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© KYODOCross-party Japanese lawmaker group plans to visit China in late August
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""A cross-party group of Japanese lawmakers is planning a visit to China in late August, sources close to the matter said, in an effort to boost momentum for improving the strained ties between the two Asian neighbors.""
Best news to come out of Tokyo in a while, Keep Talking Boys and Girls as I said before all other alternatives are UGLY, not to mention things will be totally different if Mr. Trump wins the WH.
With Nikai at the helm, this trip will likely do more harm than good.
The result will probably be concessions from the LDP, and lies from the CCP.
The usual non-Japanese posters here are going to kick up a stink. Let Japan make its own decisions. This isn't your country.
Good idea
Yeah, he may just be taking orders from Peking via phone call. No need for in person meetings.
he may just be taking orders from Peking via phone call. No need for in person meetings.
Do you know many Japanese has strong resentment over Americans? Especially the conducts and crimes in Okinawa done by US military personnels!
It's definitely less than the resentment felt by many Chinese and Koreans towards the Japanese, especially over the conduct and crimes done by their military personnel.