Japan Today

Donors to pledge $15 bil at Tokyo Afghan meet


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Waste of money.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

What happened to the visiting Taliban representative? Anyone know if he went home, or did he stay for this?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

lets print mor bonds!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

In exchange for the development aid, Afghanistan will promise to eradicate corruption, improve its legal system, strengthen its finances and carry out a range of other reforms

This is a heavy weight homework assignment for Afgan government. How do we deal with Taliban? We know damn well we cannot kill ideology. That's my big concern while I am having a hard time leaving innocent Afgans behind being trapped helplessly in vacuum society. This is tough. I just cannot justify that.

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Afgan reconstruction 2012-2024 : one didn't need much time to dismantle the country..now how to rebuild it in one piece.. ? Apart from money issue, will require loads of investments on infrastructure, educational etc..

Indeed who started the destructions will have to take lead in rebuilding it.. Why Japan remains always the ATM in paying the bills ?

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