party of China, so it's another arm of the state. Priming the youth of China with hate.
Da te.
What is the purpose of printing mushroom crowd of pikadon? Trying to instigate Japan will do revenge attack to USA?
"Chinese newspaper posts map of A-bombed Japan." Very insensitive!
See, how it bothers you. Be sensitive to the victims of Japanese war crimes. Try to imitate Germans.
The Chinese hate Japan? What about the bus-loads of mainland Chinese tourists visiting Japan and having a great time? There is clearly a disconnect in the media.
China is like a pimple. If you ignore it, it will go away, but the more you play with it the worse it gets! The more japan bites on China's propaganda war the worse China will get. Just ignore them and stop falling for their games.
"full-page advertisement" - "Chongqing Youth Daily" - "Communist Youth League" . . .
A blunt appeal to the ignorant youth of China from a manipulative dictatorship. No one is surprised.
Japan must answer with truth. Clearly, the Chinese won't provide that for their citizens.
What does a nation of 1.35 billion have to fear from a nation of 128 million? An ignorant person is easy to manipulate, China has an iron fist on knowledge and a branding iron of propaganda. The result? - "Chongqing Youth Daily"
You only need to see Chinese Kungfu movies from the 70s, 80s. It was all about revenge! If you don't revenge! you're not a fillial son. If it goes on and if there will be a war between China and Japan, 100 years from now, the people won't know the real reason why they're always at war.
President Xi and his propaganda department ordered it's media to take a much more hardline against Japan and they are doing just that. But, it's funny the level of childish reporting they have taken it to.
President Xi has been trying to pressure Japan into kowtowing before him, but all his efforts have come up blank. So, now he has egg on his face and is desperate to save face.
Expect to see tons of new posters here praising Communist China and bashing Japan real soon. The 50-cent army has a mission and they will do it or not get paid.
Restart WWII? World War II ended nearly 70 years ago. In real life you can't restart something that ended, this isn't a video game.
In other words you are telling us that Communist China and it's tributaries have been planning to invade Japan. Tell us something we didn't know.
Japan should admit it's mistakes. There's nothing wrong with this so-called map.
It is what it is. People should know WHERE things happened.
If Japan's PM continue to visit Yasukuni then it's alright for China to visit the past.
The only difference between the places is that one is a place war criminals and the others are places where WMDs were used to end the war and bring Victory to the Allies.
It's just history. Nothing to get upset over.
Japan lost's a fact. Just like the World Cup!! That's all it is. Nobody hates you for it. Heinous things happen in war. Just admit it.
Hear, hear! A voice of sanity amid the China-bashers.
If revision of Article 9 of the Constitution is returning the sword to the murderer, then China's angst over World War II is the gang leader recovering from a beating and threatening to gun down the whole family for revenge. The Chinese government and media will go down in history as thugs in their own right. I hope the Chinese people see through this.
So it's a picture of the map of Japan with the locations of the 2 atomic bombs. I think think it was just the 2 bombs that forced Japan to surrender in 1945 but also the Soviet attack on the same day as the Hiroshima bombing. More people died during the Tokyo fire bombing than either atomic bomb. It's just a map. It doesn't say anything. Seems more like a Rorschach test then anything.
Fox Sora Winters
It's like they're begging us to hate them. This is a dispicable stunt from China's brainwashed youths. Absolutely abhorrent and tasteless, right up there with rape jokes. These youths have no morals, no sense of decency, and no souls. It's an utter disgrace, but that's what happens when you don't raise your kids properly. This is what you get when you allow children to be pumped full of anti-Japanese propaganda. China needs to completely overhaul it's education system, before these uneducated youths cause irreparable damage and land the nation in a lot of hot water.
This just shows you how ignorant and brainwashed the Communist Youth League are. Japan doesn't want war. Once is enough for them. They paid a steep price for WWII, and they've learnt a hard taught lesson. Japan isn't looking to revoke it's Pacifist Constitution in its entirety, they merely want to be able to support their allies should the need arise. Japan is doing everything it can to avoid a war, with China or anyone else. If Japan wanted war, it wouldn't be constantly calling for closer diplomatic ties, it would just launch air strikes and missile bombardments. Diplomacy isn't the action of a warmongering nation, something these brainwashed kids don't seem to understand.
Hurtful and childish, really. Frankly immature and designed to distract the Chinese from the extreme corruption of their own country.
But then what do you expect from a Government who sends its citizens to jail for six years for having the temerity to ask the top leaders to reveal why, on government salaries, they have somehow become billionaires?
Whatever criticisms you may have about Japanese politicians, they are absolutely snow white in comparison.
"Japan Wants a War Again" Huh? If you ask me, it sounds like the Chinese Communist Party leaders want a war again. Stupid stunts like this one, if matched by continuing provocations on the part of the government in Beijing, will push even the diehard pacifist peaceniks in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to accept full-blown rearmament including nuclear weapons development.
I'm not the biggest fan of Abe Shinzo, but he was certainly on to something last year when he stated that the CCP's need for conflict was "deeply ingrained." Authoritarian governments are chronically insecure, certainly more so than democratic ones.
Perhaps an alternate method for Japan to consider in dealing with the CCP or other supporters, such as the newspaper, is to create a canned reply which emphasizes it's desire for cooperation, constructive dialogue, emphasizing leadership responsibilities in regional and world interactions focused on fostering and developing peaceful solutions to disputes and disagreements, and the desire to learn from the past while ensuring the security of Japan through diplomatic, cultural, social, technological, humanitarian, economic and military collective self defense. Strenuously responding and objecting to each outburst from the CCP and others is only feeding their appetite to raise tensions.
It seems that China is only country that wants a war the most. Japan wants as ordinary military as other countries have, with not only self defence force but collective force.
Well, there is a lot left out of this article, probably on purpose just to inflame readers, but just a couple comments;
I don’t think it’s inappropriate to show a map with mushroom clouds over Hiroshima and Nagasaki – you can find actual photos of the attacks and resulting destruction showing the same thing at museums and memorials in both cities– it’s in what context and with what amplifying verbiage accompanied the map. And since the advertisement/article has been taken down, we still don’t know. If the words accompanying the map were the somewhat typical communist government propaganda that Japan is a military threat and has failed to atone for its wartime conduct, then I’d say it was in extremely poor taste.
I also agree that this very small, regional publication likely does not reflect the desires of the central government, though the author may have thought it does. While China is engaged in a strategic information campaign against Japan, the leaders in the central government usually know what red lines not to cross – the atomic bombings being one of them. Some low level regional communist official on the other hand, thinking he may be impressing his superiors up the chain, may have thought otherwise. For those that know how rampant corruption and favoritism is in China, this is a plausible scenario.
As far as Kishida’s response, I wonder why he (and the government) didn't express an equivalent level of outrage when Toshio Tamogami and Shintaro Ishihara during the recent govenor's race, declared that the massacre of Chinese civilians by Japanese soldiers in Nanjing in 1937 “never happened”............oldman_13
And then the anti Japan crowd and nationalists continue to portray Japan as the "aggressor."
Truly shameless.
I'm beginning to suspect that China's strategy vis-a-vis Japan is to turn it into another India. In other words, a formidable country that China cannot really subordinate, but a country that can be kept on edge through border/maritime skirmishes and forced to expend resources and money on defense purposes. India's situation is much more difficult, because China supplies weapons and money to Pakistan, India's archenemy.
No doubt China's leaders would be delighted if it could supply weapons and money to a Pakistan-like state that constantly threatens Japan's territorial integrity and so forth. North Korea could have played that role at one time, but not anymore.
The ad is just stupid. We should be honest and just laugh at how dumb they are rather than pretending to be offended or infuriated. I think the Japan gov't probably shouldn't be giving an official reaction to a small newspaper advert, it just feeds these trolls.
Stop providing China the oxygen they need, because every time people reacted they will get plenty of oxygen and satisfaction out of this. The best way to defeat this kind of behaviour is to silence; media also need to play a major role in this. Nothing will change they will keep come up with new stuff day in day out just to piss everyone off. This actions only stop when the world leaders stop knocking on their doors looking for cheap labours, for now business as usual.
You claim to have Chinese friends and colleagues but are not aware that no newspaper exists in China without government control? I suggest you have them explain how things work in the PRC.
Chest-beating fools without a conscience.
Alejandro S. ArashiJul. 09, 2014 - 09:39AM JST Is this really newsworthy?
It wasn't but JT made it newsworthy by making it digital....who cares for local newspaper?
Just like he swore "everything is under control" in Fukushima ?
Who the hell are the editors at this Youth Daily Newspaper? This is just stupid. The insinuation of using nuclear weapons or the glorification of it is deplorable. The editors in charge of this need to be fired. IF there are higher up in China that allowed this stupidity to happen, they need to be fired and issue an apology for being insensitive.
Michael Grant
Wow, China, you have sunk to a new low!
Given the fact that the posting was taken down after the formal protest from the japanese consular in Chongqing, I would feel justified in thinking that the posting o the map of Japan with mushroom clouds above Hirosima and Nagasaki had nohing to do with the instructions from the central communist government. As someone from the audience of this newssite said, Japan would be better off leaving it at that.I have got the feeling that the patriotism-imbued history education in China has been paying off in a negative way, to my regret, that it goes a long way toward getting people's attention diverted from problems they have to tackle at home by making an enemy of japan to stoke the feeling of nationalism. I do hope the same phenomenon does not happen thanks to a change to the secondary history education conducted from the perspective of th rivisionist take on the last war.
Danny Nguyen
Very much this. That's the problem when you have a country full of low-IQ kids who don't have the balls to do whatever it takes to understand the world in a broader sense and then do something more constructive inside their own borders for a start: like fighting for better social conditions, a more transparent government, and more. Also like you said, blame the parents as well for being utter failures at teaching values as parents. They may shout out loud how Japan and the West are decadent, but I can only call it pure hypocrisy because one sometimes has to look in his/her own backyard. I read more than enough stories to see how China can get as bad, if not worse, as a decadent society.
One of these days, China will get on the wrong end because of their leaders' foolishness and the results will bear consequences for decades. Even the greatest countries of their respective time periods suffer badly when doing something reckless.
When I read this, I thought "Shallow editorializing in a news story; must be AFP." Sure enough...
China is not insane as these actions would indicate. My guess is that as their people begin to want more freedom, the establishment fears an overthrow. And there is no better way to create unity than to have a common enemy- real or not. I'm sure this is all very calculated.
What is worse? A generation of Children who do not know the details of the war, and are brought up with only the idea that "Japan is a pacifist country"
Or a generation (entire populace) who are brought up with repeated reminders of a terrible event that happened 80 years ago, and taught from a very young age to point at another country and blame them for everything, and told to believe that this said country just wants to start war all the time.
It doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out who will be the war loving aggressors out of those two groups.
This is all that it really is, little more than a desperate ploy by the CCP to divert attention from embarrassing events such as the Hong Kong pro-democracy marches (Macau is planning one as well, too) all in the guise of "patriotism".
Next time Japan's PM or high officials pay a visit to Yasukuni, and under the pretext of collectively honoring Japan's fallen soldiers -- you know they're going to do it in ever greater numbers from now on -- pay homage to those who were responsible for some of the most horrifyingly evil acts perpetrated in WWII against civilians and unarmed, surrendered soldiers, I will expect to see a tsunami of moral outrage and criticism directed against Japan in these commentaries. Surely the fact that Japan's highest government officials pay formal respect to torturers, mass murderers, human vivisectionists and gang rapists is way, way more offensive than some tabloid paper running a 'tasteless' advert. I mean, it's not like it's fabricated history, unlike some folks' contemptible attempts to minimize Japan's guilt by quibbling about the number of its victims or actually accusing the victims of lying. Surely, there is not even a question of comparison.
"As the only country to suffer 20 million dead at the hands of the Imperial Japanese Army, we cannot tolerate the continued Japanese government whitewashing of history." the Chinese public was quoted as saying.
Tasteless. But what do you expect of communist government propaganda.
Brian Wheway
China... "GROW UP" !!!! Jees what childish behaviour.
CGB Spender
There's no space for "common sense" in China's nationalist propaganda machine. It's great that low blows like these come to light quickly, as the rest of the world will see China's true face.
All these people commenting "Jeez China, grow up" are ignorant I guess, of the 20 million people Japan killed in China. And how the LEADERS of Japan continue to honor the war criminals who did it. One little paper in China puts atomic bomb symbols on a map and you guys are ready to condemn an entire country, Japan's Prime Minister honors war criminals responsible for millions of deaths and it barely makes the news or your notice. The hypocrisy is staggering.
20 million people? Time to ready up chappy, your figures surpass even those estimated by the Chinese government.
Slowguy2, perhaps they go to these places to worship ALL those who died in war, including civilians? There is NO glorification of war going on here. Abe has clearly expressed that Japan is still a pacifist nation.
The only country talking about going to war here is China. They are using past grudges to make the citizens think Japan is being aggressive, when it is all China. Look at how well you are doing with Thailand, and Philippines. Aggressors all the way
well, if you mean the Sino-Japanese war, then the numbers are beyond that. so yawn....done with you.
CHINA, grrrrrrrrr!! Past is past. Forgive and forget. Damage has been done. Many people has suffered from war. Move on!!
What on earth is wrong with these people? The Chinese media are well and truly bonkers... I thought North Korea was bad... China appears to be vying for the Most Loony Country Award.
Why don't we have an actual image of this map, before it was "conveniently" taken down? I would like to see what it looks like.
That being said, using something like mushroom clouds to mark the bombing areas in Japan is clearly in poor taste, but we have to keep in mind that both countries have done something to spark outrage towards each other. What about the yearly visits to Yasakuni Shrine by the Japanese Prime Minister, despite his awareness of the tensions it places on Japan-China relations? It's important to pay respect to Japan's war dead, but that respect shouldn't extend to its war criminals. These countries need to talk things out. The east of Asia could be a world power all its own if they would just TALK with each other and settle their differences.
As it is, having studied and enjoyed life in BOTH countries, I do understand China's perspective here. China faced a genocide at the hands of the Japanese military during WWII, that went and continues to go silenced. It's important to move on from the past, but I feel China is correct in that Japan has never really faced-up to that particularly massive war crime (even leaving it out of several history books that Japanese students learn from).
There's a lot of work both countries need to do, but Japan is far from innocent. Just hoping both countries can talk things out, that's all.
Stupid and tasteless, sure, but "ignorant"?
That's just a poor translation. What did Kishida say in Japanese?
'You claim to have Chinese friends and colleagues but are not aware that no newspaper exists in China without government control? I suggest you have them explain how things work in the PRC.'
Erm, I think they are aware of the situation in their country. Did it ever occur to you that they don't like certain policies of the CCP? Your posts are usually filled with febrile anti-China rants but are not usually that moronic. A step back and a few deep breaths often does the trick for me.
This is not the first map that a Chinese newspaper has published proposed nuke attacks on a country. Here is the one with the proposed bombing of the USA by nuclear missile-equipped submarines:
Here is a link to another interesting article, pertinent to the OT:
For some reason, I do not think Japan apologizing about past war behaviors/crimes will lead to China toning down its aggressive rhetoric and actions involving other countries in the area.
You know what is incredible?
Well, it's simple, the People's Republic of China (Communist China) paid posters actually think that people are falling for their bunk!
Sad for them, but really funny for us......
Interesting couple of sentences you've thrown together there. I certainly hope you are NOT trying to teach the Chinese about free speech because you obviously know nothing about it. Invoking the concept of Freedom of Speech, and then telling people they can't say what they object to or protest about it is... contradictory, to say the least.
"Shoganai" is not the appropriate attitude with regards to hate-mongering. Anyone who remains silent about unacceptable speech is an accomplice after the fact. Just because someone has the right of free speech does not prohibit others from taking exception with regards to that speech.
@Mr JapanJUL. 09, 2014 - 09:02AM JST japan should admit past wrongdoing.
FYI, Japan did not drop A-Bomb so Japan can not admit A-bomb dropping Wrongdoing.
"China drummed and drummed but the army wouldn't stop marching".
For a start @asianhometown, Japan never started world war 2, and I doubt it very much they have the capability to start any world war. I think the focus should be more on the Islamists, not the Japanese. Secondly, if I was to publish a map of Germany with the Swartz sticker and a photo of Hitler, there would be a global uprising. How about we publish a map of china with "Free Tibet" slogans and dead babies in the gutter (female of course due to the value of males over there). How would they react?? I think the Chinese government (as I refuse to put all Chinese into the same basket) are demonstrating generational hatred for a country that dates way back into the dynasty days. I doubt that WWII has a lot to do with the continued issues facing Japanese/Chinese relations.
Why do some Japanese all the sudden get so sensitive over this? It was 70 years ago. Didn't they always say this whenever China or SK complain about something?
@anotherdayJUL. 10, 2014 - 02:44PM JST Why do some Japanese all the sudden get so sensitive over this? It was 70 years ago. Didn't they always say this whenever China or SK complain about something?
I am a Japanese so I let you know that I am not sensitive. I want Chinese artist made more realistic mushroom cloud on Hiroshima,.
All sudden? China is the one created this picture 'All Sudden".
China thinks they've been “too tolerant of Japan for more than 40 years?" They keep on digging into the past and making tensions between the countries worse but act like they forget the $1.2 billion they receive from Japan every year. Yeah "too tolerant" right.
What ABE and his cronies did is NOT re-interpretation of the law... It was a total disregard to a SACRED OATH (Article 9) made by people who realized war is not an answer to any dispute.
@toshiko, It is good not to be too sensitive, so one can take a more objective view and seek answer to why did the thing happened. How does the general public in Japan make connection between Yasukuni and A-bomb?
Respect is always reciprocal. The "all the sudden' refers to while Japan always tells China and SK to get over and move on from WWII, it actually CAN NOT get over with itself on A-bomb in WWII and move on.
Ah, the The Chongqing Youth Daily. China's version of the National Inquirer, The Courier-Mail, and the Yukan Fuji. With Nationalism!!
@anotherday: I believe white round and tailed 3 cloud vertically on Hiroshima City will be more impressive to younger Japanese who were too young or were not born during WW II will enable to arise their learning of horrible time in Japan than phony too wide blue mushroom cloud on 5 prefectures (Chugoku Chiho). Generation gaps, maybe. My age people are not sensitive after we were scared of Kempeitais' eyes. You wrote Yasukuni, FYI, Northern people, especially Fukushiima people do not like Yasukuni as ancestor dead samurais at Boshin Wars were not enshrined. Aizu people. Will you read Aizu, Byakko-tai on WikiPedia or Boshin War to find not all Japanese worship Yasukuni.
Since this is about Chinese picture, I hope they correct their strange mushroom cloud picture so that Japanese people will start learning about horrible war Japan did. Also, they will learn about pikadon-children in Nagasaki. Amb Kennedy visited them, Maybe you think I don't know WW II?
@toshiko: Boshin war is an interesting Japanese civil war. How to interpret it is totally Japanese internal affair. I can understand that northeastern people in Japan have a rift with the southwestern people, just like the American civil war between north and south or similar wars in China. The hot issue with Yasukuni is not about the Japanese civil wars, but the wars that Japan took on to other nations and honoring those convicted WWII war criminals. Even Hirohito and his family understand this controversy well, so as not to visit it, although Yasukuni is dedicated to them. If Japanese government cannot see the problem here, nobody can help.
War is horrible regardless what weapon is used. It is the mentality and thought behind those wars that people should pay attention to, so as to avoid war in the future. Artistic reproduction does not matter.
@anotherday: Don't think all current Japanese love wars. You don't have to tell all Japanese that we love war and rever Yasukuni. We are not dumb who do not read essay magazines such as Shincho, Chuo Koron, etc and a majority of Japanese know details of wars than you write about us.
Back to topic, the phony pictures of mushroom cloud, you may think good but Japanese people will just dismiss instead of thinking about WW II. When Yasukuni ignorant gaijin write connecting Pikadon and Yasukuni, they just ignore instead of thinking about WW II. .
Article 9 was never written to mean that Japan should remain defenseless and do nothing if they are attacked. Seems China has misinterpreted the meaning. It simply means you can't go invading other countries. Adopting collective defense, a right recognized by the United Nations, is merely an extension of Defense.
The official English translation] of the article 9 is:
ARTICLE 9. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. To accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized
GHQ did not want but SCAP wanted. Then Japanese Govt wanted to include. I notice some comment writers mention Article 9 differently than Article 9 we know, so I copied official English version. In past, there were movement to amend this Article 9 but failed each time. So, clever Kitaoka influenced Abe to use re-interpretation, and forget to try to amending. (shin-kaishaku)
Refer WikiPedia Article 9 Japanese Constitution. Japanese version has plenty detail on Interpretation and new interpretation beside history of article . USA wanted Japan to change constitution at Korean War time, PM Shigeru Yoshida requested and demanded to then opposition party, Japan Socialist Party, to create Article 9 amendment opposition movement.Japan did not want to go to war in Korea. Article 9 was not created as sacred oath. GHQ (Gen Mac and Kadis) did not want. SCAP wanted and Article 9 was added. When new Constitution was created, Japanese people were still not used to democracy or free open thinking yet, We were used to keep mouth shut yet. GHQ did not like wording of Article 9 because self defence of own country is right of each country. There are many hidden story of background of Article 9. Mac's top Aide had his Japanese lover's influence, She was used by then Japanese Govt to preside to entertain GHQ officials. It took many more years for Japanese Govt to stop using women instead of diplomatic negotiations, So, Article 9 could not be sacred oath. Just given to Japanese.
Don't waste your time Japan, make nuclear bombs now and new tec to punch-through China's new 5,000 mile long nuclear proof underground tunnel system, that can move 100drs of thousands of troops tanks/weapons forward, in different directions, away from the attack. They also house the Gov in nuclear wars. As it stands now, china thinks their country is so big, that any nuclear bomb reply would be useless. You need to spend billions on finding bunkers and tunnels INTEL, and people that build them now and in the past. And tec to get nuclear weapons inside them.
China has got a power overload to their micro brains, and reached a point knowing they could not be cut off 8 years ago. That is when we have seen them lying outright about building up, and attack/types of weapons, then busted later, along with then massive hacking. They know we 100% know, but know the west is also dumb, if they are going to no punishes them at all. Makes you wonder if America wants a massive war. If they think they're safe, then America has anything coming within 30 years time.
China is just using media control of brain was there people as a proper gander, it's like Hitler all over. If you can read my past post, you will find 1 where I said China will post japan / America's attack all in the papers on on tv, when they're ready for war to brain wash their people. 2 weeks after, China has done that, and has showed japan crimes and the A BOMB over japan. In 10 years "if that" they will show the A1-BOMBED and showed this stuff about America, and the west.
What we are seeing is way beyond a warning, it's what it is and that is a country that murder 1000s of their people each year, with =-= going missing, building up on a massive scale as if they need hi tech weapons ASAP. The X rule is now running there military as the top generals and power and reality has gone from their brains. They know what they're building and are pre-planing everything for a massive war. The weapons there building and massive unseen underground nuclear proof sub base tunnels, are all built for 1 thing.
We have seen china building up "at first" on a massive scale, then we have seen them save up $5+ trillion and started a massive hacking campaign "8 years" after growing big and rich. This was only because the massive amount of billions they spend on making weapons, was a waist. You can give anyone $10 billion dollars, but this takes more than that, it takes time to learn how to make tec / hi tec weapons. China has saved up the trillions and will hack all the tec why spending billions to get it, then once on par and they know the TEC, they will pull out $5 trillion dollars and build up on a massive unseen scale. I AM 100% CORRECT AND IT IS WHAT THERE DOING.
In 20 - 30 years time, china will have $50+++ billion in the bank, and can build up 4* bigger then America, and fund there war for 15+ years "even" if there cut off from the world markets.
Yada yada yada...and the crap still goes on. China is trying to get a rise out of Japan. Don't play into their hands.
If, like the Chinese leadership, I was corruptly robbing my own people to the tune of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars, I would definitely spend a lot of time and effort distracting attention by highlighting a historical bogeyman who presents no genuine threat to my territoral sovreignty whatsoever.
What a pity, due to State censorship, that Chinese readers won't be able to judge these comments as right or wrong...