Japan Today

Amid tensions with Japan, S Korea to boost world awareness on wartime sex abuses

By Soyoung Kim and Hyonhee Shin

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South Korea is committed to advancing relations with Japan but will step up efforts to share with the world its experience of Japanese wartime atrocities, including sexual violence against its women, Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha told Reuters.

Ambidextrous lips, an amazing feat! Wonder how many years these politicians have to train to get it right?

15 ( +22 / -7 )

Seventy four years, come on even the West doesn't mention the Holocaust anymore, we have issues in this day of emissions, pollution, over population, deforestation, and animal welfare, a real country like China, doesn't go on about the past, and create bad feeling, we only have One Planet, so planning is very important.

25 ( +31 / -6 )

Oh yes please, play that game.

While you're at it, don't forget how Korean families sold their daughters and how the Korean government knew these victims were there and refused compensation for them when Japan asked whether people should be compensated. If you contribute, contribute everything.

Never forget how the Koreans shamelessly betrayed their own kin and then have the nerve to plaster the whole responsibility on Japan.

Of course, there are Koreans who know this and seek compensation from their own government, which I find important and right.

The more this goes on, the more it seems both sides are using this for votes - this is just a hunch though.

19 ( +32 / -13 )

The SK economy is shaky so Moon his govt ( following the previous Govmt policy ) are distracting their public fromt he REAL econmic problems beating this dead horse.

21 ( +31 / -10 )

Just drop it.

19 ( +27 / -8 )

The Japanese could avoid this by treating their neighbors with respect.

-19 ( +11 / -30 )

In Japan, there many peace museums and parks for memorizing the WWII, but all of them just emphasize the tragedy and damage of Japanese civilians by the Atomic bombs, never explaining the causes of it, never mentioning the victims from other countries including Korea. Japanese think they were the victim of the WWII, just trying to modernize, industrialize and protect Korea from the western powers. Now they are angry at the ungratefulness of Koreans.

-12 ( +12 / -24 )

I know let's delve into the worst things humans do, rather than the best, let's read about horrible things in Newspapers every day till we all feel like awful, and go to work like we should and promise it will never happen again by telling everyone exactly what happened 74 years ago, and maybe a few pictures of the Holocaust, so we can work together in the future.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

A little rich for South Korea to be droning on yet again about the “comfort woman” issue, especially given that the modern republic is one of the major human trafficking hubs in the world.

18 ( +24 / -6 )

So let's follow the votes,the money,the power of the Judiciary, or is it a foreign power that gains from this growing rift ?

The feud has deepened in recent months

Is it incompetence or is it on purpose, or as one famous pilot once said;"What is the purpose of your ACT ? "

3 ( +5 / -2 )

No matter what Japan does or doesn't do, this issue is never going to end.

16 ( +21 / -5 )

This kind of move just shows SK government has been doing this comfort woman thins with political motives. As long as they are using this issue to boost their approval rating, the issue won't go anywhere. I kinda feel sorry for actual comfort women who have been politically exploited for a long time.

It is almost funny to see someone think this issue could have been solved if Japan has showed some "respect" ( whatever it is).

11 ( +17 / -6 )


Japan has been apologizing and compensating a lot for 2 decades. It seem very enough for Japan did. S Korean government really accept it and move on and better start to resolve your problems for Vietnamese victims.

10 ( +18 / -8 )

The tittle should read "S Korea to boost world awareness on being eternally butthurt"

Seriously, just drop it already. Teach your history but freaking start worrying about the freaking present and how to improve it. And addressing problems like I don't know, maybe awareness on the spy cameras pervs are putting everywhere, discrimination that women still face at the workplace, sexual assaults in your olympic teams, etc. But then again, that would be trying to do something that could they could actually fix or at least improve.

12 ( +18 / -6 )


This kind of move just shows SK government has been doing this comfort woman thins with political motives. As long as they are using this issue to boost their approval rating, the issue won't go anywhere. I kinda feel sorry for actual comfort women who have been politically exploited for a long time.

Yes. It is partially true. There do exist some politicians and groups that utilize the anti-Japanese sentiment for their interest, and some mindless chauvinists following them. An example is the present mayor of Seoul city. But most S. Koreans condemn those political or financial motivations, especially in the sex slave issues because there still are survived victims who can remember vividly the past with pain.

A big difference is that the majority of Japanese are brainwashed by those politically-motivated Japanese leaders who distort the history to instigate anti-Korean sentiment, cheering them up.

-12 ( +8 / -20 )

Japan has apologized literally dozens of times starting in the 50’s to Abe’s 2015 address at the UN assembly.


9 ( +16 / -7 )

This is an outrage,

This issue if done properly could have been used to further women’s rights, war time rape, and the pandemic of world sex trafficking.

…but no, they rather politicize the issue to further push their economic war against japan.

This utterly pathetic of the side of South Korean Government.

14 ( +17 / -3 )


Loot at wikipedia


In 1993 Cabinet chief adviser Kono, Ryohei started official apology for the fist time. After 1993 every former prime minister properly admitted it and have apologized until today except Abe administration, Especially Murayama and Miyaza did well. Japan made Asian Women fund for the comfort women and compensated to S Koreans.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

This is what prime minister Murayama said in 1995 (https://www.mofa.go.jp/announce/press/pm/murayama/9508.html)

"During a certain period in the not too distant past, Japan, following a mistaken national policy, advanced along the road to war, only to ensnare the Japanese people in a fateful crisis, and, through its colonial rule and aggression, caused tremendous damage and suffering to the people of many countries, particularly to those of Asian nations. In the hope that no such mistake be made in the future, I regard, in a spirit of humility, these irrefutable facts of history, and express here once again my feelings of deep remorse and state my heartfelt apology. Allow me also to express my feelings of profound mourning for all victims, both at home and abroad, of that history."

This is what prime minister Koizumi said in 2005 (https://www.mofa.go.jp/announce/announce/2005/8/0815.html)

"In the past, Japan, through its colonial rule and aggression, caused tremendous damage and suffering to the people of many countries, particularly to those of Asian nations. Sincerely facing these facts of history, I once again express my feelings of deep remorse and heartfelt apology, and also express the feelings of mourning for all victims, both at home and abroad, in the war. I am determined not to allow the lessons of that horrible war to erode, and to contribute to the peace and prosperity of the world without ever again waging a war."

13 ( +15 / -2 )

First and foremost, stop calling them Kankoku (韓国). Call them Minami Chosen(南朝鮮)just like the rest of the world does.

The rest of the world calls them( 南韓国) South Korea, not Minami Chosen(南朝鮮), and never, ever, make the mistake of calling someone from North Korea as being from anywhere other than 朝鮮 Chosen, because they will get awfully mad at you if you do!

0 ( +5 / -5 )

You don't need to go wikipedia or whatever News articles to find what Japan said about the war...

6 ( +8 / -2 )


These are other links.



A big difference is that the majority of Japanese are brainwashed by those politically-motivated Japanese leaders who distort the history to instigate anti-Korean sentiment, cheering them up.

Funny, that is exactly the same way that the Japanese people think the Korean people are.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

just trying to modernize, industrialize and protect Korea from the western powers. Now they are angry at the ungratefulness of Koreans.

And the reason this happens is because the government for 70 plus years continues to whitewash historical narratives in school textbooks. The 'japan never does any wrong' crowd on here continue to drone on about past apologies all the while ignoring this very large elephant in the room. Can any of them imagine the backlash Germany would have received if they claimed apologies all the while denying the atrocities they committed in their school curriculum? I'll leave this here.


Think long and hard about that.

-7 ( +8 / -15 )

The biggest hypocrisy is this;

Seoul would take a "two-track approach" to resolve the historical disputes while boosting cooperation on North Korea and security.

Basically what they are saying is ROK will continue demanding historical disputes against Japan WHILE simultaneously request monetary assistance from Japan to fund unification of Korean peninsula so Korea AS A WHOLE can demand historical disputes.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

YubaruToday  10:43 am JST

*First and foremost, stop calling them Kankoku (韓国). Call them Minami Chosen(南朝鮮)just like the rest of the world does.*

The rest of the world calls them( 南韓国) South Korea, not Minami Chosen(南朝鮮), and never, ever, make the mistake of calling someone from North Korea as being from anywhere other than 朝鮮 Chosen, because they will get awfully mad at you if you do!

The rest of the world calls the ROK "South Korea" ie; Minami Chosen 南朝鮮.

Your Minami Kankoku 南韓国is "Southern ROK". That is not what the rest of the world calls the ROK.

The rest of the world calls the DPRK "North Korea", ie; Kita Chosen 北朝鮮.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

The rest of the world calls the ROK "South Korea" ie; Minami Chosen 南朝鮮.

Your Minami Kankoku 南韓国is "Southern ROK". That is not what the rest of the world calls the ROK.

The rest of the world calls the DPRK "North Korea", ie; Kita Chosen 北朝鮮

You keep on banging on this as if it has any relevance. Problems such as these will not be resolved by cash payments and half empty apologies. As long as japanese governments continue to perpetuate the distortion of historical narratives in schools, this issue will persist till the end of time. And seeing as most of the naysayers never return a rebuttal, is it safe to assume that you support the policy of historical revisionism?

-12 ( +6 / -18 )

Compare the distortions in Japanese and Korean school textbooks and I think everyone will agree that even if the Japanese ones are less than absolutely perfect, the widely-known Korean distortions are much more aggressive, obvious and extreme.

(I believe that in China too, WWII experiences at the hands of the IJA are taught vividly and repeatedly so that it is still alive in Chinese minds.)

I do not think anyone here is trying to justify Japan's actions up to WWII, rather people want to express their frustration at SK's repeated whacking at the old wasps' nest.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

You've got to wonder why Germany now has good relations with its former enemies. Anything to do with the fact that it has faced its past directly and taught its children the truth and all its nastiness in a bid to never repeat history and to look forward to peace with its neighbours?

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

As noted above, successive prime ministers had since 1995 expressed their regrets over Japan's brutal rule of Korea. Abe, backed by Japan's right-wing has fostered a reverse course. It is not outrightly blatant denial. Rather, much of it is dousing the issue with euphemisms, obfuscation and defacto censorship.

As this article shows, questions of Japanese wartime guilt are not going away. South Korea is seeing to that. What has changed from previous years is that now South Korea is rich and truly democratic. It cannot be intimidated any longer and it has the resources to widely publicize what was done to it by Japan.

Within Japan, the right-wing is strong. Outside Japan it is not. And it is outside Japan where the world is learning the truth about Japanese colonialism.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

Indeed, Japans Head of State has apologised, as has Japanese Prime Ministers.

But, when a country allows sound trucks, filled with stupidly dressed people, screaming out hate for Korean people, what are people supposed to think.

It's like apologising and then saying that we are not really that sorry. That's how it looks.

If Japan was truly sorry, it would put a stop to these clowns making such a racket. That how it looks.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

This is frankly becoming ridiculous,Korea is making itself a joke in front of the international media.

Japan should totally ignore these whiners,time to move on.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

2015 Korea, live up to your signed agreements.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Everytime I read a write up about SK and this comfort woman issue. I can not get all the way through the read.

The only thing that comes to mind is that beating a dead horse meme. Move on already.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

This happened over 70 years ago. Japan has paid several large lump sums in compensation. There has been two prior treaty agreements on this issue by both governments and each stipulated there would be no more compensation. This trout really needs to let it go and get a new platform! She is just playing on he sentiments of SK to gain voting favor.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

it's valid to point out unfairness and double standard. 

That's my point exactly. Pointing out japans proud tradition of historical revisionism in schools is valid.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )


Indeed, Japans Head of State has apologised, as has Japanese Prime Ministers.

The Japan's head of the state never apologized. His latest statement was "痛惜の念" in 1990, which sounded to Koreans as derision rather than apology. Why is it so difficult for him to apologize straightforwardly? Because Japanese believe he did apologize?

This kind of attitude and the consistent denial and distortion of history is the major cause of all animosity between the 2 countries.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Kang said South Korea was seeking to host an international conference on sexual violence in conflict in the first half of this year.

want to host? mind your own business.

"We feel we have a lot to contribute to the discussion because we have the history of the comfort women and the victims," she said in an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Yes. only if you thoroughly highlights what S.K has done in Vietnam and on your own country women after WW2.

"The conference is not to address (the comfort women) issue per se, but to make sure that their historical experience is not lost, and (is) registered in the international efforts to really come to terms with this issue," Kang said.

Cared to cushion the blow by carefully choosing words and phrase ? Not working. Obviously breaching what was agreed in 2015 by making a fuss yet again at Int'l stage especially when you willingly host the conference.

Admit you officially scrapped 2015 agreement.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

But, when a country allows sound trucks, filled with stupidly dressed people, screaming out hate for Korean people, what are people supposed to think.

You're totally right about that but that's only half the truth. Just as these idiots go around their black vans around Tokyo and Azabu spreading that hatred, you will also see an amount of cops around the streets watching these goons and making sure they don't go bananas on anyone. As well as counter marches of people walking alongside the road on the opposite side, telling them to get their racist behinds back to their room. There was also the J-courts siding to the North Korean school against harassment from those Japanese right-wing nuts. Even some politicians would stand up to them like, and this is insanely ironic, former mayor of Osaka, Toru Hashimoto.

None of that, the stuff that actually matters, action, ever makes it to the Korean news. But a politician visits a shrine or yes I know, say something stupid (foot in the mouth syndrome), lo and behold, Japan needs to pay for their crimes.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

You're totally right about that but that's only half the truth

Should have stopped before the but for everything afterwards sounds like excuses for bad behaviour. Placating racist behaviour is far from complete eradication. Try again.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

As a first statement, I have no love for the Japanese right-wing. Their attitude to women, their homophobia, their revisionism, their xenophobia: I detest it.

But they do not represent all Japanese. The Japanese I've met have all been aware of their wartime atrocities. They've compared their country then to Nazi Germany or North Korea, a horrific regime that was a danger to everyone around them.

Unfortunately, their democracy is broken. Because of its flaws, it is almost impossible for anyone other than the ruling coalition to take power, and of course the ruling coalition have no interest in fixing the system. So please don't consider statements made by this right-wing government to be indicative of the feelings of the average Japanese.

Second, Japan should make a payment for the 'comfort women' and let the matter drop. I'd really like it if Abe and company could stop with the revisionist statements, but I'm more likely to see pigs flying past the window.

Third, South Korea's statement that they are committed to improving relations Japan while simultaneously reminding the world of the terrible truth about their crimes is political posturing of the worst kind. If you want to start a poison PR campaign about someone then that's your right, but at least have the courage to not try and frame it as part of 'improving relations'. It's a bit like Vietnam saying "We are committed to improving relations with South Korea while telling the world about the war crimes they have yet to express any remorse for", y'know?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

And the reason this happens is because the government for 70 plus years continues to whitewash historical narratives in school textbooks. 

All nations whitewash their history, including Korea. They have never faced up to their own history. The USA is another example where whitewashing takes place, even though many try to make it otherwise.

Grow up and look forward. This always looking backward and blaming other countries for crimes in another century only leads to nationalism and war.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

I find it odd that many of those who support the #MeToo movement just as vehemently defend Japan regarding this issue, repeating the points that the governments signed an agreement x years ago, Japan apologized x number of times and that the issue is too old for anyone to care anymore.

I'd like to remind you people that these women were the victims of very personal crimes by a military well known for committing some of the worst atrocities against anyone in all of recorded human history.

Given the fact that Japan still refuses to accept the reality of things which most people accept as fact such as the rape of Nanking, is it such a leap to accept that some direct victims of similar atrocities may still be alive, may not be represented nor consoled by whatever deal two governments struck decades ago, and may want Japan to actually atone for its sins like Germany did?

If you think these womens' plight ought to be forgotten I would say that you need to rethink exactly where you stand on human rights. Just because these women are old and the number of survivors is shrinking does not mean we should accept that governments conspired to buy them off for a few thousand dollars in hush money. The same people who bash Japan Inc for its hush money practices are telling these women and the nation of korea itself to shut up and be happy with the hush money. Grow some spines and stand up for what is right, or at least don't let Japan try to rewrite history as it is currently doing with it's most undemocratic government in recent memory.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

@paradoxbox: no one is disagreeing with you, but the matter was settled forever in 2015 in which both countries signed. Japan said sorry yet again and paid compensation money. The SK government wants to claim now they didn't sign this and keep the issue open. I'm not saying we should forget, but let's look forward please.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

the matter was settled forever in 2015 in which both countries signed.

This is where I have a problem with S. Korea's continued protestations.

They totally Trumped by agreeing to the deal, then suddenly pulling the rug out from under it. I can't respect anything their government says about the matter anymore, as a result. This even though I was a supporter of the Korean position on the matter until they reneged on the agreement.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

South Korea, under a former conservative administration, previously agreed to refrain from raising the comfort women issue in the international community, including the United Nations, as part of a 2015 deal with Japan under which Tokyo apologized to victims and provided 1 billion yen ($9.11 million) to a fund to help them.

36 in 47 alive victims already received 10 million yen per one and 62 families in passed 199 victims received 20 million yen per one from the fund foundation. It looks like most already received money.


9 ( +9 / -0 )


36 in 47 alive victims already received 10 million yen per one and 62 families in passed 199 victims received 2 million yen per one from the fund foundation. It looks like most already received money.


8 ( +8 / -0 )

The problem is that Japan has said "sorry" but has not taken a position of educating their nation about what they actually did. Is it in the history books? Are there museums set up to allow the Japanese public to see what happened? No. Japan says "sorry" and pays money hoping it all goes away, unlike Germany, which has taken a very proactive stance in publicly and forcefully denouncing what happened and setting up access to information so that it hopefully doesn't happen again. Japan's own sense of shame and disgrace is what's preventing the two sides from getting any closer. But one thing the Koreans and Chinese don't fully understand is that the Japanese aren't necessarily anti-Chinese or anti-Korean. Japanese men treat their own (Japanese women) the same - with an attitude of superiority. You think Japanese women are the ones that wanted to build a world class porn industry? You think Japanese women are the ones who love to be groped by men without consequence? Of course not. Japanese men already don't treat Japanese women well, you think women from another country would fair any better? Regardless of whether women were enslaved or were prostitutes.. Japan doesn't even want to admit that their "honorable" men slept with a lot of women who are not their dear wives during the war. What honor - and it was run by the military, be they brothels or sex slaves.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

If only Japan just separated the common people from the evil, sadistic bast#rds who started the war, it would have been all clean and easy. But guess what, evil bast#rds have run and still run the government. That is the problem.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

In all fairness, I can understand why the Koreans/Chinese still protest. It's personal, it's raw, I get it. Unfortunately, they will never get what they want from Japan. And nothing Japan ever does will give them closure. It sucks, but the more they dwell on the past, the more bitter and enraged they'll become. Unlike some peoples' tones about "just get over it already", I fully empathize with what has happened. If they don't try to look forward and to see that this generation isn't THAT generation, they are only hurting and cutting themselves deeper. Using a very incomparable analogy, if you let that guy who just cut you off in traffic piss you off so bad that you are driving like a maniac... you might end up being the one losing your life by driving blindly and recklessly. But let's call a spade a spade, this whole thing is political. The people on the street are a different matter in all countries concerned. In the U.S., even the Hatfields and McCoys finally stopped their generational conflict.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Will GoodeToday 07:33 am JST

Seventy four years, come on even the West doesn't mention the Holocaust anymore...

It certainly gets mentioned whenever anyone dares criticise Israel.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Regarding 2015 pact both S Korea and Japan signed and 1965 Treaty and Agreement both S Korea and Japan signed. If S Korea is such a state that easily scraps very diplomatic treaty, agreement, pack, whatever it is, No doubt S Korean government would be untrustworthy on coming agreements/pacts in the future.

8 ( +8 / -0 )



36 in 47 alive victims already received 10 million yen per one and 62 families in passed 199 victims received 2 million yen per one from the fund foundation. It looks like most already received money.


What is your point here?

The former president of S. Korea is now in jail, and that is one of reasons why her regime was toppled by the power of the S. Korean people. Her government coerced the victims and their families to receive the money without getting any formal apology from the Japanese government.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

This is pure incompetence in the Korean Government,

There is a memorial in Berlin for the memory of the victims of the Nazis. The memorial is small its message is simple, like 2 sentences. It doesn’t put blame or shame it doesn’t mention countries, religions or races but it works, its effective, if you go there it will move you to tears.

This is the opposite of what the Korean Government is doing. Its trying to exploit victims so that one group of people can bring shame and harm on another group people.

If this isn’t state sponsored ethnocentric hate-mongering I don’t know what is.

Who ever is leading this PR fiasco in the government should go back to marketing 101 and learn how to sell properly.

 Because if this forum with all the liberals in here is any measurement, then this Korean PR boondoggle has failed miserably and backfired.

10 ( +11 / -1 )


Regarding 2015 pact both S Korea and Japan signed and 1965 Treaty and Agreement both S Korea and Japan signed. If S Korea is such a state that easily scraps very diplomatic treaty, agreement, pack, whatever it is, No doubt S Korean government would be untrustworthy on coming agreements/pacts in the future.

Do you mean that the Japanese government is trustworthy as they attacked Pearl Harbor without declaration of war? Uh Oh, let's study what kind of the Japanese logic is here:

The Japanese argue that this was not a breach of the prohibition on undeclared attacks as the decision to go to war was not made until immediately prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor. 


Yes. Japan is a marvelously trustworthy country in the world. Perfect!

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

The problem is that Japan has said "sorry" but has not taken a position of educating their nation about what they actually did. Is it in the history books? Are there museums set up to allow the Japanese public to see what happened? No.

Is there a My Lai massacre museum? Are US atrocities and Vietnamese deaths highlighted in US text books? No. People keep talking about the Germans and how they highlight the Holocaust. They are the only country in the world that makes so much of their past sins against others, partly because it was so outstanding, and partly because of their geo-political situation.

People keep asking Japan to atone for war crimes that are, terrible as they are, not all that exceptional as war crimes. Even while their own countries (Korea, China, etc.) continue to whitewash their own histories.

The whole thing stinks of hypocrisy.

12 ( +13 / -1 )


Is there a My Lai massacre museum? Are US atrocities and Vietnamese deaths highlighted in US text books? No. People keep talking about the Germans and how they highlight the Holocaust. They are the only country in the world that makes so much of their past sins against others, partly because it was so outstanding, and partly because of their geo-political situation.

People keep asking Japan to atone for war crimes that are, terrible as they are, not all that exceptional as war crimes. Even while their own countries (Korea, China, etc.) continue to whitewash their own histories.

The whole thing stinks of hypocrisy.

Another marvelously spectacular Japanese logic. Good job!

-6 ( +4 / -10 )


My point is I'm just telling the truth that the fund foundation did good job. This Nikkei news was written in 2017. 2 years ago. It really sounds like coup d'etat happened in S Korea as former president is now jailed and other staffs are maybe in jail. Who cares about it! This is completely domestic matter of S Korea, isn't it? Japan has nothing to do with this matter. As far as I know, almost all former presidents were jailed due to crimes in the past. Unbelievable! but I'm not surprised. Sometimes present S Korean president seems a criminal after he leaves office/sudden resigned. You have really malicious intentions, that's why you and S Koreans try to scrap good things. No better future.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Minami Chosen 南朝鮮.

When has anyone ever heard SK be called Minami-Chosen.....like never!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

When has anyone ever heard SK be called Minami-Chosen.....like never!

Yes, I heard it. Old Japanese people used to hear Minami Chosen in 1960s -early 70s? S Korean Government changed its name to Kankoku (S Korea). It didn't like the name of Minami Chosen, maybe its enemy is Kita Chosen. Both sound like same country.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

There is nothing Japan can do to improve relations with South Korea. Even if a "formal" apology is given, it will not be accepted as "sincere".

9 ( +12 / -3 )


Who cares about it! This is completely domestic matter of S Korea, isn't it? Japan has nothing to do with this matter.

You care about it, don't you? This is a typical Japanese logic. It is always marvelous.

BTW, I call it an oxymoron.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

@Comanteer Was there an entire generation of young people plus other segments of society who opposed the vietnam war and allnit represented. Yes. Was there even a generation of Japanese who opposed, protestwd and spoke out against the occupation of Asia by the Japanese army? I'll wait for your response. Take ur time. No rush.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Another marvelously spectacular Japanese logic. Good job!

I am not Japanese, but logic is logic. And I notice you said nothing to refute it. "Typical Japanese logic" is simply an ad hominem.

6 ( +10 / -4 )


I am not Japanese, but logic is logic. And I notice you said nothing to refute it. "Typical Japanese logic" is simply an ad hominem.

Another genius logic! In the world, only Japanese people eat Japanese sushi, and westerners never can think with a Japanese logic. Great! Admittedly, I have nothing to refute.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Furan: "Never forget how the Koreans shamelessly betrayed their own kin and then have the nerve to plaster the whole responsibility on Japan."

Never forget that you guys place ZERO blame on Japan, and in fact some of you speak almost thankfully about a benevolent IJA that gave gainful employment to willing prostitutes. It is amazing that you guys are so utterly hateful of South Korea that you are actually against spreading awareness of sexual abuse.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

South Korea is doing nothing but hurting their best interests, and especially for any surviving real women from WWII. Most of you above said it already. It's pathetic how some of these South Korean politicians act about this. Pitiful.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

 nations whitewash their history, including Korea. 

With this classic logic one would excuse almost all human atrocities perpetrated by rogue nations. So and so does it so it makes it okay. Please, try again.

Never forget that you guys place ZERO blame on Japan, and in fact some of you speak almost thankfully about a benevolent IJA that gave gainful employment to willing prostitutes. It is amazing that you guys are so utterly hateful of South Korea that you are actually against spreading awareness of sexual abuse.

Best not to make sense of this kind of thought process. Large doses of cognitive dissonance play a huge part.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Grow up and look forward. This always looking backward and blaming other countries for crimes in another century only leads to nationalism and war.

This isn't the first time I've read your comments and said: hell yeah!

In that case, we don't need holocaust remembrance days now, do we? Look forward, forget about it, right?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

S. Korean Government should stop playing political game with those unfortunate women. Those war times comfort women were sold by their parents and some was already working as a prostitute in Korea. Those war times prostitutes' lives were not miserable condition and they have 100% freedom. They managed their income and they were not serving soldiers for free. They can go out and buy what they like.

It was based on the information obtained from the interrogation of twenty Korean "comfort girls" and two Japanese civilians captured around the tenth of August, 1944 in the mopping up operations after the fall of Myitkyina in Burma by American Military.

Some peoples are afraid of speaking out the truth and scaring of some group of self-righteous peoples pointing finger at them. Peoples who couldn't accept the truth are cowardice and dishonest.

Here's website the information about the US Army force interrogation of Korean women and Japanese women. It was real time statement from Korean women.


7 ( +10 / -3 )

Welcome to Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace


In this summer of 2005, which marks the sixtieth anniversary of Japan’s defeat in WWII, we are opening the Women’s Active Museum of War and Peace.

After the Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan’s Military Sexual Slavery was held in 2000, we began dreaming of a museum where all the Tribunal records and materials related to the so-called “comfort women” issue could be preserved and made available to future generations.

The passion of the late Yayori Matsui, then chairperson of VAWW-NET Japan, was the driving force that led us to realize this dream. In June 2003, we established the NPO “Women’s Fund for Peace and Human Rights” and launched our “Raise 100,000,000 Yen Campaign” for the museum with an initial support fund from Yayori’s legacy.

The Women’s Active Museum of War and Peace is a place where the reality of war crimes is recorded and kept for posterity. We come here to remember historical facts about “comfort women,” and to listen to their stories. And we raise our voices and say, “Never Again, anywhere in the world.”

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Welcome to Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace

Thanks macv. Truth will not be buried in the annals of history.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Leave it to the South Korean foreign minister to renege on the deal with Japan from 2015, arbitrarily deciding that it didn't properly address victim's concerns. And dismiss what the South Korean government agreed to in 1965 (the SK government at the time actually refused the Japanese governments offer of individually compensating Korean victims, and instead took the money for its own use).

You see, I had predicted this would happen shortly after the 2015 landmark deal was signed by both countries. I just KNEW that the South Korean government would eventually show their true colors and claim the agreement was inadequate. This is mainly so that they can continue to antagonize and harass Japan in front of the world. This latest scheme to boost awareness on Japan's wartime sex abuses just proves my point, and will continue with increased building of comfort women memorials around the world and engaging in their own revisionist history that Japan has 'never' apologized to Korean victims of its colonial past.

The fact of the matter is, it doesn't matter how many times Japan apologizes or compensates South Korea, they will NEVER be happy. The South Korean government and many of its people need to validate themselves by forever portraying Japan as this evil monster that 'never' apologized or compensated for its past.

Grow up!

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Welcome to Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace

Thanks macv. Truth will not be buried in the annals of history.

So there's your museum. Everybody happy? I am sure that we will soon see museums in Seoul that document their own history of war crimes, human trafficking in Korea, the abandonment of their elders to crushing poverty, and the ongoing complicity in the enslavement of anyone unfortunate enough to be in the North.

Or maybe they will just keep on complaining about Japan.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

If you read the Japan-R.K. Basic Relations Treaty of 1965 (inter alia, para. 1 of Article 2) and the Okinawa Reversion Agreement of 1971 (paras. 1 & 4 of Article 4), you would be surprised to find that both are very similar as to a waver clause.

No doubt, individual claims by Okinawa for indemnity were relinquished because of this waver but, even so, the fact that irregularities in land requisition committed by U.S. Occupation forces during their administration of Okinawa will never be exonerated by the mere bilateral agreement of 1971.

There’s a big difference between the two cases, though. Irregularity committed can be considered to be thing of the past in the case of Korea while it is an ongoing reality in Okinawa. 

The Japan-U.S. relations are based on the very fact that the U.S. occupation forces committed irregularity during their occupation of Okinawa. The U.S. Forces Okinawa are still actually using large chunks of the land that was illegally confiscated during that period.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Waiting for SK to mention the behaviour of Korean soldiers in Vietnam, during the USA's occupation and war of aggression there.

On the other hand, the uyoku dantai who seem to haunt these comments, would have you believe that the only bad actors here are the Koreans. They refuse to mention the millions of Vietnamese that died during the Japanese occupation of Vietnam in WWII.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

YubaruJan. 27  07:12 pm JST

Minami Chosen 南朝鮮.

When has anyone ever heard SK be called Minami-Chosen.....like never!

You really don't grasp what I am saying. Japan calls ROK- Kankoku 韓国 (Short for Dai Kan Min Koku 大韓民国) because that is what ROK wants.

I am saying Japan should no longer respect ROK's wishes, and call them Minami Chosen 南朝鮮(South Korea) like the rest of the world does. Yes, the whole world calls them South Korea.

Perhaps your inability to understand Japanese is the problem here?

3 ( +7 / -4 )

The fact of the matter is, it doesn't matter how many times Japan apologizes or compensates South Korea, they will NEVER be happy. The South Korean government and many of its people need to validate themselves by forever portraying Japan as this evil monster that 'never' apologized or compensated for its past.

You still don't get it. The issue at hand is not about how many apologies or payments can be made. I'll paint you a picture I hope you can understand. If Germany apologized for the holocaust and repeatedly taught a history that did not reflect that said apology, would that sit well with you? Would you tell the victims to grow up? Think hard on that one.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"We feel we have a lot to contribute to the discussion because we have the history of the comfort women and the victims,"

You mean you feel you have to tell your sob story to the masses to try to get more money? Stuff happened! Yes! Nobody is denying it! Japan did AND paid MORE than its fair share of compensation, but that beggar's cup keeps on a'rattling!

5 ( +6 / -1 )


Was there even a generation of Japanese who opposed, protestwd and spoke out against the occupation of Asia by the Japanese army? I'll wait for your response. Take ur time. No rush.

There were plenty who opposed the war, the expansionism and the crimes. Like their equivalents in Nazi Germany, a great many ended up in prison or worse. Opponents including two of the Emperor's brothers- Takamatsu, who protested against every step of the Japanese invasions and angered his brother by telling him they couldn't hope for fight for more than two years against the US. Another brother, Mikasa, saw the atrocities in China and was horrified, eventually smuggling back film of the massacres. He forced his brother to see what Japan's 'liberation' of Asia was really like (MacArthur would later decide it best if people believed Hirohito had no knowledge of such things). After the second atomic bomb, Mikasa demanded that his brother abdicate so the country could have a chance at a new future. He'd also written a full and graphic account of Japan's 'conduct' and intended to release it, but the IJA stepped in and destroyed almost every copy.

A number of Japanese formed clandestine group to spread anti-war propaganda and carry out acts of sabotages. Others fled to China to join the forces fighting against Japan.

Amazingly, right-wing Abe's own grandfather was a dissenter. He managed to get himself elected in 1945 (after convincing the authorities he was firmly pro-government). He used his first chance to speak in the Diet (the parliament/senate) to table a motion calling for an immediate end to the immoral war and the removal of all Japanese troops from foreign countries. He was, of course, arrested moments later and thrown in prison, eventually being freed when the war ended.

Bizarrely, Abe talks an awful lot about his other grandfather, known as the Monster of Manchuria, a Class A War Criminal, but not about embarrassing man of moral courage. Funny, eh?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

"The tears were streaming down my face as he raped me. It seemed as though he would never stop," she said.

--Jan Ru-ff-O'Herne, 93-year-old Australian former 'comfort woman', still waiting for apology from Japan.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

And you may want to actually visit the museum website. This is from the About Us section. So, go ahead, keep telling everyone to move one. The people who are most impacted (women) completely know what it's about. The state must take responsibility and prevent it from happening again. But don't take my word for it:

More than a decade has passed since the women survivors of Japan’s military sexual violence courageously began to speak out. Their stories have challenged us in many ways. They have taught us that war crimes are never rectified unless the State faces its crimes; that a genuine apology and promise to prevent recurrence from the State is an absolute necessity; that in order to overcome the past we need to keep the memory of past aggression alive, and pass it on to future generations.

Here in Japan, there are those who deny the fact of military sexual slavery, and try to evade responsibility for it. But however vigorously they may seek to deny them, historical facts can never be erased.

Please listen to the voices of the women survivors. Come and join us in asking why these things happened and are still happening, and in thinking about how we might work together to bring about a non-violent world where peace and equality are realities rather than dreams.


-4 ( +1 / -5 )

If you read the Japan-R.K. Basic Relations Treaty of 1965 (inter alia, para. 1 of Article 2) and the Okinawa Reversion Agreement of 1971 (paras. 1 & 4 of Article 4), you would be surprised to find that both are very similar as to a waver clause.

No doubt, individual claims by Okinawa for indemnity were relinquished because of this waver but, even so, the fact that irregularities in land requisition committed by U.S. Occupation forces during their administration of Okinawa will never be exonerated by the mere bilateral agreement of 1971.

There’s a big difference between the two cases, though. Irregularity committed can be considered to be thing of the past in the case of Korea while it is an ongoing reality in Okinawa. 

The Japan-U.S. relations are based on the very fact that the U.S. occupation forces committed irregularity during their occupation of Okinawa. The U.S. Forces Okinawa are still actually using large chunks of the land that was illegally confiscated during that period.

There's a topic about the Okinawa base relocation on the front page. I think you got turned around.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Ambidextrous lips

THAT would be a great name for a punk band... just saying.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

problem is Japan never faced their demons and continues to deny their heinous crimes which leads to open-ended mess that we have today.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Japan only pays off money to get victims off their back... no apologies and no reconciliations.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Japan only pays off money to get victims off their back...

All the recent news about Japan fighting court decisions would say otherwise. Maybe Japan is just tired of everyone being stuck in the past. Whether they apologize or not, everyone keeps bringing up things that happened 70 years ago. It's like all of Asia are Japan's ex-girlfriends.

Japan: 'Hey, we need to solve this island thing.'

China: 'Yeah yeah, but first, do you remember that time back in 1945...'

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Comfort Women issue is a political weapon Korean politicians love to use. It's easy, effective, and fool pool. In Korea, hate for Japan is institutionalized. Kids are taught to hate Japan, in education and media and anyone that says otherwise are silenced.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Interesting comments

@Tokyodoumo - Is your post serious? I have heard several of Japan's apologies.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Kids are taught to hate Japan, in education and media and anyone that says otherwise are silenced.

Just as kids in Japan are taught to hate Korea... ..ooh i love downvotes.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Japan only pays off money to get victims off their back... no apologies and no reconciliations.


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@Jimi Good you concur kids in Korea are taught to hate Japan. However, kids in Japan are not taught to hate Korea and it is evident in the popularity of Kpop and Kdrama, etc. We also have a fairly large population of Koreans and Korean ancestry Japanese residing in Japan, majority are good people well integrated and identified with Japan and Japanese culture. In fact, I personally know so many who maintained a fairly strong Korean identity even whilst being born in Japan due to their parents and attending N Korean schools, etc. but had encountered extreme prejudices while living in or visiting S. Korea in their young adult lives and have now switched their citizen to full Japanese and have really questioned the "rabid foaming at the mouth vitriol" that some S. Koreans have towards Japan as being completely unwarranted. In fact, many have privately said it is embarrassing that Korea continues to harp on how Japan dishonored Korean Comfort Women when it is quite plainly evident that you will see many illegal and legal Korean prostitutes continuing to hustle in every Japanese city in the Korean quarters on the guise of massage parlors and other 水商売 establishments. This is true in every major U.S. city I have lived at as well. Many Americans and Japanese are quietly and fairly disgusted with the way Koreans continues to play-up the victim-hood towards Japan while not being transparent about their own hand in the comfort woman issue and continued participation in forced prostitution and other illicit activities in this area throughout the world. https://voicesofny.org/2011/09/korean-prostitution-in-the-us-out-of-control/

2 ( +2 / -0 )

In Japanese Korea, the Japanese authorities tried to curb human trafficking, not to abet it. 

Had innocent women, let alone teen age girls been abducted by the Japanese, would the girl’s parents, relatives, neighbors be such insensitive cowards that they would not band together to protest, even rise up and exact revenge? 

If the Japanese military were such a loathsome scourge in China, how do you explain that, once Japan had surrendered both the Nationalists and the Communists made the IJA forces in their ward join force and fight alongside themselves in the civil war?

Had the Kempeis be such beasts, how come after the surrender in South-East Asia, Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia, Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten’s occupation forces relied on re-armed Kempeis and officers and servicemen of the IJA to enforce law and order? 

Interview with Michael Yon: The Truth Behind the Comfort Women

December 25, 2014 


1 ( +1 / -0 )

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