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© 2012 AFPDefense, consumer affairs ministers to be removed from cabinet
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Hopefully they will be replaced by members of the LPD and we will see a return to competence in the Cabinet.
This is why you don't hire people who have not only no qualifications, but no clue as to what to do as a result.
Ohhhh, you mean like Shinzo Abe, Yasuo Fukuda and Taro Aso?
Is that the Louisiana Police Department?!
Ministers being removed... here we go again.
A headline I'd love to read:
year changed faces changed...acts will remain the same because you can't change politicians :)
Ironic or what?
Hahaha this really is a comedy show isn't.
I doubt removing these two guys will make much difference. Too bad there don't seem to be enough competent people to replace ALL these old farts in politics.
So how long until Noda goes??
It is more than a little disturbing that a senior Japanese politician would believe a 12-year-old child could consent to an "orgy" with 3 men. Considering his portfolio, he should know absolutely EVERYTHING concerning this disgraceful incident. This grub should be removed from the diet - not just cabinet. Interesting that Noda hand picked these buffoons, he got the cabinet he wanted - it is a reflection on him too. Bye Bye Noda and co... who's up next?
The diet could look at the cabinets of the fifties and sixties and see what made them so successful. They'll find that a key ingredient was that politicians did as few decisions as possible, leaving that process to the professionals (MITI etc).
Of course, in that day the goals of the large keiretsu advanced the country and the quality of life of Japanese people, the same might not be true today. Therefore, my suggestion is that the diet should create a new body, fill it with engineers (No politicians!) and tell them to device a solution for Japans many problems, fund them adequately (but not too much), but otherwise leave them alone for a few years. If they find something out, it'll probably be much cheaper and much better than what a political body could have accomplished, and if not, no big loss.
Thank God my tax dollars can do something useful, like pay for these 2 tools' taxi rides back to their asylum!
Elbuda Mexicano
Just another orgy?? Me thinks these scummy politicos are using our tax funds for orgies and other such filthy acts so this idiot fool just says what comes natural to an old pervert with too much money!!
"We have met the enemy, and he is us" about describes Japan's political system perfectly, and until the populace realizes that, and does something to make fundamental changes, Japan will continue to decline and be taken less and less seriously.
uhhh...these people aren't "hired." they are appointed by the prime minister. please get your facts straight, again, before you criticize japan.
that is a complete misreading of the orginal text which states, "we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us." i applaud your cool reference to POGO, but i am dumbfounded to how it conects to this article.
Presumably you mean LDP. And that would be the Cabinet that lost all those pension records, wouldn't it? And saw fit to put the nuclear safety agency NISA under the command of the ministry that actually promotes nuclear power.... so I'm finding it hard to see what kind of competence we might return to under those jokers.
Tee hee. I'd like to see this on his business card.
these guys are absolute cretins, it's just unbelievable that they could have been appointed in the first place.
that is not to imply that i support the so-called opposition in any way shape or form, but this is a somewhat depressing scenario!
Personally, I go with Noda's decision to remove "Bad Apples" from his camp for going forward as he has too many stakes on the table. We (the world) want you to avoid a political and social vacuum at any cost while Japan is melting away. I checked their backgrounds and qualifications, I agree with smith that they are not qualified.
"sexual orgy incident" sounds like it was consentual. It's amazing how Japan and the US look down on the Okinawans as nothings.. Some are just dumb and let it slip out of their mouths after a few drinks.
rickyvee -- thanks, since it was Pogo that I was quoting. And if you honestly cannot see the connection between that famous quote and the Japanese political system, then I can't possibly make the connection for you. But, suffice to say that the Japanese political system is broken -- completely -- and is a significant drag on the country's ability to progress in the 21st century. And since the Japanese citizens elect this inept leaders, and are therefore responsible for this problem, they are their own worst enemy. Apathy and "shoganai" do catch up with a society eventually. And it is going to swamp Japan within the next couple of decades.
The photo showing this guy (Yamaoka) is talking on the cell phone while he is being interviewing. No talking and interviewing are allowed as a politician with a big responsibility. We ban kids texing message while driving. This photo says a lot. He has no regards and respects to others. He needs to be FIRED and REMOVED!
rickyvee: "uhhh...these people aren't "hired." they are appointed by the prime minister. please get your facts straight, again, before you criticize japan."
Hired/appointed... how does that change the fact he chose unqualified people? And where in my comment was I criticizing Japan? That goes for any situation when hiring or appointing or choosing people, no? (ah... you're one of those, "I don't agree so it must be Japan-bashing!" commenters!).
"i applaud your cool reference to POGO, but i am dumbfounded to how it conects to this article."
THERE's a surprise!
Anyway, the idea that Noda is doing this solely to mollify the LDP and get them to come to the table is absolutely the dumbest thing he's done yet. I agree they need to go, but it should not be to appease the LDP. All the LDP is going to do in response, rather than come to the table to debate tax hikes, is to say that it is proof that Noda is incapable of choosing a cabinet that is qualified, and of course that he should therefore call an election immediately... bla bla bla.
The government is run by bureaucrats anyways, not ministers.
Great comment. I also think returning the Emperor to head of state status would improve things very quickly.
A role of Emperor is defined as a symbol of Japan with no political power in the Constitution of Japan.
"plans to raise taxes"
How about plans to cut spending?